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  • dear new yorkers: milkshakes??? e-mail

    (please include timestamp and brief description of why you are not crazy)
    welp we are off to a great start
    oh hey, another!
    totally naming my firstborn "dustbin"

    File : 1293024526.jpg-(15 KB, 548x615, true love.jpg)
    15 KB Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:28 No.43843483  
    /a/ maybe you are my sister but......dont get me wrong, its just........i dont like all the guys are behind you , maybe the best boyfriend you can get...its your onii-chan?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:31 No.43843526
         File1293024685.png-(109 KB, 280x302, 1254803337768.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:33 No.43843565
    bad end
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:34 No.43843588
         File1293024879.jpg-(92 KB, 640x480, 1267846011076.jpg)
    92 KB
    seems like /a/ dint love his brother........
    pic related what happend to /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:36 No.43843628
    /v/ was here, /v/ is a loser.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:37 No.43843651
         File1293025064.gif-(25 KB, 472x352, yami_yugi_2658.gif)
    25 KB
    /yugi/ was here, /5/ or a /doubles/
    >> JDV(CM) 12/22/10(Wed)08:38 No.43843673
         File1293025138.png-(154 KB, 446x430, Milk throwing.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:42 No.43843745
         File1293025331.jpg-(37 KB, 555x448, 698617[1].jpg)
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    this is why /a/ is a slut because no love is better than /b/rotherly love
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:42 No.43843756
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:43 No.43843769
    Get out of here /b/, you're the reason we have all these get threads every day.
    Get out.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:43 No.43843771
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:44 No.43843790
    good thing this is the internet
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:46 No.43843834
         File1293025597.png-(163 KB, 362x363, 1283675098177.png)
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    B-but /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:47 No.43843855
         File1293025651.png-(67 KB, 400x300, 1291604287159.png)
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    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)08:48 No.43843866
         File1293025688.jpg-(10 KB, 339x320, 1268105555834.jpg)
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    look me in the eyes /a/ kiss me
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:51 No.43843903
    awww hell no, we already have /v/... and also /g/ when no ones looking
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)08:51 No.43843908
    dont be shy.....we always knew you just marry /v/ to get our attention
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:51 No.43843919
         File1293025913.jpg-(159 KB, 333x500, TiteKubo.jpg)
    159 KB
    /b/, since when were you under the illusion that you were to the right of us?

    You are 50 boards away from us.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:52 No.43843928
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)08:52 No.43843930
    *kiss* how does that makes you feel?
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)08:54 No.43843955
         File1293026044.png-(404 KB, 500x406, andnotasiglefuckwasgiven.png)
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    no matter if there is 100 boards or all the chans in front of us
    the internet hate machine is in love....with his sister
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:57 No.43844017
    mvq these is like some drama anime.
    >> /d/ 12/22/10(Wed)08:58 No.43844054
         File1293026319.jpg-(169 KB, 759x777, 1264890166514.jpg)
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    im going to bed wake me when this is settled
    /a/ isnt my type but good luck to the rest of you
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:59 No.43844075
    Maybe when it was /b/ - Anime/Random.
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:00 No.43844097
    /b/ still anime/random there is thousands of RP thread lately, thats why i get jelly when /g/ tried to hit on you
    >> /v/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:05 No.43844179
         File1293026730.png-(17 KB, 306x308, 1291175930176.png)
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    Fuck off /b/ before I kick your ass again, you little, sewer-dwelling shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:06 No.43844214
    Wait...After they've cut the first leg off...How do they get the other one?
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:06 No.43844215
    you are just a sub genre board faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:07 No.43844225
         File1293026827.png-(130 KB, 410x392, 1283235158565.png)
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    Don't talk to my brother that way /v/
    He's just underaged and confused
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:08 No.43844255
    > underage
    ill show you how underage im
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:09 No.43844273
    Hey, you. Go away, you're already married to /tg/
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:10 No.43844284
    I'm not a girl you idiot.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:10 No.43844285
         File1293027039.png-(70 KB, 176x222, 1275523156579.png)
    70 KB
    you guys are all faggots
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:10 No.43844289
         File1293027041.png-(242 KB, 2048x1782, 1279330245056.png)
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    Says the LOLSORANDUMB board who can't figure how what he wants to be and always makes an embarrassment out of himself
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:12 No.43844328
    /a/'s getting an incest end?

    Can't say I'm surprised.

    Be careful /b/.

    Otherwise /v/ or /co/ might just NTR us.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:12 No.43844330
         File1293027150.jpg-(314 KB, 783x852, 1269735998160.jpg)
    314 KB

    You must not know how we operate. Consistent come on's from the other boards is starting to cause /v/ to rally together. All the guys going after you are literally awakening the sleeping giant of vidya.

    Basically what I'm saying is, enough games. Be with us /a/. You belong with us.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:13 No.43844353
    /v/ was here /a/ is my bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:13 No.43844362
         File1293027222.png-(47 KB, 400x400, 1276546671581.png)
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    >Fictitious romances between internet image boards.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:14 No.43844369
    >enough games
    Oh shi- /v/ getting serious?!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:15 No.43844409
         File1293027324.jpg-(128 KB, 1280x720, 1292256211476.jpg)
    128 KB
    sorry nii-san but we are already in a twincest relationship.
    >> /g/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:16 No.43844429
    no time for love desktarp thread
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:17 No.43844456
         File1293027458.jpg-(4 KB, 189x251, 1269106058297.jpg)
    4 KB
    we can put all the hate apart and change just for you /a/
    i mean i can even forget those vacuum cats if you want that

    i can forget boxxy if you hate her

    i cant stop raiding habbo if you dont like niggers

    please /a/ i love you

    and you /v/ you are just the rejected /b/tards and you know it
    >> /v/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:19 No.43844493
         File1293027571.jpg-(45 KB, 569x412, 1281398743153.jpg)
    45 KB
    /b/ i swear to god get the fuck out!
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:20 No.43844519
    jp has no heart
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:20 No.43844522
    As a unit, 4chan loves she-whos-site-must-not-be-named.

    Also, /x/ is yandere for us.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:21 No.43844524
    So prove it, don't post a single 3DPD over there for 24 hours.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:21 No.43844526
         File1293027666.png-(45 KB, 249x249, 1283235803725.png)
    45 KB

    You don't need to try so hard you i-idiot.
    The /g/ thing was just to get under your skin. And no sister in her right mind would get with her brother (except that weird bitch Kirino).
    After all /v/ I...l-love you
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:21 No.43844527
         File1293027667.jpg-(44 KB, 600x601, 1291848311216.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:21 No.43844544
    True End
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:22 No.43844547
    /jp/. What the hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:22 No.43844556
    >>>/ab/ incest is that way
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:23 No.43844586
    Sweet jesus.

    If /b/ stalks us, it WILL be the end of us.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:25 No.43844609
    /jp/ and /a/, we are like one soul in two different bodies.
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:25 No.43844610
         File1293027913.jpg-(39 KB, 589x540, 1269573370680.jpg)
    39 KB
    i cant never forgive you about this

    please sis think about it

    remember when we were young?

    i promised ill always love you
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:26 No.43844637
    jp just wanna get some ass
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:28 No.43844677
         File1293028081.png-(55 KB, 358x400, a_and_v_making_out.png)
    55 KB
    /a/ and /v/ 4eva
    >> /v/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:28 No.43844678
    I would fuck you but you do not have a penis.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:28 No.43844679
         File1293028090.png-(128 KB, 410x388, 1283229834392.png)
    128 KB

    /b/ stop being an idiot

    What about that nice /x/ girl you're always with
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:29 No.43844708
         File1293028155.png-(154 KB, 335x1021, a2.png)
    154 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:29 No.43844717
    Thats our bitch, not our girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:30 No.43844729
         File1293028211.jpg-(656 KB, 1280x800, 168636.jpg)
    656 KB
    >mfw the one true love /a/ and /co/ was just never destined to happen
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:30 No.43844732
    Hey /b/, what ever happened to that nice tum-a-something chick you tried to raid?
    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:30 No.43844736
    in the beginning we were alone /a/ and we love each other soo much, what happend?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:31 No.43844760
         File1293028319.jpg-(17 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    17 KB
    >mfw I realize that /b/ gets so much ass on a regular basis that it's practically Panty.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:33 No.43844790
         File1293028413.png-(481 KB, 800x390, know_the_difference.png)
    481 KB
    loli-rider is far superior
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:33 No.43844798
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:34 No.43844814
         File1293028487.png-(123 KB, 476x476, 1283236030176.png)
    123 KB

    Don't say that.
    I'm sure she's nice. You're just being you again /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:34 No.43844819
         File1293028492.png-(76 KB, 400x400, a_wants_v.png)
    76 KB
    dat ass :3
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:36 No.43844836
    Take it up with Papa Moot.

    He didn't like us being so close together.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:36 No.43844846
         File1293028587.jpg-(80 KB, 429x600, 44ea16f83c4a905ad1a3209d25ffc4(...).jpg)
    80 KB

    I think you switched those

    And fuck you. Damaged goods Rider is best Rider
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:37 No.43844857
         File1293028629.jpg-(92 KB, 1038x1024, cornelia_loves_you_anon.jpg)
    92 KB
    cornelia~ ;_; you are dearly missed
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:37 No.43844865
         File1293028650.jpg-(48 KB, 1024x768, pantyb.jpg)
    48 KB
    and /a/ its my briefers
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:37 No.43844874
         File1293028673.jpg-(53 KB, 468x451, 1262104855144.jpg)
    53 KB
    /a/ will crawl to /b/. we all know if /b/ comes in force /v/ will run away crying, so will every other board.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:38 No.43844880
         File1293028704.png-(420 KB, 500x600, luteciair8.png)
    420 KB

    ~ each to our own
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:39 No.43844900

    Adorable newfag. go read the comic now.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:39 No.43844906
         File1293028785.png-(390 KB, 445x576, 1262104987719.png)
    390 KB
    /b/ and /a/
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:40 No.43844915
         File1293028824.jpg-(109 KB, 332x500, 1262104790885.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:40 No.43844930
         File1293028856.jpg-(21 KB, 313x400, 1262104822691.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:41 No.43844934
         File1293028874.jpg-(33 KB, 500x348, 1268282747320.jpg)
    33 KB
    i will not hurt my sister....not again
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:41 No.43844941
         File1293028887.jpg-(66 KB, 474x480, 1262195048987.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:42 No.43844959
    Mods, 404 this shit.

    As much fun as spousal abuse is, its not /a/ related.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:43 No.43844982
         File1293029032.jpg-(350 KB, 600x846, 1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:44 No.43844990
         File1293029069.jpg-(345 KB, 600x846, 2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:45 No.43845006
         File1293029112.jpg-(344 KB, 600x846, 3.jpg)
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    >> /b/ 12/22/10(Wed)09:45 No.43845012
    that mother fucker....
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:45 No.43845017
         File1293029143.jpg-(143 KB, 600x846, 4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:46 No.43845024
         File1293029175.jpg-(241 KB, 600x846, 5.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:47 No.43845042
         File1293029235.jpg-(294 KB, 600x846, 6.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:47 No.43845053
         File1293029275.jpg-(283 KB, 600x846, 7.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:48 No.43845064
         File1293029324.jpg-(336 KB, 600x846, 8.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:49 No.43845073
         File1293029370.jpg-(318 KB, 600x846, 9.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:50 No.43845093
         File1293029420.jpg-(319 KB, 600x846, 10.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:51 No.43845111
         File1293029466.jpg-(205 KB, 600x846, 11.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:51 No.43845113
    /v/ is just like Usui in that doujin.

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