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  • File : 1282911178.jpg-(1.65 MB, 1715x1204, THEBESTSHOWS.jpg)
    1.65 MB Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:12 No.39651195  
    Made a new recommendation chart, just with good shows that are worth watching on it and not all that other shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:14 No.39651222
    Needs Angel Beats!

    Although that's probably the best recommendation chart I've seen, to be fair.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:16 No.39651253
    >Tentai Senshi Sunred
    Fuck yeah, best recommendation chart ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:16 No.39651254

    Actually wait, you forgot Evangelion, this chart fails.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:17 No.39651274
    fucking samefag
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:17 No.39651282
    >implying Eva isn't shit
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:18 No.39651295

    fucking newfag
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:18 No.39651302
         File1282911530.png-(289 KB, 381x380, 1277299902083.png)
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    >Code Geass
    >Dragon Ball Kai
    >> !FalosJ9ma6 08/27/10(Fri)08:19 No.39651316
    There is no aspectratio macro for what I am feeling right now.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:19 No.39651322
    Code Geass? Really? Well fuck your shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:20 No.39651338
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:20 No.39651339
    sup OP, you mad
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:21 No.39651343
         File1282911663.jpg-(74 KB, 514x617, FantasticChildren.jpg)
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    Where the fuck is Fantastic children and Denno coil?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:21 No.39651344

    Yes, becuase the OP is really going to criticize his own chart, you fucking moron. Go troll /b/ instead.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:21 No.39651350

    OP here, I only made the OP. So lol at you getting trolled by someone.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:22 No.39651358
    >Dragon Ball Kai

    Really? Ignoring the fact it is totally possible to grow out of DBZ and its "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" power up sequences, DB Kai's lack of filler made everything feel very rushed.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:22 No.39651372

    Stupidest shit I've ever read in my entire life.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:23 No.39651380
         File1282911788.jpg-(428 KB, 1715x1204, fixed.jpg)
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    I fixed your mistake, OP. You have to be careful about these things. Try proofreading before you post things.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:23 No.39651383
    >code geese

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:24 No.39651399
    If I have to choose one among that list... PLANETES, don't miss it.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:24 No.39651402

    I don't know who trolled/manipulated you into thinking that those shows are bad, but I feel bad for you. :(
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:24 No.39651405
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    >implying chart my taste > your taste is not a troll
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:24 No.39651408
    What series is the OP's FMA picture from? It looks like the first series, which is faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:24 No.39651412
    He just couldn't handle the buts.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:25 No.39651417
         File1282911910.jpg-(5 KB, 158x152, slap.jpg)
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    >Code Geass
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:25 No.39651430

    It's from Brotherhood... can you really not tell the difference between the art styles?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:25 No.39651431
    >not complaining about TTGL, Golden Boy, Lupin III (LOL LUPIN GOT SMACKED BY FUJIKO XD), Baccano!, Hellsing, or YYH

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:25 No.39651432
    >Took out Gurren lagann but kept everthing else

    FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:26 No.39651442
         File1282911990.jpg-(25 KB, 600x337, 1282620485772.jpg)
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    >Code Geass
    >Death Note
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:26 No.39651446
         File1282912003.jpg-(163 KB, 889x500, 1269758994852.jpg)
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    ITT: Newfags who weren't around for Geass Sundays.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:27 No.39651449
    I don't even like Geass, but it's better than a third of the other series on there. Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:27 No.39651455
         File1282912028.jpg-(43 KB, 376x503, 1281838684299.jpg)
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    No one can handle the buts.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:27 No.39651469
    Great list but I suggest you should get rid of Death Note and replace Kai with the original DBZ. Otherwise amazing list!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:27 No.39651471
    >No Mushishi or His and Her Circumstances

    Try again, OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:28 No.39651484

    Normalfag chart, I would know this, because I'm a normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:28 No.39651491
    >> Lelouch !!5g0oKIcOcLR 08/27/10(Fri)08:29 No.39651497
    Wasn't around for Geass Sundays.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:29 No.39651502

    actually 2008 and R2 bring a lot of newfag to this board.

    >my show is popular so is good.

    lol, why naruto is not on that list then?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:29 No.39651504
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:29 No.39651509
         File1282912170.jpg-(65 KB, 384x288, reaction - mature.jpg)
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    See, you are exactly the cancer killing /a/. I always knew it was you.

    -not moefags
    -not gorefags
    -not even deepfags

    No, it's always been the "mature for a mature college-age faggot such as myself" jackasses. Cowboy Bebop is one thing, but you'll like any piece of garbage that tells you, "Hey! Watch me. I'm mature like Cowboy Bebop."

    You should be ashamed of yourselves for being so pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:29 No.39651511

    The reason normalfags can like these shows is because they really are the cream of the crop. Most anime fans won't like to admit it, but a lot of things are mainstream for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:29 No.39651513

    Can you repeat that in English, please?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:30 No.39651525
    >lol, why naruto is not on that list then?
    Because anime snobs think they're better than mainstream stuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:30 No.39651527
    >code geass
    >rurouni kenshin (ovas were good, the series was just bad)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:30 No.39651533
    How is Cowboy Bebop mature? It's an episodic comedy/action show for crying out loud.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:31 No.39651546

    >R2 is a trainwreck sequel after another trainwreck
    >mindless show for people watching it for lulz and shit
    >the show bring endless summer of newfags

    so how this show was good again?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:32 No.39651557

    Uh, the Shishio arc was fucking awesome. You're just a fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:32 No.39651561
    Normalfags also like Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece. In fact, they among the most popular anime worldwide, next to FMA and DBZ.

    Yet they're not on the list because /a/ ranks series by the mainstream fanbases and is ashamed that they used to be pathetic Gaiafag equivalents when they were 12.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:32 No.39651573
         File1282912372.jpg-(118 KB, 582x800, 1280907885526.jpg)
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    >Everyone complaining about CG

    Feeling a bit insecure about your sexuality there, champ?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:33 No.39651581
    >OP makes a normalfag chart
    >newfag trolls pounce
    >trolls trolling trolls etc

    bizness as usual
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:33 No.39651584
         File1282912420.jpg-(202 KB, 1715x1204, st8lf.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:33 No.39651587
    It's really normalfags. Always has been.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:34 No.39651593
         File1282912442.jpg-(761 KB, 1840x3040, 1280799384923.jpg)
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    this is a recomendation char,learn from it op
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:34 No.39651598

    Worst troll ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:34 No.39651607
    -adult cast
    -sexual themes
    -guns, blood, death
    -relatively complex motives and characterization when compared to series aimed at children

    Bebop isn't MATURE, but it's written for high school age+, just like most of the other series on that list. The problem is, faggots on /a/ think that that automatically makes a series good.

    PROTIP: Just because a series isn't geared towards women, middle school kids, yaoi-fangirls, moefags, chronic masturbators, pedophiles, or pseudo-intellectual morons does NOT automatically make it good.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:35 No.39651628
    >people defending Code Geass and thinking other shows on there are bad
    This is why everyone hates /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:35 No.39651630
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:35 No.39651631
    Shut up. No, just get the hell out of here. We don't need any more little kids calling troll when they come across an opinion they don't understand.

    No really, get the hell out of here you newfag piece of garbage. Leave now and never come back.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 08/27/10(Fri)08:36 No.39651637
         File1282912583.jpg-(12 KB, 160x166, znge.jpg)
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    No. Your recommendation chart is shit in comparison to others which try to hit all bases and don't disregard shows simply because they have cute female characters like you obviously do because you're probably 14 years old.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:36 No.39651645

    I love code geass, but i don't think it deserve to be in that place.
    its seriously too ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:37 No.39651657
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:37 No.39651662
    Like many people, I personally disagree with Code Geass and 'Kai on that list. Everything else is fine.

    Also, GaoGaiGar > TTGL
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:38 No.39651667
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:38 No.39651672
    Fine, but Geass is still much, much better than TTGL. You can get rid of Geass only after you chuck TTGL.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:38 No.39651677
    I like everything on that list that I've seen. I'm going to watch the stuff on it that I haven't seen. Thanks OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:40 No.39651692
    It isn't better than TTGL and there's no reason to remove either of them
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:40 No.39651701
         File1282912834.jpg-(97 KB, 602x487, brofive.jpg)
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    Are you me? Good work!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:40 No.39651712
    >Someone doesn't like my cute high school girl anime

    You are an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:40 No.39651716

    geass sunday? really?

    judging a show by what happen back then not by the quality of the show it self?

    well fuck, when Higurashi Kai aired back then it got the same shitstorm, why its not on OP list?
    >> Lelouch !!5g0oKIcOcLR 08/27/10(Fri)08:41 No.39651728
    But the show was quality Geass Sunday was just the cherry on the scone.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:42 No.39651739
    A list of generally hated series that are trying to camouflage themselves among well-liked stuff:

    -Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
    -Death Note
    -Dark Than Black

    Sorry, but we're not animals. We're humans, and we see through cheap tricks like this.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:42 No.39651742

    more like QUALITY
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:42 No.39651747

    He is right. This chart sucks. OP is obviously a teenager and a newfag to anime.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:44 No.39651786
         File1282913084.jpg-(79 KB, 734x404, 1277591758712.jpg)
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    >dead leaves
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:45 No.39651792
         File1282913105.jpg-(29 KB, 459x566, 1282445959639.jpg)
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    Hey OP, did you "get into anime" with Toonami, watch Adult Swim, and then get into downloading and watching other anime through Death Note and Code Geass?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:46 No.39651819
         File1282913174.jpg-(914 KB, 1715x1204, 1282911178000.jpg)
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    Fixed, somewhat.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:47 No.39651849
    this is fair
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:47 No.39651853
    A chart with anime I've never heard of. This might be interesting.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:49 No.39651873
         File1282913341.jpg-(499 KB, 1715x1204, 1282911178000.jpg)
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    my review
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:49 No.39651883
    >Code Geass
    >not weeaboo
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:50 No.39651894
    Remove Geass and add Infinite Ryvius instead.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:51 No.39651917
    /r/ing a manga recommendation chart.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:51 No.39651921
         File1282913500.gif-(342 KB, 1663x1069, 1279086443801.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:52 No.39651938
    Ah another list of sh-
    >Checks list
    Wait nevermind, this list is 100% correct.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:52 No.39651940
         File1282913533.jpg-(1.53 MB, 1955x3350, 1280875127774.jpg)
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    Best recommendation chart.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:52 No.39651946

    OP forgot M.D Geist.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:53 No.39651962

    and One Piece, the sticky still on the frontpage
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:54 No.39651973
    It isn't, you hipster faggot.

    Go write another essay about feminism in Black Lagoon for your English 101 class.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:54 No.39651979

    The best chart i've seen in a while.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:55 No.39651993
    Does anyone have a manga recommendation chart?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:55 No.39652006
    If /a/ obsessing over a show counts as quality nowadays, where the fuck is Haruhi then, fool?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:56 No.39652018
    >> bros before moes !MhEu9Odj/Q 08/27/10(Fri)08:56 No.39652027

    Go fucking kill yourself, you stupid motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:58 No.39652055
    >he still thinks moe rhymes with bro
    >> diebuster 08/27/10(Fri)08:58 No.39652058
    you were doing well but
    >Hellsing Ultimate
    would rather just read the manga than bother with boring half assed animation (that is probably done with a huge budget too)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:58 No.39652060
         File1282913902.png-(376 KB, 640x480, dasdasdasdas.png)
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    ITT:Normalfags showing their low powerlevel
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:59 No.39652086
    Quality is something that can stand the test of time. In ten years, no one will remember Haruhi, Toradora, TTGL, or Geass. But they will remember Bebop, DBZ, and Eva.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)08:59 No.39652088
    0/10 OP that some QUALITY trolling
    Back to MAL faggots
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:00 No.39652096
         File1282914020.png-(169 KB, 992x1075, 1274620968343.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:00 No.39652099
    >only 1 cinematic movie on the list
    >it's princess mononoke

    lol, op is a fucking moron
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:01 No.39652122
    I like OP chart because it isn't that really stupid cute girl crap you see all the time and it isn't that "I'm a big fat nerd loser... but I'M PROUD TO BE A BIG FAT NERD LOSER" shit either.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:01 No.39652123
    seriously, the old anime recommendation chart from 2007 was better than this.

    at least it got no "...need to die" and have more variety of genre.

    tl;dr OP is a fag who just watch anime this year/
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:02 No.39652141
    Being remembered in 10 years does not mean quality either, DBZ in particular is a load of crap. Also I suspect Haruhi may indeed become a classic.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:03 No.39652148
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:04 No.39652166

    Haruhi was shit. DBZ had its flaws, but it was much more meaningful to the industry than moeshit.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:04 No.39652168
    >DBZ in particular is a load of crap
    No, it isn't. DBZ plays to the primal part of humanity that enjoys dueling. If you've ever seen a boxing match, but still criticize Dragon Ball, punch yourself in the face.

    And no, Haruhi isn't getting remembered. No one even talks about it now.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:05 No.39652185

    >In ten years, no one will remember

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:06 No.39652189
    DBZ was mostly fillers and screaming. Entire show could fit in 50-60 episodes. Then it would be good.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:06 No.39652196
    haruhi is awesome, the only thing DBZ is remembered for is "Are they still on namek"
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:06 No.39652198

    What do you mean "where", you fucking spaz?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:07 No.39652211
         File1282914473.jpg-(16 KB, 300x200, mai first anime.jpg)
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    >"I'm a big fat nerd loser... but I'M PROUD TO BE A BIG FAT NERD LOSER"
    I agree, but you're shunning one circlejerk while embracing another.

    I enjoyed this more than most of the series on OP's chart. Am I an immature loser with bad taste? The answer is no. You are the loser. So take your unwarranted sense of self importance and die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:08 No.39652222
    In Japan where they belong. This is 4chan, not 2chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:08 No.39652225
    Is Casshern Sins any good?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:09 No.39652231
    >more meaningful to the industry than moeshit.

    Do you even fucking read what you write, you retard. What YOU remember and what YOU think is good does not make anything a classic. And people only remember DBZ because they were 12 at the time. Sailor Moon was never even mentioned in this thread, for example, and it's easily as good as DBZ AND fondly remembered - just not on /a/.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 08/27/10(Fri)09:09 No.39652234

    >Quality is something that can stand the test of time.

    No, it isn't. That is stupid.

    >In ten years, no one will remember Haruhi, Toradora, TTGL, or Geass

    Yea, except that they will.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:09 No.39652237

    You're just pretentious and think you're cool because you're "better at watching anime" (wtf?). Seriously, grow up child, and join us "normalfags" (LOL, yeah, that is TOTALLY an insult LOL) in the REAL WORLD sometime.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:09 No.39652241
         File1282914582.jpg-(9 KB, 205x251, hahas.jpg)
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    >DBZ not shit
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:09 No.39652246
    >the only thing DBZ is remembered for is "Are they still on namek"
    19-year-old, meme-spouting, underage cancer detected.

    Go watch some real anime, son.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:09 No.39652249
    Requesting a manga recommendation chart
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:10 No.39652251

    >enjoy dueling

    I stop watching Dragon Ball when goku start fighting freeza in namek.
    I was in the middle school back then and I realized it already become a torture to me to continue watching it.

    it was a better fighting series when it still in red ribbon saga, not that one episode of staring contest for 30 minutes.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 08/27/10(Fri)09:10 No.39652254
         File1282914644.jpg-(20 KB, 185x183, 1280137247802.jpg)
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    Go back to ann
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:10 No.39652257

    You just don't understand that moe is shit for a reason. Go watch your cute girls doing the same god damn thing all the anime shows with cute girls do. Fucking newfag.

    >Yea, except that they will.

    It's funny because you're both hypocrites/retards for presuming to know the future.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:11 No.39652264
    28 year old shutin that only watches anime as a nostalgic remebrance of the childhood he never had.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:11 No.39652273
         File1282914716.gif-(4 KB, 344x326, 1282566213446.gif)
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    >Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:12 No.39652277
    your buthurt is showing
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:12 No.39652283

    Yotsuba℃ getting mad all over the place. Pretty funny, lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:12 No.39652285
    I'm a normalfag that's better than you so called normalfag. Why?


    Smart, attractive, successful people enjoy the things they enjoy without giving it a second thought. Unintelligent losers create trends and groups out of their tastes and use such styles to feel superior to other people.

    You are the worst humanity has to offer, because you think you are better for liking different kinds of cartoons than other people.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:13 No.39652299
         File1282914812.jpg-(28 KB, 331x311, 1282564010030.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:13 No.39652301

    Yeah, you're pretty trolled, I almost feel bad at this point because I have only read like the first 3 words of your posts and went to see if my responses would match up based on that information alone.

    You rage every time though.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:14 No.39652309

    4chan has better taste of anime?
    i'm not saying 2chan is better, but this is ridiculous.
    the anime I post before are well known in my country because it was aired first here in the late 80s.

    if you want to post any WB channel, toonami or adult swim channel shows because it more popular in your country. then I pity you guys, really.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:14 No.39652313
         File1282914864.png-(1.29 MB, 1850x3700, 1270176251612.png)
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    Sure thing bro
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:14 No.39652314
    Can anyone deliver a classic chart where series are ranked by "genre"?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:15 No.39652328
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:15 No.39652329
    >I have no arguments so I will call anyone that doesn't like a 20+ year old children's TV show a newfag and moefag

    Nice presumption, bro. DBZ-style shounenshit was just the moeshit of its day, just because you were to dumb to realize that then and refuse to admit it now does not make it not the truth.

    Also in 10 years people exactly like you will call Bleach and Naruto the good old anime from back when it was still good, and I am already grinning like a motherfucker at that.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:15 No.39652336

    The OP chart consists of only one genre: good anime.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:15 No.39652344

    THIS! no SUPERIOR bullshit!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:16 No.39652351
    u mad you got told?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:16 No.39652354

    Oh hey, thanks for posting the reaction image that I actually ORIGINAL CREATED. God damn you fail so hard, it is quite funny how owned you're getting right now by me.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:16 No.39652358
         File1282914998.png-(1.48 MB, 1814x3800, 1272729072841.png)
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    Part dos

    It's too bad that the manga charts are fantastic while the anime ones always just piss everyone off
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:17 No.39652364

    Trolled hard
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:17 No.39652372
         File1282915043.jpg-(1.65 MB, 1460x2350, anime general.jpg)
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    Here you go.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:17 No.39652378
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    i don't even know what you were talking about

    just posting reaction faces
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:17 No.39652379
    You're so mad right now. Come back to 4chan when you learn to deal with getting destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:18 No.39652386
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    OP = successful troll
    Everyone who didn't sage = trolled retard
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 08/27/10(Fri)09:18 No.39652387

    >It's funny because you're both hypocrites/retards for presuming to know the future.

    I'm not. They will be remembered. They are constantly being recommended as the great series of their genre and ten years from now, Haruhi could possibly still being made. They won't just disappear. To say that they won't be remembered is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:18 No.39652390
    Interesting list. Only seen a few, my ranking:
    1. Dead Leaves - Cool comic book styling
    2. Genius Party 1&2 - Anthology, some excellent short films.
    3. Steamboy - Great movie.
    4. Yobi - Not up to Ghibli-quality, but still a fun film.
    5. Cencoroll - It's like a pilot tv episode, could be a great show.
    6. Cat Soup - Poignant, but not me cup of tea.
    7. Wonderful Days - Too slow for the kind of movie it's trying to be.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 08/27/10(Fri)09:19 No.39652407

    I really don't want to say it's because the sort of people who read manga are by self-selection less likely to be faggots than peopel who only watch anime, but it's really hard to come up with another way to phrase it that doesn't avoid the actual point.

    There are as many decent peopel who watch both, it's just anime is much more accessible, and thus ,draws in far more fuckheads.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:19 No.39652411

    What exactly do you mean by "remembered"? By who? Do you mean that it will be regarded as one of the greatest shows in history that every anime fan will be aware of? Because there is no way you can know how history will judge an anime, dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:19 No.39652416
    Yeah it's the same old nostalgiafags that presume that the moefags of today aren't the old farts of tomorrow.

    Of course that shit will be remembered. That makes it neither good or bad, but just saying I DON'T LIKE IT AND ONCE EVERYONE GROWS UP THEY WILL THINK THE SAME AS ME is just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:21 No.39652430
    >death note
    >Code gease
    >Dragon Ball
    Yeah,how about NO
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:21 No.39652431


    God damn idiot... quit getting greedy, you'll get your share of trolled.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 08/27/10(Fri)09:21 No.39652437
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    >You just don't understand that moe is shit for a reason. Go watch your cute girls doing the same god damn thing all the anime shows with cute girls do. Fucking newfag.

    You dare call ANYONE a newfag? HAHA OH WOW.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:22 No.39652444
    This thread makes me wonder if starting a shitstorm is some sort of mystical ritual for summoning Yotsuba℃
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:22 No.39652445
    >great movie
    It's just a decent shallow movie with great animation at best.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:22 No.39652446
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    Why does /a/ like Tweeny Witches so much? No, really, I'd like to know, because I watched half of it whilst very confused that you guys like it.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:23 No.39652459

    why do you care if other people like it?

    this place isn't /v/
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:23 No.39652462
    Oh god no, someone fix that shit
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:23 No.39652464
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:23 No.39652465
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:24 No.39652467
    While I guess there isn't anything horrible on the list, except dbz kai and death note, oh and code gayass, there isn't much that really stands out. It's mostly entry level shit with a few gems. Fine for a beginner's recommendation chart, but it's just going to create more casualfags.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:24 No.39652468
    hipster garbage, everyone drops that shit
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!uKIRdX6hkuy 08/27/10(Fri)09:24 No.39652474
    I personally feel that everyone should have their own tastes, and that no anime, regardless of popularity, can be objectively proven "better" than another show. People like different things, and it seems like wasted energy to get bent out of shape about what other people like/dislike.

    If you dislike my favorite anime, that's fine, because it's MY favorite anime as I'm sure you have your own favorite. It doesn't matter to me because I don't give you the power over me to incite some kind of emotional response to your personal tastes.

    It's all subjective, don't be a bunch of bleeding vaginas, guys.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:24 No.39652480

    Magical universe! Cool animation! Little girls!

    What's there to NOT like?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:25 No.39652490
         File1282915519.png-(1.4 MB, 860x1100, dasadsasd.png)
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    I also made a chart.
    go ahead and tell me how shitty my taste it.
    (Not a troll chart)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:25 No.39652493
    >You just don't understand that moe is shit for a reason. Go watch your cute girls doing the same god damn thing all the anime shows with cute girls do. Fucking newfag.

    You know how to really spot a newfag on /a/? They say stuff like MOESHIT HURR DURR MOE IS CANCER, almost as if moe was somehow a genre or could be used to describe a show in any fucking way.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 08/27/10(Fri)09:25 No.39652495

    It isn't about reading into the future. These shows aren't just going to fall off the radar. The internet will keep them alive.

    I didn't say anything about quality, but time will probably work well for the perception people have for them like time has done for most stuff--though not as good as the pre-internet age "classics".
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:25 No.39652497
    Why is it that in a lot of troll threads that bros before moes and YotsubaC both show up? I'm beginning to think they're samefag.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:25 No.39652499

    I don't watch InitialD too because i'm not really into car racing.

    but why should I care if people watch it?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:25 No.39652500
    >it will be regarded as one of the greatest shows in history that every anime fan will be aware of

    Could well be, remember that /a/ itself loved Haruhi to death until it collectively realized that it had become too mainstream for them and thus decided it could not admit to anything being good about it ever. KyoAni milking the shit out of it and tacking on a subpar second season didn't help either. But I still uphold that from all the generic moe harem slice of life shows, Haruhi may well be the one with the most staying power.

    And even if you disagree (which is well within your rights), you have to admit that something like TTGL does not have a better proven track record, and its audience is just as limited (mecha nostalgia instead of moe).
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:25 No.39652501
    Get out underage cancer
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:26 No.39652502
    150+ post too late
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:26 No.39652507
    >/r/ that Yotsuba℃ pic that shows him contradicting himself

    you know the one
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:26 No.39652512

    He didn't start anything. THis thread was shit from the start don't blame Yotsuba.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:26 No.39652514
    >moe means stuff i dont like
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:27 No.39652521
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:27 No.39652532
    All of those are better than TTGL. Piss off.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:27 No.39652534
    No, my nostalgia googles broke a long time ago and its total shit. same with gundam wing for example.

    >no Ganktsuou
    otherwise that chart is quite fine
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:28 No.39652543
    My point is that he only appears when a shitstorm is in progress.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:28 No.39652551
    Studio 4°C faggot detected
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:28 No.39652554
         File1282915732.jpg-(378 KB, 1405x1000, absolutely legit chart.jpg)
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    Guys I made a chart please criticize/suggest improvements, TIA.
    >> bros before moes !MhEu9Odj/Q 08/27/10(Fri)09:29 No.39652566
    It can objectively be proven that moeblob shows like K-ON are shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:29 No.39652571
    Go manga it.

    Are you even trying, mr. troll?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:29 No.39652574
    Oh go to hell, you newfag faggot. /a/ is the most judgemental, elitist piece-of-garbage board on 4chan. /v/ doesn't give a damn what you like - it's all trolls trolling trolls.

    /a/, on the other hand, really does work up a sweat under their manbreasts when people like what they don't like.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:29 No.39652575
    Old troll chart is old
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:30 No.39652585
    baccano, hellsing, FMA, stand alone complex, yu yu hakusho, kenshin, dragon ball, logh, akagi, black lagoon, ttgl, princess monoke, kaiji, irresponsible captain tylor, death note, darker than black, code gayass, fist of the north star and tentai senshi sunred i have all either skipped, hated or just quit because of bordom.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:30 No.39652593
    It can objectively be proven that any ANIME IS SHIT faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:31 No.39652596
    complete fail

    the original chart of that had TTGL, but you butthurt fanfags took it off
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:31 No.39652602
    oh god you are the cancer killing this board
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:31 No.39652608
    you forgot Battle T-Oh wait it's there

    now that's a good list I'd say
    and I watched 3 shows from it
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:32 No.39652618
    >It's too bad that the manga charts are fantastic while the anime ones always just piss everyone off

    The manga charts are hardly fantastic. Kodomo no Jikan, Aqua Knight, Ichigo Marshmellow and pretty much half of the "part 2" chart suck shit, it's just that nobody complains because only a few people on /a/ actually read manga and care and the rest have plenty of other stuff to choose from.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:32 No.39652626

    >-it's all trolls trolling trolls.

    so does this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:32 No.39652628
    ive watched 6 shows from that chart
    feels kinda time wasting
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:32 No.39652632
    Yea the Manga are better but this is a Anime chart.

    About Gundam.
    >lol popular franchise, must be bad hurr durr.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:32 No.39652633
    Best chart in the whole thread
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:33 No.39652639
    OP here... I'm shocked this thread is still alive. I just made it because I was bored and wanted to make a new chart for people new to anime. Didn't mean to upset anyone. =x
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 08/27/10(Fri)09:33 No.39652657

    There's no such thing as a legitimately non-entry recommendation chart. If you need a chart to tell you what to watch, you're new to the game. You can't go beyodn entry-level until you've recognised enough of the nature of shows to be able to tell for yourself what you'll like, and that means you know enough to be able to ask specifically what's good without the need for a chart.

    The new player asks about 'I saw X and what's violent and funny and full of action'. They need a chart, because that describes a few genres.

    The more experienced watcher can say 'I want something with the sort of political intrigue of GitS but without the philosophical rambles and maybe a bit more focus on Gungrave-style over-the-top animation'. You can suggest specific shows that will fit exactly that.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:33 No.39652660
    Not your fault.
    It's always the same with /a/.
    My taste > your taste.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:34 No.39652666
    >maximum trolling
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:34 No.39652676
    >black lagoon
    now that's your mistake,honorable troll-sama.You can skip it or hate it for whatever reason but not for being boring
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:36 No.39652709
    You added dragonball, what did you expect?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:36 No.39652718

    non-bias chart without superiority complex.
    but /a/ still argue about my taste vs your taste.

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:37 No.39652720
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:38 No.39652745
    dont get mad because your chart is shit.
    70% on it is complete garbage
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:38 No.39652751
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    The only chart anyone will ever need.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:38 No.39652754
    >implying that people care about dbkai on the list more than they do geass and gurren lagann

    read the thread newfag
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!12SEFhiHDdm 08/27/10(Fri)09:40 No.39652785

    >Mad Bull

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:40 No.39652789

    >my chart
    >70% is shit
    >implying I care if most of it is shit.
    >implying i watch it if its shit
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:41 No.39652796
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    You fool, Kazuo Koike is just too strong for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:41 No.39652798
    According to this


    Dragonball and Code Geass begun the shitstorm.
    Sorry it takes so much intelligence to scroll up for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:41 No.39652802
    >dont get mad
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:41 No.39652807
    I like /m/'s gay one the best. Only good thing to come out of /m/.

    Anyone has it?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:42 No.39652811

    Uh? This is OP, I don't know why you quote my post.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:43 No.39652831
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:43 No.39652834
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    Shut the fuck up tasteless faggot,why don't you go back to your wan piss or moeshit.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:44 No.39652857
    >Don't like TTGL
    >Don't like Cromartie
    >Don't like Golden Boy
    >Don't like Hellsing
    >Don't like Baccano
    >Too many to list

    You know, the only ones I really truly like from that list are Bebop, Planetes, Champloo, and NHK. Your list is SHONEN TIER.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:45 No.39652861
    Thanks. I remember seeing a bigger one, but that's the classic.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:46 No.39652878
    that list is lol so random crap and devoid of taste so what are you on about.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:46 No.39652889
    Anyone who doesn't like Tylor and Lupin is a soulless being.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:47 No.39652903
    No. TTGL started the shitstorm. If you can't even be bothered to read the thread, don't act like you know what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:47 No.39652904
    Golden Boy - babby's first ecchi show, decent for what it is but hardly genius
    Trigun - amusing action show, but nostalgia goggles needed
    Cromartie High School- hilarious but an acquired taste. Pretty unique at least.
    Baccano! - everyone's favorite excuse that there is still good anime - except it's not that good at all.
    Hellsing Ultimate - okay but why not just read the manga?
    Cowboy Bebop - Classic for sure, but vastly overrated
    Outlaw Star - yeah whatever, include a semi-decent show you liked as a kid if you must
    Full Metal Alchemist - All anime incarnations of that have maybe one season of a decent show between them
    Stand Alone Complex - It's good, I guess, but the first movie, which you omitted is far better.
    Samurai Champloo - Same show as Bebop just with different gimmicks.
    Yu Yu Hakusho - Naruto of its day, nostalgiafaggot
    Rurouni Kenshin - See above
    DBZ Kai - See above
    LoGH - good show, hard to say anything bad about it except it's too long for its content
    Planetes - must see
    Akagi - Overrated /a/ hipster garbage
    Berserk - we're talking about anime here, right? fuck off, the anime was shit
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:47 No.39652906

    well this looks better.

    I'm not watching all of them but at least its sorted.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:47 No.39652907

    oops i meant
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:48 No.39652914
    Black Lagoon - Amusing for a season, gets really old really fast
    Code Geass - Garbage, memes do not a good show make
    Darker than Black - Acceptable semi-mature action series
    Death Note - It's okay.
    Irresponsible Captain Taylor - See Golden Boy. Really nothing special.
    Monster - great show
    Paranoia Agent - Perfect Blue is better
    Princess Mononoke - not even the best Ghibli movie
    Welcome to the NHK - pseudo-self-effacing circlejerk for the ironical otaku
    Detroit Metal City - it's fun
    FLCL - Gainax wanking at its finest, worth watching but overhyped as shit
    Big O - as god as mecha shows get
    FotNS - tv series and the movie are total garbage, you liked this because you thought exploding heads are cool as a 10yo.
    Tentai Senshi Sunred - if you must
    Hajime no Ippo - old sports anime? why not, but hajime no ippo is not a special one
    Casshern Sins - pretty but ultimately forgettable

    Conclusion: OP learned all about anime from what /a/ tells him.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:50 No.39652940
         File1282917008.jpg-(308 KB, 773x1000, 1281796105498.jpg)
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    I thought the ability to read was needed to browse 4chan.
    Looks like i was wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:50 No.39652954

    >OP learned all about anime from what /a/ tells him.

    or adult swim.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:51 No.39652959
    >Monster - great show
    okay but why not just read the manga?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:52 No.39652975
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    >Darker than Black
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:52 No.39652980
    Hey what the fuck, the first opinion picture I actually approve during my 2 year stay here.

    gj op
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:52 No.39652981

    okay, I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:53 No.39652991

    It's funny because these guys think they are the trolls when in reality they were trolled into their long ass blog posts.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:53 No.39652995
    You don't even know what the word "started" means. You'd probably feel more comfortable at gaia.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:53 No.39653003
    >Captain Tylor
    >Golden Boy
    >Black Lagoon
    >Death Note
    choose one
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:54 No.39653022

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:54 No.39653028
    >any opinion different than mine is trolling
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:55 No.39653029
         File1282917305.jpg-(61 KB, 600x579, daily_picdump_454_640_92.jpg)
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    Well you know, i don't really want to deal with you summer leftovers.
    Go bother someone else.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:56 No.39653061

    Oh, well, I just didn't think anyone on /a/ was actually that stupid. My apologizes for giving you the benefit of the doubt and merely thinking you were just trolling.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:57 No.39653067
    I check out.

    I at least don't HATE FLCL and believe that the last two eps of Berserk are actually incredible.

    Some I haven't seen though.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:57 No.39653078
    I thought Detroit metal city was pretty unfunny and Planetes sucked hard once it started with the Von Braughn. Otherwise I either agree with or haven't seen most of the shows here.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:03 No.39653179
    pretty good chart.
    I added it to
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:06 No.39653236

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:08 No.39653261
    And we all agreed that TTGL was the worst thing on the chart.


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