/co/ guy here. i was browsing a comic news site and came across this /a/ bit of news. can anone confirm it?http://www.bleedingcool.com/2010/10/25/the-return-of-dragon-ball/
That's the only site that seems to know about it, so I'd wait for a more reliable source before saying it's confirmed.
Current status: [citation needed]
I made the thread first foo
Posting in a sticky
coo sticky
lol its true DRAGON BALLU is back
It's not true until it's on Sankaku Complex.
>Sticky already?
stop sticking everything modfag
So we're starting a daily sticky or some shit?
sticky? wai
If this is a sticky my post is doubles.
Posting my waifu in a sticky.
toriyama is back like the mac, and mcrib
how do I post with the clothespin next to my post number ??
2 stickies in one day-too much for my body, I'm out of here
Genshiken sticky > This shitI guess the shit mod came back
How do you "restart" Dragonball?
Oh Hi Sticky
OH GOD! Let it die already!Isn't Goku fucking vaporized by now?
POSTING IN A STICKYbut seriously, FUCK. Why can't they just let things die peacefully?!
>can anone confirm it?Jesus Christ, you're an idiot.
>>41715280Don't post here, or anywhere tripfag
I'd suck one millions of hundreds of thousands dicks if that'd be true.And I hate inferior gay people
welcome to a few hours ago
If you keep stickying threads they stop being the monumental events /a/nonymous seems to think they are, even if they are informative and of relevance to the board.... go on.
A sticky for a rehash of the Dragonball manga which probably won't even last all the way through?Okay, I guess.
>/co/ guy here>/co/ guy>man from /co/>man/co/
I guess mods like Dragonball? Postan in a sticky.
Woah Dragonball sticky.. NICE!!
>>41715337Nobody cares you worthless nerd.
Sugoi stikied threads aniki. It's like I'm really in a forum!
Stop mods
>>41715248Dragon Ball is the one the most successful anime series in the planet. It sure deserves it more than, say, Genshiken.
>my face when stick after one post
One Piece
>"And it’s in that environment that Akira Toriyama has been persuaed to return to creating new chapters.">new chaptersFrom the Z part of the series?
>>41715373lmao stickying that piece of shit chapter.
>>41715344I'm all for it.Mod, do go on.
citation needed
Posting in a sticky b4 image limit
Listen I welcome this sticky but please do not fill it with worthless comments.If it gets out of hand it will just be taken down faster and it eats up more memory.
>>41715373haha no
I still think that is a troll "news" or whatever, but hell, why not, right?Might be cool.Also, -1 image limit.Also, I fucked up and used the wrong tab,
hopefully whoever is rebooting it will plan it out better than Toriyama, or if Toriyama does it. I hope he plans it out so it's not all"OH LAWDY GREAT SAYIAN MASTAHS! PLESSA BE SAVIN US SAH!"Lot of oppourtunity to make humans good to.
>stickyAnd thus, genshiken fanboys cried all night long ;_;
>>41715394Could be a reboot, doubtful on that. Most likely a new arc.
Am I kawai uguu?
>Initially serialised from 19984 to 1995 in Shonen Jump>19984
Check out my doubles in this sticky
Bring the other Genshiken sticky back, Fuck Dragon Ball Z it's boring now.
>>41715472Nobody cares tripfag
And that's exactly why /co/ >>>>>>>>>>> /a/After over 9000 responses nobody seriously answered the question. Everyone is bitching about sticking thread while it's not even that important.Also - if this stickthread is shitty then you should see what's moot doing on /v/.
>Akira Toriyama has been persuaed to return to creating new chapters. Partly to help promote the game, partly to earn the boat load of cash he has been promised.IT'S CONFIRMED FOR SHITIT'S CONFIRMED FOR SHITIT'S CONFIRMED FOR SHITIT'S CONFIRMED FOR SHITIT'S CONFIRMED FOR SHITIT'S CONFIRMED FOR SHITIT'S CONFIRMED FOR SHITLet's be honest it got out of hand before they stopped the chapters
We've had threads about this earlier today, why is this one a sticky? Also see pic.
>>>41715413>sticky>please do not fill it with worthless comments.When are stickies not filled with worthless comments?
>19984 to 1995>19984
DBZ was only good back in the day when we were younger..it's all about One Piece now
Honestly, I don't see it being very goodDBZ kind of hit it's stride already, didn't it?I don't know...If they actually actally allow a new generation of people to do stuff, and not make the powerlevel's so crazy (if Goku is doing less, then there's no need for that much power to toss around), then maybe it'll work.Personally, I'd love to see something more like Dragonball. The fighters are strong enough to be entertaining, but they can't do everything and fly everywhere instantly.Besides that, being more down to earth means it can go back to it's comedic roots
What, why didn't the mods sticky the first thread?This >>41712837
Wan Piece is shit
>>41715472Cry some more...Daddy's back...And deal with it...
Suzu is tired of these stickies.
>>41715517My favorite reaction face.
A dragonball sticky? Really now.Check em
>>41715524hurr wat wat watdurr That is why.
I wonder if 20 years has made Toriyama a better writer.I'd rather not read 100 chapters of how Saiyan's are the best.Also>[citation needed]
A site I never heard about is the first to have the biggest manga news of the year.
Miku GET.
postin in a sticky
>>41715522This.I want Dragonball. No dragon ball z shit. Just fun adventures and perverted comedy.
>Some blog I've never heard of comes out with news about new DBZ>Apparent exclusive>Implying the exclusive wouldn't go to a Japanese fansite or something>No sourceYeah seems legit.I want to believe
>>41715584He had some one-shots and no he has not
>>41715600Not so impressive.
best Toriyama manga
Also:Fuck you, haters. Go back to jerking your penises to some moeshit. DB/DBZ characters rock because of unspeakable nostalgia and all your whining won't change the fact that I'm hyped by this.I was hyped by the announcement of Slayers-R too but it doesn't mean I should call every similiar attempt shit.
>>41715634Yep. Dragon Ball before the saiyans was great too.
>mfw this got a stickyHoly shit, is this real?
Even though I hate DBZ, I've got to agree on this. Shit was cash before Saiyans.
Check em
This time Toriyama will retcon everything after Freeza.
This guy is known for almost always being correct.Basically, if it were anyone else BUT him, it's a lie. However, wait for Shueisha/ANN/Japanese blogs to say something. If he is correct, I'm banking on it being a Dragon Ball Online one-shot.Official Status: 5%
fuck yeah.
>My face when it'll another tiny manga chapter like everything Toriyama does now.I don't even know why you kids want more Dragon Ball. You guys always complain about how the Buu arc was stupid, how it should've ended with Frieza, etc. Taking into account that this is for the new MMORPG, the old characters will likely be reduced to cameos or maybe won't even show up.
WORSTSTICKYEVERI liked One Piece stickyI liked Genshiki stickybut this sucks
no Gokuno Piccolonew Buu racefinal destination
Dragonball Kai the manga
I still cant get over this image.
Sageing a sticky.
Hope it's more like Dragon Ball and not like DBZ.
Do you guys REALLY want this?...SSJ5New charactersEven more retarded designsI mean...really?
But what does that mean "it returns"?Will Toriyama redraw every single chapter?Or will Jump just reprint all the old stuff?Will there be another continuation? I mean the DB MMO is what ACTUALLY happened after DBZ (Yes the MMO retcons DBGT)
I guess it back to basics, I guess no like the moe-style of animation.;_;
check em[/spoiler
>another sticky>it's actually useful againMind=Blown.
>>41715826nope, sorry char, gets are reserved for TRUE mobile suit pilots
honestly, why sticky this?DB sucks
Take a look at em.
>>41715789Majin lolis and female Super Saiyans? In MY Dragonball manga?Yes please.
>>41715873deal with it faggot.
Hoping it's actually good
Your subconscious has twisted this post into doubles
Oh, awesome.
And, for some doubles
April Fools falling in October now?
wow, news from /co/ for you people, bleedingasshole is the sankakucomplex of /co/. do not quote it, do not mention it as a news source and do not believe a fucking thing that fat neckbeard trolls out.
>>41715778More characters for gaems. They are needing more so "HEY AT! GAEMS NEED MOAR CHARACTERS CAN YOU JUST.. YOU KNOW.. MAKE NEWS ONES FOR MOAR MONEY?" AT:"Who?"
image limit
>>41715978Damm. Mou ikkai.
>>41715983read it people. its the truth.
great sauces you got there /co/wondering why that guy didn't post this into blogspot.but as we all know, Toriyama is making oneshot (not DB related) to Shonen jump.
Posting in a /co/ sticky on /a/.
Mods have been really stupid with stickys these days.A sticky of Genshiken? Well, I really like to manga and I'm reading it but the actual announcement was made a long time ago, and it's nor even such a famous series (i think the sticky didn't even had 600 posts)Now a sticky of some new from an average site with no actual source.Where the fuck were you when a new Berserk anime was announced and /a/ was flooded with Bersker threads for like 3 days?
I feel bad for the guy who made the first thread about this, why wasn't that thread stickied instead of this one made by a retarded faggot from /co/?
>>41715635>Fuck you, haters. Go back to jerking to some moeshit.I love DBZ, man. (hell, I'm rewatching it as someone uploads it to Youtube) But I'm not going to tell you that the whole thing was perfect. It's apparently a big rumor that Akira wanted to end it at Freeza, but when I look at the series intensively, it really all flows together well up until that point. But I'm not going to pretend that it was perfect either.
Sticky a thread and you're pretty much guaranteed it'll turn into the worst thread on /a/, even if the topic is the most awesome thing in the world.
>>41716217>complains about no stickies on /a/ for anime in the past>complains about how theres stickies about anime in /a/ nowyoure a neckbeard retard with no waifu. genshinken sticky was awesome. it actually *gasp* talked about the manga instead of just a constant stream of retards posting 'postan in a sticky durp' or people like you bitching about stickies.
Sticky? why don't stick an Ika thread and a fabulous thread, that sounds more useful
>>41716307The Genshiken sticky was pretty good. Even the people that didn't like the reboot were genuinely discussing the series.
>>41716259Probably because someone warned a mod.The other thread was better because there wouldn't be so much spam with pics about "sticky!!"
>>41716314>youre a neckbeard retard with no waifuAnd you are obviously mad, not gonna bother.
Is this a reboot, or a continuation?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Important question
new sticky in as many days must be fate or really awesome modding
>>41715983truth here. there is no dbz and the mod is linking to a shitty link bait troll site from /co/.
>>41716269DBZ wasn't perfect. That's true.But still, I liked Cell and Buu saga more than current anime. And they're still better than the things we get served nowadays.
Posting an image in a sticky
it will not happen
who gives a shit?dragon ball es not even a good anime
wtfI just made a thread 4 hours ago about this but linking a different site but it didn't get a sticky :(
if it's real, it's going to suck
>>41716486clearly you arn't the sexiest
Check 'em
>>41716504right! Clearly I'm not.
Postan dragonball porn in a dragonball sticky
>>41716408Yeah, I'd take the Buu Saga over ZnT anyday.But at the same time though, I'd rather take the Saiyan Saga over Buu Saga.If they're going to add more, I'm just concerned if it's going to be any good or not.Let me tell you, bringing back old favorites doesn't mean it's going to be good either.
Didn't Toriyama give Yamcha a scar on his face because he looked exactly like adult goku without it?
>>41716692not _exactly_, but close enough
why is this still a sticky when its proven the source is a full of shit neckbeard that just posts bullshit for hits like shitkakucomplex? he cant even spell or proof the fucking "news" he made up.
>>41716680>Let me tell you, bringing back old favorites doesn't mean it's going to be good either.I know, that's why I've mentioned Slayers-R. Still, it doesn't mean it's going to be automatically bad.
>>41716432>>41716454Holy shit these are awesome.I would appreciate more Dragon Ball art, too bad people already spammed a lot of shit images and now they are posting some gay shit, I wonder where the mods are, seriously.
There is now rape in a sticky.
Sticky in a posting
AH! /co/ made a sticky on /a/!!
Considering Toriyama bullshitted half of the DBZ manga, and it was still awesome, Im curious to see if he has the gift.
Wherethe fuckarethe mods?You don't make a fucking sticky and go fap or smoke or whatever, idiots.
>Lelouch !!1UbEZR6JNG4
this thread needs music. Might I suggest this?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrYP6973jaI
>sticky>guaranteed billions of replys
............This gets a fucking sticky and new Berserk anime being announced gets nothing. Fucking mods.
when you see it
>>41717308Well as long as you don't post yaoi of my two favorite characters in DBZ I'm fine with your outrageous faggotry.
>>41717572I hated both Mirai and Gohan. You got Trunks though but I'm okay.
Guys, this can't be worse than GT.
>>41717609>Howard the Duckwait what
He'll make a one-shot in the DB universe. That's really all I can see Toriyama doing at this point. He doesn't need the money and he generally hates DB, electing rather to do sameface character and creature designs for Dragon Quest games which literally everybody in Japan plays.
>>41717864>sameface character and creature designsThe guy's been drawing for decades, can you really blame him?
>>41717296You forgot that One Piece going on break and returning got two stickies as well as Hirano Aya being a huge slut.Mods only need to give Mashima a sticky for publishing 60+ pages in a weekly serial to complete their trolling.
>>41716269>>a big rumor that Akira wanted to end it at FreezaThis rumor was always bullshit. He's never said this and there's nothing even indicating he would have ended it there.
>two awful stickies in one day>both filled with doubles cancer and spam>mods not giving two shitsfuck all of you. FUCK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.I'D RATHER GO TO ANIMESUKI OR MAL ITS THAT BAD NOW. WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT DRAGONBALL? WHATS THE POINT OF THIS IF NO ONE IS EVEN GOING TO TRY TO DISCUSS IT??
>>41718055No need to get mad just because it's not some moeblob garbage.
Bring back the Genshiken sticky.
>>41718055nice dubs
>>41718190There are other good anime boards, they just aren't very fast.And thank god you faggots don't know about them.
>>41718190You're the one who got doubles, so you are the cancer anon. =(
>>41718055It was recently announced, that's it. Maybe when the 1st chapter comes out, either a continuation, or a retelling with new character designs and alternated story (which I hope it is to see Toriyama's new skills he could add to the new manga), there will be shitstorms will filling up the front page. I just hope it's good, I guess I'll wait and see.
>>41718055>/a/>discussionYou see what you did wrong?
>>41718299check em.
>>41718231like gaia where you came from amirite>>41718269Fuck off>>41718275FUCK THE POLICE
Everything gets stickied these days huh?And we never got a Berserk anime sticky, what the fuck mods?
So is he going to continue from Z, and supersede the GT story? Or continue from GT? Or maybe a timeskip / something else entirely?
Posting in a sticky. ~(^_^)~
>>41718582replying to a gaiafag
>>41718526His involvement with DB online already retconned GT. If anything this continuation would deal with the stuff he came up with about what happened to all the characters after Z.>Goten and Trunks start their own school of martial arts for sword users.ect. ect.
I support this sticky.Isn't Akira Toriyama ancient though? Does he even remember dragonball?
>>41718777He is 55 this year.
First Dragonball Sticky in yearsthe DBGT sticky on /b/ got like 2000 posts if i remember, that was fucking years agobut they should just let DB die, GT was enough
Dragon ball has already been run into the ground and milked to death already. Why can't they just let it go?
>>41719045This is Shueisha we're talking about. They can milk franchises longer than Panty can milk sperm.
>Initially serialised from 19984 to 1995>from 19984 to 1995
Is new Dragon Ball really all that relevant? I mean, sure, it's well known and popular, but so is a lot of stuff at this point. Something special about this?
It just wont be the same without Tom on Toonami, I'm not sure if I can watch it.
Fucking cancer.Dragon Ball wasnt even that good.Get this shit off the front page.
I just hope Akira doesn't get pushed into making another fucking Super Saiyan form. I'm glad that thanks to DB Online,GT is kinda retconned(Which means SSJ4 is almost Fan fiction) but still, Super Saiyan 2 is where the line should've been drawn. Super Saiyan 3 was such an asspull, another version of Super Saiyan 4 would be pretty stupid. A Super Saiyan 5 would be even worse,god forsakengly worse.
>>41719224I think you got things wrong there.You are the cancer, anon-kun.
My sticky can't possibly be this popular
Oh. Fuck. Yeah. I would actually buy this.
but what about Genshiken?!
>>41719764Dragon Ball is more impotant.
Meanwhile, check them!
so toriyama finally caved in?we don't need no more dragon ball GT's, that's all I gotta say.
You're a day late OP.
>return of dragon ballholy shit!!!!! posting in a sticky thread
Maybe they confused his upcoming oneshot with something for Dragonball?
>Dragon Ball (also known as Dragon Ball Z) is one of the most lucrative comic book franchises in the world. Initially serialised from 19984 to 1995 in Shonen JumpJaps confirmed for time travel.
>>41720507U MAD?
>3hr old thread>stickied>only 300 poststhat's weak man. weak.
>>41720676because most people here either trolls or people who feel nostalgia over Dragon Ball
Toastan in a stickyDragonball is for fags
>>41720780>sagesage doesn't work on stickies
I wouldn't mind always having a sticky, and changing it regularly.
>>41720839>implying sage does anything
>>41720880that's true
new dragonball? Im not too sure about this...
It's just going to be one or two new short special chapters to promote something. It's not like there haven't been specials before.
Why should we be excited for more generic shounenshit? It was generic when it came out and it has been copied for some awful reason so much that it's actually even more generic now.New Dragon Ball chapters are kinda like a new Vanilla Ice album.
Rich Johnston reports this morning that manga creator Akira Toriyama is going to write some new chapters of Dragon Ball (also known as Dragon Ball Z in the United States). Dragon Ball originally ran from 1984 to 1995 in Japan, and Viz Media published it in the U.S.Johnston states the obvious: “Something that will make this event even more spectacular is a simultaneous fully translated worldwide launch of the new book.”The Viz folks were tweeting last week about a big announcement to come this week, and they have already done a simultaneous release with Rumiko Takahashi’s Rin-ne, so this indeed may be their big news. Stay tuned!http://robot6.comicbookresources.com/2010/10/toriyama-returns-to-dragon-ball/
>>41721318i'm sorry, dragon ball was one of the ones that came up with all the cliches now used by other shounen manga because everyone in japan like it i don't see why you call it generic, i'm not even a fan
>>41721398>implying dragon ball originated anythingSure is ignorance of history in here.