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09/26/10(Sun)10:06 No.40632540 File1285510015.jpg-(357 KB, 1600x1200, 1264967181801.jpg)
Japanese and European teenage girls, wearing Wehrmacht uniforms,
exploring a Japanese school in a Spanish town full of French people who
make Venetian glassware on Switzerland's French border, in a country
that has a soldier princess playing Amazing Grace on a trumpet,
following a Shinto-Christian religion with a miko-nun, treating tropical
diseases only children get, accepting yen as currency while not being
able to read kanji, celebrating Spanish traditions mixed with Chinese
New Years legends, shooting at African owls (that try to keep them away
from schoolgirl ghosts) with German rifles, being led by a traumatized
commander who is afraid of lightning, tricking Italian mobsters to keep
them from moving in on the girls' bootlegging operation which finance
their paycheck and supplies, playing war games with a nun and getting
pissed drunk, pissing themselves and becoming baby factories for the
Pope, creating biological weapons while still little kids and killing
thousands, all while at war with German-speaking brown-skinned Americans
with bindis on females' foreheads from a Roman Empire lead by the Pope
that follows a monotheistic religion that believes in the Judgment Day,
while piloting a finally fixed multi-legged, demon-slaying,
weather-reporting, stealth-sniper and simulation training mode capable,
AMAZING GRACE SINGING, Engrish-speaking, talking like a SPESS
MEHREEN,wall-climbing, 200mm coil gun-firing "son of the god of fire"
supertank from the past (aka Tank-kun). |