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  • File : 1283975492.png-(1.24 MB, 1280x960, recettear 2010-09-08 13-47-01-10.png)
    1.24 MB Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:51 No.40081769  
    fuck yeah day 4 and I get charme.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:52 No.40081801
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:53 No.40081826
    why are her breasts talking
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:55 No.40081877
    Day 3 master race reporting.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:55 No.40081892
    It's dangerous to go alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:56 No.40081911
    what is this? a game?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:58 No.40081950
    Walnut glitching faggot.
    Bet you're going to pirate the game too, aren't ya?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:58 No.40081970
    Am I the only one who found this game to be shitty and boring?
    Should I just move along and wait til dungeons or is selling the best part of this game because it's really boring
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:59 No.40081982
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:00 No.40082013

    I find that this game is only fun if you know how to play it

    Kinda like real life
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:00 No.40082019
    What about you?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:00 No.40082020
    a miserable pile of pixels
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:01 No.40082048
    Welcome to the internet!
    You chose rather unusual place for beginners but still...
    You see, that game in OP's pic is called Recettear.
    It's a real bomb these days. It's a game about CAPITALISMho!
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:02 No.40082068
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:03 No.40082097
    Full version where?!
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:03 No.40082104
    You're probably not the only one and I guess you have a right to your own oppinion.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:04 No.40082119
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:05 No.40082150
    guys cancel your pre-orders, the game is unwinnable
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:06 No.40082171
    You fucking suck then.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:08 No.40082213
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    The full version is going to be boring with all the money I got...
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:08 No.40082215
    Fuck capitalists.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:09 No.40082257
    Why do I see screenshots poorly cropped like this all the time
    It doesn't seem like it'd be difficult to just cap what you wanted in the first place
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:10 No.40082269
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    I did much better on my second playthrough than I did the first time. Got Charme by day 4, got my merchant level up to 6, had Louis at level 13, and had about 20000 pix after my weekly debt was paid. Capitalism Ho bitches.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:10 No.40082276
    english patch for full version whar
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:12 No.40082315
    Recettear is in my opinion an unmitigated train wreck of a game, broken to the point of being unplayable. Reviews are slowly trickling in and according to Carpe Fulgar other reviewers found it difficult but manageable, but even after much effort and experimentation I still found it unplayable from the 4th week (week 5 requires 500,000 pix).

    The reason for retracting my feature is that after 12 hours of playing I came to the conclusion that I hated the game savagely and didn’t want to waste another second on it. My save file was 8 hours, the extra 4 were experimenting to see just how broken its mechanics are.

    My reason for deleting the posts was because I felt it unfair to leave negative comments when they were still fixable. Carpe Fulgar officially emailed all reviewers stating they were still tweaking the game to fix a crash bug and improve USB pad support. So despite retracting my feature and never wanting to touch it again, I thought I would hold back any negative views and email them in the hope they might address some problems. No sense putting people off when CF could fix things. This is a new company doing cool new things, and I felt the need to give them and their first release a fair chance.

    Carpe Fulgar has since gotten back to me, explaining that other reviewers didn't have complaints about the difficulty (he took a while replying because he wanted to contact them all), and that it is "manageable".

    But I stand by my view that once you go beyond the scope of the demo Recettear is disastrously broken. As in one of the most broken games I’ve played in my 20+ years. Recettear is punishingly difficult.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:12 No.40082319
    wait so this is a real game and it costs money?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:12 No.40082335
    Copypasta from /v/.
    Proceed to ignore.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:12 No.40082341
    Week 1 requires 10K, week two I think maybe needs 40K, week 3 needs 80K, and week 4 needs 200K. Week 5 needs 500k. Which is impossible. This isn’t me being a bad gamer. This isn’t a dexterity contest ala Street Fighter 4. This is a game which relies on good intellect, and some perseverance in the dungeons. And I am a pedantic intellectual who wastes inordinate amounts of time messing with a system to understand how it functions. I love a strategy game and I take them seriously. So if I of all people found it almost impossible, casual players are going to as well. After numerous attempts I managed to get as high as 127,000 for week 4, and this was by ignoring dungeon busting and abusing the save function to spend every slice of the day in the store selling, reloading when people refused to buy.

    A note about dungeons: as DAIS rehashed from my original statements, they don’t give very good loot, despite being 8+ hours in, on the 3rd dungeon and 15 floors deep. The loot was only marginally better than the demo, in that I was getting the odd ice crystal worth about 2k, but otherwise endless slime jellies. If there’s a hidden trigger to get more loot, it’s well hidden. I once got a pot worth 20k, but this was for defeating a boss, and to make the dungeons worthwhile in week 4, you’d need to be getting a pot or 2 on every floor, since one day’s dungeon busting is worth 4 selling segments. Also, the tutorials give you wrong information, since if you follow Tear’s advice you won’t get high combos and patrons won’t bring in much cash, you should actually sell mostly low, in order to build up their favour so they bring in more money. If they have to haggle with you, their liking for you goes down, which is BAD.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:13 No.40082353
    Needs romance option
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:13 No.40082372
    Also, heroes repeatedly try to buy gear which they can’t equip, totally ignoring the gear you left out for them which you want them to buy. You can lend them gear, but this means entering a dungeon with 15K or more worth of items, which you get back if you finish the dungeon, but if you die it only allows you to return with a single item. The whole set-up is so ridiculously stupid. They might as well make death in a dungeon permanent, since no one, absolutely no one is going to go along with the bring 1 item back routine. You’ll just reload your save. The entire game is rotten with idiotic design decisions, to the point where I can’t remember when last I hated a game so much.

    Anyway, EasyGameStation must have realised their system was broken, because to combat this total lack of balancing, the game expects you to loop back to the start after Game Over with all acquired items and hero levels. Presumably after several loops you’re able to sell enough through the early weeks to have enough money left over for week 4. Which would be fine, except you still have to go through the laborious motions of playing through every day, unlocking the heroes before using them, AND unlocking the dungeons before accessing them. Meaning you still have to do the training dungeon, and you still have to recruit the woman with the knives. And you still have to play through everything. Basically I looped after 8 hours and would have had to replay ALL of those hours. I’d estimate it would take me 6 hours minimum to get back to where I stopped.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:13 No.40082375
    Take your copypasta shit back to /v/ faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:13 No.40082380
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    This shit needs to stop. You're just as bad as those lazy idiots who ask for "sauce" in every fucking thread without doing any searching yourself. Go on Steam, look up RECETTEAR, and figure it out for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:14 No.40082405
    This to me is the worst kind of game design imaginable. It’s tantamount to any RPG you can name randomly deleting your save file if it feels like it. Isn’t this what Dead Rising did? I never played Dead Rising, but read about how its levelling system worked in that to complete the game you had to die and restart a few times, and it sounded like a good idea. Having experienced this kind if infuriating nonsense first hand, I can say now that I despise it. It’s a lazy way of balancing the game: just have the player keep looping until they have enough inventory. I don’t know how often this needs to happen, maybe every 8 hours or so you need to loop back to the start. I find any need to loop wholly unacceptable.

    I will be very interested to see what others have to say, and if anyone has the stomach to endure several loops so as to pass week 4. Or indeed if anyone here finishes it without looping.

    -End review-


    can´t handle the truth viralfag?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:16 No.40082452
    I finally hit merchant level 10 after a few tries.

    I actually saved my game and kept it for full version at the beginning of day 8 because I can't get any more merchant XP in the demo and I don't want to waste any. My shop's looking pretty spiffy with stone floors, green carpet and a new wallpaper.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:16 No.40082456
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    I gladly bought the game, if this is successful then maybe we'll get more weeaboo shit on Steam.

    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:16 No.40082482
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    how did you sell the 20k vase?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:17 No.40082485

    Who wrote that copypasta, a casual?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:17 No.40082508
    The reviewfag doesn't know how to play the game.
    Merchant Lv 10 with 90k pix on week one here. The 5th week's 500k payment is quite easy to achieve from then (where people will actually buy your expensive shit).

    I find it more funny how you're so naive to believe a review on some faggot's blog.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:19 No.40082538
    He didn't make it obvious enough? It took him several huge posts just to say "the game is too hard, therefore the game is bad".
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:19 No.40082549
    Whoever that bases his/her opinions on a review (especially official ones) is a casual and should not be taken seriously
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:20 No.40082557
    i think /v/ is just mad that /a/ can beat them at their own game
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:20 No.40082562
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    What, does Louis finally get tired of your shit and lead a violent revolution against the bourgeoisie?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:20 No.40082573
    40k zeny
    Louie level 20
    Merchant level 10
    Charme unlocked
    Archer event done

    15 floors a go master race.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:20 No.40082575

    Whoever wrote this must be a liberal who sucks with money. I had like 1m+ by the game's end in the jap version.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:20 No.40082576
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    >mfw i played this shit way before it got on steam
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:21 No.40082601

    I sold mine to the old man when he requested a treasure.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:21 No.40082604

    Oh, you mean meeting the archer girl in the town square? I can't wait to play as her
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:22 No.40082620
    What's this archer event I keep hearing people talk about?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:22 No.40082628
    Oh crap, Im not on /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:23 No.40082651

    Stop selling things at 130%, start building customer loyalty by selling at around 103-106% and getting Near Pin and massive Just Combos. The customers will wink at you when they "level up". Sooner or later, one of them will ask for a treasure, and sell that motherfucking vase like a boss
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:23 No.40082658
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    Oh shi.. look out! It's a pirate! How unique
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:24 No.40082665
    It's not like I'm giving you this bread because I want you to live, I just need someone to carry my stuff is all... baka...
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:25 No.40082700
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    >like a boss

    Heeeell yeah
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:26 No.40082724
    What is the Near Pin bonus? I get it randomly.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:26 No.40082730
         File1283977602.jpg-(792 KB, 1016x1798, 1283934102967.jpg)
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    Oh Charme, you pedo.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:28 No.40082785
    Old Man - 105%
    Young Man - 106%
    Guild Master - 105%
    House Wife - 104%
    Little Girl - 103%
    Louie - 103%
    Charme - 106%
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:29 No.40082792

    You get it when your price is close to what the customer estimate the price is, usually around 103-106% depending on the person. The stingy loli and Louie's estimate is usually 103%, and Charme/Young BRO/Guildmaster's guess is around 106%
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:29 No.40082802
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    >them deep emotional expressions
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:30 No.40082823
    So any tips on how to rack up those ridiculous amounts of Pix? I've beaten the demo with a modest amount of profit after payments, but not the level I see in the screecaps.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:30 No.40082841

    lol, what a butthurt casual. What's the hardest game you've played, pong?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:31 No.40082861

    Getting rare ingredients and fusing stuff. Also selling that vase.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:31 No.40082863
    who will let aa loli runs a shop ...
    >> Meth !!aXZQLQEDst0 09/08/10(Wed)16:32 No.40082885
    Capitalism has never been so cute
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:33 No.40082891
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    >Week 5 needs 500k. Which is impossible.
    Filthy prole.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:33 No.40082910
    He's the only reviewer who had a real problem with the difficult.

    And other comments he's made shows that he has pretty much no idea how to properly play the game.

    I mean fuck, several anons have already said that they were easily able to make the payments while playing the game in moonrune-version.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:35 No.40082951
    Does that mean I have to start dungeon crawling early then? I never really started that until day 7. And what's this about the vase?

    Sorry, I just dled the game like, last night and did 2 casual playthroughs.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:36 No.40082971
    inb4 pedobear
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:36 No.40082981
    i see that the carpe fulgur defense force is at work
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:38 No.40083025

    The most successful playthroughs require you to run directly to the Adventurers' Guild and run through Hall of Trials AND all 15 floors of Jade Way on Day 2, so yea.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:41 No.40083090
    Do all the dungeon crawling in the second day..
    after beating the first dungeon, go to the second one without visiting any other place before.. This way you'll be able to get Charme in the next day and sell everything you need until day 8..
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:42 No.40083120
    >Also, the tutorials give you wrong information, since if you follow Tear’s advice you won’t get high combos and patrons won’t bring in much cash, you should actually sell mostly low, in order to build up their favor so they bring in more money.
    >Also, the tutorials give you wrong information, since if you follow Tear’s advice
    >if you follow Tear's advice

    Yes, follow the advice of the jew fairy who's trying to take your house. What could possibly go wrong?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:44 No.40083163
    Do I use my starting cash to try and buy Louie decent equipment, or just go with the default?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:45 No.40083186
    Plus, you know, it would kind of defeat the point of the game if it explained every little trick and start available.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:45 No.40083189
    Just buy a Longsword and go for it
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:45 No.40083194

    Buy just the Longsword
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:49 No.40083282
    Casual fag.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:49 No.40083283
    Long Sword is usually enough, but I just went with the default.

    You can equip anything you find while in the dungeon and it will go back into your bags automatically after you clear it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:52 No.40083335

    Oh and remember to chain the fuck out, especially on the first floor. You can usually get a 20-25 green slime chain on the very first floor of Hall of Trials and get up to level 4 or 5. Louie should be 7-9 by the end of Hall of Trials. You don't need to combo on Jade Way, just focus on getting the treasures and surviving
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:52 No.40083351
    What is this chaining you speak of?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:53 No.40083387

    Killing monsters of the same species. The imps that throw rocks and punch you are the same species, but the two different tentacle rape monsters are different.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:54 No.40083393
    to sale the vase just make people buy a lot of stuff, eachtime they will buy more expensive stuff, by day 7 or 8 someone might buy the vase
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:54 No.40083401

    Oh, and you get more exp the higher your chain is, that's the important part
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:57 No.40083482
    I'm assuming you have to kill them at the same time, then (i.e. kill all the slimes on a level before killing the imps)
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:58 No.40083511
    >Week 5 needs 500k pix
    Well fuck, I'm going to be playing this for forever. I'm a terrible salesman, can't Recette just whore herself and I could play that?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)17:00 No.40083566
    How do you think she pays the rent on her cardboard box in the bad end?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)17:01 No.40083581

    Yea, you have to go around a couple of times
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)17:01 No.40083589
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)17:02 No.40083608

    So.. after the box end, she gets taken home by Charme?

    I'm okay with this

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