ITT:Shitty animu with an awesome OSTPic related
Sure is middle school lunch time in here.
>>40741379Denied.Fairy tail/thread
Ghost in the fact the OST always gets me to try watching the series again...and then I get repelled by it...
OP way to end the thread early. Angel Beats had some awesome music. /thread
>>40741379Bullshit.DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN messed it up badly.
Chaos head
>>40741433The anime has some good remixes, they just don't use them for some reasonDreamenddischarger
>>40741610Worldenddominator 1 minute in a fucked up scene
>>40741610Yes, a 3 min of dreamenddischarger, which was actually not bad, but NOT USED. WHY.Besides, that Majo piano bullshit playing once every 5 minutes really gets on your nerves. went there.
TTGL had a couple of good songs.Same with NGE.
>>40741661>TTGL>shitty animu>couple of good songsBack in my day...
>>40741661But they ain't shitty
Fullmetal alchemist have a nice ost
It wasn't that shitty
Ergo ProxyThe ending is Paranoid Android>mfw you people have no clue what paranoid android is
Air motherfucking Gear.Also those Beetrain series with girls and guns.
>>40741764Yes it was,the only good thing about it was tenshi and the ost.
>>40741737Yeah, totally forgot these. Funny how both Fullmetal Alchemist series have a good OST but are absolute shit.
>>40741787>mfw you're a hipster who listens to shitty boy-bands
>>40741787>Implying EDs count towards the OST>Implying Paranoid Android isn't the most overrated piece of music since Bohemian Rhapsody
>>40741820mfw 2deep4u
>>40741787>Implying Radiohead is good
>>40741800No it wasn't. The only bad things about it were the pacing and cramming.
So...troll thread?Cowboy Bebop had a great OST
>>40741787>1:30 cut of six minute plus song>GoodThat's some funny ass shit you're spewing.
>>40741875>Implying that Cowboy Bebop is shitty.It's not even remotely funny.
>control+f>no bokurano
>>40741863>implying anything /a/ listens to is better
Does Umineko count?Because that was fucking awful as an Animu.The game, nao..
Naruto Shippudengood ost with terrible song placementmeets the shitty anime requirement like no other too
>>40741897>implying it isn't still awesome
>>40741900Enjoy your style over substance trash.
>>40741918nothing that comes from naruto is goodyou should know it by now Umineko song? I think so.
>>40741908So shitty I Uninstalled that shit.
>>40741910Neutral Milk Hotel, bitch.
All anime is shitty by nature.Why the FUCK are you guys debating if an anime is or is not shitty? That's a given.
>>40741908>implying Bokurano was shit, not just poor compared to the source material
>>40741985hipster faggot detected
>>40741985>implying NMH has done anything worth mentioning beyond ITAOTS, which stills fails in comparison to OKC or Kid Aalthough ITAOTS is a very good album and i commend your tastes
>>40742016The same happens with umineko,that doesn't stop it from being a shitty anime
Elfen lied/Thread
>>40742082>implying the VN isn't also shit
>>40741397If Fairy Tail was truly shit it would be in the Big 3 (err.. 4)