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  • won't have time to do a full post until later this week, but here's something to tide you over. oh, and here's a thread from last night where i answered a handful of questions (thanks to those who sent me the archive!).

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    1.25 MB Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:06 No.42020603  
    How do you deal when your powerlevel is exposed and everyone hates you?

    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:09 No.42020658
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    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe and Mangar !kJYRsrXbko 11/03/10(Wed)09:11 No.42020679
    I give them good grades...
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:12 No.42020702
    I return to my room and surround myself with the objects that bring me simultaneously great joy and great pain.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:17 No.42020768
    Watch My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, that'll give you some good pointers. Almost everyone is anti-otaku because of the newwwwwwws.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:18 No.42020783
    I'm not hated for it but i do get made fun of occasionally. If my power level was on full blast and i wore anime related stuff all the time that would make me a target.I feel if your happy when you participate in something and it does not harm any one then their is nothing wrong with it. They're many anime fans. Just like they're many rap fans, justin bieber fans, and people who love to party ect.

    My point is everyone has something they genuinely enjoy. No reason to feel ashamed for what you enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:19 No.42020797
    I like the rewritten one where she gets stabbed over some kind of rap thing instead
    >> Smoked Cheese~ !Nyoron4t6M 11/03/10(Wed)09:20 No.42020811

    Get my sibling to tell them that we're involved in a forbidden act of sibling love?

    Got it.
    >> Baraggan Luisenbarn 11/03/10(Wed)09:21 No.42020819
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:24 No.42020860
    I learned a long time ago to not give a flying fuck what others think. I keep my shit to myself and probably won't reveal I like anime to anyone who just asks unless I like them/have known them for a while, but that's because I like my privacy, not because I'm ashamed.
    Watching people who are all lolanemuooz! U R a fag get more and more annoyed as I really don't give a fuck what they think is one of the secret pleasures of my life.
    Basically; I don't hide it, I don't talk about it, if people want to judge me for it or be cunts, fuck them the opinions of idiots have never upset me before why should I let yours?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:24 No.42020863
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    It is a problem most of us we have to face, right?

    Eventually we grow up and people keep saying "Isn't that manga stuff for kids?" How can you reply to that if you love moe anime and ecchi stuff?

    And then, other people keep saying names at you. "Gross otaku. You deserved this. Forever alone. Die. Faggot." I'm scared even to open my mailbox.

    In the past months I felt full of rage, I felt miserable, I felt scared. And now I'm starting to feel nothing... nothing at all... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:24 No.42020865
    I'd buy different coloured contact lenses and be like desu.

    naw I would be kinda sad about it but then it gives me a reason to move away from this shithole
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:25 No.42020878
    I reveal my powerlevel years ago
    no a single fuck is given since that day
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 11/03/10(Wed)09:26 No.42020900
    you get the fuck over it
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:29 No.42020942
    Poor Kona-kona ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:29 No.42020945
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    First of all I'd be all like in the pic

    Then I'd go out on a killing spree and make sure no one knows of my secret.

    No one.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:34 No.42021010
    All my friends dislike anime vehemently and know I like it. But they aren't faggots so we just don't talk about anime. Job done and they are still my bestest bros.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:35 No.42021032
    In my country we Otaku have to hide from the public. Our oppressive government sends out anti-otaku shock squads in order to eliminate us. Our prime minister constantly preaches about the evils of otakus and anime on the television. The last I heard there was a resistance building up, but now I'm not even sure about that.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:37 No.42021064
    You can't be serious.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:37 No.42021075
    I watch animu and read mango in secret so nobody in my house know it.
    Though it's not actually true, I think my brother suspects something and that's why he hatin' when I tell him I download movie from internet and he's mad because he both hates japanese stuff and want to have full bandwith when he wish to play some MMO or just surf the net. Rest of the family is the same
    And that's why I keep that in secret.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:42 No.42021165
    there is no otaku hate in my country.
    im glad im not living in the shithole that is america.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:44 No.42021206
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    I didn't give a shit until recently.

    That's because in the end we are vulnerable human beings. Sure it's easy to say whatever you like here on a computer, but when you face in person the danger for the first time.... it's not like before. It isn't.

    People sure are scary monsters.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:46 No.42021237
    Why do people even care what you like? It's not like you're forcing them to watch anime or read manga.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:47 No.42021257
    You guys seriously have shitty friends.. or maybe you're just faggots who try to make "friends" with 1000 people on facebook.
    I have less than 10 friends, but we're all very close. Our interests overlap for the most part - most of them like anime to some extent, even if they've only seen a few movies/series.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:48 No.42021265
    Seriously though /a/. If someone wants to bully you over an interest or hobby, they aren't even worth dealing with. Think of them as some speck of dirt and walk away. Because that's exactly what they are. If you have trouble and the jeers still get to you, just keep telling yourself you are better than them. Eventually you will believe it, because it was always true.

    As long as you don't walk outside with an anime t-shirt, naruto headband or carrying a daikamura, you will never have any problems again. If it comes up in conversation, rational people will just say, 'Well I don't really like anime too much, it's just not my thing' and you just say 'Ok that's fine, lets talk about something else'.

    Don't let highschool experiences dominate your life /a/, you are better than those fucks. What are they even doing now? Being losers that's what. And you know what you have over them? You have knowledge and I know you can be better than them.

    I almost let highschool destroy my life, but then I realised it doesn't fucking matter. There is nothing more worthless than judging someone's entire character on one hobby.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:48 No.42021274
    Last time someone bullied me over watching anime I fucking flipped. Had he been by himself I would have ripped his face off but instead I took a swing at him and then his friends proceeded to hold me down while he beat the shit out of me.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:48 No.42021277
    Never gonna happen. Serves you damn right OP, for being an attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:50 No.42021311
    All my friends and family know I'm into this shit. I don't act like a gigantic faggot and explain why the shit I watch is different from "disney" type cartoons and then they're cool. If you don't act like a gigantic faggot you should be ok, then again this is /a/ we're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:50 No.42021314
    My powerlevel is exposed as fuck. I don't give a shit because at least my boss doesn't know.

    He writes my paycheck, I'm not gonna tell him I like little girls with big eyes who go "Oniichan~~~"
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:50 No.42021316
    I have room mates who know and probably suspect the extent of it, but I don't watch anything outside of my bedroom.

    Even though they are accepting, I hate when anime comes up in any conversation.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:51 No.42021325
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:54 No.42021386
    my mom knows that i'm into this shit but again she was the one who made me watch Akira as a "super interesting animation", so it's all good
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:55 No.42021399
    >There is nothing more worthless than judging someone's entire character on one hobby.
    Worthless? You do realise that it's usually suprisingly accurate?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)09:55 No.42021408
    Go back to your own thread, text-wall frog.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:04 No.42021541
    >surprisingly accurate

    I watch anime but I also have a normal social life and enjoy cycling, music and illustrating (which is my job)

    If someone judged me entirely for watching anime, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:09 No.42021605
    Hates you? For just liking anime? Wow you live around dicks OP. I have dicks here to, but at least i have alot of bros. Most of which hate anime AND video games but still actually want to have me around. You just need to find your bros dude!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:12 No.42021664
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:13 No.42021672
    Well, i actually take real care of my power level, since im a communist and im the student body president of my college. Anything like that would ridiculize me beyond recovery point. And times are already quite hard as they are since the goverment send mercenaries, and killed one of my best friends on a demonstration, and people seem to have taken a sudden interest in my personal life, and not just my political view. shit sux, lost a friend, and i have to be extra sure not to get discovered.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:16 No.42021721
    I generally keep to myself around people I'm not friendly with, but almost all of my friends share the same interests so I'm good. A couple of my friends hate anime because of the weeaboo fucks but I just don't talk about it with them.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:16 No.42021724
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    Never mind family and friends, hiding your powerlevel from the goverment is hardcore bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:17 No.42021740
    >Otaku Pussys are gross

    lol'd hard
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:18 No.42021754
    My friends and siblings give me shit for it. The ones that aren't into anime aswell that is.

    But then again we all give each other a hard time over the smallest things and nobody really cares about any of it. So I take it with a grain of salt.

    As you all should, as you all should.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:19 No.42021773

    this for real... welcome to real life...

    why there is not an anime or manga with sad plot and sad ending?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:20 No.42021786
    Currently I'm living as a refugee in a country that allows Otakus. But I'm still hated and avoided here. I've been working with a group that plans to sneak more of our Otaku brethren here, but times are just getting harder. Last night I received word that my brother was killed during a MOE demonstration. When will the pain stop?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:23 No.42021834
    That's not funny, >>42021672's best friend died like that
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:23 No.42021838
    'Cause anime is everywhere in Japan so producers won't understand the situation people who don't live in Japan face.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:23 No.42021839
    almost everyone that was in my grade back in highschool, they all either read manga, or watched anime. And currently in university. I see a ton of my nigga friends watching dbz and shit we coo G?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:25 No.42021890
    Meh, no one really cares. I have my close friends, some of them think it's retarded, but they won't say a thing. We love what we love.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:37 No.42022149
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    >> kiwi 11/03/10(Wed)10:41 No.42022222
    i do wut ever i god damn well feel like and any one who has a problem with that can kiss my ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:43 No.42022256
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    >How do you deal when your powerlevel is exposed and everyone hates you?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:44 No.42022274
    Do keep us abreast as to which episode of Cops you'll appear in. :]
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:54 No.42022465
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:56 No.42022487
    Cipralex 20mg. Take a few of those puppies in the morning to suppress the homicidal rage and you will most likely not even care about their shit. Works for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)10:57 No.42022509

    capt: seemens because,
    >> kai !!UGdPuhTwhbV 11/03/10(Wed)10:57 No.42022510
    nobody hates me for my powerlevel cause I am a bro
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)11:03 No.42022613
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)11:04 No.42022625
    I've got friends who are into anime and friends who aren't. Nobody gives a shit. I'll watch episodes of My Sister Can't Be This cute and Fist of the North Star with some of my mates then go kick a football around the park and have a beer at the pub with everyone.

    People who would mock you for your hobbies? Fuck 'em. So long as you are not one of those faggots who think GLORIOUS NIPPON is the be all and try to ram gook cartoon shit down peoples throats who clearly do not give a fuck. Two way street.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)11:04 No.42022631
    That stupid "song my mom taught me" ruined it for me. Seemed too forced.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)11:14 No.42022821
    You don't have heart don't you?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)11:24 No.42022955
    But he's got a point alright.



    Nope, it helps if you watch out for that.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)11:34 No.42023109
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    I don't need enyone else.
    I just want to start a global saturation
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)11:40 No.42023218
    You speaking about Japan?

    Since here in russia everyone knows i watch anime and noone gives a fuck. I recommend anime to watch to my professor and relatives. If you dont watch anime, you dont watch anime - you dont hate it. Theres way to many ways to be weird to care or focus about a single one of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)11:48 No.42023334
    two girls from my class came next to me, passed me and then one said "god, I hate those japanese cartoons. they're shit!" a second later she added "but their porn is good. I love watching it"

    what the hell should I make of this?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)11:53 No.42023421
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    I think they were making fun of you. That they knew you watch hentai.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)12:07 No.42023651
    If anyone like what i like, so they just can go theyselfs.
    i don't need anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)12:31 No.42024237
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)12:37 No.42024370
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)12:39 No.42024413
    >she wants to fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)12:43 No.42024536
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)12:44 No.42024575
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    No one gives a fuck about my exposed powerlevel as the lazy fucks became dependent on my ass in order not to get thrown out of uni. Feels good browsing 4chan and studying thermodynamics/machine elements at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)12:46 No.42024622
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    Use this
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)12:56 No.42024823
    >I stopped watching anime about five years ago
    >got rid of figures, eroge, scrolls, etc
    >got married two years ago
    >about the only thing I do anime related is lurk /a/.
    >everything is better than expected
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)12:58 No.42024859
    I stay in my room and go out only to eat and take a shit.

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