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  • File : 1293563092.jpg-(112 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Panty and Stocking with G(...).jpg)
    112 KB Panty & Stocking general... Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:04 No.44064769  
    Information from the Panty & Stocking USTREAM:

    -Second season is, like the OST secret track said, up to Imaishi.
    -The ending was indeed meant to set-up a second season.
    -Panty and Stocking Nendroids coming.
    -They can't talk about Stocking's final revelation yet but "Fallen Angel" probably holds some answers about it.

    Translation of the important parts of the secret track:
    Panty: Hey Stocking! I heard our anime Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt has got the green light for a sequel thanks to its popularity!
    (Joking around...)
    Panty: Coming up next, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Season two!
    Stocking: Wait! I told you it hasn't been decided yet! But, practically speaking, it's up to director Imaishi now, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:06 No.44064788
         File1293563183.jpg-(446 KB, 900x1200, 15511478.jpg)
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    I support this thread
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:06 No.44064796
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:07 No.44064807
         File1293563248.png-(1.06 MB, 1680x1050, psg wallpaper copy.png)
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    Made a wallpaper for you PSG fans out there.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:07 No.44064811
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:08 No.44064815
    i'm thankful for that. i hope they go through with a second season.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:08 No.44064820
         File1293563297.jpg-(60 KB, 246x245, 1288728538551.jpg)
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    >general thread for psg

    Second season is hopefully more like the last episodes and not just one ghost per episode.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:08 No.44064829
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    >> Destrado !QFtehReiJw 12/28/10(Tue)14:09 No.44064837
    PSG is shit
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:09 No.44064845
    Anybody have translations for the rest of the dialogue tracks?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:10 No.44064854
    at the end of his post
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:10 No.44064856
         File1293563454.jpg-(626 KB, 816x752, 15280976.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:11 No.44064869

    Full translation of the secret track:

    Panty: Hey Stocking! I heard our anime Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt has got the green light for a sequel thanks to its popularity!
    Stocking: What? Who the hell decided that?
    Panty: Speaking of a sequel... how about a trilogy? Hell, let's go further! We will reach season one hundred! A Hollywood remake is not a dream!
    Stocking: Hey wait, Panty!
    Panty: In fact, this planet is too small for us! Panty in the space! The whole universe will be calling my name!
    Stocking: Shit!
    Panty: So when will it start?
    Stocking: How should I know, shitty bitch!
    Panty: Coming up next, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Season two!
    Stocking: Wait! I told you it hasn't been decided yet! But, practically speaking, it's up to director Imaishi now, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:12 No.44064884
         File1293563557.jpg-(219 KB, 400x640, anarchy_by_blue_fox-d35or3f.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:12 No.44064888
    >PSG is the shit
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:13 No.44064897

    Yes, I know that, I was looking for the other stuff on the album (plus the bits OP cut out). I need my delicious extra content.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:13 No.44064898
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:14 No.44064912
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:14 No.44064914
    What happened on the stream?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:14 No.44064925
    FAAAK that shit, I hoped for a real confirmation.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:15 No.44064940

    a table full of japanese geeks screaming "KAWAII!!!" to panty&stocking figures.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:18 No.44064971
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:19 No.44064993
    Well I was hoping for a definite confirmation but it's better than saying absolutely nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:21 No.44065025

    It's a confirmation from the money side of things, at least.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:21 No.44065038
    anyone got a full link to the OST? I wasnt here yesterday, and I can only find bits and pieces
    >> Brief !!/D7DHMofa4D 12/28/10(Tue)14:21 No.44065040
         File1293564103.jpg-(8 KB, 181x219, 1277271698210.jpg)
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    Second season PLEASE
    >> (ノ✤▽✤)ノ !1iJPaIase2 12/28/10(Tue)14:23 No.44065076
    Well, I guess I'll have to BUY PANTY & STOCKING DVDs.
    >> diebuster 12/28/10(Tue)14:24 No.44065110
    how much is the non-BD one?

    BD is expensive as FUCK but if the DVD is affordable then I'll support them
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:24 No.44065113
    do it
    be our buyfag, our... champion
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:25 No.44065125

    You could buy the Nendroids instead. Black Rock Shooter got a second OVA based on the sales of the Nendroids alone.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:27 No.44065164

    > Black Rock Shooter got a second OVA based on the sales of the Nendroids alone.

    Except it didn't.
    >> diebuster 12/28/10(Tue)14:27 No.44065165
    I don't want Nendroids, they look like Maplestory sprites or something equally lame

    they showed off so many awesome figure ideas on the blog and then came up with those things ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:27 No.44065170
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    >> newfag 12/28/10(Tue)14:28 No.44065180
    What about daten city and Immoral church, did anybody translate those?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:28 No.44065197
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:29 No.44065223
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:29 No.44065226
    I feel like the angel that Stocking fell in love with will play some role in her turning, but we don't know how long she's been a demon
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:32 No.44065273
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:33 No.44065289
    Wait, is the Ustream still up?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:34 No.44065303
    Why am I not able to find that one damn track in the OST?
    Have a YouTube link for reference (starts at 6:11):
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:34 No.44065308

    No, it finished a while ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:35 No.44065319
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:36 No.44065355
    With stuff like vomiting point and Chuck to the Future, I get the impression that this series is just generally experimental than simply an anime in PPG style.
    I'd like to see more focus and episodes like 6 in a second season, also the demon sisters actually being competent.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:36 No.44065360
    >S1 was just a long introduction to the actual show

    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:37 No.44065403

    Wait for season 2 OST
    >> Gainax' year end party Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:43 No.44065544
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    Meanwhile at Gainax
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:44 No.44065566
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:44 No.44065584

    Stockingtron figure when?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:46 No.44065646
    Imaishi confirmed for the hottest shit in the anime industry.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:47 No.44065655
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    lol wut
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:47 No.44065666
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    >> (ノ✤▽✤)ノ !1iJPaIase2 12/28/10(Tue)14:49 No.44065716

    No wonder everyone wants to work there.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:49 No.44065719
         File1293565759.jpg-(55 KB, 406x547, imaishi.jpg)
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    >it's up to director Imaishi now
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)14:50 No.44065750
    Crazy people making crazy anime
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)15:39 No.44067326
    >up to Imaishi

    Alright, so there won't be a 2nd season at all. He won't do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)15:43 No.44067418
    OST 2 incoming.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)15:50 No.44067633
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)15:53 No.44067732
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    Dude, what.....

    I do want the neko plushie though.
    >> Anony-Mouse !oH4Xx2Olmo 12/28/10(Tue)16:00 No.44067936
         File1293570008.jpg-(207 KB, 650x854, PantyStocking 18.jpg)
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    I'm busy not caring.
    Any Revoltech plans?
    Though, I'll by anything if it's Kneesocks
    >> Friendly Staff Nerd 12/28/10(Tue)16:03 No.44068018

    He flat-out said in the UST stream that if merchandise was popular enough, he was going to do a season 2, no question asked. The ending was intended to set-up a second season, but they aren't 100% sure if they were going to do it because they are waiting for Kadokawa's official confirmation.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:04 No.44068061
    Excuse my faggotry but can someone explain to me what a nendroid is?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:06 No.44068110
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:08 No.44068154
         File1293570486.jpg-(403 KB, 792x600, reissue-nendoroid-hatsune-miku.jpg)
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    small figurines. They sometimes have changable faceplates, arms and items. They can be from $30(lowest i've seen) to hundreds.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:08 No.44068166
    Anyone got a link for those Scanty and Kneesocks keychains?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:09 No.44068194

    I want me some Kneesocks
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:09 No.44068197
    Thanks. That's pretty lame. Still trying to decide whether to buy the OST though.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:09 No.44068202
         File1293570589.jpg-(586 KB, 717x1000, 1293512531338.jpg)
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    I am eagerly anticipating a second season.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:10 No.44068231
    >Panty and Stocking Nendroids coming.

    Where was this announced?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:10 No.44068238

    I would if the OST wasn't $30 + S&H.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:11 No.44068257
    If you don't there will be no season 2.
    Think of the damage.
    All sold out bud
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:11 No.44068265

    Did they say Nendoroid or Nendoroid Petite? Because the normal Nendoroid is big, it's just that the character's proportion is chibi.
    >> Friendly Staff Nerd 12/28/10(Tue)16:11 No.44068267

    UST commentary for the final episode.
    >> Friendly Staff Nerd 12/28/10(Tue)16:12 No.44068286

    >> Anony-Mouse !oH4Xx2Olmo 12/28/10(Tue)16:13 No.44068308
         File1293570784.jpg-(680 KB, 950x999, 10087159a5.jpg)
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    Nendoroids are cute little figurines that are quite popular nowadays. They have replaceable faces with different expressions and usually come with an accessory or two.
    I think they're adorable, but God damn they're too expensive considering all the problems they have.
    In my experience they usually don't fit on their stand right, and their heads are so big and heavy that the joint can't support it so if you don't position it perfectly the whole thing will fall down or the head will lean whichever way.
    The only way I'm buying any more Nendoroids is if it's on sale.....or if it's Kneesocks....
    Really though, Stocking Revoltech please.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:14 No.44068344
         File1293570850.jpg-(24 KB, 512x172, Capture.jpg)
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    I know but like >>44068238 said it's fucking $35
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:14 No.44068351
    PSG is popular among the normalfags and females in Japan, so I'm sure the merchandises will sell.

    Because most female otaku/fujoshi are actually huge buyfags.
    >> TRDR! > DRRR! !yUinyanZc. 12/28/10(Tue)16:16 No.44068415
    If the head moves around can't you put a droplet of something sticky in there and prevent that? I don't mean glue it on but, like, tape-style adhesive.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:17 No.44068432
    Any images of the Nendroids? Because I was hoping Gainax would do another collab with Jun Planning/Groove Inc. like they did for Eva (Pullip Panty! Dal Stocking!) but a Nendroid is fine too (and hopefully about a third of the price of your typical Pullip collaboration)
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:17 No.44068439
         File1293571053.png-(632 KB, 902x676, 1293492184121.png)
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    Get me a chuck sweater and I'll buy it on the spot. The only other merchandise I'll settle for is A Garter belt/Corset or scanty/Kneesocks figure.
    >> TRDR! > DRRR! !yUinyanZc. 12/28/10(Tue)16:18 No.44068470
    holy fuck, Japanese CDs/DVDs/BDs cost more than US retail items?!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:19 No.44068497
    >a droplet of something sticky

    it's not that kind of figurine.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:19 No.44068512
    PSG BD Vol.1 more than 100 U.S. dollars for two episodes...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:20 No.44068530
         File1293571210.png-(9 KB, 459x377, 1293501442897.png)
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    Well played, Anon...

    Well played...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:22 No.44068593
         File1293571351.jpg-(38 KB, 640x480, 1272048282651.jpg)
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    Buyfags must be real dedicated for this thing. Thats just ridiculous.
    >> Friendly Staff Nerd 12/28/10(Tue)16:23 No.44068617

    Welcome to Japan.
    >> Anony-Mouse !oH4Xx2Olmo 12/28/10(Tue)16:32 No.44068892
    Unlike most of /toy/, I don't have a tendency of putting sticky stuff on my figurines.
    Although, it has been a while since /toy/ had a hotglue thread.
    >> TRDR! > DRRR! !yUinyanZc. 12/28/10(Tue)16:34 No.44068945
    I'm sure the high cost of BDs takes into account the incredible amount of piracy both at home and abroad.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:36 No.44069013
    Im sure that the inflated BD prices only encourage piracy
    >> TRDR! > DRRR! !yUinyanZc. 12/28/10(Tue)16:37 No.44069034
    not half as much as making hikkis your target audience
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:38 No.44069064
    any pictures of the Nendroids?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:38 No.44069069
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:39 No.44069097
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:42 No.44069175
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:44 No.44069229
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:46 No.44069276

    My body is ready
    >> Growlithe !DxOkyybXyE 12/28/10(Tue)16:47 No.44069305
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:48 No.44069321

    Fuckin Saved
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:49 No.44069336
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    Fund it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:50 No.44069373
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:52 No.44069403
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:52 No.44069426
    I'll buy the BD when it's licensed
    >> Medibro 12/28/10(Tue)16:54 No.44069472
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    I'll just drop this off.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)16:56 No.44069541
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)17:01 No.44069667
    Where did all the "ending is OBVIOUSLY mere self parody, moran!" fags go?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/10(Tue)17:03 No.44069716
         File1293573801.jpg-(25 KB, 477x550, 25365886.jpg)
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