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  • File : 1284271374.jpg-(24 KB, 283x302, thalidomide.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:02 No.40199826  
    When you see it... You'll shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:05 No.40199898
    she has a dick
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:06 No.40199923
    she has a captcha
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe and Mangar !kJYRsrXbko 09/12/10(Sun)02:07 No.40199939
    Cut her twin tails and you'll see Pico
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:07 No.40199945
    she has a death note
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:07 No.40199952
    Her arms are FUCKING SMALL
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:08 No.40199962
    is that from Bakuman?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:09 No.40200004
    no elbows
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:11 No.40200045
    She's a woman and she's talking.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:11 No.40200049
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:11 No.40200065
    /co/ here. This whole "Anime is a provocative medium!" thing is a facade. You'll grow out of it eventually once you realize the whole "anime/manga industry" is pretty much what Image Comics was over in America in the 90's(i.e. a bunch of pretentious "style-over-substance" artfags who are depressingly inept at certain critical aspects in the field of drawing. Think Rob Liefeld. (Can't draw noses, can't draw lips, no sense of gravity, proportions are a mess, anatomy is thrown right out the window, etc.) And sadly, writing too. ("I will not pilot it! Oh yes you will!"=sample dialogue=/= good characterization and plot. Also, "I'll take a potato chip out of this bag and EAT IT=/= Deeply emotional and provocative way of "show DON'T TELL.") Once you grow out of this fad, you'll sit down and read good books like "Watchmen", "V for Vendetta", "From Hell", "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen", "Lost Girls", "Maus", "Persepolis" and "Asterios Polyp".
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:12 No.40200096
    There's a balloon, but no text in it.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:13 No.40200127
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:14 No.40200145
    I can understand what you're saying, but there are diamonds in the rough in every medium.

    Cowboy Bebop is to anime as Watchmen is to comics. If you ever get the urge, start there.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:14 No.40200155
    show don't tell NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS in anime. pisses me off
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:15 No.40200184
         File1284272141.jpg-(6 KB, 220x165, sylvester the cat.jpg)
    6 KB
    MY GOD! We have a winner!

    Johnny tell him what he's WON!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:16 No.40200194
    She's like a fucking t-rex
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:18 No.40200245
    >Good books
    >Lists shitty, pretentious graphic novels
    Go back to /co/
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:18 No.40200250
         File1284272316.png-(110 KB, 312x240, Watchmencovers.png)
    110 KB

    Johnny: Why Sylvester the Cat, he has won a comic book recommendation! Sadly, the book is not free, but he can trust us that once he buys the book and sits down to READ it, it will be better than anything he has read before!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:20 No.40200288
    read quite a good amount of both manga and comic, prefer the former to the latter.
    and yes, every medium has its refined diamond and its utter shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:20 No.40200303

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:22 No.40200350
    I saw it. I did not shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:30 No.40200535
    So you came in here to announce the virtues of comic books and shit all over manga?

    Get the fuck out of here.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:37 No.40200726
         File1284273477.png-(214 KB, 498x800, 9836684.png)
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    You know what? Fuck Watchmen and fuck you. It's ridiculously overrated. It's really not that great. There are better comics out there, some of them by Alan Moore, some of them not. And ignoring that, you're a pretentious asshole that needs to be fucked by a horse until your colon collapses and you die of internal bleeding. Also
    Yeah or he could just download the piece of crap off of /rs/.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:49 No.40201006
         File1284274142.jpg-(7 KB, 237x200, Confused matthew.jpg)
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    Here are some select quotes from the greatest movie critic of our lifetime.

    First, his opinion on this fucking insipid movie that somehow won an Oscar for some undefined reason:
    "I HATE anime, and I don't know WHY anyone would LIKE it..."
    " Boring... Random... Incoherent... Characters have ZERO personality... At least the animation was enough for me to get through this."
    "To its fans, you guys are okay, but this movie SUCKED."

    Now, his educated opinion on this:
    "Wow... Just...Wow... This is the GREATEST superhero movie ever made. I could watch 5 hours of this!"
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:52 No.40201060
    All trolled.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:54 No.40201137
         File1284274488.jpg-(163 KB, 700x525, the_anatomies_by_artofguy.jpg)
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    Hello operator? Get me a WAAAAAAAAAAAAHmbulance!

    Some butthurt pussy got his shit ruined in an intellectual argument, and now his B'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWING out loud!

    Face it /a/, I'm stomping your v/a/ginas and there's nothing you can do about it!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:56 No.40201174
    A word of advice. Acting like an idiot, or an asshole, then saying LOL I TROL U doesn't make you a troll.

    It makes you an idiot or an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:57 No.40201210
    Hate to break this to you buddy, but you've achieved nothing. In fact, all you've done is convinced me to never read Watchmen. I was planning to, but if reading something like that will make me act like you, I'll pass.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)02:59 No.40201268
    Spoony's review of Akira:

    "The majority of Akira is grunting, shouting, panting, growling, screaming, and Kaneda playing name tag with Tetsuo. You might make a drinking game out of it, such as taking a shot whenever someone shouts "Tetsuo" or "Kaneda," but I think you'd die of alcohol poisoning. I haven't heard this much angry screaming since I tried being a professional male stripper. Maybe the sidewalk wasn't the best place to try it. Becoming evil seems to inspire Tetsuo to speak like Jack Nicholson, but I suppose there are less-menacing people to sound like when you've become The Beyonder. I still can't stop wondering why an all-powerful being would pick that haircut. I'm also wondering how long it'll be before they make a good giant comic movie, like Watchmen. I love Rorshach almost as much as I love Morgan Webb. And if you don't know who she is, don't bother finding out, because she's mine. Mine! Mine, do you hear?? Soon I will collect all the Sacred Egyptian God Cards, and nations will kneel at my feet and weep at my glory! Any who resist will be crushed utterly by my Veritech squadrons and Gundam mecha! KANEDAAAAAA!!!!"
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:00 No.40201300
    I see Joey.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:02 No.40201324
    Hey, don't make any rash decisions because of a little trolling. Watchmen is a fantastic piece of art.

    Everybody just cool down in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:02 No.40201332
    I wasn't the person who posted that totally subjective and opinionated wall of text in the spoiler tag you fags reacted to. Just pointing out your futile efforts, or perhaps what you do regularly around here, in responding to an obvious troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:04 No.40201371
    Anons saying that they defeated anons by pointing out intellectual arguments that don't exist on my /a/!
    Get out of here!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:04 No.40201378

    Also from Spoony:
    "I'm well-known as not really being an anime fan (surprise!), because anything that inspires grown men to dress like anthropomorphic cats, rub blue Kool-Aid in their hair, and carry six-foot polystyrene buster swords while arguing vehemently with other cosplayers that Goku could TOTALLY kick Sephiroth's ass...well, it's evil and it must be destroyed. Like Enterprise. The commercial listed off a bunch of movie critic endorsements-- the kind you see so much your mind doesn't even process them consciously anymore-- until one in particular stood out. "Makes Blade Runner look like Disney World," it said. I paused. I was intrigued. That's a bold claim for any movie. I know some guys who'd probably shoot you for talk like that. I'm not one of those people; I'm well-adjusted."
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:05 No.40201400
    So, do you have a point to make? Apart from "LOL ANIME SUCKS"?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:09 No.40201462
    Maus is very good though.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:11 No.40201517
         File1284275508.jpg-(92 KB, 640x932, lxg.jpg)
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    no need since I can enjoy them in a couple of hours rather than wasting time reading them. Also getting an xvid/mp4/mkv rip is faster and cheaper than buying a book
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:15 No.40201578
         File1284275700.png-(24 KB, 400x400, 1283461762096.png)
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    >confused matthew
    >the greatest movie critic of our lifetime
    Since when?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:22 No.40201735
    So, nothing actually wrong with OP's pic...
    moving on.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:23 No.40201758
    the only point in this post is some "critic" only knows anime as "faggotic shounen", thus dislikes anime and still called himself a critic, who shouldn't be some subjective faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:23 No.40201766
    >"I HATE anime, and I don't know WHY anyone would LIKE it..."
    >greatest movie critic
    Yep, a great way to be known as a good critic is up front tell people your disdain for the particular medium you're reviewing. That totally doesn't make it a biased review right?
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)03:26 No.40201828
    NOPE. I'm just stickin' it to my original message I'm getting through to you.

    This site is one of the greatest relics of internet 1.0. Deconstructs anime for what it is: shit .
    Like, do you ever wonder why the robot in Full Metal Panic has a fucking ponytail? Or why it wields a giant combat knife? Or even ponder about what use a certain vehicle like this would have? Do you realise how impractical it all is? I mean, sure the Superheroes in our comic books are impractical at times, like the capes they wear, but those things get deconstructed.
    Like in Watchmen, in one the texts, there's the tale of character named "Dollar Bill" who wore a cape to be "flashy and cool." Turns out his cape gets stuck in a revolving door, and guess what? HE GETS SHOT!
    Gee, why don't manga authors do this? Why the FUCK do they not deconstruct their ideas? Especially when those ideas are fucking stupid?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:27 No.40201856
    The method he uses is trolling people in a seemingly pseudo-semi-academic way.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:30 No.40201910
    >Like, do you ever wonder why the robot in Full Metal Panic has a fucking ponytail?

    For cooling purposes? The Codarl and ARX units with ponytails never seem to overheat their Lambda Drivers.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)03:31 No.40201920


    ...Are all me.
    I was just to focused on my topic than namefagging myself. Now that I have been namefagged, let's continue our intellectual debate.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:35 No.40202021
    Ok. I'll humor you. What do you think of this:
    This is airing next season. 26 episodes, 13 minutes long.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:37 No.40202058
    >Anime can be broken up into several main categories. We have the pedophilic magical girl anime, where some underaged little girl will wave a stick and turn half-naked for your viewing pleasure, we have the whole giant-robot thing, where small penised individuals jump in monolithic versions of themselves, we have the violent shows with ludicrous amounts of firearms for absolutely no good reason except that guns are somehow supposed to be cool, and we have the inane comedies where seeing people punched into orbit every episode is fresh and creative.
    Oh wow, this is the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)03:37 No.40202062
    Now back to Spoony's review of Akira:

    " of the most unfulfilling, confusing films you'll ever see, because by the time it's over, you'll have absolutely no idea what in the hell just happened. It's sort of like every girl I ever dated in college."

    "What I really puzzle over is why Akira seems to want to end on a high, hopeful note. The entire city just got turned into smoking glass, and I'm supposed to be feeling good about it? The skies are blackened with the ashes of several million innocent people, crushed under the heel of a maniacal demigod, and they want me to be thankful to Akira and his holy blue gnomes for saving the day? Suck it, Akira!"
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:38 No.40202081
         File1284277102.jpg-(25 KB, 704x396, deathnotekira=D.jpg)
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    40 20 20 80 GET!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:39 No.40202099

    over here

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:40 No.40202142

    Wow, he's being heavily biased himself, quoting some reviewfags, and called this "intellectual debate"? Does he know anything about rational argument?

    And btw, we know al of those shits are yours from the beginning, /co/fag.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:42 No.40202180
    You're either stupid or trolling, and either way having a debate with you is a completely waste of time.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:42 No.40202192
    It should be obvious all of you are being trolled, just hide the thread and ignore the worthless /co/mmoner.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:43 No.40202229

    Nothing special, same styling as yank cartoons, might be perverted and random as drawn together was, as I don't remember anything like it, as every other yank cartoon aimed at adults was still pretty tame.

    It gets one episode chance like most other things.
    >> /a/ non-pretentious /co/mic book fan 09/12/10(Sun)03:47 No.40202298
    /a/ AND /co/ user here.

    You guys are being trolled. While Watchmen is good, it's probably the second most over-rated comic of all time. The only way it could ever be more beloved for terrible reasons is if it was somehow written by Frank Miller.

    As for citing reviews from Spoony and Confused Matthew, Matthew goes out of his way to be a contrarian about things he doesn't like and Spoony is straight up a hack.

    The film of Blade Runner was terrible anyway, as was the anime of Akira. Both are adaptations. You're quoting a man who supposedly hates FF8 despite having some figures and a gunsword BEFORE he even started reviewing it. A man who loses his shit when ANYONE disagrees with him or presents him with constructive criticism.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)03:50 No.40202382

    Why... It looks like shit.
    (I'm sorry for interupting Spoony's godly review of Akira and halting the talk about the legendary articles of, but I gotta make a break and stomp Otaku vagina here.)

    Panty&Stocking with Garterbelt
    This... I' don't what to say...

    But basically, it looks like a perverted, unwashed Japanese mother fucker was watching a Cartoon Cartoon marathon on The Cartoon Network and also happened to be watching a little Invader Zim in between (because Invader Zim kicks KND's ass!) and thought to himself "HOHOHOHO I know what I should do! I will rip these superior shows off, BUT ADD MOAR TOILET HUMOR AND MISOGYNY!!! HOHOHO GAIJIN FUCKERS BE DAMNED!"
    >> /a/ non-pretentious /co/mic book fan 09/12/10(Sun)03:54 No.40202464

    Panty? Mysoginistic?

    I lol'd bro. If anything, it embodies all the values of third-wave feminism.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:11 No.40202769

    I guess this guy's done?
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)04:14 No.40202829
    Hey traitor. Yeah you!

    You're surrendering to the enemy right when we are defeating them! That's low.

    Also Watchmen is the greatest comic book ever. I know this because it wasn't just considered "The Best Graphic Novel Ever Written" by numerous sophisticated and intelligent critics, but was also "One of the BEST NOVELS ever written." That's right, people consider it a "novel." TWICE in fact by two well esttablished magazines!(Entertainment Weekly and TIME.) Do you realise how heartwarming beautiful that is? I mean, just look at the history of the comic book medium. It was harsh, people dissed it as "being for kids and illiterate adults." Stan Lee tried very hard to no avail. Then Watchmen comes its complex plot & characters, relevant satire, symbolism, bloody violence, erotic sexual imagery, perfect art and page design and BAM! comics are no longer "just for kids"! But seriously, it is considered a "novel" as if it was a part of "the better medium."(Along with Persepolis, also, reports are coming in that Asterios Polyp is here to break the records and standards Watchmen put forth so...)
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:17 No.40202887


    If it had an abundance of pictures, it wasn't a Novel, did you know that?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:24 No.40203008
    Death note says "¯\(^ - ^)/¯"
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:24 No.40203020
    Here we were having a nice "when you see it" thread, and then suddenly, a /co/ outcast walks in, probably thrown outta /co/ because of shit taste, and starts jerking it to one of the most overrated comics of all time! And announcing that most of anime is shit, as if it was news! Hurr-fucking-durr. Go back to whatever casual forum you crawled out of, and take your entry-level fap material with you.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)04:26 No.40203042
         File1284279999.gif-(5 KB, 200x200, Personalitycheck.gif)
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    Anyway, has there ever been an "Anime" that was truly "Oscar worthy" as The Shawshank Redemption, or The Dark Knight, rather than the typical "Star Wars-ish", fantastical escapist garbage that is "Spirited Away" or any other Miyazaki film?
    Seriously, you could swap the personalities of the protagonists in any Miyazaki film, and the plot would stary the same. Why? No personalities. When Chuck Jones did "Duck Amuck", it was more than just a "crazy little ditty that breaks the fourth wall." Chuck Jones was testing Daffy's "character." He was showing us if Daffy would still be Daffy if he erased his body, took away his voice, placed him into different settings, transformed him, etc. Can you DO THAT with any Miyazaki character?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:28 No.40203067

    I'd say Gurren Lagann would be competition.

    But there are people with better taste out there, they aren't from /co/ though
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:30 No.40203104

    I don't know, how about... Paprika, directed by now-deceased Satoshi Kon?
    Or you know, anything created by Naoki Urasawa or Osamu Tezuka.

    Troll needs to learn to troll better.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:31 No.40203109
    Practically nobody describes anime characters based on their powers or profession; your picture is hilariously inappropriate.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:32 No.40203138
    >Yeah you!
    confirmed for faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:36 No.40203177
    good god, your trolling is pathetic....too bad there really are people out there who actually think Watchmen is that great....
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:37 No.40203196
    This guy has probably read too many reviews. Honestly, he doesn't even have any real opinions. All he does is quote this guy, quote that guy, "This guy agrees with me, so I'm right!". Bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:39 No.40203218
    Spirited Away won an Oscar. It's Oscar worthy. Deal w/it nerdlinger
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)04:41 No.40203243
         File1284280913.jpg-(31 KB, 324x500, 22782356_34328a1966.jpg)
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    How about Manga?
    Can any Manga match up to Watchmen's level?
    I mean, even an INTRIGUING MORAL DILEMMA is introduced in the end of Watchmen. You know, a sadist decision in where nothing you do is "morally right." For instance: "You are out at sea, on a lifeboat and evacuating a shipwreck. The number of passengers is overwhelming by 1 number above the weight limit and is about to sink. However, there is a sickly person (A child, wait no, A LITTLE GIRL!) who would die anyway. Throwing the sickly girl offboard will decrease the weight and save everyone. Would you throw the little girl offboard? Watchmen did something like that, except it involved the entire population and a giant squid vs. the entire world.

    The Mangas I read ALWAYS side step this kind of thing. There will always be an ass pull in the form of a "third option" For instance: "LOL! I'll JUST USE MY GIANT MECHA! FIGHT THE POWAH KAWAII DESU NE!"
    But in the real world, there are no third options. A moral dilemma would truly be a test of character. So tell me, do any Mangas you read do that?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:42 No.40203252
    >ignores everyone in the thread
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:43 No.40203261
    Now you're not even trying anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:43 No.40203264
    >/a/ falling for one of the most obvious of trolls ever
    And I keep getting suprised I'm so much smarter than everybody here...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:44 No.40203273
         File1284281054.jpg-(47 KB, 327x500, monster1_5001.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:45 No.40203297

    The point with that is that, in manga lies the inspiration to do the impossible, save the girl and the universe.

    I mean, in your example, why don't you throw yourself overboard instead? Saves everyone else, and then we wouldn't have to listen to your poor trolling.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:46 No.40203311
    Throwing the sick girl off makes you a coward, a real man would have jumped off himself.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:46 No.40203313
         File1284281196.jpg-(113 KB, 600x600, adult.jpg)
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    I'm going to enjoy my substandard, trashy anime and manga instead of spending time with Western media.

    What are going to do about it huh? Insult my intelligence? Make an assumption about my age? Face it, you are powerless.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:47 No.40203331
         File1284281279.jpg-(499 KB, 768x960, 1282216182896.jpg)
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    I think the lacey forearm sleeves are concealing her elbows, or possibly the artist decided not to draw the elbows carefully.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:49 No.40203345
    yay, back on topic
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:51 No.40203375

    Something like that, certainly.

    As it looks far from right.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:53 No.40203397
    Why the fuck does it look like her thumb is attached to her wrist?
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)04:57 No.40203455
         File1284281843.jpg-(43 KB, 311x311, 1255494760115.jpg)
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    Look here:

    As you can see. That little number on Panties & Lederhosen was all me. I could give you my personal opinion on those other shitfests Spoony and Matthew talk about, but it would hurt to type and think about every mind-numbing thing in small amount of time I have. Not to mention, saying what has already been said. So, I just copy and paste from people who I feel are not only smarter and more funnier than I am, but list all the negative points accurately. Plus, I always give the link and thus more publicity and positive attention to them so there's no shame in doing so. Yet, I have opinions, very valid ones too! Like how I think the Death Note artist is a shitty artist.(See above.)

    You derailed the thread just to mudsling at me. Plus, let's just face it. YOU'RE TOO DAMN OBVIOUS AND TRY TOO HARD!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:59 No.40203482

    >judging art by what is probably the only image you've ever seen
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:00 No.40203496
    >I judge a show based on a trailer
    >I judge the quality of an artist from a single panel
    >Aren't my opinions fantastic?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:02 No.40203544
         File1284282144.gif-(147 KB, 320x240, 1224299826499.gif)
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    >>Implying Spirited Away isn't exponentially better than TDK.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:02 No.40203545
    >People still being trolled even though there is a clear image of trollface.jpg
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:02 No.40203549
    >Also Watchmen is the greatest comic book ever. I know this because it wasn't just considered "The Best Graphic Novel Ever Written" by numerous sophisticated and intelligent critics, but was also "One of the BEST NOVELS ever written

    >However, Moore added, "I shan't be going to see it. My book is a comic book. Not a movie, not a novel. A comic book. It's been made in a certain way, and designed to be read a certain way: in an armchair, nice and cozy next to a fire, with a steaming cup of coffee.
    >not a novel

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:03 No.40203564

    >implying I don't know I'm being trolled and I'm just proving him wrong anyway
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:05 No.40203585
    >It would hurt to think independently, so I'll just copy-paste from people who do it for me!
    >It has a cartoony artstyle, that means it's a ripoff!
    >You derailed the thread, that was obviously about me and my opinions to begin with!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:06 No.40203607
    >Implying pointless internet arguments with trolls aren't fun
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:09 No.40203647
    >easier to troll than /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:11 No.40203690
    >I didn't read the thread
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:14 No.40203740
    >the dark knight
    >oscar worthy the dark knight was all about christian bale acting like he had a stick up his butt, and Heath Ledger being all "HERP DERP I HURT YOU LOLSORANDUM" that does not seem all that oscar-worthy at all, now does it?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:15 No.40203762
    Babby to too scared of green texts to reply.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:16 No.40203785
    Once again - it won an Oscar, therefore it's Oscar worthy. Is this really so difficult?
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)05:20 No.40203855
         File1284283216.jpg-(18 KB, 320x319, misterbabby.jpg)
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    True true. Good points... But...
    You are the captain of the boat, and ONLY YOU know the directions to safety. Not only that boat only you sail the ship to safety. Not only that, but you are also a CHRISTIAN which means *GASP* SUICIDE=ETERNAL DAMNATION!

    Let's see ya try that!

    Oh and..
    Monster doesn't count. Dr. Tenma saved Johan WITHOUT knowing he was a murderous bastard. It's not a moral dilemma unless you know the outcomes.


    Yeeesh! Look at all these derailers and crybabies in here! Just because I state that Anime is bad poopie!
    For that, I think this tread needs moar babby!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:20 No.40203868
    it doesn't work that way. if a athlete wins while having used doping, but got away with it, he will have a medal, but won't be medal worthy. it's the same for the dark knight, the judges were too busy going "HERP DERP HEATH LEDGER DIED SO SAD MUST GIVE HIM POSTHUME HONORS HE DOESN'T DESERVE" to realize the movie was actually not that good, and certainly not deserving of an oscar.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:22 No.40203890
    monster does count. the dilemma here isn't tenma saving johan's life, but whether he should off him afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:24 No.40203924
    You speak like a pretentious hipster. It makes me cringe with disgust even though you could be 1000 miles away from me.

    And are you complaining that some people are trying to derail the thread? You shouldn't be talking.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:26 No.40203951

    >captain of the boat
    >no captains on lifeboats
    >must be captain of sinking ship
    >why aren't you going down with the ship?

    Besides, it wouldn't be suicide, it'd be sacrificing your life for another's. Nice try.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:26 No.40203955
    Of course he SHOULD, he just couldn't.

    And either way, Johan didn't care THAT much about it by the end anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:31 No.40204001
    >you are also a christian
    then there is no dilemma, the only thing that can be done is turning the other cheek.

    now go back to /b/. I don't believe one second you come from /co/ at all. you just say that to troll, you moronic /b/tard.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:33 No.40204048
         File1284284026.png-(41 KB, 211x248, 1240560608620.png)
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    Fuck morals.

    Fran would just save them all.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:37 No.40204087
    >not free
    Now it is.
    Wait a couple minutes for all of the pages to load up.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:43 No.40204177

    Here's a moral dilemma presented in Kino's Journey: A man murders a woman's family, then turns truly penitent and remorseful. He becomes her traveling bodyguard and servant, regretting his past from the very bottom of his heart. The protagonist is then given the choice of watching the woman take her revenge and kill the man, or stopping the woman mid-act.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)05:43 No.40204183
    Oh! I wasn't even FINISHED with THAT PIECE OF SHIT!
    I was going to complete the little review if only you little naive crybaby fuckers would stop derailing this tread! Yeeeesh!
    Confused Matthew clearly stated in his review on Watchmen: "Wow... Just...Wow... This is the GREATEST superhero movie ever made. Right next to The Dark Knight"

    I'm sorry I didn't quote it as exactly as it was stated. I was just "condensing it" ala Zack Snyder.

    PROTIP: I'm not a troll.
    Sorry I can't say everything that isn't obvious already.
    CONGRATULATIONS! You have a one track mind with a fixed opinion! Of course The Movie is noticeably different from the comic. Of course it is less sophisticated than the comic, more adrenaline overdosed than the comic, and lacks some crucial information from the comic. Hell, one of my favorite scenes was rushed through, and another important scene was thrown our for ANGRY NITE OWL! Personally I'd give it a B+, but the fact that Confused Matthew thought that way about this film speaks VOLUMES about Watchmen the comic book and comic book based films and the entire fucking anime industry. If you were following me, you would have come to my conclusion if you had in mind that people consider Spirited Away the "best anime ever"
    My conclusion:
    Watchmen(The Comic)> The Dark Knight=Watchmen (The Movie)>All other Superhero movies> THE ENTIRE FUCKING ANIME INDUSTRY!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:45 No.40204218
    >>Fuck Morals I'd save everyone
    Fran would probably chop unnecessary body parts of the other passengers so they didn't have to throw anyone overboard.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:46 No.40204224
    You people DO realise that basing your moral compass on FICTIONAL STORIES that are made by people who make a living off of GLORIFIED BEDTIME STORIES is idiotic, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:49 No.40204274
    Or turn them all into some aquatic colony being

    I'm not sure I'd want to be rescued by her.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:50 No.40204288

    >implying the morals and themes in bedtime stories generally aren't better than anything you learn later in life

    The reason they're bedtime stories is so when you're young and most spongelike, you can take in the morals and themes portrayed and think on them while you sleep. Digest them. Become them.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:50 No.40204303

    It's nice to see someone else who lived through the Image years, but seriously my friend: grow up. You approach such a pretentious topic as the summation of a medium with a gross naivete unfitting for someone of your age.

    You sound like those who say comics were for kids, a "phase you'll grow out of".
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)05:51 No.40204305
    >Watchmen(The Comic)> The Dark Knight=Watchmen (The Movie)>All other Superhero movies> THE ENTIRE FUCKING ANIME INDUSTRY!!!

    Excuse me, let me fix that statement considering that some superhero movies are good (First two Batman movies), plain shit (like Iron Man 2), and supershit (Batman & Robin, Steel)
    It should now read:
    >Watchmen(The Comic)> The Dark Knight=Watchmen (The Movie)>Good Superhero movies> Bad Poopie Superhero movies>(or)=THE ENTIRE FUCKING ANIME INDUSTRY!!

    God I can bet some derailing crybaby tards already made posts exploiting that little slip.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:51 No.40204321
    Go on with your argument guys. I'll just sit back and watch while enjoying comics and manga.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:52 No.40204332
    Ugh. A fucking Guy thread. Biggest troll on /ic/. Get the fuck out.

    Well I'm going to bed. I don't want to see /a/ pathetically get trolled like /ic/ does.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:52 No.40204347
    ITT: OP doesn't really understand perspective.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:54 No.40204379

    hey man, /a/ ain't mad at all. Are we still trolled.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:54 No.40204383
    Most of them are arguing just because they wont to. I have no idea why.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:55 No.40204417
    I don't care that you're trolling, there are some things you don't joke about.

    The Watchmen movie was shit, plain and simple. It lacked cohesion and felt like a collection of random scenes rather than a movie.
    It was so bad that Alan Moore killed himself just so he could spin around in his grave.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)05:55 No.40204420
    Hey guys, i decided to respect your opinions and leave 4chan out of shame.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:55 No.40204421
    It's more advisable to form your "morals" on experience.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:56 No.40204436
    I SO can not agree with this it's not even funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:57 No.40204444

    >implying experience would ever be good enough to form good morals if no one followed the good morals portrayed in fiction, which in turn would even lead to a lack of good morals in fiction, and thus the derailment of morality in the human race.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:58 No.40204451
    So, Troll: the idea is, if we reply, that means we're really angry? I suppose that could be true in some instances.

    Honestly, trolls sound kind of lonely, don't you think?
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)05:59 No.40204464
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    Guess what? YOU'RE PROVING ME RIGHT!

    As you can see I replied to all the green text. So NO JOHNNY! YOU ARE THE BABBY!!!
    And then you were a babby.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:00 No.40204478

    Somtimes, I'd say that's true. I mean, certainly when they really have nothing left, pathetic trolls will attempt to incite some kind of reaction from other people to get attention.

    Like a whiny toddler.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:01 No.40204515
    Morals are morelike common sense to me. I hold to it that you should not accept anything in fiction as correct morals "just because".

    I think religion is a better method of upholding morals than fiction (or at least a more solid foundation for morals).

    If fiction writers REALLY knew how to fix the World, they wouldn't be fiction writers.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:01 No.40204516

    I like how he's totally fogotten about the moral dilemma thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:02 No.40204526
    How can you call yourself a "/co/ Representative" when you're clearly a /v/ shit poster?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:02 No.40204535

    You are arrogant enough to pass Watchmen off as a cover when the AUTHOR said it isn't a novel.

    And what are you going to do with all your sophistication and years of experience in viewing comic books huh? You think anyone in real life actually cares? Why don't you do something useful with all of your "good tastes."

    Oh wait, you can't.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:03 No.40204540
    The troll's losing his cool.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:04 No.40204561

    Did you see my quads?

    Well, there's always the argument that relgion is fiction taken far too seriously. I mean, s'far as we know, we really did, by chance, evolve from a single cell that somehow came to life.

    I don't know for sure, and anyone who says they do is either crazy, fanatic, or actually enlightened and only the crazy and fanatic will believe him.

    Normal people just put their faith into that 'fiction', just like I would put my faith into the morals and such in manga and anime.

    Don't get me wrong though, a little real experience and common sense here and there are good counterbalances. There are no absolutes.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:09 No.40204641
    both anime and manga are lower level forms of entertainment, but that does not stop them from being entertaining. after all, comics/manga and cartoons/anime are media intended for children, that someone decided to market to grown men and women, only to be surprised by the sheer amount of manchildren that started going around claiming the comics and cartoons they were watching were a form of art. face it, they're not. the reason they're drawn, instead of just written entirely, like books, is because children can't/don't/won't read that much difficult words. so people, please stop trying to justify your reading of such childish media by claiming it's art, and just accept manga, anime, cartoons and comics are all inferior to actual art like literature, paintings, and the like.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:09 No.40204643

    Anime should stay to fantasy elements and settings, leave 'serious reality business' to real tv/movies/books.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)06:10 No.40204647
    I'm gonna finish up Spoony's review right now so that I can get to talking about why Anime sucks monkey dick. Also don't think I'm being close minded. If I was close minded I'd be a lot like you guys. I'm open to stuff that is technically better than Watchmen or Asterios Polyp... If it exists.... For which I am skeptical, but we'll see.

    "What I really puzzle over is why Akira seems to want to end on a high, hopeful note. The entire city just got turned into smoking glass, and I'm supposed to be feeling good about it? The skies are blackened with the ashes of several million innocent people, crushed under the heel of a maniacal demigod, and they want me to be thankful to Akira and his holy blue gnomes for saving the day? Suck it, Akira!

    So I return to the issue at hand. Does Akira make Blade Runner look like Disney World? I'm not even really sure what that's supposed to mean, but if we're talking about an overpriced waste of time with a lot of running and screaming, then Akira should be wearing the Mickey Mouse ears. There's nothing as memorable or as visually unique as the urban wasteland of Blade Runner, nor as poetic as Roy Batty's musings on the brevity of life. Best of all, I can watch Blade Runner and know what the heck just happened! Not only does Blade Runner win this contest, Ridley Scott holds Akira down and slaps the stupid out of him."
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:11 No.40204672
    >not based on fiction

    come again?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:12 No.40204698

    As it stands today, yes, anime/manga/comics/cartoons are MARKETED and made for kids.

    But it has the capacity to be just as artistic as novels and regular art, it just doesn't typically reach that state, or is recognized as such, due to the medium it's in.

    In short, >opinions
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:13 No.40204709
    you might be hating on anime as much as you want, but that won't change the fact that comics and cartoons and hollywood movies are all shit by default because they're american
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:14 No.40204720
    While I agree with your assessment generally, your unspoken conclusion is poor - ie, the assertion that fictional stories, as something other than "direct experience" of the natural world, are unacceptable material from which to develop moral character.

    You sound like you can fog a mirror, so I'm going to state problems with your conclusion using point form and let you figure it out yourself.

    1) Availability of experience.
    2) Comparative finality of many moral "experiences".
    3) Perceived vs actual optimization.
    4) Learning from fiction is a phenomenon that happens without choosing.
    >> sage sage 09/12/10(Sun)06:14 No.40204722
    What the fuck, I come in here for an intellectual discussion on the absurdities in the shapes and size of Misa's boobs and I get this shit instead. sage.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:14 No.40204724
    it cannot be art due to the medium it's in.
    that's just how it is, face it.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:14 No.40204725

    He sounds like a pretentious hipster going by the name "Spoony" alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:16 No.40204747
    You know those aren't her boobs, they're the cups on her outfit, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:17 No.40204760
    Read Bokurano(that is a deconstruction of giant robot genre, very much like Watchmen)
    Onani Master Kurosawa(a deconstruction of romance, absolutely seriously)
    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei(a deconstruction of harems, kind of)
    Fate/Stay night(the visual novel, a deconstruction of shonen)

    For all the fighting manga shitting, stuff like Berserk, Claymore, Battle Angel Alita and old stuff like Blame and Akira.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:19 No.40204781



    Seriously, make 'art' that inspires people to break through the earth, heaven, and even tomorrow.

    A live-action hollywood movie or novel may be able to do it, too, if only because you need the timeframe to show the character development of a regular, no, a sub-humanly little boy into a man who's bursting at the seams with confidence and power beyond any real man. What lofty heights people should aim for, really.

    But I think as soon as something like that comes along, an anime or manga equivalent will be completely disregarded, sadly.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:22 No.40204822
    wow, you don't read/watch most of the mediums you mentioned, do you? they all have healthy adult sectors. marketing to kids is just good business, that's your future market.

    you think art is restricted by medium? which medium limits the items discussed from qualifying as art, in your mind: the visual, or the audio?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:22 No.40204824
    Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences and affects the senses, emotions, and/or intellect. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings.

    see? anime and manga and cartoons and comics aren't, have never been, and will never be art.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:23 No.40204835
    the fanbase
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)06:23 No.40204849
    Hey guys! Just trolling ya with that post, the rest is serious business.

    I'm not done with the moral dilemma thing, I'm not done with giving my opinion of that shitty panty brigade thing, and I'm certainly not done with stomping your vagina.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:24 No.40204853
    Why do people still care about what is art and what isn't?

    Fuck art. Just enjoy what is enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:24 No.40204860
    >I can't watch Akira and understand what it is about
    Disregard the anime being a shitty adaptation, you are a shitty watcher.

    You might also want to read: Scottish Play.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:26 No.40204871
    Everything in that post contains moral dillema:
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:27 No.40204884
    >>40204641 here,

    that's exactly my point, I was just raging that people should just shut up and enjoy their entertainment, and stop trying to claim what they are watching is art for no other goal than self-gratification and/or to feel less guilty about liking something in a medium intended for children.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:27 No.40204886

    Nah, I know there are adult sectors, (Seinen manga for example). But they are typically for kids.


    >Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences and affects the senses, emotions, and/or intellect. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings.

    Manga and anime can somtimes 'symbolic elements' in a way that influences senses, emotions, or intellect(admittedly very rarely on the intellect part).

    Also, anime is a mix of music and art-in-motion, and literatue if only using character-spoken words.
    Manga are frame by frame displays are literature wherein the only thing that is still written is occasional narration and character lines.

    Different parts of art make up another medium of art.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:29 No.40204910
    Thanks for the definition, Wikipedia.

    Good luck convincing anyone that something as vague and fundamental as "arrangement of symbolic elements" is restricted by medium.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:29 No.40204912
    Now i know what Otaku is. How come we barely have them on /a\ and the only real one i seen comes from \co\?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:31 No.40204934
    your making the same mistake as the troll.

    just because you don't understand how something can be, doesn't make it not so.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:31 No.40204939
    >my face when anime/mangas' versus comics/cartoons' powerlevels

    Maybe it should be considered the different general archetypes in anime and manga compared to comics and cartoons may be due to cultural differences. You know, Asian focus on the communal whole, Western focus on the individual? Different values in general? Cultural details that make no sense to foreigners? Not to mention anime and manga rely on smaller budgets out of necessity and I guess the general shit state of the industry for them outside of Japan, which is why manga is predominantly in black and white and anime has less frames per second.

    Also, many of the criticized animes and mangas here are aimed toward young boys and girls, shounen and shoujo stuff; they would have the same purpose as cartoons on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network: lighthearted entertainment. Comparing those to more mature works of Western drawing and animation is pretty much unfair. Apples and oranges, you know.

    And Akira did have that weird upnote ending, but I think that's just a quirk of the writer and not a general "anime has shit endings lol" thing. Gainax endings do get some mileage, though. Maybe it's better to think of Akira in relations instead of individuals. Also, both the anime and the manga had great scenery.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:32 No.40204953
    I don't want some pretentious elitist like you agreeing with me.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:35 No.40204989
    You do realize that in the same rant telling people to just "enjoy your entertainment", you complain about people doing things for self-gratification?

    I don't care, mind you, but get your shit straight.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:36 No.40205003
    Man, you're just throwing around "deconstruction" without actually caring about what it means. Bokurano isn't a deconstruction of mecha, it's just a series of character studies that utilise mecha as a focal point to bring those characters together. I can't comment on FSN since I've never read, nor watched it, but I really don't see how the other two could constitute as deconstructions at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:36 No.40205011
    I don't care if someone enjoy paintings or books.

    If they have a problem with me watching Gundam and act like snobs, then we have a problem.

    You can read a lot of books, but unless you put that literary knowledge to good use, it means nothing.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)06:38 No.40205038
    Anyway, I just wanted to state my opinion on "mediums"

    "Literature, paintings, music, comic books, cartoons"= ALL ART to be critiqued and objectified.
    "Manga/Anime= Comic Books and Cartoons, albeit, from an alternate bizarro industry where the comics code never gave artists and writers the restrictions and obstacles that made them struggle to appeal to adults and to fight prejudice against the medium. As result, you have generation after generation of lazy Liefeldian fucks who just rip off the people before them, and the first guy was a copycat of Walt Disney! Because of this, "Anime/Manga" was seen as more mature entertainment when first introduced to the western hemisphere. Because of this, you had these bloody tits gore rape books competing amongst heavily censored comics and cartoons whose makers were struggling to keep adult interest in their works alive (it shows with their devotion to art and writing). These Manga/Anime creators don't have to TRY, and yet appeal to the adult market as something "cool" and "cultured," even if it's trashy misogyny. So thus I don't believe in terms like "manga" and "anime." Just "cartoons and comics." Precisely:
    Those that are well written and drawn, and those that aren't. And from OP's pic, even the best Manga/anime are CLEARLY poorly drawn.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:41 No.40205079
    >judging a whole medium of 1000+ works with a sample size of 1

    How many math/statistic exams did you fail? What about science exams?

    Or were you an elitist snob and took only snobbish art classes for pretentious snobs like you?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:41 No.40205086
    I never said anything against enjoying Gundam, it's a good franchise with many worthy aspects.

    But I got a problem with what you said. You can define "acting like a snob" and "good use" however you want, and then start problems with anyone and call them useless.

    Besides, no one here mentioned anything about that.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:42 No.40205090

    I kind of agree with this, I've gotten used to having 6+ hours of content to learn from the character, MOST movies these days are 90 minutes, I bitch and complain that it isn't long enough, most people I know will not watch a 3+ hour movie. 90 minutes just feels rushed for me, both are audio visual mediums so they can technically present the exact same thing to you (other than how it looks, but that is just getting shallow).
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:43 No.40205107

    Well, yes, comics = manga = graphic novels
    anime = cartoons = animations(which would include something like Heavy Metal as well).

    As far as the whole censorship thing goes, yes, to us westerners, Japanese go to far. But they have a system and it works(for your information, for whatever reason, they keep things like the rape mangas out in the open, and it supposedly keeps a cap the rape numbers and other crimes, because people have a release in that way).

    Still, it sounds like you're selectively seeing the bad over the good. Yes, even the best manga and anime have poor spots, but they do get pretty good as for being 'art'.

    I suppose it's just human nature to consider the bad worth ten times as much as the good.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:49 No.40205190
    Well of course there are a lot of poorly drawn manga, they're meant to be cheap and plentiful. I mean, I've never been to Japan but I've heard manga there is like $3/volume or something. It's sort of like pulp fiction I guess. Just because it's cheap and might not be 'artistic' doesn't mean it can't be good. OMK had shit art but told a good story. Yes it sounds ridiculous when you try to tell someone else about it, and maybe you can't praise it as the pretentious art you so highly value, but there's worth in a well-told story. Seriously, stop just going off of the opinions of popular media. Just because someone acts cynical doesn't mean they have a good scope of the medium they're reviewing.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:50 No.40205205

    And I see the colouring choices and even character designs of many comics, horrible as well, the 'art' (picture) is subjective to taste, I don't want pure realism in utterly everything.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:51 No.40205217

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:51 No.40205226
    Well, Bokurano does take generic shonen stereotypes and make them human - it has wips NOT manning up at the last minute and getting killed because of that, it has the strong theme of fixing stuff in your life because you could die any day. And in the end you have Jun who is something like your mature Shinji and outright states that even if he had the choice of being set free, he is fighting because fourteen people died before him and he wouldn't want to live that wimp life. He has no other reason at that point. Compare that to Rorschach who does not belong to the world which he wants.
    Onani Master Kurasawa seems pretty obvious to me. Most romances are based off some lie or a problem in the plot, creating a barrier between the twom, acting as a plot device. He refutes that lie, gives up on the girl, is ACTUALLY still friends with her, lives a happy life and while there is no "and the story continued on with a lot of wacky hijinks you didn't see" he certainly was very satisfied.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:52 No.40205234

    Just posting to agree with this. The Dark Knight was 2.5 hours of "durr, I'm spontaneous and violent because teh world is shit, hurr.".
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)06:52 No.40205243
    Hi guys just thought of something new to this.

    Let me remind you that that girl is gonna die anyway, even if she gets to land. By killing her now, would be to end her suffering. Also, let's I did jump into the water (assuming I can tell another passenger the direction and he will not fuck it up) and I died, I killed myself, to save the life of a girl who wouldn't live anyway, just out of some misplaced sense of selfishlessness.
    Wow, way to leave a little child with a guilt complex before she dies.
    "That man died all because of me. I'm sorry mommy, I'm bad and worthless*dies*"
    Now I kill that girl knowing full well of the consequences, and not only that, I plead guilty when we get to court. I am totally faced to live out the rest of my life in a dark, cold, smelly, and lonely prison till the day I am executed rather than just making it quick and jumping overboard and emotionally scar a dying kid for last few moments of her life. Hmmmmph. Now tell me, is that cowardly?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:55 No.40205281
    >NOT ART
    This is pre-school level of trolling.
    And amount of text this guy generates! It's ginormous! No troll should ever write more than his food, or what a shitty troll he is then!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:55 No.40205291
    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is simply your harem randomness taken to the point where the order in the base is lost for all times, while the individual points made in the story still make sense somehow. I thought that argument by enlarging and then pointing at the ridiculousness is deconstruction, no?
    Fate/Stay Night is coming of age at its finest. That itself serves to deconstruct the shonen elements. Also all the stuff like "Do I have the balls to kill a guy to save twenty?"
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:56 No.40205296
    Ach! That was a good laugh, thank you.

    You should consider the fact that any creative industry lies somewhere on the spectrum of creative freedom vs. executive control.

    At the control end of the spectrum, well-loved and bankable themes and conventions are mandated from above, hopefully with some measure of planning and insight. This can lead to a good run of top-notch content, but inevitably stales.

    At the creative end of the spectrum, people are free to explore themes and conventions that suit them, creating an environment of unparalleled proliferation and wild shifts. This is the time when legends are born, and take hold in the public's conscious; the trade off is the fact that 99% percent of works created will be garbage.

    In reality, most entertainment industries lie between these two extremes, and there are many other factors that influence the quality of the end content.

    But really, all your arguments read like poorly disguised judgments about Japanese culture vs American culture, whether you intend them to or not.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:56 No.40205301
    Jesus Christ man you're all over the place aren't you? I'm going to get some breakfast. Hopefully by the time I get back you'll figure out what exactly it is you're trying to convince us of.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:56 No.40205305
    So what happened to having fun?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:59 No.40205360

    Neither choices are cowardly.

    Still, now you really have to wonder why such a sick child is in such an unsafe place as a boat. Also, wouldn't she be contagious? Even further still, health care is pretty good, and chances are unless it was rapid deterioration of her body or something totally unknown and wacky, she'd be able to be cured anyway.

    Both are equally destructive to life. Someone will lose one, no doubt. It's just a matter of who has more potential in life, really.

    And hey, you died because you want to if you jumped off. Or hell, if you're a captain, you REALLY should've went down with the ship.

    Not only that, if you're in a situation where lifeboats are necessary, unless you're in the middle of the pacific, you made an SOS and it went out, help will be there soon, maybe ever before anyone has to die, if you can cling to wreckage or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:00 No.40205368
    It's funny how some people ITT, when faced with criticism of something they identify with, respond by putting down the opposition, instead of really defending it.

    I suppose it is usually easier.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:01 No.40205388
    I'm having fun, aren't you? And if not, why are you here?

    Just enjoy yourself, man.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:03 No.40205427
    No what I mean is that worth of any art is incredibly subjective. If you have fun with a movie, is it a bad movie? Why must every movie or every book ever be some kind of an ultimate breakthrough in its field? Why must every story be perfect? Why can't we just all have fun with how we entertain ourselves?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:04 No.40205435

    Anime and Manga, as animations and graphic novels, are as viable a medium of 'art' as anything else is a medium of 'art.
    99% of anime and manga sucks, for whatever reason is applicable to the case, while 1% could actually be considered true art.
    That 99% probably sucks even more to most Americans because they just don't understand the Japanese way of thinking.

    Need I explain anything else? Please, point it out, so I can better attempt to convince you and others of my belief.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:04 No.40205445
    not as funny as people's unassailable belief that if they didn't get something worthwhile out of a creative work, then that work is categorically worthless, or not worthy according to the "true" standard.

    because you couldn't possibly have bad taste, could you? or - gasp - DIFFERENT TASTES
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:05 No.40205463

    good =/= breakthrough in the field, you're right.
    But it's not likely to be taken as a serious teacher of a theme or moral, or remembered for more than a few generations.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:09 No.40205517
    >But it's not likely to be taken as a serious teacher of a theme or moral, or remembered for more than a few generations.
    Who said it should be a teacher in theme or moral? Art is projection of human nature, not its origin. There might be art that expresses the questions that those who consume it can relate to, or there might be art that does not do this, does it make one of those works better? No. The whole "my book is better than your book" argument is pointless. Better = having more worth, and worth can vary from person to person. Frankly, the very first post in this thread right after the /co/fag posted his stale pasta should have been questioning this instead of going like "Oh no it is an art!"
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:10 No.40205535
    who said anything about good stuff having to be breakthroughs? seriously, where are you getting this shit?

    I mean don't get me wrong, I agree with you on that, but why do you put words in people's mouths that they didn't say? It's practically begging for arguments = waste of your time.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:12 No.40205566
    Somehow I doubt your qualifications to forecast the a work's probable impact, or its probable longevity.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:12 No.40205569

    Just because it is a projection doesn't mean it's not the origin.

    And hell, origin is a bad word. Something alone the lines of Translative Stage, from one generation to another. In some cases, skipping many generations. Think if you built your morals off of the chivalry in the story of King Arthur.

    Mind you, I read a King Arthur novel thing once, and it was about as deep as a puddle and about as teaching as a blank piece of paper. But it was pretty cool, so some worth there.

    I'm afraid my opinion is showing now.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:14 No.40205613

    I'm talking in generalizations, man.

    A film that I believe teaches little to nothing, Star Wars, will probably be around for centuries. And probably the only one of it's kind that will.

    Don't take things in absolutes, life isn't black and white, it's shades of gray.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:17 No.40205664
    Or it could just, you know, entertain.
    We need both kinds. Doesn't mean one is inferior.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:18 No.40205671
    We influence the world and the world influences us, constantly and eternally; it's not one or the other. Westerners need to curb this need for dualism and the limitations on thought that it begets.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:20 No.40205700

    Are you a sage?

    I think I get what you're saying.

    And hell, [opinions]I just prefer a story with a slight bit of moral and theme to it, at least something I might be able to learn from, as opposed to something just for kicks.[/opinions]

    I'd rather read HotD than watch the boobphysics in the anime.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)07:24 No.40205738

    Now this show here:

    Has a style that is a little reminiscent of this show:

    Which I actually admit is a little better than most animes I see(mostly because they at least had enough balls actually draw LIPS on a WOMAN for ONCE!)
    Of course, it is still not good. Although the character designs are much better than Miyazaki's characters, the animation is REALLY lacking and is very choppy. That's "Kanada" style for you:
    If you ask me, it kind reminds me of the animation style in "Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog." Oh and this "Panty & Stockholms" too is mostly just toilet humor over plot. Mindless garbage like AOSTH. (God I wish we had shows like Sonic SatAM again.)

    Here's another review:
    All this hate coming from one "Professor Otaku." Gee, EVEN OTAKUS HATE THIS SHIT!
    So practically I have reviewed pantyhose and lederhousen even before it's released! Because I can tell that it a rip off of DEAD LEAVES, just with moar influence from Cartoon Network originals and bitter misogyny! Your v/a/gina has been stomped once again!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:26 No.40205763
    >a show is better than the other because they draw the lips on women
    Uhh... I give up. This is some unpenetrable logic. Right there.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:27 No.40205781
    who are you even talking to now? you're like a copypasta bot...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:29 No.40205832

    You're forgetting the part where most of /a/ doesn't like Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt for the exact reasons you just stated you don't.

    And for the love of god, call it by it's proper name or something shorter; lest we start calling The Watchmen, "They Watch Men". You're just being an ass about that.

    For the record on Japanese and Western animation being the same, look at the 80s. Pretty much the same shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:30 No.40205846
    wow... troll is really out of their depth today.

    smart person, why are you on 4chan today, and why aren't you here more often?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:30 No.40205854

    I think we've won in the highest capacity possible against a troll, no? Shall we call it a night?
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)07:31 No.40205873
    >unpenetrable logic.

    Damn straight! I still continue to win this thread also...

    It's "impenetrable" logic sir.
    So now that I got Spoony's point down, Matthew's point down, and even Professor Otaku's point down. All have to do is bring more attention to and tell you how well written and thought out and just through it is:
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:33 No.40205897

    Dude, I wanna sleep. Can you just give up? You're not gonna win us over any more than we will you.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:33 No.40205900
    Is this a troll trolling the troll by pretending to be the troll and plugging that shitty site or is the troll really that thinly veiled? I've started to lose track.
    >> Drill ‮revomeR ‪‪‪‬‬ !!dRt2Zp69xa+ 09/12/10(Sun)07:36 No.40205941
    Spoony is an autist whose entire style is picking out ludicrously irrelevant minute details.
    He's not a valid reviewer.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:36 No.40205945

    I'd imagine he's falling into the loop of just ignoring what logic we throw at him and sitting in his own enclosed place with his own logic.

    But hey, soon as he leaves back to his rightful little place, everything will be fine. Just remember he's the ass who came here, the invader, per se.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:36 No.40205948
    >they at least had enough balls actually draw LIPS on a WOMAN for ONCE!
    Someone never watched Paprika.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)07:38 No.40205978
    >Where did come from? Why are you here? *GASP* Are you a wizard?

    I came down from the heavens. The reason? To stomp all of your vaginas, and save the western animation industry. Finally no, I am a scientist.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:38 No.40205982
    >It's "impenetrable" logic sir.
    It's both.
    >Spoony's point down, Matthew's point down, and even Professor Otaku's point down
    Of which all three are obvious stuck-up internet douches and whose opinion hold as much value to me as... any other critic opinion ever up to Roger Ebert!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:39 No.40205994

    >western animation industry.

    you can't save what's already dead
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:40 No.40206010

    >save the western animation industry

    Dude, last I checked, the western animation industry is in fine shape. It's the Japanese animation industry that's in trouble.

    Still, it's pretty much their fault.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:41 No.40206018
    Lol alright. That's the third time you or someone with your name made me laugh today. Good job.

    You may be throwing shit into my pool, but you're making the shit dance and sing in very entertaining ways.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:42 No.40206033

    Self before another unless you are utter bro's.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:44 No.40206050

    Others before Self unless it could really mean death in which case it takes an evaluation of the other(s) to make a clear judgement.

    You won't make any bros being selfish.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)07:44 No.40206051
    Thread succesfully derailed.

    Closing tab in 5..
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:44 No.40206057
    wow, there are a lot of morons in this thread. that and young people.

    and like two smart guys, one good and one evil.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:45 No.40206060
    >its good because they draw LIPS

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:45 No.40206070

    >the thread was just derailed now

    But hey, I think it stayed sort of on topic. Sort of. Either way, see you in Hell!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:46 No.40206076
    >Thread succesfully derailed.
    >Thread 02:02
    >your post 07:44
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)07:46 No.40206085
    No, I can revive it. First, by revealing the truth about the manga/anime industry. Second, something that is the animated equivalent of Watchmen. (Loads of symbolism, characters with personalities so real and complex it's scary, BLOODY VIOLENCE, EROTIC SEXUAL CONTENT, heavy plot with good resolution but with some parts left to viewer interpretation, and most of all, a reaccuring plot device. I'm thinking crying clown, kinda like the bloody smiley. Oh the whole thing would be a thinly veiled satire on escapism aka people like YOU who cling to fantastical garbage because they are so afraid of the outside world. Kinda like how mecha pilot operates this huge manifestation of himself to hide the fact that he a dickless loser.)
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:48 No.40206115
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:48 No.40206122
    hey, since you seem to know a lot about overrated media, what is your opinion of Kick-Ass?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:49 No.40206133

    >I can revive it.
    >by trying to end anime/manga by revealing some truth

    I thought it was already known that it is just another medium for art, a sub-section of general animation and graphics novels, albeit poorly used in my opinion?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:50 No.40206142
    >Oh the whole thing would be a thinly veiled satire on escapism aka people like YOU who cling to fantastical garbage because they are so afraid of the outside world. Kinda like how mecha pilot operates this huge manifestation of himself to hide the fact that he a dickless loser.
    Okay okay, hold on.
    Your equivalent of Watchmen with a premise like that would be called...
    Hold on... Right!

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:50 No.40206144
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    So.../co/ rep still hasn't mentioned Sandman yet...
    My God!
    Not only is he a troll, he also happens to be a faggot!
    Also, in the name of the late, great Satoshi Kon, bring up some more of his works /a/, if you are really going to answer. Wax lyrical about Paranoia Agent etc.
    She has midget arms and MASSIVE HANDS.
    Which means she has a giant penis.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:51 No.40206157
    >thread arguing anime's artistic value
    >no mention of Bakemonogatari
    /a/, I'm disappointed.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:52 No.40206170
    everything is simple if you already understand it.

    everything is complex if you're an idiot.

    hitting people in that sweet spot in between calls for something other than a one-size-fits-all approach.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:53 No.40206186
    >troll thread
    >no mention of bakemonogatari
    >/a/, I'm disappointed

    surely this is what you meant to say?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:55 No.40206220
    people not understanding perspective and anatomy, take 2!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:56 No.40206225

    >Loads of symbolism, characters with personalities so real and complex it's scary, BLOODY VIOLENCE, EROTIC SEXUAL CONTENT, heavy plot with good resolution but with some parts left to viewer interpretation, and most of all, a reaccuring plot device

    Gurren Lagann.
    Symbolism: the drill, spirals
    Characters/Personalities: Simon is realistic, mostly in growth. People can change, will change. Kamina and Nia can be considered macguffins and flat characters.
    BLOODY VIOLENCE: Blood ain't necessary, and part of the problem with kids these days, overexposed too early to such thing. Granted, there's more than enough blood in Gurren Lagann too, but it's aimed at mid-late teens.
    SEXUAL CONTENT: not at all necessary and not used in Gurren Lagann beyond used as an expression of love between two individuals. Also occasional fanservice can draw in viewers, but GL might take this too far with token-boobs Yoko.

    Apologies for any incoherence, the troll tires me.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:57 No.40206242
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    If depicting women with defined lips is integral to being a quality piece of media, Battle Angel Alita must be a masterpiece.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:58 No.40206263
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    How pathetic, stop fooling yourself manchildrens from /co/, american comics are a joke, there's absolutely none worth reading and you're not making anyone here interested in your shit.
    And american animation is pretty much kiddie shit you shouldn't be watching if you had any self respect, so go back to your shithole and stay there.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:58 No.40206264
    You forgot about Narutaru being a deconstruction of the mons genre. In other words, shit happens when you give kids control over nigh-invulnerable monsters.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:58 No.40206266
    let the fapping commence
    >> Boku no Tripfag !!uo+rI9nd/lP 09/12/10(Sun)07:59 No.40206271
    >Loads of symbolism, characters with personalities so real and complex it's scary, BLOODY VIOLENCE, EROTIC SEXUAL CONTENT, heavy plot with good resolution but with some parts left to viewer interpretation, and most of all, a reaccuring plot device.

    wow, you just summed up bleach, and god knows bleach isn't a masterpiece. you have no idea of what a good show would be like.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:59 No.40206282
    nothing like putting down the beloved thing of someone who puts down your beloved thing, eh?

    you're embarrassing yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:00 No.40206289
    IT IS a masterpiece.

    and that retard from /co/ hasn't given up yet?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:00 No.40206292
    What artistic value could have a group of generic homo's in latex fighting evil to protect the oh so good and holy american country and it's good people?
    Come on, only low IQ monkey could be interested in such a steaming pile of shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:01 No.40206309
    well, I won't start speaking to "intent", but I gotta say the Naruto franchise is a really poor candidate for a deconstruction.

    you sure you're using that word right?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:01 No.40206311
    Go back to bed Heart-chan
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:02 No.40206323
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    The Fate/Stay Night visual novel has more complex characters than Watchmen.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:03 No.40206332
    8:00 - Troll gets bored, switches sides.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:03 No.40206337
         File1284293019.jpg-(30 KB, 275x400, narutaru.jpg)
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    Narutaru =/= Naruto
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:04 No.40206345

    Aw shit, I'm so tired I forgot parts.

    Opinions warning.

    Heavy Plot/Good Resolution/Interpretation: The whole plot is about a fight to reach to the heavens. Nothing more noble and heavy than that, or what? As far as Resolution goes, Humans succeed with Simon's leadership, overthrowing the Antispiral and freeing Spirals everywhere. Simon and Nia marry, though sadly she disappears. Interpretation comes in with if Simon really was capable of reviving all those that died at his level, including Nia. He refuses, saying they'd get in the way, and insinuating he would as well after reaching his peak of power, leaves the Core Drill with Gimmy and for everyone else to explore the tunnels he dug.
    Plot Device: It switches between the Core Drill, Kamina, and Nia. Gurren Lagann itself could be considered a plot device. All recur as the story progresses, shifting between importance and unimportance.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:05 No.40206355
    thanks, I will scan more carefully in future.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:05 No.40206367

    Why? I'm more important than a kid, always will be, unless I've planned it to be a martyr suicidal run, why would I want to place another before me? Sure it's 'selfish' but if you are not then you will be stomped on, have never understood why people put themselves last, instinct pretty much tells you that you are the most important thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:06 No.40206372
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    Just arrived, try again kid.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:09 No.40206433

    The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts, I think is how it goes.

    Think of a group of five people with a power of 3; if they didn't work together, their power would be 15. If they DID work together, they multiply eachother's power, making it 3^5, or 243. If my math is correct.

    Something like that anyway. Now, sure, it'd go down if one sacrificed themselves, but the idea is working together and helping others to help you. There is nobility in helping others, and none in only think of yourself.

    But hell, opinions.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:09 No.40206439
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:10 No.40206443
    Hell, even Pokemon Advance deconstructs mon genre well.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:11 No.40206468

    First of all, if the girl were to get healthier, she has the potential to do more with her life than you ever did. And the motivation, if you sacrificed her life for hers. Not to mention the impact you may have on the rest of the people.

    You won't make it anywhere on your own. Other people are the bridge to prosperity.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:12 No.40206476
    Again, just because you "never understood something" doesn't mean it doesn't make sense.

    In fact, instinct tells us in many instances to put others before ourselves, especially the young.

    Nice try unloading your limited world view on 'instinct'.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)08:14 No.40206507
    >Spirited Away
    >Oscar Worthy

    OH HO HO HO!--- No. Just No. Now I know it "did" technically won an Oscar for "best animated film."

    But this is where we realise how much society has dumbed itself down lately.

    Take "Rock a Doodle" for example. Did that win an Oscar? Hell no. Story was horrible. It was random, incoherent, with nothing substantial about it. Just like Spirited Away.

    Keep in mind that Spirited Away came out after shit like "Home On The Range" was loose. So of course it was probably gave a negative glance toward western animation and thus Lilo and Stitch didn't win. But you see, this is what truly brought forth the whole "anime takeover." Before than, anime was just in "cult status," old dudes watching MD Geist and Robotech, kids watching Totoro, Pokemon, and Sailor Moon. Princess Monoke was brought into theaters, and was forgotten. So when all of a sudden, Spirited away wins an Oscar and *GASP* public opinion became "this bugged eyed shit has deeper value!" And it has got worse.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:17 No.40206551

    So, by chance, Spirited Away beat out the rest of the shit that time around.

    In other words, the west did SO poorly that Japan outdid them, that one time.

    Whatever criteria the Oscars used, Spirited Away obviously hit home. And if the Oscars are to be valued as something to go buy, then Spirited Away can at least be on the list.

    Might not change the fact that whole year sucked, I don't know though, I didn't pay attention then.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:20 No.40206587
    Just no. Pokemon in every form is the mons genre per se.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:22 No.40206603
         File1284294128.jpg-(286 KB, 1062x1500, BAA Alita Hole.jpg)
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    Hmm, I dunno if BAA is a masterpiece, but I know I love it.

    Love those octopus lips.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:23 No.40206623
    Sorry but the oscar is completely irrelevant to anyone here and has absolutely no value or weight in how any film should be judged, if you think otherwise you really are just an average low IQ american.
    Spirited Away is nothing special, just happens to be as much as what the average american can understand in anime, so it's mainstream and probably the only anime you know.
    And no, I'm not going to click in that url because the name already says it's owned by a biased manchild from /co/ who still sleeps in his mom's basement with his superman pajama.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:24 No.40206626
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    >250 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    what the hell is going on here
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:24 No.40206627
    you don't really understand what deconstruction means, do you? deconstructing a genre doesn't preclude belonging to a genre, or even reconstructing it. hell, you can do all three.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:28 No.40206673

    Trolling, which we're feeding I guess.

    Hell, I'm done with this, really. I'm confident enough in myself and my opinions that no fagtroll from /co/ could change them.
    Hell, even considering everything I've exeperienced and been told of, I don't think my opinion is liable to much change at all.

    Goodnight all.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:28 No.40206677
    You all are knocking down straw men.

    I don't put much stock in the Academy myself, but when you're replying to someone using "oscar-worthiness" as a standard of quality, its pretty on-topic to mention oscar winners.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:31 No.40206701
    > I'm so confident I'll never change my mind
    Good on you for not falling prey to an obvious troll who left hours ago, but I think being confident would make you less close-minded, not more.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)08:35 No.40206750
    >And no, I'm not going to click in that url because the name already says it's owned by a biased manchild from /co/ who still sleeps in his mom's basement with his superman pajama.

    >Anime (pronounced "car·toon") has a lot of recurring nonsensical themes, much like the Democratic Party. I will attempt to illustrate some of these defects in this section, also titled "Anime: It Ain't Just Giant Boobs."

    A form of entertainment that needs its own manual is a poor product indeed. Observe the popularity of porn, and note that nobody needs 'translation notes' to figure out what the hell is going on (fap fap fap!). But anime is completely unintelligible to the average person. For instance, we have weird symbols such as these plus signs over here. What the fuck? In American comics, we may get things such as exclamation or question marks.Whaddaya mean I look fat in pink?! These do not require a separate thesis to understand, as they are universal punctuation marks (not just in English, either). However, what exactly is going on with these plus marks here? It is not a cartoony representation of an actual physiological response (such as the sweat mark), nor is it a translatable punctuation mark, unless she is thinking, "Shit, Algebra sucks!" Is it supposed to represent that she is horny? Having her period? Voted for George Bush?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:42 No.40206847

    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)08:45 No.40206912
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    6 KB
    Anime stupidity
    >When I go to Blockbuster and rent a movie, I don't require little 'legends' to pop up at the bottom to explain to me what the hell is going on. Now, it is true that from this image, we can deduce that she is angry -- that's nice, women are always angry, it's called PMS. We can see that by the "What do you mean you'd rather watch football than go shopping for stupid pink trinkets with me?!" face. What's with the tic tac toe shit? To make things worse, anime fans feel the need to replicate these stupid expressions. Since they do not usually go outside, this is online where I have to be bombarded by their O.o ^.^ ^^; and so on.

    Basically this dude refering to this pic I show here.
    Notice how the Inuyasha "character" (durr hurr) has this plus marks. Basically this symbols are basically veins popping(like when you are really angry and blood rushes through your forehead). Keeping up with anatomy failure is the fact that the veins should appear on the forehead... Yet appear all over the place in her hair. Jesus fuck. What does this tell us. It must say a lot about your balls if you have to rely on using emotion marks to display the emotion of a character that can obviously display them. LOOK at HER, I can tell her face is >:(.
    When Dave Gibbons drew Watchmen, he did not have to use emotion marks, he was pretty confident enough to draw faces that are well drawn and express emotion perfectly. Hell they even ignored conventional cliched shit like "meanwhile... naration boxes." Instead the narration boxes served to implant journal text over the scene hence "Rorshach's Jornal entries" and "Tales of the Black Frieghter" and it was used for symbolic and poetic effect.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:47 No.40206954
    >that needs its own manual
    Yeah, only it doesn't, unless your microscopic brain can't handle a little bit of culture shock.
    Also, all the political quotes already showed me what kind of average retard you and your blog writer are.
    >> /co/ representative 09/12/10(Sun)08:48 No.40206983

    I clearly state in that post that Watchmen IGNORED those trite cliches. You see, it was the evolution of the medium. Anime/Manga still does shitty onomonopeia sound effects as if to think the audience can't imagine what a guy punching another guy sounds like. Also the graphic novel is incredibly bloody, but the blood serves as "motion lines" substituting the traditional usage.

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