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  • File : 1283971980.jpg-(39 KB, 640x361, panty.jpg)
    39 KB Panty & Stocking Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)14:53 No.40080328  
    looks freaking awesome. it looks like some cartoon you would see from cartoon network or something, but isn't. made by same guys as gurren lagann, so expectations are high.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)14:54 No.40080357
    hey guys I have an idea, how about we make another Panty & Stocking thread, I mean 200 in the last 2 hours isnt enough, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)14:55 No.40080381
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    And what the japanese have to say about this? What is their reaction?

    "Too western?"
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)14:57 No.40080415
    I agree man. We should sage bomb all these shitty P and S (Piss and Shit) threads because that's what every does when they see our K-On threads. You reap what you sow.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)14:58 No.40080429
    Why would you want to watch a shitty westernized show?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)14:58 No.40080445
    >freaking awesome
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)14:58 No.40080449
    god damn, calm the fuck down with these threads.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)14:59 No.40080452
    GL was shit and this is shit too.

    When will anyone have good tastes in shows?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)14:59 No.40080463
    Fuck yeah man, let's do it. That'll teach 'em not to mess w/ us!
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)14:59 No.40080464
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    Goddammit fanbases.
    Can't a guy decide to like both shows?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:00 No.40080488
    I don't understand how they can not like something because it's too western, but they eat up shit like One Piece, which is essentially a long running American comic with one author.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:01 No.40080498
    >GL was shit and this is shit too.
    >My opinion is fact
    >I wasn't here in 2007 when the majority of /a/ liked TTGL

    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:01 No.40080515
    Except a tv anime will never have the same budget as PPG did, i'm not sure how it's going to end because it's Gainax.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:02 No.40080521
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    >majority of /a/ liked TTGL
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:02 No.40080524
    No. We have drawn the battle lines, you can like Panty and Stocking or you can like shit. There is no in between.
    >> Brandon 09/08/10(Wed)15:02 No.40080529
    oh god that looks so good, i cant wait until it gets dubed
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:03 No.40080543
    >We have drawn the battle lines
    lol moefaggots.

    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:04 No.40080569
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:06 No.40080610
    You weren't here in 2007, your opinion is invalid.

    Majority of /a/ liked Gurren Lagann. That's how it was and you got on /a/ way after Gurren Lagann has finished airing. Deal with it, newfriend.
    >> Gorodetsky!$$34654332 09/08/10(Wed)15:06 No.40080615
    >Did not care at all about this until just now.

    >Watched Promo.

    Fuck Yeah this looks awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:07 No.40080641
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    Then I am the battle line itself.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:07 No.40080642
    Sounds like shit from your description OP.

    >captcha hiv/aids cusek
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:07 No.40080644
    Guess what? It was liked by /a/.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:08 No.40080666
    It's still liked by the majority of /a/. Have you even been in those endless 3x3 threads?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:09 No.40080676
    That's because the pepole who liked GL were more vocal about it than people that didn't.

    In a similar manner you can say that /a/ likes Angel Beats because we saw a lot of posts saying it was great. But it's just that the people who didn't like it didn't post as much as the people that did.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:11 No.40080725
    i can only imagine whats gonna happen when this gets dubbed and all the hipsters jizz on it
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:12 No.40080749
    Even more ammo to piss off moefags with. Fucking glorious if this gets popular. I can only pray.
    >> Brandon 09/08/10(Wed)15:15 No.40080842
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:19 No.40080946
    animationfag here, it look like shit
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:20 No.40080981
    We would need to make at least 200 more to keep up with all off the K-SHIT threads here.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:21 No.40081028

    stop using that word, because it's doesn't mean what you think it means
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:23 No.40081073
    Oh snap!
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:24 No.40081086
    >like some cartoon you would see from cartoon network or something, before 2000 hit and western animation was dumbed down for 5 year olds.
    Fix'd. I miss the 90s cartoon quality.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:24 No.40081101
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    Bitches and Whores: The anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:25 No.40081107
    >i think kara no kyoukai was consistently well animated
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:25 No.40081111
    >Implying your opinion matter at all

    Tee hee
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:25 No.40081118
    This looks fucking abysmal.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:26 No.40081135
    >before 2000

    I don't remember anything like this show back then. If anything, the shows that came after 2000 looked more like this.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:26 No.40081159
    Angel Beats thread weren't anywhere NEAR the amount of threads that Gurren Lagann had

    There was a fucking STICKY for the last episode
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:26 No.40081160
    >I am so mad and asspained because it doesn't look like every other animu out. Bawwwww
    Fixed for accuracy
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:27 No.40081191
    >It's not moeshit so i don't like it. BAWWWWW

    Fuck off back to /c/
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:29 No.40081222
    What? This screams Cartoon Cartoon, Ren and Stimpy, etc.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)15:29 No.40081231
    >before 2000 hit and western animation was dumbed down for 5 year olds.
    Samuarai Jack was 2001 and it was great

    Adventure Time and Flapjack are great too quit being a nostalgiafag

    ALSO: technically, this will be a 26 episode series. it's just that they're going with an aproach more common in western cartoons i.e. two smaller episodes in a half-hour time slot. so endless CN nostalgia here.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:31 No.40081274
    Faggots who didnt watched Dead Leaves
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:31 No.40081278
    3 good ones compared to like 30 good ones in the 90s?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:31 No.40081280
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    so where will 40% of the budget go this time?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:31 No.40081282
    Panty & Stocking info from NewType

    26 episodes long... except they're 12 minute episodes. The show will be aired as 13 blocks of 24 minutes with 2 episodes each. Staff and summaries for the first four episodes, aka: the first two blocks:

    Episode 1: Ruthless Elimination
    People are being eaten by a Ghost while in the bathroom. Panty & Stocking have to go into the nasty Daten City sewers to find this Ghost and destroy it.
    Director, storyboard, script: Hiroyuki Imaishi
    Animation direction: Nishigori Atsushi

    Episode 2: Death Race 2010
    Panty & Stocking have to fight against a gang of cycling Ghosts in a race of death.
    Director, script: Masahiko Ootsuka
    Storyboard: Hiroyuki Imaishi
    Animation director: Sushio

    Episode 3: The Bees' Buzz
    Panty & Stocking infiltrate a school to discover the secret of the disappearing students.
    Director: Hiroaki Tomita
    Storyboard: Atsushi Nishigori
    Script: Hiromi Wakabayashi
    Animation direction: Hirokazu Kojima

    Episode 4: Sex and Daten City
    Panty & Stocking are invited by a movie director to star in a movie about their Ghost-killing adventures.
    Director, storyboard: Saeko Hiroshi
    Script: Hiromi Wakabayashi
    Animation direction: Shouko Nakamura

    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:33 No.40081327
    This just screams Saturday morning cartoon
    I fucking love Saturday Morning cartoons
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:35 No.40081383
    oh fuck yes, going to enjoy this, hatersgoingtohate.jpg
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:36 No.40081398
    I have to lol at yoy faggots acting surprised at the amount of Panty and Stocking threads. The shit was popping up a lot on /a/ bofore there was even a trailer to look at. Now that the trailer is out what the fuck did you think would happen? Also get used to it. I as i have gotten used to all of the retarded moemoe# 658 threads on /a/ on a daily basis
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)15:38 No.40081452
    >Panty & Stocking have to fight against a gang of cycling Ghosts in a race of death.
    >Animation director: Sushio
    this is too perfect.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:38 No.40081454
    Sounds really worthy of a check out.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)15:39 No.40081478
    so since m-flo is doing the soundtrack, why are they still constantly plastering GEEKS all over every P&S picture?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:39 No.40081484
    Only with sOx!
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:39 No.40081485
    sounds like shit
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:40 No.40081513
    maid cafes and hostess bars
    >> CANNOT UNSEE 09/08/10(Wed)15:40 No.40081524
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:41 No.40081527
    I still want to see that other trailer that they showed at that hobby show in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:41 No.40081534
    12 minute per episodes

    It definitely had a OP and ED for each episode too, fuck this.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:42 No.40081548
    Style reminds me of Genndy Tartakovsky. I like it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:42 No.40081559
    >Comercials? what are those?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:43 No.40081576
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    Even as a footfag, I don't complain.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:43 No.40081585
    But it´s TWO episodes per episode.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:44 No.40081607
    >12 minute per episodes

    excuse me?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:44 No.40081612

    No, it only has one OP per block of episodes.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)15:44 No.40081613
    tbh this is a pretty awkwardly thrown together trailer

    in trying to sync it with the (hilarious) music it's kind of hard to figure out what the hell is going on and requires tons of pausing
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 09/08/10(Wed)15:45 No.40081628
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    Think Magipoka.
    It was 24 minutes long with 2 mini-episodes that made up one "episode".
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:46 No.40081659
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    Hey guys. What happens if japanese people hate this and it is not even selling?

    Or it will sell because HERP DERP GAINAX = APPLE = SO COOL?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:47 No.40081668
    After seeing the trailer this just became my "most look forward" show of the season. Along with the world only god knows, I haven't been this excited for a new season of anime in a long time.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:48 No.40081691
    clearly gainax's glorious trailer is too deep for someone like you
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:48 No.40081699

    You expected anything else? This is Imaishi going back to his roots as a storyboard artist. I mean, could you tell what the balls was going on the first time you saw that Haruko vs. Amarao shootout in the barber shop?

    TTGL was the aberration in his work. That was grounded, logical and made sense. Sort of.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)15:48 No.40081708
    also ninja nonsense/shinobuden
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:49 No.40081714
    Yes, because Gainax always sells

    We Gainax fanboys love mindlessly spending money on Gainax-related products.

    Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:49 No.40081726
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    I've never seen a well-edited Japanese trailer.

    Not once.

    Anyway, the new plot summary makes it sound like it will actually have a story. Daten City is the battlefield of God and the Devil. Panty & Stocking were banished from Heaven to Daten City due to bad behaviour. They're collecting Heaven Coins of good deeds.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:50 No.40081733
    looks crap
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)15:51 No.40081760
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    >I mean, could you tell what the balls was going on the first time you saw that Haruko vs. Amarao shootout in the barber shop?

    it was a perfect action scene, it was fast and crazy but you didn't have to watch it twice to figure out what was going on even when Haruko was doing crazy shit like slicing bullets in half.

    I see what they were trying to do here but I don't think it works TOO well. could've at least had one somewhat long shot of an action scene at the very end.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:52 No.40081788

    I think he means that the trailer itself is probably not fully indicative of the pacing of the show itself as it is just a bunch of scenes randomly thrown togheter.


    I mean it. Japanese people can't edit trailers worth shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:52 No.40081791
    I thought he was holding a Connect Four tray.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:52 No.40081797
    As long as the dog does not shit them out once the monster of the week is defeated...
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:52 No.40081799
    >could've at least had one somewhat long shot of an action scene at the very end.
    They're teasing you, idiot. They're obviously not going to show you a large scene that they worked very hard on for a trailer. They're saving it.

    That's why it was so cut up. They're hiding it from you.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:53 No.40081806
    >could've at least had one somewhat long shot of an action scene at the very end.

    No Japanese trailer is ever like that. They're randomly edited scenes put togheter.

    Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:53 No.40081835
    Misleading trailers are hardly exclusive to Japan
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:55 No.40081884
    Anything that deviates into heavily stylized or experimental / weird animation is guaranteed to be hated by /a/.

    If it is not some slice of life cute girls doing cute stuff show with cookie cutter designs then it is shit.

    The 11's are guaranteed to hate it for the same reason though, they are what the cast of /a/ aspires to be.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:55 No.40081893

    > could've at least had one somewhat long shot of an action scene at the very end.

    I guess. For a min and a half I don't think it really matters though. The actual show will be full of that heavy contrast, staccato editing though, I'd put money on it. Its pretty much the defining quality running though all of Imaishi's work.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:56 No.40081917

    11's have three reactions for it:

    -Westaboos love it.
    -Sakugafags think it has tons of potential.
    -Loli otaku don't care.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)15:57 No.40081927
    Star Driver's trailer was better put together than this
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:57 No.40081934
    Take this back to /co/ Powerpuff Girls kiddies.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:58 No.40081962

    Between this, Heroman and HOTD those Westaboos must be having a good year.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:59 No.40081979
    How come Katanagatari has a decent following on /a/ then?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:59 No.40081983
    how about FUCK YOU
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:59 No.40081993
    >guaranteed to be hated by /a/.
    Samefagging trolls is not /a/ man. I guarantee you the same people who will say they think this is shit are the same people who will say K-on is moeshit, then turn around and say HnK is not moe enough.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)15:59 No.40081997
    Nice i totally called that stocking was going to dual wield her stockings.

    It was the first thing i thought of when i first heard the premise for this show.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:00 No.40082001
    once again Imaishi's other work is fast paced and whatnot but not in the same way as this trailer, it's just a Youtube Poop-esque clusterfuck of various scenes pasted together to the music

    once again I'm not saying it's a bad trailer or that I'm not thankful that they finally posted it but I wouldn't compare this to Imaishi's usual stuff. hell I doubt he even directed this trailer (and if he did then it's not as good as his other stuff)
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:00 No.40082011
    >made by same guys as gurren lagann

    you are now aware that the young ones will think of GL when we talk about gainax
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:02 No.40082049
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    Star Driver's trailer was all scenes from the first episode, though. PanSto's trailer features scenes from different episodes. Anyway, I think the show looks great and I love how filled with little details every frame is... but the trailer was too random and every single time it was getting good it cut off to something else.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:02 No.40082052
    is it just me or is this show's budget even smaller than Gurren Lagann's?

    the animation looks great anyway because the people involved are very talented but it doesn't look like they're getting the best funding or anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:02 No.40082055
    That's fine. Gurren-Lagann's staff pretty much exemplifies new Gainax anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:02 No.40082057
    I imagine others have said this, but it looks _exactly_ like the powerpuff girls. Almost as though Craig McCracken and Genndy Tartakovsky were involved.

    But hey, gainax, who knows what those guys will do.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:03 No.40082080
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    >weird animation
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:03 No.40082081

    Directors never direct trailers. Trailers are put togheter by the marketing staff.

    Anyway, TTGL's trailer was also pretty ass.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:03 No.40082086

    they'll think of GL and this. don't see anything wrong with that, they're a pretty good summary of what modern Gainax is all about.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:03 No.40082100

    Who knows.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:04 No.40082111

    I wasn't saying it was comparable to his usual stuff, quite the oposite. I don't see his hand on the editing there at all and he has a very, very distinctive way of editing and pacing.

    And it was the pacing that was off about that trailer rather than the speed. Thats why I agree he didn't have a hand in it, there's no way he'd fuck up the pacing like that.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:05 No.40082151
    > I imagine others have said this, but it looks _exactly_ like the powerpuff girls
    only people who can't tell very blatant differences in art style say this

    seriously, there is clearly an influence but it's not the only one. if anything the characters are more Jhonen Vasquez-ish than PPG.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:05 No.40082154
    where's my WOAH-OH-OH-AH-AH-AH-AAAA-HA-AH-AH-AH?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:06 No.40082174
    It looks shit.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:07 No.40082196
    okay sorry, I misread your post.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:09 No.40082236
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    My reaction to the pv.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:10 No.40082272
    The reverse-weeaboo is physically present in that trailer.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:11 No.40082291
    >this looks EXACTLY like PPG
    >this looks EXACTLY like Zim
    >wow way to rip off Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi guys...
    >wtf it looks exactly like Samurai Jack which looked exactly like Dexter's Lab
    >wow, what is this Johnny Test shit

    /a/ confirmed for being the weeaboo equivalent to /co/ elitist "ALL ANIME LOOKS THE SAME" faggots
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:11 No.40082295
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    The round eyes might be a homage of sorts to PPG (but it's not like PPG invented that either). The styles are completely different otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:11 No.40082304
    cry more you fucking faggot
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:12 No.40082316
    attentive viewers will note how some characters in the show Panty and Stocking have hair. JUST LIKE IN POWERPUFF GIRLS.
    Perhaps the creators of Panty and Stocking obtained the "hair" idea from studying the characters in Powerpuff Girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:13 No.40082362
    At least is not filled with Lesbianism shit like today shows
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:13 No.40082363
    >cry more
    I'm surprised you didn't use MOAR.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:13 No.40082366
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    The fuck is this?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:13 No.40082368
    In our defense, /co/ mostly likes anime, as long as long as you don't try to discuss it there.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:14 No.40082383
    I like how there's so many trolls and complainfags for a show that hasn't even been made yet. Good job.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:14 No.40082407
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    Reminding you once again that one of the animators is a huge westaboo.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:15 No.40082429
    Hey look the Power Puf....... Oh nvrmind.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:17 No.40082483
    Is this Billy and Mandy?
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:17 No.40082490
    there are some really annoying elitists there though

    when I said "/co/" I meant Western cartoon nerds in general, a lot of them think all anime looks the same and can't notice blatant changes in style the same way these people can't tell the difference between this and Zim and PPG and AmiYumi
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:19 No.40082537
    not "one of the animators"

    the LEAD animator and the guy who originally pitched this idea to Imaishi to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:19 No.40082541
    That Bloo
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:20 No.40082580
    In all honesty i think it does have somewhat of a Tartakofsky look to it, but i mean that in a good way. I enjoy his work
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:22 No.40082619
    I honestly thought that was a picture of Patamon for a second.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:22 No.40082625
    As much as I tend to like most Gainax shows I watch and they're probably my favorite studio, I can't really say I'm looking forward to P&S.
    I like goofy balls-to-the-walls stupid action shit but I'm really just not feeling this.
    Nevertheless I'll probably give it the same chance I give everything, as I am not a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:23 No.40082641
    So, what nickname are we going to give to this show? I suggest something like "Powerpuff Sluts" or something of that nature.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:24 No.40082674
    Is gainax so it will get both undeserved hate and love
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:24 No.40082677
    which is funny since even though PPG had Genndy working on it too, it is technically a Craig McCracken show.
    have you seen Dead Leaves?
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:25 No.40082704
    >Concerning the trailer, I don't mind fanservice, but putting a remix of orgasming women is just forcing it. and japanese women don't even sound like that, AT ALL. Good thing they're experimenting with different styles, too bad it blatantly looks like Powerpuff Girls. They should just rename the whole thing to Powerpuff Sluts and that would have done just fine.

    jesus, these comments are retarded.

    inb4 "why are you reading Youtube comments" but come on, it's obvious that these people are from /a/.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:26 No.40082732
    If I wanted to see a regular cartoon, I'd turn on my tv.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:28 No.40082769
    Regular american cartoons aren't allowed to have sex and violence in them
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:28 No.40082774
    If you turn your tv on, you will find anything but cartoons
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:29 No.40082811
    violence is okay. As long as you don't show guns. Lasers are okay.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:32 No.40082865
    I can see this show on adult swim in a few years
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:32 No.40082876
         File1283977951.jpg-(10 KB, 216x205, KEKI DAISUKI.jpg)
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    First HeartCatch is more like a Western cartoon than a generic kid's anime, then Heroman, and now this. It's like Japan actually knows that 90s/early 2000s cartoons were appealing to all ages and genuinely funny, and are trying to do their best to become more like Americans and produce GOOD anime!
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:32 No.40082883
    i love this
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:33 No.40082899
    it will probably be "licensed" (not really but I'm not sure what the proper term is) instantly like Tatami Galaxy was

    it would be great if AS gave it a chance but I kinda doubt it, all they seem to be airing now anime-wise are fighting shonen shows clearly aimed at kids. sure they always did that, but they also brought in stuff like Paranoia Agent and Cowboy Bebop which was great.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:33 No.40082912
    Jap Culture is all about working the best of other things into theirs. Sure, they can be slow learners at times, but they're amazing in their own little way.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:34 No.40082914
         File1283978040.jpg-(95 KB, 854x480, pron.jpg)
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    Some really interesting shots there, like this one, for example: a plumber visits a slutty looking housewife, sure sounds like a porn plot to me.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:34 No.40082932
    /co/ here.

    Can we take Panty and Stocking from you if you don't want it?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:35 No.40082939
    if AS licensed, then we'd have a bunch of fat goths thinking this is the new thing and start dressing like stocking.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:35 No.40082941
         File1283978107.png-(250 KB, 623x352, pantystocking.png)
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    Who the hell drew this bit? I swear it looks like the work of some female Gainax animator but I can't quite remember her name.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:37 No.40082987
    nearly every sakugafag on /a/ is looking forward to this show as are tons of other people

    if you can't see the extent to which tons of people on /a/ are looking forward to this then you are wilfully ignoring its popularity so you can feel better about (supposedly) being a minority
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:37 No.40082989
    Looks like Nishigori's GL work to me
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:38 No.40083006
    >>40082876First HeartCatch is more like a Western cartoon than a generic kid's anime

    You obviously never watched cashern sin

    >then Heroman

    STAN LEE, are you this fucking stupid?

    >now this.

    This is just one guy's work

    Were you even old enough to watched any of the 90s cartoon.....?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:38 No.40083016

    I'm sure that's by Nishigori.

    Anyway, I'm sure I know what female animator you're talking about. Shouko Nakamura, right? The one that drew Nia cooking pastry and sexy nurse Yoko? She is AD for episode 4.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:39 No.40083032
    Give us Avatar The Last Airbender or Boondocks first then we'll talk.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:39 No.40083036
    Can we use this show as an excuse to start up an English sakuga community
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:39 No.40083048
    who cares, as long as the show becomes more successful and the creators get more money?

    annoying fans always exist, even in small fanbases. I've been a testament to that from the get-go. so I'm not sure why you're all so opposed to your favorite anime creators (oh no!) becoming successful.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:39 No.40083052
         File1283978387.jpg-(82 KB, 400x598, psgcos.jpg)
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    First PSG cosplay spotted!
    >> !1iJPaIase2 09/08/10(Wed)16:40 No.40083068

    Jesus Christ, Japan.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:41 No.40083082
    I hated this from the moment I heard of it. Having just watched the trailer... It might be alright
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:41 No.40083096
    Pretty sure I'll buy this shit once it comes out on DVD/BD. Only 13 eps too, not much of a commitment there.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:41 No.40083110
    I SUPPORT THIS as long as it won't be a Livejournal group or something lame like that

    an actual forum would be perfect. I guess there's Ben's forum for Anipages Daily but it's really slow moving and far from the huge community it deserves.
    ...OH! yeah it most likely is, and Nishigori isn't a girl
    yeah that's the one I was thinking of.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:42 No.40083116
    It already kind of exists as on /a/ in the form of a trolling group.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:42 No.40083126
    Because sex and violence are what makes good entertainment.

    As Gainax goes I much more in the Anno camp than the Imashi. I found bits of Diebuster and Dead Leaves a bit too obnoxious for my tastes. Still I like Powerpuff Girls so I'll give it a shot. I have about as much faith in it as I do in Genndy's robot show.

    Also anyone denying that it looks like a Genndy show should have their eyes checked.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:42 No.40083136
    I'm willing to give this a chance.

    The animation is different and it will be a refreshing change of direction. + I really like the idea on gainax doing a comedy.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:43 No.40083141
    >Woman doesn't get to direct a show about slutty women until episode 4
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:44 No.40083158
         File1283978641.png-(272 KB, 640x360, bed.png)
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    Look at this picture. It is from the trailer too.

    Apparently Panty was having sex with a policeman.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:45 No.40083185
    Imaishi has had this direction style for ages.

    watch Dead Leaves if you want to see him do an action-comedy similar to this.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:45 No.40083197
    >This just screams Saturday morning cartoon

    Fucking this. I haven't been this pumped up for an anime in a while.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:45 No.40083207
         File1283978758.jpg-(90 KB, 727x494, 1281185104835.jpg)
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    There's been a good range of shows this year already. I am impressed, Japan. Keep it up.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:46 No.40083223
    wait... so they turn their underwear into guns and swords?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:47 No.40083238
    >violence and sex jokes and shit and vomit
    >Saturday morning
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:49 No.40083277
    Agreed except that Iron Man has been confirmed to look like shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:49 No.40083287
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:50 No.40083296
         File1283979015.jpg-(89 KB, 500x375, honey.jpg)
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    If this show turns out to be anything like Re:Cutie Honey it will reach my top5.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:51 No.40083319

    Yeah, its more that the second trailer was just a massive step down from Koike's first trailer which looked totally sweet. The actual show might be OK, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:51 No.40083324
    First episode was directed by Imaishi.

    I imagine Panty and Stocking will look exactly like that whenever Imaishi is directing. Should happen quite a bit.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:52 No.40083340
    I don't see why we can't share.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:53 No.40083372
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:53 No.40083381
    I expect it to be exactly that.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:54 No.40083396
         File1283979245.jpg-(13 KB, 227x198, Stocking loves 4chan.jpg)
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    HeartCatch acts more like a Western cartoon not because of Umakaoshi's art, but because of the humor. It's not the regular terrible Japanese humor, consisting of puns and OH NO SOMEONE PEEKED AT MY PANTSU IYA~ ECCHI BAKA. HeartCatch is actually funny.

    Heroman, well, it's the usual American coming of age tale, but with the regular androgynous ladyboy one would expect from Japan. I know Stan Lee came up with it, but it's still a step forward for Japan to cooperate with an American and make an anime like this even though it has a lower chance of doing as well as if it took place in Japan.

    PanSto is being done by westaboo Yoshinari and motherfucking Imaishi. Yoshinari dreamed of making this, and the Western influence is very obvious. You can't look at this and not realize that the guy who came up with it fucking loves Western cartoons, and think that it's a total coincidence that it happens to look like it had help from Craig McCracken or Genndy Tartakovsky.

    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:54 No.40083399
    Well that didn't take long. Doujins for this will be glorious! Especially if they stick to the shows style.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:54 No.40083408
    Panty isn't wearing any panties
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:55 No.40083421
    1:11 Stocking in labcoat
    I came. This isn't ugly shit anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:56 No.40083455
    The plumber on the car looks alot like Mario.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:56 No.40083458
         File1283979405.jpg-(34 KB, 182x251, prof_stocking.jpg)
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    Prof. Stockings, at your service.
    >> diebuster 09/08/10(Wed)16:57 No.40083471
         File1283979421.jpg-(432 KB, 854x1139, imaishi09.jpg)
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    so where can I find an .avi file of this? youtubesux
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:58 No.40083501
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:58 No.40083508
    Can't we have Stocking and Other Stocking instead?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)16:59 No.40083535
    Is it worth reminding you that anime has always been highly influenced by the west...?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)17:00 No.40083571
         File1283979659.jpg-(232 KB, 850x1110, sample-08c973f9dc60cb3dd15e12d(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)17:01 No.40083587
    Since, like, forever.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)17:01 No.40083593
    It DID, but don't believe anime walks around on stars & stripes-patterned crutches.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)17:02 No.40083610
         File1283979753.jpg-(114 KB, 226x520, socute.jpg)
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