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  • File : 1291224310.png-(29 KB, 803x524, nosauce.png)
    29 KB Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:25 No.43060888  
    Being nice to newfags who refuse to lurk is just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:26 No.43060934
    No it's not retarded.

    It just helps cancer growing.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:27 No.43060947
    How so?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:28 No.43060974
    Sauce on OP's pic please.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:28 No.43060985
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    Also this.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:28 No.43060989
    I am anon and I endorse OP's message.

    It's like you have lung cancer, and you give people cancer air to breathe.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:28 No.43061002
    How about mentioning sauce in OP when dumping a manga?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:29 No.43061037
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    my fucking goodness
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:30 No.43061051
    What is "sauce"? Something tells me it's not what it literally means.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:31 No.43061068
    How does being a dick make things better?
    What about the non-'newfags' who intend to watch the show, but just got spoiled because apparently newfags deserve to have things ruined?
    Not everybody's power level is absolute, OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:31 No.43061069
    While initially I felt you were being too harsh, once I checked your trips I realized that you are correct, and that spoiling shit for people is fun.

    There's a reason I don't post in threads about shows I don't care/know about.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:31 No.43061075
    sauce on op's pic
    >> Katsura Hinagiku is my Waifu !yzf12UF35Y 12/01/10(Wed)12:31 No.43061076
    And that's why I changed my Facebook profile to every spoiler to the Harry Potter books when I found them on /b/. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:31 No.43061085
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    Here you go bro
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:31 No.43061091
    You might feel more comfortable on other websites for anime discussion.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:32 No.43061106
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:32 No.43061110
    Fuck off, niggertwat. You are not welcome here.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:32 No.43061120
    Don't spoil shit OP. Not that anybody cares, but it's against the board rules and some of us haven't seen everything. But here's an idea: HOW ABOUT NOT GIVING THE SOURCE? It's so crazy it just might work.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:33 No.43061157
    Oh, look!

    Autism general.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:33 No.43061159

    I don't think ketchup is sauce. Well, it literally is, but when somebody wants sauce in his food, they are very rarely referring to ketchup.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:34 No.43061184
         File1291224896.jpg-(44 KB, 325x325, BBQSAUCE.jpg)
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    Don't like ketchup? Here, I've got just the thing for you
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:35 No.43061196
    some fucker who thinks he's being nice and helping others always gives the source. doing something like this would discourage people from asking about things that can be figured out by taking 5 seconds to read the thread or even use google
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:36 No.43061217

    lol mad elitistfag is mad. protip : nobody cares about you guys anymore
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:36 No.43061232
    I like how autism is becoming a generic insult and/or meme. Are you from /v/? Because you sure sound like it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:36 No.43061240
    >but it's against the board rules
    >Implying that will stop anyone.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:37 No.43061248

    There is a difference between someone asking for sauce in a coherent manner and someone who obviously flew in from gaia. I've personally never tolerated grammar that bad, but asking for sauce is not that big a deal to me. I don't expect people to sit on the computer all day looking for the next time someone posts something related to what they were looking for only to have the source not posted. It's really a stupid concept. Lurking only helps newfags understand the general subculture of 4chan. It's not really great for getting sauce.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:37 No.43061252
    The only reasonable post in this thread.

    The only people that care are fat neckbeard faggots with semen stained Yui shirts and dirty Cheeto crumb filled fingers and neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:37 No.43061265
    Been on others, am active on others, prefer /a/ for actual anime discussion (as rare as that is)
    There's a line between the typical 'anonymous' attitude, and just being a straight up dick. OP's suggestion falls in the latter.
    This is basically what I'm thinking and failed to add.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:38 No.43061277

    Ah, classic sauce.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:39 No.43061302

    Just like those elitist pricks, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:39 No.43061308
    >spoil porn
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:39 No.43061313
    But it's totally stupid to help them when the name has been posted several times in the thread already. People being too dumb to read image names or google for a second shouldn't be helped.

    I also detest everyone saying "sauce". The English on this board is bad enough already.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:39 No.43061331
    See I just can't agree with this because Spike dies.
    >> This what you want OP? Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:40 No.43061340
    >anon ask sauce
    >spoil everything

    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:40 No.43061348

    is this true?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:41 No.43061365
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    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:41 No.43061370

    I totally agree with you there. If the source is in the file name or something like that, fuck them. But if there is no source in the thread then it's not that big a deal.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:41 No.43061374
    How about you check the damn archive?

    I am being so counterproductive in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:42 No.43061406
    This anon speaks the truth. If the filename mentions the source, or if the source has been mentioned, then people shouldn't ask.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:42 No.43061407

    >you guys the one who changed this board into something I like, not me.

    /a/ has changed.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:42 No.43061415
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    >mfw I read this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:43 No.43061421
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    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:43 No.43061430
    for that to be the case, it would have to be a very short thread or only have obscure art, images that don't belong to the show, and screenshots. any thread 20 posts or more with art of the show can easily be found if they want to instead of just being a fucking parasite
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:43 No.43061431
    Agreed, it's not about sauce, it's about newfaggotry and general post quality. I remember when (oh god I can't believe I'm starting a sentence like this) 4chan was about user-generated content, and doing things for yourself. Then its popularity ballooned, and it turned into a place where newfags came to let other people do things for them.

    If you're going to ask for sauce then at least LIE about not being able to find it on tineye. People don't even do that anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:44 No.43061466
    Remember when other boards thinks we are the most xenophobic board in 4chan?

    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:49 No.43061579
    postcount +1
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:51 No.43061624
    There's a huge difference between asking politely and in a nice way for the source of the content, and just saying "sauce". Of course, even the former is only acceptable after you lurked around and googled your ass off, but I can deal with someone asking like a decent poster. Honestly OP's method is too brutal but I don't see other way to deal with this problem because fucking them in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:52 No.43061643
    >Remember when other boards thinks we are the most xenophobic board in 4chan?
    All of 4chan is pretty damn xenophobic, I don't think /a/ is even in the top 5.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:55 No.43061700
    Because this is our special secret club and we can't let anyone else know what shows we're talking about! Jesus, does it hurt if somebody's like, hey this sounds interesting, what show is this, does it hurt if you tell them? Seriously? Don't be a dick. And before you suggest Tineye, Tineye takes you right to the spoilers.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:57 No.43061749
    See >>43060985.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)12:59 No.43061799
    boku no pico
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:00 No.43061812
    If all newfags lurked, then /a/ would have no posts on it.

    It would be a vast improvement
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:01 No.43061829
    >tineye takes you to the spoilers
    If you don't know how to use a computer maybe.
    People who can't get the sauce on their own are too stupid to use the board.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:03 No.43061887
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    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:04 No.43061915
    count me in.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:05 No.43061936
    A basic rule of the internet is "Lurk Before Posting". The idiots (like you, I assume) want everything on a silver platter.

    We hurt the general quality of the board when we stand idly tolerating shit like the morons asking "sauce pl0x", VLC, doubles, streaming shit, Yotsuba°C and the like.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:07 No.43061973
         File1291226840.jpg-(967 KB, 3006x2045, 1279678312732.jpg)
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    sauce on this, come at me bro
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:08 No.43061999
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    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:08 No.43062005
    >does it hurt if somebody's like, hey this sounds interesting
    But that's not what happens. It's more like, "You posted an image that has tits in it. Tell me where to find tits."
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:08 No.43062014
    sauce on this cute anime
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:09 No.43062034
    sauce OMG whatisthiscutethingimanewfagjustnowplease
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:12 No.43062082
    /a/ only changed because /jp/ was the only thing keeping some of the retardation out. That doesn't mean /a/ is really bad or anything though, I think it's fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:12 No.43062089
    I used to think that as well, but >>43061936
    actually brings up a good point.
    I mean, look how shitty /v/ has become because people are too lax. all it does is drive away decent posters
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:14 No.43062124
    I could care less for porn.

    The only sources I'd crave is anime.

    I look for the filename. Filename helps. It names the anime or at least names a character.
    If it only has the characters name, I'll go to google and type "(characters name) anime".

    That way, that character will come up because I typed his/her name and the word anime beside it.
    Or, I'll just look in the thread and see if people say names, that way I can search for myself.

    As I said before, I understand why /a/ hates saucefags. It's annoying to hear that word SAUCE SAUCE SOURCE! over and over again. It's more annoying when they're looking for masturbation material.

    Few weeks ago, I gave someone sauce on Yosuga No Sora because they wanted to see sex. They said the sex was shit and the show was shit. It hurt my feelings. I gave source of an anime someone was interested in. And they just wanted to masturbate at a shitty sex scene. They didn't even care about the anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:14 No.43062144
    She's actually the daughter of Cthulu.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:18 No.43062214
    If people really want images to fap to then they should go to /d/, /e/, /h/, /u/ or /y/. /a/ is worksafe.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:19 No.43062253
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:20 No.43062257
    And this is why I like /co/ more than /a/. /co/ is always nicer about giving sauce/often provide a download link with their OP or their final post if storytiming.

    /a/ just asumes that everyone should know everything about every manga and anime ever and that being nice and helping people interested in what they are posting find the source is somehow a bad thing.

    Stop being /a/ssholes about such a trivial thing as someone showing interest in the things you post about.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:20 No.43062259
    >And they just wanted to masturbate at a shitty sex scene. They didn't even care about the anime.
    Isn't that the idea of most hentai?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:20 No.43062266
    You miss the point.
    95% of the time it is possible to get the source by reading the thread and using google/iqdb/tineye.
    Teaching them to be self sufficient is better for them and shits up the board less.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:21 No.43062283

    But /a/ has proven many times to have better porn threads than these boards.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:22 No.43062318
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    It's a new fad, we used to be cool too.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:23 No.43062347
    >/a/ just asumes that everyone should know everything about every manga and anime ever

    If you don't, then you do not belong on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:24 No.43062369
    Go back to your ponyshit /co/.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:25 No.43062429
    We have too many sauce-inducing porn threads that's what.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:26 No.43062436
    >/a/ just asumes that everyone should know everything about every manga and anime ever
    Missed the point. What irritates people is idiots asking for source on shit that is constantly discussed, such as Railgun. Or, just looking at the filename or using TinEye.

    >But /a/ has proven many times to have better porn threads than these boards.
    Those boards are mostly image dumpsters. There's no discussion whatsoever. Want to have a good discussion on hentai? Night time /a/.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:27 No.43062474
    >Night time /a/.
    when is that supposed to be?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:28 No.43062496
    gee I wonder when

    hmmm maybe NIGHT is a big hint!
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:29 No.43062511
    Doesn't exist anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:30 No.43062535

    Jesus Christ, I can't facepalm hard enough to convey what this makes me feel.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:30 No.43062551
    >/a/ just asumes that everyone should know everything about every manga and anime ever
    like >>43062347 said, if you don't, you don't belong on /a/

    and it's not even every anime and manga ever that's the problem with sauce requests; it's people asking for sauce on shows that are currently airing and wildly popular. the majority of /a/'s discussion is about currently airing shows; if you aren't following what's new this season, you probably shouldn't be here. Fuck, just looking over a chartfag chart should be able to give you enough information to identify most of what /a/ talks about.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:30 No.43062554
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    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:31 No.43062568
    You know what?

    >>43060985 THIS IS YOU, only with better grammar.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:32 No.43062581
    you really have to demonstrate your social incompetence on /a/ too, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:32 No.43062589
    I have actually invited people IRL to /a/.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:33 No.43062601
    The problem is that some people are so lazy it feels like you've just stretched out on a hammock in your backyard to have a drink and read, and some homeless bum walks up and shits on you. They can't read the filename. The image says what manga it's from but they don't read that. It's something easily recognizable that's talked to death and has 8 active threads on it, but they're too lazy to move past the front page.

    The biggest thing is that /a/ is not set up as a review/ recommendations site. There are other sites and forums which work much better for people who are new to anime or only watch once in a while and don't recognize any series. I could lurk here for weeks until a Planetes thread pops up, or I could go to another site, look at the popular ones, and check a summary on wikipedia to see if I want to watch it or not; all in a few minutes.

    This is a place mostly to discuss anime/manga you've already seen and current airing season. Yeah we have chartfag threads about next season and speculate on what might be good, some recommendations threads. But for the most part it's easier and quicker to go somewhere else to figure out what you want to watch and then come here for the threads talking about things you've already seen.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:33 No.43062604
    /a/ only asks for sauce on moe moe kawaii bullshit anyways

    we need another JoJo thread
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:33 No.43062618
    >What irritates people is idiots asking for source on shit that is constantly discussed, such as Railgun
    Seriously, this. I've never even seen an episode of Raildex, and I'm pretty sure I can identify all the major characters on sight. Know why? Because I've been here more than a couple weeks.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:33 No.43062620
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    These threads only make giving sauce away that much more satisfying.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:34 No.43062634
    You find it amusing now, until you are one of the faggots that will get spoiled thanks to your faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:35 No.43062654
    If it makes you feel better, I like Yosuga no Sora because I'm a romancefag.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:35 No.43062657
    newsflash for you : Earth is round (well, not quite, but...)
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:36 No.43062679
    One of the few reasons I enjoy /a/ better than other anime forums is their relatively correct use of grammar and lack of emoticons.

    Don't take this away from me. Please.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:37 No.43062697
         File1291228632.jpg-(80 KB, 856x853, seinfeld35.jpg)
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    >implying the stuff I need to ask sauce for has enough fans on /a/ to have idiots who'd do this
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:38 No.43062718
    >The biggest thing is that /a/ is not set up as a review/ recommendations site.
    Well, I made a fucking attempt:,_TV_%26_OVAs
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:38 No.43062732
    old /a/ is dead and won't come back. Get over it
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:39 No.43062771
    Same here. I'd been looking forward to it for a couple months and was actually really surprised when it turned out to have sex scenes.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:41 No.43062805
    The bottom line is simply this: /a/ is a board for snarky, condescending elitists who already have a vast knowledge of anime and manga and also know how to use image searches and such. Their knowledge is exclusively acquired from a long time spent lurking and doing their own research. THIS is the way we want it and this is why we don't give fucking sauce on obvious images.

    This is our board and we WILL keep it that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:41 No.43062810
    The thing is, I never asked for source ever since I found this board and never will. I solved everything by lurking. Hell, it even took me 12 months to start posting regularly. The influx of newfriends here who can't do anything by themselves has reached critical levels.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:42 No.43062844
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    I've always provided source when people have asked for it (unless they are being outright retarded with it by not looking at the file name or other posts for example) and am generally polite to people unless they are hostile towards me first.


    I've been since 2003. In the first years (even at the time there was just /b/) this place used to be way more lighthearted and fun and most of the actual series discussion threads were GOOD. The amount of haters was miniscule.

    >My face when the middle generation of /a/-goers (the ones that weren't here in the first years but aren't newfags either) think /a/ should be nothing but ronery elitist fags.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:42 No.43062845
    >4chan elite being elite
    ( ̄ー ̄)

    you know, back in the good old days of anime/random it was about having fun and not being a fucking shitface trying to claim superiority in each and every post

    there may be a lot of retarded newfags spamming the board with dumb source requests but people like OP aren't any better
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:43 No.43062851
    Want to combine that with the long established ?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:44 No.43062882
    /s/ has a chart of "frequently requested bitches", /fit/ has a "healthy grocery list", /a/ has recommendations charts; all in image form. But other sites have a top 100 list for popularity, ranking, etc. etc.; with % of viewers who dropped this shit or whatever else. An imageboard is just not the right tool for the job especially when there are other sites that do a good job of this.

    The idiot who is asking for sauce on Black Rock Shooter because one screenshot looks cool would be better served by going to another site, seeing that Cowboy Bebop / Bartender / Mushishi / Planetes / Dildoes is ranked higher, reading the description, and watching that instead. I love whenever we have "cool looking action .gifs" threads because I just know all the newfags are going to watch Kurokami and see 3 cool looking fight scenes and hours of shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:44 No.43062887
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    you sir, are a scholar and gentleman.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:46 No.43062929
    Whatever happened to photoshopping happy negro into anime?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:46 No.43062947
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    I will always provide sauce, do you want to know why?

    Because even though I have over 3 TB of anime and over 400 series sometimes I come across something I don't know and after searching on TinyeEye, iqdb and saucenow, google and failing to find sauce you guys still act like assholes and don't provide sauce.
    It's fucking annoying and I don't wanna do that to other people.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:47 No.43062957
    Are you the mod of that site, by any chance? Because I've seen your wiki and it's... not so good. It's motsly a dumpsite for images. No editing at all.

    Well, I'd be interested in a merger.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:47 No.43062970
    >This is our board
    Fuck off. I was here first (or at the same time in the unlikely even you were here from the start as well).
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:48 No.43062985
    After having seen that much, you must know the more mainstream things pretty well. Almost all of the more obscure stuff has the source given, like in that "anime only you liked"-thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:49 No.43063003
    There's no way someone who has seen over 400 series wouldn't recognize a show being discussed on /a/. And even if it was THAT obscure, people would have no problem giving the source. It's when people ask the source for something so popular and so easy to get that's annoying.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:49 No.43063005
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:49 No.43063012
    No not the mod, but it'd be nice if there was something like a merger and a clean site like /v/'s wiki. Because fuck /v/ but their recommended games wiki rocks.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:50 No.43063033
    Don't you think for a moment that because you are old, you are right. Being hostile to obvious stupidity serves them right.

    >I've been since 2003. In the first years (even at the time there was just /b/) this place used to be way more lighthearted and fun and most of the actual series discussion threads were GOOD. The amount of haters was miniscule.
    Read this:
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:51 No.43063047
    Please reference the copypasta on "why doesn't /a/ talk about good shows, instead of what's currently airing/ popular?" If you came here to find something good that isn't recent, you'll have to spend so much time lurking it will be like a part-time job.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:51 No.43063052
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    Simba becomes the next "Lion King"
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:51 No.43063056
    I've seen around that many shows and a screenshot I don't recognize pops up every now and then. Why would I recognize shows I haven't watched? Fortunately most of the time I don't care about the source.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:51 No.43063070
         File1291229499.jpg-(90 KB, 399x552, kurokami_04.jpg)
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    You can say Kurokami anime is shit, many would agree. Just point them to the superior manga, it's much better and the mc isn't a typical high school harem faggot. Bro is a boss.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:51 No.43063071
    How about I go on Narutofan and request sauce every time someone posts a picture of Naruto?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:52 No.43063085
    /a/ used to be more fun

    not nice, just fun
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:52 No.43063087
    i only give sauce, when the anime/image isn´t moe/shounen flavour of the month shit, when the image is like 12859374.jpg or when saucenao etc. are failing (for example shooped or cropped images). In any other case, the requesting anon can lurk forever for all i care.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:52 No.43063098
    >claiming to have a vast wealth of knowledge to draw upon, but best image he could find for his post was kuroko from currently airing series
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:53 No.43063109
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    Aladden gets his wish.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:54 No.43063143
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    Hahaha oh wow.
    This place is pretty much dead to me anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:54 No.43063144
    Keita is automatically awesome for hitting his mom.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:54 No.43063150
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    The beast turns back into a prince.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:55 No.43063153

    /a/ has evolved into a board for discussion of contemporary anime, and it should be expected that if you're the kind of person who reads 2chan, watches raws, and gets the newest episode the minute it's up, that you should be somewhat knowledgeable about anime.

    Unfortunately, the internet has made it easy for any idiot to have access to these things, not just hardcore fans, so you get a bunch of children with entitlement complexes who think that they shouldn't have to do any work whatsoever for something; these are the people who call anybody who knows Japanese a weeaboo faggot while simultaneously complaining that their shows aren't getting fansubbed fast enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:55 No.43063159
    The only time when asking for the source is appropriate is if, and only if the anime or manga in question is (relatively) obscure. If it's somewhat mainstream, or the file name already has a hint then lurk more.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:55 No.43063169
    I'm not pointing them to anything, it's just a given that there are a lot of cool-looking fight gifs from what happen to be mediocre anime series. This is one of the pitfalls of looking at a cool image, demanding sauce, and letting that be your research tactic for finding new entertainment. Kurokami is just the one I remembered offhand.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:56 No.43063207
    >I don't think I'm right with thinking /a/ should be lighthearted. In fact I'm not. Everyone has a different idea for what /a/ should be like but being a faggot about it is just retarded. It will never happen (especially if it's something like "everyone should be an elitist").

    If you want your place to discuss anime to be the sort of place for elitists OP and others are demanding then I've got news for you: There's a ton of forums that are precicely like that. Feel free to make your own which people can only join once they prove they're the type of person you are looking for.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:57 No.43063215
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:57 No.43063224
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    They end up on a reservation.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:57 No.43063236
    >There's no way someone who has seen over 400 series wouldn't recognize a show being discussed on /a/
    There's always an exception
    >Almost all of the more obscure stuff has the source given
    Not all

    I know /a/ doesn't talk much about old shows, I lurk here several hours a day but it's impossible to know every single show.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:58 No.43063252
    Well how could you know if something is "obscure" or not if you've never seen/heard of it before?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:58 No.43063258
    This site is where people who have seen or are watching stuff discuss it with other people
    If you don't know what something is, save the image and ask on MAL or wherever the fuck you came from
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:59 No.43063274
    See >>43063207

    Why would you complain about every random idiot being able to access your "super secret club for anime veterans" when it's a fucking ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD ANYONE CAN WRITE ON. Make your exclusive as hell site on your own if you want to.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:59 No.43063277
    >Why would I recognize shows I haven't watched?
    I recognize lots of shows I haven't watched. Mostly just from being on /a/. If you spend any time here and aren't a complete idiot, you start to absorb things just from little glances.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:59 No.43063285
    I'm middle generation myself (2007) and find this shit depressing.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)13:59 No.43063296
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:01 No.43063325
    If you spend several hours a day here, you would know that /a/ is primarily a place to come for new kubo images and similar things. I'm semi-retired now and am on here every couple of hours, but the bulk of threads are on current/recently aired shows.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:01 No.43063338
    >/a/ Is my speacial tree fort, no newfags allowed
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:02 No.43063364
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:03 No.43063381
    Sorry if I made it sound like everyone from that time period is a faggot because of course they aren't. It's just that they (and a portion of the original visitors I'd guess) are mainly the "/a/ should be elitist as shit" generation.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:03 No.43063384
    If you get flamed for asking for sauce then you know you should have lurked more. Obviously the anime or manga in question is well-known enough. The correct way to proceed is: shut the fuck up, do some googling and image searching and stop being a butthurt little faggot about it.

    The advantage of this way of dealing with it is that you learn a thing of two in the process.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:03 No.43063387
    I think I got here at the end of 08 or beginning of 09.
    Either way I'm pretty new.
    Don't really give a shit about sources because reading the thread or iqdb/tineye is usually enough.
    If that fails I just save the picture in a folder where I will be able to know where it's from some day. Either that or if I really want to know I take it to /r/.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:03 No.43063396
    There's no use discussing this. Old /a/ will never come back, this board will only deteriorate.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:03 No.43063397
         File1291230233.jpg-(13 KB, 268x95, Untitled.jpg)
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    Picture folder and TB download on Utorrent.

    Railgun OVA 2

    >If you spend several hours a day here, you would know that /a/ is primarily a place to come for new kubo images and similar things. I'm semi-retired now and am on here every couple of hours, but the bulk of threads are on current/recently aired shows.
    I know that.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:05 No.43063435
    why yes, yes it is
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:05 No.43063440
    The worst part is that you elitist faggots also think everyone has to know every doujin ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:05 No.43063442
    So OP and the like. Do you actually find all the threads where 10% is discussion and 90% is "THIS SERIES SUCKS!" good? 'Cause that's what elitist /a/ is all about: "My opinion is correct and fact and everyone else is a faggot."
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:06 No.43063449
    >but it's against the board rules
    so is flaming and trolling, lol
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:06 No.43063462
    It's not like these people are just new to the site. They act like they are new to the fucking internet. No idea how to use basic google to find anything. There are people in here asking for sauce on Index manga, in the general thread; where the OP has links to light novels, recent manga, etc.

    They're not new to 4chan they are new to the fucking internet, computers, and the whole fucking world in general it seems like. How they even wind up here is a mystery to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:06 No.43063482
    You sound like a newfag.

    Being helpful and educating others is a good thing. People asking about the source of a picture are not always clueless people. Sometimes it's hard to find the source - even with multi-service imagesearchs etc.

    I've been here for so many years now and I still don't get why people think that it's a good thing to disrespect, shame and belittle new users. Why do you want to act like an asshole this bad? I don't get it. Honestly... it destroys the atmosphere.

    Believe it or not. Sometimes there are nice discussions on /a/... discussions worth following with people asking questions, voicing opinions and showing genuine interest what they like.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:07 No.43063510
    any good streaming sites for it?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:08 No.43063511
    >90% is "THIS SERIES SUCKS!"
    That has nothing to do with that "source" argument.
    I would rather the threads weren't like that but they are going to be like that regardless
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:08 No.43063513
    We're not complaining about them being able to access /a/, we're complaining about people whose initial instinct is a "me too!" attitude about things they see here. They recognize the elitists and their secret club, and want to be a part of it without having to do any of the work necessary to actually being labeled "elitist"

    It's about recognizing other people's input to the community, versus those who simply leech. If someone said, "The characters in this picture are interesting; the design reminds me of Kenichi Sonoda. Do you mind telling me what it's from?" he'll probably get sauce, and likely start a glorious Sonoda-tangent.

    Whereas, "what anime is this"-fag rightfully deserves to be shit on for posting like he does
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:08 No.43063531
    for the faggot that didnt know the kiss x sis ova, they never have sex
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:09 No.43063545
    > Implying being elitist about fucking cartoons because you suck at everything else in life isn't the epitome of fail
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:10 No.43063564
    Don't stream anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:10 No.43063578
    If you know that, then you know it's far easier and quicker to find quality series by going to a different site. So I stand by what I said before: anons should mostly be discussing what they've already seen here, not lurking hoping to find a needle (good series) in a haystack (shit we talk about / mostly whine+complain about)
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:10 No.43063579
    >'Cause that's what elitist /a/ is all about: "My opinion is correct and fact and everyone else is a faggot."
    Are you fucking serious?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:11 No.43063591

    Nobody wants to be an elitist, elitists fail at life.

    People want to watch a show because they hear it's good. It's not about joining any kind of club.

    If you think this highly of yourself because you've watched a few cartoons you seriously need to get a fucking life.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:11 No.43063593
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    >The advantage of this way of dealing with it is that you learn a thing of two in the process.
    Precisely. I'm in process of making a better chart: this one is too ugly.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:11 No.43063597
         File1291230699.png-(1.02 MB, 1024x576, 654984.png)
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    I don't and I find that small threads around 30 pages or less have better discussions than 200+ page threads where everyone posts about how much of a faggot the other person is.

    I also like posting random pics from series in hopes that faggots will watch it. I've watched several animes based on just pics alone.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:13 No.43063645
    Fair enough. I actually think some of the most hated series (like big 3) have the most civil discussions if you take out all the posts that are there just to hate/troll. While I don't follow any of them it's pretty painful to witness people having nothing better to do than shit up threads of series they don't like. Just hide the threads and move on, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:13 No.43063651
    There is no secret club and most of the "elitist" users don't know much about anime/manga anyway. They know some new series, but they don't know the classics.
    They get mad if someone doesn't know what they like and belittle people that know more than they know. It's a sad sight.

    Be nice, educate others that are interested in learning, ignore those that aren't interested in learning, ignore elitist seminewfags, help people out, tell people about what's important to you (but don't force them to agree with you)... generally... be a person that's fun to communicate with. Not some douchebag that only care about his/her status in an anonymous community.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:14 No.43063658
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    >This thread
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:14 No.43063659
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    That's why when I need sauce, I go to other sites.

    As simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:14 No.43063663
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    Ahem. I professionally watch anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:14 No.43063672
    You probably typed page instead of post by mistake?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:14 No.43063675
    i don't wanna waste hard drive space on my laptop
    is index the sequel to raingun? i see both on anilinkz
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:14 No.43063676
    >elitists fail at life
    I stopped reading here. Try again without ad hominem
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:15 No.43063698
    Why should I have to be nice? When I got here, nobody was nice to me, and you know what, I became a better poster for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:16 No.43063710
    I'm not hoping to find anything, I don't come here to "find" good series. I come here to discuss anime.
    It's just that sometimes it happens that someone posts a good obscure series.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:16 No.43063711
    >Lurk for hours
    >Have a job and college
    >IQDB, etc not working


    inb4 normalfag. I have to get money for figures and dakimura somehow, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:16 No.43063723

    This. If I wanted in-the-group vs out-of-the-group bullshit, if the pull was exclusivity, I wouldn't go to a fuckin' anonymous imageboard. I just want to get people's thoughts on the latest anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:17 No.43063744

    Also this. I'm on the grind on my thesis right now. I don't have time to be on here all day.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:18 No.43063751
    Stop that already.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:18 No.43063762
    I don't think highly of myself for watching cartoons, I think highly of myself because I know that I am capable of contributing meaningfully to a community that I am a part of.

    This was more obvious when 4chan was in its infancy, and there was more original content. I bet if the guy who came up with frosted butts knew how much I still love it, he'd at least smile a little.

    the ONLY thing 4chan has going for it is that it is a forum for user generated content, but newfags don't realize that and just think of it as another repository of information that they can come and get things from. They don't realize that quality participation is the only thing that makes this place good >implying 4chan is, or ever has been, good
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:18 No.43063764
    You're too good to watch anime anyways. Get out of /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:18 No.43063767
    Browse /a/ at work.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:18 No.43063769

    Then fuck off. Why the fuck should we have to accommodate you normalfags?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:18 No.43063770
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    >i don't wanna waste hard drive space on my laptop
    Excuse. Read this.

    >is index the sequel to raingun? i see both on anilinkz
    I assume you're a troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:18 No.43063773
    Index and railgun both happen at the same time so you could watch either one.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:19 No.43063783
    Do your fucking homework in your free time. Don't bother us because you can't actually be assed to be a hobbyist.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:19 No.43063788
    >Would rather not get fired for browsing what is pretty much a porn site at work

    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:19 No.43063796
    >Not knowing Railgun
    >Asking if Index is the sequel

    In b4 claiming you're not the most obvious troll ever
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:19 No.43063797
    See this fucking misuse of quote?
    That's what we mean by this.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:20 No.43063807
    Here we go,

    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:20 No.43063816
    Somebody has to start being nice, right? I always try to be. At least here where it costs next to no effort. Yeah... some idiots will belittle you for telling someone who didn't know that a certain picture showed Amuro from Gundam about the series and that it's great even though it's old, but those people most likely never watched the series. They just want to be asshats... even though there is nothing to gain from that.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:21 No.43063825
    But those aren't the saucefags people are bitching about. If you ask WTF wings of honnemaise is or grave of the fireflies, nobody is going to be bothered. People asking for sauce on popular shows like Bleach (seen that happen quite a few times), and currently airing shows are what piss off other posters for the most part. Nobody is bitching that you don't have every obscure show memorized. Everybody is complaining that people ask for sauce on shit a monkey should be able to figure out.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:21 No.43063832
    >Use quote to summarize events
    >Shorthand to avoid writing paragraphs on a simple matter
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:21 No.43063833
    >I have to get money for figures and dakimura somehow
    If that's the case, I'd assume you know a decent amount of shows and don't need someone to give it to you anyway. Or are you saying you know nothing about anime but are buying merchandise regardless?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:21 No.43063834
    and yet you still have time to post and complain about shit
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:21 No.43063836
    Here's a better question: why should we normalfags accommodate to you elitistfags? We have always been here. In the beginning it was mostly us.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:22 No.43063861
    No, the thing to be gained from that is that the newfag can either leave or learn to be a self-sufficient human being and figure that shit out. Even if that just means taking it to /r/ for Christ's sake.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:23 No.43063867

    This. I'd argue people with, you know, lives, are the bulk of the anime/manga hobby.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:23 No.43063873
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:23 No.43063880
    haha, nice try
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:23 No.43063882
    Because you're in our hobby. You won't even care about anime in five years.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:24 No.43063895
    >But those aren't the saucefags people are bitching about. If you ask WTF wings of honnemaise is or grave of the fireflies, nobody is going to be bothered. People asking for sauce on popular shows like Bleach (seen that happen quite a few times), and currently airing shows are what piss off other posters for the most part. Nobody is bitching that you don't have every obscure show memorized. Everybody is complaining that people ask for sauce on shit a monkey should be able to figure out.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:24 No.43063896
    >in the beginning


    Nice revisionist history. /a/, and 4chan as a whole, had a much more elitist and subversive nature back in the early days. It's fags like you who have dulled both.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:25 No.43063913
    Not in Japan. Not here either. You have mostly weeaboo losers who watch Naruto, and then you have guys like us who skulk in the shadows and keep it to ourselves. You are a minority.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:25 No.43063921
    Is there currently no school in AmurrriKKKa? Some holy day or something?
    /a/ seems a lot shittier than usual during this time of day.
    Threads like this being a huge indicator.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:25 No.43063922
    This. I just avoid the drama and list source in the file name of the shit I post. Don't like it? Well too bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:25 No.43063923
    What? You are afraid to miss your Bleach thread if you don't type fast enough? Get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:25 No.43063928
    Reported for trolling, /b/tard.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:26 No.43063941
    It's not even a troll. I just copied another couple of posts I saw this weekend, almost verbatim (shorter). Except that newfag wasn't trolling. Just showing, that's why people get pissed off about sauce requests. Because of the idiots behind half of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:26 No.43063947
    You're free to leave. You won't be missed.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:27 No.43063963
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    >If you ask WTF wings of honnemaise is or grave of the fireflies, nobody is going to be bothered.
    Most elitistfags still wouldn't provide sauce.
    To be honest most of you guys don't even care about newfags, you just like to play with people for no reason(sauce? LOL NO I WONT GIVE xD). It's almost a sexual pleasure for you guys.
    >> atheismIsGay !2QSpqN9Cqc 12/01/10(Wed)14:27 No.43063968
    >implying a newfag would be obsessed with anime as much as you enough to care about some stupid "spoiler"

    basement dweller detected
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:27 No.43063971

    I'd hardly call it an ad hominem since elitism is generally used as a slur... Btw nice strawman, I bet you get out of plenty of mature discussions that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:27 No.43063979
    Look at all those newfriends getting mad.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:27 No.43063981
    It's much easier to help out sometimes and get some help from others sometimes. You don't really need to do everything yourself. Relying on others isn't that bad as long as you can't do it yourself, too.
    It takes much more time and effort to do it yourself and it costs next to no effort for someone else to help out.

    You are just scum that loves the elitist feel without even being self-sufficient yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:28 No.43063992
    0_0 Whats going on in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:28 No.43063993
    You've really convinced yourself of that, haven't you? That's why we hate you newfags.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:28 No.43063995
    because we're the ones who actually know shit about anime. we translate your shows, we keep up to date on anime news from japan, we grab screencaps from 2chan, we scour share for dojin raws; basically, act as intermediaries that makes your hobby accessible.

    and if you do any of these things, you AREN'T just a normalfag anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:28 No.43064000
    Sure I will. I freaking love anime, have watched it almost every day for 7 and a half years. I also have friends and go to work but 90% of my free time is spent on anime/games. Not planning on getting a girl though as it feels like way too much work and I don't feel like cutting time out of anime/games/friends time.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:28 No.43064004
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    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:28 No.43064007
    /b/ is unusable, so they shit up other boards.
    My /tv/ went to hell too, /jp/ and /x/ are down to 3 pages or so.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:29 No.43064014
    Sorry, I greenquoted because my sausage fingers are too fat to type properly. I'm going to have to hire a midget or mexican so I can dictate my posts.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:29 No.43064016

    Color me skeptical. I'll admit the low-grade Narutards are everywhere, but I've met far more people at least at my age level who can talk Evangelion or Utena with exceptional coherency and still manage to be going somewhere in life than people who still live with their parents and buy tons of anime. I only know one chick like that, now that I think about it, and she's starting to pull her life together now because she got old enough that she started needing to pay her own way through life. On the other hand, the girls who talk Gundam Seed at the coffee shop while they type their English papers, or at weekend parties after nine to fiving it all week, I know dozens.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:29 No.43064026
    Nice trips OP
    and one more thing.

    Let's I am in cinema. Someone asks me about a movie that's poster is in there. Should spoil whole movie just because someone didn't googled it himself.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:29 No.43064027
    lol there's a "no sauce" thread going on right now
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:29 No.43064034
    So the idiot wasn't you (kinda), but >>43063397 &
    >>43063773, who did the "good guy" charade and contributed to spread the cancer of laziness and idiocy.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:30 No.43064041
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:30 No.43064042
    typo fuck
    >let's say I am
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:30 No.43064056
    I know that because it happened to me more than once. And I've been here since 4chan started.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:30 No.43064057
    So you are not a narutard, nor a normalfag? May I ask you what you are? A well educated and knowledgable person that has watched all anime series ever made?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:30 No.43064058
    But why should I care about helping some who can do it himself? There is no reason. I'm not going to be nice to someone just because, especially when I know he's just going to be gone in a year or two.

    I'm not obligated, nor expected, to be anybody's friend here. Get your own sauce, you fags.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:30 No.43064059
    Listen to this man.
    >implying you're not already becoming one of us
    >implying eva is lolDEEP
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:31 No.43064080
    OP, doesn't realize how hard he got troll'd.

    I'm sorry, OP, but it's true. Newfag trolls ask for source to piss you off. It's obvious. Notice how within seconds the first reply to most of your Opening Posts are source requests? That's those sly little newfags watching out for new threads and attacking.

    TRUST ME...
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:32 No.43064090
    Well, I don't think /a/ should just be a downright dick to people who really need source. However, if the newfags just lurked a little bit they'd have the recommendation lists, and have a general idea of popular shows. What I don't approve of are retards who are too lazy/stupid to even look at a filename and Google or ask for sauce on popular shows.

    We shouldn't drive away people that like anime, but we should drive away retards. Being an elitist drives away both, but I guess /a/ considers it the lesser of two evils.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:32 No.43064094
    How long you've been here doesn't stop you from being a newfag. If you don't get why we don't give you the source like all your best buds on MAL, then you need to get out.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:33 No.43064112
    >Nice trips OP
    /b/tard. GTFO.

    >Let's I am in cinema. Someone asks me about a movie that's poster is in there. Should spoil whole movie just because someone didn't googled it himself.
    My brain is full of fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:33 No.43064125
    >, who did the "good guy" charade and contributed to spread the cancer of laziness and idiocy.

    It was me and i will alway's do the "good guy charade" since thats what you call it now.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:33 No.43064136
    I'm still a normalfag. Nobody would ever think that I'm involved in this stuff. BTW - if someone asks online about a show I'm happy to help out. Just don't ask me in real life... I will pretend that I don't know anything about anime/manga.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:34 No.43064158
    The overlap of people that like anime and retards is so overwhelmingly great that it's definitely the lesser of 2 evils.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:34 No.43064159
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    As a bit of an animu newfag and /a/ lurker, everyone bitching about not getting sauce can suck a bag of AIDS-infested dicks. /a/ isn't the only site on the internet; go find something more useful for sauce.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:34 No.43064165
    Your personal anecdotes are worthless. Besides, watching even a few series doesn't make you an anime fan. It makes you a person who happens to like a few anime series. Utena and Eva are a couple of these series that almost anyone within their target demographics has seen, and don't get me started on Gundam SEED. Shit is a travesty.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:34 No.43064166
    You should spend two seconds taking a closer look at the poster, as the name of the movie is usually on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:34 No.43064168
    haha I don't go to MAL or animesuki or whatever.
    The reason you don't give sauce is >>43063963
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:35 No.43064176
    hey bro i saw this pic where this guy was wearing a robe or some shit and he had a big sword XD
    sauce pl0x ^_^
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:36 No.43064203
    >people who really need source
    NOBODY really needs source. they just really want it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:36 No.43064207
    I can understand his viewpoint, that it doesn't cost him anything to provide a source. That it's just good karma. I don't believe in elitism/ memorizing every series out there. But I don't think this should be babby's first stop on the internet. This is mostly a place to discuss things you've already seen; the format (quickly expiring pages mostly about recent shows) lends itself to that. Not getting a ranked list of "good/quality" shows. We've had an explosion of newfags who haven't really watched any anime at all and are starting from here, with nothing to contribute but an overabundance of ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:36 No.43064224
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    >he doesn't understand what standards are
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:36 No.43064230
    I've been the same all my life. I've always kept to my hobbies a lot but never have thought about giving up on social life.

    I do a number of those things but /a/ has claimed numerous times that anyone who has social life / work / school is a normalfag and doesn't belong here.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:37 No.43064239
    I'm an anime fan. I like anime in general and have seen at least 100 series. I am the bare minimum for what should be expected on /a/
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:37 No.43064242
    >implying noticing trips = being a /b/tard

    Maybe I worded it wrong.
    I was relating to OP's picture.
    Spoiling just because someone asks is faggotry
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:37 No.43064258
    Look, retard. Help people with things that really do deserve source, like >>43063825 said.

    But for stuff that is constantly posted here (eg. Railgun), don't. Why do you help lazy fucks not do their own fucking search? Why do you help idiocy, by giving everything to idiots on a silver platter?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:37 No.43064269
    You don't give source because you love the feeling of superiority... however artificial and pathetic it may be. There is nothing to gain from that behavior. It won't drive people away. It won't stop anyone from asking. You either ignore the question or you answer it properly. Everything else is utter bullshit and plain stupid.
    >> Mizuho !!RjNXvNPJAIt 12/01/10(Wed)14:38 No.43064280

    I don't understand your question.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:38 No.43064294
    >not planning on getting a 3DPD because he'd have less time for anime
    >have never thought about giving up on social life

    It's just a matter of time, /a/non. You can't resist the introjection.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:38 No.43064295
    That's what I've noticed and that's why I support any /a/ elitism. It doesn't bother me if retards don't get sauce and in a way it helps clean up the place.

    Of course, not really, because there's always that one asshole that gives it out anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:39 No.43064305
    If you have a social life, you're not watching nearly enough anime. Even if you like anime, you're treating it as a minor interest rather than a full blown hobby.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:39 No.43064314
    >Most elitistfags still wouldn't provide sauce.
    >To be honest most of you guys don't even care about newfags, you just like to play with people for no reason(sauce? LOL NO I WONT GIVE xD). It's almost a sexual pleasure for you guys.
    Even bigger bullshit. Stop playing the good guy here, moron.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:40 No.43064323
    lol sauce??
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:40 No.43064336
    Bullshit. There was a 90's thread earlier today where I was handing out sauce left and right. People can be expected to not know something from 15 years ago. If they're going to be participating on /a/, they should be able to recognize OreImo or Star Driver by now.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:41 No.43064346
    >girls who talk Gundam Seed at the coffee shop while they type their English papers, or at weekend parties after nine to fiving it all week, I know dozens.
    Seriously dude? I know I shouldn't even respond to this. But you think anons know so little about women that we'd actually believe young women would have any interest in isolated activities rather than social ones? Guys have hobbies. Girls have socializing. I've listened to girls talk at a coffeeshop for hours on nothing but the relationships etc. between all their dumbass friends. Sigh... there's a reason why most girls who are really into computers/anime/vidya are fat, gross, or otherwise terrible.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:41 No.43064364
    STOP fucking projecting.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:42 No.43064381
    Yeah, that's true I guess. In all my time here I haven't asked for sauce once. Then again, I lurked for a bit before I started posting.

    But I see no problem if they've actually exhausted their resources and are genuinely interested. The problem isn't sauce, it's newfaggotry and laziness. If they aren't even willing to do some work on their own, they probably don't give a fuck about the show or respect anime in general and this I can't stand.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:42 No.43064383
    Your words hurt me ;_;

    But it's true, I don't give a fuck about anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:43 No.43064408
    Bullshit, there aren't enough good anime to watch.

    You'd have to watch every shitty garbage to fill out so much time over the course of years.
    That doesn't make you a fan, it makes you a retard with bad taste.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:44 No.43064425
    >giving out sauce left and right

    God damn it. You're the problem. Newfags need to feel that they're not up to our level. Then, they either get intimidated and leave, or rise up to the challenge. Mollycoddling these fags just results in a horde of retards who can easily fit right on.

    Every time a doubles thread gets posted, people like you should be banned.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:44 No.43064431
    That's just 1 case, smartass.
    I've seen it happening dozen of times.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:44 No.43064433
    cant wait for moot to open up his new website (canvas)
    all the newfags will leave and we finally got some peace
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:44 No.43064438
    Because i like to help.
    Then that entire ordeal is taking care of you elitistfag.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:44 No.43064449
    Hey guys, lets have a good ol' fashioned GIF thread and then we can all experience the retardation of the saucefags together!
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:45 No.43064466
    >The problem isn't sauce, it's newfaggotry and laziness. If they aren't even willing to do some work on their own, they probably don't give a fuck about the show or respect anime in general and this I can't stand.
    That's half of the problem. The other half is this:

    >It was me and i will alway's do the "good guy charade" since thats what you call it now.

    Idiots who help lazy fucks such as >>43063675, who can't be bothered to do their own homework.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:47 No.43064524

    >Sauce is always Birdy.gif
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:47 No.43064526
    >260 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    Are the newfags butt hurt over possibly being spoiled?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:48 No.43064536
    You seriously don't expect me to know all the fucking names of every doujin right?
    People who can't give source are just assholes. It's not like lurking
    will even get you to know those doujin's names, since noone ever gives source.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:48 No.43064537
    It's pretty funny that people on /a/ think that they are the top of the crop. Just take a look at the first page and reload it a few times? How many educated and thrilling discussions about anime do you see? None? I thought so.

    Why? Because people just want to piss other people off. Trying to swing around massive electronic penises and being a dick to blow off some steam. That's what most people use this board for.

    Once in a blue moon there is a worthwhile discussion, but that's a rare sight.

    Still... there are some people on /a/ that are able to rival with my knowledge. I don't know any other community with that many people that know their shit about anime/manga. The sad thing is that they almost never ever show their knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:48 No.43064556
    >If they aren't even willing to do some work on their own, they probably don't give a fuck about the show or respect anime in general
    THIS. I don't care if you watch the shows I watch, but if you seem like you're an idiot who's going to make /a/ worse than it already is, I'm going to make you have to do at least a little bit of work if you want to shit the place up.

    None of us so-called "elitists" think that /a/ is our super-secret club; 99% of what we know is information that was freely available on the internet. If we learned it on our own, you can too.

    But admittedly, some things I do keep secret; I won't post livestream links here, even though I really wish I could share them with people who actually care, because there are just too many assholes on /a/ who think it's fun to spam faggotry in chats and piss off the 11s.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:49 No.43064578
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    but im on a mac, i dont have the same internet as you guys
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:49 No.43064580
    You must be new.

    By lurking, you will learn how to know the source without having to ask for it. Once you realize how simple it is, you'll also learn to look down on fags who are how you once were, yet can't bother to learn how to be like you now are.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:49 No.43064590
    Worthwhile topics have trouble staying afloat amidst all the moe, waifu, get and number threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:49 No.43064592
    Okay. It has probably been said already, but this thread is already fucking long and by the time I'm done reading it, it will be on autosage, so whatever.
    I don't have a problem with giving sauce to some Anons. Providing that the anime is not a popular one, that is.
    But hell, asking for source when the anime is popular or well-known (for example that thread where some guy was asking where Saber was from, or people asking for source when the source is Higurashi or Umineko) are just lazy.
    Those people need to learn to lurk more. Nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:50 No.43064610
    I've never had much of an interest in women other than sexual interest. I'm completely straight but I just don't like the company of the vast majority of women and by observing every relationship ever I feel it's definitely not something I want to end up in. On the other hand I have a couple of good male friends who I love spending time with playing video games and watching anime. Both of them like me have seen hundreds upon hundreds of series and I don't see myself stopping my social life with them. My only fear is that either of them gets a girlfriend. That would seriously shit up any fun we could have.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:50 No.43064620
    >How many educated and thrilling discussions about anime do you see? None?
    Well no shit, it's fucking wednesday. The only noteworthy show that airs on wednesday is TWGOK, and it's not even really that good.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:51 No.43064627
    4 words...
    4 words that aren't said enough...

    Lurk the fuck more.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:51 No.43064631
    >implying I should waste my superior knowledge on a casualfag like yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:51 No.43064634
    >is just laziness
    I accidentally the whole sentence.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:51 No.43064654
    If we don't give out the source, we're helping the newfags by encouraging self-sufficiency. "Good guy charade"fags are just helping the spread of cancer. If you really want to help them, encourage lurking, it almost never fails. It hasn't failed me, yet.

    Being new isn't an excuse to shit up a board, but it seems a lot of newfags don't get this. They should join a forum if they really want help.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:52 No.43064672
    Go to the Star Driver threads that pop up after subs are out. You'd be surprised.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:52 No.43064681
    >3DPD, bitches and whores, etc.

    See? It's already starting. Soon, you'll be one of us. one of us, one of us.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:53 No.43064695
    >refreshing top page
    Or realize the built-in behavior is shit, and install the extensions so you can just click through the top 30 threads in about 2 minutes, flagging anything interesting. Then go through those.

    Dunno who you think believes they are the cream of the crop... all the oldfags who come here know it's shit. People should at least know how to use google to search for filenames.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:53 No.43064699
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    I support this, not for every show but pretty much the blatant popular ones like GL or ones that aired in the recent seasons. I can't blame people for not knowing some of the more obscure older shows but anything that aired in toonami or was huge in its day any one should figure out by lurking, google, tiny eye etc.

    However, I won't personally go out of my way to soil things simply cause I am just too lazy. I do support it though.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:53 No.43064705
    It's not the act of helping what bothers me. It's the act of enabling laziness.

    >>43063675 was a troll, even the poster admitted it. The only thing you're doing is tolerating people to be stupid and lazy and have everything on a silver platter with no effort of their own.

    Stop doing that, seriously. If you want to help, do it to people who deserve it, not morons who stream or don't know about a series that has permanent threads on /a/ and can't be bothered to lurk on /a/, TinEye or Danbooru for 15 minutes. The cancer isn't asking source, is you.

    >is taking care of you elitistfag
    Strawman. I won't bite.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)14:53 No.43064711
    late to the party, but sage, reported

    everyone in this thraed needs a permaban

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