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  • File : 1283869482.png-(176 KB, 512x292, vlcsnap-2010-09-07-10h21m19s154.png)
    176 KB Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)10:24 No.40041465  
    Right now, I'm marathoning the entire series of Black Lagoon, that's the first season and second season. What should I expect?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)10:25 No.40041476
    Revy's crotch.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)10:25 No.40041478
    I have big gun, I took it from my lord
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)10:26 No.40041495
    You should expect to be watching about 13 hours of anime. Did you want us to tell you what opinion to have or something? Go watch it and THEN start the discussion thread ffs.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)10:26 No.40041500
    Quite alot of english dialogues with extremely smooth and genuine sounding voice acting.

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