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  • File : 1287700608.jpg-(65 KB, 779x1024, 1c2581afd967c51571e58ebdf443e947.jpg)
    65 KB Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:36 No.41572422  
    When will Kirino realize that she's a lesbian lolicon?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:37 No.41572446
    DEEPloli > moeshit sister
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:37 No.41572449
    Because she's actually a brocon.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:37 No.41572450
    lesbian lolican brocon

    not until volume 7 of the LN
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:38 No.41572481
    >Lesbian lolicon

    And /a/ already wanted to be the little girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:39 No.41572518
    Your opinion is shit, please die.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:39 No.41572524
    That Kirino bitch is fucking horrible
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:40 No.41572554
         File1287700839.jpg-(637 KB, 1128x1600, 07.jpg)
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    After Kuroneko fucked her brother.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:43 No.41572636
    I seriously doubt we will get incest end.

    Childhood friend end + lesbian end is far more likely.
    >> Bored-kun 10/21/10(Thu)18:44 No.41572660
    When is the next LN released?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:46 No.41572715
    >Childhood friend end + lesbian end is far more likely.


    >lesbian end

    There's not even any dykes in the show.

    And no, Ayase isn't a dyke.

    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:47 No.41572748
         File1287701244.jpg-(19 KB, 480x270, Laughing_niggers.jpg)
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    >lesbian end is far more likely
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:48 No.41572798
    inb4 spoilers

    Kuroneko ends up having a crush on kyousuke
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:49 No.41572809
         File1287701342.jpg-(42 KB, 615x870, b7e876306facd887856743aef02979(...).jpg)
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    When will Kuroneko realize that she wants lesbian rage sex with Kirino?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:50 No.41572850
         File1287701423.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 297 KB, 1200x1771, oim05_0258.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:52 No.41572916
         File1287701561.jpg-(10 KB, 232x300, 1282779437353.jpg)
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    So unexpected. Seriously I would have never guessed that would happen.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:52 No.41572926
         File1287701569.png-(586 KB, 451x676, Laughing_aliens.png)
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    >lesbian rage sex with Kirino
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:53 No.41572954
         File1287701620.jpg-(9 KB, 209x215, 1284312271424.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:54 No.41572975
    >asking for yuri in an incest anime

    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:58 No.41573072

    >implying oreimo is an incest anime

    Seriously guys, not everything out of japan is so fucked up. It's just a show about a pair of kids going from angsty teens to having a healthy relationship as siblings.

    Shipperfags are the worst, jesus
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:58 No.41573079
    don't call them, they're just stupid
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:59 No.41573100

    They're relationship is not healthy.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)18:59 No.41573118

    It will be by the ends of the series, that what it's about.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:00 No.41573126
         File1287702012.jpg-(6 KB, 126x123, 1278917659949.jpg)
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    >implying oreimo is an incest anime
    Hasn't been confirmed or denied.

    But it IS leaning towards the incest side.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:00 No.41573134
    So it's going to became a generic harem with every significant girl falling for the main guy?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:01 No.41573162

    But their relationship is getting less healthy as it goes.

    Back at the start of the series, Kirino could have gone abroad without suffering deep depression and poor health just because she was separated from Kyosuke.

    It's getting weirder and more co-dependent as the series goes.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:01 No.41573165
         File1287702091.jpg-(34 KB, 658x569, You keep using that word. I do(...).jpg)
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    nah they pretty much love Kyousuke that aint the problem here
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:01 No.41573170
    Novels haven't finished.

    So we don't know yet...
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:02 No.41573194

    That's what I would guess. Because that's what makes money. You can create an entire series with no plot, beginning, or end and still be profitable. Just show cute girls doing cute things and people will eat it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:03 No.41573238
         File1287702203.jpg-(2.57 MB, 2428x3610, kirino.jpg)
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    Hey guys, remember when Kirino found out that her bro was checking out glasses fetish-porn instead of the Imouto eroge she gave him?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:04 No.41573274
         File1287702282.png-(4 KB, 203x219, 1286074481071.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:05 No.41573283
         File1287702306.jpg-(175 KB, 770x1156, e4bfbae5a6b942-072d8.jpg)
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    Yup. Kirino's idea of revenge was to spread Kyouske's porn all over the place for Manami to find so that she would get all upset and call him a perv and never speak to him again.

    Little did she know...
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:06 No.41573318
         File1287702367.jpg-(101 KB, 600x713, 1287452082364.jpg)
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    That Manami took it as a sign that Kyousuke might have an interest in her?
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:07 No.41573367
         File1287702458.jpg-(121 KB, 800x600, ManamiLightNovel.jpg)
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    "Oh ho! So this is what you like, hmmmm, Kyouske-kun?"

    Yeah, not what Kirino was expecting
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:08 No.41573375
    No way they will go for the incest end.

    It would be like admitting that Kirino's hobby really is sick and unhealthy and that their father was right.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:08 No.41573382
         File1287702487.jpg-(158 KB, 532x804, De Nile.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:08 No.41573384
    *Manami would take it as
    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:08 No.41573392

    >> Anonymous 10/21/10(Thu)19:08 No.41573408
         File1287702536.jpg-(36 KB, 490x488, 1283269067517.jpg)
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    >It would be like admitting that Kirino's hobby really is sick and unhealthy and that their father was right.

    Nah, really?

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