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10/14/10(Thu)17:27 No.41312085  >>41312060 By
then, the internet already knew that Shinji wasn't really a person, but
a group of 3 hotornot.com programmers who had decided to start that
site. I was fine with that at the time.
But then, Strike Witches
came out. I'm a Strike Witches tripfag (not tripping on this post
because /a/ is not my blog), so... you know, I fucking loved it. But I
had noticed how every GONZO stream in CR had a BOST watermark on the
upper right corner. Upon further investigating, I met BOSTTV.com (which
was the real first site to provide legal animu streams/DLs on the west,
also courtesy of GONZO), and I loved the service. I eventually paid
BOSTTV for Strike Witches.
I remember how BOST releases were
turned into torrents in our SW threads. I also remember how BOST said
that the GONZO executives were mad at it, but we still uploaded them,
and I don't regret it. The guys at BOST were really cool otherwise.
Like, that time when Daiz decided to check their encodes and found a
fuckton of... areas of opportunity, and made a post (which was rude, but
come on, it's the internet) on the BOST forum letting them know how to
actually encode. And they got in touch with him for advice, and every
week, their encoding improved more and more.
And then came the
announcement. GDH had given CR 2 million dollars as an investment. At
that time, I was happy for CR. I thought that Japan had started
accepting fansubs.
... after a couple of weeks, every fansub was taken off of the site. Which sound logical, until you stop and consider something: |