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  • File : 1285455392.jpg-(108 KB, 850x531, s3possibility.jpg)
    108 KB K-ON General: 「I'm so envious!」 !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/25/10(Sat)18:56 No.40616253  
    2d 17h until doomsday

    Discuss K-On.
    Discuss future plans for K-On (such as a season 3).
    Post (K-On related) images.
    Discuss (K-On related) music.

    Full, scanlated manga at
    Play K-On related Osu! with other /a/nons. (K-On beatmap pack:

    Gitah Studios Blog:
    Short demo for the K-On Beat'em Up:
    K-On Wiki:!_Wiki

    Assorted patchwork and vectors, courtesy of Japanese Emoticon Tripfag:
    K-On Soundtrack DDL (excluding band scores) [MF]:; [MU]:
    K-On Desktop Accessories:

    Lovers' gonna love. Remember: Don't respond to trolls! Filters' gonna filter:
    Old thread: >>40607194
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)18:58 No.40616293
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)18:59 No.40616315
         File1285455543.jpg-(172 KB, 800x600, f17339acade03faeb0d8207cb2d83b(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)18:59 No.40616327
         File1285455561.jpg-(59 KB, 415x496, 1283319907143.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:00 No.40616350
    Metallica riffs anyone?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:00 No.40616352
    >2d 17h until doomsday
    Tick tick tick.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:01 No.40616389
    I think you guys underestimate Azusa.
    She's smart and not as shy as Mio and very fucking cute, she can use that to her advantage.
    More like a smart and swift trickster than a brute powerhouse she could manage to beat all the other K-ON!'s.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:01 No.40616390

    Whoever drew that really had a passion for their subject matter.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:02 No.40616416
    So tell me, did season 2 actually have more music? Or was it the same "dumb girls doing stupid things" bullshit of season one?

    Legit question by the way, I couldn't stand season one.
    >> ( ´_ゝ`) I <3 ann‪‪imeh !Kkawaii1/c 09/25/10(Sat)19:03 No.40616421
         File1285455788.jpg-(36 KB, 399x297, k-on general.jpg)
    36 KB
    Take it to >>>/c/
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:04 No.40616470
    S2 is better and has a bit more music than the first, but mostly it is still about cute girls doing cute things, or how you say
    > "dumb girls doing stupid things"
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:06 No.40616512

    /r/ing larger version of that pic OP, TinEye got naught.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/25/10(Sat)19:09 No.40616585
         File1285456159.jpg-(543 KB, 1920x1200, - 83791 71 animal(...).jpg)
    543 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:10 No.40616620
    Fun things are still fun.

    Also, K-ON! piano sheets for piano nerds, like myself.

    K -ON!


    Josh's seems like a decent resource. Anyone have transcriptions they prefer over the ones there?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:17 No.40616824
         File1285456663.jpg-(274 KB, 950x1603, 1280888744327.jpg)
    274 KB
    Meh, these are completely ooc.
    Jun would never wear something decent, her fashion sense makes her combine a variety of not matching shitty clothes.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/25/10(Sat)19:19 No.40616879
    I love her for that.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:25 No.40617040
         File1285457146.png-(304 KB, 998x734, shemad.png)
    304 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:31 No.40617214
         File1285457495.jpg-(163 KB, 600x800, 3465643.jpg)
    163 KB
    great to be back in this general thread.
    >> |°Combine°| 09/25/10(Sat)19:31 No.40617216
    >> |°Combine°| 09/25/10(Sat)19:32 No.40617245
         File1285457553.jpg-(159 KB, 950x1603, sdasdasdasd.jpg)
    159 KB
    Forgot Picture...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:33 No.40617289
         File1285457637.png-(175 KB, 600x755, 1285182349452.png)
    175 KB
    Did you ever make the bigger version of this?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:42 No.40617542
         File1285458149.jpg-(112 KB, 850x576, nicejun.jpg)
    112 KB

    She seems to wear anything green, pink and/or frilly. The mismatching wardrobe must be intention on the part of the designers. The casual clothes are really nicely put together otherwise.

    I like it. It's part of her character.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:42 No.40617554
         File1285458169.jpg-(91 KB, 1280x720, 1280451205323.jpg)
    91 KB
    Sucks that these threads are dying.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/25/10(Sat)19:44 No.40617623
         File1285458293.jpg-(196 KB, 950x1603, derp.jpg)
    196 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:46 No.40617672
         File1285458391.jpg-(232 KB, 800x1350, ohshi-.jpg)
    232 KB
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/25/10(Sat)19:47 No.40617692
         File1285458423.jpg-(24 KB, 247x362, 1279525242716.jpg)
    24 KB
    Check the mediafire link.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:47 No.40617708
         File1285458454.gif-(1.17 MB, 704x400, plate spinning.gif)
    1.17 MB
    yeah it's right about that time, peaked the week after episode 20, finale already shown, series winding down. we'll be back though don't you worry
    >> ♥Mio♫ !gezpvkZgBE 09/25/10(Sat)19:49 No.40617760
         File1285458543.jpg-(88 KB, 310x310, 2349823428934.jpg)
    88 KB

    Stop making me face reality! I've been living in these threads for so long, they're so much a part of my daily routine!
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:53 No.40617912
    Looking pretty curvaceous there Azunyan.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/25/10(Sat)19:55 No.40617971
    >> |°Combine°| 09/25/10(Sat)19:56 No.40618008
         File1285458981.png-(214 KB, 1676x1017, LinkAzusaFind.png)
    214 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)19:59 No.40618106
         File1285459195.jpg-(447 KB, 800x1350, iamthesun.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)20:01 No.40618154
         File1285459309.jpg-(172 KB, 600x800, 4564er.jpg)
    172 KB
    what ever happened with the beat em up game? I've been out of the threads for awhile now.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)20:02 No.40618188
         File1285459365.png-(63 KB, 573x393, sadfrog.png)
    63 KB
    Face it, there's no Season 3. There's no more K-ON.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)20:05 No.40618257
         File1285459516.jpg-(274 KB, 1920x1080, sleepingjun.jpg)
    274 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)20:06 No.40618281
    I want K-on!: the college years
    >> |°Combine°| 09/25/10(Sat)20:07 No.40618307
         File1285459637.jpg-(160 KB, 950x1603, asdsdsdsdasd.jpg)
    160 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)20:09 No.40618374
    Nice, you found an azu-nyan i hope that will help you in the next temple.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)20:16 No.40618570
    Does anyone have that K-on: After story picture with Yui on the light post?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)20:21 No.40618716
         File1285460508.jpg-(152 KB, 500x700, 1285247221408.jpg)
    152 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)20:25 No.40618804
    Thank you kind anon.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)20:27 No.40618859
         File1285460873.jpg-(104 KB, 500x280, 1285247752265.jpg)
    104 KB
    No problem
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)20:29 No.40618887
    Can we gat a dickbutt version?
    I have a bit of a collection, and that would be perfect.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:21 No.40620375
         File1285464086.gif-(475 KB, 320x180, 1283274501584.gif)
    475 KB
    good luck k-on general, bump
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:21 No.40620389
         File1285464112.jpg-(496 KB, 987x1043, b76ee3b1ab4cdf13c5852ed62f9adc(...).jpg)
    496 KB
    Puni puni~
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:23 No.40620458
         File1285464230.jpg-(157 KB, 800x533, 1284055012815.jpg)
    157 KB

    In would, but I can't seem to get a good dickbutt template...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:28 No.40620569
         File1285464520.jpg-(309 KB, 1280x720, clubboard.jpg)
    309 KB
    Crossover anon here.
    Photoshop crashed. Silence ensued.

    And fixed some typos and sentences.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:44 No.40621004
    After Episode 26 these threads will definitely slow down. It'll be sad to see the end of K-On General, but I think it's all right. And hey, at least that's one less thread I'll need constantly tabbed.

    By the way, is that writefag still doing the Bullied Yui story?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:46 No.40621044
         File1285465588.jpg-(113 KB, 1280x720, 1285118530636.jpg)
    113 KB
    I don't remember seeing him/her for a while.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:49 No.40621133
    K-ON Endgame (1/3)

    Azusa climbs a building, holding her guitar as if ready to strike it against someone. Smoke obscures her vision, but she is sure someone was there.

    "M-Mikoto! Mikoto Misaka!" she calls out, expecting a battle against the level 5 esper. When the smoke clears, she sees someone else. "M-Mio-chan?"

    Mio's eyes are downcast. She sighs heavily and asks Azusa, "We've lived many lives. We've seen things that most people can never understand. But now, what do you see?"

    "I see someone who wouldn't make men hnnnggg if their bodies are not ready. I also see someone who has lost hope."

    "Life brings hope and pain, but revenge never brings redemption."

    "The path and choice are ours."

    Mio walks away and goes to where she put her bass.

    "Mio, what the hell is going on?"

    "I've chosen mine!" Mio yells as she draws her bass to strike Azusa.

    Azusa barely dodges the blow. "What're you doing?"
    >> More Easy !!vHYZ5D5r/oP 09/25/10(Sat)21:49 No.40621137
         File1285465793.jpg-(35 KB, 640x480, sept 25 10 pm.jpg)
    35 KB
    Wow, it looks like the Azusafags are beginning their campaign. Good luck Mio, even though I voted against you.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:51 No.40621165
         File1285465861.jpg-(26 KB, 400x400, 3609351826_9e6a3bcfbe.jpg)
    26 KB
    Hmm. WTF am I going to watch once K-On is over.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:51 No.40621180
         File1285465902.jpg-(191 KB, 600x600, 30d7f2cc8e9c2b29c2330189c409ce(...).jpg)
    191 KB
    Yes. Working on it later tonight after I stop being a drawfag.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:53 No.40621221
    K-ON Endgame (2/3)

    "Mikoto is strong, and she's getting stronger. The two of us should not take on her together."

    Mio strikes at Azusa again, but she blocks with her own guitar. "Are you out of your mind?"

    "If we let her win, it would mean the end!" Mio strikes more furiously this time.

    "Mio, no!"

    Mio takes high ground. "Mikoto is going to beat you, Azusa, just to torment me, and there is nothing you can do about it! Nothing!"

    "I don't believe that, Mio, and neither should you!"

    "In a split vote, neither of us can beat her, alone, we can."

    "You know the rules! there are three who will battle at round 3!"

    "Of course there will be three who will battle."

    "This isn't the answer!"

    "Listen to me! In the end, there can be only one, and that has to be you!"

    "No, we can beat her together."

    "Then we are in agreement."

    "Enough Mio! I won't fight you. I will never fight you!"

    "Then you'll die!" Mio attacks, while Azusa tries to dodge her.

    "No! We're not doing this Mio!"

    "Oh yes we're doing this. Every day, every breath we take was towards this end. Look inside and tell me I'm wrong."
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:53 No.40621224
         File1285466007.jpg-(168 KB, 600x800, 1274638284528.jpg)
    168 KB

    They've served their purpose. There will still be resurgences when the OVA comes, stuff like that.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:54 No.40621267
    ultimate "deal with it" pic
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:54 No.40621270
         File1285466099.png-(438 KB, 3924x4919, yeswenyan2.png)
    438 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:57 No.40621330
    K-ON Endgame (3/3)

    After a flurry of strikes and blocks, Mio loses her bass. She falls to her knees, clearing the way for Azusa to make the killing blow.

    "Do it!"

    Azusa hesitates. "I can't!"

    "Remember when you first found me crying with cat ears on, broken out of my wits? You taught me how to live, Mio. You taught me why we live. Have you forgotten about that?"


    "Our bonds are what we have in this world. Don't break this one, Mio, I'm begging you!"

    "It's too late... This has to be it."

    Mio runs to grab her bass and attack Azusa. After another exchange of blows, they end up in locked in a stance in which, as their previous rare practices demonstrate, the next step leads to a sure kill--with Mio on the losing side. Azusa is horrified.

    "One of us has to lose now, friend.


    "And you know it."


    "Goodbye Azu-nyan, my true imouto."

    "I love you, Mio-neesan..."
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)21:59 No.40621379
         File1285466341.png-(Spoiler Image, 64 KB, 318x470, dawww.png)
    Spoiler Image, 64 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:02 No.40621505

    how is sleeping jun any different from Yui
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:04 No.40621558
         File1285466664.jpg-(136 KB, 1030x1020, 1283804599845.jpg)
    136 KB
    Oh god, that artstyle/drawstyle reminds of something...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:06 No.40621630
    I don't really know where this is going.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:07 No.40621649

    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:07 No.40621658
         File1285466878.jpg-(126 KB, 347x650, 1279210729359.jpg)
    126 KB

    It's beautiful, man.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:09 No.40621707
    I just noticed that Yui is making a bar chord shape with her hand in this picture while she sleeps!

    Was it just me, or did anyone else notice that too?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:12 No.40621747
         File1285467122.jpg-(243 KB, 1920x1080, junclose.jpg)
    243 KB

    That's Jun, not Yui.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:13 No.40621791
    It's "barre chord", you cretin.
    I thought you K-On! fans were supposed to be learning about music?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:14 No.40621822
    That's her right hand though.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:15 No.40621839
         File1285467309.jpg-(308 KB, 1000x2277, 33e[1].jpg)
    308 KB
    Why does this pic reminds me of that lonely Kagamin doujin?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:15 No.40621849
    personally I pronouce it BEAR CHORD because I'm awesome like that.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:16 No.40621874

    That is some very impressive fail right there.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:17 No.40621889
    are you saying it isn't her right hand?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:17 No.40621906
    I know a lot about music.
    For example, what key is Fuwa Fuwa Time in?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:19 No.40621949
    My only regret is that they didn't play more music during the show
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:21 No.40621999
    If I remember correctly that had something to do with the animators. Not sure though.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:21 No.40622005

    No, the fail is with >>40621707


    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:26 No.40622127
    >Know a lot about music
    >Right-handed non-guitarist playing a "bar" chord with their right hand
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:26 No.40622130
         File1285467986.jpg-(73 KB, 500x604, 1285410851874.jpg)
    73 KB
    Well played...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:26 No.40622141

    Everybody looks the same in this show with their hair down.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:27 No.40622173
         File1285468059.jpg-(142 KB, 720x479, bro come at me bro.jpg)
    142 KB
    Obviously, I was mistaken, sir.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:27 No.40622180
    That's exactly the problem. If it were Yui, and she were making a barre chord, she'd be using her left hand.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:28 No.40622213
         File1285468136.jpg-(98 KB, 788x804, 1281417943398.jpg)
    98 KB
    Yui, Ui and Ritsu, Jun's hair down is slightly more curly. Plus she says so in the bathroom with Azu and Ui when they discuss their hair and weather.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:29 No.40622218
    Yes that's what I was saying but no aparently I fail for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:29 No.40622242
         File1285468198.png-(393 KB, 666x942, 1284634984965.png)
    393 KB

    Yeah, it's a fair mistake. Jun's defining features are her pigtails and eyes, neither are in that picture.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:32 No.40622297
         File1285468322.jpg-(37 KB, 300x375, Well carry on then.jpg)
    37 KB
    Thank you.

    Simple mistake.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:32 No.40622319
         File1285468378.png-(391 KB, 800x600, 1285007776100.png)
    391 KB
    You're forgetting a certain something...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:33 No.40622329
         File1285468409.jpg-(564 KB, 1024x852, 1284260445513.jpg)
    564 KB
    /r/ing clean image
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:34 No.40622371
         File1285468498.jpg-(12 KB, 320x296, Go on peter.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:35 No.40622376
    did they flat out refuse to do more? they had plenty of time for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:38 No.40622462
         File1285468737.png-(954 KB, 1403x992, c45e4ebf1bb02687acace2c998bb70(...).png)
    954 KB
    Well aware of but not really since this particular part of her isn't seen in her sleeping in bed image. Cue Jun butt!
    I'll bet shes got those little dimples women have above their asses.

    captcha "but"
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:44 No.40622605
         File1285469088.jpg-(89 KB, 253x750, 1285380995794.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:45 No.40622622
         File1285469123.gif-(488 KB, 510x326, 1279563480316.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:49 No.40622731
         File1285469349.jpg-(86 KB, 963x660, 200024643.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)22:50 No.40622759
         File1285469401.gif-(519 KB, 338x400, 1285433723117.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:00 No.40623050

    captcha: agony dischrat
    >> L the K-on Fan !!2uu5PquQmYF 09/25/10(Sat)23:20 No.40623629
         File1285471239.jpg-(96 KB, 850x850, 1280527588170.jpg)
    96 KB

    They are going to make more, right? This is just the first edition they are releasing.
    >> ♥Mio♫ !gezpvkZgBE 09/25/10(Sat)23:23 No.40623714

    Who knows. Last I checked, yesasia and playasia had them still.
    >> L the K-on Fan !!2uu5PquQmYF 09/25/10(Sat)23:25 No.40623777
         File1285471521.jpg-(80 KB, 620x680, 1281068564685.jpg)
    80 KB
    Or so they do. Thanks. Now it's just going to be a waiting game...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:28 No.40623887
    This is brilliant and now I want one too. I wonder if my walkman still works...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:32 No.40624010
    Cassettes, wow. It's been years I haven't laid my hand on that.
    >> sage !p0keion4/6 09/25/10(Sat)23:38 No.40624211


    I need to preorder... I regret stalling when this was announced.
    >> sage !p0keion4/6 09/25/10(Sat)23:40 No.40624259

    Oh there you are hey Mio is the the rereleased figure on a reservation basis or is just in limited stocks?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:40 No.40624282
    >Last episode of K-ON
    >Sawako gets sick
    >They go to her house
    >Massive orgy
    >Bitches got cold except Mugi
    >Sawa and Mugi fuck like rabbits the other day

    True story.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:44 No.40624387
         File1285472646.jpg-(84 KB, 669x779, 1285203898949.jpg)
    84 KB
    >Sawa and Mugi fuck like rabbits the other day

    I approve of this.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:49 No.40624603
         File1285472993.jpg-(75 KB, 600x672, 1285381793086.jpg)
    75 KB
    To those who have read the manga, are there any details about HTT seniors' future dwellings?

    I remember that Yui plans on renting a room, but what about Mugi? Are Mio and Ritsu sharing a room?
    >> L the K-on Fan !!2uu5PquQmYF 09/25/10(Sat)23:52 No.40624693
         File1285473146.gif-(235 KB, 384x288, 1281069423894.gif)
    235 KB
    I'm in a happy mood tonight. Lets post some happy K-on gifs!
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:54 No.40624764
         File1285473271.jpg-(79 KB, 760x720, 1285384892208.jpg)
    79 KB
    Excellent idea.
    >I have no gifs ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:54 No.40624775
         File1285473297.jpg-(6 KB, 235x194, VADSFDSVFD.jpg)
    6 KB
    fuck those faggots at kyoani, i haven't felt that strange mix of rage and sadness since a friend died when i was in middle school, but when they said "the end" in ep 24 i was really overwhelmed, i hate those fuckers.
    >> L the K-on Fan !!2uu5PquQmYF 09/25/10(Sat)23:55 No.40624790
         File1285473321.gif-(1.77 MB, 500x500, 1281078916060.gif)
    1.77 MB
    >> |°Combine°| 09/25/10(Sat)23:56 No.40624838
         File1285473395.png-(178 KB, 1681x1018, Thebest.png)
    178 KB
    >> L the K-on Fan !!2uu5PquQmYF 09/25/10(Sat)23:58 No.40624893
         File1285473493.gif-(146 KB, 150x148, 1281079662231.gif)
    146 KB
    Yui gets the majority of the happy gifs. Ignorance is bliss apparently.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:58 No.40624915
    some mugi would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:58 No.40624916

    I hope they do.
    I only watch K-On! for the yuri undertones. That's the only reason, really.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)23:59 No.40624940
    The sudden transition to THE END also left me unsatisfied. Damn the director.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)00:01 No.40624991
    Ignorance or innocence?
    We may never know.
    >> L the K-on Fan !!2uu5PquQmYF 09/26/10(Sun)00:01 No.40625007
         File1285473701.gif-(286 KB, 480x360, 1281071003275.gif)
    286 KB
    Obligatory Mugi fish
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)00:04 No.40625090
         File1285473851.jpg-(45 KB, 604x453, 1285434333373.jpg)
    45 KB
    Why was she making that face?
    >> L the K-on Fan !!2uu5PquQmYF 09/26/10(Sun)00:04 No.40625092
         File1285473850.gif-(515 KB, 225x300, 1281317204610.gif)
    515 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)00:05 No.40625130
         File1285473927.gif-(1.39 MB, 340x204, 1283786355673.gif)
    1.39 MB
    Impromptu talent show IIRC.
    >> L the K-on Fan !!2uu5PquQmYF 09/26/10(Sun)00:06 No.40625156
         File1285473961.gif-(481 KB, 440x250, 1281419181213.gif)
    481 KB
    Puffy fish cheeks
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)00:07 No.40625186
         File1285474033.jpg-(247 KB, 1024x768, 1285379416153.jpg)
    247 KB
    Who doesn't?
    >captcha: liquicti appears
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)00:12 No.40625331
         File1285474348.jpg-(34 KB, 412x398, 200024637.jpg)
    34 KB
    I had a dream where Ritsu went out with Mugi and at the end Mugi kissed her cheek and left giggling and leaving Ritsu blushing.

    Then somehow Mio found out and the other day Mio acted all cool to Ritsu and then Ritsu went all emo until Mugi cheered her up, making Mio even more angry.

    What was weirder is that I was Ritsu.
    Fuck, I need to stop drinking myself to sleep after watching K-On!
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)00:15 No.40625429
    I read a similar doujinshi a while ago. It was set after that episode where Mugi wanted to get hit. I don't remember how it ended, though. A trio would have been awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)00:21 No.40625574
    Does anyone have any of the archives of when Season 1 first started airing?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)04:02 No.40625750
         File1285488125.jpg-(709 KB, 1024x1024, 1284651145164.jpg)
    709 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)04:05 No.40625785
    hey we're back
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)04:16 No.40625988
         File1285488975.jpg-(38 KB, 250x370, junnyanazuausua.jpg)
    38 KB
    Anyone still with us?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)04:20 No.40626061
         File1285489223.png-(220 KB, 538x717, 1282527801946.png)
    220 KB
    Excellent, we're online. Can finally ask my question.

    Was anyone else sold by the Ooo's in Kira Kira Days? That made the song for me.

    Also, I've been shuffling K-On stuff and all of Mio's character image songs aside from Heart Goes Boom are really, really god damn bad. Feel free to explain why.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)04:20 No.40626073
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)04:23 No.40626127
    Nice comic. Any more of that?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)04:48 No.40626687
    Lets make this thread go even slower.

    Anyone want to listen along?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)05:00 No.40626943
    i'm listening to this
    >> sage !p0keion4/6 09/26/10(Sun)05:06 No.40627062

    I never get tired of Yui's solo...
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)05:06 No.40627064
    that's some video
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)05:09 No.40627109
    >Feel free to explain why.

    Because you don't like her.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)05:12 No.40627170
    yep, same here, it's my favourite part of the video
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)05:14 No.40627208
    i think ill turn this into a daily dose
    >> sage !p0keion4/6 09/26/10(Sun)05:20 No.40627322
         File1285492832.jpg-(88 KB, 1280x720, d'aaaaaawwwww.jpg)
    88 KB
    Posting to relieve this as a stress reliever. Works well for me.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)05:27 No.40627464

    lol there is a sticker in her hair.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)05:44 No.40627794
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:12 No.40628322
         File1285495958.png-(3 KB, 100x100, spoiler-a.png)
    3 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:25 No.40628491
         File1285496732.jpg-(88 KB, 500x500, 104..jpg)
    88 KB
    The 4th manga tankoubon is out next week.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:33 No.40628588

    everyone watch this guy's stuff. He notices so much stuff we've all probably missed. Here's the first ep.
    >> sage !p0keion4/6 09/26/10(Sun)06:40 No.40628712

    The guys' pretty hilarious!

    I lol'd hard at his comment about Mugi's eyebrows and also about the arrangement of the girls when they walk towards to Yui.

    Nice share!
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:40 No.40628714
         File1285497634.png-(776 KB, 1280x800, Screen shot 2010-09-25 at 7.02(...).png)
    776 KB
    Looks like we've got a 'Poor Man's Yui' as well.
    Now all we need is an azu and mugi
    >> sage !p0keion4/6 09/26/10(Sun)06:45 No.40628798

    God damn I'll bookmark this guy. The trivial stuffs on EP 2 were pretty damn good. Also he almost hit the spot about Mio liking strawberry desserts.

    Mio reacted badly on that when Mugi took away her strawberry.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:46 No.40628817
    why is it always cringeworthy listening to baka gaijin pronouncing Japanese?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:47 No.40628829
    Eh. Kinda funny, but kinda annoying.
    I'll give it a 3.5/10
    >> sage !p0keion4/6 09/26/10(Sun)06:47 No.40628837

    Yea it was painful but anyway that just added to the lolfactor.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:48 No.40628852
         File1285498086.gif-(2.75 MB, 350x197, cutegirls.gif)
    2.75 MB
    i feel as excited watching k-on as he sounds, don't sage your posts lest you be filtered

    also random gif
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:50 No.40628892

    That wasn't too bad. At least he didn't sound like he was reading off a piece of paper. Pretty funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:51 No.40628919
    Well, if, everyone's watching this guy I'll try the 2nd one
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:54 No.40628970
    cute girls... but what are they hiding?
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)06:57 No.40629016
    But after times of reqatching the animu, I've already noticed the things he talks about.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)06:57 No.40629019
    Psh, this is great! I love little details. Thanks.
    >> sage !p0keion4/6 09/26/10(Sun)07:00 No.40629077

    Just like the shirt huh...

    Can I have your eyes?
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:02 No.40629100
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:03 No.40629130
         File1285499032.gif-(276 KB, 686x882, 1285287989869.gif)
    276 KB

    Second ep is great. I didn't notice the Pokeball sound effect in that one episode... and holy shit, them twitchin' Azusa eyes...
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:05 No.40629147
    His Mugi eyebrow thing is funny.

    There was a short in the Yui's Curiosity Series about that. I think the staff are well aware of the joke.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:07 No.40629198
         File1285499250.jpg-(263 KB, 948x1720, 1285459637517.jpg)
    263 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:07 No.40629199

    I will continue to contribute as long as they exist.

    I think that maybe it would be better if these threads move to c once it is all over, so that they can last longer.
    >> Azusa Nakano !!VJlgzeePLOK 09/26/10(Sun)07:16 No.40629363
         File1285499777.jpg-(57 KB, 850x881, 1284955550002.jpg)
    57 KB
    Hmm, is K-ON manga anthology different from the 4-koma? I'm kinda confused. And what do you guys use to view the pages? Windows Picture Viewer just isn't doing the work for me.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:19 No.40629416
         File1285499941.jpg-(219 KB, 1280x1280, ConsistentKyoaniIsConsistent.jpg)
    219 KB
    I just politesaged because the thread was slow and I didn't want it to go to the front.

    Also if you thought that the Sony branded radio in episode 23 was product placement by Kyoani because the k-on game is on PSP, it wasn't. That radio has been there since episode one, season 2, which was before the game was announced.But Kyoani and Sony might have already planned it behind the scenes then. Meh. It was just something I noticed and wanted to share. Episode 23 on top, episode 1 on bottom
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:19 No.40629426
    Disguised troll.hta
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:20 No.40629440
         File1285500033.jpg-(206 KB, 948x1720, mio-fixed.jpg)
    206 KB
    why would she smile at the end?
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:22 No.40629473
    Use MPlayer on OSX instead.
    A minus is; you can't snapshot the subs aswell.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:24 No.40629507
         File1285500261.jpg-(419 KB, 1280x774, Bild 100926 13ms1.jpg)
    419 KB
    Here's the GUI.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:24 No.40629508
    Yeah it's entirely separate to the original 4 koma by kakifly. I think it's other people takes on k-on or something like that.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:26 No.40629546
         File1285500401.png-(2.65 MB, 1280x720, shot0001.png)
    2.65 MB
    And a 2,8 MB snapshot lol.
    >captcha: bilder conduct
    fuck yeah swedish
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:26 No.40629549
    I'm really not. I'm just worried that people would lose interest once it is over and a general would not be bumped as quickly on /a/ and would die quickly.

    BTW, have you posted that Ritsu cuddling Mio picture yet?

    I thought it was Sowy, not Sony? The only placement i have seen is Ritsu's Pony camera. That could be Sony again, but i thought it was for Pony Cannon, the sponsor.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:28 No.40629581
         File1285500498.jpg-(130 KB, 900x506, k-on-extra-episode-1-003.jpg)
    130 KB
    Thanks bro.

    >See Mio
    >See sadfrog
    >Reminded of this
    >Post this
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:31 No.40629632
    I think that since we got threads about animus form the ~80s around here, we should be able to have threads about K-ON.
    Filters gonna filter.
    And no, It's kinda on stall.
    I think It won't be done by tuesday.. ;_;
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:32 No.40629649
    Anthing for a fellow Macfag.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:33 No.40629676

    I think you should watch episode 14 of season 2 again bro.

    Mugi stole her strawberry in that scene.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:33 No.40629685
    Anyone else notice this? In the YuiAzu episode when Azusa is told by Ui about Yui planning to participate in the entertainment festival, she suddenly gets distracted by one of the girls in the class failing to jump a hurdle. DEEP!
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:34 No.40629697
    >Pony Cannon
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:36 No.40629726
    He was meaning that since there won't be anymore K-ON tuesdays, she shouldn't be smiling.
    Ofcourse she was, she made a load sound when she failed to jump that hurdle.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:37 No.40629749
         File1285501065.png-(275 KB, 421x427, 1282336045328.png)
    275 KB

    Why would she smile at her strawberry gett'n snatched?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:42 No.40629820
    Jesus Christ, I'm still watching this trivia thing, even though some of it is pretty noticeable.

    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:42 No.40629822
    Yeah, but they are not posted daily and are expected to stay up until their limits. But, as i have said, I will continue to support these in my own limited way.

    fuck. Did not see that mistake. Pony Canyon*
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:42 No.40629825
    Yes but it was shown for a reason because Azusa thought that Yui taking on final exams and practice for the festival would be a hurdle that she couldn't quite jump. Then Azusa decides to help her out.
    >> ♥Azusa♥ !QaAs6JfIQM 09/26/10(Sun)07:43 No.40629845
         File1285501429.jpg-(645 KB, 2250x2750, 1284558975593.jpg)
    645 KB
    So, how's Mio doing in Saimoe?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:44 No.40629858
    JET got me. I wasn't referencing the original scene. I was just talking about the picture.
    >> Don't read spoiler if you don't want to baw Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:44 No.40629862
         File1285501497.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 160 KB, 1280x720, ;_;.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 160 KB
    Wait so does that mean you do your vectors on mac? If so how?

    Also speaking of LOLDEEP; copypasta tiem!

    In K-ON!! the girls frequently line up their bags on a seat in the music room. Symbolism with the bags has happened before in a previous episode (with I think Yui's bag leaning on Azusa's bag?)

    In the last episode Azusa went to put her bag on the seat with the other girls' bags, but their diplomas are in the way. Their graduation is a barrier between Azusa and the other girls.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:45 No.40629870
    >Decides to help her out
    Damn you Azunyan, you so carefull!
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:47 No.40629899
    >Their graduation is a barrier between Azusa and the other girls.
    Lol thought so too.
    I'm using AI btw.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:48 No.40629933
         File1285501732.gif-(116 KB, 277x400, 1282429339951.gif)
    116 KB

    Excuse me then, I thought it was self-exploitable.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)07:49 No.40629939
    >Graduation isn't the end
    They convinces Azunyan that they will meet even after the graduation.
    Let's think of it liek this;
    They're best friends
    Do you really think they will abandon Azunyan and stop hanging out together?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:56 No.40630034
    literalfag is literal
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)07:59 No.40630058
    How old is the guy>
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:01 No.40630091
         File1285502468.png-(517 KB, 853x480, 128600.png)
    517 KB

    nobodycaresfag isn't cared about.

    also more Ricchan
    >> MDis !!JIViPBk18Ek 09/26/10(Sun)08:02 No.40630112
         File1285502572.jpg-(196 KB, 666x800, 8595.jpg)
    196 KB

    forgot to wear my tripcode
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:06 No.40630153
    wich ep is this from?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:07 No.40630169

    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:08 No.40630170
    True. But people drift apart. But I doubt that would happen. They are a band after all.
    What is AI?
    Also forced meme is forced. But I'm the one who started it. ;_;
    >> ♥Azusa♥ !QaAs6JfIQM 09/26/10(Sun)08:08 No.40630173
    You kidding? It's from the GO! GO! MANIAC!! opening.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:08 No.40630180
    >baka gaijin
    He's Asian.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:10 No.40630205
    It's from the OP. I forget which though. It's like that one of Mio in the pink K-on! singlet. Speaking of Mio, I hope shes doing ok in Saimoe
    >> MDis !!JIViPBk18Ek 09/26/10(Sun)08:10 No.40630212
         File1285503042.gif-(897 KB, 480x270, 141.gif)
    897 KB

    from the 1st OP of Season 2 (GO! GO! MANIAC!)
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 09/26/10(Sun)08:11 No.40630218
    Adobe Illustrator.

    Sicne they're a band they'll DEFINETLY stick together.
    Seriously, my dad was in a band when he was in highschool anf they still play together.

    So to those of you saying they wil drift apart, stop being so nearsighted and start think a little.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:14 No.40630277
    you should check out Solanin
    >> MDis !!JIViPBk18Ek 09/26/10(Sun)08:15 No.40630284
         File1285503304.jpg-(236 KB, 784x1000, 8599.jpg)
    236 KB

    New word to add to your dictionaries, guys;


    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:15 No.40630292
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:17 No.40630317
    Have some 3D
    >> MDis !!JIViPBk18Ek 09/26/10(Sun)08:19 No.40630332
         File1285503541.jpg-(507 KB, 1050x1400, 8589.jpg)
    507 KB
    This should still be included in the first post of the thread imho:
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:21 No.40630380
         File1285503703.jpg-(12 KB, 301x440, 1276851816847.jpg)
    12 KB

    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:21 No.40630384
    >tinyurl link
    >think its lolidudes link and im gonna get trolled
    >3DPD k-ons

    inb4 "it's liek I'm really on /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:26 No.40630449
         File1285503975.jpg-(334 KB, 1119x1600, K-ON!_v02_p069_ch08_p07.jpg)
    334 KB
    How different is Mugi in anime as she is in manga. Pic related, here she forces the music shop guy to forget about the fee when he fixes Yui's guitar...In anime he offer himself to make it for free...
    >> sage !p0keion4/6 09/26/10(Sun)08:28 No.40630489

    Not much different except the Yuri tones were discarded/obscured on S2.

    Which is kinda ok... So more people can watch this.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:29 No.40630503
         File1285504180.jpg-(611 KB, 700x1050, 1285025205731.jpg)
    611 KB

    I love this 3DPD set.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:38 No.40630625
         File1285504732.jpg-(312 KB, 1119x1600, K-ON!_v02_p044_ch05_p04.jpg)
    312 KB

    Here another example...Mugi yells at her butler as he interrupted her talking on the phone, I wish this 'bad' side of her to appear in the anime
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:40 No.40630653
         File1285504853.jpg-(171 KB, 950x1603, 1285457553071.jpg)
    171 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:49 No.40630794
    where's the rest?
    >> politesage Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:49 No.40630798
         File1285505361.jpg-(49 KB, 429x700, bunchanum.jpg)
    49 KB
    could someone make one like this
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)08:53 No.40630867
         File1285505621.png-(Spoiler Image, 762 KB, 890x1000, 11ee048a9cede90a4e5deb521750e4(...).png)
    Spoiler Image, 762 KB

    Pic related. A big sendoff for the graduating seniors!!


    Ritsu and Mio need to live together for maximum buddy comedy. Yui and Mugi fit well together because Mugi can act as an Ui substitute.

    "Mugi, aisu~..."
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:01 No.40630993
         File1285506068.jpg-(2.14 MB, 1800x1177, 1285364947481.jpg)
    2.14 MB
    Greetings from the Sora no Woto crowd. Just telling you guys to cheer the hell up. In terms of things to be sad about in a show's finale, Ho-kago Tea Time ain't got shit on the 1121st.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:03 No.40631051
         File1285506227.jpg-(182 KB, 950x1603, 1285457553071.jpg)
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    >> sage !p0keion4/6 09/26/10(Sun)09:05 No.40631093

    God damn it...

    Why did I lol?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:06 No.40631104

    I think it's good they removed her "evil spoiled bitch" side. Having a cute, rich airhead is somehow less stereotypical.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:12 No.40631214
         File1285506722.jpg-(60 KB, 500x345, keanubike.jpg)
    60 KB

    unrelated but... posting this awesome shoop.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:12 No.40631216
         File1285506727.jpg-(222 KB, 600x900, 1277847174796.jpg)
    222 KB
    how about focusing the next general on k-on cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:12 No.40631234
    I don't think it's "evil" or "spoiled", just that she takes the time she has with her friends THAT seriously.

    Especially since it seems like she hasn't had any up until now.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:15 No.40631295

    Not trying to start shit here, but moving the threads to /c/ when they slow down might actually be a good idea because they would actually last longer. Plus it would help turning /c/ into something more than an imagedump board.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:20 No.40631411
    please tell me there is more to this
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:23 No.40631466
    /c/ is a board meant for imagedumps. Taking more content out of /a/ didn't work out when /jp/ was created and it won't work out in the future.

    People complaining about /a/ related content on /a/ should get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:25 No.40631516
    Isn't /c/ SUPPOSED to be an image dump board?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:26 No.40631563
    >>40631295 I don't know... It just wouldn't "feel" right.

    So what other extensions for firefox do you use and what do you put in your filters? Also if your not already doing so, you should use to find the general. Made it so much easier whenever a thread 404'd, or if 4chan is blocked or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:28 No.40631616

    Doesn't seem like it but I can give you the artist's collection on Gelbooru.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)09:33 No.40631722
    What I'm certain for sure is the general will surely show up again when ep 27 is out. Not to mention possible events concerning it.

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