Discuss K-On.Discuss THAT FUCKING HAIR.Discuss future plans for K-On (such as a season 3).Discuss (K-On related) music.Discuss (K-On related) cake.Discuss the K-On Beat'em Up.Play K-On-related Osu! with other /a/nons. (server name: /a/'s K-On General; inquire below for current password.)Website for the K-on Beat'em Up: https://bitbucket.org/capac/fight-engine/overviewIRC for the K-on Beat'em Up: #k-on-fighter@irc.rizon.netForum for the K-on Beat'em Up: http://konfighter.forummotion.comK-On Wiki: http://k-on.wikia.com/Old thread: >>39620923
Foot Broth!!
K-ON is fucking stupid.
>>39641994You're stupid.
Oops bumped the old thread. I thought it was bump limit.
>>39641941I don't understand the whole foot fetish thing, but then again, it's a fetish so I guess it doesn't really need to be explained.
I've finally started watching K-On! this week, and just discovered that episode 9 of season 2 apparently didn't download properly. And by the time I finish downloading it, it'll be too late for me to watch it and still get enough sleep to be up for work tomorrow.feelsbadman.jpg
>>39642008Don't feed the trolls, bro.Just ignore and report. Ignore and report.
>>39642051By the way, from what I've seen, they are usually up around Japan's daytime, so hopefully they'll get to it soon.
>>39642151Could you really call that trolling though? I just responded because why not.
>>39642242Now that you said it that's good. I was wondering if their operations are based on Japans time. Looks like it might actually hit.
people seemed to think I was trolling last thread about mugi. but she doesn't seem to have much time on screen, and very little of what she has is doing anything meaningful. primarily this season, of course
>>39642339Yeah, because they're looking for a reaction, to try to bring chaos to the thread.Maybe I'm giving them too much credit
>>39642500She's fucking adorable, and without Mugi the show just wouldn't be the same. Mugi/Ritsu episode was the best episode this season, too.
>>39642500Really? I think she's gotten significantly more attention this season.Although still not nearly enough.
Another hour, another K-ON! General.And all was right with /a/.
>>39642549This season? That's a huge understatement
needs more ritsu with a helmet
>>39642599K-ON in it's thread, All is Right With /a/?
>>39642817ritsu with helmet > ritsu without headband > ritsu > everyone else > nodokaI hate nodoka
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9OVOAfKqXATHAT ENGRISH
I was at my local bookstore checking for manga, and K-ON is available for pre-order.I guess it's gonna be here pretty soon.(I don't know about where everyone else lives. Some of you guys might already have it)So who's gonna buyfag out on K-ON?
Starting the K-ON Osu! server up again.pass: u&i
>>39642904Mmmmm..I'm gonna put that on repeat and listen to it while I slumber.
>>39642969>You will never cuddle with Mugi ;_;
>>39642997I can be with her in my dreams though. ;_;That was all I could think about when I watched Inception
>>39642925Yen Press is doing the localization here, first one scheduled to come out in December. I'm gonna buyfag the crap out of it. Must support K-On with money.
>>39643058Lucid dreaming is nice.
Everyone mention the songs that the characters remind of.
Join the Osu! game. It's lonely. So far I've had one person play and bail after one song.
I'm OSUed out. Good night K-on thread. Here is more Azu-nyan for your thoughts.
>>39643302Okay, but bear in mind I'm absolutely terrible.
>>39643137Whenever I try to have a lucid dream, I always end up with a black creature on top of me. I guess I'm Mugi in the dream...
Who in their right mind would spend the time to do this?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2dyuSNDH0Y&feature=related
>>39643329Night bro>>39643302This will be my first time playing so bare with me.
>>39643510Someone who's AWESOME.
>>39643510Makes me want to draw. Too bad I'm not at home, I'd like to work on this Josuke/Crazy Diamond I was drawing earlier. Josuke looked pretty good if I do say so myself, but goddammit, fucking Crazy Diamond is giving me some trouble.
>>39643510I would if i could
>>39643385But yeah, sleep paralysis is scary stuff.
>>39643510 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk2sPl_Z7ZU
2 slots left for OSU!/a/'s K-On Generalu&i
>>39643302can't, lack of surfaces my mouse would work well on
This would have been pretty awesomeAlso, does anyone know where I can find the kanji of the names of the characters?More so for the minor classmates
GREETINGS FROM /toy/!>captcha: youre me!OHSHIT
>>396440254 slots open now.We're terrible.Enjoy easy wins, haha.
>>39644118YUI, IT'S SHOWTIME!
>>39644118What an unnecessary shop...
>>39644213Fine take the original.
>>39644067Wikipedia has all the accurate kanji for the main characters and some minor ones.
does anyone have a DL link to the No Thank You cd?
Fucking Osu. How does it work?
>>39644388I also want it
>>39644428With difficulty.At least I can clear Don't Say Lazy!.On easy.
>>39644388http://www.thehouseofblogs.com/articulo/kon_2_ed2_single__no_thank_you-106475.htmlthat's what I could find, I don't know about quality or if it's tagged
My body is not ready for this game @_@.
>>39644717meawhile in >>>co/19643655/
Ho my god i think shit storm is forming and will rain sometime soon, be prepared!
I suck at osu. fucking christ.
>>39645153Something is brewing, the thread suddenly crapped out...Clouds forming in the distance.
>>>/co/39645020/check the thread
>>39645460<-- /co/ draw thread
>>39645460Cute, dark hair! You look like an anime figurine.