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  • File : 1284350412.jpg-(52 KB, 500x600, 128425418515.jpg)
    52 KB MILU MONDAY!!! -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:00 No.40230983  
    My goodness would you look at the time,

    I was thinkin on postin some crossover images i found from our good friends at Mikuchan.
    feel free to contribute any Miku related images with us and share songs others might not know about.

    And remember that Miku will have her first official US appearence during the J-Pop summit festival on the 18th in San Fransisco, its basically a screening of the live concert from Japan but its still pretty neat
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:01 No.40230995
         File1284350467.png-(326 KB, 1000x800, yamada's helpful hints.png)
    326 KB
    just postin the basics
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)00:02 No.40231043
    Who's Milu?
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:02 No.40231054
         File1284350579.jpg-(550 KB, 1024x461, 128425551594.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)00:03 No.40231079
    >its basically a screening of the live concert from Japan but its still pretty neat
    >$20 to watch something I've already pirated with a bunch of neckbeards
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:03 No.40231090
         File1284350638.jpg-(225 KB, 671x689, 127396203244.jpg)
    225 KB
    ah jeez not again
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:05 No.40231122
         File1284350704.jpg-(91 KB, 850x527, 128425424410.jpg)
    91 KB
    i cant go anyways
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:07 No.40231189
         File1284350821.jpg-(73 KB, 640x480, 128425594622.jpg)
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    her power is max
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:07 No.40231203
         File1284350853.jpg-(90 KB, 640x480, 128425789079.jpg)
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    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:08 No.40231220
         File1284350909.jpg-(485 KB, 1000x1277, 128425310789.jpg)
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    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:09 No.40231254
         File1284350979.jpg-(94 KB, 850x527, 128425429849.jpg)
    94 KB
    im wondering where yamada is...
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)00:11 No.40231300
    >san fransisco

    im not ok with this
    >> TIDECORP™ !GTECH2wGDA 09/13/10(Mon)00:11 No.40231324
         File1284351118.jpg-(362 KB, 1024x768, miku 39.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)00:12 No.40231344
    i dont know about you guys
    but i love this song
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 09/13/10(Mon)00:12 No.40231360
         File1284351178.gif-(127 KB, 459x640, 1280630364019.gif)
    127 KB
    ok, i only just got into vocaloid stuff due to the concert bdrip and my friend sending me a rip of the project diva 2nd nonstop mix

    now i need more good vocaloid music, concerts, whatever
    ive already gotten Hatsune Miku Project DIVA Arcade - Original Song Collection and VocaL@ntis ~Hatsune Miku ga Lantis no Kami Kyoku wo Utattemita~ but theyre nowhere near as great as the 2nd nonstop mix
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:13 No.40231386
         File1284351230.jpg-(88 KB, 512x512, 128160587894.jpg)
    88 KB
    now lets blow the roof off this thread
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:15 No.40231434
         File1284351318.jpg-(244 KB, 550x899, 128425605069.jpg)
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    dat sakaki
    >> TIDECORP™ !GTECH2wGDA 09/13/10(Mon)00:16 No.40231458
         File1284351374.jpg-(56 KB, 845x768, 4a56ec268743d7a239a80e0103c12c(...).jpg)
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    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)00:17 No.40231497
         File1284351467.jpg-(96 KB, 700x500, 1262330083730.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)00:18 No.40231521
         File1284351517.jpg-(86 KB, 400x800, yotsuba-miku.jpg)
    86 KB
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:19 No.40231535
         File1284351556.png-(999 KB, 950x861, 128425823815.png)
    999 KB
    superior murderer here
    sukone tei is smalltime
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:21 No.40231598
         File1284351699.jpg-(2.46 MB, 1800x1300, 127820477162.jpg)
    2.46 MB
    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)00:21 No.40231599
         File1284351701.jpg-(240 KB, 850x1117, 1271651865268.jpg)
    240 KB
    Darkness take you
    >> Jake the Daikon !6kgj/OnyWw 09/13/10(Mon)00:23 No.40231644
         File1284351823.jpg-(87 KB, 600x554, 1227943503602.jpg)
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    Puns are a surefire way to my heart.
    >> TIDECORP™ !GTECH2wGDA 09/13/10(Mon)00:24 No.40231658
         File1284351858.jpg-(120 KB, 600x814, onee_sama_daisuki_yo_by_minami(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:25 No.40231676
         File1284351911.jpg-(40 KB, 200x600, 1283747777002.jpg)
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    no doubt about that
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)00:25 No.40231679
    M-my heart...
    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)00:25 No.40231697
         File1284351949.jpg-(58 KB, 500x753, 1274424608967.jpg)
    58 KB
    Leeks, anyone?
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:25 No.40231700
         File1284351955.jpg-(154 KB, 673x1500, 1283750128294.jpg)
    154 KB
    oh Milu
    you so crazy
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)00:26 No.40231711
         File1284351984.png-(282 KB, 550x2000, hatsune.png)
    282 KB
    I wanted to post this picture.
    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)00:27 No.40231730
         File1284352032.gif-(32 KB, 100x100, 1275716206302.gif)
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    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:30 No.40231821
         File1284352212.png-(148 KB, 1169x1200, 127581654297.png)
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    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)00:30 No.40231828
         File1284352225.jpg-(128 KB, 458x640, 1265612109366.jpg)
    128 KB
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:33 No.40231898
         File1284352388.jpg-(327 KB, 392x1087, 1283144593826.jpg)
    327 KB
    this turned into a daww thread in a flash
    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)00:35 No.40231939
         File1284352506.jpg-(648 KB, 1468x744, f1366d1bc4cbf9e4ba4d348c9e63a9(...).jpg)
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    I wonder if Miku does her own mixes and stuff, would love to hear them.
    >> Miku's got the right idea! -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:36 No.40231955
         File1284352564.gif-(12 KB, 118x118, 1283237114079.gif)
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    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:40 No.40232047
         File1284352804.jpg-(1023 KB, 1000x1200, 1283750929519.jpg)
    1023 KB
    DEM healthy thighs
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:47 No.40232224
         File1284353237.png-(319 KB, 469x650, 1280000818797.png)
    319 KB
    slow start,
    i guess its expected
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:49 No.40232280
         File1284353346.jpg-(142 KB, 600x450, 1280117676823.jpg)
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    >> scandanonymous 09/13/10(Mon)00:49 No.40232286
         File1284353356.jpg-(19 KB, 480x360, 1277100698500.jpg)
    19 KB
    鬱-P - potato-head in wonderland:
    般P - キ三ノセイ:
    AVTechNO! - ・・・ソバニ:
    ジミーサムP - Calc.:
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:52 No.40232369
         File1284353521.jpg-(66 KB, 500x439, 1283143997332.jpg)
    66 KB
    i still love that image
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)00:53 No.40232414
    seriously what does milu mean
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)00:56 No.40232499
         File1284353808.jpg-(513 KB, 1430x1430, 1276422365640.jpg)
    513 KB

    a few months ago
    A guy named DESU was in a Miku live stream, as was I
    He misspelled Mikus name to Milu and we all just used milu from now on...
    end of story
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)01:00 No.40232616
         File1284354047.jpg-(85 KB, 518x488, 12842564951.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:02 No.40232655
         File1284354121.jpg-(76 KB, 1400x875, hail to the queen miku.jpg)
    76 KB
    Always right on time.

    I almost forgot since I was playing PD2 so much

    fucking hell Extreme is completely fucking... well extreme

    Only song I can actually beat on extreme is cantarella, great song
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:02 No.40232677
    everything a copyright holder needs... and more.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:03 No.40232706
         File1284354214.jpg-(116 KB, 800x1102, 1245760004921.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:04 No.40232742
    So is this that miku thread i herd about were no one disgusses the music or the vocaloids for that matter and tripfags just wank with each other and image dump? Do i need a trip to get invited to the party.
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)01:06 No.40232800
         File1284354404.jpg-(137 KB, 700x500, Heeeeeeey.jpg)
    137 KB
    you know it

    and yes, that game can be a pain
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:09 No.40232861
         File1284354566.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 312 KB, 600x800, 1271192600691.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 312 KB
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)01:11 No.40232913
         File1284354702.jpg-(404 KB, 1200x900, 1282428869139.jpg)
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    a smart guy huh?

    and i think your description is harsh
    but we do have those iffy moments where nothing happens, nothing to get upset about, but if you say we dont talk about the vocaloids then this is truly your first time in this
    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)01:13 No.40232975
         File1284354831.jpg-(91 KB, 540x427, 1274601472791.jpg)
    91 KB
    WTF, man?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:14 No.40232983
    >> scandanonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:15 No.40233019
         File1284354931.jpg-(138 KB, 300x425, akumanga.jpg)
    138 KB
    So how do you feel about the upcoming Servant of Evil manga?
    Personally, I am going to wait warmly for scanlations and perhaps buy some volumes.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 09/13/10(Mon)01:16 No.40233031
         File1284354971.jpg-(329 KB, 600x514, 1280625284474.jpg)
    329 KB
    >newly interested in vocaloids
    >wait for miku thread
    >ask for ablums, concerts and shit
    >get ignored by the tripfags whod rather just dump images
    feels bad man
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)01:16 No.40233042
         File1284354996.jpg-(79 KB, 771x638, 1269483263180.jpg)
    79 KB

    OH SHI-
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:17 No.40233054
    Nothing to get upset about? I used to come in here to try to talk about the subject only to find that no one ever talks about it. All you all do is image dump and youtube. Then you wonder why get mad and say vocaloid isnt /a/ related. I cant blame them.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:19 No.40233099
         File1284355149.jpg-(100 KB, 480x600, harbl.jpg)
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    >>   09/13/10(Mon)01:19 No.40233100
         File1284355152.jpg-(14 KB, 316x317, O_O cat.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:21 No.40233167
    Well at least we did have some nice threads in last week. Thanks again for that chapters file. Its a great boon. I need to take a break from that concert though. I feel im going to permanently damage my ear drums.

    Its just so good. When i really like something I tend to keep turning up the volume until It hurts. Then when my ears normalize i turn it up more. My hearing is my pride and joy, why must ear drums break.
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)01:21 No.40233173
         File1284355289.jpg-(122 KB, 918x567, 127337181718.jpg)
    122 KB
    >>40233031 so sorry
    i really am!

    In not so good on info about albums and and all the detailed stuff
    Its something im ashamed of sure,
    i try to answer some questions but im very bad on info
    >> scandanonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:22 No.40233215
    >always post songs in Miku Monday threads
    >some bitch comes along and complains about not being spoon-fed music
    >hilarious reaction image
    >and youtube
    Do you want us to post NicoNico links instead?
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)01:23 No.40233222
    ok fine, fine
    ill stop.
    i cant do these like i used to and im done
    >>   09/13/10(Mon)01:25 No.40233293
    just go to here to get some decent vocaloid music.
    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)01:26 No.40233302
         File1284355582.png-(1.22 MB, 650x1512, Miku_Append_by_tsugumi09x.png)
    1.22 MB
    sorry, dude

    Youtube vids sometimes have links to files in the description. You can grab gigs off of torrents, apparently. I'm still downloading some anime, so I haven't gotten around to some ~20 gigs there are in torrents.
    I'm not too knowledgeable myself, still scouring for stuff.
    >> scandanonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:30 No.40233413
    Don't forget about:
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:32 No.40233480
    Thats not the point. The point is, try talking about the subject. If your interest in the subject is so low that you dont even want to talk about it, then you should stop.

    Image dumps are fine on occasion but i have seen many good threads ruined because of image dumps. They tend to kill a conversation.

    When i make a thread and I am aiming to extend it to keep it alive, i only bump it every 10 or 20 minutes or so and wait for someone to say something worth responding to.

    There are people on 4chan that are willing to talk about vocaloids if you give them the chance. We had a 150 page thread just last night. It was fun.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 09/13/10(Mon)01:35 No.40233563
         File1284356151.jpg-(233 KB, 600x800, 1271403937998.jpg)
    233 KB
    i sure hope you are wearing headphones

    sifting through now
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:38 No.40233632
    Well since I sleep during the day Ive got to. I dont even have a stereo anymore. I do need to build one though, There are some songs Ive got to listen on a real system.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:41 No.40233705
    also, if you really like the vocaloids as i do, i suggest paying for a hotfile account. Ive been loving mine. Its cheap, fast and very functional. Also the biggest and best sites use hotfile.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:41 No.40233721
         File1284356511.png-(106 KB, 512x384, 1271192714009.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:42 No.40233738
         File1284356541.gif-(192 KB, 514x385, yowanehaku.gif)
    192 KB
    This is more /v/ but you know /v/. Only one weeaboo flavor at a time and that flavor is right now BBS so about PD2. Anyone else slightly happier more attention is now given to the other vocaloids. Especially Luka. And Haku is just so goddamned HNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG with her looking down with that lack of confidence
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:42 No.40233742
    I'd totally fuck Al in that image. Nohomo.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:43 No.40233756
    one more thing, downloaded lunars entire inventory, 40+ something gigs, twice in one day, due to a miss clicked I deleted the folder they were shortly after i was done. Hotfile is good.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:45 No.40233805
    Not really, Ive only herd one really good Rin album, Jevannip and never cared to much for Luka. I hate listening to Japanese men sing so i wont even give the other ones a shot.

    Miku is my songstress, fuck the rest.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:45 No.40233824
    Start a conversation about something then. That's what I do when these threads get off topic.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:49 No.40233900
         File1284356941.jpg-(268 KB, 1400x989, previewc0de2ada318baee3856baf7(...).jpg)
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    various levels of healthy
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:52 No.40234025
    anyone have any more delicious covers?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)01:55 No.40234099
    Why is she so perfect? Is it the live hair? Is it her matching color pallet? Is it her voice that comes to me like a bolt of lighting and leaves like a lark? Or perhaps because she exists through the accumulation of love that her fans have for her.
    >> scandanonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:02 No.40234253
         File1284357723.jpg-(96 KB, 850x1030, 12840651459.jpg)
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    Some non-Vocaloid work by some Vocaloid producers:

    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)02:04 No.40234295
         File1284357859.jpg-(1.39 MB, 1680x1050, Hatune_Miku_by_mikaoikana.jpg)
    1.39 MB
    I love Miku so much
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:05 No.40234327
         File1284357935.jpg-(172 KB, 600x615, mikuphone.jpg)
    172 KB
    It's probably the fact that she was designed to be perfect.

    You can even go as far as to call her a mary sue, because well... she is.

    Except maybe on little thing she has a little problem with.

    (I know there's no official canon but this is widely accepted fan made canon so it's close enough)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:07 No.40234372
         File1284358050.png-(177 KB, 850x680, yandere miku.png)
    177 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:15 No.40234560
    So is there any solid information on vocaloid three? For instance will Miku be in it and will she be aged again? I hope to got they stop aging her. Why do they want to do this. Its driving me crazy. Why have an immortal virtual idol if you go and bring it down with human bullshit.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)02:25 No.40234775
         File1284359103.jpg-(311 KB, 591x834, 1271960694907.jpg)
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    Wait, what? Source on this if you're still around...
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)02:26 No.40234811
         File1284359201.png-(199 KB, 566x566, 1271980149029.png)
    199 KB
    What kinds of genres are you interested in? Vocaloid spans a pretty wide range, so I don't want to, for example, suggest chiptunes if you hate that genre.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:27 No.40234818
    I would go but san fran is too gay for me

    that and I'm about 2000 miles away
    >> Desu !5QBmpT7056 09/13/10(Mon)02:30 No.40234888
         File1284359455.jpg-(352 KB, 1920x1200, 0004-1281172688501.jpg)
    352 KB
    Ah sorry,
    I had forgotten my tripcode.
    And then i had accidentally posted a new thread.
    Either way.

    I will actually be attending the 1st Miku concert in San Fransisco,
    If anyone else is going
    We should plan a met up,
    Or something equivalent.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)02:31 No.40234892
         File1284359464.png-(762 KB, 800x600, 1272081974965.png)
    762 KB
    Someone hasn't listened to Centralia yet...

    No solid info on it yet, no. I'd assume they'll follow their current format though, and do 'new' releases of new voice banks and do 'append' updates to keep the more popular of the old guard competitive.
    >> Lawrence Elsa !B6uMADCATY 09/13/10(Mon)02:32 No.40234909
    don't rage-quit

    haters gonna hate, its 4chan
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:39 No.40235075
    But we are talking vocaloid 3. This is a whole new version. Vocaloid 1 and 2 were miles apart. Miku has to be in 3. I hope the Nips riot if she isnt.

    Also since both links are me, ill try Centralia, im in no way close minded, just strong willed.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:40 No.40235085
    or this

    I love this song
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:42 No.40235134
    If the concert was a concert I would be driving there right now from the mid west. Nothing could stop me. Neither heaven nor hell. But its a screening of the video i have currently on my computer.

    Why the fuck cant we have a concert. I hope everyone in the San Fran are attends, perhaps if they get a large enough turnout they will see the USA as being worthy of a really concert.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:46 No.40235229
    midwest you say?

    Whereabouts in this mass of cornfields?
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)02:48 No.40235280
         File1284360526.png-(1004 KB, 1000x907, 1272423897849.png)
    1004 KB
    It is true that there was a huge difference between Vocaloid 1 and 2... I'd still assume any rereleases would be done in a slightly different manner than new Vocaloids. Just because it's labeled "Append" doesn't mean the technology being used is at a lower level than the new releases.

    I'd definitely recommend keeping a closer eye on Rin, she doesn't get too much in the way of solo albums, but she's getting a lot more songs on Miku albums and on Nico Dou. She's the best Vocaloid for rock style music, by a long shot.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:53 No.40235373
    Mssouri. Close to KC.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:54 No.40235393
    Ah. I'm actually in the big city where there aren't any cornfields. The biggest city in the midwest.
    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)02:54 No.40235402
         File1284360875.jpg-(303 KB, 1024x1598, let__s_play_with_hatsune_miku_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:56 No.40235432
    Dude, can you guys believe Matryoshka (sm11809611) is already past 800K views? First WEDH, then Mozaik Role, now this. Vocaloid girls're kicking ass.

    I'm still waiting for sm4775243 and sm2352095 to hit a million, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)02:56 No.40235434
    You see thats were i have to disagree and the reason i dont like her much. Im not sure if its the combination of Rin and Rock or just shitty rock but I do not like her in Rock. So far the best rock I have herd has featured Miku. I think Miku's voice sounds a lot better along side a guitar and drums. Thats why i liked The JavanniP album so much, it was mostly rin and pop.

    Also a lot of people will disagree and say Luka is the best for rock.
    >> Desu !5QBmpT7056 09/13/10(Mon)02:59 No.40235463
    As i recall,
    The theater they'll be screening this "concert" at has a max capacity of 143.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:00 No.40235488
    Rock is all about power in the vocals. That's why the Kagamines are considered to be the best for rock. Their voices are the only ones that have any real 'power' backing them, at least concerning the Crypton Vocaloids.

    And really? You don't like sm7918983? Dude.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)03:01 No.40235501
         File1284361299.png-(305 KB, 700x770, 1272069951132.png)
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    Oh man, the view counts on some songs just blow me away. It's like the Japanese fanbase hasn't heard of downloading mp3s or something... Check out, say, Love is War on Nico Dou, that one's over 3 million last I noticed.

    Well, you're entitled to your opinion, I suppose... I like Miku on metal, but for regular rock I just don't think she compares. Luka... She's best for more trance-y stuff if you ask me, but again, opinions. I think they're all on an even playing field when it comes to generic pop music.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:02 No.40235517
    Oh god the beginning sounds like the Dr Who theme with bagpipes
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:04 No.40235550
    >It's like the Japanese fanbase hasn't heard of downloading mp3s or something...
    >implying giving the vocaloid songs high viewcounts is not what should be done normally
    Not saying I don't run off and nicosound / find on piapro all the songs that I really like, too, but when I'm online, why not give the video another view? Especially if it has a PV.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:07 No.40235587
    There you go being wrong again. I dont really like Miku on metal. Off course, I dont like Japanese metal bands anyways. When It comes to metal i prefer to stick with English or German.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)03:09 No.40235621
         File1284361784.jpg-(83 KB, 640x480, 1272246125947.jpg)
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    Now that you prompted me to actually click through that link... Harvest reminds me of the twins' other strong point - that fast, rhythmic singing. Len especially, just check out Gemini, even as old as it is there's something to the rhythm of that song that's just fantastic.

    Yeah, I suppose that's a good point. I find dealing with stream sites cumbersome in comparison to just queuing up a playlist, but it is nice to help show the popularity of things you love. The PVs are also a good reason for the viewcount too I suppose, although those are almost as easy to rip yourself if you're going to watch them daily or something.

    Have you listened to Hope or For a Sick Boy? Also, there's a difference between "don't like J-metal" and "don't like Miku in metal," but those two albums are more Western tinged metal style anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:10 No.40235641
    Vocaloids don't really work well with metal in general.

    Also, don't generalize. I was watching a live stream of 164san one day and he was seriously rocking out on his guitar. The music was indistinguishable from English metal. I even had my mom listen to some of it and she agreed (she's a huge metalhead).
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:11 No.40235643
    Rock is all about what pleases me. The Kagamines dont please me when they do rock. And no, i dont really want to give you my opinion on that song since you apparently like it. Its not bad, but thats all im going to say.
    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)03:13 No.40235687
         File1284361982.jpg-(134 KB, 900x1060, Miku_Hatsune_It_only_signs_by_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:15 No.40235722
    Yes i have herd them both and they dont do it for me. They sound empty. Like a Mona Lisa with no back ground. Its hard to explain but i feel they lack substance.

    I said i dont like Miky on Metal and then i went further to say, i dont like J-metal in general. I was saying that i dont like either of them.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:15 No.40235727
    >I don't really want to give you my opinion on that song
    Oh no, please, don't hold back on my account. I want to hear reasons other than "Rin's voice" for why you don't like 天樂.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:17 No.40235758
    Well i cant do anything but generalize since I have never herd j-metal that i did like. Until that changes i dont like J-metal.

    Also keep in mind that i still dont listen to Nip men sing so dont think about recommending me any.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:21 No.40235813
         File1284362483.jpg-(881 KB, 1200x900, colors_ayk_ayk_201007270845.jpg)
    881 KB
    >i still dont listen to Nip men sing
    You did not seriously just type that did you

    Pic 'cuz I felt like contributing
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:24 No.40235884
    Well first off that song is bland. I dont want to use the work generic since that word is overused. But there is nothing to distinguish it. Second the combination of piano and guitar is good but not at a fast pace. Those two interments complement each other much better at a slow pace. When the music is at this tempo it just sounds like a train wreck. Off course that much is my opinion. Then you have Rin in the middle of it all. I really do love Rins voice but she doesnt fit. I was going to go in to more detail on what i mean for this Rins voice not fitting but the fucking video stopped playing.

    I wrote this based off a memory of a single viewing because this fucking video still wont work so if i confused it with another one, i apologize.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:27 No.40235937
    never have never will, its horrible. There are perhaps 5 songs in all 50000+ japanese songs on my computer that have male vocals.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:38 No.40236169
         File1284363506.jpg-(162 KB, 372x373, miku love is war.jpg)
    162 KB
    Ok so,
    You are introducing a good friend of yours to vocaloid.

    What is the first song you show them?

    I think I'd go with Love is War to show them the pure emotions they can employ despite being all computerized (mostly computerized). Also it's a pretty popular and standard vocaloid song.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:39 No.40236189
    But that's... I mean it's just so... it's such... I've never seen anyone with such narrow-minded... REALLY?

    Also, X Nip 〇 Japanese

    I think the word you're looking for is 'instrument,' number one. Two, I'm not sure what you mean by bland/generic. I myself consider that if it gets stuck in my head after listening to it, or if I can recall the melody by remembering a line of the lyrics sometime after hearing it, that qualifies it as not bland/generic to me. Three, do you have any idea what the problem could be with the video player? I have the vid open in another tab and it's working fine for me. Man, if I couldn't watch NND videos, I think I'd go crazy.
    >> Treebeard of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)03:41 No.40236218
         File1284363666.jpg-(108 KB, 900x675, Same_Old_Sh1t_by_qrullgx13.jpg)
    108 KB
    Also, Nebula and Melody.exe

    people seem to get into these easily, well, excluding people over the internet, dunno about them
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)03:42 No.40236248
    Most of my friends are /lit/erati, so I'd probably go with Aku no Musume. Perhaps some stuff like Wanderlust and Hello Planet too, just get all those solid story songs out there.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:44 No.40236275
    A ryo song? To introduce them to Vocaloid? Unless it's a cover by a different producer, no way in hell, man.

    ...It'd probably be Various Feelings (sm2487215). First Vocaloid song where I had to double-check to make sure I didn't accidentally get a human cover. Gotta love shu-t.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:45 No.40236307
         File1284363953.jpg-(210 KB, 1024x768, MikuMikuBacteria2.jpg)
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    It's because these are the powerful songs with passion and a lot of impactful techno ... synths... whatever. Rolling Girl also works well for this.

    I'd like to see someone try to get a person who's new to vocaloids with something like Beware of the Miku Miku or miracle paint.

    Disappearance is probably doable though.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:47 No.40236330
    Holic, is that you...?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:47 No.40236346
    Disappearance, hands down. It show cases what vocaloid can do. The whole idea of the song is about the software. Plus its a great song. Also its not to cute or otakuish. You cant give them something that will scare them away before they even give it a chance. Disappearance does all this.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:48 No.40236362
    I dunno, back when I was getting into Vocaloid stuff I was put off of Disappearance because of the speedtalking at the beginning. Now I like it, but now I'm already indoctrinated.

    Speaking of cosMo. Anyone here done the puzzles on that website? It goes from super easy to doable to HOLY FUCKING SHIT. It's a blast if you like puzzles.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:50 No.40236397
    Since I don't know who that is, I'm gonna say no. I have a lot of online handles, but a DDR song by TaQ isn't one of them.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:51 No.40236416
         File1284364270.jpg-(394 KB, 800x623, popipo.jpg)
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    Only right answer
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:53 No.40236477
    Yes, if your desired response is:

    *Two days later*

    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:55 No.40236530
         File1284364550.gif-(699 KB, 240x288, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.gif)
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    then I say

    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)03:56 No.40236545
    Her breath probably smells disgusting and oniony
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:01 No.40236631
    you know, you could be right. Come to think of it i didnt really like it at first either. Then one day I listened to it and got past the speed talking and found the cream filling. Now its one of my favorites.

    The song that got me in to vocaloid was Stratosphere.
    I didnt think much of it at first but then It played again and i found my self repeating it, over and over again.
    Then one day i was at work and Saihate started playing in my head. Then a week later Girl meets Boy. Then i was completely hooked. I started downloading all the songs from the mikuplayer by renaming the little flash temp files. Then I started looking for torrents. Then i started finding albums, first being Supercell, it was the first thing that poped up when I did a search on TT. Off course this was back when there were like 5 albums total.
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)04:01 No.40236636
         File1284364884.jpg-(191 KB, 500x375, tumblr_ksttgmieCE1qz7x7bo1_500.jpg)
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    just checking up on the thread...
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:05 No.40236692
    aaaaand thread turns back to shit now. It was fun while it lasted.
    >> -TheSignPainter !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)04:07 No.40236725
    dont worry
    im just here to watch
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:07 No.40236728
         File1284365240.jpg-(72 KB, 1280x932, peeping miku.jpg)
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    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 09/13/10(Mon)04:11 No.40236794
         File1284365462.jpg-(450 KB, 625x750, 1271400153886.jpg)
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    i love everything on the project diva 2nd nonstop mix collection
    i particularly like the luka songs

    i appear to have been majorly distracted by people and things
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:11 No.40236805
         File1284365517.png-(296 KB, 650x650, section-pass.png)
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    >> Lawrence Elsa !B6uMADCATY 09/13/10(Mon)04:15 No.40236852
         File1284365734.jpg-(103 KB, 500x472, 1275961016669.jpg)
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    who wants 20 gigs of Miku that I have seeded at 100%?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:15 No.40236856
    Id suggest finding more songs by the artists of the songs you like. I think Cosmo is my favorite but they are all exceptional composers.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:17 No.40236888
    I recently downloaded the entire lunar site. I organized it all nice an pretty and was thinking about making a torrent for it and posting it on Demonid, Demonoid lacks any good vocaloid torrents.

    just not sure yet, Lunar gets updated a lot. My torrent would be outdated rather fast.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:19 No.40236915
    Luka sounded great on that CD. I just dont see why i dont like her as much when i download her albums.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:21 No.40236964
    Ohh BTW, There is a new AVtechNO! album out. Core was great.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:22 No.40236983
    i take that back, its a single. damn
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:29 No.40237071
         File1284366547.jpg-(1.67 MB, 2300x1700, 12581138.jpg)
    1.67 MB
    Speaking of AVtechNO!, what does /a/ think of Lily? So far sm11762237 is the only decent thing I've heard with her on vocals.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:29 No.40237073
    You know, I think you name may be tainted. I always did like you but your name has bad feelings tied to it. When i see your name i think of pages and pages of tripfaggotry. Not you persay, lots of tripfaggots. Perhaps a new trip?
    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)04:33 No.40237144
    ok then...
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:35 No.40237171
         File1284366922.jpg-(35 KB, 758x284, The Truth about Sign Painter.jpg)
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    Don't be fooled
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:36 No.40237182
    Whats the best vocaloid for newage music? Who could come closest to Enya for sweet serenity?
    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)04:40 No.40237252
         File1284367223.jpg-(136 KB, 1107x675, 1277009679524.jpg)
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    i had to start somewhere
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:43 No.40237313
    whats wrong with that?

    I first discovered Miku on /a/. I came back to 4chan after being way for four months raiding in WoW. I saw this thread with a cute girl and i asked who she was. They said Miku Hatsune so i asked what anime shes from. Then they are like PROTIP shes not from an anime. Then i started watching the youtube videos and I thought it was cool, then i wikied it and i was WoWed. Then I downloaded some music and was hooked.
    >>   09/13/10(Mon)04:45 No.40237348

    heh you know what i dont know why but vocaloid just sounds really good when you're playing wow for some reason. maybe that's me tho but i just got back to the game just recently.
    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)04:46 No.40237355
         File1284367561.png-(240 KB, 500x500, 1281934256453.png)
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    Thats the spirit!
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:52 No.40237433
    Never thought about it. I dont listen to vocaloid when im raiding. I have a play list of soft slow music, mostly instrumental. Helps me to concentrate better. I cant concentrate on Miku and not cause a wipe at the same time.
    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)04:53 No.40237443
    well,...what if its a really badass song...
    >> holic♪ !!ZuTOdIwSNEl 09/13/10(Mon)04:57 No.40237494
         File1284368258.jpg-(586 KB, 1920x1200, fuck yeah.jpg)
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    i'm busy playing recettear
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)04:59 No.40237524
    then its even more of a problem. Raiding takes a lot of concentration.... I say this because its true most of the time. Some times after doing a raid for the 40th time your brain does not even need to be active. I have slept through LK on more than one occasion with out causing a wipe. But when you get down to it, you just cant enjoy a song when your mind has to focus, even if its every 10 seconds. I dont like to play good music at these times because i may get tired of a song with out ever really listening to it.
    >> Mikumix -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:02 No.40237555
         File1284368566.jpg-(540 KB, 400x1200, mikumix1.jpg)
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    hmmm i guess,

    also ima post these if you guys dont mind...
    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:03 No.40237564
         File1284368608.jpg-(502 KB, 400x1200, mikumix2.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:04 No.40237572
         File1284368650.jpg-(646 KB, 400x1200, mikumix3.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:05 No.40237587
         File1284368707.jpg-(561 KB, 400x1200, mikumix4.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:05 No.40237595
         File1284368742.jpg-(491 KB, 400x1200, mikumix5.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:06 No.40237601
    I kinda feel bad for pirating it but i really dont feel like making an account on some shitty 3rd party website.

    whats doushi tano mean
    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:06 No.40237607
         File1284368785.jpg-(515 KB, 400x1200, mikumix6.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:07 No.40237624
         File1284368869.jpg-(607 KB, 400x1200, mikumix7.jpg)
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    i have no clue, it most likely refers to the song he mentioned
    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:09 No.40237638
         File1284368949.jpg-(508 KB, 400x1200, mikumix8.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:09 No.40237646
         File1284368992.jpg-(455 KB, 400x1200, mikumix9.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:11 No.40237664
         File1284369061.jpg-(646 KB, 400x1200, mikumix10.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:11 No.40237674
         File1284369103.jpg-(534 KB, 400x1200, mikumix11.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:12 No.40237682
         File1284369139.jpg-(588 KB, 400x1200, mikumix12.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:13 No.40237696
         File1284369184.jpg-(514 KB, 400x1200, mikumix13.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:13 No.40237706
         File1284369220.jpg-(459 KB, 400x1200, mikumix14.jpg)
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    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:14 No.40237714
         File1284369267.jpg-(508 KB, 400x1200, mikumix15.jpg)
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    and done,

    the rest are still untranslated
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:17 No.40237750
         File1284369449.png-(13 KB, 350x300, 1272791377549.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:19 No.40237781
    Well it ended up being a good Miku thread. Im going to play Plantetarian now and possibly Recettear.
    >> SpLoOsH mAn !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)05:21 No.40237812
         File1284369712.jpg-(78 KB, 500x700, 1269316086404.jpg)
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    >Only registered users can see the links.
    >> Songwhore the first !!YXn+c8MIcE8 09/13/10(Mon)05:22 No.40237814
    Ok i'm gonna be a shipperfag and ask if any doujins exist of Gakupo and Luka.
    I can't find any.
    >> Oracle of Sages !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)05:26 No.40237871
         File1284370008.jpg-(140 KB, 800x600, 1283115271050.jpg)
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    gud luk
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:32 No.40237948
    thread tl;dr but I'd like to post my fav song lately.
    Also thanks for download sites.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)05:33 No.40237964
         File1284370403.png-(591 KB, 718x880, 1272246294137.png)
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    Free account bro, and Nihonomaru actually comes in handy for manga and doujins on the odd occasion too. It's worth the 5 minutes it takes.

    A couple things about the Mikumix strips. Anything that guy left in Japanese is song references. I'm still willing to translate if someone saves them from the site and packages them for me, it's mostly laziness about that part that's keeping me from doing them.

    I'd be interested in collaborating with people on Vocaloid torrents... whoever was thinking about making one a bit ago. One of the biggest problems I have with the current selection of torrents and ddl lists is that they're disorganized and incomplete. I think the best way to do it, really, would be multiple torrents, splitting up genres and possibly doing something like a rock torrent, a pop torrent, an electronica torrent, and then a torrent for NND rips, since not everything makes it to an album release.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:38 No.40238028
         File1284370719.jpg-(494 KB, 793x992, f3b67e751eed041ba78a15a70fa499(...).jpg)
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    I remember arguing with faggot who stated that Gumi won't get popular. Best songs and pv's recently are coming from her now.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)05:41 No.40238075
         File1284370884.jpg-(274 KB, 800x800, 1272246572151.jpg)
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    It's taking her quite a while to catch on though. That's why I still haven't made any kind of firm judgements about Lily, or even Miku append, beyond just recognizing their potential. Who knows what's going to become popular and what's going to flop.
    >> IRriTatOr oF sAgEs !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)05:41 No.40238083
         File1284370909.jpg-(193 KB, 1179x1378, 1282981531910.jpg)
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    Oh, okay.

    I'd be more than willing to help you seed.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)05:45 No.40238128
         File1284371112.jpg-(140 KB, 850x848, 1272155796940.jpg)
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    Alright, what I'm kind of thinking at the moment is that I'll work on organizing my shit a bit better and we can sort of hash out what we want in the torrent and how we want things split up next week. I promised anon a different torrent for early this week or I'd try to get things rolling quicker. Think about stuff you think belongs in a Vocaloid torrent so we can pound things out reasonably quickly next Miku Monday.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:48 No.40238170
    am i late for the party?
    >> IRriTatOr oF sAgEs !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)05:48 No.40238182
         File1284371316.jpg-(1.49 MB, 1280x1024, 1276849865614.jpg)
    1.49 MB
    This one is interesting:
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:49 No.40238201
    What anime is Miku from?
    >> IRriTatOr oF sAgEs !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)05:51 No.40238223
         File1284371477.jpg-(537 KB, 1200x848, 1277345906394.jpg)
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    Sure... so what shouldn't go is stuff that is exclusively Utauloids or with Utauloid leads?
    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)05:52 No.40238236
         File1284371525.jpg-(269 KB, 1075x1000, 1269487453849.jpg)
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    Boku no Miku
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:53 No.40238253
         File1284371591.jpg-(504 KB, 1016x760, ff3da84b59726dc4b516c6f74db790(...).jpg)
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    Reminds me kinda this song:
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:54 No.40238286
    Whats your favorite append version?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:56 No.40238309
         File1284371763.jpg-(171 KB, 800x600, 6bb5ecf4f42977fff02fa3b1a38bf7(...).jpg)
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    Inb4 nerdout about Voca insted of decent trolling
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)05:59 No.40238358
         File1284371951.jpg-(76 KB, 500x500, Project-Diva-2nd-Collection.jpg)
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    Listening to Project Diva 2nd Non-stop mix.

    Superior music is superior.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:00 No.40238367
    Dark and Solid, can't decide.
    Probably my fav append from one of favs artists:

    too bad it's so short ;_;
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)06:00 No.40238368
         File1284372000.jpg-(788 KB, 992x1374, 1271650480084.jpg)
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    I wouldn't exclude UTAU, I'm just more hinting that we should filter out some of the shittier albums rather than attempting a 'complete' discography. I've never understood the point of downloading that 22 gig torrent just to throw away a bunch of the albums because they were indiscriminate when they put it together.

    I really like sweet. Solid and vivid are nice too, but they're pretty direct upgrades to the original Miku, whereas sweet is kind of a fresh sound.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:02 No.40238417
    Yeah thats what i was thinking about sweet. I didnt really know it was miku at first.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:02 No.40238422
         File1284372179.jpg-(698 KB, 1032x728, d0ce089bf142085e8ef19274c95288(...).jpg)
    698 KB
    Oh Miku, why are you so moe and badass at same time...
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:03 No.40238425
    also, anyone bought the game?
    the songs at extreme are pretty hard, i can beat some but my score was too low to clear them.
    also, how can i increase the vocaloids happiness? luka is always in bad mood /bad
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 09/13/10(Mon)06:04 No.40238439
    fuck yeah man

    i spent 4 hours listening to it at work today, listened to it a bunch of times over the weekend too
    great mix, seriously
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)06:04 No.40238443
         File1284372289.jpg-(146 KB, 567x839, 1271650274570.jpg)
    146 KB
    Speaking of Append:

    It's a pretty amusing song in it's own right, but I think stuff like this shows the real potential of append - using multiple appends in one song to simulate different emotions/styles/tones to fill out the song.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:04 No.40238445
    I've done all but four of the songs on Extreme, I think, it's a matter of practice more than anything, as always.

    I think the happiness levels depend on how often you play (and clear?) songs with them, but I know for sure that you can give gifts to them in their respective Diva rooms to increase their happiness level.
    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)06:04 No.40238446
         File1284372292.jpg-(243 KB, 850x601, 12842552199.jpg)
    243 KB
    need sauce
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:05 No.40238449
    i must agree. Sweet is nice
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:06 No.40238465
    Ive perfected around half the songs on extreme. And yet I still can't clear the last song.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:08 No.40238480

    The most tsundere vocaloid ever is here. All is lost.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:09 No.40238498
    o, i see.
    well that makes sense since i usually play with miku, i really enjoy changing her dress depeding the song. Gonna try it this evening, let's see if it works.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:09 No.40238505
         File1284372592.gif-(210 KB, 1207x1179, 5219203.gif)
    210 KB

    just another fav
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)06:12 No.40238539
         File1284372747.jpg-(81 KB, 850x608, 1272069466406.jpg)
    81 KB
    That's kind of terrifying. It did remind me to listen to this version of World is Mine again though:

    Which sparks another thought for the torrent thing... vocal covers deserve a torrent or a place in one of the torrents too, there's too much good stuff out there not to.
    >> -TheTelescopeOperator !ghtwlkTLn. 09/13/10(Mon)06:14 No.40238556
    well im done for tonight

    >> RaZoR !!iOgHzutGjt4 09/13/10(Mon)06:21 No.40238648
         File1284373310.jpg-(46 KB, 300x300, DFDDD.jpg)
    46 KB
    The best.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:22 No.40238653
         File1284373340.jpg-(936 KB, 1920x1080, 388b591ee40988dd0f240f040a2553(...).jpg)
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    >> IRriTatOr oF sAgEs !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)06:22 No.40238654
         File1284373345.jpg-(623 KB, 827x1170, 1283237439496.jpg)
    623 KB
    That's cool

    Vivid FTW, it is the same Miku I fell for, just clearer.

    "shittier" is too subjective, but I'll come up with something.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:24 No.40238678
    does any have the 1st project diva ost not the game rip one
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:24 No.40238679
    Well i would like to post one of my favorite among the new releases that uses the sweet append, at least i think its sweet. Hello,Dear from The c78 Constella album but its not on youtube and i cant moonrunes.
    >> RaZoR !!iOgHzutGjt4 09/13/10(Mon)06:25 No.40238698
         File1284373527.jpg-(426 KB, 1351x2000, 1282543726950.jpg)
    426 KB
    Proceeding with dump.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:25 No.40238702
    its on Nyaa. I have it because i was trying to find Project Diva Desu but the fucking thing isnt on any of the CDs. Do I had to download it from a youtube video, took me all night to determine it was not on a cd and then to find a video with a rapidshare. It was worth it though.
    >> IRriTatOr oF sAgEs !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)06:25 No.40238703
         File1284373551.jpg-(45 KB, 400x500, Miku_2_by_Azuhina.jpg)
    45 KB

    >> RaZoR !!iOgHzutGjt4 09/13/10(Mon)06:26 No.40238711
         File1284373576.jpg-(64 KB, 800x800, 6cfcf32ef8f1e4b31a82e400ac158b(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:26 No.40238712
    no, fuck you. reported for spam.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)06:27 No.40238721
    Oh god that whole album is so good. P-Rhythmatiq earned himself a spot in my top ten with that release.

    Eh, I know, but it's hard to come up with an 'objective' standard of musical quality. Think of it this way: if you had 100 gigs of Vocaloid music, the ones you still listened to several times per week would be the ones we want to include, and the ones you would forget about would be the ones we want to disregard.
    >> IRriTatOr oF sAgEs !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)06:28 No.40238738
         File1284373694.jpg-(163 KB, 800x1131, Miku__s_2nd_Birthday_by_JaneMe(...).jpg)
    163 KB
    Search for the torrent
    I can't remember which one it was...

    I need sleep.
    >> RaZoR !!iOgHzutGjt4 09/13/10(Mon)06:29 No.40238746
         File1284373749.png-(763 KB, 1169x827, 84df1bf9a433cba49c131e444d5563(...).png)
    763 KB
    Why so mad?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:30 No.40238767
         File1284373831.jpg-(774 KB, 3072x800, 29fb1c8817e9d818708f8ed333e0a9(...).jpg)
    774 KB
    Why this song is so popular, I can't understand the hype. Art is only good thing in it.
    >> IRriTatOr oF sAgEs !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)06:30 No.40238773
    and an album I may listen to several times a week you may not listen to as much, if at all

    unlikely if you aren't too picky, though
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:31 No.40238778
    I am a packrat. I dont exclude anything because i know my mind may change in the future. I have 8tbs of hard drive space so that i can save anything that i feel like.

    And yeah, that whole album was great, its just Hello,dear is what catches my the most when i listen to it. Its one of the few really good and relaxing Miku songs. This sweet append is what Miku has needed and been lacking.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)06:34 No.40238813
         File1284374061.gif-(451 KB, 400x300, Teto.gif)
    451 KB
    Oh, I definitely have a ton of shit saved that I have no use for, I'm the same way about that. I just don't see the point in sharing stuff that isn't up to snuff in the torrents that a lot of newfriend Vocaloid fans are getting to try and start their collection. I'm sitting at about 57 gigs of Vocaloid right now, and a lot of it isn't worth my bandwidth to upload.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:36 No.40238839
    57 gigs, really...
    Out of that how much do you feel like "worth sharing"?
    >> RaZoR !!iOgHzutGjt4 09/13/10(Mon)06:38 No.40238873
         File1284374310.jpg-(156 KB, 1296x860, sdfdddddd.jpg)
    156 KB
    I love you all for those MU links.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)06:38 No.40238880
         File1284374328.jpg-(260 KB, 1000x1414, Zasune_miku_in_halloween_by_Ca(...).jpg)
    260 KB
    I'm not thinking we would really need to argue specific albums. If you like it enough to think it belongs, then we should include it. If no one wants to mention a certain album, then it isn't worth including. A big torrent is fine, just not when it's bloated by the inclusion of stuff that no one would really want as much.

    Probably about 25-30 gigs of it. There's also a lot of stuff I'm missing that I would want to download and add in there if I were the one creating/initial seeding the torrent, too. I'd guess that in total, there's probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 gigs of Vocaloid music out there that's really the good stuff, and then the rest ranges from middle of the road to unlistenable.
    >> IRriTatOr oF sAgEs !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)06:39 No.40238891
         File1284374362.jpg-(220 KB, 800x600, 1279441803532.jpg)
    220 KB
    He mentioned 20 earlier.


    Okay, I need sleep. I haven't been sleeping out of laziness and Miku, lol. I'm starting to get dizzy and headaches during the day.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)06:41 No.40238915
         File1284374469.jpg-(38 KB, 600x404, ZatsuneMiku_by_CatstudioINC.jpg)
    38 KB
    Since no one's posted this or talked about her in a while:

    How could everyone forget Zatsune... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:42 No.40238931
    I can only find the original song collection and arcade there not the ost
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:42 No.40238935
    I dont know. I see it in a more functional light. Ill tell you, it was a bitch downloading all those albums at once using direct links. It would have been great if someone had already uploaded a copy of the site on a private tracker.

    Now lets look at it from my elitist asshole persona. Why should i make a torrent so some newfag can get an instant Miku collection after i went through all that trouble.

    Now from a bro point of view. Lunar and vocaloidfan ripped or downloaded all those albums, named them and uploaded them so i could download them, why couldnt i do the same?

    I dont know what to do. The elitest side of me is pretty strong.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 09/13/10(Mon)06:43 No.40238951
         File1284374606.jpg-(72 KB, 1280x720, Miku 39's Giving Day[1280x720](...).jpg)
    72 KB
    oh boy here we go

    anyway, heres a chapters file i made for the 39's giving day vid last night
    (needs muxing)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:44 No.40238978
         File1284374697.jpg-(74 KB, 500x510, 127649505541.jpg)
    74 KB
    But what would Miku do?
    >> RaZoR !!iOgHzutGjt4 09/13/10(Mon)06:45 No.40238993
    Meh, i was having a retarded moment trying to get the sub file to work, VLC was my last resort.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)06:46 No.40239004
         File1284374790.jpg-(463 KB, 849x1200, Zatsune_Miku_XD_by_CatstudioIN(...).jpg)
    463 KB
    Eh, I tend to be a bro to the new people, and an elitist to the ones who know what they're doing but are lazy. Help out the people starting into Vocaloid with the links chart and a torrent full of the better albums, and then if they want to track down every last mediocre albums out there, they're welcome to do that on their own now that we've held their hands that far. That's how I am with all the fandoms I contribute to.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:47 No.40239019
    Guys, pardon my asking, but does anyone have the subbed version of the 39's Giving Day concert? All I've been able to find are raws.
    >> IRriTatOr oF sAgEs !!V2oxDXlxOan 09/13/10(Mon)06:48 No.40239036
    I'll upload it tomorrow to sharebee.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)06:50 No.40239052
    Have some Pico covering "Yami Shouko Alice:"

    That's a man singing.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:52 No.40239088
    I thought it would be vocaloid from sampled Pico VA from Boku no Pico
    I am dissapoint.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:52 No.40239096
    Link charts are the last thing you want to post if you are a fan. Those help copyright holders find the higher traffic sites and possibly shut them down. Once you post it, its on the internet and who knows whos hands it will end up in. I prefer to stick with the old Lurk More philosophy. Its tried and tested to work.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 09/13/10(Mon)06:52 No.40239103
         File1284375179.png-(183 KB, 2103x680, guide - miku 39s.png)
    183 KB
    video >
    english subs and font >

    replace the .ass that comes with the video with the one from megaupload, if you want chapters to jump to all the songs get it from >>40238951

    muxing them all together is easy with mkvtoolnix (use the mmg.exe, mkvmergegui)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:53 No.40239116
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)06:54 No.40239134

    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)06:55 No.40239152
         File1284375356.jpg-(1022 KB, 902x841, 1260572045032.jpg)
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    Oh, I derped and spelled it with a 'c' instead of a 'k.' My bad.

    Eh, all of those are readily available with ten seconds on google, it just helps to sort the gold from the dross. Also, I doubt doujin music creators who sell their stuff at comiket are combing the English internet looking for people stealing their albums. Like I said, I help the new people and let the people with some experience sink or swim, lurking more doesn't do any good when links aren't ever posted here anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)07:01 No.40239214
    And thats that problem. Helping newfags leads to and end for the fun for everyone. Look at what it did for online manga viewers.

    All a guy needs to do these days is hop on 4chan, ask for the best vocaloid sites and a minute later he has the whole vocaloid community by the balls.

    You can think they would never but thats what people always think until it happens.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)07:04 No.40239272
         File1284375882.jpg-(96 KB, 588x487, 1260571672639.jpg)
    96 KB
    I'm not going to get in a fight about commercial vs doujin works right now. Suffice it to say, I think you're being reactionary and silly, and I'm going to keep posting the pic because I think it's perfectly safe, and I'd rather have a friendly Vocaloid community than one filled with questions no one will answer. Please don't derail things with this again, it's meta and only tangentially related to the things we're discussing anyway.

    More Piko, for your listening pleasure, this time it's a cover of Hope:
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)07:13 No.40239392
    Well ive seen Loose lips sinks ships, in action many times. You are contributing to the cancer thats plaguing the internet. Its fine to give people a starting point or to guide them but its another thing to deliver a map of all your operations to a guy called Anonymous.
    >> Yamada !AD/TRAP/M6 09/13/10(Mon)07:16 No.40239435
         File1284376610.jpg-(173 KB, 707x1000, 1272421476995.jpg)
    173 KB
    That's fine. As I said, I think you're off base for a number of reasons, but that's neither here nor there, so keep it to yourself because I'm not going to turn this thread into a debate about it. Calling me cancer for trying to contribute is a bit much too. Why don't you just simmer down and talk about some Vocaloids, huh?

    Anyone know if they're planning on having another NND stars concert? The last one was pretty interesting:
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)07:32 No.40239656
    Why would i keep it to my self? The only counter to your cancer is to educate the ignorant masses on the danger of sharing to much.

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