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10/16/10(Sat)20:19 No.41392187 File1287274799.png-(137 KB, 313x317, YEAH.png)
 >>41392166 Shonen
- Everyone escapes, one Anon is horribly run over, only to be
discovered later that he's actually fine, even though the several ton
mechanical beast ran over him. Anons are taken under a benevolent
Japanese government wing full of big tittied female commanders and DFC
loving loli experiments. The anons thanks to the odd happening were
trained to do a variety of militaristic attacks. Mecha, experimental
powers, animal gene splicing, martial arts. It varied from person to
person. 90% chance of a good end. 90% chance survival
Seinen -
The vast majority of anons got ran over. Blood, guts, decapitated heads,
flew everywhere. An evil and corrupt Japanese government begins to
chase them down one by one and either kill or perform horrible
experiments on them. 30% chance of a good end for survivors. Only a 10%
survival rate.
Moe - Ironically as soon as the horde of half
naked anons (because not all anons are anon while fully clothed) hit the
ground they were greeted by a large highschool class of girls from the
leading female only school in Japan. All of them are adorable and
there's not one overweight or ugly. The begin to imprint on various
anons until all of the anons have their very own Moe~ waifu. Lots of
embarrassment, comedy, and it all ends in a beach bar-b-q. 100% chance
of good end. 100% chance of survival. |