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  • File : 1285507360.png-(82 KB, 500x500, 1284776182300.png)
    82 KB Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:22 No.40631455  
    I pose to you a hypothetical situation /a/. I want complete and honest answers, replies from the "IRL" you, not your "lol do it faggot" persona.

    IF you met a trap that looked exactly like a girl (Line-trap tier, virtually undetectable)-
    IF you two were completely alone and wouldn't be interrupted-
    IF she would never tell anyone, and was moving away soon-
    And IF she agreed to do whatever you wanted-

    Would you play a game of pretend? If not, why? If so, why?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:23 No.40631478

    Because I'd know. And it would eat me up inside.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:24 No.40631502
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    How so?
    >> Drill Remover !!jz16eAXV5r8 09/26/10(Sun)09:25 No.40631520
    Honestly, if I did I'd NOT /a/ RELATED
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:25 No.40631525
         File1285507509.jpg-(28 KB, 468x658, 66697__468x_hideyoshi-kinoshit(...).jpg)
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    of course I would. i fucking love traps.
    >> Good Deeds 09/26/10(Sun)09:25 No.40631535
    I wouldn't but do anything sexually, but i'd be willing to take him to a coffee shop.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:26 No.40631557
    Of course.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:26 No.40631566
    I'm gay. How do I answer?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:26 No.40631569
    >that looked exactly like a girl
    only if that is really true
    i would even do it if "she" were to tell anyone, or not moving away, even if she is the one who says "how" we do it, i wouldn't care
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:27 No.40631582
    Fucking hell, if I met a trap that looked exactly like a girl I'd happily get a civil partnership and live the rest of my days happily, with everyone knowing. Banging 'her' every night.

    If it looks like I girl, I'm turned on by it, so yeah, I'd fuck it. Because I'm straight.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:29 No.40631621
         File1285507746.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 49 KB, 472x637, 1280135461103.jpg)
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    You just did.

    Penis, you forgot about it. However, she looks like this.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:30 No.40631646
    this here is the only correct answer

    captcha: all supatran
    how appropriate
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:31 No.40631665
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    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:32 No.40631692
    Don't care about the penis, as long as I don't have to suck it, I can just fuck 'her' up the ass and be happy - I'd do it on a girl, so why not?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:32 No.40631702

    Well, I'd assume that it wasn't entirely based on physical attraction. And plus it seems like the feelings are reciprocated and there's the fact that the clock's ticking. So yes. I have no reason not to and everything to gain, even if it'd be more depressing since trap-kun's leaving.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:32 No.40631710
    That looks like a dude
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:34 No.40631747
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    Ok than this.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:34 No.40631750
    No, because I'm not gay.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:35 No.40631761
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    I might get called a faggot, but no, I wouldn't, and it's not because of any homosexual overtones. I just don't like sleeping with people I'm not in a relationship with and I'm a man. I did that a few times when I was younger and decided then it just wasn't for me.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:36 No.40631791
    OP, why are you trying to justify sleeping with a trap?
    Do you think that if enough straight people say yes, then that makes it not gay?
    It has a penis. You have a penis. You are gay.
    End of discussion.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:36 No.40631793
    I'd just fuck him/her. No pretend required.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:37 No.40631812
    Yes , I actually do it all the time , and keep it on the DL (Downlow) Nobody knows , and i swear augmentations are a wonderful thing.

    once a month if i can. every other weekend if im in a I don't give a fuck mood.

    No i don't "take it" ever
    Or fellate , im always the man. It keeps my ego in check , so i don't turn :D
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:37 No.40631820
    If it was someone I knew I probably would.
    If it was a total stranger, no, because I"m not a slut
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:37 No.40631822
         File1285508272.jpg-(106 KB, 418x455, 1272283328822.jpg)
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    OP here, apparently you don't understand the term >hypothetical.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:38 No.40631831
    But I really doubt this exist in real life. You can clearly see the difference.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:38 No.40631842
    Bi here.
    I love dudes, girls, traps...
    But most of all I love reverse traps.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:39 No.40631862
    I've been on HRT for 3 months now, you have no idea how much better my sex life has become. Guys ang girls galore.

    Also, anyone else going to SLA next month?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:41 No.40631898

    Oh man, that picture takes me back.
    >> Konata's Lover !!sixY1GTwO4g 09/26/10(Sun)09:42 No.40631925
         File1285508520.png-(11 KB, 463x416, 1259828884982.png)
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    Gonna say proooobably. Only if the trap has an ass. Like a nice plump ass. I love those.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:43 No.40631942
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    >> Corporate Executive Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 09/26/10(Sun)09:43 No.40631945
    A game of pretend? I do not know really - I have effectively told someone else I would for them, does that count?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:44 No.40631982
         File1285508685.jpg-(70 KB, 469x700, 30351.jpg)
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    We all know where "hypothetical" questions lead us to. It's the same with the pedophiles. "Hey dude, if it was a _____, and there was a ____, and there were no _____ around, and it wasn't against the ____, would you ____?"

    OP, if you keep dwelling over these feelings, you WILL eventually act on them. I'm not saying its wrong or anything. If you like traps then by all means go fuck a trap. But don't lie to yourself for the sake of "experimenting" and think that you won't regret it later.
    >> Konata's Lover !!sixY1GTwO4g 09/26/10(Sun)09:44 No.40631985
         File1285508690.jpg-(25 KB, 280x251, 1249230704591.jpg)
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    >mfw he comes in your delicious 17 year old ass
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:45 No.40631992
    It counts.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:46 No.40632021
         File1285508788.jpg-(103 KB, 413x413, 1276718812618.jpg)
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    >> hugh 09/26/10(Sun)09:48 No.40632090
    >linetrap looks exactly like a girl
    you lost me
    >> ‎‎(‏‏‎‎ ´_‎‎ゝ‏‏‎‎`‎‎) I <‏‏3 ann‏‏imeh !kawaiipAfU 09/26/10(Sun)09:49 No.40632121
    >IF you met a trap that looked exactly like a girl
    Right out of the gates, it doesn't exist.

    No game of pretend, because I'm not attracted to men.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:49 No.40632122
    no but i might jack him off if he wanted me to
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:50 No.40632144
         File1285509037.jpg-(70 KB, 800x493, 1268541963968.jpg)
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    No, I don't want AIDS.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:50 No.40632148
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    I blame 4chan for these thoughts. Specifically /a/
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:50 No.40632149
         File1285509045.png-(11 KB, 311x316, 1270805667092.png)
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    >Line-trap tier, virtually undetectable

    Line-trap doesn't even come close to passing as female. Stop making excuses when fapping to gay porn, nobody's judging you.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:54 No.40632230
         File1285509273.jpg-(12 KB, 480x360, 0[1].jpg)
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    Are we talking about the same human?
    >> hugh 09/26/10(Sun)09:55 No.40632241
    that pic is misleading, did you see her porn? manface, manbody.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:55 No.40632254

    The fact that he's still a dude doesn't change, even if he looks feminine. And I don't dig dudes if you know what I mean.

    So, no.
    >> Corporate Executive Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 09/26/10(Sun)09:55 No.40632257

    Being a creative genius (hah) and that I crossdress in public, I will give one the chance of glory...only because I would not mind the prospect of chilling out or doing things even as a character for them, because I think that shit is pretty cool and would be nice to do for someone
    >> ‎‎(‏‏‎‎ ´_‎‎ゝ‏‏‎‎`‎‎) I <‏‏3 ann‏‏imeh !kawaiipAfU 09/26/10(Sun)09:55 No.40632258
    If you think that shit is attractive, you are gay. Period.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:56 No.40632294
    This is so funny and cute.

    I want somebody to do a 2D version.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:57 No.40632298
    sauce for this one
    sheesh /a/ what have you done
    im liking traps now
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:57 No.40632314
         File1285509452.jpg-(245 KB, 800x639, 1235381752299.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:58 No.40632330
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:58 No.40632331
    >IF she would never tell anyone, and was moving away soon
    No. I know I'd fall in love with him/her and it would be too much if he just left me.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:02 No.40632412

    As >>40632241 pointed out, Line-trap has a total manface with the nose being a big contributor. No amount of makeup could disguise that face. Combine this with unfeminine body proportions and you have yourself some regular dude with implants.

    If you find Line-trap attractive, you find dudes attractive.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:02 No.40632427
    yeah sure. i guess that makes me gay.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:05 No.40632509
         File1285509942.jpg-(44 KB, 705x564, 1281735107050.jpg)
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    I'll just leave this here.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:07 No.40632554
    i'd do the trap but wouldn't be interested in a normal girl...
    >> Corporate Executive Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 09/26/10(Sun)10:08 No.40632574
    Well, of course traps will not have the same looks of a girl, though hormones/surgery can help carve a similar image - you end up just playing the cards you have been dealt. Of course, it is all about appearances and everyones appearances vary greatly, so people will alyways get caught off guard...I give respect for those who can rock the feminine appearance with confidence.


    You need som experience, brah.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:08 No.40632576
         File1285510102.jpg-(55 KB, 400x400, cowboy_bebop_at_his_computer.jpg)
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    this is why you failed /a/, Harlock is rolling on his space tomb

    also why have a badly done imitation of a female when you can have an actual female
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:10 No.40632634

    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:12 No.40632676
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    Notice how a question is posed to them, yet they attack OP's sexuality? I call that fear and deflection. Maybe some denial too. Hypothetical doesn't mean judging who asked the question, it simply means not real. Geeze.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:12 No.40632680
    For the same reason /a/ likes bad anime rather than superior Western cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:14 No.40632716
    I think it's because real women are immoral whores.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:14 No.40632720

    so now when people show disgust to something they are in denial
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:16 No.40632748



    How to answer no without being defensive and telegraphing your own insecurities to anyone reading.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:16 No.40632751
    Because I like dicks too. I just don't like the male form and I find chicks with dicks disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:17 No.40632770
    It's not fear and deflection. They just simply don't lie to themselves and say it's not gay because it "looks" like a girl. As far as I'm concerned, it could have had a sex change and gone through hormone treatment and still be a dude. You are whatever you were born as.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:21 No.40632845
    What the fuck?
    OP's question was would you have sex with a trap and WHY. They were simply answering the other half of the question by saying that they weren't gay. Go back and read OP's post again bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:24 No.40632885

    a man that wants to be a girl is a girl in my books and in turn a woman that wants to a man is a man.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:24 No.40632901

    chances are that they really are disgusted by the idea, and probably its the natural thing to do.
    also this i the internet where everybody hates everybody
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:25 No.40632906
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    OP why do you do this.
    Now its going to haunt me that I even considered agreeing to this
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:25 No.40632925
    >If not, why?

    Original Post

    >you are gay. Period.
    >Stop making excuses when fapping to gay porn
    >you find dudes attractive.

    Which of these answers why they wouldn't fuck a man?
    >> Corporate Executive Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 09/26/10(Sun)10:27 No.40632965

    You say it as if guys have their TG/TS scanner on max before the leave the house, which is not the case, as they will look anybody who remotely resembles a female. You like their look, you will approach them. Plenty of women with man jaws an' shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:27 No.40632966
    Yes. It wouldn't even have to be pretend. Life's better when you like the boys and the girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:28 No.40632971
    >and was moving away soon-


    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:28 No.40632972
    No. Because if they're moving away there's no point in doing something like that with them.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:28 No.40632992
         File1285511334.jpg-(44 KB, 704x476, hidamardealwithit.jpg)
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    Yeah I most likely would. And if 'she' moaned liked a girl too? My fucking god we'd be in business.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:30 No.40633018

    So, if I wake up one morning and decide I want to be a man, I'm a man. But if 5 minutes later I decide I want to be a girl, then I'm magically transformed into a girl? Sorry but I don't think shape-shifters are real.

    I wont deny that some men have personalities which tend to be more feminine and some females have personalities which tend to be more masculine, but saying that they are truly a man or woman because they WANT to be is just plain retarded.

    I wanted to be a demon fox when I was a kid but I was still just a human kid.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:31 No.40633038
    Why is anonymous so much obsessed with travestites?

    Seriously, go out of the closet if you lust so fucking much for a guy who looks like a girl or if you make the excuse of "DURH IT'S LIKE A GIRL WITH A PENIS".

    >> Corporate Executive Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 09/26/10(Sun)10:33 No.40633078

    'game of pretend' - even saying as much as:

    >And IF she agreed to do whatever you wanted-

    Which does not have to include sex. Shows what people have on their minds though....not even simply just going out as an animu couple will do?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:33 No.40633082

    your body can easily be changed. your mind however is representative of you as a person.

    a kid that truly believes that he is a demon fox is in my opinion a demon fox trapped in the body of a kid.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:33 No.40633085
         File1285511637.gif-(18 KB, 472x352, 1239211760144.gif)
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    >I wanted to be a demon fox when I was a kid but I was still just a human kid.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:34 No.40633104
    Because until /a/ I had no attraction to guys at all. I still don't but traps for some reason...

    needless to say /a/ has seriously fucked with my mind.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:36 No.40633117
    Shut up, you kid with a pharoah in his mind
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:36 No.40633118
         File1285511771.jpg-(19 KB, 280x456, mirror[1].jpg)
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    Irrational anger toward anonymous because of their sexual preference. Do you even know WHY you are so angry?

    I think you need one of these.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:36 No.40633124
    That be a big no for me. It's a guy no matter how you splice it. Traps irl are not like the traps in anime or manga.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:37 No.40633129

    >You say it as if guys have their TG/TS scanner
    >on max before the leave the house, which is not
    >the case

    No, that is not what I meant
    Some men are attracted to men and others to women. I know there are traps out there that look so much like women that I WOULD approach them. But it crosses the line when you get in bed and knowingly start sucking a dick, That is when it becomes gay.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:38 No.40633144
         File1285511885.gif-(18 KB, 294x271, 1214591621857.gif)
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    Nice five, Yugi. But let me show you how it's really done.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:38 No.40633153

    No, because I would know he has a penis.

    And being straight, the only penis I like is my penis.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:38 No.40633156
    Because of idiots pushing their beliefs over someone else. Say that you dislike the general faggotery more and more pushed into anon's head, get bashing.

    Fuck it.
    >> Corporate Executive Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 09/26/10(Sun)10:40 No.40633173

    If we are talking gender, then gender can go either way. Just because you are born a male, you should have to live as a man 'should' live. Some people feel a bit hard done by because they cannot do certain things because they were born a male. Yeah, it sucks, but yeah, we must deal with it (the best we can). If someone wishes to be refered to as a woman, then I will adhere to their wishes - it does not hurt anybody.

    Sex however, is different. Me, I am fine with the fact that I was born male, but I am unhappy that I cannot live as a female would. Shit sucks, but still, I must deal with it...the best I can! Though I am doing things about that and so far...success.
    >> Destrado !QFtehReiJw 09/26/10(Sun)10:40 No.40633174
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    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:42 No.40633191
    Well when OP said
    >IF you two were completely alone and wouldn't be interrupted-
    >IF she would never tell anyone, and was moving away soon-
    >And IF she agreed to do whatever you wanted-

    Maybe I was wrong but I kind of figured OP wasn't just talking about playing checkers and catching fireflies.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:42 No.40633196
    Yea, we'd pretend that we're Space Patrol Officers and go on a magnificent adventure through the Boingo Nebula in our ship, the SS Cardboardia Bachs. I would be Captain Flint Ironstag, and shklee would be my bumbling, gender ambiguous sidekick, Ensign Guy McGirl.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:42 No.40633207
         File1285512172.png-(14 KB, 500x500, 1266404137923.png)
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    No one forced you into this thread. Also no one is bashing you with anything, you came in guns blazing ranting about anonymous' supposed love for trannies.

    Also, I believe that it was the great moot who said, "If you don't like it, ignore it."

    What brought you here in the first place, I wonder?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:43 No.40633211
         File1285512194.jpg-(41 KB, 507x337, travesti.jpg)
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    Face it, the only reason people are pushing the trap bullshit, it's because of LOL LEGION I LOEV LOLI DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS.

    Two years ago, the only trap was Bridget. Now look at the bullshit. "HEY ANON I LIKE COCKS, DO YOU WANT ME DRESSED IN A FRILLY SKIRT?".

    The otoko no ko boom is fucking bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:43 No.40633223
         File1285512236.jpg-(42 KB, 155x178, 1279672041482.jpg)
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    doubles thread

    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:44 No.40633229
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:45 No.40633246
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    Haven't you been here for the ronery/hikki threads? Some people would kill (literally) to be held by another human being. Besides, if the person IS truly feminine, they would appreciate the emotional side of the time you spent together over the physical.

    I guess it depends on the person too though.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:45 No.40633263
    If you'd like I can call you Misses Anonymous, But your chromosomes will always show who you really are
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:46 No.40633273
    Go back to making eva threads, you suck at getting dubz.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:47 No.40633307
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    You are just so... angry, it's crazy. Also, if you don't know how to minimize threads, you really shouldn't be on 4chan in the first place. You have only yourself to blame.
    My face when you post
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:48 No.40633318
         File1285512497.png-(328 KB, 700x488, 1281438509540.png)
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    Someone needs to stop hiding their desire for trap cocks.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:49 No.40633329
    whats a /A/?
    >> Corporate Executive Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 09/26/10(Sun)10:49 No.40633340

    I would not allow that. I would tell someone first, or not try and advance with anything, as much as I may like the person or not. I do not know how many transpeople would actually go out of their way to get into bed with someone without telling them their situation. I am content will just being friends with them, but of course, they may not feel the same.


    Well, if it is getting more people out there, then good. It is all down to appearances at the end of the day.

    I will say - heels gives one confidence through the roof. Now I cannot live without them...
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:50 No.40633348
    Yeah, I'm pretty mad. Enjoy your aids, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:51 No.40633359
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    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:52 No.40633384
    No,I wouldn't do it because of my pride.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:52 No.40633385
    If it's pretty, you fuck it.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:52 No.40633398
    Enjoy your premade retorts, maggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:53 No.40633415

    If you hate this thread and it's contents so much, why do you keep coming back?

    That is, unless you really DON'T hate it, and are lying to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:53 No.40633416
    This is /a/, obviously we are not talking about holding hands and walking off into the sunset. Anyone with general literacy can tell that OP was talking about fucking a trap. If you have a dick, and you are sucking a dick, it is gay. I don't give a shit if you are gay, keep being gay. Just because you used your imagination to transform that penis into a popsicle doesn't mean you aren't gay. And stop trying to change the discussion.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:53 No.40633420
         File1285512838.jpg-(22 KB, 400x300, 1284128365620.jpg)
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    /a/ is full of gay because anime is full of faggotry

    my advice is just stop posting, dont want to get stuff force fed to you? then get out.

    let faggots suck cocks and let men be MEN
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:54 No.40633422
    No. Do you fuck cats? Little kids? If you're not gay then you wouldn't hit a feminine man either.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:57 No.40633498
    Actually, that is exactly what people talk about here at night. You made an assumption, now you have to deal with it.

    I'll quote the OP again:
    >And IF she agreed to do whatever you wanted-

    Nowhere did it say SEX. Hell, OP could have been talking about anything, you assumed sex, that is your mistake. Just like you are assuming his sexuality with no proof.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)10:57 No.40633501
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    Oh my, someone is mad.
    >> Corporate Executive Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 09/26/10(Sun)10:57 No.40633515

    Uh, indeed. Of course you will have a lot of people who are upset that they were not born female, but you know...I am not one of these people. If I can look as feminine as I can but have a dick then so be it. If no-one looks, no-one knows and if someone asks I will tell them! Just let me present myself how I please.
    >> Corporate Executive Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 09/26/10(Sun)10:59 No.40633542

    Anyone with a brain would have actually read the opening post. It implies a lot of things, not just sex. If you think sex right away then it says a lot about you.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)11:05 No.40633661
    I'm a woman, should I just reverse it to a woman who looked exactly like a man or what?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)11:05 No.40633666
    And I completely fucking agree with you. You want to dress like a woman? Go for it. All I was saying was that your not truly a woman.

    Whatever. If you say it's not then fine, I don't care. But just to clarify, If it doesn't mean sex and only means riding bicycles and playing video games, then it's not gay. If it means kissing, hugging, cuddling, or fucking, it is gay.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)11:07 No.40633723
    It's fun to see that all these threads start with a seeming neutrality. But as soon as someone questions the point "OMG YOU FUKING HOMOFOBE I HATE YOU YOU QUEER HATER'
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)11:09 No.40633767
    no, but you can fuck off =)
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)11:11 No.40633805
    I guess thats fine. But when you go to the DMV to get your Driver's Licence, you will be marking "Male" of course. When you appear before a judge to get married, you will be marking "Male". When you go to the hospital for surgery, you will tell the Doctor you are a man. That is what I am referring to.
    >> Corporate Executive Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 09/26/10(Sun)11:14 No.40633866

    Whetever boats ones float. I have no problems with acts of gayness so it does not bother me in the slightest. I personally would not go as far as fucking...kissing and cuddling can do wonders for ones esteem and really, subtle things like that that females do for each other is another quality I like about them.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)11:17 No.40633910
    What the hell, I would fuck him right away even if he doesn't pretend to be a woman. A girly boy is perfectly fine for me
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)11:18 No.40633925
    Get the fuck out. Just because we think dicks are disgusting you faggots immediately start saying "your just hiding your insecurities!"

    I hear this shit all the time. You say how we're all just homophobes. We're not scared of faggots. We just because we don't like sucking cocks as much as you do doesn't mean we go out at night and run trannies over with our cars.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)11:18 No.40633931
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    Hard mode
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)11:19 No.40633948
    Sure, man. It's totally not gay if my cock is hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)11:19 No.40633956

    Uhh, you realize that this guy: >>40633723 was agreeing with you right? Heh, maybe if you would calm down and read you would realize the whole world isn't against you or something.

    If you don't like it, ignore it.

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