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  • File : 1283822464.jpg-(16 KB, 500x500, 1283819938379.jpg)
    16 KB Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:21 No.40023592  
    > my face when everyones starting school tomorrow while I sit here in my basement alone, jobless, 18 and never had a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:21 No.40023610
    but that's a good thing you fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:22 No.40023621
    try 25.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:22 No.40023630
    wanna trade places?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:22 No.40023636
    I've been at school for a week now.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:22 No.40023638
    >Go to a community college
    >Get some shitty friends
    >Get a shitty degree
    >Have a slightly less shitty life
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:22 No.40023645
    I wish I had a basement... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:22 No.40023646
    Why the fuck would you want a girlfriend?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:22 No.40023648
    Just wondering, but where do you live? School has already started in my area like... 3 weeks ago.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:23 No.40023658
    Eurofag OP?
    >> walw6pK4Alo !!Dad2zlG9Cj3 09/06/10(Mon)21:23 No.40023666
    So, does most of the USA go back after Labor Day still? Florida always started in August, and most colleges start in August. If so, then tonight /a/ should empty out pretty fast by around 11 or midnight.
    >> Gitami 09/06/10(Mon)21:23 No.40023668
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:23 No.40023672
         File1283822635.jpg-(56 KB, 540x599, 1260140927188.jpg)
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    >my face when my last year of hs starts tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:24 No.40023681
    >my face when I am starting school tomorrow while I sit here in my basement alone, jobless, 18 and never had a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:24 No.40023687
    Too obvious. I give you 2/10.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:24 No.40023689
    I've been in school for 3 weeks bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:24 No.40023698
    I don't want to go back yet ;_;
    and I hate new places.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:25 No.40023717
    I don't start till october.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:25 No.40023726
    take a look at this thread >>40019689
    >> Shinku !!Nu1TWhR3CK0 09/06/10(Mon)21:25 No.40023737
    try 28.

    Oh wait I have a job a house and a fiancee.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:26 No.40023743
    >my face when this exact same thread is on /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:26 No.40023756
         File1283822807.jpg-(96 KB, 525x295, Kaiji.jpg)
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    >my face when I start school tomorrow and have less time for anime and games and all that junk
    And don't give me the bullshit about how college students have more free time than anyone else; I'm not the one who's majoring in something bullshit like History or Psychology.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:27 No.40023762
    eh, you're not the only one
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:28 No.40023794
    >implying you need to have a girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:29 No.40023817
    OP to be honest you're still in time to start something with your life, it's not like 18 is some kind of deadline

    you freak out too much. Why are you confined to your basement, anyway, are you missing a limb?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:29 No.40023822
         File1283822968.jpg-(142 KB, 675x345, 1273686764137.jpg)
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    >mfw summer is finally over
    >> walw6pK4Alo !!Dad2zlG9Cj3 09/06/10(Mon)21:29 No.40023835

    You wish.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:29 No.40023838
    >Started school three weeks ago
    >Still 18
    >Still live with parents, but upstairs, not in a basement
    >Had a girlfriend once, but haven't had any action in over a year
    >Still don't have a job
    Feels pretty bad, but not terrible.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:30 No.40023867
    >had sex
    you don't belong here
    >> oni !sb3dOsUMwI 09/06/10(Mon)21:30 No.40023869
         File1283823055.png-(154 KB, 330x327, fasinating.png)
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    >Mfw I started school 2 weeks ago.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:32 No.40023910
    College only starts next week for me. I laugh at all other students.

    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:32 No.40023915
    I'm going to miss those guys. Sure, some of them were pretty annoying, but they made me feel less lonely.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:32 No.40023922
         File1283823150.jpg-(11 KB, 264x282, 1280153806668.jpg)
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    >my face when I am 22, got kicked out of a relatively prestigious college due being a lazy fuck, and now spend my days watching animu and random self-study
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:33 No.40023949
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:34 No.40023957
    >high school
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:34 No.40023977
    Same here.

    I'll be turning 20 in a couple months and I've never had a job. I've applied to a shit ton of places but haven't gotten any calls. Shit sucks man.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:36 No.40024011
    Summer has never ended since 2007.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:36 No.40024013
         File1283823372.jpg-(75 KB, 500x351, Monkers.jpg)
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    >my face when I'm 18, finished high school, but "taking a break" cause I'm too scared to even think about attending a college.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:36 No.40024034
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    Yeah, really.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:37 No.40024040
         File1283823428.jpg-(114 KB, 960x540, 1283758304699.jpg)
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    Mfw when i have a boyfriend and I'm a systems analyst.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:37 No.40024047
    >first September after high school graduation, all my high school classmates went to college to "make something out of [their] life"
    >I'm one of very few people not in college; I don't even have a job
    >finally start a technical trades program after doing nothing for about two years
    >most of my old high school classmates are about to start their third year of college
    >realize that I will make more money than them after I graduate
    >realize that they've been majoring in really stupid shit like English, music, philosophy, women's studies, psychology, etc.
    >what they said about making something out of their lives was a complete lie
    Feels GREAT man.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:38 No.40024060
    Reported for being cancer.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:38 No.40024065
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    im in the same boat
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:38 No.40024078
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    >My face when I'm only 5'8'' ish and I weigh 215, and just found out I have a size 38 waist
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:39 No.40024093
    Try the same thing except I'm a year older.

    Except I just quit my job and I'm happy with life, yeah I'm not in school but I will be next year.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:39 No.40024100
    21, last semester in college. growing up sucks.

    at least ill have some free time for animu while i get denied from every place i apply to. (no work exp)
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:39 No.40024101
    Starting college tomorrow.
    Going to a community college for two years so I can get out of paying 50k per year for the university I'm transferring to. Shit sucks though, I'm going to be there for over ten hours tomorrow but I want to stay up and watch Monster tonight. Dunno if it's worth missing the sleep.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:39 No.40024105

    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:39 No.40024111
    I sit in my dorm alone all day an get high on oxy

    feels ok, man
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:40 No.40024114
         File1283823600.jpg-(73 KB, 453x604, Zidane_Smug_Shot_by_rifa.jpg)
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    >mfw when school starts tomorrow and I live across the road from a primary school
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:40 No.40024119
         File1283823617.png-(23 KB, 126x126, 1283279241354.png)
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    >mfw I'm a 21yo kissless virgin trying my third year of college again after flunking out and working abroad last year
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:40 No.40024123
         File1283823638.jpg-(2 KB, 121x126, myface.jpg)
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    >My face when i'm 22

    never had job

    never had girlfriend

    never did anything past highschool
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:40 No.40024130
    From my experience that's a bad idea, after I finished high school I thought I'd be a lazy fuck for a year for fun then start college the next year. after a year of not doing shit getting motivation to go to college is pretty hard, not to mention you will forgot a lot of stuff you really should know
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:41 No.40024140
    I'm in the same boat. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:41 No.40024148
         File1283823688.jpg-(52 KB, 430x360, dino.jpg)
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    >my face when i live in-front of a high school
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:41 No.40024152
    I'm the same OP except I had a girlfriend once. But i'd rather not have.

    The pain of losing her hurt far more than never having her to begin with.

    >captcha: schools, dinglize

    Is this the school transformation shout? Like a damn transformer?
    >> J !!8haflFSoIRm 09/06/10(Mon)21:42 No.40024175
         File1283823767.jpg-(19 KB, 269x383, 1268285437549.jpg)
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    > kissless
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:44 No.40024204
    >Greentext, testing testing
    >Hello, in this post I'll tell you about my life :3
    >It has nothing to do with anime and manga
    >but because this place is an obscure community of elites I'm sure you understand: D
    >hmmm where was I going ( ¯3¯) ,,,,
    >looks like my comment field is full, my phone won't let me type
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:45 No.40024223
    we're a generation of manchildren. not ready to be adults.

    someone hold me.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:45 No.40024235
         File1283823932.jpg-(46 KB, 1280x720, [Ayako-Himatsubushi]_Needless_(...).jpg)
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    >My face when I sit here in my top floor bedroom alone, jobless, 18 and start college next week

    Have a nice day anon.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:46 No.40024244
         File1283823967.jpg-(92 KB, 556x700, 1268429826783.jpg)
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    > My face when orientation week has just started and everyone has already sorted themselves into cliques and groups of friends.
    > My face when I'm not in any of those groups even though I'm more communicative than 1/4 of the people here.
    > My face when I'll probably end up dropping out due to heart-wrenching loneliness halfway through.
    > My face when I haven't made any friends, only brief acquaintances.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:46 No.40024246
    I can confirm this. I did that and regret doing it. You lose all motivation to apply to college and even if you do get accepted you will dread going there more than if you hadn't taken a break.

    Same here except for the last year part.
    >> Lelouch !a.oSgvk5OM 09/06/10(Mon)21:47 No.40024262
    How about you just not give a fuck and march on?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:48 No.40024274
         File1283824089.jpg-(1 KB, 126x85, I see.jpg)
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    >mfw this exact thread is on /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:48 No.40024275
         File1283824091.jpg-(89 KB, 544x444, 1268183377594.jpg)
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    >order new hip $80 backpack for uni
    >side of a basketball
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:48 No.40024279
    There's always a chance to make friends in your classes.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:48 No.40024283
    This generation is fucked up. No jobs, mass medication of children, and decreasing amounts of social contact due to video games and the internet.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:48 No.40024285
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:49 No.40024300
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    can't stop laughing
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:49 No.40024301
    Yo, switch to comp sci. Literally, everyone I know asks me if I ever do work. THE ANSWER IS NO.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:50 No.40024323
    don't give up man, I know how you feel though, I'm going through the same thing. You probably won't form a close friendship with someone unless you're pretty much in all their classes, or you already know a person from somewhere else previously. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:50 No.40024332
    Hard to not give a fuck if there are these types of people - especially women, fucking everywhere.

    Clearly, I haven't forsaken women yet like most of /a/ has - simply due to the lack of experience to be capable enough to formulate my own opinion (p.s. I'm not in the US).
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:51 No.40024340
         File1283824265.jpg-(24 KB, 595x510, 1281094824575.jpg)
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    low blow man, low blow
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:52 No.40024365

    At least most of us aren't breeding.

    There is a plus side.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:52 No.40024367
    RA here, you should join shit. You'd be surprised how many great people you can meet by joining something. You won't meet anyone if you stay in your room. If nothing else, having something in your life to go to every so often will help distract you from dwelling on how lonely you are.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:52 No.40024368
    >/ɐ/ - Please tells us more about your current life & views on women.
    >(using the quote function to make your text green may be required)
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:52 No.40024376
         File1283824356.gif-(2 KB, 210x187, 1267178795013.gif)
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    Don't be a faggot, son. Man the fuck up, and make a friend. Even if it takes the whole semester.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:52 No.40024382
         File1283824370.jpg-(73 KB, 960x720, 1279583446882.jpg)
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    >enjoying life instead of being a corporate slave
    >kicking back waiting for the inevitable collapse
    >want to be a girl and be fucked by many cocks
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:53 No.40024386
    Conveniently, I do believe my program (since it's rather exclusive here) has around 130 people all sharing the exact same classes first term.

    I suppose there's a chance there, but that's a risky gamble.

    Oh yeah, and FOBs, FOBs everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:53 No.40024387
    >I'm 22
    >check em
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:53 No.40024395
         File1283824401.jpg-(24 KB, 408x448, 1280176127595.jpg)
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    > turning 19 in 2 months
    > never been kissed
    > virgin
    > no boyfriend
    > handful of friends and a few close friends
    > going into second year of college at the top of my class in broadcast journalism
    > profs are scouts for all the large news stations in my city and are all very impressed with my work

    > mfw I'm a ronery success
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:54 No.40024421
    Making friends through classes is actually pretty hard. It's way easier to make friends at parties, social gatherings, etcetera. I met my best friend last year at a floor dinner.

    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:54 No.40024424
    >19 years old
    >high school dropout, going to night school next week to secure place in parents basement
    > doesn't give a shit
    >trying to figure out, a way to make easy money, even if its illegal
    >spends days in the gym trying to become alpha
    >not so bad
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)21:54 No.40024427
    /a/ sure is shit today, what the fuck.

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