Hell yeah
Genshiken?More like gay shit.Don't ban me man, I love Genshiken
Best sticky in a while.
finally a proper sticky
>jdbjdaf2.jpghave a pleasant night too mods.
Postan in a sticky
Nobody cares about your shitty otaku pandering manga.
Was about to say there better be a thread about this. Was looking for a thread.Hellz yeah
Fuck yeah, posting in a sticky with awesome news.
Posting in a sticky
Liked it better when it was an anime
Definitely gonna check this out
indurring ban
That's nice? It really wasn't anything more than a waste of time to begin with
I thought Genshiken had closure already.
>Genshiken back>Sticky
fuck yeahalso, triples get
Mods, you like Genshiken? Which mod are you per say? Modcat? Geist? Don't tell me, moot?
Oh fuck, when did this happen?
Posting in a sticky.
Toastin in a sticky.
>my reaction to the shinobu cosplay
>>41691792It did, the original was based on an actual club and loosely on actual people in that club. the new one will be all new original content. And not based on actual events.
toasting in a sticky
>mangastream HahahaWell never really got to read the manga, I watched the anime and loved is the manga any different?
There is already a thread OP.>>41691273
about damn time
>>41691654Yayyy! Genshiken
This requires some music in celebration.
I'm going to be honest, I'm really skeptical about this.I really liked the original cast of Genshiken, mostly because I could relate more to them you know?Bunch of socially awkward Otaku and junk.Now it's a bunch of chicks, and a trap.I really don't know about this.Madarame and Sasahara were great, now they don't even play important roles anymore.
>mangastreamop is ghey
>stickyI'm okay with this.
Finally a GOOD sticky.
Kind of milking the name... the current ending was good enough.
mods = gods
>>41691920Word, brah.
Fuck guys it's been years since I finished this Manga? How did it end, and why am I not understanding why this blond girl is here and why Ogiue looks like a man?
>>41691273>>41691273>>41691273>>41691273was first!
>>41691928>>41691863This.I mean, I'm excited about more Genshiken but the way it ended was fine.
fuck yes posting in a sticky.btw... what happened to most of the guys?
DAT TRAPJESUSTHAT'S NOT FAIR MAN, THAT'S JUST NOT FAIR>be a manga artist>put all your effort into designing the most attractive female character within your artistic limit>make her a manSTOP THAT SHIT, IT'S NOT FUNNY
Moar like GenSHITken, fuck you
I felt pretty damn empty when I finished reading the manga and then empty again when the bonus chapter came out.This is awesome news.
Fucking online readers and shit.
What's this? A USEFUL sticky? Did /m/'s mod come by or something?
posting sue in a sticky
Remember when genshiken was good?Yeah, me neither
>illegal manga streaming>reported for breaking US copyright law
Postan before image limit
Wow a sticky.
>Genshiken is finally back
Online reader or not, fuck yes Genshiken.I'm perfectly OK with the girls and trap though, especially since FUCKING MADARAME CAMEO AT THE END!!!Even if it's just for gags I hope they bring Madarame back for cameos whenever possible. He is true moe.
>>41692073>/m/'s modWhich one, the shit one or the surprisingly not shit one?>Not a lot of faith in mods on /m/ in general, unfortunately...
Nice tastes mod.
Mod, why'd you disappear?
I only watched the show.
You gonna get 4chan taken down for posting a link to an illegal site
Ara, ara, does this mean that we could be getting a season three for the anime?
Ooh, i'll be looking forward to this!
ill have some post
so is MC still fucking that sloppy neet cunt?
What does "jdbjdaf2.jpg" mean? I am not good with acronyms. can't believe /a/ has good taste. Brofist.jpg
the best thing is still there
Pretty meh chapter for a return. No cameos besides Ogiue, Ohno and Kuchiki and the new members seem really boring besides Hato and Sue.
Fuck yeah, genshiken.Also, what? A non-trolling sticky? What have you done with our mod?
If they go all the way with this "season" of Genshiken, who thinks that they'll actually animate the OgiuexSasahara arc in preparation for animating this in the future?Moar hot-as-fuck tongue kisses, plox?
This is a good night.
>>41692196You aren't good at many things if you don't use google either.
>>41691863Yeah I wonder too. The mix of the otaku trying to have "normal" lives creating drama and the gags was very well done. It seems like it's just more gags this time around.But the crossdresser could introduce some of the drama I suppose.
>>41692208>>41692208>>41692208>>41692208>>41692208And mods, please make My Pace as the bgm for this sticky
Don't feel at all excited for the reboot. Shame, instead of disregarding the one-shot along with its characters when he received word from the publisher that he can do a continuation of Genshiken, the author choose to stick with the characters he already made when he could have retconned everything and develop much stronger, mind-grabbing characters with a better chapter 1 intro and end. Trying too hard here.
Someone dump the chapter before image limit.
SOMEONE LINK TO CHAPTER 56It's not in my book ;_;
posting Puru in a stickied thread
>>41692256There's not much else he could do with the old cast. Everyone but Oguie and Ohno have graduated and the series focuses on the club. I say give it time. I wasn't that engaged with the original cast until the end of the first volume. They just need to be fleshed out more.
didn't know we had a sticky.
>>41692361you missed the motherfucking point. go reread that post
Genshiken ended when Madarame graduated
>>41691654meh, its been digitally drawn since that special 56th chapter and I'm not liking it.don't know how to feel about the new cast yet, this chapter wasn't anything impressive or amusing. anybody else preparing for disappoint?
c'mon guys
>>41692394So, what you want like a complete retcon with no mention of any of the past Genshiken members? I don't see how that's much different than what's going on now.
Once again, this is the greatest thing since they released Kijibuki Unbalance.
>>41692426Prepared for, but not expecting, disappoint. I really want this thing to take flight and be as good as it used to be. This was just an introductory chapter, so I'm withholding judgment until at least chapter 5. If it hasn't grabbed me by then, then I'll know.
Most of my favorite moments in that chapter were from nostalgia rather than anything pertaining to the new members of the club and the atmosphere they generated. The huge female presence is somewhat disappointing, and the crossdresser does not help at all.
I hope madarame get a good ending this timepining for saki feels bad man
Why are all of the guys ugly?
At least Sue calmed down with yelling random weeaboo phrases in public.However, the trap is annoying and should just wear normal clothes for the club.
Oh man, being up on current anime makes Genshiken so much better. I always loved it, but the references were almost all from before I got into anime.
I'm hoping for some Ogiue and Sasahara lovin' in the near future. Doujinshi involving those two are always fantastic for some reason.
pic unrelated
>>41692504Who would you ship him with though? Yoshitake isn't interesting enough (yet). Yajima is too conservative. Sue is comic relief character.
Ehh, don't really like the all female cast. Doesn't have the same charm as the old cast.
>>41692516Because FUJOSHI
Genshiken? I liked it better when it was called Sundome.
>Shinobu cosplay on the first page>HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGG
>>41692561 I'm hoping for some Ogiue and Sasahara lovin' in the near future. Doujinshi involving those two are always fantastic for some reason.Time to make a NTR H-Doujin featuring Ogiue. The fucking slut.
Pretty meh comeback expect for the Sue cosplaying as Shinobu
>>41692473Complete retcon with mention of past Genshiken members duh but with a new cast instead of what we currently got: let's see a crossdresser, butch girl easily mistakable for a guy, annoying male fag, some samurai fetish fujoshi, a blonde American whose only purpose is to cosplay a different character every time she makes an appearance...Yea, some incredibly new bland characters if you ask me and it doesn't help that Oguie and Ohno are already fleshed out and developed in the prequel.I'd say scrap the new club members, scrap them all.
>>41692679Tell me how your sales go.
>>41692612>implying Sue isn't going to end up with Madrame
I think I'll pass. This cast sucks and it really lacks the charm of the original series.
>>41692679despite being 3dpd... this picture... is almost NOT disgusting... wow
My feelings right now
>>41692743That's because its not the original series.It's a new cast with new experiences.
>>41692482agreed, don't get me wrong I'm giving it a shot. but its already lower in art quality in my view, old characters look different; less detail in a lot of the panels/character design. the writing is what remains to be seen. of course lower value in his digital art are my thoughts
Posting in a sticky.......
I really don't remember much about Genshiken. Oh boy, I'll just have to read through it again, and maybe watch the anime while I'm at it
I am so happy to see this sticky.
>>41692612Angela, the other white girl.
one derfle. completely one derfle.
>>41692789/a/non's complaint isn't the existence of a new cast or change, he thinks the new cast is shit.
the stickiest sticky that ever stuck. i couldn't be more happy about this
>>41692789These new experiences will be lame. Half the cast are just exaggerations of what real people are like and the trap's only there for drama bait.
>my face when new genshiken
>>41692839Well then re-watch the original Genshiken, because that's about half the goddamn plot.Characters and their baggage.You've learned nothing if you judge them this early.
Hah, can't wait for this to bomb because it'll literally be game over for the author. He really will become a Neet if sales and interest for this series isn't high enough since Genshiken is all he's got now.So to prevent that, he's gonna make the continuation as hnghhhhhh-inducing as possible. Not even nostalgia can stop me from dropping this trainwreck already well on its way.
>>41691991>be a manga artist>put all your effort into designing the most attractive female character within your artistic limit>make her a manOugie's not a man.
>>41692792I never really paid much attention to Genshiken's art. I'm loving that Ogiue's leaving her hair down now, though, since I really disliked her paintbrush hair. It was good for a joke or two, but it got old.And is it just me or does the casual, bubbly girl remind me of the girl MC from Pokemon Black and White? Just Saiyan...
Feel excited for this.But yea, Genshiken had ended on a good note.I don't want this to screw up.So did the mangaka about teenage mother raising her brothers child tank horribly?
>>41692912well the anime was shit though, and there was NO 2nd season.
The fat one's my waifu. Can't wait for the porn.
>>41692612The trap. I don't care if he's already aware, a true otaku would not let this opportunity slide.Plot-wise, it would be predictable as hell, but a little bit is all we need.
I peed a little
>>41691654>Genshiken is finally backExcellent.
>>41692999What are you smoking, and where can I get some? S2 was BETTER.
>>41693038This.DAT ENDING.
He is adorable, but it seems we'll unfortunately be seeing most of him as a girl. When will this dumb trap trend end?
dat sticky.
>>41693075For a second I thought that was Sasahara with Yui's haircut. You know, THAT haircut.
I'm down with this if it means more Sue. Such an awesome character.
>>41692918Doesn't he also have that serial about the single mother? Don't tell me that was cancelled already!
The dynamic of the club has changed drastically. At the start it was a sausagefest, by the time Sasahara graduated it was all guys and two girls, now it's been flipped and it's all girls, and one and a half guys. I love Genshiken to death, but thematically I feel that it didn't need to continue. That said, Sue-baru is the most adorable thing ever.
>genshiken is back
Words simply cannot express how happy I am to see this, so I'm just going to run around outside shrieking like a preteen girl at a Justin Bieber concert for the next hour.
>sue as shinobu the entire chapterMy body wasn't ready.
>>41693098God, I WISH Sasahara would show up. He still has more of a connection to the club (Ogiue) than Madarame, but Madarame got a cameo at the end anyway. Oh well.
>>41692125The one that stickies fansub releases, not the one that stickies random Haman threads. If these are the same people, well, he's okay in my book.
So it's a trap manga now? And Kuchiki is sort tolerable.Reviving Genshiken looks pretty desperate. It had a good ending. And a sequel about Madareme would have been preferable.
>>41693112I hated her in the original series, but now I realize that was because of her shitty friend/cousin/whatever. Sue without fishlips keeping her down is great.
>>41693038the art direction went to shit, I didn't think it possible to make ougie ugly. and I didn't like the way they handled the ending, original manga much better.inb4 why you mad, opinions
I'll miss the Madarame/Saki UST. Goddamn, the mangaka should've at least given him better closure.Also, the new series turned into a fujoshi club. I don't know if I like that.
>>41693145Madarame works close to the club.There's a pretty good chance Sasahara doesn't work very close at all. And going by his job as first a secretary and eventually editor wrangler he probably doesn't have much free time to dick around while club members are gathered.
>>41693179I dunno, I enjoyed Season 2 more. The way they handled Ogiue's whole Yaoi-of-the-Genshiken-guys was fucking hilarious, for one. But I see why you would prefer the manga.
>>41693112>>41693141If Sue is the only reason there is to read this it'll still be worth it.
So, will MS ever offer download links?I really don't want to save every image
>>41693246Forgot pic. Fucking captcha
Methinks the fujoshi thing is temporary. It's probably a damned-if-you-do-or-don't situation.Had the club been "normal", we probably would've complained that there's nothing new and that it's still the same.
>>41693217You can thank the new president and Sasahara for picking her
I can't wait for the chapter where they mention off hand that Kugayama shot himself.
>>41693251actually I forgot about that, that was pretty amusing. I'll give you that.
Nice. Forgot what chapter I stopped reading from, though.
>>41693245Hmm, good points, sure. Doesn't keep me from wanting to see him again. But the mangaka seems to be focussing on the three new characters and the remaining three from the last series the most. Madarame might've just been there for laughs, and the older characters will most likely be put on a bus.Feels bad, man, but I'm guess that that'll be how it goes.
>>41691654Genshiken? I liked it better when it was called Oreimo.Also, mods=fags.
Man, you guys sound like you secretly hated Genshiken and that now that all the terrifying relatable characters have graduated, the concept is shit to you.I, for one, have hopes that this will come to be just as good as the first if he's still got what it takes.
>>41693363>Re-serialized for a limited time!>limited time!Well, fuck, looks like this whole thing will be short as all hell, anyway. Maybe another two volumes-worth at best.
>>41693129Both his new series, especially the one about the single mother, bombed so bad it was cancelled by the publisher. I'm okay with the much larger female cast but it feels that they have noting of value whatsoever to contribute to the club. It would have been better in my opinion to bring some someone like an avid figure collector in or someone who is trying to make a doujin visual novel, or hell someone who likes to make indie music for games. Fuck, a mechfag would have been welcome. But nope, all we got are just normal girls and a trap with no personality. This is just so awful to read you must be blinded by nostalgia to think it's great. As bad as some of the one-shots Weekly Jump pumped out recently. Imma give it at least 3 chapters. If it doesn't improve, then meh, I won't drop it but I won't ever be proud enough to recommend it for others to read.
>>41693412Well, yeah. It's hard to like a manga that had the most relatable characters removed from the story. Especially when the original manga didn't really need a sequel.
>>41693412Genshiken was good BECAUSE of the terrifying relatable characters. It presented those kind of people for what they are, it didn't glamorize it. This, this cast, it's a cash in.
>>41693478I never said that this chapter was great, but I will say that I'm excited. Like I said, I'm just withholding judgment of its quality for now.
>Man, you guys sound like you secretly hated Genshiken and that now that all the terrifying relatable characters have graduated, the concept is shit to youWhat? It was the characters who made it interesting. So far there's not much to these new ones. Even if you're attracted to the concept itself that's a story we have already read before.People who hated Genshiken probably don't care about a revival in the first place, so i doubt they are here.
>>41693478is it just me or is it seeming like the publisher is just forcing all female cast for the moe factor. its the money, and you pointing out the bombing of his last work is good support for this theory. fucking moe age.
>>41691654I'm liking the lack of trolls in here, even with the disagreement. >gentlem/a/n.jpg
>>41692919Have you even taken a look at new Ogiue?
How much of the manga did the 2nd season cover?I haven't read the bonus chapter either now that i think about it.
>>41693591I dunno, the fujoshization of the club seemed to be foreshadowed once Ohno took over and she and Ogiue became the club's most senior members (or was Kuchi there before Ogiue? not that he counts). If anything it's release coinciding with OreImo and Kuragehime, two other fujoshi series, seems more likely.
Should I even keep going?
I just thought of something: this is the first time that I, personally, have gone through the serialization of a series and witnessed a reboot of said series. I've been with it since its first chapter, and also with it for the first chapter of a sink-or-swim revamp.I don't know, but as a 90s baby I feel rather accomplished as an anime fan now. I probably didn't word that very well, but still, thanks, Genshiken.
Genshiken is garbage, saging a piece of shit sticky
>>41693591Yes, that's why there's a butch fat girl in it. Totally moe.Just because it's not a sausagefest it doesn't mean it's moe.
>>41693720>I am a troll, respond to me cause I'm lonely.Here ya go.
>>41693690>If anything it's release coinciding with OreImo and Kuragehime, two other fujoshi series, seems more likely.>fujoshi series>OreImoWhat? OreImo is not for the fujoshi demographic at all. It's for the male otakus who want to self-insert themselves as the brother.
>>41693664>>41693720I knew I shouldn't have pointed it out.
>>41693749>not moe>SueNice argument, bro.
Uh oh
>>41693787I didn't mean they were for fujoshi, I meant they were about fujoshi.Way to miss the obvious.
>>41693749and why can't a fat girl be moe, but yeah I didn't say it was definitely the reason.
>>41693787about fujoshi, not for fujoshi
Oh yeah
>>41693792Sue has been there since the first manga. What's your point?Let me remind you that Genshiken was a manga that had the female characters constantly cosplay, every single one of them. Now go whine about moe.
give download link for the ogiue and ono 3DPD
>>41693706Hah, I know how you feel.I can't recall the original scanlators but when I first remembered picking this up, the first two chapters zipped came with note pads to explain jokes/references in detail.That was years ago. Genshiken was always able to make fans feel the ability to relate with all the different references ranging from games to anime to general cultural knowledge so whenever I flip through the manga I'm like, 'Yea, I know about that, how cool am I?'.
>>41693824Nothing better than seeing Kuchiki getting his ass kicked.
>>41693765I never understood self-aware "sageing a sticky"Isn't that just like, the ultimate example of admitting that you know expressing your opinion on the internet is stupid and pointless?
>>41693819A fat girl can be moe if done amazingly well. This one just isn't, unless you are weird as fuck. It's pretty much a dude.
>>41693859complaining about over doing moe is still valid. plus, it was a manga about otaku culture and cosplay is a part of it.
>>41693859They threw Sue in towards the end, when the art style start getting more abstract and animey.
>>41693890It means you don't have an opinion,but in the highly unlikely case that you did, it would be garbage.
I'm reading this thread while listening to the Kujibiki Unbalance OP on repeat. It really makes it a lot better. This has to be one of my favorite anime songs ever.
>>41693591But most of the female cast are hardly what you call "moe" unless you consider Sue "moe". Shrugs.Oh and the trap? I liked it better when he was called Nitori Shuuichi from Hourou Musuko.
>>41693866Yeah, that's pretty much what I think, too. Like, "Man, I wish my school's anime club were like this!" or "Oh, man that is so true about (subject) it's not even funny!"Yeah, the first Genshiken manga managed to get me much deeper into the medium than I would have if I didn't read it. Shit was so cash.
>>41693940>more abstract.You mean after years went by and the style changed to fit improved artistry on the company's behalf?Then yes.
>>41693926So far there's no overdoing it with moe. It's a group of chicks, just that.Are they uninteresting? I'll leave that to you.It's like you are so traumatized by 4chan with this moe is cancer shit that everything that isn't a sausagefest for you to self insert to is suddenly moe.
after I became VP of our club, I used Genshiken as the gold standard. I quote Madarame every once in a while, we go to cons together, and everyone is pairing up with their underclassman female counterpart. EVERYONE.
>>41693958I'm listening to the Genshiken OVA OP on repeat, myself.
>>41693996I guess improved artistry=generic anime shit
>>41693591>acting too paranoid>sounds like he doesn't like moe>but fan of GenshikenWhat is this I don't even... Has Genshiken taught you nothing about otaku and its subculture?
>>41694041I guess generic anime shit = your opinions.Tough. This is not the 90's.Appriciate classics and move on.
Oh Madarame, how we've missed you.
>>41694069>>41693687A few chapters before the end of the manga. I don't know what chapter exactly, but it lacked the actual ending of the manga. I was actually expecting an OVA or something.
>>41694021well I was just saying, whining and pointing out the possibility are two different things. I haven't developed a irrational fear like you suggest, though I'm sure that's going around.
And that's the end of the chapter. Credits to Mangastream.
>>41694101>we will never see the first manga's ending animated;_;
>>41694101Sounds like it's time to download and read that, thanks.
>Moe haters and idiots who fall for moe trolls shitting up mai glorious Genshiken threadGod damn it.
I seriously dont find genshiken to be good as claimed by my friends, it is just boring/opinion
>>41694077well for a comedy over doing it could cheapen it, was not being paranoid. You can't just ignore the fact it is an industry and all the publisher is worried about is sales, I guess I was focused on the business stand point if anything. I'm giving this a shot like most of you guys.
Most anime clubs in real life are actually have most of its club members be predominately female. No joke. I never joined one myself, but I remember my highschool had an anime club and it was full of bespectacled-wearing girlsIt's just funny to me that we have a male author thinking he can write believable female interactions. HaHAHAHahahAHAa they're just going to used to fulfill fetishes or cosplay. Not dissing females, I know females in the anime and manga industry/doujin/conventions/game industries usually make the most bank out of anyone, possibly even more than the males. Hell, most fanart on pixiv is drawn by females and even the majority of those who buy dvds/bds are female.
>>41694175I'm one of those "moe hating trolls" and I wasn't hating or trolling you. in fact, I'm the /a/non that pointed out the lack of trolling a while ago.
Just finished reading the first chapter... And I'm not liking the cast so much.Not because they're mostly females, but because they're just so bland and boring compared to the previous generation. I guess I just want them to be as animated as the previous batch.
I wonder, if I go and fap after going through such a great Genshiken thread, would that be disgracing the series or paying homage to the series?
ITT opinionsThis thread will never be as happy as the members of Genshiken
What chapter does the anime end at and where can i read it?
>>41694225>implying there's a need to give it a shotYou don't drop Genshiken, it drops you. And when has editors ever stopped being an editors? Never.
>>41694306as long as you use dojinshi, i think it's paying homagedouble homage if you use a genshiken dojinshi to fap
Zipped dump of the mangastream images since they're such huge faggots, they don't offer a download anymore.
>>41694316agreed, but that's prob all of /a/ while we're on the subject.
Is this some well disguise moeshit?I'm not falling for it, /a/
>>41694316This is online. The majority of Genshiken conversations are done in-person. Know the difference, it could save your life.
The original cast started as the very definition of bland. The only reason you think the new cast is bland is because the old one had 50+ issues of development. Give it more than one chapter before you fly off the handle.
Gotta go sleep. This felt like a productive evening for me, /a/, and I thank all of you gentlem/a/n for that. G'night.
>Sue>cosplaying as ShinobuOff the scale HNNNNNGGGG
old news
>>41694440later guy.
I've only watched the animes so reading this is really weird.Should I start from the very first Genshiken manga? Or skip to the second? Is this the third?Also, I hated the way all the main characters graduated so quickly, I loved them.
>online readerI was right about moot hating anime and manga
>>41694545If you watched both anime seasons you can pick up at chapter 42 or 43 of the manga.
>>41694545Manga is much better than the anime,read it now
>mfw I didn't recognize Ogiue at first
>>41694612Thanks, I'll do this now.
Fuck yeah.
I thought OP was trollin but holy shit FINALLY. a little different from the original but its still pretty cool
postan in a sticky I know nothing about.
>>41694316Protip: They were never happy
link to the oneshoot plox (chapter 56)
>>41694925Holy shit,sauce?
Just woke up, what good news to wake up too, Love me some Genshiken.
>>41691654did someone said traps?
what bonus chapter?
i hate you /a/ , its 4 am, gotta work tomorrow, and you made me read genshiken from the part the anime ended ... I HATE YOU, AND I CAN'T STOP, I GOT TO SLEEP AND I HAVEN'T EVEN FAPPED YET
>>41695479just sleep anon, work is more important who am i kidding
>stickying month old news and endorsing online manga readers.I love Genshiken, but apparently even mods are pic related.
Genshiken is nothing without Saki. The entire time I was reading this it felt like something was missing, and I realized it was her. She was that third party that gave the whole thing perspective and was a great character in her own right. God I miss her.
I still need to read the first series ;_; brb marathoning
>>41695695I feel the same.
Madarame X American girl is my OTPI don't think it would work if Madarame suddenly NTR'd his friend to get the normalfag girl.
It's just not the same
>>41695695>>41695793agreed, the whole series would have been boring and forgotten if it weren't for SakiAnd just now I cam up with a hilarious idea for short comics - Saki says, where she gives a mundane's opinion on currently popular shows. I am imagining her just tearing apart my favorites like Strike Witches or Haruhi and it makes me smile immensely.
>>41695993That would be just like moe haters
>>41696026it means more coming from someone whose opinion isn't just "I'm jealous that my favorite anime isn't as popular as this"
Holy freaking crap, posting in a sticky!
>>41691654main guy is not in cover?
>>41695993I'd love that. It would work well as a little 4-koma bit after every chapter.
>>41696445Motherofgod.jpg sounded interesting. But its Josei so not sure what they were thinking.
Yep, this gets a sticky but when they announced a new Berserk anime and we maxed out a thread in about 5 minutes mods wouldn't sticky it. Im not bitter or anything, nope.
>>41696521>This sounded interesting. But its JoseiNo, it's seinen. If you took one second of your time to follow your own link, you would know that.
>>41696800U just jelly that wan piss master race got two stickies and newfaggot berserk never got any.Oh god, it was soul crushing just to type that. Why has mod forsaken us? WHY?
>Genshiken is finally back Who the hell cares, sage this shit.Also reported for retarded sticky.
>>41693945Kuchiki was so close of a epic moment. Ogiue cut him short and showed him who's the boss, though. Maybe it's better this way.
>>41696919>saging and reporting a STICKY
>>41694361Thanks, but it's missing the last page?
In the next chapter of Genshiken...
>>41696919>saging a sticky.never change /a/
>>41696919>reported for retarded sticky.I call bullshit. I know, I've tried.
All they need to do now is get a third season of the anime sorted. The series never did get the closure it needed.
at least Genshiken is more good than the series are coming out.
Finally. Something worthy of a sticky.
I hope your have a good night mods
Traps and fujoshi are the wave of the future.
I was pleasantly surprised to notice they didn't plaster their huge watermarks all over the place.
>>41697151>only yaoi fan girls read manga these daysOh no. This could be bad for my shounen.
you are a god. Thank you OP.I am suspecting Hato is actually female after all
>Madarame on the cover
>>41697348doubt it, because he has a male voice too
>mfw new genshiken
>>41697429>my fucking face
did they ever say what job madarame is doing?
>>41697462electronic related thing i not really sure but you can check it out at the manga
>>41697448Best panel of the chapter
I have nothing important to say. I just wanted to post in this sticky.
It was okay. It got uninteresting when the trap showed up, I hope this gets over it soon.
>>41697667i like traps but i know theres fans who dont, hoping they wont focus to heavily on him again since it might alienate fans
>>41697448If this was an american sitcom from the 60's, the audience would have erupted in insane cheers when Madarame makes his appearance.As it stands right now we need more boys in Genshiken, and we need SAKI.
>>41697811lol now i cant stop picturing genshiken with an audience like "friends" everytime madarame enters the scene he would have to wait 5 or 10 seconds for the cheering to die down before he could say a line
Oh, Madarame...TADAIMA!
And to think I thought I was done with this for good.GTO back, Genshiken back, all I'd need now are monthly Berserk releases. Or maybe some new NHK.
why must it be a monthly manga?! why did /a/ have to bring it to my attention when it was just released and the cravings are at their strongest now with no chance of succorfuck you again /a/...
>>41696978Ah, the fapping that was done... so good.
5 hours away from /a/ and I come back not only to see the best news ever but also a sticky of it. I love you so much. Don't ever change.
Fuck that chapter sucked-- totally unbelievable.
>>41698059What's the problem? I know a bit of the old charm isn't there, but I thought it was pretty good. It's still warming up, anyways.
>mangastreamMod u disappoint
>>41698108It's not about a 'dramatized real life anime club', it's about a totally imaginary one, where mentally-fucked-up-and-delusional 'Traps' don't piss everyone off and kill the club like they do in real life.
>stream mangasure is normalfags in here.
>realize that Genshiken is back>check /a/ out of curiousityI love you guys.
>>41698202Is that what it seems like to you? I...still don't quite see the problem even if you put it that way.
>>41696919>Saging a sticky.Obviously people care hide the sticky if you're so annoyed by Genshiken.
>>41698372majority of /a/ is new, do you think they know how to hide a sticky?
>dat fang
Calling out to femanons here, what do you think of this manga centering about you? As a guy myself, I'm curious as in how far did the author research into your type and how varied there are.
oh my god i had lost all hope in /a/ and then thisin related discussion, does /a/ think new interest in genshiken will push more people to join anime clubs?
>>41696966So it is, it was also missing an early double page.Here's a fixed zip:
>>41698575ha ha ha NO.If theres anything Genshiken has taught me, is that 2D will always be better than real life. Genshiken lives in our heart and always will be in it's wondrous 2D plane. Stop giving out false hope that they'll be a 3DPD anime club in the likes of Genshiken out there.
>>41698656What's the problem?
I never got into genshiken to be honest, read a few volumes and then moved onto something else, I think it was kurenai or ichigo 100%. It didn't stroke my ego very much
personally i liked it. I wish they had that kind of club at my school... ^^
>>41698202I reckon it sucked too. The Original Genshiken was 90% like the Uni Anime club I went too-- the fatso artist, the intense OTAKING leader, the "by looking under the skirt of that figurine, you proved you're one of us!"This 'reboot' has got 'a complete work of fiction' all over it.
>>41698687Does Ai look like she has a problem???
>>41698505The old Genshiken was better, even if there was some unrealistic shit. Like the fashion obsessed bitch not dumping the guy over being an otaku.
>>41699272But that's only because of his insanely fabulous looks. Sounds realistic enough to me.
>>41698202>mentally-fucked-up-and-delusional 'Traps'If you're talking from experience it would be nice to hear more.
I don't even know what this manga is and what it is about.
>>41699272Eh, it doesn't seem THAT unrealistic to me. Sure, Kousaka was a major otaku, but he was also the most normal of the bunch; he dressed well, he wasn't socially crippled, was good looking, and shared in her interests. Saki started going out with him just for his looks at first (and because of their childhood relationship) but she legitimately grew to love him and he loved her. Sure, she had major doubts about the relationship at times, but worked past them and made a lot of close friends in the process. I think it was portrayed realistically enough.
So now mangastream has picked up slice of life.
Does Sue have a thing for Madarame or something?It seems like everything she does ends up with her going to Madarame's place.
so one day sue do kannagi cosplay and tells the rest of the geshiken member that she slept with madarame
>>41699695At least Madarame will end up with a decent girl
OH GOD the first real page has Sue cosplaying as Shinobu.MY BODY WAS NOT READY.
SuexMadarame End confirmed?
>>41699957Its in the Omakes of the final volume of part 1, she ends up working as his assistant later on after college
Sue likes Bakemonogatari.How does that make you feel?She played as Hachikuji last time too.
>>41699445You forgot where she was blackmailed by the original pres into most of what happened
>>41699980Seriously?Or am I being trolled here?
I FUCKYES'd multiple times.
>>41698980The original was based on the authors real experiences. Thats why it ended the way it did with graduation. That club was based on a real group of people as were all the characters. The new stuff will feel off cause he has to make it up now. Only sue, Ohguie and Old man lover are the only ones based on people he actually new that are left so he can write them convincingly easily enough. The others he has to pretty much come up with from scratch so they feel a bit off. Lest madarame is still around. The freak doesnt exist to me.
>Genshiken is backOH HELL YES MOTHERFUCKERRRR>Females onlyFuck.
>>41699980No it isn't.
>>41699996No seriously i have the volumes right on my shelf. The characters Madarame is based on is with a girl that looks like sue. As his assistant. The real madarame is a mangaka. In volume 6 omake that is.But all the stuff that happened was based on real events.part 2 will seem less real cause its going to be all made up.
Why is this shit stiked and not K-on?
>wake up>come to /a/>see this thread>mfw
So, quick question for those of you who have read the manga and watched the anime: I've only watched the anime (both seasons and the OVAs). Where should I start to read the manga to catch up with everything that wasn't animated? Or rather, what do I skip to avoid reading what I already watched?
>>41700175Why did you even bother to post this? It'll be crystal clear to everyone that you're just a lame troll.
>>41700192from the start the read is very different then the show. as there are lots of little things that were omitted from the anime. Also some stuff was added in in season two that wasnt in the manga. Etc.
How about that "old man lover"? I doubt the real-life woman the author based it on was as hot as her manga counterpart. I did enjoy the NTR doujins of her though. Goes to show even if unattractive males end up with pretty high-tier woman in manga or anime, Nips will still produce NTR doujins regardless. And some even have Madarame as the mastermind behind the planned rapes, mindbreak, and blackmailing. Hohohohohohoho
>>41700236Ohono is a a healthy body type girl. She has big tits and some moles on her face. She was actually plain. I dont think this will work without saki who drove most of the more interesting storylines. And saki was the one that was attractive.
>>41700233So, basically, I'm better off reading the whole thing... OK, I'd better start ASAP, then.
>>41700293yeah there is a lot in the details and omakes at the end of each one.Volume 8 had an omake where Oguies rivals and her end up with booths next to each other at the convention center. In 4 koma format
>>41700286Why would Saki come back though? It'd be stupid because people in real-life move-on from the past sometimes. We can't have all the old cast come back because they overwhelm whatever small presence the new, current club members possess at the moment. At best, we'll get like Saki's cousin or something along those lines to up the hotness-level of the club.You basically want another normalfag pretty girl to come back into the story, am I right? Fuck that. There's enough useless females in the club already.
God damn, it is so depressing that the old characters are no longer here. ;_;.Genshiken I - the anime was fucking marvellous.
The story doesn't feel the same, but it's not a bad one either.I thought the girls from the manga club would be more important. Want to see more of them, especially that one that hides her face behind her hair.
>>41700350Thanks. I just started at chapter 1, page 1... I'll be skimming through some parts, though.
>>41700474Well, it did say for a "limited run", so I imagine that the current plan is for a short-ish run; so probably not as good as the first, but heck, it's still Genshiken and it's still good.
Oh damn I forgot I never finished the anime. Might aswell get the damn manga now then.
>>41700386I think a normalfag would make things interesting actually. Not necessarily female, just a normalfag to show a different perspective.Honestly, the arcs I liked the most involved Saki. I liked her development from anti-otaku normalfag to tolerable normalfag.
>>41700663 Spoilers are everywhere
>>41700386Saki is still friends with Ohono and Oguie. She still hangs out with Ohono from time to time. And her bf hangs out with the boys now and then when he has time. They can still show up like the did in that special. Madarame is the only one still in the local area though. But sasahara, saki are still in play, hell a visit to her store she opened could be fun.
>>41700680 i know
fuck yeah genshiken
ha ha oh wow
accept this /a/,you are gay for madarame Not that there's anything wrong with thatAlso is it just me or there IS some SuexMadareme going on?
My favourite anime.I dunno if I'll ever get used to the new characters though.
>>41700683In chapter 56, Saki and the others seem to visit Oguie and Sasahara a lot. She'll obviously get some screentime in the future.I just really want her to cause glorious Madarame reaction faces again.
>>41700785sasahara and her kosuka are close buddies so it makes sense. So saki being around is not crazy. Like if they go on a trip or something during one of their festivals like obon
>>41700819This was the bakuman of its day
>>41694372Not everything looks moe to everybody.
>>41700819I-It's true.
>>41700963Try not to reply to the ignorant moe hater, that's probably a normalfag as well, yeah?
>>41701088personality-wise, yes he is the moe-est
I started to like Genshiken less when they introduced Ogiue and Kuchiki as full members, story got a bit boring for me by that stage. That being said, I'll probably read this because Madarame is in. Not too keen on the new cast but it's only been one chapter so they could get better (the cross-dressing dude annoys me though).One thing though, this chapter has the phrase "Returned for Limited serialization" on various pages. Does anyone know how long they plan to have it?
its aboot time
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSand then it will be animated in 5 years
>>41701409i forgot where i heard this but, at most three volume and apparently the mangaka new other manga didn't make it to be as popular as geshiken. if that true this is like the mangaka last straw.
final image?
If Madarame are the one to represent the current /a/, will he paired with the trap?PS fuck you spell-checker, Madarame IS a word. It means awesome.
Hope it doesn't become a trap manga, this chapter was so dumb it's almost horrible. Also, the fat chick is the best. Only decent person on the club.
>>41701409It means they're going to keep it short unless it's a major success because apparently the Shimoku's last two mangas bombed.
>>41701542lol ashirogi muto
>>41701542I figured it would only be 2 or 3 volumes long, cheers for the info. I'd probably find it a bit boring if it was longer; I like the original cast of Genshiken to have an open mind to the new guys, I don't like who's left in from the old cast (except Madarame).
This is fucking awesome. I was very disappointed by the anime though which left out vol.9 perhaps the best of the series. Would like to see that part of the story get an OVA or something. Also, this is the one manga that humanizes otaku that doesn't just piss me off with stereotypes. I came.
>>41701923i read it for sue, and because of her madarame back too.
>>41701952is sue x madarame a weird ship? cause i think id be ok with it
>>41701542he made a manga about an 18 year old mom and her sister living with a newborn baby.Gee wonder why it didnt do so well.
>>41701952SUE IS MAI WAIFUMADARAME NEEDS TO MAN UP AND GET SAKIKousaka probably wouldn't care all that much.... In actuality, Kousaka probably needs a damn chapter to explain why he's so damn zen and cool with everything that happens.
>>41701923yeah the anime didnt even finish. VOL 9 not being done really hurt. Since so much happened in the last volume.
>>41701977no she bothers him all the time. She knows where he lives and his habits. SUE IS HIS STALKER
>>41702132best part of the manga was when oguie realizes SUE is perfectly fluent in japanese. And sue was in her underwear i think.
>>41702132the moe-est chara got a loli-moe-cosplay-random-stalker? awesome~!
>>41702153yup, forgot the exact words but"that bastard stole a thing with great importance for me, my underwear"
wtf, why is this a sticky? how is this anime even sticky worthy?
dat yaoi episode...
>>41702257yeah I thought it was funny that she caught on then realized that SUE understood all the private shit her and sasahara talked about.
>>41702372who the fuck is talking about anime?we are discussing the original manga
>>41702420then how is this manga worth a sticky?
>>417024330/10 You are just a pure troll, or havent read the manga.
>>41702433simplemy taste>your taste
Woah this manga is boring as fuck. Also is that girl cosplaying that loli vampire from bakamonogatari?
>gotta pay the bills>revive hit manga>add moe trap>what could go wrong?
>>41702466oh okay. makes sense
So the only guys in the club in this reboot are that older comic relief guy and the trap?hope this doesn't turn into girls doing cute things.
>>41702524>hope this doesn't turn into girls doing cute things.It already did. I remember when Saki was the only girl in Genshiken and the guys there really looked like otaku.
>>41702499You forgot>cash in on fujoshi boomNot that I'm complaining, I like the fujoshi manga/novels we've been getting lately like Fujoshi Rumi, My Girlfriend's a Geek, Tonari no 801-chan, etc. as much as I like male otaku stories.
>>41702499interestingly, this image shows up when i read>what could gone wrongougie walks into madarame rooms seeing kousaka fixing the flexible pipe into drain ditch mouth gags in leather bondaged saki mouth that connected into rope bondaged sue that dangling in the mid air's ass while madarame putting the second lit candle into saki's ass...
>>41702757cool run on sentence bro.
>>41702757I don't have a clue what I just read, but fund it anyways.
Baka gaijin like Bakemonoshit Bakemonogatari confirmed Twilight for girls
Nothing to nipah about. There was no "All hail Britannia" sticky, so fuck you.
>>41702826Sup gorespammer
Fuck year!
>>41702826>Talking bad about Sue>Thinks Bmg is American crap and doesn't predate Twilight0/10
>>41702010>SUE IS MAI WAIFUWinner takes Sue, eh.