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    File : 1289252400.png-(480 KB, 650x866, 14440573_p0.png)
    480 KB Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:40 No.42222910  
    Explain something to me, /a/:

    Why is there such a huge percentage, probably more than half of it, of female Panty & Stocking fans? How does a show about sluts, bitches and immature sex and shit jokes appeal to women?

    Picture related. CAN'T UNSEE.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:40 No.42222931
    becasue it has very good quality animation. just look at the number of key frames in the last episode
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:41 No.42222972
         File1289252510.jpg-(16 KB, 293x300, 34.jpg)
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    Because you obviously know nothing about what women- real women, not women you see on tv- like.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)16:41 No.42222976
    why do people believe this?

    honestly you're pretty much just a huge idiot if you think pixiv is any indication of a series' full audience in japan; it's like using deviantart to judge the english speaking fanbase
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:42 No.42222982

    Why didn't Birdy Decode have such a huge female fanbase, then?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:42 No.42223000
    All women wish to be bitches and whores, and p&s shows them that you can be a bitch and/or whore and still be considered a viable human being, hell, maybe even liked by those around you.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:42 No.42223006
         File1289252567.jpg-(217 KB, 413x551, hiroyuki-imaishi-headshot.jpg)
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    Chicks dig Hiroyuki Imaishi
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:42 No.42223009
    women have no taste
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:44 No.42223062

    I'm actually talking about the American fanbase on Crunchy and Twitter, but OK.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)16:44 No.42223066
    no seriously, 4chan is one of the most gullible online communities I've ever seen.

    if you look at deviantart, it'll seem like P&S's english-speaking fanbase is 90% female. same for livejournal. if you look at myanimelist or random forums, it'll seem 90% male. basing this on one or two communities is the worst possible kind of anecdotal evidence.

    I'd say it's 50/50, if only because most of the pedo moe otakus probably don't like it much due to the art and content.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:45 No.42223088
    >it's like using deviantart to judge the english speaking fanbase
    a bunch of landwhales, derpgoths, and children who all think they know way more than they actually do?

    sounds like the english speaking anime fanbase to me

    also how was school today diebuster?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:45 No.42223111
    Because they can relate to the MC for once.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:45 No.42223116

    Why is most Ika-Musume, OreImo, Index and K-ON's fanart by males, then?

    The only other shows with "primarily girl-drawn fanart" this season are Star Driver, Gay Dogs, Yakumo and Haukoki, all of which are obvious fangirl bait.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:46 No.42223142
    >Chicks dig Hiroyuki Imaishi
    I'm getting wet just looking at that picture
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)16:47 No.42223150
    it definitely had female fans, but they weren't obsessive fan artists and didn't draw much of it.

    despite popular belief, a huge part of anime fandom doesn't draw stuff.
    I just checked CR's comments and they're pretty much half and half, maybe a tad more guys
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:48 No.42223182

    Any show that isn't obvious moe/fanservicebait gets more fanart by females. FACT,
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:48 No.42223212
    Because P&S are defined as strong independent women by the feminazis, and not bitches & whores.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:49 No.42223228
    I do not believe you've done the appropriate research to back up that statement.
    But to answer your question, I refer you to Game Overthinker's rant on Bayonetta.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)16:49 No.42223229
    what? K-ON's fanbase is actually mostly female, normalfag-wise, which is why it's so mainstream. it just has a very, very devoted male otaku fanbase but it's still not particularly huge as far as I'm aware.

    and from what I've seen tons of girls draw K-ON fan art on Pixiv, about as many as there are guys. so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:50 No.42223255
    It's an amusing show in which the female leads aren't mentally retarded moeblobs or titty monsters used only for fanservice.

    Also Garterbelt.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:50 No.42223260
    I am a femanon and I like P&S. I like it for all the reasons that you other anons like it: for being something different with good art and stupid jokes. Panty is funny, Stocking is cute, and you don't have to be a guy to appreciate that.

    tl;dr women are not the enigma you make them out to be you /a/spies.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:50 No.42223270
    Because they wish they can fuck everybody silly, and after that, stuff themselves with sweets and not be fat
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:50 No.42223277

    Normalfag wise, sure, it has a huge female fanbase. But most recent fanart is pretty male-ish.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:50 No.42223278
    Indeed, one of the most popular anime among girls lately.
    You could call this an anime for girls.
    Two girls, one's the slut the other one eats cake. Dick jokes, beta males and no plot.
    Such a bad piece of shit could only be appreciated by the female mind.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:51 No.42223291
    But Qwaser got more fanart by females. What now?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:51 No.42223296
    They're all gay for Kneesocks.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)16:52 No.42223334
         File1289253148.jpg-(68 KB, 298x430, kaiji-cover.jpg)
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    protip: if you used Pixiv or other specific communities to judge this kind of thing you'd come to the conclusion that Kaiji & Akagi's fanbase is composed of 99.9% of yaoi fangirls and it has almost no male readers, despite the fact that it runs in a seinen magazine.

    Akagi's run for such a long time, it would've eventually switched to a josei or shoujo magazine if its fanbase was truly universally female. but chances are it's not, seeing as Pixiv =/= Japan's anime fans as a whole.

    you're all dumb as hell
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:53 No.42223378

    Qwaser's main character is a shota, sillybun. Unlike Queen's Blade or Index, it has a genuinely attractive main male character. Sure, Queen's Blade has the retarded shota and Index has Accel, but they're not in the show/manga/LN that much. Qwaser's cute shota is the motherfucking main character.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:53 No.42223383
    You're diebuster, you're retarded by default till you drop the name. Opinion denied.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:54 No.42223403

    Akagi is normalfag stuff, though. The otaku fanbase is incidental.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:55 No.42223420
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    >implying only females draw gay fanart.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:55 No.42223442
    Women are actually pretty disgusting and juvenile, sometimes far worse than guys. In some cases it's like they have no boundaries at all, just like Panty and Stocking. It's not a stretch to think the show would have a lot of female fans.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:56 No.42223461

    Plus there's also Brief.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)16:56 No.42223465
         File1289253393.jpg-(448 KB, 750x1109, 1289168303150.jpg)
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    >But most recent fanart is pretty male-ish.
    check the genders, sometimes you'll find girls drawing "male-ish" things. as >>42223291 pointed out there's a lot of sexual Qwaser fan art by girls, and not just the male characters.

    pic related, drawn by a girl.

    but really as long as you realize Pixiv =/= Japan as a whole I won't bother arguing anymore. some people don't even post much on the Internet about the shows they watch.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)16:58 No.42223518
         File1289253489.jpg-(446 KB, 600x750, 9071538.jpg)
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    put your name back on smiley face tripfag

    but as I said, it's not just the main character. they draw sexual stuff of the girls too; equally in fact. pic related, again.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)16:59 No.42223553
         File1289253582.jpg-(32 KB, 320x240, g9bt.jpg)
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    Unlike OP, I have real proof of PanSto's female fans.

    Here is Sushio drawing live at a recent Panty & Stocking event. According to the blog, most of the attendants to the event were females. Gainax, perplexed, just said that females are probably more likely to go to events than males...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:00 No.42223574
    >How does a show about sluts, bitches and immature sex and shit jokes appeal to women?

    That's the way women talk to each other when men are outside hearing range.

    Frankly, what I'm curious about is how the hell P&S has male fans.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:00 No.42223578
    link plz?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:00 No.42223586
         File1289253645.jpg-(31 KB, 240x320, 7fc.jpg)
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    Picture of Sushio's drawings and designs for Death Race 2010.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:01 No.42223614
    >Frankly, what I'm curious about is how the hell P&S has male fans.
    how dumb would you have to be.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:02 No.42223627
    >Kaiji & Akagi's fanbase is composed of 99.9% of yaoi fangirls

    True. Don't forget Trapeze and Mononoke (curious fact; most detailed and "artsy" fanart ever)

    >and it has almost no male readers, despite the fact that it runs in a seinen magazine.

    lol no. It's also a Mahjong magazine (in Akagi's case), so there must be some young-middle aged male mahjong fans following it. Strongest Legend Kurosawa and Gai touches some themes that can go to close home and relate at best for a male reader in its 20's. Finally, Gambling Emperor Zero is published in a shonen magazine, so it's meant more for younger kids (the wacky traps and protagonist are allready a sign for it)
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:02 No.42223628
         File1289253720.jpg-(26 KB, 320x240, rf1xe.jpg)
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    Another picture of the event.


    Don't you follow PanSto's Twitter? laughinggirls.jpg
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:02 No.42223652
         File1289253765.jpg-(29 KB, 240x320, it3u.jpg)
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    Better look at the PanSto drawing.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:03 No.42223664
    You have a very stereotypical view of females.

    Imagine a stereotypical "guy." Would he watch K-On?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:03 No.42223669

    >gainax perplexed

    aren't they always? the way most of their series end, i'm surprised any one of them has a functioning brain stem
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:04 No.42223713
    I do but I haven't clicked their links in a while

    quit being a dick and link it ;_;
    Trapeze and Mononoke are on Noitamina, which is known for having a mostly female viewerbase

    but oddly enough the Mononoke manga was in a seinen magazine so I'm not sure about that one
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:04 No.42223716
    I know this coment is going to touch some nerves, but....

    Powerpuff Girls is lwatched,liked and drawn in fanart by men AND women.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:06 No.42223776
    >but oddly enough the Mononoke manga was in a seinen magazine so I'm not sure about that one

    The anime came first, the manga later.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:06 No.42223781
    I worry this might be the beginning of the end for guys.
    With a smaller its easier to tap into the female consumer, there's less competition right now.
    Supply and demand you know the drill.

    What if we see a new wave of female oriented shows with slutty main characters with male harems full of betas.
    Hah that's a fun thought though it won't happen, it would be suicide with the male demographics for the studio.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:07 No.42223795
    >Kaiji & Akagi's fanbase is composed of 99.9% of yaoi fangirls

    it seems like the kind of thing a young adult male could easily enjoy, and Kaiji doesn't run in a mahjong magazine. it just gathered a huge fujoshi fanbase because of its huge male cast. Durarara is similar; it started off as a light novel in a magazine clearly aimed at guys, and even has occasional fanservice clearly aimed at guys, but the manga & anime eventually got a GIGANTIC female fanbase. the fact that the magazine the manga runs in already had a ton of female readers also helped.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:08 No.42223838
    I know but assuming the fanbase is mostly female, why would you choose a seinen magazine for the manga?

    it's like how Princess Tutu ran in a shonen magazine and Cowboy Bebop ran in a shoujo one.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:08 No.42223843

    Uh, basically I watch P&S because I find it fun. That is all.

    That being said, I find K-on! way more offensive to women than P&S could ever be.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:09 No.42223852

    Bitches love Garterbelt
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:10 No.42223886
    Where did you get this idea in your head that girls don't like sex jokes or crude humor?

    Every girl I've ever known has been a bro and liked shit like that. I think you guys just meet one or two girls on the cheerleading squad and then say OKAY, THAT'S WHAT GIRLS ARE LIKE, AND I HATE THEM
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:11 No.42223920
    >That being said, I find K-on! way more offensive to women than P&S could ever be.
    its Japanese fanbase is apparently mostly female - how does that make you feel?

    they even removed a lot of the fanservice the (seinen) manga had, and it's really only known as an otaku series because the male fans are very, very dedicated. kind of like the Kaiji fujoshi thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:11 No.42223926
    Ah the dysfunctional female brain at its best.
    Being a slut> high schooler
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:12 No.42223975
    you crazy man all girls love sex jokes its the only kind of humor they understand
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:12 No.42223978
    Keep in mind that half of /a/ is socially retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:14 No.42224012
    Not that anon, but I think she means that at least one show isn't blatantly selling out the idea of 'PURE INNOCENT GIRLS THAT ACT LIKE BABIES AND HAVE NO BOYFRIENDS, SO IT'S OKAY IF YOU HAVE PICTURES OF THEM ALL OVER YOUR ROOM', whereas Panty and Stocking doesn't have that kind of blatant consumerism and cheap sales pitch that comes off as being rather sexist.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:15 No.42224053
    if the thing about P&S's female fanbase is true then not even Gainax saw it coming - Imaishi himself said he expects to lose all of his female fans because of it.

    plus the fact that manga demographics in Japan are still heavily gender-segregated might be part of it. if everyone's tastes were so varied there all along, how come shoujo/josei is still known for romance while seinen tends to have other themes? the only romance-centric anime I can think of that are aimed at guys are those based on visual novels, and those usually have fanservice and are based on VNs with sex scenes (that are clearly meant to be arousing and aren't just part of the story like they are in josei).
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:15 No.42224073

    >its Japanese fanbase is apparently mostly female - how does that make you feel?

    It doesn't surprise me at all. Girl can be sexist too ; I mean, this is the way we were educated, you can't get rid of that that easily.


    I don't approve of Panty's slutty behaviour. But neither do I approve of Yui's retarded one.

    Sorry for my english, it's not my mothertongue and Im a bit tired.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:16 No.42224083
    What's sexist?
    Both try to sell girls and make money with them.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:16 No.42224090
    Even babies are more butch than Yui and Mio.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:16 No.42224099
         File1289254587.jpg-(207 KB, 425x566, 4b3a48a24e2eb23dddec68ec037a.jpg)
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    >How does a show about sluts, bitches and immature sex and shit jokes appeal to women?

    Because feminism went too far, and now trashy slut = liberated female.

    The character "panty" is the most accurate portrayal of a modern 18 year old girl in anime history. Real girls (at least the hot ones) are out every night trying to get drunk and sleep with as many men as they can.

    Pic very related.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:16 No.42224107
    Because it's not just another escapist fantasy for neckbearded otaku males.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:18 No.42224176
    >It doesn't surprise me at all. Girl can be sexist too ; I mean, this is the way we were educated, you can't get rid of that that easily.
    how is Panty & Stocking sexist? what the hell are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:19 No.42224197
         File1289254750.gif-(15 KB, 300x282, futurama-coffee.gif)
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    >not just another escapist fantasy for neckbearded otaku males.

    It's anime. Therefore, it's escapism
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:19 No.42224205
    I think I can actually sympathize with the old feminists, those that just wanted the chance to vote and have the same jobs as any guy.
    Not the new kind that just wants to living la vida loca.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:19 No.42224223

    I was talking about K-on.
    ...apparently the other guy was talking about P&S though. My bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:20 No.42224231
    One show has female main characters and attempts to make all of it's money off of THOSE characters. The other show has female main characters and attempts to make all of it's money by... being a television show.

    There's a big difference between what the company who made K-on is aiming for, and what Gainax is aiming for. You can tell by the differences in marketing and shit like that. K-on rides completely on it's ability to pander to ronery otaku as much as it can. P&S doesn't do that.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:20 No.42224245

    diebuster, the deal with shoujo/jousei is actually very simple: shoujo/jousei's main audience is "normalfag" girls and women. Most jousei and shoujo magazines come with beauty tips, pop(not the idol type) reviews and typical "normal woman" stuff. Some seinen magazines, like the one Berserk runs on, are kind of the same, actually: they feature sexy 3D ladies, cars, politics, clubs, food...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:20 No.42224249
    Oh right you're a girl, you don't see it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:21 No.42224299
    Same here. I don't even like calling myself a feminist. All of my female friends don't understand it, but that's because they're fucking slutty bitches like you said. I think they're all insane cunts with a bad case of sandy vagina and no sense of humor.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:21 No.42224301
    most women these days are the same, they just don't label themselves as "feminists". it might be just me projecting but it's possibly because they view it as an outdated term? it could be the case because to me it's like calling yourself an "anti-racist" because you think black people shouldn't be enslaved.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:23 No.42224340
         File1289254990.jpg-(27 KB, 255x287, 1279563721956.jpg)
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    Oh god this thread. So many stupid fucking opinions and asspulls, I love it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:23 No.42224348
         File1289255009.jpg-(157 KB, 650x591, 00_l.jpg)
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    Panty & Stocking merchandise is stuff like Honekoneko dolls and normalfag, kinda hipster clothing. I seriously doubt Gainax is trying to sell it to the traditonal anime otaku.

    I don't even know who the fuck are they trying to sell it to.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:23 No.42224356
    They both do the same in the same way. You're just rationalizing this whoever you want to.
    Both shows pay as much attention to the characters and market them hard.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:24 No.42224371
    ITT: Everyone getting trolled

    No girls watch anime , onlyNaruto and Hetalia, silly anons.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:24 No.42224373
         File1289255044.jpg-(28 KB, 496x246, 345934690850.jpg)
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    >>42224340're in a debate on 4chan. You should probably get used to it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:24 No.42224375

    Me, Anonymous, only speaks with facts.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:25 No.42224429
    >One show has female main characters and attempts to make all of it's money off of THOSE characters. The other show has female main characters and attempts to make all of it's money by... being a television show.
    they're already working on and releasing plushies, figures and clothing (for both genders), there's going to be a ton of Panty & Stocking merchendising.

    it's true that the show itself has a ton of effort and skill put into it and is the main dish, but it's blatantly obvious that the characters are cute and eye-catching and very merchendise-friendly
    I'm a guy and I get butthurt over the tiniest amount of sexism and I can't see it

    it's obviously not sexist against women since the protags are competent and do just fine on their own. if you mean the opposite (sexist against guys)... Imaishi, Yoshinari and Ootsuka are all guys, and I doubt they hate themselves that much.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:26 No.42224443
         File1289255168.png-(114 KB, 249x300, 1289089401785.png)
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    So, what happened to that thread eariler today? Who's the best girl?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:26 No.42224444
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    There are no Panty & Stocking figurines or pillows, though. The merchandise for the show is off-beat stuff like toilet covers.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:28 No.42224506
    I'm kinda surprised they have male version of P&S clothing, kind of how they had those creepy Lucky Star sailor uniform shirts

    I understand that they expected the fanbase to be mostly male and that they're surprised by the outcome, but I can't really picture many guys being enough of an out & open fag to wear a shirt with cute cartoon girls that says "PANTY & STOCKING" on it
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:28 No.42224508
    No, you're a biased girl.
    /a/ hasn't forgotten.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:28 No.42224509
    Actually that's incredibly appropriate and proves that whoever's making the merchandise decisions has a sense of humor.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:28 No.42224518

    GO /a/ GO
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:29 No.42224556
    nice tripples
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:29 No.42224562
    those are the only ones out as of now because they're easier to shit out.

    they showed off some plushie and figure concepts so there will be tons of them in the future; you'd have to be pretty dumb to not see the potential for that type of stuff in something as colorful and eye-catching as this and make a profit off of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:29 No.42224568
    Oh shit fuck wrong link
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:30 No.42224603
    What are the stupid & asspulls you're speaking of? I'm honestly curious.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:31 No.42224613
         File1289255463.png-(386 KB, 650x866, 14440573_p3.png)
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    I am tired of Panty and Stocking genderswap all the fucking time on pixiv
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:31 No.42224618
    People who even think the word 'sexist' means anything should be shot.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:32 No.42224691
    Dear OP, women love it because it is like Powerpuff Girls, artwise speaking.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:35 No.42224799
    1. they can't bring themselves like a character if they don't want to fuck said character
    2. they're too lame to be attracted to girls

    put the two together and it'll make sense

    also funnily enough I saw a genderbent picture drawn by a gay guy with nothing but gay muscular shotas in his gallery
    so if someone believes that men should get real jobs and women should stick to child raising & the kitchen, calling them "sexist" would be inappropriate?

    I'm not trying to claim that you're like that or whatever, I'm just curious why you think that way
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:38 No.42224889
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    It would seem a lot of fangirls are that way, but I don't get it. The only time I don't like female characters are when they're dumb empty husks due to no thought going into their personality, and that isn't even because they're girls, that's because they're badly written.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:42 No.42225018
         File1289256153.jpg-(184 KB, 1440x810, 1288981258235.jpg)
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    maybe it's just that most fan artists are female and girls are more likely to go to anime events and be more outgoing? hell, even Gainax were very surprised by the female fanbase and initially expected P&S fans to be mostly male.

    if it's true then I guess adult male anime fans really are as horrible as everyone makes them out to be and don't like anything that's even somewhat different. as awful as the Western ones are, maybe they're actually significantly LESS lame and far more open to new things.

    I thought Tatami's (apparent) mostly female following was a result of it airing on noitaminA, but maybe male otaku just hate variety and are huge faggots?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:42 No.42225024
    >How does a show about sluts, bitches and immature sex and shit jokes appeal to women?

    Most women usually don't mind sex jokes. It's the overly manly EXPLOSIONS/CHAINSAWS/MUSCLEMEN stuff that usually drives them off, at least from what I've seen.

    It's also easier to relate to for women because the main characters are females who aren't mental retards tailored to lonely otaku.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:46 No.42225131
    you know how some really nerdy basement dwelling guys refuse to watch shows with a mostly male cast? it's probably like that.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:47 No.42225151
    We hate variety but you are the faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:49 No.42225204
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    >male otaku just hate variety and are huge faggots

    You couldn't tell this just by being here for five minutes?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:53 No.42225326
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    The genderswap fanart is awesome, fuck you
    I'm surprised it has such a big tag on pixiv.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)17:56 No.42225409
    ...but I was talking about the Japanese fanbase. and if Pixiv & the real life P&S events are any indication, there are actually FAR more male fans of this show in the west than there are in Japan. did you even read my post?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:57 No.42225442
    Have you seen how hot these characters genderbent are
    That was what encouraged a few female viewers that I know to watch. Then they became bi for Stocking
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:59 No.42225523
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    This is a stealth genderswap thread, isn't it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:00 No.42225536
    >The genderswap fanart is awesome
    If you're a girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:00 No.42225550
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:01 No.42225562
    Ok, I think the question we should be asking is:

    Who would buy such a thing like a P&S toiet seat? Men or women?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:02 No.42225584
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:03 No.42225622
    >That being said, I find K-on! way more offensive to women than P&S could ever be.

    FUN FACT: The senior staff of the K-ON anime is mostly (completely?) female. That's why they got rid of a lot of the fanservice-ey stuff from the mango.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:05 No.42225671
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    I was talking about the content of shoujo/josei magazines, really. if everyone's tastes were usually that varied then there would be more variety in the series presented within them. instead you can usually tell if a series is aimed at girls or guys based on a quick look at chapter 1.

    and really, you can't blame Gainax or everyone else for assuming that P&S would mostly be watched by guys (and mostly advertising it in male otaku magazines), because it's pretty much Dead Leaves with girls and Dead Leaves was hardly a girly movie.

    so I'm just going to assume that male otaku hate things that are different. maybe the "purity" thing is actually a big thing among them too and not just a 2ch injoke like I thought all this time?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:05 No.42225673
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    Or a gay guy.
    What, you don't find female Briefs moe? And male Panty looks just like Kamina/pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:06 No.42225718
    VERY FUN FACT: Smart women know how to milk men for money.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:07 No.42225743
    also, the manga runs in a seinen magazine. it was clearly not geared mainly towards girls, so maybe Gainax just misjudged how open male otaku are to things that stand out?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:08 No.42225775
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    ..seriously gainax?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:09 No.42225783
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:10 No.42225814
    but most of the normalfags who watch it are girls, and they outnumber the otaku from what I hear.

    it still has an otaku following and gets featured in magazines for guys etc, but that's because the male fans are very, very dedicated. I assume the female ones just watch it, think "hey that was pretty cute and fun" but they don't go off to post about it on the internet endlessly and draw the characters being raped with kitchen utensils.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:11 No.42225861

    > so I'm just going to assume that male otaku hate things that are different.

    I really hope that's not true. It's pretty unfortunate if it is. It'll be interesting to see how it does on disc sales, I can see it doing at least OK.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:12 No.42225905
    This has nothing to do with anything, but since we're talking about women and feminists here I'd just like to point out that Feminist Gamers (as in the website/blog/whateverthefuck) are busy sucking B^Uckleys cock for being a revolutionary of gender-equality by including a gamer girl in his comic... yeah.

    Old news, but I just figured it fits in with the rest of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:12 No.42225907
    My point being men are generally the ones forking out insane amounts of money for merchandise.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:13 No.42225950
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    Let me scar you some more OP
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:14 No.42225960
    PSG is fundamentally about a couple of girls having zany misadventures, kicking asses, and generally just doing whatever the fuck they want. I can see how that would appeal to girls, especially in light of the fact that in the overwhelming majority of anime these days female characters exist primarily to pander to ronery neckbeard otaku.

    They probably overestimated how many girls would be turned away by the level of gross-out humor in the show.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:15 No.42225989
    Panty & Stocking is escapist wish fulfillment for females. They wish they could be vulger, sleep with everyone and kick huge amounts of ass without society rejecting them.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:16 No.42226013
    If you ask me this looks clearly like a girls show.
    Maybe its an accident and no one in gainax realized until it was too late.
    It has nothing manly cool and awesome or cute lovable and funny for a boy and the art looks too childish but not in a cute way and its too rude to be family friendly and silly to be something a young boy would like.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:17 No.42226047
    >Imaishi predicts that mostly guys will watch P&S and he will lose the female fans he got with Gurren, apologizing to them that he failed to make something that won't scare them off
    >manga runs in a seinen magazine
    >show gets advertised in magazines for male otaku
    >show actually airs
    >pixiv fan art varies from 50/50 to mostly female
    >P&S events mostly attended by girls
    I'm not sure, either the male fans are the kind of people who "suppress their power level" and would never go to an anime event and don't draw much or they genuinely don't like it at all, Gainax predictions be damned.

    how are the TV ratings so far anyway? how is it doing compared to other late night shows
    >> Fire Lord !AZULaFMcQ. 11/08/10(Mon)18:18 No.42226108
    it's a show for lesbians
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:18 No.42226112
    >They probably overestimated how many girls would be turned away by the level of gross-out humor in the show.
    I think it's not so much what you said, but rather that they exaggerated the level of gross-out humor itself. After six episodes I'd say P&S is pretty tame compared to what I was expecting. Sure some casual sex here and there and a few poop jokes, but hell it doesn't even reach the the gross-out level of shows like Venture Bros.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:19 No.42226142
    They can in glorious america where that kind of girls are revered and get their own reality shows.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:19 No.42226150

    At least Imaishi didn't loose his female audience/harem. I heard he was apologizing to some of his female TTGL fans at doujin events because he didn't think they'd like PSG.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:20 No.42226158
    As far as I know, show-themed anime events in Japan are usually FILLED with females. Then again, the only anime events that I've been to have been for Code Geass, Gundam 00 and Macross Frontier and those really are INTENDED girl shows.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:20 No.42226182
    but it wasn't made for girls, and the director actually publicly apologized to his female fans for letting them down. it's only like this because Japanese otaku are faggots.
    >If you ask me this looks clearly like a girls show.
    yeah I think this is pretty dumb
    >art looks too childish but not in a cute way
    they've mentioned in the past cuteness was the whole idea behind going with this art style. whether you like them or not is a matter of opinion but Panty & Stocking are clearly meant to look cute.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:21 No.42226207
    The animation is quirky and I love Brief.

    Not to say that I love the show. I'm not a fan of Gainax AT ALL, and I still think the episodes have been very hit or miss, but I'll probably follow P&S to the end anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:21 No.42226221

    Sadly, the channel PanSto airs doesn't release ratings at all.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:22 No.42226235
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    As a femanon I only like the show for it's artstyle and animation. It is just entertaining. I can't speak for others but I don't think that people have such a deep reason as you outllined for watching this.

    Oh, Briefs is quite popular with the females as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:24 No.42226317
    But its not cute.
    They either lied, gave up on the cute idea or somehow failed because whatever they were trying to do it didn't end looking cute.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:25 No.42226363
    But you're from a western country. In Japan there is a lot more societal pressure on girls to be proper and ladylike. I know the show wasn't made with them in mind, but when I think of the fujoshi who society has given up on, seeing this show of strong girls who live a life of hedonism and action, they kind of think it's cool.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:26 No.42226393
    there was an entire episode about masturbation where Garterbelt ejaculated a fountain of jizz out of his afro.

    still, I always thought it wasn't gross because it looks so cartoony and simple, and Yoshinari himself said the idea behind the art style was to have violence and "gross" humor and keep things twistedly cute as opposed to disturbing

    but then my friend found the booger episode disturbing after watching the shit one and not making any comments like that, and I see a lot of people who find it very gross, so maybe Yoshinari is just desensitized and I'm just as fucked up? I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:26 No.42226404
    People don't rationally think their actions but they do subconsciously say a lot about them.
    Something you might randomly do that might not seem like much to you could tell someone a lot.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:27 No.42226418
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    >>42225326 The genderswap fanart is awesome
    Agreed. Shit is delicious.

    I think a lot of girls watch P&S because it's cool. A lot of the artists like to draw for it because it's kind of inspiring. The lines are lively and color palette is gorgeous. Visual candy and the soundtrack is solid as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:27 No.42226441
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    I think it looks cute.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:28 No.42226473

    I really don't find anything in Panty & Stocking disgusting at all. Not even the boogers.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:29 No.42226514
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    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:29 No.42226522
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    not sure about the others but Geass was hardly a girls-only show, it had both guy fanservice and girl fanservice (the latter of which was featured in magazines aimed at guys). it's like Star Driver in that regard.
    colorful, big eyes, big heads, feminine look... maybe you have a weird view of what is cute and what isn't
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:30 No.42226535
    >maybe Yoshinari is just desensitized and I'm just as fucked up? I don't know.

    I think it's a case we don't care anymore of what is "mature" or "adult" like some people bother with.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:30 No.42226538
    2nded. Their simplified outfits are really cute as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:30 No.42226546
    Its as cute as a girl all sliced and diced in a puddle of her own blood.
    But then some do find that cute and even erotic.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:30 No.42226553

    Yeah, it looks cute in its design and art, but the show itself sure as hell isn't. I thought that was sort of the point.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:31 No.42226571
    I watched teh booger episode

    it wasn't gross. they made BOOGERS AND BLOOD NOT GROSS

    even the shit wasn't gross

    it's not a gross out show like RnS its the opposite

    the colors and designs they chose for boogers and picking until bleeding was the least gross they could have possibly picked

    I never knew a cool purple could do that
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:31 No.42226573

    Well, the even itself, at least the one I went to, was mostly females.

    I, being a white, if really twiggy, male, felt really out of place in there.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:31 No.42226582

    Need a sauce on this
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:33 No.42226646
    I thought the poop monster looked more like a lava monster and not gross at all. I guess some people are just fixated on the fact that it is a giant monster made of shit.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:35 No.42226689
    yeah but I've read comments from people that were like "I couldn't finish this episode, it was too disgusting"
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:35 No.42226690
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:37 No.42226761
    I frankly don't get it. Personally, the depiction has to be realistic in order to bother me. Cutesy shit and boogers doesn't bother at all.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:38 No.42226799
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    honestly I find it odd that some people WEREN'T surprised by the female following.

    the fanbase is very mixed in the west. there are girl fans but there are also a lot of guys who love the art style and silliness and view it as a breath of fresh air - maybe the latter is a very tiny demographic in Japan. it's just a weird country (and even then, the creators themselves were surprised too DESPITE LIVING THERE)
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:40 No.42226865
    my friend was disgusted by the idea of Stocking eating them I think.

    I guess you never did find out if the stuff everyone ate in that episode was sweets or boogers
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:41 No.42226886
    This. To me it looked like those were them muffin-things Stocking was eating at the beginning... who says they weren't actually. Also they make you float. Fucking balloon-boogers.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:43 No.42226931
    Are you a retard? Maybe, just maybe, women want to see an action series....where the characters that kick ass are other women! It blows your fucking mind, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:43 No.42226936
    so you guys discussing this stuff has me interested in watching the show

    should i just use horriblesubs?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:43 No.42226958
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:44 No.42226982
    Stocking wanting to eat the sperm ghost surprised me and I would guess tested me the most. I guess anyone squeamish enough would have dropped the show by then.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:47 No.42227062
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    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:49 No.42227124
    this isn't about girls liking it but about the Japanese fanbase being apparently MOSTLY girls. it's not surprising either that a show like Berserk has female fans but it's hardly something tailored for women.

    it's a surreal series filled with crazy violence, dick and shit and jizz jokes where the very concept involves the over the top sexualization of the female protagonists, that's... hardly shoujo/josei content. even Gainax agree.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:50 No.42227161
    just use whatever is seeded well. they all use Crunchyroll's subs, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:50 No.42227165
    Most artists on pixiv are women.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:52 No.42227206

    Why isn't most OreImo art by girls, then?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:53 No.42227226
    have a guess
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:54 No.42227269
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    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)18:57 No.42227353
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    I don't know, as I said earlier Pixiv fanbases are odd. Qwaser has TONS of girl fans and it's more graphic than OreImo.

    and fuck that "SASHA IS A CUTE GUY" thing - would you think many straight men would watch a series filled with yaoi and guy fanservice and a scene where a guy sucks another guy's cock just because the protagonist who's in the middle of it all is an attractive girl?

    pic related & drawn by a girl
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:59 No.42227421
    girls love dicks and jizz
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:59 No.42227424
    >but maybe male otaku just hate variety and are huge faggots?
    >male otaku just hate variety and are huge faggots?
    >just hate variety and are huge faggots?
    >are huge faggots?

    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:01 No.42227468
    they also typically love shit and boogers and vomit
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:07 No.42227640
    show is trash, makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:08 No.42227664
    Hey, diebuster, what's your Panty & Stocking episode ranking?
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:10 No.42227740
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    I still say it's just a result of the artwork & unusual style of humor and everything putting off male otaku in particular (since it has plenty of male fans in the west)

    if "STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS" is an inherently "aimed at women" trait then something like Black Lagoon is the girliest thing ever, as is a ton of mainstream American cinema (how many action films can you name with a "strong independent woman" woman protagonist).
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:14 No.42227856
    that's all more like aimed for guys
    maybe they need strong female characters that also look girly
    or maybe it was the sex jokes that did it for them
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:15 No.42227904
    Sanaku complex hates the shit out of Panty & Stocking though
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:16 No.42227934
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    hmm maybe...

    the latest one > death race 2010 > sex & daten city > cat fight club > excretion without honor and humanity (I seem to be the only one who really liked it) > the bee ep... whatever it was called (see the last one I listed) > booger ep > dieting ep > jizz ep > high school nudical

    none of them is actually bad though, even my least favorite got more laughs out of me than most "funny" anime

    kobayashi's ep is so totally different (and intentionally so) I can't really judge it based on the same standards, so I'll just say that it was pretty good and very well animated.

    is there any episode I missed?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:17 No.42227967
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    Guys mad because females are capable of enjoying sex just as much,and actually get sex that said mad /a/nons will never have.


    >Implying men also can't be whores

    Stay delusional /a/, it makes it all the more fun to stop by and watch all the butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:19 No.42228016

    Nope, those are 10 plus Kopbayashi's.

    You're not along in thinking the characters look better in "cartoon" form, though. I mean, I like Nishigori's art, but they really were designed to look good as cartoony drawings
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:21 No.42228061
    but P&S was aimed at guys too, they just didn't predict the female following and guys not liking it.

    and characters like revy only seem "masculine" by stupid anime standards where all girls have to be kawaii uguu. if you look at American comics and Western cinema in general you can find tons of similar stuff.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:21 No.42228080
    I met a girl like Panty before

    >> Tamagoakura 11/08/10(Mon)19:25 No.42228171
    Women aren't some weird aliens with strange, incomprehensable motives. We like shit because we think its fun to watch, or the characters in the show are fun or attractive.

    Stop looking for depth that isn't there, you faggots.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:25 No.42228177
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    oh and I forgot to mention that it even got a fanservicey Nyantype illustration

    it got all the male otaku publication coverage it could have had and they still didn't like it. what exactly is it about this show that makes Japanese otaku rage while a lot of Western ones are fine with it and even love it? I can't wrap my head around this.
    I think the BITCHES AND WHORES XD thing is kind of like /b/ kids making nigger jokes, they don't really hate women/black people but they're too retarded to realize that it might be deemed unfunny and stupid by anyone who doesn't have the mental capacity of a 13 year old boy.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:25 No.42228179
    Because unlike Moe show, P&S has a wider target audience.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:26 No.42228199
    well less "rage" and more "dislike"
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:27 No.42228228
    >wider target audience
    >Imaishi apologized to all the female Gurren fans for letting them down
    >they were surprised by the female following
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:33 No.42228373
    that guy's psychological analysis is most likely wrong, I agree, but there are some well ingrained differences due to stupid gender stereotypes still being alive in some form and girls still having a vague idea of what they SHOULD like, at least subconsciously due to society in general

    random example: you know how a lot of people believe that most women are unable to find sexual imagery arousing if there's not some kind of romantic backstory behind it? I've even seen girls who claim that is in fact true and that it's the main difference between "guy porn" and "girl porn".

    ...when in reality, research indicates that there is no such difference and male & female brains actually react pretty similarly to these things.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:34 No.42228415
    A wider audience compared to Moe shows.

    A girl can enjoy guns and mecha and a good adventure/romance story ala TTGL, or action and crude humor ala P&S.

    A girl will find it harder to enjoy a guy and his siscon game playing otaku under-aged little sister.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:38 No.42228548
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    Nishigori is a far better artist than most people in the industry but I'm still not a really big fan of his usual style. sometimes he does stuff like Panty & Stocking's (based on Yoshinari's concept art and the Western cartoons that inspired it) or imitates Imaishi's style (one Yoko picture he did for a Gurren pic IIRC) but his regular work doesn't really stand out in any way; he's kind of like the new Sadamoto for Gainax, but maybe a bit more talented than the latter was back in his Eva days.

    I mean yeah the characters of FLCL and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time look fantastic in motion, but that's more of a result of their respective visual styles - a character like Makoto could easily look very generic and bland in the hands of a shitty studio, but Mamoru Hosoda's team managed to give her a very likable look and personality.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:43 No.42228686
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    and yet K-ON supposedly has a HUGE female fanbase, even with normalfag females.

    I wouldn't be surprised, because it became very mainstream, and moe shows are usually not like that - in Japan, something like Saki is really only watched by otaku guys and a handful of girls with male otaku-like tastes (who also probably like girls). being a moe show K-ON on the other hand needs a normalfag fanbase to get this much attention, and what normalfag is going to watch a show like K-ON? generally not men or young boys.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:47 No.42228780
    then again I'm not sure. I loved Powerpuff Girls as little kid but I doubt that's typical young boy tastes

    or maybe it's different because it's filled with parodies and crazy weird humor and has stuff like Bubbles going batshit, tearing a monster's horn off and driving it through it's skull. from what I saw K-ON just tries to be funny in a "haha d'awwwwww :)" kind of way.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:48 No.42228806
    lol use the show that went mainstream as example.

    This fem/a/non finds the K-ON girls cute as dress-up dolls. But this fem/a/non also dislikes most other moe shows.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)19:55 No.42228972
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    I'm just saying that "moe" is not necessarily the reason those shows failed

    I haven't watched it much so I'm not even sure why K-ON has more female appeal than other shows beyond the "less fanservice" thing. Hidamari Sketch doesn't have much fanservice either and it never became nearly as popular from what I gather - what would you say is the reason?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:55 No.42228986
    and girls don't like those manly comic designs
    and when compared to superior anime females those comic girls become clearly inferior and guys quickly realize that
    also your letting your bitches and whores true cunt faceshow
    guy my ass
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)19:58 No.42229081
    Why do chicks like PSG?

    Because the female characters don't act like fucking retarded lobotomized infantile animated blow-up dolls, OP.

    And now you know.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:00 No.42229130
    I hate PSG and I'm female. Sure, they don't act like moeblobs, but the reverse isn't any better. So much for representation for all us.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:00 No.42229150

    Nishigori is a great designer, I think, and his style is very polished, but he really doesn't stand out as much as Sushio, Yoshinari, Imaishi or even Hiramatsu. He really is Gainax's new Sadamoto: kinda "generic" and not too outlandish but with a decent sense of design.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)20:00 No.42229158
    i will show you a picture of my penis if you want
    no I won't
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:02 No.42229200

    Way to miss the point. I'm male and I find Queen's Blade unappealing because the girls look like shiny blow-up dolls. Doesn't mean most of the fanbase for that show isn't males.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)20:04 No.42229276
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    I just googled Hiramatsu's name and found this + the Gainax girls group picture, had no idea he drew them. the only non-animated thing I've seen by him is his Edge illustration.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:05 No.42229320

    Most official FLCL art that isn't by Sadamoto or Imaishi is probably by Hiramatsu.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:06 No.42229336
    Panty is like the Alpha female.

    I fucking respect her and love her personality, but I probably wouldn't fuck her
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)20:11 No.42229470
    >According to the blog, most of the attendants to the event were females. Gainax, perplexed, just said that females are probably more likely to go to events than males...
    where exactly did they say this? I can't read Japanese but I can't seem to find a recent entry on that mentions it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:11 No.42229492
    Oh fem/a/non is not saying moe is the reason why some of the shows generalized as "moe" failed either.

    K-ON was energetic, and the girls had good fashion designs without being overtly sexual, which attracted fem/a/non here.

    Some of the moe shows have fail plot, forced moe, stupid female leads, and are not cute at all. Fem/a/non would have to turn into a really depraved lesbian pedophile to find any enjoyment. There is no effort put into these shows.

    Same with the straight on yaoi shows. School friend used to try and get fem/a/non into these. But lots of it were all fanservice with little content. Dropped. Some of the yaoibait novels and older mangas fem/a/non found in the libraries on the other hand are Hnnnnnnn. Yaoi did not make or fail the shows here.

    Too bad fan service sells merchandise to both /a/nons and fem/a/nons. They make money for a while, but one wonders if the industry is getting desperate.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:12 No.42229510
    Since I don't want to create a new PanSto thread until this one dies:

    Official blog entry for episode 11 confirms Scanty and Kneesocks are major regular characters, if it wasn't obvious enough, and says that starting from next week onwards they're going to be building up the "story". I guess going with 12 minute episodes don't stop them from actually building something up...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:13 No.42229537
    You guys trying to decipher the secret of K-ON!'s success is worth a few laughs.
    Its nothing special or complex.
    Its just a good show, that simple. Its a fucking masterpiece actually and amazingly done, it excels in everything it does. K-ON! is the cream of the crop of its type.
    Good animation and soundtrack. Perfect character designs, the atmosphere and mood it creates is great and it has a good flow and vibe.
    It nails the slice of life perfectly and every scene, every little detail, its all in the right place its all perfect.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:13 No.42229563
    Female anime fans tend to like CUTE GIRLS DOING CUTE THINGS, from my experiences.

    Both genders find cute girls endearing.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:14 No.42229577
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    I want to find the source of pictures he posted, as well. The blog has pictures from the same event, but they aren't the same pictures. Are they cell-phone pics from a fan or something?

    Regardless, Sushio is a bro.
    >> HHHNNNNGGG! 11/08/10(Mon)20:14 No.42229598
    Datt third person speaking.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:15 No.42229620
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    What's up with Japanese artists and drawing themselves uglier than they actually are? I guess it's kinda cute, in a way.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:16 No.42229638
    what if girls liking panty and stocking are not the same that liked k on ?
    like with guys
    moefag girls and garfag girls
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:17 No.42229677
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    Oh Sushio, you so cool.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:17 No.42229678
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    Whoever was saying Scanty and Kneesocks weren't going to be regulars was either dense or just trolling. They're the first characters that aren't Panty, Stocking, Chuck or Briefs to get into a title card, for fucksake.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:20 No.42229767
    They're the dark magical girls, the first serious enemies that aren't random monsters. Of course they're gonna be regulars but not the main enemies.
    >> diebuster 11/08/10(Mon)20:21 No.42229794
    the pics are from the PASWG twitter but I want to know where they talked about the amount of females and how they were surprised by it
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:22 No.42229799

    I think that's pretty common the world over. It's only pocky eating weeaboo fanartists that draw OMG KAWAII~ XD CHIBI pictures of themselves that hide all their flaws.

    Having said that, all the Disney animator self-portraits I've seen tend to cute themselves up.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:22 No.42229816

    They're Panty & Stocking's Viral, which incidentally was a pun for rival. The Mayor is Lord Genome and the Devil or whoever is pulling the strings is Anti-Spiral.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:23 No.42229843

    I used to click on every single link of that Twitter, but I don't do it much these days because they usually retweet the same link over and over again at times.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)20:27 No.42229967
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    Hiramatsu didn't draw that. Mitsuo Iso did. It has his name in the picture. It probably comes up because his Hiramatsu is mentioned on the same webpage or something.

    Though he does do a lot of non-animated illustration

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