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  • File : 1285606719.jpg-(1.4 MB, 1600x1144, 1284803342868.jpg)
    1.4 MB K-ON General ; It's the Final Countdown! Kabanos !r3SGtCqkvA 09/27/10(Mon)12:58 No.40671667  
    23 hours until ;_;.

    Discuss K-On.
    Discuss future plans for K-On (such as a season 3).
    Post (K-On related) images.
    Discuss (K-On related) music.

    Full, scanlated manga at
    Play K-On related Osu! with other /a/nons. (K-On beatmap pack:

    Gitah Studios Blog:
    Short demo for the K-On Beat'em Up:
    K-On Wiki:!_Wiki

    Assorted patchwork and vectors, courtesy of Japanese Emoticon Tripfag:
    K-On Soundtrack DDL (excluding S! band scores) [MF]:; [MU]:
    K-On Desktop Accessories:

    Lovers' gonna love. Remember: Don't respond to trolls! Filters' gonna filter:
    >> ♥Azusa♥ !QaAs6JfIQM 09/27/10(Mon)12:59 No.40671686
         File1285606758.gif-(235 KB, 384x288, 1278009772585.gif)
    235 KB
    Lovers gonna love.
    >> noob !yCDZyUksKM 09/27/10(Mon)13:00 No.40671719
         File1285606849.jpg-(59 KB, 415x496, 1284829948543.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:02 No.40671756
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:02 No.40671759
         File1285606935.png-(510 KB, 1920x1200, 3.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:03 No.40671774
         File1285606984.png-(10 KB, 451x147, disc.png)
    10 KB
    For the disbeliever of my disc space.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:03 No.40671783
    Can anyone list me the dates for the upcoming singles and albums?
    >> Chocofly !EhSpI86QCk 09/27/10(Mon)13:03 No.40671785
    Just popped in to tell you that Sage lets you post in a thread without bumping it. By posting "Sage in all fields" you effectively do absolutely nothing.
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)13:03 No.40671788
    Old thread: >>40652843

    Also, I'd just like to note that I'm voting against Nadeko in today's Saimoe. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:05 No.40671833
         File1285607113.jpg-(9 KB, 180x190, Untitled.jpg)
    9 KB
    finally got ritsu to do her untan, she has 2 versions and the sound plays when you drag her across the desktop.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:05 No.40671843
    OP's image rocks my socks
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:05 No.40671845
         File1285607137.jpg-(15 KB, 550x309, tonchan.jpg)
    15 KB
    post your face when Azusa accidentally eats Ton-chan.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:06 No.40671862

    Too lazy to look up exact dates, but:

    OST vol 2 in a couple of weeks
    HTT double album at the end of October
    Azusa/Mugi/Ritsu image CDs beginning of November

    Then probably at least Nodoka and Ui image CDs in early January.
    >> Chocofly !EhSpI86QCk 09/27/10(Mon)13:06 No.40671871
    She accidentally the whole turtle?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:06 No.40671878
         File1285607210.png-(93 KB, 284x218, d467bf15dd4b0eaa4d56542838fc.png)
    93 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:07 No.40671891
    Yui looks a lot like Meiko in OP's pic. I like♥
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:10 No.40671975
         File1285607442.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 46 KB, 600x400, 10May08-130-722566.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 46 KB
    Ton-chan accidentally my soup.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:11 No.40672007
         File1285607503.jpg-(109 KB, 640x1440, 1284609200756.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:14 No.40672083
         File1285607662.jpg-(36 KB, 500x409, 1284664215217.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:16 No.40672136
         File1285607776.jpg-(300 KB, 850x1129, sample_05dd2f1b77d0fed28dd5ab6(...).jpg)
    300 KB
    Speaking of; I was playing with my Ritsu the other day when she started going:
    >"moe, moe..."
    >Oho, I didn't know she said tha-
    It was like a pure arrow made of moe shot out of my screen, pieced my heart, and once inside my body it exploded sending ritsu flavored goodness throughout my whole body.
    I never HNNNG'd so hard before. I guess it was because I didn't expect it.

    Goddamn I love these things.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:16 No.40672151
         File1285607802.jpg-(80 KB, 292x302, 1280333058345.jpg)
    80 KB
    >> me 09/27/10(Mon)13:18 No.40672208
         File1285607925.png-(805 KB, 1366x768, 1285073156666.png)
    805 KB
    the last k-on tuesday.
    I don't know how to feel.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:24 No.40672347
         File1285608267.jpg-(106 KB, 756x772, ww.jpg)
    106 KB
    Adult kon cast.
    Absurd looking abs.
    >Would have fucked.
    >> me 09/27/10(Mon)13:24 No.40672354
    Holy crap, this is funny!
    I like how Yui's like "huh?", and Jun's kinda in to it.

    (could not find pic to relate)
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:24 No.40672365
         File1285608297.jpg-(174 KB, 1280x1024, - 61023 akiyama_m(...).jpg)
    174 KB
    just last night I got myself the character albums (yeah, I was waiting for flac) and I've got to say, it's hard to picture Mio "playing" the bassline on Oh, My Giita!!.. it's not like she or any of the other gilrs hadn't "played" something so crazy before but, damn... the whole bassline on this song is fucking nuts

    awesome song, of course
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/27/10(Mon)13:36 No.40672694
         File1285608973.jpg-(892 KB, 1672x2221, 05dd2f1b77d0fed28dd5ab6b0978f3(...).jpg)
    892 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:42 No.40672859
         File1285609335.jpg-(131 KB, 850x873, 1284507476862.jpg)
    131 KB
    Tanned Azusa is best Azusa.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:45 No.40672931
    I will too man. I like her, but I like Yuno better.
    >> noob !yCDZyUksKM 09/27/10(Mon)13:45 No.40672946
         File1285609550.jpg-(1.64 MB, 2967x2041, 1284828935730.jpg)
    1.64 MB
    i lol'd at the panties.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:46 No.40672954
    Is it worth watching?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:49 No.40673020
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:49 No.40673023
         File1285609759.jpg-(118 KB, 1920x1080, fuck.jpg)
    118 KB
    Just what is this...Yui's rack is bigger than Ritsu's...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:49 No.40673034
         File1285609786.jpg-(596 KB, 1200x1200, hayashiya53.jpg)
    596 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:49 No.40673038
    Is dat sum Lucchini?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:50 No.40673040
    I'm asking if I should watch it since I cannot decide which show should I choose.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:50 No.40673056
    No, it's not.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:51 No.40673085
         File1285609906.jpg-(616 KB, 1200x1200, hayashiya54.jpg)
    616 KB

    makes sense to me...

    Thanks to Seikon no Qwaser, I also envision that Yui should have inverted nipples, and that Mio is a pedophile who once licked a little girl's cunt.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:52 No.40673096
         File1285609936.png-(102 KB, 744x1052, azunyanchinadress.png)
    102 KB

    She should tie her hair up more often.
    >> noob !yCDZyUksKM 09/27/10(Mon)13:53 No.40673135
         File1285610037.jpg-(47 KB, 1280x720, hug.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:54 No.40673138
         File1285610043.jpg-(134 KB, 600x800, dat hair 43.jpg)
    134 KB
    Is that some Ikari Manatsu?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:54 No.40673156
         File1285610087.jpg-(26 KB, 640x480, not at all a slut.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:55 No.40673176
         File1285610131.jpg-(53 KB, 278x501, niceclothesricchan.jpg)
    53 KB

    Give it a few episodes and make your mind up then.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:55 No.40673187

    Stupid sexy desperate Sawako (is that a hint of aerola?).

    I don't exactly get what Ui and Mugi are supposed to be doing. Pulling away or GRAB HARDER FAGGOT?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:56 No.40673194
         File1285610170.jpg-(112 KB, 480x723, uirape.jpg)
    112 KB

    lol Ui
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:56 No.40673195
         File1285610171.jpg-(353 KB, 1920x1080, RitsuSad.jpg)
    353 KB
    I'm going to be ill...K-On's ending.

    All I've got left is a PSP game...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:56 No.40673201
    no, im afraid ill get down symdrome
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:56 No.40673203
    azusa is shit
    >> noob !yCDZyUksKM 09/27/10(Mon)13:57 No.40673229
         File1285610262.jpg-(106 KB, 700x498, 1285437148428.jpg)
    106 KB
    Also, bear in mind that 2nd season is better than 1st one. Really.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/27/10(Mon)13:58 No.40673247
         File1285610289.gif-(435 KB, 320x240, yui_sleeping.gif)
    435 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:58 No.40673248
         File1285610289.png-(125 KB, 3800x600, K-on cast.png)
    125 KB


    Except for Satoshi K-on

    ... but he's died like a month or 2 ago.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:58 No.40673256
    What baffles me about that picture series is where did he get the tiny rubber purple dildos.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)13:58 No.40673266
    I'm actually excited for the last episode, we'll find out if their lesbians or girls at an all girl school with lesbian tendencies. If they start imagining boyfriends.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:00 No.40673318
    still no psp torrents?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:01 No.40673321
         File1285610467.jpg-(111 KB, 600x500, raped.jpg)
    111 KB
    good question
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:01 No.40673341
    >play breathing sound
    >play heartbeat sound
    >stare at it for 1 hr
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:02 No.40673347
         File1285610531.gif-(329 KB, 400x400, fat Ritsu.gif)
    329 KB
    I kinda derped there, I meant that Yui has a bigger rack than Ritsu's. That image made it the opposite.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:02 No.40673352
         File1285610538.jpg-(50 KB, 450x600, uirape2.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:03 No.40673368
         File1285610594.jpg-(59 KB, 450x600, uirape3.jpg)
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    >> noob !yCDZyUksKM 09/27/10(Mon)14:04 No.40673385
         File1285610640.png-(435 KB, 1000x769, 1285454650924.png)
    435 KB
    What about some lurking music?

    I'll start with this:

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:05 No.40673417
    Anyone have the Bro-kago tea time links?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:05 No.40673420
         File1285610726.jpg-(39 KB, 600x450, uirape4.jpg)
    39 KB

    Wow got a duplicate file entry on this...

    Did not expect someone else on /a/ to have saved these.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:05 No.40673421
    They will just go to Sawako´s house.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:06 No.40673442
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:06 No.40673448
         File1285610798.jpg-(73 KB, 774x548, 1283437699692.jpg)
    73 KB
    You would be surprised what people save.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:07 No.40673461
         File1285610824.png-(199 KB, 660x558, 1285363842670.png)
    199 KB

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:07 No.40673479

    Japan is starting to like this guy...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:08 No.40673494
         File1285610892.gif-(328 KB, 420x360, 1285206688310.gif)
    328 KB

    If you don't have this on while browsing 4chan you don't know shit about anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:08 No.40673502
         File1285610919.png-(28 KB, 271x236, 1285175120072.png)
    28 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:08 No.40673505
    I know K-On! is a slice of life affair, but damn second season boring much? Loved the first though.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:08 No.40673506
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:08 No.40673509
         File1285610932.jpg-(73 KB, 450x600, uirape5.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:10 No.40673537
    that isn't Attemon Gemu
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)14:10 No.40673542
         File1285611012.jpg-(262 KB, 950x1232, 1282088909487.jpg)
    262 KB
    God dammit, stop posting this. Look at her right shoulder.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:11 No.40673569
         File1285611083.png-(210 KB, 3800x600, 1285610289475.png)
    210 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:11 No.40673581

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:12 No.40673605
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:14 No.40673649
         File1285611282.jpg-(153 KB, 849x540, sample-390ef19688124e370aa83a6(...).jpg)
    153 KB
    Eh, I suppose it depends on how you look at it.

    The changes are there, like how they don't dress up in funky outfits anymore (I hated that random maid outfit part in the manga, but I thought the anime did it well), how they don't always hang out at school, and so on and so forth.
    I don't like this extra focus on Azusa though, I mean, she's a great addition to the cast, and adds an element to the series that the other 4 can't provide (the feeling of abandonment), but she doesn't need all that screen time to do so.
    >> ♥Haato♥ !hYT6sgsme2 09/27/10(Mon)14:15 No.40673659
         File1285611306.png-(412 KB, 640x480, 1250874730847.png)
    412 KB
    I can and will listen to this all day.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:15 No.40673665
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:15 No.40673666
    >> Faggot-kun !oEuvCz9L4s 09/27/10(Mon)14:15 No.40673674
         File1285611342.jpg-(27 KB, 292x248, eryqwr.jpg)
    27 KB
    Have this instead
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:16 No.40673693
    obligatory yandere ui
    best part ever
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:16 No.40673694
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:18 No.40673743
    Just checking.
    Tainaka !fdu8.RiTSU, (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ BOOF ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)!AWEsomEEEE!!ejJ3Bfnrypk, Natsume !Cr9FR9aB7g, etc. is not one of you guys, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:20 No.40673798
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/27/10(Mon)14:20 No.40673804


    [K-On!!] Atemon Game [Kirby]

    [K-On!!] Jun-chan's Moogle Song


    Rainbow JakkaJan

    [K-On!!] Jaka-Jaka Song

    Ritsu Can Can

    NicoNico Douga - Un Tan Tan de Tetete

    【けいおん!! MAD】 平沢家の一族

    【MAD】Tenshi ni Fureta yo! 【K-On!!】 - English Subbed


    Fun thing are Fun

    [K-On!!] Yui & Azu's Kokiriko Disco

    [EGS] Miracle Happy Day!
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:21 No.40673819
         File1285611685.jpg-(67 KB, 400x300, HHHHNNNNNGGGG.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:21 No.40673830

    Yui out of nowhere at 0:10

    Not from Nico Douga.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:22 No.40673842
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:23 No.40673870
         File1285611821.jpg-(224 KB, 600x600, you're awesome.jpg)
    224 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:23 No.40673871

    Tainaka=Rocky reverse troll, as far as I know.

    The other 2 I don't see around here.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:24 No.40673888
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:24 No.40673892
    >Yui & Azu's Kokiriko Disco

    more videos based on this scene please
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:25 No.40673900

    Excuse me, but game are you talking about, I need this on my computer now.
    >> ♥Azusa♥ !QaAs6JfIQM 09/27/10(Mon)14:25 No.40673921 - Litsu senpai
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:26 No.40673944
         File1285612018.gif-(53 KB, 350x260, profound sadness.gif)
    53 KB
    I can't get the DTAs to work in my Windows 7 64 bit. I want to hang out with the K-On girls, too :(
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)14:28 No.40673972
    Don't believe I've seen this one posted yet.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:29 No.40674003
         File1285612174.gif-(267 KB, 219x300, 1284903354240.gif)
    267 KB

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:31 No.40674058
    Windows 7 doesn't fucking let you do anything
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:33 No.40674111
    Works under WINE. Glorious GNU/Linux masterrace ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:36 No.40674167
         File1285612577.jpg-(72 KB, 738x354, You4.jpg)
    72 KB

    My face when I've already seen more than half of those
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:37 No.40674211

    Not from Nicodouga.

    But the bit towards the end made me lol. I shat a brick when I saw...

    HER... you'll know who.
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)14:41 No.40674304
    Ha, should have seen that coming.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:42 No.40674334
    This Anon is having the same issue. Fucking Windows.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:42 No.40674338
         File1285612977.jpg-(112 KB, 1200x675, Capture.jpg)
    112 KB
    Oh ho...what a shame.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:44 No.40674382
    Please moefags, stop shitting up Berserk threads or there will be consequences.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:45 No.40674408
    Please don't come to our thread.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/27/10(Mon)14:45 No.40674418
    Knew it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:45 No.40674430

    >Implyig fagserk is not a pile of shit for teenagers
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:46 No.40674453
    Seriously this is kind of sad. Windows users can't use programs made for Windows while I can run them through a compatability layer ;_; . Windows=fucking dead.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:47 No.40674496
         File1285613272.jpg-(358 KB, 1069x1514, 1285591913075.jpg)
    358 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:48 No.40674521

    You can't stop us, we own this place.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:49 No.40674535
    Trolling aside

    Moefag here

    I haven't seen a Berserk thread in awhile...

    I'm quite sad about it too.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:49 No.40674561

    >no Sawako

    Fuck this shit.

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:50 No.40674572
         File1285613442.png-(259 KB, 463x462, My body is ready.png)
    259 KB


    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:50 No.40674581

    Do you ever leave K-On threads?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:52 No.40674609
         File1285613522.gif-(468 KB, 330x186, gotchaeye.gif)
    468 KB
    2chan no idea where they got it from.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:53 No.40674643
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:54 No.40674674

    When I leave K-on threads. I simply come across GET threads, Big Three Threads, Waifu threads, protest against loli ban threads, and birds saying

    >Don't cum inside me!
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:54 No.40674688
         File1285613686.jpg-(88 KB, 980x654, 2005022508C655B.jpg)
    88 KB

    LOL here Mugi's cunt...

    But you know all woman in japan have a dead cat down there instead of pubic hair. Sure all K-ON girls have this much of hair...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:55 No.40674710
    (UMDISO)(ゲーム)(PSP)けいおん! 放課後ライブ!.iso
    fuckin where! please help me /a/
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)14:57 No.40674796
         File1285613865.png-(28 KB, 316x286, 1285603417015.png)
    28 KB

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:00 No.40674868
    Not sure on sauce...

    But I recognize it as COSINE art by those horrid vaginas.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:00 No.40674883
    I'm keeping my ear to the ground but so far I've seen nothing.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:01 No.40674913
         File1285614117.jpg-(33 KB, 354x409, 3d woody.jpg)
    33 KB
    That helped me find it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:07 No.40675088
    I found this
    but theres no DL link or atleast i cant find it ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:16 No.40675314
    like this gentlebro sad.
    the bassline is awesome.

    I'm waiting for the real live mio to play this song
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:23 No.40675527
    They're dressed like prostitutes, not like a band. Bands generally have something in their dress style that lets you see they're one group, I don't see it here.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:24 No.40675567
         File1285615486.jpg-(165 KB, 1024x768, SpiceGirls01.jpg)
    165 KB
    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:25 No.40675602
    Laughed, but had it coming from a mile.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:50 No.40676253
    I know i gotta use a program called share x2 or something but nothing more
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:51 No.40676279
         File1285617068.jpg-(485 KB, 1000x751, 11686405.jpg)
    485 KB
    Nice picture, been waiting for that moment to happen at one time, be it in artwork or (preferably) in the show itself - I just wanted to see them take a bow at the end of a performance, arms round each others shoulders...

    Pity we never saw it animated, but this, as they say, is fine too.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:51 No.40676305

    I don't even.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:55 No.40676399

    Somehow I expected Jun to be... hairier.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:57 No.40676459
    k-on is best anime ever fuck shounen and their hurr durr shit OH YES K-ON YOUR PLOT IS SO GOOD AND I ENJOY YOUR CAKE EATING MOMENTS
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)15:59 No.40676498
    Why so hairy, Mugi?
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)16:02 No.40676547
         File1285617732.jpg-(30 KB, 640x480, sept 27 4 pm.jpg)
    30 KB
    Off topic bit, wh-what? I thought Yuno stood a good chance here.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:02 No.40676558
    I like K-on. Though I admit I don't want any more seasons because of cake and tea.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/27/10(Mon)16:04 No.40676603
    This is my theory;
    I think the reason Azunyan got so much screentime is; S!!!.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:06 No.40676675
    Not just azu-nyan, we saw a fair lot of Ui and Jun got introduced.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:08 No.40676724
         File1285618102.jpg-(210 KB, 800x600, 2_20100927235931..jpg)
    210 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:10 No.40676771
         File1285618227.jpg-(465 KB, 1280x960, 1_20100928000425..jpg)
    465 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:11 No.40676806
         File1285618293.jpg-(236 KB, 1200x900, 1_20100927235932..jpg)
    236 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:11 No.40676812
    Working on any vectors JET?
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/27/10(Mon)16:13 No.40676850
         File1285618404.jpg-(628 KB, 613x619, PantSto.jpg)
    628 KB
    Yes, but not K-ON related though.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:14 No.40676878
    How did you get those autographed drawings.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:15 No.40676907

    Protip: That was a troll, a quite obvious one at that. Please do not reply to them.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:16 No.40676929
    Nice, panty and stocking.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/27/10(Mon)16:16 No.40676930
    Hmm.. spoilering the image didn't work..
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:16 No.40676934
         File1285618588.jpg-(49 KB, 640x480, HNI_0001-1.jpg)
    49 KB
    I got these a few months ago at Animazement.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:17 No.40676944
         File1285618629.jpg-(26 KB, 385x295, HNI_0012-1.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:18 No.40676979
    Do you happen to know when it's airing, J.E.T?
    I spend most of my time in here. The last I saw was 'six more days!', but I can't seem to remember what day that was on.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:19 No.40677004

    They're not mine, just reposting. And they're just reproductions not originals or anything like that, extras with todays vol. 4 tankoubon release.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:19 No.40677005
    >Ui, Jun, and Azusa

    Oh Kaki, you fucking tease you...

    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/27/10(Mon)16:21 No.40677050
    The first of Ocotber, I beleive.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:21 No.40677057

    Those plushies are adorable. I have a set of the little keychain ones, they sit on my amp.

    Also, Jun plushie, where?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:26 No.40677163
         File1285619171.jpg-(117 KB, 480x640, 168720341.jpg)
    117 KB

    I thought someone would get a kick out of that being on the back page of the final volume.

    Some of the stores had Ui/Jun/Azusa promo cutouts it seems.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:27 No.40677206
         File1285619268.jpg-(143 KB, 600x600, Jundere.jpg)
    143 KB
    Alright, thanks bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)16:28 No.40677216
    Is he secretly trolling us?
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/27/10(Mon)16:32 No.40677337
    Kakifly = Master troll.
    Kubo can pack his shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:02 No.40678147
    ichi ni san shi go-ha~n
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:03 No.40678170

    They have Jun plushies?
    Huh, I didn't see those when I went to the convention.
    They only had Yui, Mio, Ritsu, and Azusa.

    Unfortunately ,Musgi was no where to be found.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:08 No.40678328
         File1285621693.jpg-(25 KB, 300x431, russian-veteran.jpg)
    25 KB
    Doomsday is near
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:15 No.40678589
         File1285622132.jpg-(99 KB, 652x720, 1284748196423..jpg)
    99 KB

    No. They never made Jun plushies. That's the problem.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:17 No.40678659
         File1285622241.jpg-(43 KB, 640x480, oh god I feel so bad.jpg)
    43 KB
    Mugi is always left out. No one appreciates my glorious waifu. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:23 No.40678853
         File1285622598.jpg-(354 KB, 800x800, slappadebass.jpg)
    354 KB
    >Jun plushies

    Oh god I would pay all my money...
    Does Jun even have any good merchandise? I'm hoping she gets at least a character album time...

    On a slightly related note, I was at a blink-182 concert yesterday and now I can't stop thinking Azu-182 with: Azusa-Tom, Jun-Mark, Ui-Travis.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:25 No.40678936
         File1285622756.jpg-(77 KB, 850x478, InSovietK-On.jpg)
    77 KB

    Don't worry General, we are prepared for the worst...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:27 No.40678994
    >my glorious waifu
    I'm not sure whether to be mad, or give you a brofist.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:28 No.40679032

    > Does Jun even have any good merchandise?

    No, nothing. I don't think she's really that popular to be honest. There's a 50/50 chance of an image CD, I mean she's been in the show as much as Nodoka or Ui this season and they got CDs last season.

    I'll be first in queue for a Jun plushie though.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:30 No.40679083
         File1285623052.png-(32 KB, 240x152, yugi14.png)
    32 KB
    Well, I don't think it's something to be mad over. Normally I'd be irked that someone is making moves on my waifu, but I just don't feel it recently. Must be the depression, so whatever, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:32 No.40679133
         File1285623141.jpg-(16 KB, 400x300, snapshot20081117105951dx3.jpg)
    16 KB

    fuck yes
    >> Mugi♥Clammy !!399czRhHgmM 09/27/10(Mon)17:33 No.40679170
         File1285623208.jpg-(44 KB, 242x269, 1278302735039.jpg)
    44 KB

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:34 No.40679202
         File1285623287.png-(364 KB, 656x484, gintama-1.png)
    364 KB

    Sorry Clammy, but weren't you friendzoned by your own waifu sometime ago for being too Aryan?...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:35 No.40679215
    Better than >talking shit about mai waifu?.jpg
    I know the truth in my heart anyways.

    Besides, we don't have too much time with our K-ON bros, so there's no point squabbling. ;____;
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:36 No.40679250
         File1285623382.jpg-(9 KB, 206x251, cry.jpg)
    9 KB
    Oh my god, I can't put into words how happy I am to see you. I thought you had run off.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:37 No.40679292
         File1285623452.jpg-(8 KB, 231x264, Really.jpg)
    8 KB
    Well, this looks like a good time for me to take a break..
    >> Mugi♥Clammy !!399czRhHgmM 09/27/10(Mon)17:37 No.40679302
         File1285623474.jpg-(79 KB, 737x749, 1282453228116.jpg)
    79 KB

    You poor thing, what happened to you and your tripcode?

    I haven't seen you in months!
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:38 No.40679344
    omg K-On is shit, rubbish.
    Why do you guys waste your time in front of dat shiet tier?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:39 No.40679347
    Say, is the OVA in march confirmed or is it just a rumor made by fans?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:41 No.40679398
         File1285623665.jpg-(117 KB, 900x475, 1242085244733.jpg)
    117 KB
    So how big would their dicks be
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:41 No.40679418
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:42 No.40679448
         File1285623739.jpg-(31 KB, 369x344, what.jpg)
    31 KB
    I don't post with my trip anymore. I don't really see a point, it didn't serve much a purpose anyways.

    Honestly, I'd love to talk to you, even though I don't know who you are, the fact that you seemed to care even the least bit about me, even if it was fake, always made me extremely happy.

    It kinda made me depressed that I hadn't seen you in so long, but ehh, we don't need to talk here. it's going to turn into a shitstorm like it always does.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:43 No.40679477
         File1285623798.jpg-(29 KB, 297x453, yeswetan.jpg)
    29 KB

    Indian music and K-ON, this is what we've waited for.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:43 No.40679489

    Bigger than ours, eating cake and drinking tea

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:43 No.40679493
         File1285623822.png-(41 KB, 386x387, CeraFace.png)
    41 KB

    Oh christ not this shit again,

    Now, I'm happy for friends reuniting and shit, but can you guys please take this to iirc or e-mail or something?...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:44 No.40679500
         File1285623846.jpg-(16 KB, 128x122, min.jpg)
    16 KB

    Don't fucking start this shit again.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:44 No.40679517
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:45 No.40679550
         File1285623958.jpg-(172 KB, 800x600, f17339acade03faeb0d8207cb2d83b(...).jpg)
    172 KB
    Well there goes any chances of me sleeping tonight...

    I supposed I'll post some insanely delicious Yui butt to make up for it.
    >> Mugi♥Clammy !!399czRhHgmM 09/27/10(Mon)17:48 No.40679624
         File1285624083.jpg-(32 KB, 327x400, 1274543525439.jpg)
    32 KB
    Problem, general?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:48 No.40679638

    9 volumes x 3 episodes each = 27 episodes.

    There are 26 TV episodes. You do the math.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:49 No.40679662
         File1285624161.jpg-(89 KB, 253x750, 1282356564001.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:50 No.40679705
         File1285624253.gif-(452 KB, 440x330, 1285171751511.gif)
    452 KB
    Time to fap
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)17:50 No.40679706
         File1285624254.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 66 KB, 640x480, poor mugi.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 66 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:52 No.40679740
         File1285624345.jpg-(36 KB, 512x572, yuideep.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:52 No.40679748
    So, you are back to bring pain and suffering to clammy?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:53 No.40679763

    I still love Mugi. If only I could remove Clammy's skin and wear it like a suit.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:53 No.40679764

    I still can't get over that douchey haircut.
    >> The guy who fuck things up !!wAtdndBqt2i 09/27/10(Mon)17:53 No.40679767
         File1285624416.gif-(2.64 MB, 450x253, Hellyeah.gif)
    2.64 MB

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:54 No.40679799
         File1285624467.png-(31 KB, 250x143, yugi15.png)
    31 KB
    Please don't start a huge commotion over this, guys.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:55 No.40679820

    But I love commotions.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:56 No.40679861
         File1285624598.jpg-(115 KB, 850x842, YuiCharacterCD.jpg)
    115 KB
    >Jun Character CD

    I wonder if Jun's VA is a good singer...

    Speaking of which, does anyone have the Jun fanart version of these character albums?
    >> ♥Mio♫ !gezpvkZgBE 09/27/10(Mon)17:56 No.40679862
         File1285624599.jpg-(297 KB, 1280x720, 2358923929482.jpg)
    297 KB

    Honestly, I don't care anymore. But maybe you should post with your trip, Clammy. Then people could filter your dialogues with Mugi♥Clammy if they feel so inclined.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:58 No.40679903
    I thought each vol has 2 episodes in it like on season one.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:58 No.40679910
         File1285624698.jpg-(245 KB, 900x1011, 1285167465081.jpg)
    245 KB
    We need some Ritsu here
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:59 No.40679934

    Nope, three a piece.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)17:59 No.40679953
    what happened with the saimo thing? who won mio or azu?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:01 No.40680026
         File1285624906.gif-(2.21 MB, 352x200, boo.gif)
    2.21 MB
    uh i think there's enough Ritsu here:

    >> Mugi♥Clammy !!399czRhHgmM 09/27/10(Mon)18:02 No.40680052
         File1285624951.jpg-(39 KB, 512x593, 1282420660492.jpg)
    39 KB
    I don't want to hurt Clammy, I never intended to. The only problem here is the community itself, interfering with us.

    If only he wasn't such a sweetheart, worrying about the feelings of each single one of you.

    I love Clammy, you can't take that away. Now go on with your daily routine.
    >> The guy who fuck things up !!wAtdndBqt2i 09/27/10(Mon)18:02 No.40680064

    also animated
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:03 No.40680069
         File1285624980.jpg-(227 KB, 1076x1600, houkago-vol3-06.jpg)
    227 KB
    I'm so glad I just recently started with the second season (I'm now at episode 3) so I have a lot of K-On goodness left to enjoy.

    Mandatory comic strip always related.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:05 No.40680129
    What the...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:06 No.40680211
    Awesome, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:08 No.40680296
         File1285625337.jpg-(113 KB, 315x462, mugi.jpg)
    113 KB
    I always felt sorry for Mugi. I mean, there was YuiAzuza and RitsuMio, but it always seemed like Mugi got dragged around like a third wheel.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:09 No.40680302
         File1285625342.jpg-(94 KB, 538x322, holo.jpg)
    94 KB
    Why are you so nice to me?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:11 No.40680425
    requesting the picture where Yui is with Azusa wherein the bit of text is saying "Hey kid, wanna get high?"
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:13 No.40680485
         File1285625612.jpg-(176 KB, 1000x1000, juncover.jpg)
    176 KB

    The guy who did all those awesome fake covers never did a Jun so I did this one.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:13 No.40680496
    Sawa x Mugi.

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:14 No.40680507

    Would also like to see this.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:15 No.40680543
    How could there not be a Jun plushie? Her butt would make a nice pillow.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:15 No.40680572
    please make a obachan album fanart she's so cute
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:16 No.40680576
         File1285625768.jpg-(72 KB, 750x563, 1285123612792.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:17 No.40680631
    thanks :3
    Captcha: some schlongz
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:18 No.40680672

    That's actually quite a funny idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:18 No.40680691
    You just picked a random character that I didn't list.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:19 No.40680726
    Obachan is obviously a metalhead at heart.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:20 No.40680759
         File1285626053.png-(391 KB, 800x600, 1285007776100.png)
    391 KB
    Imagine using the real Jun's butt as a pillow...

    ...what is this feeling in my pants?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:22 No.40680826
    Well, she did get to "ride Sawa-chan's car."
    >> Fuwa Fuwa 09/27/10(Mon)18:23 No.40680844
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:25 No.40680890
         File1285626301.jpg-(219 KB, 600x800, BamBamJunJun.jpg)
    219 KB

    Thanks bro, that looks very legit.

    I look forward to an obachan one if you do make one.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:25 No.40680906
         File1285626329.gif-(519 KB, 338x400, 1285433723117.gif)
    519 KB
    So, if such thing comes out what will her song be about? Her regrets and envy?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:25 No.40680911
         File1285626341.jpg-(31 KB, 377x469, 1285569073367.jpg)
    31 KB
    >dat filename
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:28 No.40680999
         File1285626511.jpg-(13 KB, 240x320, travis-barker-1.jpg)
    13 KB

    What the hell kind of tatoos would Ui get?

    Obviously a full body Yui one. But besides that...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:28 No.40681014
    now I want some pics & fanart of obachan please /a/ help me ;-;
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:29 No.40681030
    Her indirect kisses with Azusa.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:30 No.40681060



    This actually makes sense. Mugi was implied to have a crush on Sawa (moreso than any other girl) and Sawako is HARDCORE enough to go through with it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:30 No.40681080
         File1285626657.gif-(7 KB, 400x300, e-mc-hammer-lg.gif)
    7 KB
    >what will her song be about?

    I'd pay a million dollars if they made her do a cover of 'Baby Got Back'...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:31 No.40681107

    One would be about her looking up to her seniors (she seems to have an admiration for Mio, Mugi and her seniors at the jazz club) and the other would be about being a lazy ass and the joys of doing as little as possible for a weekend.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:33 No.40681168
    She always seemed like the 3rd fucking wheel.
    Hell, it almost seems like she was made up just for the club to be able to do shit.

    That, or stop making her past such a damnable mystery.
    Because it looks like she had no fucking friends up until now, and even though she's got a lot of wonderful friends, the idea that she hasn't had any makes me kind of fucking sad.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:36 No.40681252

    Don't know if want. I can't quite hear her rapping.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:40 No.40681367
    1:54 is best mugi
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:41 No.40681404
    Anyone have a vector of that shirt logo or whatever that is?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:41 No.40681417
    Ritsu - Average size
    Mio - Above average
    Mugi - Massive horsecock
    Azusa - Below average, she would be concious about it
    Yui - Tiny /a/non sized cock.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:41 No.40681424
    but Mugi is the mastermind behind YuiAzu and RitsuMio
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:41 No.40681433
    I love how k-on music fits everything i do.
    Anyone else feels the same way?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:42 No.40681434
         File1285627320.jpg-(199 KB, 800x1163, abitofNTRperhaps.jpg)
    199 KB
    >Her indirect kisses with Azusa.

    Or perhaps her direct one...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:44 No.40681523
         File1285627481.jpg-(66 KB, 620x447, 1283050850031.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:44 No.40681530
    Male Mugi would be that guy who seems kinda gay, but gets bitches left and right.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:46 No.40681569
    Good music to lift my mood anytime.

    poor Jun ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:47 No.40681602
         File1285627620.jpg-(197 KB, 420x1050, no_childhood_memories_for_you.jpg)
    197 KB
    >it looks like she had no fucking friends up until now
    >> Fuwa Fuwa 09/27/10(Mon)18:47 No.40681607
    Gotta love Mugi, Yui, Ritsu and even Mio.
    That is a good picture
    yes it does
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:48 No.40681669
         File1285627726.jpg-(247 KB, 562x384, Guy-On.jpg)
    247 KB

    Oh god does this mean Mio fanclub = Homolust everywhere?...
    >> Fuwa Fuwa 09/27/10(Mon)18:48 No.40681678
    Dat fuckin Alpha.
    I would hope Ritsu would kick Mugi's ass in one of the episodes if K-ON went male all of a sudden.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:50 No.40681712
         File1285627810.jpg-(464 KB, 1110x1553, 002.jpg)
    464 KB
    This whole doujin gave me a severe diabetes.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:51 No.40681768
    It would coincide with the Ritsu/Mugi date episode.
    Only instead of a date, they're just being bros.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:52 No.40681786
    so no love for obachan? ;-;
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:52 No.40681817
         File1285627970.jpg-(97 KB, 788x676, junlick.jpg)
    97 KB

    Cute tongue.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)18:57 No.40681969
         File1285628267.jpg-(20 KB, 385x261, hhhnnnnngg.jpg)
    20 KB
    I know, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:01 No.40682094
    obachan want up
    >> L the K-on Fan !!2uu5PquQmYF 09/27/10(Mon)19:02 No.40682124
         File1285628571.jpg-(38 KB, 250x370, 1285294426612.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:17 No.40682540
    so who won azusa or mio?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:23 No.40682726
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)19:24 No.40682754
    They both won their respective groups. October 4th is when the match between the two and Misaka Mikoto takes place.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:25 No.40682793
    Is sex hair still in Saimoe?

    I'm sorry I didn't follow it since I am not eligible to vote for proxy faggotry...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:27 No.40682865
         File1285630031.jpg-(819 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_3556.jpg)
    819 KB
    Bikes are moe.
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)19:28 No.40682907
    She was never in it. Keep in mind this started back in early July.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:33 No.40683039
    torrents for けいおん! 放課後ライブ! ! fuckin where?!
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:34 No.40683058
         File1285630456.jpg-(211 KB, 1410x1000, 1205881050431.jpg)
    211 KB
    Just If anyone is interested...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:35 No.40683084
         File1285630516.jpg-(221 KB, 1410x1000, 1283481050421.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:36 No.40683107
         File1285630560.jpg-(219 KB, 1410x1000, 1283481050901.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:36 No.40683111
         File1285630569.jpg-(207 KB, 1410x1000, paper doll yui.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:36 No.40683122
         File1285630592.jpg-(222 KB, 1410x1000, 1383481050432.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:43 No.40683315
    Aww, how cute. It's a Yuikulele.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:44 No.40683334
    Speaking of Saimoe, can anyone tell me when Saimoe ends? I don't want to browse the rest of /a/ which is gonna be full of butthurt and rage because a character they hate won. Remember what happened when Taiga won (and Yui was second place, IIRC).
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)19:47 No.40683433
    I don't know the exact date, but past years have all ended around early November, i.e. in sometime in the first week,
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:47 No.40683438
         File1285631251.jpg-(26 KB, 456x335, yukiyui.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)19:48 No.40683475
         File1285631315.png-(80 KB, 252x207, 29200347.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:05 No.40684113
         File1285632333.jpg-(60 KB, 465x334, heaven.jpg)
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    This therapeutic
    Thank you
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:25 No.40684628
         File1285633501.jpg-(347 KB, 888x583, 7d64a11d29abb1d57673e15b1d5fa2(...).jpg)
    347 KB
    So... Does anyone have any idea what the last episode is going to be about?
    >> ♥Azusa♥ !QaAs6JfIQM 09/27/10(Mon)20:33 No.40684899
         File1285633999.gif-(241 KB, 250x200, 127895219294.gif)
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    Other than that, no idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:36 No.40684993
    Well, KyoAni previews don't say much so i think no one has a clue.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:38 No.40685035
         File1285634280.gif-(390 KB, 254x382, Beach Sway.gif)
    390 KB
    Why does this make me so happy,
    yet so sad?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:38 No.40685037
    I'd die for some clue on the next generation of Light Music Club...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:42 No.40685129
    yes we nyan request? the one with open eyes please :P
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:42 No.40685148
    Apparently the visit to sawa's house but preview has lied before, so...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:44 No.40685180
    They´ll just go to Sawako´s house.
    It was in the manga.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:50 No.40685377
         File1285635043.png-(47 KB, 318x470, yes we nyan new.png)
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    This one?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:51 No.40685418
         File1285635117.jpg-(128 KB, 900x675, Azusa_in_Azusa_15_by_Bongaboi.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)20:57 No.40685574
    Dat Ritsu hair...
    >> Anomalous 09/27/10(Mon)21:02 No.40685716
         File1285635747.png-(207 KB, 600x755, yeswenyan.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)21:03 No.40685748
         File1285635819.jpg-(30 KB, 467x716, yuidesires.jpg)
    30 KB
    I'm feeling that same exact thing right now ;-; (saved and looping it) I will do my best to own a yuikelele
    >> ImagesandWordsV 09/27/10(Mon)21:04 No.40685765
         File1285635870.png-(61 KB, 368x479, 1284830017902.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)21:20 No.40686217
         File1285636830.jpg-(125 KB, 543x755, 0d7d9294be8fbb41c5569edda068d1(...).jpg)
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    Yes we ny-HHHNNNNNNGGG
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)21:29 No.40686420
         File1285637351.png-(438 KB, 3924x4919, yeswenyan2.png)
    438 KB
    Higher res.
    >> Tachibana Himeko !CmEKzYqW8c 09/27/10(Mon)21:35 No.40686574
    When has it lied?
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)21:46 No.40686944
    He probably means to say that the preview, rather often, only is an accurate depiction of what happens for a small portion of the episode. This is really true of previews for almost any anime though, and even more so of 4koma adaptations, seeing as how there's rarely an episode that has one overarching plot rather than multiple smaller scenarios for comedic effect, i.e. the purpose of a 4koma.

    I don't really understand why it's consistently mentioned in these threads that KyoAni's previews are off the mark. This always happens, regardless of studio.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)21:49 No.40687036
    The thing is these small parts are arranged in such way that ends up giving a completely different message.
    See episode where Mio is voted to to take Romeo's role, and its preview that tells viewers Mio's moving to Irkutsk, Russia.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)21:50 No.40687067
         File1285638625.jpg-(590 KB, 2560x1600, 1283325300709.jpg)
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    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)21:55 No.40687239
    Wh-what? Who would believe that? I can see where the misconceptions come from, but it should be expected by now that when an episode is forced to cover 10 or 20 or 30 or however many pages of the manga, each with a different scenario, that it's impossible for the preview to give the viewer an accurate description of the episode, especially at only 15 seconds or so.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)22:01 No.40687391
         File1285639275.jpg-(311 KB, 1158x800, 1284219448714.jpg)
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    Azusa is Mio´s daughter from the future that came back in time in order to prevent her mother´s death in hands of her boyfriend.

    You know it´s true.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)22:03 No.40687465
         File1285639430.jpg-(256 KB, 1024x768, 1284518157021.jpg)
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    Mama, i...
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)22:06 No.40687536
    I like this image a lot more now. Thanks bro.
    >> Torontofag !!EEVN5mg6m41 09/27/10(Mon)22:07 No.40687550
         File1285639626.jpg-(80 KB, 1024x576, [SS-Eclipse] Seitokai no Ichiz(...).jpg)
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    >see vocaroo thread on/a/
    >record one chorus of slow-tempo don't say lazy with accoustic guitar
    >thread 404's before i get to post
    >my face
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)22:09 No.40687605
    Post it here?
    >> ♥Mio♫ !gezpvkZgBE 09/27/10(Mon)22:09 No.40687617
         File1285639766.jpg-(109 KB, 447x673, kyoani_tainakaritsu_15.jpg)
    109 KB
    This is all I can think of while looking at pictures of this lovely Ritsu figure I wish I had:
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)22:10 No.40687652

    Post it here then. I'm sure we'll appreciate it more.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)22:10 No.40687653
    I find that very hard to believe, no matter the timeline
    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)22:17 No.40687847
         File1285640261.jpg-(247 KB, 1024x768, 1284518225297.jpg)
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    For you.
    >> |°Combine°| 09/27/10(Mon)22:29 No.40688164
         File1285640946.jpg-(151 KB, 1600x1200, iq92dl.jpg)
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    Got these back in July.
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/27/10(Mon)22:29 No.40688178
    Well, then. New thread guys.

    >> Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)22:30 No.40688218
    Currently sobbing at Episode 24.

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