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  • i'm stopping by the datacenter in los angeles on tuesday to work on the servers. site might be down for a few minutes while maintenance is performed. will take pictures—if you have any server porn requests (or want to say hi~), e-mail

    File : 1287970351.png-(63 KB, 751x365, ragers everywhere.png)
    63 KB holic♪ !!ZuTOdIwSNEl 10/24/10(Sun)21:32 No.41685933  
    as if you could keep /a/'s strongest off her own board
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)21:33 No.41685963
    your a girl?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)21:33 No.41685964

    you are not Cirno.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)21:35 No.41686028
    We can ALL change our IPs
    You are nothing special.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)21:36 No.41686066
    'Sup holic

    What's with all the goddamn Galios now?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)21:36 No.41686073
    Ban that fuckers IP range.

    I don't fucking care what other faggot can't access because of him, just do it.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)21:38 No.41686141
    Fuck you too, holic.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)21:38 No.41686143
    Why are mods never banning trip code? We know they can, but they never do.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)21:39 No.41686196
    Even if it's you?
    >> Middle East Guy 10/24/10(Sun)21:39 No.41686199

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