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  • success! will post pictures later this week.

    File : 1288582405.jpg-(136 KB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_Ore_No_Imouto_-_05_[80842A68].mk(...).jpg)
    136 KB Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:33 No.41935559  
    Do they ever expand on this in the light novels?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:34 No.41935584
    Finally someone else noticed.
    >> Annoymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:34 No.41935594
    This may be half true and half not true.
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 10/31/10(Sun)23:35 No.41935604
    Not at that point
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:35 No.41935620

    If they did, we wouldn't be guessing all the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:35 No.41935632
    They never had any common interests and she was always a bitch, so he basically ignored her.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:36 No.41935661
    So this doesn't become the major emphasis for the rest of the series?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:36 No.41935662
    Congraturations, OP. Now you know what the anime will center at in the next (or future) episodes
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:37 No.41935685
    To a small degree. When she finally lets him see the stuff in the back of her closet, you can start putting two and two together.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:37 No.41935689
    It's still rather vague, but from what we do know Kyousuke was the one to drive them apart and Kirino was bad at school, sports, etc suggesting that she became an overachiever to get his attention. Possibly got into eroge when trying to become a perfect imouto.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:37 No.41935706
    >for the rest of the series?

    The novels haven't even finished yet.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:37 No.41935709
    I've only read the first four chapters so far and the summary for the others...and in those 4 chapters she never said that and in the summaries that line was never spoken of. So it seems to me the studio behind the anime is taking some liberties as per usual of studios.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:38 No.41935720
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    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 10/31/10(Sun)23:38 No.41935723
    Not really, it does get pointed again in future novels with more detail, but the story is focused on actually recovering those lost years of relationship rather ran recalling their problems.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:39 No.41935747
    Was it really? Seemed like she was a bitch to him throughout his entire life.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:40 No.41935783
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    >mfw they cut out the most incestuous moment in all the novels
    after Kyosuke returns home, Kirino asks him if what he said at the park was true. Kyo tells her to forget about it, and Kirino tells him she loves him. Kyo is dumbstruck, and asks if she means it, only to have her burst out laughing at his face, saying it was a joke and calling him a siscon.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:40 No.41935784
    little girls don't get born as bitches; it's how their parents, siblings, and/or friends treat them that turn them into bitches
    >> JamesCID !vnrAJX0bEo 10/31/10(Sun)23:41 No.41935788
    Huh no, she was average at best, she wanted to get his bro attention so she tried hard. She managed to succeed by hard working but just got their parent's attention, Kyosuke never complimented her and actually got jealous of the attention she got from their parents so they grew farther and farther apart.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:41 No.41935795
    >So this doesn't become the major emphasis for the rest of the series?
    In the Light Novel it actually doesn't from what I've read. And as far Incesting goes in the LN, it's not in your face like some try to insinuate. In the beginning it's pretty low key until end of volume 6.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:41 No.41935805
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    >the most incestuous moment in all the novels

    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:42 No.41935815
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:43 No.41935841
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    This is my face exactly.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:43 No.41935858
    ok this is ridiculous. I'm not saying you're not right. I have no idea about that.

    But, holy shit...She's fucking trying to goddamn hard. Who the fuck with siblings would ever believe this shit?
    >> James Tiberius Smith !aAgNCC1702 10/31/10(Sun)23:44 No.41935865
    Where can said LN be found?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:45 No.41935897
    isnt that how 95% of most sibling relationships are? just fighting, bickering, and ignoring one another during teen years?
    I mean, I guess there's siblings out there that care and cuddle with each other but it seems like Kirino is overly sensitive or simply not enough love from her parents to seek so much attention from her brother which certainly cant be the case given how nice and motherly the mother is.
    fiction, yeah yeah but cant help think about it
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:45 No.41935903
    Baka-Tsuki has the first 4 chapters translated.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:46 No.41935938
    its only translated to chapter 4 of the 1st volume

    search for this one guy who apperantly has summaries of the light novels on his blog.
    >> James Tiberius Smith !aAgNCC1702 10/31/10(Sun)23:47 No.41935948
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:47 No.41935960
    Well, see, the most likely theory is that Kirino is a brocon, even if she doesn't realize it herself.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:47 No.41935962
    I don't get why people get flustered when someone who is clearly fucking with you says "I love you".

    I knew a girl in high school who did that once, seriously too, when I helped her with her boyfriend (already friendzoned etc), to which I replied "Yeah, I love me too." She just laughed and said I was the best.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:48 No.41935969
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    >isnt that how 95% of most sibling relationships are? just fighting, bickering, and ignoring one another during teen years?
    Yup. Just turned 18 recently, my sister is 20 and all the sudden she's speaks to me in a friendly and casual manner. My face when.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:49 No.41936017
    Siegmund would have a field day with that family...

    And if ya wanna look deeper into the novels themselves, you can also see a telling of how Otaku are treated in general, how they live their lives, how they keep their Otaku and General lives seperate and the kinds of Otaku that are out there. Probably won't see much about that in the anime though.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:49 No.41936021

    Ore no Imouto was based on an unrealistic premise in the first place, you might as well start off the plot with unrealistic events.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:51 No.41936086
    >search for this one guy who apperantly has summaries of the light novels on his blog.

    I know the guy you're talking about, here's the link to his site and the summaries for the first 6 volumes.(Caution spoilers)
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:51 No.41936087
    Am I the only one that thought ayase turned into an unreasonable bitch?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:52 No.41936105
    Wow, you sound like a faggot, and by that I mean a real homosexual
    >> tripfiend !Y8SckMYezs 10/31/10(Sun)23:52 No.41936106
    >She wants to fuck
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:52 No.41936107
    Can't a man enjoy his anime in peace without you elitist fags ruining everything by comparing it to the VN that no one but the japanese and your elitist friends give a shit about?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:53 No.41936125
    I guess I'm in the 5%. My sister and I rarely fought growing up. We're VERY different though. I'm an unabashed atheist and a shitty student. She is a staunch Catholic and currently an honors student at Stanford. Also, we never thought over religion. She accepted my stance as a life-choice and simply asked that I respect hers, which I do.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:53 No.41936142
    Leave the thread then.

    It's been like this ever since the first episode aired.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:54 No.41936154

    No need to be so angry over something so trivial. Sorry, but you're going to have to accept the fact that the show was adapted from a light novel and that means people will talk about both versions.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:54 No.41936165
    Finally someone who shares my views

    fuck this thread
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:55 No.41936182
    Do you care about the characters and plot or not? If you don't then fine, you don't really need to discuss with us. If you do then it's only natural to want to know more about them.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:55 No.41936188
    Probably why I got friendzoned before that. I'm as socially inept as they come, so I wouldn't be surprised if more than a few of my so-called "friends" thought I was gay and simply never bothered confirming it.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:57 No.41936238
    > Start the episode
    > Decide to read the translated lyrics for once
    ...I suddenly get the feeling the OP sung from Kirino's point of view.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)23:57 No.41936246
    Looks like we got some butthurt on our hands.
    What's the matter, comparing and contrasting are too hard for you to comprehend?
    >> What really happened in the novels Kyuu-chan !TrollCold2 10/31/10(Sun)23:59 No.41936265
         File1288583945.jpg-(60 KB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_Ore_No_Imouto_-_05_[80(...).jpg)
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    Later, Kirino is speaking to Ayase on the phone once again. Kirino then speaks to Kyousuke…

    “What you said the other day, was it true?”

    “Who cares? Forget about it”

    “Don’t you understand? After that, I was thinking and… if I’m honest, I… think I love you, brother”

    “Eeeh, are you serious?”

    Kirino bursts out laughing.

    “How stupid! You actually believed that? Haha, how disgusting, you siscon”
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:00 No.41936290
    What a bitch,
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:00 No.41936293
    Just did that and wow.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:00 No.41936312
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    And they cut it out.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:02 No.41936352
    *is sung
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:03 No.41936403
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    >help out sister
    >get her to make new friends
    >save sister by saying your a incest erouge fan
    >get kicked in the nuts
    >> Annoymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:04 No.41936422
    So they cut this out.The dialogue in the anime during this part.Is it from the novel?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:05 No.41936451
    Don't be so nice to me! Look, we hurt each other again?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:05 No.41936458
    It sucked anyway. Good thing they cut.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:06 No.41936478
    guess they dont want this anime to turn into kissxsis minus the very blatant fanservice.
    >> Kyuu-chan !TrollCold2 11/01/10(Mon)00:08 No.41936529
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    The third volume of Oreimo begins with a monologue by Kyousuke who tells us that three months have elapsed since the events in the first volume and, despite all of this, his relationship with Kirino hasn’t changed one bit: he hates her and he’s sure she hates him as well. I have already said that this is actually pretty interesting, because until the very end of volume 6 and despite everything else he will continue to claim their relationship is really bad, that it hasn’t changed, and that they hate each other.

    This first chapter is also interesting because we get to know more about Kirino’s personality, that of a tsundere, and that can also help understand her relationship with Kyousuke. One day, she’s angry because she was going to meet Saori and Kuroneko and they got five minutes late. She’s complaining about them all the time, and yet we learn that she arrived… one hour early, which shows that she was really looking forward to meeting her friends. Anyway, Saori suggested holding an “anime appreciation party” at Kirino’s house so that Kuroneko can watch Meruru as the two girls are always arguing about their favorite anime (Kuroneko likes Maschera, which is aired in the same time slot as Meruru)
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:09 No.41936568
    You've gotta think that the only reason that Kyousuke puts up with this shit is because he feels guilty of something. So, yeah, I'd say it's probably his fault she turned out the way she has. Not saying that she's helping the situation by being maximum bitchness while he's trying to make things right, but still.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:10 No.41936577
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    at least kyo gives it to her in the doujins. if only it was canon.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:10 No.41936579
    The final consulting session and her secret stash is her showing him all her old school stuff from primary school. And how everything was terrible her grades sports etc. And when she needed a big brother he ignored her.

    She leaves for america. Then we get two books about kuroneko and saori. And Kuroneko is in love with him as well she goes to the same school as him and ends up hanging out at his house a lot.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:11 No.41936641

    >You've gotta think that the only reason that Kyousuke puts up with this shit is because he feels guilty of something

    No, that's not the reason.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:14 No.41936703
    Guilt motivates weak minded people.
    Kyosuke simply loves his sister.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)00:14 No.41936707
    I remember seeing a picture showing that Kyousuke actually looks a lot like the main character of Mascera... is that why Kuroneko fell for him?

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