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  • File : 1282782475.jpg-(39 KB, 720x162, wait, what.jpg)
    39 KB Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:27 No.39597798 sticky  
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:28 No.39597819
    hell yes Sticky!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:28 No.39597825
         File1282782536.jpg-(39 KB, 300x405, slowking.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597830
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597832
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597835
    Why the fuck would you sticky this?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597839
    God no
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597840
         File1282782557.jpg-(75 KB, 517x450, mugi bullshit.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597844
         File1282782562.jpg-(112 KB, 564x560, rxn_dealwithit_FairyTail_natsu.jpg)
    112 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597850
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597851
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597862
         File1282782594.jpg-(235 KB, 1600x2000, terry tate recok.jpg)
    235 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597863
         File1282782596.jpg-(9 KB, 254x232, ojousama1.jpg)
    9 KB
    sticky why?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597864
         File1282782598.jpg-(233 KB, 712x540, nami004.jpg)
    233 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:29 No.39597866
    no more stickys
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597868
    Do we really need this?
    Well hopefully there won't be as many threads flooding first page, someone should make One piece general or something, it's kind of annoying there are always 5 threads in first page about the same thing everytime there's a new chapter out
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597870
    This should be stickied for four weeks.
    >> Silver !/SoulqEUZ2 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597871
         File1282782602.jpg-(37 KB, 576x432, (B-A)G_Gundam_06_(17AFF48E).mk(...).jpg)
    37 KB
    >Preemptive sticky
    >For One Piece

    >> MODS = FAGS Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597875
    No one cares
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597876
    how is this more important than satoshi kon?
    >> PKMN Trainer Yellow !Hu3GmsFeDQ 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597877
         File1282782612.gif-(1.54 MB, 300x225, 1282621045783.gif)
    1.54 MB
    There once was a man named Gol Roger....
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597878
         File1282782612.jpg-(822 KB, 2410x3000, animefaggot.jpg)
    822 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597883
         File1282782619.jpg-(28 KB, 720x480, posting in a sticky.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597892
    Well heres one way to make people hate OP and OPfags more

    heres to hoping this stays up for the whole 4 weeks
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597893
         File1282782636.jpg-(49 KB, 720x480, 1280797710532.jpg)
    49 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597894
         File1282782636.jpg-(5 KB, 81x143, lolmoria.jpg)
    5 KB
    >> Torontofag !!EEVN5mg6m41 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597899
    saging a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597900

    Does that mean all other one piece threads will be deleted?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597903
         File1282782648.gif-(509 KB, 172x129, 1231374318064.gif)
    509 KB
    >four week break
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597904
         File1282782649.png-(60 KB, 190x190, hhhh.png)
    60 KB
    Lol 4 weeks. Us Berserk fans have to wait 4 months for our highly superior manga.

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597905
    Postan in a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:30 No.39597914
    what the balls
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597915
    Sticky was created to stop all the "BAWWW NO MORE ONE PIECE" threads.

    But fuck you mods, Kon sticky was better.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597918
         File1282782664.jpg-(29 KB, 500x334, 1273527045971.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597919
    Separate /a/ into shounen and Moe. Do it already, faggots.
    >> Are You Insanity !!p5KWvfIiZ92 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597925
    I liked the other thread we had going better
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597926
         File1282782672.jpg-(131 KB, 850x850, 1282437256287.jpg)
    131 KB

    Can't wait for it to get back.

    Also, man, this is going to troll some folks hard.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597927
         File1282782673.gif-(88 KB, 100x100, kuroko.gif)
    88 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597930
         File1282782677.png-(47 KB, 344x334, 1282703699468.png)
    47 KB

    >> deleted 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597932
         File1282782680.gif-(98 KB, 512x460, frankydealwithit.gif)
    98 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597938
         File1282782689.jpg-(180 KB, 896x632, 1282709334625.jpg)
    180 KB
    In before meme-forcing LOL WAN PISS trolls mad that /a/ isn't jumping on the bandwagon fast enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597941
         File1282782695.jpg-(201 KB, 497x846, 125137653616834.jpg)
    201 KB
    i can't wait for luffy's kid to show up
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597943
         File1282782697.jpg-(48 KB, 175x174, 1281871065851.jpg)
    48 KB
    Desiring a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597947
    good fucking riddance
    >> Lerp D. Erp !7bpckXU3yA 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597953
         File1282782705.jpg-(53 KB, 354x200, GLORIOUSBUGGY.jpg)
    53 KB

    I LOVE YOU, /a/
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597954
         File1282782706.jpg-(32 KB, 528x384, 1278135176412.jpg)
    32 KB
    >namis boobs after the time skip
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597956
         File1282782711.jpg-(27 KB, 456x406, RENT.jpg)
    27 KB
    your face when you realize this sticky will be up for 4 weeks
    >> PSN: Apeguts 08/25/10(Wed)20:31 No.39597959
         File1282782717.jpg-(59 KB, 376x403, 1234034899430.jpg)
    59 KB
    A Sticky?
    Involving One Piece?
    I think i need to get me eyes checked... a mod stickied something that matters for once.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:32 No.39597966
         File1282782732.jpg-(42 KB, 658x540, 008.jpg)
    42 KB
    Thanks for the sticky mods.
    But the ass pained moefags and the other shounens will probably fuck up this thread.
    You should probably just lock it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:32 No.39597971
         File1282782744.jpg-(18 KB, 263x260, logo_imad01..jpg)
    18 KB
    >> Are You Insanity !!p5KWvfIiZ92 08/25/10(Wed)20:32 No.39597973
         File1282782745.jpg-(58 KB, 640x480, my mousepad.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:32 No.39597975
    Are mods happy or sad with this? Want to know.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:32 No.39597979
    fuck yea motherfuckers.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:32 No.39597980
         File1282782756.jpg-(26 KB, 323x400, meh_cat.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:32 No.39597984

    As background music.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:32 No.39597985
         File1282782773.jpg-(19 KB, 344x378, 1281984143387.jpg)
    19 KB
    Why is this a sticky?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:32 No.39597988
    Mod confirmed for just wanting to start a shitstorm.
    >> Rocky !!x+JX8APHq4/ 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39597993
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39597994

    I take back my words about you being a bro,mod
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39597995
    more will still happen in one piece next week than in bleach
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39597996
    oh wow.. so after they get split up they don't see each other for two years? i think that's the saddest thing ever. i dont follow the manga by the way
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598002
         File1282782798.jpg-(617 KB, 947x764, img074.jpg)
    617 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598003
    I'm sad that this sticky replaced the last one.

    Why can't we have both of them?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598004
         File1282782805.jpg-(37 KB, 400x542, 1273783329679.jpg)
    37 KB
    Well this makes sense, but still.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598007
    You fucking moron.
    It's to prevent all the "Where's my Wan Piss" every week.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598008
         File1282782809.gif-(39 KB, 225x240, 1263277147426.gif)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598010
         File1282782810.jpg-(16 KB, 163x231, notsure2.jpg)
    16 KB
    I'm gonna guess this sticky was created to prevent three billion threads about the four week break.

    It won't stop them, but at least there should be less threads asking the same shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598013
    >preemptive sticky
    We already had 4 threads before this one, excluding the several hundred leak threads for the past week.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598014
    I can never figure out weither /a/ likes or hates One Piece. All I know is I just recently got around to reading the new chapters, and 4 week break kind of sucks
    >> Popo !59.2//u/7M 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598015
    This has been posted all day long. You One Piece fans can't even lurk for ten minutes. You might as well sticky your favorite Naruto thread too, fag.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598016
         File1282782815.jpg-(145 KB, 703x528, Buggyisawesome.jpg)
    145 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:33 No.39598018
         File1282782818.jpg-(135 KB, 445x304, haters.jpg)
    135 KB

    MY GOD IM IN HEAVENZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598029
    You guys are idiots. The mod did this because he knows there will be a shitstorm of threads over this.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598030
    I think that the One Piece sticky would be better when the second part is out (in one month).
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598039
         File1282782853.jpg-(95 KB, 500x281, 1282537147304.jpg)
    95 KB
    I am happy that wan piss is gone for a month, but sad at the same time that a shit manga gets a sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598040
    Haki confirmed to be Nen.
    Oda is a goddamn nigger.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598042
         File1282782860.gif-(886 KB, 175x144, HanSoloWhoGivesaShit.gif)
    886 KB
    >> Turtletron !/o/tAKuFRA 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598044
    Is it just me or are mods stickying fucking everything these days
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598050

    >> Are You Insanity !!p5KWvfIiZ92 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598051
    I've never cared for real life drawings of cartoon characters
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598053
    They each got literally blown to opposite ends of the earth.
    It's the most logical thing for them to get offscreen powerups/training and eventually meet up again.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598056
    Well its not like we're still not going to see 30-40 Topics on the break for the next 4 weeks
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598057
         File1282782890.jpg-(81 KB, 704x386, cirnowhat.jpg)
    81 KB
    Mods, not for nothing but this has been known for about 2 days already.

    Unless you intend to keep it for the full 4 weeks to troll. In that case, I'm ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598061
         File1282782894.jpg-(75 KB, 800x450, russian genocide.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598063
    Sticky <3
    >> JancedLack !!4TVEv+XmZjc 08/25/10(Wed)20:34 No.39598065
         File1282782899.gif-(383 KB, 134x170, 1237773226991.gif)
    383 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598066
    shut up trip-wanker
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598068
         File1282782911.jpg-(552 KB, 1954x1400, ColorWalk3_058-059.jpg)
    552 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598069
         File1282782913.jpg-(16 KB, 191x224, 1281772271294.jpg)
    16 KB
    this news- my face
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598073
         File1282782915.jpg-(95 KB, 378x438, 1281837932314.jpg)
    95 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598078
    >One Piece getting a sticky

    /a/ is officially dead.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598084
         File1282782942.jpg-(32 KB, 400x300, 1282000934141.jpg)
    32 KB
    >Big 3 Sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598087
         File1282782945.jpg-(451 KB, 1963x1399, ColorWalk3_078-079.jpg)
    451 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598088
    posting in One Piece sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598089
    Wow, it's like I'm really on
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598092
    Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk. So much for one piece, it looks like I'm done reading it.

    I look forward to everyone being a foot and a half taller, with shitty new character designs.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:35 No.39598093
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598098
    I find it funny how newfags get confused about One Piece being supported by 4chan in general. Haven't you noticed that there are more One Piece banners on 4chan than for any other series/franchies?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598102
    You are officially ass pained.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598104
    The truth is /a/ is not just one person, we are a collection of people who disagree and argue about having different tastes.

    As such some do and some don't
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598106
         File1282782973.jpg-(169 KB, 989x846, 1266023504631.jpg)
    169 KB
    saging a sticky
    saging a sticky
    saging a sticky
    saging a sticky
    saging a sticky
    saging a sticky
    saging a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598107
    I demand Naruto and Bleach stickies in the name of equality.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598113
         File1282782981.gif-(85 KB, 468x484, 1279763996005.gif)
    85 KB
    posting in a sticky , a one pice sticky

    also suck naruto and bleach fags
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598114
    It'd be sorta funny if a mod took this post and stickied it. I reckon they'd have to tear it away from this thread and make it the OP of a new one or something, but I imagine they're crafty enough for that.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598119
         File1282782995.jpg-(40 KB, 480x412, epic-troll.jpg)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598126
    >> Vigilante !!gjB7CDEd6nG 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598127
         File1282783002.jpg-(77 KB, 619x595, 1271212622237.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598129
         File1282783003.jpg-(595 KB, 1963x1402, ColorWalk3_084-085.jpg)
    595 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598130
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:36 No.39598133
         File1282783008.jpg-(62 KB, 700x700, 1280278452119.jpg)
    62 KB
    POSTAN IN EPIC STICKY, mods can suck my dick
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598137
         File1282783021.jpg-(13 KB, 135x129, 1279730208934.jpg)
    13 KB

    This better be badass as fuck Oda, especially considering that's longer than they've been travelling together for.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598138
         File1282783021.jpg-(51 KB, 374x430, 1280442344203.jpg)
    51 KB
    posting a pic in a sticky , a one piece sticky

    suck it bleach and naruto fags
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598143
    sage for op sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598145
    This sticky is going to be 4 weeks long?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598146
         File1282783043.png-(59 KB, 437x180, onepiece.png)
    59 KB
    Trolls are so tsundere.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598147
         File1282783043.jpg-(447 KB, 1961x1406, ColorWalk3_034-035.jpg)
    447 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598149
         File1282783045.jpg-(209 KB, 270x788, 12205851.jpg)
    209 KB
    Posting female Ace in a One Piece sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598153
         File1282783047.jpg-(22 KB, 400x400, 1280288401200.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598156
         File1282783054.gif-(117 KB, 500x500, 10459824.gif)
    117 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598157
         File1282783054.png-(39 KB, 345x391, 1282705897767.png)
    39 KB
    Posting pic in sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:37 No.39598162
    One Piece fan posting in a (finally) One Piece sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598167
         File1282783080.jpg-(41 KB, 530x480, eva_ayanami007.jpg)
    41 KB

    Eva would like to have a word with you.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598168
         File1282783081.jpg-(432 KB, 1741x1400, ColorWalk3_020-021.jpg)
    432 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598171
         File1282783090.png-(293 KB, 734x817, newfag.png)
    293 KB
    >"wan piss"
    >sageing in a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598174
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598175
         File1282783094.jpg-(681 KB, 1000x1000, 1279151134247.jpg)
    681 KB
    >> Beckii Cruel ≧ ‿ ≦ ✿ !!j+K8pfZxZ5X 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598176
         File1282783095.jpg-(34 KB, 377x421, fgt detected.jpg)
    34 KB
    This is the worst sticky ever.
    >> STICKY! Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598180
    One Piece in my heart.

    The upcoming month will be fucking hard!
    That's the training for us readers.

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598181
         File1282783109.jpg-(13 KB, 480x360, 5555555555555555555555555.jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598182
    Oh yeah, posting in a One Piece sticky!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598184
    Mods are Wan Piss fans

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598186
         File1282783122.gif-(2.25 MB, 320x180, wat is this.gif)
    2.25 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598189
    >Stop trying to report a sticky.
    >Stop trying to report a sticky.
    >Stop trying to report a sticky.
    >Stop trying to report a sticky.

    Really? Rather than stick around and ban people for spamming threads without refreshing the front page, rather than try to teach them to not be stupid, ADHD-ridden faggots, you give them a sticky?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598193
         File1282783133.jpg-(527 KB, 1959x1393, ColorWalk3_028-029.jpg)
    527 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598195
    Get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598196
         File1282783137.png-(36 KB, 278x278, 1273782757853.png)
    36 KB
    >One piece
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:38 No.39598197
         File1282783137.png-(36 KB, 437x460, 1268857310615.png)
    36 KB
    One Piece stick

    U MAD NarutoBleachfags?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598202
    >implying there are good stickies
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598209
    Enjoy your 4 weeks of 1st rank in Shonen Jump, Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598211
         File1282783152.jpg-(69 KB, 313x349, 1282589464656.jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598215
         File1282783156.png-(248 KB, 302x422, 1268746610073.png)
    248 KB
    Posting in a One Piece sticky.
    >> sage sage 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598221
    saging your sticky faggot newfag mod
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598225
    >implying it wasn't moot himself who made this sticky.

    All we need now is as background music for this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598226
         File1282783179.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 1.05 MB, 5000x3690, 1279666826262.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 1.05 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598227
    OK, but only when they actually become equal. Bleach isn't even considered as part of the big 3 in Japan any more.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598230
         File1282783182.jpg-(47 KB, 737x620, 1280814342074.jpg)
    47 KB
    >another sticky
    >one piece
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598236
    Why the fuck is this stickied?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598238
         File1282783196.jpg-(62 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] HIGHSCHOOL OF THE (...).jpg)
    62 KB
    No1 with a bullet

    Fire your guns!
    >> Are You Insanity !!p5KWvfIiZ92 08/25/10(Wed)20:39 No.39598241
         File1282783198.png-(877 KB, 950x800, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.png)
    877 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598248
         File1282783215.jpg-(23 KB, 168x209, laughingsharkman.jpg)
    23 KB
    >he doesn't know what stickies are for
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598249
    Just flow people

    I promise well be mostly all up here for the next 4 weeks, go back to your doings
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598250
         File1282783218.jpg-(28 KB, 418x396, 1272840726786.jpg)
    28 KB
    >suck it naruto and bleachfags
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598251
         File1282783222.jpg-(153 KB, 750x675, 1281388313670.jpg)
    153 KB
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598256
         File1282783224.jpg-(310 KB, 575x800, 1254179330082.jpg)
    310 KB
    Learning Haki brb
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598260
         File1282783232.jpg-(925 KB, 2363x1400, 595.jpg)
    925 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598261
    Seconding background music

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598265
         File1282783237.jpg-(476 KB, 1600x1200, [AnimePaper]wallpapers_One-Pie(...).jpg)
    476 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598266
    bleach and berserk are better
    i have never read one piece
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598267
    Might as well sticky a GARutu thread
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598268
         File1282783240.jpg-(69 KB, 799x599, 011.jpg)
    69 KB
    You're relatively new to 4chan if you don't like One Piece or use the term Big 3.
    You have a pathetic power level and should just die.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598269
         File1282783241.png-(279 KB, 385x383, 1282638026316.png)
    279 KB
    >OP haters face
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598272
         File1282783243.jpg-(215 KB, 588x608, 1281569249620.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598273
    opfags really think someone cares about their shit?
    this was made for you kids to stop the BAWWWWW threads, finally 4 weeks of GLORIOUS /a/.
    >> Gol D. Roger 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598276
         File1282783254.png-(758 KB, 534x540, Young_roger.png)
    758 KB
    Hello pirates. Look at your crew, now back to mine, now back at your crew, now back to mine. Sadly, they aren't mine, but if you stopped using Shank's scented swordsmanship skills and decide to train alongside with him as a man, they could be an apprentice like they're mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're on the day of my Execution, with Marines and Admirals that could witness such an event. What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it; it's a sword with two piercing blades on each end. Look again, the two Marines are holding them! Anything is possible when it comes to finding the Treasure, all that I left it in One Piece....

    in the Grand Line
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598278
         File1282783257.jpg-(22 KB, 358x257, 1258762864679.jpg)
    22 KB
    No, moot doesn't watch anime or read manga anymore and for sure he wouldn't watch one piece
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:40 No.39598279
    One Piece is superior to your moe crap. Simple fact.
    >> I don't read One Piece buit I would like to. 08/25/10(Wed)20:41 No.39598282
    How long have they been traveling for?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:41 No.39598284
    Fuck yes, One Piece related sticky.

    Mods are awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:41 No.39598287
    Did /a/ have a sticky when Naruto got a one month hiatus due to 3 years time skip back then?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:41 No.39598295
         File1282783285.gif-(2.77 MB, 320x240, WHAAAAAAT?.gif)
    2.77 MB
    >my face when WanPiss fags are missing the point
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:41 No.39598296
         File1282783285.jpg-(188 KB, 486x800, 1273214280192.jpg)
    188 KB
    Typical One Piece fan here
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:41 No.39598298
         File1282783290.gif-(1.49 MB, 271x201, 1282485810374.gif)
    1.49 MB
    >>According to Japanese law, the term "shonen" refers to "a person from the time they enter elementary school until the time they are 15 years of age" [1], and "Any person who has not reached the age of 15 years"
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:41 No.39598299
         File1282783291.jpg-(53 KB, 640x480, 21.jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:41 No.39598313
         File1282783311.png-(382 KB, 936x885, 1282545556054.png)
    382 KB
    Posting Whitebeard
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:41 No.39598315
    About six months
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:42 No.39598319
         File1282783323.jpg-(140 KB, 535x475, 1280345609225.jpg)
    140 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:42 No.39598324
    Estimated to be only a few months.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:42 No.39598325
    It doesn't matter what stickies are for.
    The fact that OP fans are using it as some sort of glorification means that they'll forever start "ZOMG FUK OFF, OP IS /a/!!" whenever someone calls them out for repeatedly spamming the front page every time a damn chapter comes out for their manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:42 No.39598328
    Oh wow, people like these are stupid. I don't even read One Piece, and I'm not immature enough to call it "Wan Piss". Man if you're going to insult something grow a something above a 4th grade sense of humor.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:42 No.39598333
         File1282783357.jpg-(109 KB, 1280x720, 1278041535583.jpg)
    109 KB
    nice sticky but check out my doubles
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:42 No.39598347
    >Fuck it, these fags keep making the same fucking thread about this haitus, I'll fucking sticky it


    >Thank god, hopefuly the threads should stop.
    >> FinalMasterM !aDUgdVpoUk 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598350
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598352
         File1282783382.jpg-(378 KB, 1565x1150, Straw Hat Famiglia.jpg)
    378 KB
    Postan in a One Piece sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598361
    Fucking cancerous faggots
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598363
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598364
         File1282783399.jpg-(480 KB, 1953x1395, ColorWalk3_062-063.jpg)
    480 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598365
         File1282783409.png-(74 KB, 621x1073, 1276386542262.png)
    74 KB
    FYI, this is you.
    One Piece fans are a cut above all other shonen-shit fans. But of course I'm wasting my time pointing this out.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598367
         File1282783409.jpg-(103 KB, 1280x720, krs52.jpg)
    103 KB
    and so it begins
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598372
         File1282783420.jpg-(49 KB, 393x318, 1282696936711.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598373
         File1282783424.jpg-(470 KB, 1024x683, 1251176984303.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598375
         File1282783429.png-(296 KB, 507x567, 1273694634131.png)
    296 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:43 No.39598380
    File deleted.
    All the butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:44 No.39598381
         File1282783444.jpg-(322 KB, 900x900, 7533968.jpg)
    322 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:44 No.39598383
         File1282783447.jpg-(35 KB, 477x440, 1276907622174.jpg)
    35 KB
    Saging in a stickey.

    Someone has to do it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:44 No.39598384
         File1282783448.jpg-(34 KB, 608x404, 1281399010316.jpg)
    34 KB
    Does this mean while this sticky is up people can be banned for posting wan piss hiatus threads?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:44 No.39598386
    Mods = sods
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:44 No.39598404
         File1282783473.jpg-(376 KB, 988x1403, ColorWalk3_047.jpg)
    376 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:44 No.39598409
    Yeah that's why 4chan has about 4 one piece banners and, hmm, no Bleach ones at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:44 No.39598413

    >One Piece is superior to your moe crap
    >>OP haters face
    >You're relatively new to 4chan if you don't like One Piece
    >suck it naruto and bleachfags
    >Posting in a One Piece sticky
    >posting in a One Piece sticky!
    suck it bleach and naruto fags
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:44 No.39598419
    >> Are You Insanity !!p5KWvfIiZ92 08/25/10(Wed)20:44 No.39598420
    >implying threads aren't made whenever a new chapter of any manga comes out
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:45 No.39598429

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:45 No.39598434
         File1282783511.jpg-(263 KB, 1000x928, 1277313512235.jpg)
    263 KB
    posting gender bend straw hats in a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:45 No.39598437
         File1282783515.jpg-(20 KB, 426x304, 1282590835845.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:45 No.39598439
    Now if this could just keep all us OPfags in here this sticky would mean something

    which means in the end this means nothing

    not that any other sticky ever has
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:45 No.39598451
         File1282783542.png-(60 KB, 1354x233, History.png)
    60 KB
    Here's some important reading material before this thread gets out of hand.
    >> I don't read One Piece buit I would like to. 08/25/10(Wed)20:45 No.39598452

    Really???? And it's fucking 500 chapters long? Isn't he at least half done already?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:45 No.39598454
         File1282783544.png-(55 KB, 693x542, 1888756232341.png)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:45 No.39598459
         File1282783558.jpg-(281 KB, 1403x988, ColorWalk3_109.jpg)
    281 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:46 No.39598461
    Translators Note - Kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:46 No.39598465
    Funny how "reading" Bleach chapters rarely takes more than a minute while with One Piece you can easily approach ten.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:46 No.39598466
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:46 No.39598468
    Moot just chose those fucking things at random, I was around at the banner competitions.

    There's also Naruto banners, derp.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:46 No.39598473
         File1282783574.png-(6 KB, 363x362, 1280929342931.png)
    6 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:46 No.39598480
         File1282783583.jpg-(271 KB, 350x966, 1269471822639.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:46 No.39598485
    Now rename and all is well.

    >/a/ - 4 Week Break
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:46 No.39598487
    No, I don't give a damn about One Piece, or any big three. It's just childish to enable people who can't refresh the front page by spoonfeeding them like this.

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:46 No.39598488
    Hello mod, are you still there? I have a favor to ask of you.

    Could you please explain the reason why you stickied this? In a reasonable manner?

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:46 No.39598490
    Proof that you haven't been here long enough to notice them.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598497
    Good, I was getting bored with that K-ON sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598501
    I think you mean banner, and it's the only good character in the show.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598504


    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598507
    Good job mods, thanks for containing it all in one thread
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598508
    Well this thread is about as intelligent as a motivational poster.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598509
         File1282783651.jpg-(71 KB, 600x439, 1281502374768.jpg)
    71 KB
    A time skip you say. Maybe I should catch up, the last One Piece chapter I read was chapter 1.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598511
    This. There is no Big 3. In Japan, One Piece is the Big 1.
    In Amurka, Naruto and Breach are the Small 2.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598515
         File1282783670.jpg-(98 KB, 699x573, 1274770995084.jpg)
    98 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598516
    Mod, change /a/s name to THE GRAND LINE

    Oh god, and the ocean will be made of salty tears.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598517
         File1282783675.jpg-(500 KB, 1952x1399, ColorWalk3_094-095.jpg)
    500 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:47 No.39598520
    One Piece sticky?

    As a relic from old /a/, I thank you mods.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:48 No.39598522
    Fuck you mods.

    Check 'em
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:48 No.39598523
    >Stop trying to report a sticky.
    This is why we can't have nice things.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:48 No.39598534
         File1282783704.jpg-(21 KB, 175x325, break.jpg)
    21 KB
    See you in a month One Piece!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:48 No.39598540
         File1282783718.jpg-(51 KB, 640x480, watz.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:48 No.39598544
         File1282783728.gif-(1.58 MB, 435x185, 1282590634635.gif)
    1.58 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:48 No.39598545
    This is what wpkids actually believe
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:48 No.39598546
    Users made those banners, not moot or 4chan, meaning if i sent a naruto banner years back it might have been accepted.
    Well i guess i haven't been here for all that long (around 3 years), but i don't plan to read one piece for the time being because it isn't ending in another 10 years minimum, for the same reason i don't read berserk anymore or other endless manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:48 No.39598547
         File1282783733.jpg-(616 KB, 2444x1742, [EnA] One Piece - ColorWalk 1 (...).jpg)
    616 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:48 No.39598550
         File1282783738.gif-(72 KB, 200x113, 1272307588270.gif)
    72 KB
    >my face when usopp returns RIPPED AS FUCK and kicks both zoro and sanjis asses
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:49 No.39598553

    So much maturity in one thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:49 No.39598554
    Set sail for..?
    >> Are You Insanity !!p5KWvfIiZ92 08/25/10(Wed)20:49 No.39598565
    History invalid
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:49 No.39598570
         File1282783774.jpg-(8 KB, 151x132, 1282594702566.jpg)
    8 KB
    >One Piece sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:49 No.39598573
    People bitching about this kind of Sticky are the kind of people who bitched about /a/ - CODE GEASS

    They're people who want this board to just be about cute girls doing cute thing rather than Japanese animation and comics.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:49 No.39598578
    Well it is true that in Japan, One Piece is far and away the most popular. It really is the new Dragon Ball, at least in terms of popularity.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:49 No.39598579
         File1282783784.jpg-(48 KB, 300x250, 1281458741153.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:49 No.39598582
    This is about as dumb as the last sticky with the phoenix wright music/moot lol anime is cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:49 No.39598585
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:49 No.39598588
         File1282783796.jpg-(666 KB, 654x740, crocaloid.jpg)
    666 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:50 No.39598592
         File1282783802.jpg-(682 KB, 2427x1740, [EnA] One Piece - ColorWalk 1 (...).jpg)
    682 KB
    >> Uncovered !Esper6.L46!!EQsADRxL4Z3 08/25/10(Wed)20:50 No.39598597
         File1282783811.jpg-(43 KB, 640x360, Uncovered1.jpg)
    43 KB
    When it comes to One Piece, I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

    But if this sticky is here to stop the endless stream of "Where's my next One Piece chapter?!?!?!", then I support the idea. Unfortunately, that's probably not what's going to happen.
    >> Popo !59.2//u/7M 08/25/10(Wed)20:50 No.39598599
    Yes let's give sticky threads for all those who spam their shows or manga. That way we won't have to manually moderate them, and they'll stop spamming. They surely won't use it for circlejerking. Surely.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:50 No.39598602
    One Piece sticky...
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:50 No.39598604
    Now, compare those run of the mill posts with the hater posts.
    Why am I bothering though. You people are mindless drones.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:50 No.39598607
    It's nice to get it all in one thread, but stickies automatically attract trolls, so I don't know how well this is going to go.

    Really enjoyed the chapter, looking forward to the time skip and the continuation of the story. I trust Oda enough to believe that he'll do well.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:50 No.39598611
         File1282783843.jpg-(28 KB, 396x396, 1282603395758.jpg)
    28 KB
    >Sweet, a one piece sticky!
    >Open thread

    Sometimes I try to think OP fans are better than other big 3/moeshit fans. Then I have to be reminded we're all humans.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:50 No.39598618
         File1282783854.jpg-(634 KB, 2426x1740, [EnA] One Piece - ColorWalk 2 (...).jpg)
    634 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:50 No.39598620
    No, they're people who want this board to just be about Anime&Manga, rather than some mod's plaything.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:51 No.39598633
         File1282783876.png-(378 KB, 640x360, 1269225557232.png)
    378 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:51 No.39598636
    One piece is irrelevant garbage. Sage to hell.
    >> Zoro FTW !!cuppzCsFGMD 08/25/10(Wed)20:51 No.39598647

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:51 No.39598651
    >one piece thread replaces satoshi kon
    the Mods = Trolls
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:51 No.39598655
    Expecting the future to be full of "One Piece used to be so much better before" "Oda sucks" and etc
    >> I don't read One Piece buit I would like to. 08/25/10(Wed)20:51 No.39598657
    If you email Moot he'll most likely do it. It's how "aka chinese cartoons and comics" and "upside down /a/" was created. I was there. Fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:51 No.39598660
         File1282783918.jpg-(658 KB, 2443x1707, [EnA] One Piece - ColorWalk 2 (...).jpg)
    658 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:52 No.39598662
         File1282783924.jpg-(35 KB, 640x480, 1273531006287.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> FinalMasterM !aDUgdVpoUk 08/25/10(Wed)20:52 No.39598663
    ITT: One Piece, fuck yeah

    AITT: Haters gonna hate
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:52 No.39598664
    >saging a stick

    not sure if troll
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:52 No.39598665
         File1282783927.png-(469 KB, 470x470, 20100226203434!Emporio_Ivankov(...).png)
    469 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:52 No.39598667
    >Stop trying to report a sticky
    >Stop trying to report a sticky
    >Stop trying to report a sticky

    This is why /a/ is shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:52 No.39598669
         File1282783934.jpg-(216 KB, 750x1150, 1269848465714.jpg)
    216 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:52 No.39598679
    Because it obviously isn't the Naruto/Bleach fans amirite?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:52 No.39598681
         File1282783959.jpg-(674 KB, 2449x1726, [EnA] One Piece - ColorWalk 1 (...).jpg)
    674 KB
    >> Kouta !!Jh8GyiPDhi8 08/25/10(Wed)20:52 No.39598682
    sticky tiem?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:52 No.39598687
    Now is the point where I wonder what to do with my life for the next month.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:53 No.39598690
         File1282783988.jpg-(41 KB, 126x107, 1275443697381.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:53 No.39598691
    >Saging in a sticky

    You're a fucking idiot newfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:53 No.39598694
    The fuck does this mean?

    Also, >>39598651
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:53 No.39598704
         File1282784013.jpg-(562 KB, 2374x1771, [EnA] One Piece - ColorWalk 2 (...).jpg)
    562 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:53 No.39598706
         File1282784016.png-(30 KB, 239x237, 1267407948573.png)
    30 KB
    For all the folks that say they aren't butthurt about the sticky. Why are you complaining about it?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:53 No.39598717
    All the rage and butthurt will die out before too long.

    Then we will be left with, hopefully, the longest running and most awesome OP thread ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:54 No.39598720
         File1282784042.jpg-(1.04 MB, 1984x1174, 1269267960041.jpg)
    1.04 MB
    YES....YES... One piece sticky!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:54 No.39598725
         File1282784049.jpg-(666 KB, 904x1702, 1270021040316.jpg)
    666 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:54 No.39598729
    >That guy didn't sage
    >Doesn't realize that people sage anyway in stickies
    Retard detected.
    >> Zoro FTW !!cuppzCsFGMD 08/25/10(Wed)20:54 No.39598730
    >> FinalMasterM !aDUgdVpoUk 08/25/10(Wed)20:54 No.39598733
    Also in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:54 No.39598734
         File1282784067.jpg-(479 KB, 2441x1759, [EnA] One Piece - ColorWalk 2 (...).jpg)
    479 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:54 No.39598736
    This is now a doubles thread

    Check 'em
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:54 No.39598739
         File1282784072.png-(48 KB, 458x157, Screen shot 2010-08-25 at 8.53(...).png)
    48 KB
    This thread is now about actually good manga that are on hiatus, not shitty punches on a boat manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:54 No.39598740
    Big 3 sticky? Cool, now I can make Naruto threads
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:54 No.39598744
    I do it because i can.
    sage doesn't do anything nowadays, so it's the same shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:55 No.39598756
    Are you a newfag who just came from some anime forum full of rules?
    Because that's what it sounds.

    No mod, not even moot, cares about your point of view. They're supposed to be here to kick out non work safe shit. Mods can make a sticky if they want BECAUSE THEY'RE MODS.
    Everything you stand for is wrong. WRONG.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:55 No.39598757
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:55 No.39598763
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:55 No.39598765
    /a/ is officially shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:55 No.39598780
    Get out of here, newfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:56 No.39598791
    /a/ is officially awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:56 No.39598792
         File1282784167.jpg-(498 KB, 2501x1746, [EnA] One Piece - ColorWalk 1 (...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:56 No.39598802

    Because ass-pain.

    Also, goddamn this is going to be a long four weeks.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:56 No.39598806
    >saging a sticky
    >likes Naruto
    Just end yourself already.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:56 No.39598811
         File1282784191.jpg-(12 KB, 150x109, ad39f4528b5413afc68cc2c2ff8613(...).jpg)
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    Hmm this is surprising.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:56 No.39598812
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:56 No.39598814

    More delicious tears please. I'm loving this.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:56 No.39598819
         File1282784212.jpg-(607 KB, 1958x1399, ColorWalk3_044-045.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:57 No.39598822
    People, just flow
    People, just flow
    People, just flow
    People, just flow
    People, just flow
    People, just flow
    People, just flow
    People, just flow

    you flowing yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:57 No.39598825
         File1282784224.jpg-(54 KB, 540x334, ONE PIECE.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:57 No.39598831
    OP sticky !!!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:57 No.39598834
    You are new, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:57 No.39598840
    >4 week break

    So Oda trying to be like Miura now?
    Too bad he got wife and can't play Idolm@ster.
    >> Rbo !ynVR.xq/s2 08/25/10(Wed)20:57 No.39598842
    Saging a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:57 No.39598844
    Being someone who follows Bleach, Naruto and One Piece (as well as many others from various genres) I welcome this thread. I'd ask you al lto behave and celebraty politely but as you can see... that does not work with /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:57 No.39598847

    Naruto > Touhou > Bleach > Wan Piss
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:57 No.39598848

    best last pic ever
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:58 No.39598873
    Stop saging you retarded fucks.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:58 No.39598877
    One Piece is an alright manga, I'm just glad that you guys can stop creating the "ONEPIECE HIATUS OMG" threads.

    Also, Dear mod, I would invest in a K-ON sticky to stop the flood of "K-ON ENDED ;_;" and "FUCK YES K-ON ENDED" threads.

    It will make /a/ a better place for EVERYONE
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:58 No.39598892
    Haki - the power to feel, block and intimidate. I'm actually quite interested how this can be combined with!
    I was kind of worried this would actually be the "new devil-fruit thing"
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:59 No.39598900
    >They're supposed to be here to kick out non work safe shit
    /a/ has NSFW shit every day.
    I don't give a shit about the rules being enforced to the letter, but instead of making a sticky, mods should hang around /a/ and delete/lock threads that are spammed. We don't need five threads about one piece any more than we need a sticky for one manga because it's on hiatus.

    If anything, One Piecefans will just use this sticky to try and 'prove' they belong here if anyone ever says One Piece is shit (in the way of, "wel fuk u faggot, one piece had a sticky, did your manga ever get one?")

    Also, I find it humorous that, with the exception of one, every single time "newfag" has been used in this thread was by a OnePiece fan calling someone else a newfag.
    >> Popo !59.2//u/7M 08/25/10(Wed)20:59 No.39598912
    There are several Bleach threads on the front page. I guess they need a sticky too.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)20:59 No.39598914

    Sage does nothing, retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:00 No.39598942
    >Implying he won't be jackhammering her for four weeks straight
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:00 No.39598946

    Sage does nothing, retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:00 No.39598954
    >big 3

    Because I wasn't already having a shitty day. Thanks mods.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:00 No.39598955
    Patience, it will be worth it in the long run
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:00 No.39598961
    >> Gol D. Roger 08/25/10(Wed)21:01 No.39598975
    now how the hell did my badass quote go unnoticed? Hersey! Oh right, it's my execution.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:02 No.39599024
    Is this going to be a 4 weeks sticky?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:02 No.39599030
    No one cares, really.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:02 No.39599031
    The previous sticky was dropped for this? wtf
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:03 No.39599040
    /a/ hates change.
    /a/ hates things to stay the same.
    /a/ loves cute girls.
    /a/ hates moe.
    /a/ loves to complain.
    /a/ hates to give helpful advice.

    If /a/ was a person, it would be a fat lazy blob that wheels itself around on a wagon, calling everyone fat lazy blobs.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:03 No.39599049

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:04 No.39599074
    just call /a/ tsundere for just about everything....
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:04 No.39599078
    /a/ would have internal discussions with himself
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:04 No.39599085
    this could be something i wouldnt mind stickied
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:05 No.39599106

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:06 No.39599123
    We'll need a new sticky in four weeks for the timeskip designs. That or the board will be flooded with Nami's tits.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:06 No.39599128
    well at least we have some actual training, not like Ichigo with his own version of the hyperbolic time chamber.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:06 No.39599131
    Mad as hell.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:07 No.39599142
    See, at first the picture didn't load and I was all happy thinking this was a satoshi kon sticky.

    Mods, I am disappoint.

    Did we ever even get our Hirasawa funeral music?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:07 No.39599148
    So... how did you guys survive one month break before Naruto timeskip?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:07 No.39599162

    "My face" posts are cancerous and unoriginal. I hope you get a ban, summerfriend.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:07 No.39599166
    One Piece art > Berserk art

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:07 No.39599170
    wasn't there a Kakashi side story
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:08 No.39599177

    Nobody here read Naruto after the Zabuza Arc.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:08 No.39599181
    Haki garbage officially introduced. One Piece ruined in one chapter. Thanks, Oda.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:08 No.39599201
    >Haki training
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:09 No.39599210

    It's not even a fucking power, it just gives a name to three things that were seen in the series before Water 7.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:09 No.39599213
    >Implying that I hadn't dropped it by then
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:09 No.39599219
    >This thread
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:09 No.39599222
    Just here to post in the sticky

    Even though I am a One Piece fan, it does feel kind of dirty that it's like a replacement for the Satoshi Kon sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:09 No.39599228

    >You never get to read the end of NANA.

    Feels bad man.
    >> Goodbye everyone Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:09 No.39599231
    Really kinda ironic.

    My life , as an almost 24year old leech will also end very soon.
    One Piece has accompanied me through the good and bad times.

    But i think that this is as far as it goes.

    I just want to say my thanks to Oda for creating such a great series, which really filled my empty soul with a glimpse of dream and hope.




    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:09 No.39599234
    Bleach fags - don't give a shit. They troll the series on their own. They would be tolerable if they didn't try to use Kubo memes in other threads.

    Naruto fags - respond by making more topics

    One Piece fags - are trolls themselves. They troll the shit out of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:10 No.39599272
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:11 No.39599284

    you posted this in the other OP thread, stop trying to speak trollanese, you're terrible at it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:11 No.39599293
    >One Piece fags - are trolls themselves. They troll the shit out of /a/.
    this is what OPfags really believe.

    I like One Piece myself, but hardcore One Piece faggots are whiny little manchildren that don't take any criticism. Oda can do no wrong in their eyes.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:11 No.39599300
    I remember how you posted that already.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:12 No.39599321
    Dude....One piece didn't ended
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:12 No.39599322
    He reposted it because this is the only One Piece thread getting replies. I'm considering reposting one of my comments here. Also, you're a complete faggot, because he's right. Stop being butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:12 No.39599338
    >Bleach fags - don't give a shit. They troll the series on their own. They would be tolerable if they didn't try to use Kubo memes in other threads.

    This is what Bleachfags really believe.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:12 No.39599339
    I have a feeling that the WG is using Bonney's power to un-age marines willing to be un-age. The only ounce of proof I have is when Akainu is introduce and WB makes the really weird reference to a lighting candles on a birthday cake.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:12 No.39599344
    samefag loser
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:13 No.39599353
    I like Naruto. I'm not part of the retarded fanbase that people here generalize. I also enjoy Berserk, K-ON!!, Hayate no Gotoku, One Piece and Mitsudomoe.

    Can we get a Naruto sticky sometimes, mod?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:13 No.39599362
    sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:13 No.39599364

    Hey, wait, you got cancer?

    If not, don't commit suicide, dumbass, that just makes it worse for other people.

    Also consider the true sorrow of the eternal void before you do it. It should make you realize why suicide is a dumb option.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:13 No.39599366
    People who complain about Haki are hilarious.

    Did they complain about Luffy's gears too?
    >> Kouta !!Jh8GyiPDhi8 08/25/10(Wed)21:13 No.39599371
    all that's left would be mods putting in the 10th opening song of one piece.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:13 No.39599372

    nice samefag
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:13 No.39599375

    We all know that. The problem is that all the criticism we get is "lol wan piss", "set sail for fail" or attacks to the fanbase in general.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:14 No.39599382
    That's great, but you're still
    Just like>>39597905
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:14 No.39599393
    4 weeks only? Oda has nothing on Miura. Better luck next time.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:14 No.39599399
    >stop trying to report a sticky
    OK, mass reporting second post with the /g/ botnet. Cirno does not approve.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:15 No.39599410
    If you're sick or something, send him a letter bro. He won't be hearing you from here.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:15 No.39599429
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:15 No.39599430
    If you didnt already know exactly what haki was about you must have hard times going through english and reading comprehension classes.

    Weve even know the word "haki" and all its effect for over a year now.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:15 No.39599435
    Look, there's nothing wrong with liking One Piece, any more than there's something wrong with liking any other manga.

    It's that the fanbase is being 'rewarded', as it were, with a sticky for being too stupid to refresh the page when a new chapter comes out, thus spamming the entire front page of /a/ with threads about the same chapter, usually using the same page, even.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:15 No.39599437
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:16 No.39599451
    MOD approves the awesomeness of One Piece. 4 weeks faggots, PREPARE YOUR BODIES.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:16 No.39599464

    Don't be stupid anon... don't say things like that. You are perfectly fine and healthy. You have to see the straw hats after the timeskip! Stay here, you are not going anywhere. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:17 No.39599478
    Request approved.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:17 No.39599486
    If to love ru can get a sticky, so can one piece.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:17 No.39599489
    >Hardcore fans are faggots that are also whiny little manchildren that don't take any criticism. The author/artist/writer of their favorite series can do no wrong in their eyes.

    Fix'd that for you.

    Welcome to any fanbase ever. Hardcore fans will be pure assholes by default, this applies to every series out there.

    The actual decent fans are usually the minority and rarely every discuss whatever the fuck they enjoy as not to be associated with the fucktards.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:17 No.39599501
    Should Bleach get one too, since they're spamming the front page now?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:18 No.39599508
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:18 No.39599513
    Why is it that every time we have a sticky people tend to spam reaction images until the image limit is hit and generally act like ADHD ridden idiots.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:18 No.39599522
    and nothing was lost
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:18 No.39599527
    Did you miss K-ON sticky? There have been worse stickies, this is one of the better ones really.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:18 No.39599531
    That'll pass, this this is going to go on for 4 fucking weeks and you know it
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:18 No.39599533
    But it's the end of the first half.
    Imagine if you were following Dragon Ball and the fight against Piccolo and that weeks chapter was when Goku went with Chichi to train for a few years, just before Dragon Ball Z.
    It's an important chapter, it's an end of sorts. Who knows if the second half will even be good.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:18 No.39599534
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:19 No.39599543

    No. Because Bleach threads are always spamming the front page regardless if there's a chapter out that week. If not Bleach a lolKubo faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:19 No.39599551
    The problem is the one piece fanbase is one of the biggest in /a/, so of course there are more retards. And the annoyance generated by these retards rises quadratically with their number. It's no wonder they're so hated.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:19 No.39599567
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:19 No.39599568
    I would like to say something:

    /a/, you always generalize, and it's painful to watch. Don't say "one Piece Fans", or "Bleach fans" or "Naruto fans" or "Whatever fans".

    Every single fanbase ever has its good and its bad people. There is NO exception. It's the bad side that's the vocal one and thus makes it seem as if the entire base is filled with turds and morons.

    Pointing out the obvious, I know
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:19 No.39599577

    Oh please, from the Big 3, OP fags are the only ones that stay in one thread. Last week there were 5 Bleach threads when the new chapter came out. Naruto... I don't even have to talk about that.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:20 No.39599592
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:21 No.39599611
    Why a sticky?
    >> Lelouch !Nhon8GmYMI 08/25/10(Wed)21:21 No.39599617
    Atleast it saves people from making multiple threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:21 No.39599629
    Yeah, they called it an "asspull".

    I was expecting some One Piece discussion in here.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:21 No.39599630
    The last chapter ends with half of it devoted to Zoro and half of it devoted to Luffy. Lol fuck Sanji.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:21 No.39599636
         File1282785704.jpg-(7 KB, 236x240, 67734.jpg)
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    fuck One Piece, where's my NARUTU!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:21 No.39599637
    >The problem is the one piece fanbase is one of the biggest in /a/

    Strike Witches is the biggest on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:22 No.39599648
    as a one piece fan myself, i can confirm that there are atleast 4 topics for every chapter spoiler, and another 4+ after the chapters drops, and many times the same image is used also
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:22 No.39599649
    > OP fags are the only ones that stay in one thread.
    hate to break it to you but...
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:22 No.39599659
         File1282785743.png-(2 KB, 416x416, 1282609133973.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:22 No.39599661
    Important chapter and the mod wants to keep it all in one thread? Though it's obviously not working because of all the bitching.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:22 No.39599681
    SW, OP, K-ON and maybe Bleach+Naruto combined.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:23 No.39599688
    >The problem is the one piece fanbase is one of the biggest in /a/, so of course there are more retards.

    One Piece isn't one of the biggest fanbases on /a/, but I can sure see a lot of retards like you around here.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:23 No.39599696
    Then ban the faggots for four weeks for spamming.

    Should Naruto have received a sticky when it went on break for a month?

    Look, I don't read One Piece, never picked it up, never intend to, but when that fat guy with the white beard died, there were more threads on /a/ about that, using the same exact page, it was enough to fill the front two pages.

    I don't care if it's K-On, One Piece, Code Geass, Bakemonogatari, Elfen Lied, or fucking Mushishi, if you have more than one (maybe two) threads active about the same exact content, one needs deletion. If you have 5, posters need to get banned.

    Also, before this sticky, there were 4 (by my count) One Piece threads about ZOMG 4WEEKS BREAK!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:23 No.39599711
         File1282785821.jpg-(154 KB, 600x527, Deal with it.jpg)
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    Meh, gonna be busy for the next month so I don't mind. Oda deserves his break.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:24 No.39599721
    Usually. These are special circumstances and therefore a sticky was needed.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:24 No.39599732
    Can't /a/ do it like /v/? With their ___ General thread where they use one image to detect already existing threads?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:24 No.39599739

    Maybe two years ago, but not now.

    It's Bleachfags that have the monopoly of /a/ now and post shit-threads non-stop without anyone bitching outside the Kubo bullshit.

    With the OPfags is always fags bitching about OPfags. when said fags are generally just stirring up another shitty "My shounen is better than your shounen" shit thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:24 No.39599740
    >Also, before this sticky, there were 4 (by my count) One Piece threads about ZOMG 4WEEKS BREAK!!!

    You're not counting the ones before the chapter was scanlated, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:24 No.39599750
    I agree, he should at least spend more time with his newborn daughter.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:25 No.39599753
    One Piece sold 20 million copies in 2010!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:25 No.39599754
    Lets just act like this is a One Piece thread. Dont reply to anyone that doesnt want to discuss the manga.

    So, what power ups do you guys think the crew will get?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:25 No.39599759
    because calling me a retard is sure to prove you right. Sure. Why not call me Justice too? Then you'll be even more right!

    Every one piece thread goes from 0 to 50 posts faster than most other series' thread. That's evidence enough of its abnormal size.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:25 No.39599760
    So a sticky should be made every time a chapter comes out?

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:25 No.39599773
    >my face when the sticky stays for the next 4 weeks
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:27 No.39599826
    >One Piece gets a sticky for a bullshit timeskip that'll probably turn it into One Piece Shippuden Z complete with the anime exclusive One Piece Shippuden GT.
    >Final chapter of Fullmetal Alchemist doesn't get a sticky.

    What the fuck /a/?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:27 No.39599844
    No. I'm saying OPfags usually keep it in one thread, this just happens to be a special circumstance.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:28 No.39599862
    This is to stop the spam of Onepiece threads.

    Which obviously isn't working.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:28 No.39599873
    So instead of 4-6 threads spammed, it's usually 3-5, you're saying?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:28 No.39599875
    >Watch me pull something out of my ass
    For your next trick, try reading the future.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:28 No.39599891

    Bullshit. Out of the big three, Naruto fags are the only ones to keep their thread numbers to a minimum. OP and Bleach have threads everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:29 No.39599917
    Last time I'll say it.
    It's not about ZOMG 4WEEK BREAK.
    The first half officially ended. When he gets back on schedule characters who existed for 11 years will now certainly be older and with a different design, and the series will (hopefully not) have a different take.
    It's an ending of sorts. Of an 11 year old series. It IS important, whether you like it or not.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:29 No.39599919

    Is this real? One Piece literally saved my life and I'm for sure not killing myself before it finishes so if it's suicide, please reconsider. If you're sick or something, I don't know what to say. This is something I've thought a lot about. All of those huge One Piece fans who will never get to see the end. I hope things can work out for you and remember life is worth living. One Piece exists.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:29 No.39599920

    >That anime got a sticky, why can't MY anime get one???
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:29 No.39599921
    That's because there's nothing to discuss about Naruto. We all agree it's shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:29 No.39599938
    I usually see 2-3 when the scans go down (not counting <5 post threads that has nothing but "THERE'S ALREADY A THREAD RETARD" sageposts), and average of one every day until the weekend.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:30 No.39599948
    >OP sticky
    >Other Op topics die

    mission accomplished?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:31 No.39599967

    Negima goes on breaks every 4 weeks, WHO GIVES A SHIT IF ONE PIECE IS TAKING ONE.

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:31 No.39599974
    well everybody should catch on eventually.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:31 No.39599980
    Mods are OPtards.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:31 No.39599982
    I read both one piece and berserk
    this doesn't bother me at all
    I can wait 4 weeks baby!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:31 No.39599988
    I hope Luffy powers up his haki for 5 mins every episode with orgasmic AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHs
    until he becomes haoskoku haki x2
    >> M. 08/25/10(Wed)21:32 No.39600003
    Looks like old man Kenobi is going to teach Luke the ways of the Force.

    The next chapter's gonna be awesome, no doubt about it... Too bad there's gonna be a loooooooooooong break.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:32 No.39600005
    >Negima goes on breaks every 4 weeks

    Yeah that's nothing special.

    It's also not about the break, it's that the first half of OP has now officially ended.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:32 No.39600029
    >11 years

    13 years, bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:33 No.39600043
    Shut up and discuss the manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:33 No.39600047
    useless sticky

    md geist was much funnier banning K-ON
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:33 No.39600053
    Zoro training with Mihawk means he's going to be definitively weaker than the man still
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:33 No.39600056
    Code geass is shit, deal with it
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:33 No.39600057
    Luffy is going to be so broken after this time skip.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:33 No.39600067
    No one gives a shit about Negima.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:34 No.39600076
    This 2 year skip better be worth the wait
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:34 No.39600100
    We arent going to discuss shit here, the kon death was shit posted in minutes by narutards, how you think this thread is going to be?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:34 No.39600101
    OMG! And I'm not one to say "omg". I know I'm not gay, but please Oda, marry me?

    My god, this thing was pure epic. One Piece is by far the best anime/manga ever. Zoro was awesome. The explanation of Haki was awesome, saying it's the same as mantra is awesome and the timeskip of 2 years is awesome.

    I was talking with my mate today, I said I was hoping for a timeskip "of about 2 years" =D

    Holy fuck yes!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:34 No.39600104
    In one month:
    One Piece: Haki Chronicles
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:34 No.39600105
    Posting in a One Piece sticky!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:35 No.39600111
    This shit is stickied, and the Satoshi Kon thread is gone.

    What the fuck is wrong with you people?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:35 No.39600117
    >in b4 the newest chapter after 4 weeks is a troll chapter with everyone genderbent or chibified, or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:35 No.39600124
    I doubt that. Haki doesn't mean his opponents get weaker, it just allows him to touch and wound Logia users so they're on a more even ground.

    Akainu for example, uses Haki too (like all Admirals) and could burn Luffy several new ones.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:35 No.39600125
    Of course. Mihawk is on Shanks's level.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:35 No.39600140
    Trying too hard, reversetrolling faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:36 No.39600183

    But Negima is a shitty mango that only shotacons care about. There's no way that shitty series would get a sticky.

    Hell, even Eyeshield 21 got a sticky when..


    Suck it, Negimafags.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:36 No.39600187
    sup justice
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:37 No.39600188
    One Piece gets a sticky, /a/ cheers.

    Good times.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:37 No.39600222
    Still my favorite sticky ever. Yes even better than Swimming Lessons.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:39 No.39600260

    I'd go as far to say 18 years, that's how long he's been working out the details of One Piece, at least.

    Fucker drew Wanted! when he was a 17 year old kid.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:39 No.39600290
    When was the WE WOOOOON sticky? Its the earliest thing I remember from 4chan
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:39 No.39600293
    I doubt that, maybe he was.
    But Shanks now, even with lost arm, has the slight upper hand atleast.

    We shouldn't forget that Shanks has King's Haki!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:40 No.39600310
    Boat rides will be skipped ahead.
    Usopp will be officially worthless, like Krillin.
    Zoro will be able to cut mountains, doesn't matter because any swordsman on NW can cut continents.
    Robin will be forgotten
    Nami will be useless
    Brook will be useless
    Chopper will be the senzu bean carrier
    Franky will make a plane and take the straw hats to the fight zone
    Doesn't matter in the long run because Luffy will be able to fly thanks to Haki, also will fire beams.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:40 No.39600311
    Are you, 14 or 15? Back to gaia, animesuki or whatever other forum you came from
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:40 No.39600331
    When did it say that Mihawk doesnt have it too?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:40 No.39600339

    Not a problem when the Satoshi Kon thread was unsticked for hours. It's not like they removed the sticky suddenly and added this one.

    Besides, that thread went from people paying their respect to trolls shit-posting non-stop. After well over 2k posts it was time it went down.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:41 No.39600344
    Woah, after years of degeneration and getting progressively worse, /a/ finally got a STICKY about a Big Three. The last time I remember this happening was in 2005 with Naruto, with that fighting theme playing on the background.

    That's a new milestone on how awful this place is getting. Is there any hope for us left?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:41 No.39600374
    That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying what the fuck is so special about OP taking a break. They take breaks like every 3 months anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:41 No.39600377
    >Kon thread unsticky
    >OP thread stickied

    Mods confirmed for underage.
    >> The Truth !!cTzWoAktXjw 08/25/10(Wed)21:42 No.39600392
    Still mourning the death of Satoshi. How dare you delete his passing thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:42 No.39600404
    Kon thread was a failure from the start; too many underage trolls and not enough mourning.

    Better to just blast it to oblivion.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:43 No.39600436
    Probably the new mods moot hired recently. Oh moot, you glorious retard, takes forever to hire mods, and when he finally does so, he chooses the worst possible ones.

    Good fucking going. Then again, what can we expect from moot, he barely cares anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:43 No.39600441
    >The people in the line for watching One Piece movie 10
    Why do Japanese One Piece fans all look normal?
    It's either a teenager, a family, or a couple.

    I thought popular series are only liked by typical Japanese otaku.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:43 No.39600454
    Yeah how dare the mods delete a thread with more than 2000 posts that became a "lol who cares if a silly chink dies" trollfest
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:43 No.39600455
    A friend just texted me saying that "that fucking dead guy" (Satoshi Kon) had something to do with the One Piece hiatus. That true?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:44 No.39600460
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:45 No.39600515

    reading comprehension, how does it work?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:45 No.39600521
    >I thought popular series are only liked by typical Japanese otaku.

    Typical Big3 reader, a total moron.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:46 No.39600536
    The OP demographic is pretty widely spready. Goes from kids, over teenagers, over adults to people over 40
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:46 No.39600551
    It's stickied so underage faggots don't flood the board with a million DID YOU HEAR NO ONE PIECE FOR FOUR WEEKS threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:46 No.39600555
    Everyone hating on one piece should get banned.
    Fucking newfags.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:47 No.39600579
    And this is better?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:48 No.39600611

    Also, captcha: fingred river
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:48 No.39600613
    Typical Japanese otaku doesn't watch or read One Piece. They only like kawaii moe uguu high school cute girl stuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:49 No.39600637
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:49 No.39600646
    One Piece is normalfag material in Japan, everybody and their grandma knows it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:49 No.39600651
    NOOOOOO Fuckin 4 weeks >.<
    i think i cant handle it >.<
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:50 No.39600666
    Why must you make a sticky to remind me of this, you cruel, cruel mods? ;__;
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:50 No.39600673

    > People are willing to stand to watch it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:50 No.39600679

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:50 No.39600683
    Stop trying to make One Piece fans look worse.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:51 No.39600694

    Was that in late 2007 when they beat the White Knights or after the Christmas Bowl game? I remember that fucking sticky from so long ago.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:51 No.39600705

    still got a lot of other manga to read, i'll be alright.

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:51 No.39600719
    This deserves a sticky. it's gonna be a hard 4 weeks...
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:52 No.39600720
    I believe it was after the Christmas Bowl game.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:52 No.39600726
    It helps so people dont make threads about the break again, beside that it isnt better.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:54 No.39600793
    Only because a bunch of little faggots thought it would be funny to laugh a guy who just died from cancer of all things.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:54 No.39600811
    So, where are Bleach and Naruto Stickys?
    See that reason is retarded
    Big3fags always are spamming threads
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:54 No.39600818
    >they think that /a/ has always hated One Piece
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:54 No.39600820
    >Oda: One Piece fans are still loyal to me even after taking a month off. The fans must be gods.
    >/a/: Wanpisstards are still loyal to Oda even after going on holiday with Miura. He must be a god.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:55 No.39600842
    On 4chan ALL stickies become spam and shitfests.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:55 No.39600844
    So much asspain around here
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:55 No.39600853
    Luffy is gonna be Ace's age after this. Shit is going to get extremely real. This was a pretty sweet chapter, I enjoyed more than anything since Sabo's flashback 10 chapters ago.

    Nice to finally have Haki explained after 600 chapters of foreshadowing.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:56 No.39600872
    Because Naruto and Bleach don't have a 4 weeks break.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:56 No.39600873
    I think we should have that pirate song from lazy town on permanent loop for the entire duration of this sticky (hopefully the full 4 weeks)
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:57 No.39600931

    That's not the reason faggot. Read the thread.
    There is a mini hiatus because the first part just ended. That's like Dragonball ending and DBZ starting.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:57 No.39600932
    Jesus fuck. Both the fans and the haters amaze me. Its a month hiatus, that's nothing. Why is everyone making such a big deal?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:57 No.39600952
    So why did Mods deleted Kon's Sticky?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:58 No.39600970
    I hope that this thread is full of trolls that arent actually mad about this.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:58 No.39600972
    We need summa this
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:58 No.39600978
    Posting in a One Piece sticky. What a glorious day for /a.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:59 No.39601000
    What? That was a K-ON sticky?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)21:59 No.39601005
    Because as someone said it turned into a 2000 posts shitfest.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:00 No.39601041
    Because nobody care about bleachruto
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:00 No.39601049
    Not K-On. Satoshi Kon. He's a talented anime director.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:01 No.39601051
    >mini hiatus
    So Berserk, NANA, HxH, etcetera should always have Stickys
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:03 No.39601099

    Okay, look, One Piece is not Berserk or HxH. It's never had a break like this before, not in 13 years-- it's not that big of a deal, but it's kind of surprising considering Oda's never done it before.

    I feel like the sticky is here because of the 2 year timeskip, moreso than the break. That's way more of a big deal.
    >> Reading One Piece (a comprehensive copypasta) 08/25/10(Wed)22:03 No.39601120
    Posting this here for good measure:
    If you're gonna read One Piece, do it thoroughly - the more you can read at once, at least during the shaky beginnings, the better. The first Don't let the bad scans and translations available for the first 236 chapters get to you. And the first 100 chapters which make the introductory arc of One Piece are admittedly slow. Get the entire manga from this one torrent, which has a good selection of translations. It also contains Null's HQ scanlations from volume 26 onwards – these are high resolution scans straight from the tankoubons, well-translated, and contain the SBSs by Oda. Alternatively, use #lurk or Null’s website to download them.
    Whenever you feel there's something odd or unnatural with any translation between volumes 6-20, check those god tier translations, by Stephen, since a lot of details and dialogues are left out in those bad scans. Watching the anime is optional, and even preferable, from the beginning to episode 130 (ch 215 - end of Arabasta arc) or 195 (ch 300 - ending of Skypeia arc), if you prefer. The advantages of the anime are good translations, great voice-acting and OST and good additional scenes, with very little filler episodes. After this however, avoid the anime due to issues of poor pacing and animation
    Use this to avoid fillers. The One Piece wikia is also a pretty good place to check for info, if you can avoid the spoilers on nearly every page.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:04 No.39601129
    Selective reading!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:04 No.39601130
    It's not the hiatus, jeez.

    It's the fact that half the story of One Piece is over. This is a major point in the series.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:05 No.39601157
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:05 No.39601181
    >Luffy is gonna be Ace's age after this

    Luffy with a beard and eyepatch. FUND IT

    But seriously, looking forward to the design changes, and moreover, to the growth of the crew as characters. Oda has never let his readers down, and won't start now.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:06 No.39601189
    Finally, a sticky worth a damn.
    This restores my faith in the mods for putting up a worthless sticky yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:06 No.39601200
    you mean multiple hiatuses, that's even worse

    I don't what's the deal with Togashi's illness and Miura spent most of the time playing Idolmaster games
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:07 No.39601239
    ITT: Wanpisstards don't read the image in OP post and delude themselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:07 No.39601240
    maximum trolling.jpg
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:08 No.39601252
    Eat a dick and die.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:08 No.39601259
    0/10 justice kun
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:08 No.39601263
    >This restores my faith in the mods for putting up a worthless sticky yesterday.

    Now now, stop trolling, how many One Piece fans have a Satoshi Kon movie in their top 10? Plenty, actually, since it's a pretty large fanbase on /a/, but I take it you've never been to a Top 10 or 3x3 thread here.

    Yesterday's sticky was a matter of respect to a great director, today's is a practical issue to contain the multiple threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:09 No.39601292
    Its true
    >hey everyone satoshis dead!
    2000 posts later

    Fucking stupid.
    At least with this, people will know whatsup before making a thread asking where One Piece is every week.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:09 No.39601298
    Oda ended this first half with a good sense of closure, and as I said in yesterday's spoiler thread, with a poignant final scene.

    I'm looking forward to this timeskip.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:10 No.39601316
    The reunion comes in 2 years?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:10 No.39601333
    Luffy at the end of the series:
    - Eye scar
    - Eyepatch
    - Tattoo
    - Beard
    - Gold Roger style Pirate King cloak/jacket

    And of course, able to hear the Voice of All Things, which we now know to be haki indeed.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:12 No.39601369
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:13 No.39601401
    why does everyone say that. Ace was 20. Luffy will be 19
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:14 No.39601431
    Haki explanation was the greatest thing of this chapter, even with the Mihawk/Zoro Rayleigh/Luffy temporary tutelages.

    After all is said and done, it confirms more or less what we already knew - it's more than simply a Logia bypasser, but without introducing powerlevels to One Piece.

    I'm sure we'll see our fair share of creative fights in the future. One Piece has been leaning more and more towards group fights in the last 100 chapters, a la Biscuit Hammer.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:16 No.39601464
    Anyone have that old creepy pasta about how Oda died years ago and a new chapter of One Piece is always delivered to the Jump building regardless?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:17 No.39601507
    You're overlooking what Oda stated back in december, when he gave many interviews for the release of Strong World.

    Let me elaborate: Oda said back then that the movie Strong World was Luffy's last adventure as a 17 year old. Now that the Marineford war ended and we know the crew didn't get together, it's safe to assume that Strong World happened between Thriller Bark (after recruiting Brook) and Sabaody Archipelago (before the crew was scattered around the world).

    Meaning, when they got to Sabaody, Luffy was already 18. Therefore, 2 years from now he'll be 20, not 19. Now we can finally tell this for sure.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:18 No.39601536
    i just read chapter 597 of OP.

    people still think that Haki is in any way, different than Nen?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:19 No.39601561
    >Filtered the word Wan Piss
    >Hidden Posts: 15
    So many butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:20 No.39601578
    >After all is said and done, it confirms more or less what we already knew - it's more than simply a Logia bypasser, but without introducing powerlevels to One Piece.

    Pretty much. And one more thing, unlike some people thought, Haki doesn't nullify a DF's ability - simply lets the users' real body be hit by a physical attack.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:21 No.39601614

    Now let's clarify once again why Haki, after being explained and developed, does not classify as powerlevel.

    It isn't for the simple fact that it can't be measured. Sure you measure someone's potential for a certain type of proficiency with a certain type of Haki, but as Rayleigh puts it, everyone in the world has the ability to use Haki, if given enough training. It’s concept is primarily tied to the inner will and ambition of the user, not a hidden energy/aura that you tap into.

    You will never hear someone say the words "WHAT A HUGE AMOUNT OF HAKI" because it wouldn't make any sense. However compare it to say, "HIS POWERLEVEL IS OFF THE CHARTS", “HIS NEN IS TERRIFYINGLY LARGE”, "SUCH A LARGE AMOUNT OF CHAKRA" or "WHAT A HUGE SPIRITUAL PRESSURE I FEEL". These are powerlevels. A characters strength is judged on the massiveness of whatever powersystem he/she happens to be using.

    Not that powerlevels are an inherently good or bad thing, by definition – it’s just a different concept from what we see in One Piece with Haki.

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:22 No.39601629
    so it attacks their astral body
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:24 No.39601674
    Oda said MARINEFORD was Luffy's last fight as a 17 year old. Luffy hasn't fought since then, so it's safe to say he's still 17, and this timeskip will make it so that he won't be 17 next time he gets into another adventure/battle. Training not counted.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:25 No.39601716
    Yeah they're pretty similar just that Nen was much more detailed
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:25 No.39601732
    >so it attacks their astral body

    No, not really. I can see you don't read One Piece, and haven't actually read the latest chapter, which explains why you don't understand. There are no "astral bodies" in One Piece - the Devil Fruits simply grant the user a body made of a specific substance, which may or may not be tangible.

    A punch imbued with Busoushoku Haki hits the DF user, in whatever state of matter he is, whichever substance may his body be.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:26 No.39601761
    What a shitty sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:26 No.39601772

    The first time I read this, "HIS NEN IS TERRIFYINGLY LARGE” wasn't part of the pasta.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:27 No.39601773
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:27 No.39601774
    > Oda said MARINEFORD was Luffy's last fight as a 17 year old.

    Nope, Strong World.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:27 No.39601779
    >Oda said that everyday is Luffy's birthday and Luffy's every birthday is the 17th one
    >Oda pulls this shit

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:27 No.39601791
    > creepy pasta
    > Oda died

    Someone please!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:27 No.39601792
    There's GOT to be more to Haki than just Mantra, reinforcing blows, and knocking people out...

    I wanna see it applied to each of the crews' abilities! I loved how Nen is applied according to each character in HxH. If Oda pulls it off like that, I will be supremely happy.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:28 No.39601801

    Depends on how much he learns. Like if he learns the "hearing" thing. Imagine Luffy bending to avoid attacks, or being able to change his punches on the fly mid air to where his opponent is going to be.

    Imagine Gear 2, only now Luffy knows where every enemy is, and how they are going to react.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:28 No.39601807
    >The first time I read this, "HIS NEN IS TERRIFYINGLY LARGE” wasn't part of the pasta.

    Ah yes, after that /a/non posted it for the first time, a discussion ensued on how people did comment that Gon's nen was pretty large when he used his Jan Ken Fist, and again when the Chimera ants were introduced.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:30 No.39601861
    you'll notice that Rayleigh said something along the lines of "the better you control your haki, the more possibilities you have" which is probably pointing towards creative haki use in the future.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:30 No.39601867
    Jojo's Stand and One Piece's Haki are the most interesting power system I've ever known so far.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:31 No.39601874
    Indeed, but One Piece already has the Devil Fruits. Some of the latest 1x1 and group fights in One Piece (and it's been a while since the last one) were some of the most creative ones to date. I'm sure Oda won't throw the DF concept out of the window.

    For starters, they stil have to be explained, by Vegapunk, when he's introduced to the story. Their abilities will suely continue to play a major role in the creativity of the fights, and even in the routine adventures.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:31 No.39601881
    Oda is Kubo, No More to say.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:31 No.39601882
    Posting in a one piece sticky.

    Good luck with your 'hiatus' Oda, remember to stay in bed all day, every day.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:32 No.39601894
    Oh god, it's like HxH all over again...
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:32 No.39601901
    >"the better you control your haki, the more possibilities you have"

    It's somewhat implied, after this chapter, that Zoro's Asura and especially Sanji's Diable Jambe are already a creative spin on the Haki concept. Kenbunshouku and Bosuoshoku, respectively.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:33 No.39601915
    Oda is doing this to simulate a timeskip in real life, what a fucking genius.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:33 No.39601942
    >You will never hear someone say the words "WHAT A HUGE AMOUNT OF HAKI"

    i Remember the old amazon bitch saying stuff about luffy's HUGE HAKI. i think it was in chapter 520 or something like that (the moment when Luffy bend his head to Hancock)
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:34 No.39601948
    >Oh god, it's like HxH all over again...

    Haki can't be powered up, used to change an object's properties, used to materialize objects, reinforce punches and objects or change their shape. See, this is what nen actually did. Moreover, Nen is an energy that materializes, and it's concentrated/powered up by the user.

    Haki is none of that - it's not even an energy that can be "powered up" - it ties itself to the ambition of the user, not to his internal energy. You trolls are trying to hard making it sound like nen.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:34 No.39601969
    This happened with Naruto, happened with Dragon Ball, why wouldn't it happen with One Piece either?
    Are all authors who do this geniouses?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:35 No.39601976

    Just like KyoAni gave us Endless Eight!
    Except that was fucking horrible. This is horrible, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:35 No.39601982
    mods = fags
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:35 No.39601983
    SW isn't even Canon. Sure, Shiki is canon, but there's no saying when it actually happened in the real storyline because it hasn't. I like speculation but that's a bit out there. Waiting til Oda confirms Luffy's current age himself.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:36 No.39602004
    >luffy's HUGE HAKI

    Not really. What she actually said was "this is the kind of Haki said to be possessed by 1 in a million - Haoushoku Haki!"

    Indeed, this is Luffy's rare Haki. What can it do? Knock out fodder simply by being emitted. Nothing more, nothing less. It's the purest expression of the ambition/drive of the user. It's a different kind, not quantity, see the difference?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:36 No.39602008
    While spending said time fucking his hot wife.
    Truly a genius.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:37 No.39602029
    I liked it better when Kishimoto did it first with his own timeskip.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:37 No.39602032

    So basically, Haki can't be "powered up".

    Non-powerlevel confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:37 No.39602041
    So people can't move after being exposed to Luffy's reiatsu?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:38 No.39602061
    >were some of the most creative ones to date.

    you have never read Jojo, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:38 No.39602065
    Oh, I meant that it is sort of similar, but I was referring more to the hiatus.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:38 No.39602074
    Kishi did that.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:38 No.39602079
    Fighters with Haki > Fighters without Haki

    If this is true, Haki is a powerlevel regardless of what you OPtards believe.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:39 No.39602085
    Luffys' childhood trauma should be updated
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:39 No.39602087
    It can't? But the old man was talking about "training" it and learning to controll all the colors then training the color of your soul more e.t.c.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:39 No.39602091
    Mind you, we don't even know what Haki REALLY is yet.

    I mean, it relates back to the voice of all things, sure, but what the hell is the voice of all things? Does it have something to do with the D, the Void Century or the Poneglyphs? Why could Roger read Poneglyphs only by hearing that voice?

    Fuck if I know. There's a lot of interesting stuff to be explained in OP's part 2.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:39 No.39602094
    >No music

    I'm disappointed.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:40 No.39602127
    Maybe Oda dies in this break time...
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:40 No.39602141
    I miss Hunter x Hunter ;~;
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:40 No.39602145

    OK? OK.


    Stop over analyzing a comic power.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:41 No.39602156
    It already states that everyone possesses haki, just some people can control it and others can't. A fighter with shitty training who doesn't know about haki will, of course, not be as strong as someone who does. It's not "powerlevels," it's just another ability, like the DFs.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:42 No.39602191
    Shitty show like this? Doesn't deserve any music.

    Saging a sticky thread because fuck you guys.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:42 No.39602192
    OMG just read this chapter ODA YOU ARE GOD

    I cannot WAIT for sept 29th
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:42 No.39602208
    Haki is just a technique, like gomu pistol or storm
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:42 No.39602217
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:43 No.39602243
    You know that Haki is just a half-assed plot element and will turn out to be overpowered and we'll get to the point that every fight will be won by it.

    Remember the people who were bitching about Luffy's gears? They and many more will bitch about it and they'll be right.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:45 No.39602292
    I hope you are right, but my guts tells me (and i have been reading mangas since 1995 and i read over 700 titles) that from now on, this "new world arc" will be just like the "chimera arc" in HxH.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:45 No.39602293
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:45 No.39602304
    Now that you mention it, he is a heavy smoker.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:45 No.39602307
    Yeah look how luffy won every fight with the gears, like with magellan... oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:45 No.39602313
    No, you see, trolls these days like to pretend they don't understand what's actually being posted.

    I clearly said that the latest battles in One Piece were some of the most creative ones in One Piece - I didn't make a single connection to One Piece and other series. You're pretending I said "THE BEST EVER LOL XD", when I actually said "some of the most creative battles", and even then I was restricted to One Piece.

    Having said that, Oars vs. the Strawhats is indeed one of the most creative battles in all the fighting genre.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:46 No.39602344
    >There's a lot of interesting stuff to be explained in OP's part 2.

    One Piece, and how it relates to the Void Century; Void Century, True History, Poneglyphs and Rio Poneglyph; Ancient Civilization, Ancient Weapons, 20 Kings and foundation of WG; Find out what is the Will of D and how it relates to everything else; What Haki and the Voice of All Things truly are; Get the crew back together; Cross to the New World; The remaining 2 Yonkou; Merman Island, Fisher Tiger and Sun Pirates; Blackbeard pirates vs Strawhats; New bounties; Origin of the DFs; Future of the Shichibukai; meet Shanks and give his hat back; Usopp meet Yasopp; Elbaf; Zoro fight Mihawk; All Blue; Brook meet Laboon; Nami’s World Map; Vegapunk, his true allegiance and his moon-related technology; Find out Kuma's past and his deal with the Government; Find out if Kuina is Tashigi; What will happen to the Marines as they fragment in good side (True Justice) vs. bad side (Absolute Justice); Gorosei at Mariejois; OPworld weird sea-dominated geography; See if Enel, CP9 ando other characters make a comeback; See what the revolutionaries will do; Doflamingo and his shady business with the Gorosei; Crocodile’s past; Have the SHs grow stronger, possibly Haki; Future of the Whitebeard Pirates; The mysterious thing we saw near Thriller Bark; Buggy’s newfound crew; See the supernovas grow and clash with the strawhats; Have all the allied characters come back for the final war
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:47 No.39602371
    >"chimera arc" in HxH.

    with this i mean, a good manga will turn into a powerlevel bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:48 No.39602378
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:48 No.39602404
    >One Piece

    You'll still have to pick one. We'll see what happens in the future, but doesn't look like Oda is introducing powerlevels anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:49 No.39602418
    RIP One Piece 1997 - 2010
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:49 No.39602419

    Okay, your point is?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:49 No.39602424
    Hey guise I'm ofended because the mod implyied I give a shit about a shit shounen (it doesn't even sell well).

    I'd like to say that shounen is for kids, and I've grown that taste up.

    Now I'm an adult, and I read/watch manga/anime for adults, ok?

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:50 No.39602435
    Will see
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:51 No.39602466
    >Oars vs. the Strawhats is indeed one of the most creative battles in all the fighting genre.

    again, you have never read jojo, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:51 No.39602470
    Enel is in the moon living the dream.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:51 No.39602480
    Haki's origin is irrelevant to the fact that they're a powerlevel.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:51 No.39602483

    For all we know they have been fighting opponents using it the entire time ,to try explain some of their abilities thus far, but also at the same time we need an explanation of why they didn't run into others using it long ago [kreig, croc and hell motherfucking buggy], or are we meant to take it as something that no one talks about or it's just another 'I thought everyone knew about this scenario (his father)'.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:51 No.39602484
    >read the new One Piece chapter
    >excellent as usual Oda
    >go lurk /a/
    >see this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:51 No.39602490
    Good job to people who called the 3D2Y thing I really did not think that would be it.

    Anyways excited about the post timeskip scene, really hoping we get to see some sort of meeting with the revolutionaries. I am guessing that we will not see the explanation for Kuma until Iva meets up with Dragon again, and I doubt that will happen until after the time skip. Right about now though I am more than ready to see some adventuring from our crew, it has been too long.

    Bring on the timeskip, it was about time for even more new elements to be introduced.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:53 No.39602528
    Well with Zoro we see the breath of all things which allows him to cut any substance whose breath he "hears."
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:53 No.39602530
    Yes, I have, in fact I have just reread SBR last week.

    Learn the difference between "one of' and "the best", before trying to troll One Piece. It will do good for your "arguments".

    One Piece had its fair share of creative fights, even more with the recent group fights. Problem?
    >> SteamRolan !!5Z4gB67KplP 08/25/10(Wed)22:53 No.39602547
    Cool shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:54 No.39602548
    >(it doesn't even sell well)
    >One Piece

    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:55 No.39602588
    I have faith in Oda, always had since he was always full of surprises.

    But this somewhat big timeskip must be handled carefully.

    He has to think of:

    - New outfits for the strawhats
    - What events took place in these 2 years and how to explain them in less than 10 pages
    - New techniques for the strawhats
    - Haki, I hope that he won't turn it out to be just another powerlevel bullshit

    Let us have faith in him although personaly I believe that he'll fuck up the outfit part, when we think of Luffy we think of a guy wearing short pants, sandals and a vest.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:55 No.39602592
    I really really really want Franky to remodel himself with Vegapunk's equipment. Not too strange, but something like... make his cyborg parts more obvious. Or something. I fully trust Oda to surprise me with a new design. The other Strawhats might not even get anything drastically changed about them, but seeing as Franky blew himself up a rebuilt is in order.

    In fact, I trust Oda will handle Haki and this timeskip very well. One Piece has been getting better and better, the last 100 chapters were the best the series have to offer and I don't see this changing anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:56 No.39602640
    >you really really really don't got the irony of the thing
    >you are crosstrolling

    pick one
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:56 No.39602647
    Everybody is acting like the hair on your nutsack becomes white in two years time.

    Chill the fuck out, in four weeks it'll be same good old fun from Oda.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:57 No.39602653
    I just got home from college and rushed to read the chapter (glad to see this thread here btw). This chapter was jam packed with good information.

    Haki. All of the theories, questions and uses of it have been completely answered. The Color of Armaments and the Color of Observations, and of course is the Color of the Conquerer. Not only will Luffy have to train these to where he can use them and figure out which one he's best at, but also strengthen his own body as well.

    As for Zoro, I must say I was very surprised to hear that he defeated all of the baboons; while still not being 100% healthy. His resolve to get stronger was also pretty nice. It struck Mihawk pretty well. Seeing him laugh so was also pretty interesting.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:57 No.39602656
    >Learn the difference between "one of' and "the best", before trying to troll One Piece. It will do good for your "arguments".

    The sad thing is that most Wanpissfags will hide behind semantics if their boasts are challenged like this.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:57 No.39602659
    I'm so happy the mods did a one piece sticky.. I give you this mods :3 the girl mod has good taste :3
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:57 No.39602661
    It's a talent, not a power, if that makes sense.

    Put it this way: You train to ride a bike. You have the ability to ride a bike, anybody does, if they are shown or figure it out through effort. Now, things like your strength and balance might change how well you can ride a bike, but they are not bike riding itself.

    Using Haki is like this. Being physically stronger means you can hit harder, sure. But actually using haki can be used by a a relative weakling (Coby), just like a little kid can ride a bike.

    Now, what luffy can do with Haki could be significant. But his haki itself isn't a "power" just a talent he could get very proficient at.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:58 No.39602677
    To be the pirate king, Luffy has to probably be on Yonkou level, perhaps even stronger. In other words, Strawhat pirates would have to be able to beat the Whitebeard pirates or Shanks's crew in a head-to-head fight.

    2 years of training is actually very little, when you take this small fact into account. Roger was around 50 years ago - he took at least 25 years until he became Pirate King.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:58 No.39602685

    >One Piece
    >Doesn't sell well

    You know it's the highest selling manga of all time, right? OF ALL TIME! In Japan that shit's even bigger than Harry Potter was in the western countries.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)22:58 No.39602686
    THANK YOU. I LIKE YOU PEOPLE. Can't we have more positivity in here?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:00 No.39602722
    This will be good.

    I mean, the thread and the timeskip. In the meanwhile, I'll be reading Aria (yes, I've seen the anime) and Vagabond. Nothing to worry about, it's only a month. One can always reread it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:00 No.39602739
    Thing is that Zoro asking Mihawk to train him was a half-assed plot planning, we are going to get a master-apprentice theme in their relationship.

    Also gay doujins of their "training".
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:02 No.39602790
    First serious talk of a timeskip came up last December when Oda started saying, in conjunction with the release of Strongworld, that it was "Luffy's Last Adventure as a 17 year old."

    The last bunch of chapters have all been leading towards that, 2 months of chapters before that were a flashback, and everything at the start of the year was wrapping the arc that was still running when Strongworld came out.

    It makes sense. Luffy was shown to be only mid/high tier in the last 3 arcs, and lost SEVERAL times to stronger opponents. As Luffy himself concluded, there's no way they would have made it in the New World like this.

    Hey, even the other Supernova are already getting their shit kicked in.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:03 No.39602823

    ITT: people alergic to irony
    ffs, the guy was talking about the atitute of HAHAHA FUCK THE STICKY, NONE LIKES ONEPIECE while implying it's ridiculous to say that people don't care about the bestestseller
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:04 No.39602852
    Pfff. It's less cliché than Zoro and Mihawk simply having a duel somewhere, someday.

    This will bring an entirely new and different dynamic to their relationship. Zoro will be aiming not for the head of some stranger he barely knows - it will be his former master.

    I was surprised when I read these spoilers, but in a happy way, becauseyeah, it makes sense. And hey, there's Shiryuu in the picture as well, which may or may not defeat Mihawk eventually. The guy is tough.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:05 No.39602857
    any streams up?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:05 No.39602871
    I actually like timeskips, people become older, cities change, plants grow.


    Robin will be30yearsold
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:05 No.39602880
    In this month we should re read all one piece and discuss it arc by arc
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:06 No.39602897
    Chopper and Usopp are the only ones I can see changing - Chopper because he's the youngest and Usopp because he actually does need to get stronger - but even then I can't see Oda changing their designs too much. Just hairstyles or other minor details. All their designs are so unique and beloved by fans that I can't help but feel the series would suffer if he suddenly redid them. We're going to have enough changes with the New World and their new abilities - I'd rather not feel like we have a whole new cast, but yeah, Oda's character designs constantly have me laughing. A mix of badass and hilarious, somehow.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:06 No.39602901
    how about no
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:06 No.39602903
    Can anyone who knows the ways of OP better than me explain something?

    Luffy seems to have a natural proficiency for the kind of Haki that knocks people out. Which is pretty cool however, how will that help him at all?

    It has already shown that even Usopp and Chopper can stand up to it from the Dark motherfucking King, so any enemy worth a damn to Luffy will be unaffected by it. I mean, it might be convenient to take out a bunch of weak people at once, but luffy doesn't really have a problem with that already.

    So why exactly would he spend 2 years working on it?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:08 No.39602940

    Civul discussion on /a/?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:08 No.39602949
    I remember the drink game one piece threads, those were fun.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:08 No.39602953
    if i read it right, that type is supposed to be untrainable
    luffy is going to be focusing on the OTHER types
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:08 No.39602962
    Because he can use it to do more damage to, and better protect himself from, logia types.

    Also it can work as a shield and shit and what not
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:09 No.39602974
    One thing that is still somewhat left in the air is WHY Rayleigh is going through so much just to help Luffy.

    By now he's absolutely convinced of Shanks' words to him, and he's seen it himself too - Luffy's resemblance to Roger. Not particularly in character, but in the traits of a D., the funloving nature and the sense of responsability towards the crew.

    Still, it's a pretty big stake, especially for an old man.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:09 No.39602987

    He will spend 2 years training all 3 colours of Haki, then he will consecrate on the one that suits him better.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:10 No.39603018

    Nevermind, read your post wrong
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:10 No.39603020
    Roger was probably like his best friend, he did say he never laughed or cried harder than the day he died.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:11 No.39603027

    Raleight controlled his Haki not to hit them. If the motherfucking Dark King wants you on the floor, foaming, that's what you will do.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:11 No.39603032
    >Luffy seems to have a natural proficiency for the kind of Haki that knocks people out. Which is pretty cool however, how will that help him at all?

    Knocking out weak-willed people can be pretty useful when you're raiding an enemy ship or surrounded by fodder. Besides, this haki isn't "trainable", but it's controllable.

    It sure isn't helpful against stronger enemies (from what we've seen so far at least - there might be more possibilities), but hey, it helps keeping the Haki concept in check. Devil Fruits will always be the main attraction of OP's fighting system.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:11 No.39603037
    Damn it, I forgot about the will of D. we got the timeskip before the meaming of the D.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:11 No.39603039
    He doesnt have anything else to do.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:11 No.39603052
    Given three types of haki usage, that pretty much confirms that it isn't DB power levels. If your Color of Armaments is Over 9000, you can still be defeated by someone with less, or even none at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:12 No.39603055
    can we stop complaining about the sticky and have a one piece discussion??
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:12 No.39603059
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:12 No.39603073
    >implying a sticky from MD Geist is not word from the True God.
    >implying MD Geist did not die for our sin
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:12 No.39603078
    Yeah, but what I mean is, by now Rayleigh is ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that Luffy is the man Roger was waiting for, if he's doing so much for him.

    Why? We'll find out someday.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:13 No.39603086
    I'd love to see Usopp learn Haki, and make his bullets explode.

    Given what he can do with dials, he probably doesn't need it, but it would be cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:13 No.39603094
    Big three sticky? What the fuck are you thinking, mods? Sage due to overwhelming faggotry
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:13 No.39603097

    I would like to add to this that not everyone can become a BMX pro biker.

    Who here thinks that Zoro will have all 3 Drives? he has shown Detect Drive and Armor Drive during Alabasta by predicting the rocks and cutting Daz ones respectively and I am under the belief that Asura is a form of Tyrant Drive because in the Databooks Oda explained it as the manifestation of Zoro's anger and demonic spirit.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:13 No.39603102

    There's a simple reason why.

    When he gets into the new world he will run into some piece of shit egotistical pirate captain (Think Bellamy.) He will then get in an argument with this piece of shit captain, who will then send his 50+ men at Luffy all at once. Luffy will then look up, and knock them all unconscious with his sheer manliness at once. Then he will run over, and kick the egotistical pirate's ass.

    And we'll love every fucking second of it
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:13 No.39603109
    I always picture Rayleigh as a badass version of Muten Roshi.

    Who knows, maybe he'll play a more important role in the future but for now he is just the typical old-wise-strong teacher.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:14 No.39603124
    i'm not trying to troll in here, but shit this remind me to the traning of Nen in Greed island (remember the "montain of Nen?")
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:14 No.39603140

    Ace and Whitebeard are dead ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:14 No.39603144
    it's cliche but appropriate from when I first saw Mihawk I figured

    "yep that's going to be the guy who trains him"

    but I'm still worried shounen manga tends to jump the shark after timeskips hopefully they keep the theme and characters consistent just more mature
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:15 No.39603167
    If Rayleigh is with Luffy then who is guarding the ship???
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:16 No.39603186
    That's what we're doing man.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:16 No.39603188

    How many D's do you know? It can't be Blackbeard...
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:16 No.39603193
    2 years, it was pretty much expected. I'm looking forward to knowing about Robin's meeting with Dragon and Zoro's training with Mihawk the most.

    The end was very well done... showing the Straw Hat wih the Vivre Card as symbol of their promise to meet again, as Luffy and Rayleigh set off for their training.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:16 No.39603209


    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:17 No.39603231
    True, but it could not happen at all. As far as Rayleigh was concerned, it might not have happened in his lifetime, to find a man such as Luffy, and to reveal the truth of the Void Century to the world. He's betting everything on Luffy.

    From his point of view, it's quite risky move.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:17 No.39603232
    Oh lol, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:19 No.39603275

    I'm going to rewatch it, takes about 3 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:19 No.39603283
    Conquerer is obviously going to have more uses than just knocking out putties. From what I can see, it allows various ways to influence others with your will. Rayleigh mentioned that many great rulers are secrectly using this ability. See: Boa Hancock

    For use in combat, it may be the opposite to Observation Haki. Rather than predicting your opponent's movements, you influence their decisions.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:21 No.39603314
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:21 No.39603322
    A timeskip is not an easy story telling device to pull off in a serial work, but Oda has already began it correctly, letting us know exactly what they will be doing those two years.

    If you read his interviews, the one thing Oda seems most preoccupied with, on regards to One Piece, is making sure that no matter what, no matter how it changes, how much it matures and its readers grow, the series stays true to its origins. He's always talking about this. I've no reason to expect it will change.

    In fact, I'm pretty sure Fishman Island will be a lighthearted arc. The SHs have important friends there already, and I'm sure Oda will want to make a lighthearted art after SHITGETTINGREAL for the last 3 arcs.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:22 No.39603347
    One Piece will jump the shark, there isn't a single series that successful that doesn' jump the shark.

    Dragonball: check
    Death Noter: check
    Code Geass: check
    Naruto: check
    Bleach: check

    Now if Oda is some kind of super writer and somehow prevents powerlevel bullshit, 1000 events happening at once and other stuff which happen after timeskips then I will travel to Tokyo to suck his cock personaly.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:23 No.39603372
    Kinda lold tho.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:23 No.39603379
    >great rulers
    >Boa Hancock

    "Hey girls, nevermind me, just goind to feed my boyfriend I'm secretly hiding from the world against our island's policy of women-only! You... do my thing while I'm away."

    It's okay, Hancock, we still love you so.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:23 No.39603383

    and then there will be another hiatus.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:24 No.39603410
    Hakuto no ken, tengen toppa gurren laggan, Jojo,etc
    You should read more manga beside naruto
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:25 No.39603438
    >there isn't a single series that successful that doesn' jump the shark.

    You should be careful. Your stupid is showing.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:25 No.39603450
    Yeah, I don't see Fishman Island being a big full-blown arc. For both what you said and because I can't see Oda putting in another big arc right before we get to the New World.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:26 No.39603478
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:26 No.39603487
    Ahh the memories, I remember awaiting the arrival of the straw hats on fishman island.

    And then all this thing happened.

    And now the strawhats will arrive there after 2 years.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:26 No.39603488
    Now now, if you want to troll One Piece, you should at least have seen more series and read more manga. Berserk, Vagabond, Vinland Saga (hey fuck you I love farming), Eden, Claymore and plenty of sucessful manga, of all genres and demographics, have pulled off good timeskips. A timeskip is not inherently bad, it's up to the skill of the writer. So far there's absolutely no reason in the story, according to the fans, to believe that this timeskip won't be a good one.

    >then I will travel to Tokyo to suck his cock personaly.
    Get your lips ready.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:27 No.39603499
    Oda is all mine, you better stay away from him whore
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:27 No.39603512
    He was being ironic, stop giving troll ratings to people who are not trolls.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:28 No.39603541
    I'm sorry but HNK and TTLG both jumped the shark.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:28 No.39603542
    I love this series.

    I have 100% confidence in Oda, if anyone can pull off a succesfull 2 year timeskip in such a popular manga, it's him.

    I hope the characters get a lot of development as well, new looks and new skills. This way the timeskip feels like an actual timeskip, not just a magic trick to advance training. The world will evolve, Strawhats fame and glory will fade, enemies will get stronger, world will change.

    Their impact in the world is already felt. The SHs aren't rookies anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:29 No.39603574
    Naruto is better
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:29 No.39603579
    Well deserved sticky. Thank you so much mod. finally /a/ recognizes the depth of One Piece. There's nothing quite like it. Oda's storytelling is incredibly complex, built around central themes that can be perceived in our everyday lives. One Piece reads like some of the most complex plays ever written, filled with hidden symbolism and meaning. I am not exaggerating when I say that Hideaki Anno's work pales in comparison to the masterpiece that is One Piece. Truly, there is nothing quite like it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:30 No.39603597
    Rokudenashi Blues
    JoJo Bizarre adventures
    Slam Dunk
    Ashita no Joe
    Dr Slump
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:31 No.39603618
    Very well said, bro. In fact, the New World in my opinion will be somewhat like a return to the early days of the Grand Line:

    - The world we are about to enter is completely unfamiliar ("New World") with batshit insane locations, just like when manga started.
    - The direction of the story is completely open, just like when manga started
    - The world is filled with exciting new characters we have never seen before, just like when manga started (all old characters have gotten development, thus they are new)
    - We can look forward to new powers and abilities, we have no idea what main characters have in their pockets, just like when manga started
    -Yet, when we enter, we will see the familiar faces we all love: the Strawhats.

    I predict that tears will be shed when the manga finally returns, tears of joy. I know at least I will.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:31 No.39603620

    pick one
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:31 No.39603624
    >Strawhats fame and glory will fade

    Oh shit, I didn't even think about this. I can't wait til the scene where we see the Marines freaking out about Luffy reappearing after seemingly vanishing for two years.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:32 No.39603645
    >doesn't make any actual references
    obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:32 No.39603646
    20th have a timeskip too, i guessing you didnt like that one too.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:32 No.39603671
    Alright, so the gist of it is:

    Sanji is learning super power cuisine.
    Usoff is going through sniper training.
    Chopper is gonna make rape medicine.
    Frankie will have ultra mech.
    Nami is learning about weather orbs
    Zoro will probably be Hawkeye tier.
    Robin = ???
    Afro skeleton = ?!!?!?!?!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:33 No.39603685
    One Piece became another Dragonball clone with powerlevels, I wouldn't be surprised if Oda gave France a scouter so he can read up the haki levels of Luffy's enemies, Zoro will become another cold blood faggot who only wants to kill, Sanji a homosexual, Robin will be a 30 year old hag, Ussop fat, Chopper will learn how to achieve new animal forms so he can control his power level too, Nami will grow thunderboobs, I forgot Brook but nobody cares about Brook anyway. rip one piece, 1997 - 2010
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:33 No.39603696
    >baby first troll
    I pick both
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:34 No.39603710

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:34 No.39603727
    >Well deserved sticky. Thank you so much mod. finally /a/ recognizes the depth of One Piece. There's nothing quite like it. Oda's storytelling is incredibly complex, built around central themes that can be perceived in our everyday lives. One Piece reads like some of the most complex plays ever written, filled with hidden symbolism and meaning. I am not exaggerating when I say that Hideaki Anno's work pales in comparison to the masterpiece that is One Piece. Truly, there is nothing quite like it.

    See, this is trolling. You're trying to troll by blurring the lines of what people actually think of One Piece and what you want everyone else to think OPfans think, for the sake of trolling.

    At the end of the day, tastes are just tastes, and there's no such thing as "God tier", “the best” or "perfect" manga, and posts claiming such are certainly trolls. Hell, there's not even "better" manga, only our favorites and personal tastes – art, even low-art like manga and anime cannot be objectively good or bad, since it’s all up to our subjective interpretation of it. OPfans who are oldfags, like many of those on /a/, certainly know that.

    These persistent trolls we deal with, just a couple, but a vocal minority, do nothing more than viral marketing for One Piece after all, and that's why I bother replying and explaining our points of view. It’s no coincidence we still get weekly threads about people starting on OP. Really, the only thing that this thread proves is how annoyingly persistent OPhaters are in trying to get everyone to hate One Piece as much as they do.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:35 No.39603740
    hahaha, trolls dont even try this days
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:35 No.39603741
    Not bad for a reverse troll. One Piece was always regarded for its simplicity yet immersive world. OP is in all means, simple and enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:35 No.39603761
    i think oda should have some nudity in it, i mean akira toriyama did it, so why not oda? cmon plz i need fap to nami
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:36 No.39603778
    Don't forget the Supernovas, Luffy and his crew will have to fight and defeat every single one of them.

    In the new world of course.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:36 No.39603789
    Big plot twist right at the beginning of the next chapter, in the first 3 pages, while the oldmen at Mariejoa are talking:

    There are TWO One Pieces!
    The next page then reveals a big colorspread saying...

    ''TWO PIECE''
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:36 No.39603797
    Naruto > One Piece > Bleach
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:36 No.39603805
    How is a stupid typo a troll atempt? Troll dedectors aren't even trying nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:37 No.39603831
    Coming from a very neutral perspective, this whole sticky always seem to get derailed by the OP haters, whenever a discussion starts. One person says that OP is now powerlevels durrr, the next person disagrees with them and explains why, HURF HURF DURF WAN PISS FAGS COMING AND DEFENDING THEIR SHIT AGAIN, WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THAT SOMEBODY DOESN'T LIKE YOUR SHITTY MANGA HERP DERP ... Well the same question can be asked to the trolls. At the same time when they do disagree with you, you get mad when they do yet you do the same when you try to repeat your claim that's it's bad. You disagree with them, they disagree with you, yet you're the only person getting butthurt by replying HERF DURF WAN PISS I HATE WAN PISS FANS.

    Is that because they actually attempt to formulate opinions in order to refute your argument and don't normally resort to trolling, reverse-trolling, greentext and
    and reaction images all the time?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:37 No.39603832
    >even try this days
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:39 No.39603878
    I originally disliked the idea of a time skip for OP, not because of storywriting purposes, because I'm sure Oda can handle those, but because the crew will be so much behind compared to the other supernovas.

    But maybe Oda wants to establish a more dangerous new world within 2 years. What we've seen so far was pretty hardcore indeed. Maybe in 2 years Blackbeard will show his domination in the new world.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:39 No.39603894
    How is get wrong the name of the characters a typo?
    A typo is "franku" or "frankt".
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:39 No.39603904
    stickying in a post
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:40 No.39603918
    If you were here on /a/ 3 years ago you'd see that it was in fact a pretty cool place.

    Nowadays 4chan is "mainstream" and that's why you have so many idiots repsonding to trolls with reaction images and greentext, hell, even troll ratings are not what they used to be.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:40 No.39603932
    Would not be surprised.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:41 No.39603957
    You OP haters are so damn retarded. Seriously, you claim that OP lacks depth when they sail SEAS, which, obviously, are quite deep. NOT TO MENTION the skypiea arc, where they go to the sky.

    SO, One Piece has TWICE the depth of anything else you can think of.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:41 No.39603959
    Nami's boobs are going to be so fucking big, they will start to air two episodes of One Piece at a time. One for the normal viewing and the second one showing the location of her tits during the episode.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:42 No.39603970
    I still don't understand how someone writting a name wrong (which he probably did on purpose) is a troll attempt.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:42 No.39603981
    >Gold Roger's treasure was destroyed into many fragments spread around the Grand Line in the future war between the Marines andthe Pirates
    >WAR & PIECE
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:42 No.39603982
    I can't wait to see Zoro's kid.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:42 No.39603991
    >If you were here on /a/ 3 years ago you'd see that it was in fact a pretty cool place.

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:42 No.39603996
    Reverse-trolling, please refer back to >>39603727
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:43 No.39604006
    This one is a least creative
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:43 No.39604016
    4 weeks

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:46 No.39604118
    >> Lelouch !bSmfhKOtrM 08/25/10(Wed)23:46 No.39604120
    I hope this shit gets taken down ASAP.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:47 No.39604137
    best sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:47 No.39604145
    I wonder what will happen to Buggy, I hope he finds his crew...
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:48 No.39604166
    I just hope the series doesn't go on for another 10 years..
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:49 No.39604190
    To be quite frank, I would be more pissed if there WASN'T a time skip.

    You can complain about what it did to Naruto (as if it wasn't shit before) and etc however, the point remains. In Luffy's current state, he CANNOT take on Kuma and Doflamingo, he sure as hell can't take on the three admirals, hell smoker is still probably too much for him. Unless you would prefer that Oda somehow asspulls Luffy becoming strong enough to take on someone who could effortlessly defeat ace, and fight on par with Whitebeard (Akainu).

    OR the main antagonist could just be shitty, but beatable villains for the next 20 arcs until it becomes at least SOMEWHAT plausible that he could go against Kizaru and survive for around 6 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:49 No.39604210
    Yes, you keep waiting
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:49 No.39604218
    If Oda handles the timeskip well and blow his awesomeness load on the world's face then I can assure you that the series will continue for at least 5 more years.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:50 No.39604242
    >I wonder what will happen to Buggy, I hope he finds his crew...

    Buggy already found his crew, a couple chapters ago. And he received a letter from the Government, remember? What was in it we still don't know, most bets are placed on an invitation to the Shichibuaki.

    That's right - 2 years from now, Shichibukai Buggy.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:50 No.39604252
    You say it like timeskip isn't just POWERLEVELS anyway. Whether he gets stupidly strong in "one day" or "two years" doesn't matter at all.

    One Piece of shit indeed.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:50 No.39604253
    Since the mods have blessed us with this wonderful sticky, what devil fruit abilities would you guys want to have? I think luffy's rubber is pretty cool, but I can see uses for buggy's powers too.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:50 No.39604254

    You didn't even read the freaking chapter.

    The whole point of Sanji's training is to NOT become a crossdresser like them, if he does, then he failed and won't be coming back, simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:51 No.39604260
    >he liked code gayass

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:51 No.39604278
    WE /a/RE!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:51 No.39604279
    Four fucking weeks?
    God fucking damn.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:52 No.39604292
    Physically, Luffy can keep up with anyone it seems. He just doesn't have the Haki ability to neutralize ridiculous powers like fucking Freezing your ass or melting your ass or fucking poisoning your ass.
    This should be enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:52 No.39604302
    reileigh has already shown us it does more then just take out the mooks to clear the way to the boss battle.

    Cami was about to die, and nobody could reach her would-be-murderer in time.

    Boom! Bitch is unconscious.

    Taking out the less important people can be a matter of time, convenience, or simply utility. Consider, for example, being able to convince a jailer to let you free, after his boss beat you up, or diffusion a hostage standoff, or influencing the decision process of somebody who could help you? ("hey, hide us." "Hey, give us a ship.")

    An obvious immediate use of it's convenience as well: How differently would everything have gone in Impel down if Luffy had this then? He'd have been moving much faster, able to take out soldiers who'd delayed him and were relaying his location, and may have reached his brother in his cell, which means everything would have gone very differently.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:53 No.39604317
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:53 No.39604330
    time skip skips time
    if everyone can suddenly haki now i will rage quit one piece
    also, my captcha was "IV tillnew" :D
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:55 No.39604374
    Everyone is going to learn Haki.
    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:55 No.39604381
    at least its not bleach thats taking a break XDDD
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:55 No.39604392
    >Physically, Luffy can keep up with anyone it seems. He just doesn't have the Haki ability to neutralize ridiculous powers like fucking Freezing your ass or melting your ass or fucking poisoning your ass.

    Not quite, bro. Luffy is still a far cry from true top tiers like Garp, Shanks or Rayleigh, even on physical abilities alone. And hey, Roger was somehow able to stand equal with Whitebeard. I'd say Luffy will be pretty far from that even after the timeskip.

    Nevertheless, now that we know how Bushoushoku Haki works (an armor made of willpower), we can say for certainty it doesn't exactly nullify a DF's abilities, just bypass them. You still wouldn't wanna punch Akainu's magmafist coming at you at high speed.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:57 No.39604469
    I think one piece is a pretty cool guy, he can stretch his hands and doesn't afraid of anything
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)23:57 No.39604474

    I really like Aokiji's power.

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:01 No.39604610
    >"The pirate: Straw Hat Luffy will be taking a break for a bit"
    Oda... I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:02 No.39604615
    ICE to meet you!
    ICE weather we're having!
    ICE CREAM, anyone?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:02 No.39604636
    Stay cool
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:04 No.39604672
    Hey trollfags im posting in a one piece sticky and enjoying it!
    Your animus are inferior to one piece!!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:04 No.39604693
    /a/ritt/a/keno yume o k/a/ki/a/tsume
    s/a/g/a/shi mono s/a/g/a/shini yuku no s/a/ ONE PIECE

    r/a/shinb/a/n n/a/nte jyut/a/i no moto
    netsu ni uk/a/s/a/re k/a/ji o toru no s/a/

    HOKORI k/a/ buttet/a/ t/a/k/a/r/a/ no chizu mo
    t/a/shik/a/met/a/ no n/a/r/a/ densetsu jy/a/n/a/i!

    kojin teki na/a/ /a/a/rashi w/a/ d/a/rek/a/ no
    BIORHYTHM nokk/a/tte
    omoi sugose b/a/ ii

    /a/ritt/a/keno yume o k/a/ki/a/tsume
    s/a/g/a/shi mono s/a/g/a/shini yuku no s/a/
    POCKET no COIN, soreto
    WE /a/RE, WE /a/RE ON THE CRUISE! WE /a/RE!

    zembu m/a/ni ukete shinji ch/a/ttemo
    k/a/t/a/ o os/a/rete iippo LE/a/D s/a/

    kondo /a/etan/a/r/a/ h/a/n/a/su tsumoris/a/
    sore k/a/r/a/ no koto to kore k/a/r/a/ no koto

    tsumari itsumo PINCH w/a/ d/a/rek/a/ ni
    /a/PPE/a/L dekiru ii CH/a/NCE
    ji ishiki k/a/jyoo ni!

    shimitt/a/ret/a/ yoru o buttob/a/se!
    t/a/k/a/r/a/ b/a/ko ni KYOUMI w/a/ n/a/i kedo
    POCKET ni ROM/a/N, soreto
    WE /a/RE, WE /a/RE ON THE CRUISE! WE /a/RE!

    /a/rittakeno yume o k/a/ki/a/tsume
    s/a/g/a/shi mono s/a/gashini yuku no s/a/
    POCKET no COIN, soreto
    WE /a/RE, WE /a/RE ON THE CRUISE! WE /a/RE!

    WE /a/RE! WE /a/RE!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:04 No.39604707
    Anyone else dropping this if that hat doesn't blow away after 2 years time?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:05 No.39604730
    the hat is eternal
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:05 No.39604732
    i wish zoro was real so he could show all those clowns who practice fencing how to REALLY fight with a sword
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:06 No.39604774
    Gaia has taken over /a/?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:08 No.39604826

    Whoop, trolls are back.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:08 No.39604833
    I don't understand the hate in this thread, there are like 4 One Piece banners, obviously Moot likes/liked this manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:09 No.39604861
    >implying moot made those banners.
    >> Miu !lOD5/qGnI2 08/26/10(Thu)00:09 No.39604873
    So is it possible to enjoy wan piss and moe without being an Idort? Becuase I doo. Also I'm going to make it my goal try and catch up to the current mango chapters before this returns from hiatus (currently on Skypiea). Do you fellow wan piss fans think I can pull it off?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:10 No.39604888
    moot has said himself the banners don't really reflect his tastes

    he didn't make them, a bunch of people did and they emailed them to him

    like when moot asked various boards a bit back to make their own unique spoiler images like /a/ and /v/ already had
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:10 No.39604909
    Someone being happy about something in /a/?
    Someone call the joy police, that is against the law.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:11 No.39604910

    Other boards like One Piece, too. We have some fags who can't deal with that.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:11 No.39604912
    If you're not trolling, know that that's not really how it happened. The banner sumbissions, in the early days of 4chan, were open.

    Nevertheless the hate is only propagated by a vocal minority of 2 or 3 people, mostly by disguising as One Piece readers and playing the cunt.

    I'm sure the mods can see this in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:11 No.39604931

    Holy fuck. Holy shit.

    Why.. Why did I start dancing, listening to this??

    I'm.. I'm a little ashamed of myself.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:12 No.39604960
    Indeed. Some of the best One Piece threads are from /co/ (which has weekly threads) and even /v/ ( funny, considering how we hate anime/manga and they hate vidya).

    Why? Because the couple trolls we have aren't there.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:13 No.39604972
    One piece hate is not new or unjustified.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:13 No.39604975

    The fuck?

    I literally posted this EXACT same comment in a thread yesterday

    Wat is goin' on!!!?!?!?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:14 No.39605012

    It's called easymodo. Probably someone thought it was a good post.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:15 No.39605044
    /v/ has a flood?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:16 No.39605078
    >4 week break

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:16 No.39605090
    Posting in a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:18 No.39605124
    Fuck you OP haters, just proves that teenagers don't have any taste!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:18 No.39605135
    One Piece sticky? I didn't know the mods cared
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:18 No.39605149
    Back in the days long forgotten, posting Naruto here was taboo. Everyone hated it and it's fanbase and did all they could to distance /a/ from such faggotry.

    Posting Bleach wasnt so bad back then, the story was still in/around SS and it was an interesting show. No comparisons were being drawn at that point and it was seen in its own merrits.

    One Piece, due to how long it had already been running, was already way into its story by the time 4chan and /a/ were created. I believe it was around late Skypeia or early Water 7 or something. Due to its already expansive and immersive storyline, /a/ of old loved it. It wasnt compared to any other show or manga on the basis that it is published in the same magazine and it was seen as the spiritual sucessor of Dragon Ball (not dragonball Z mind, just the original Dragon Ball, the way Toriyama always intended it).

    However these days, with the influx of new people from different websites, these three very unsimilar shows (who's only similarities are that they are all fighting mango in the shonen demographic, a large a varied genre) are thrown together and judged as three disagreeable faces of the same entity, the so called "Big 3", due only to the very shallow facts that they are all popular and that they all are published in the same Magazine. This retarded grouping has caused lots of conflict and flamewars over the years, with each fanbase trolling and reverse trolling the other due to some very pathetic individuals attaching their egos to one show and attacking the others when his show is critisised.

    This is an accurate history of this bullshit on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:19 No.39605160

    Bad news sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:20 No.39605189

    Ahh alright, I'm not mad, flattered actually. I just didn't know if moot moved all OP related comments to this thread or sumn'
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:20 No.39605194
    Why am I laughing at this video.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:20 No.39605211
    >copypasta'd from apforums' chapter thread

    For fuck's sake. It wasn't a good post to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:21 No.39605220
    >They hate a children's manga. They must be teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:21 No.39605232
    One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:22 No.39605246
    >Back in the days long forgotten, posting Naruto here was taboo.

    Strange, back in the days we had Naruto stickies with "Rising fighting spirit" playing in the background, elaborate on your meaning of "back in the days".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:23 No.39605287

    What a fucking oldfag-wannabe you are.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:24 No.39605319
    THIS IS GOING TO BE THE LONGEST FUCKING 4 WEEKS MAN. ;______________________;
    >> Lelouch !!h09JhO0KOc1 08/26/10(Thu)00:24 No.39605328
    Bring back old sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:25 No.39605342
    You arent one either, thats a copy pasta
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:25 No.39605366
    The /a/ "of old" didn't "loved" it, there were periods when we barely talked about it, /a/ "of old" was about Evangelion, Love Hina, HKN, Jojo, Rei dicks and "TRANSLATORS PLZ".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:26 No.39605387
    just the manga tho... right?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:27 No.39605405
    Yes, the anime sucks eitherway.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:27 No.39605409
    Thats was a troll thread
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:27 No.39605418

    Well excuse me for not remembering every shitty past you save on your hard drive faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:27 No.39605420
    Pretty much this. Hell, it was because of butthurt Narutards who couldn't handle the fact that their precious Naruto threads were constantly getting sagebombed, and they were being told to get the fuck out that the board wound up being split into /a/ and /jp/ in the first place. Since Touhou was the currentmost fad at the time, and so Touhou-hijacks were favored as a means to turn Naruto threads 'from shit into something at least worthwhile', all the whiny, butthurt Narutards started herpderping all over the place insisting "IT HAS NO PLACE ON /a/!! IT ISN'T AN ANIMU!! GET THIS SHIT OUT OF HERE!! WAAAH!!". The whining and bitching continued for so long, and with an influx of even more Narutards with the coming of the summer only increased the en masse butthurt, which finally culminated in moot pretty much going "There, it's fucking split, now STFU." Amusingly enough, now a lot of the content that should be in /jp/ still gets posted on /a/ from time to time, because now that the Narutards feel validated, they have no reason to bitch about other things outside of trolling One Piece threads. Coincidentally, all of the 'WAN PISS' bullshit didn't start on /a/ until around the split and when Narutards started gaining a foothold on /a/, most likely due to thinly veiled jealousy over the fact that One Piece threads didn't result in immediate GTFO'ing and sagebombing, as opposed to their precious Naruto threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:28 No.39605459
    whats an HKN?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:28 No.39605467
    postan to get this bigass post off the frontpage
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:29 No.39605477

    so it's just the one piece threads you save on your own HD? Fucking hypocrite. Typical, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:29 No.39605504

    The fact that you post wall of text full of rage means that you are no better than the "butthurt" Narutofags.

    Real /a/nons hide threads they don't like, live and let live.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:30 No.39605514
    Get this off the front page. Mods on /a/ are shit, One Piece is shit, K-On is this, 4chan is shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:30 No.39605521
    >Don't like it
    >Call it a troll
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:30 No.39605522
    Apologie accepted, try to pay more attention next time
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:31 No.39605542
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:31 No.39605546

    I don't save threads....
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:31 No.39605559
    >/a/ of old loved it.
    No, no, no. First of all, don't bullshit people with "/a/ loved it". /a/ is not a hivemind. Here is how every one piece thread I remember are: someone poke fun or ask a question about One piece, they get angry because they take shit way too seriously. Shit posters trolls them, they take this shit and overblow it, one piece is spammed back and forth, spammer spams it. I haven't posted on /a/ since a while but I doubt it changed very much.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:32 No.39605590
    I wasn't aware I was raging. I merely pointed out that Narutards exemplify butthurt and bitchmoaning, and that they have a constant need for validation, often in the form of taking a massive dump on everyone else's fandom, just to make themselves look good. The fact is still the same, regardless: One Piece threads were, for the most part, ignored or enjoyed depending on whether something good was going on, until Narutards gained a footing in /a/, upon which the trolling, wikispamming bullshit began to take place.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:33 No.39605612
    Thing is that I can remember /a/ talking about OP every week and /a/ not talking about the big 3 at all.

    Also we always had Naruto threads and I can say that when the Naruto fans were left alone they did fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:33 No.39605632
    You were obviously here around the time of the split, then.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:34 No.39605651
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:35 No.39605698
    What you said in both of your posts can be applied to fans of almost every series, Narutofags nowadays are very humble since they know that nobody likes them since it's cool to hate Naruto, I personaly don't read it but if I see a Naruto thread I don't go on it saging and insulting people (which is the reason that makes Narutofags moan and bitch in the fist place as you mentioned.)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:36 No.39605752
    >One Piece, due to how long it had already been running, was already way into its story by the time 4chan and /a/ were created. I believe it was around late Skypeia or early Water 7 or something
    >4chan and /a/ were created...around late Skypeia or early Water 7

    Still needs more fixing.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:36 No.39605760
    >They don't like my children's manga. They must be fans of another children's manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:38 No.39605800
    >Narutofags nowadays are very humble since they know that nobody likes them since it's cool to hate Naruto
    What a load of bullshit. Narutards are continuously convinced that their series is the greatest thing in the galaxy. Whenever you even make a reasonable argument for why something in their series isn't good, their immediate reaction is "Yeah, well at least it's not One Piece/Bleach", because that's all they can ever muster up as a response.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:39 No.39605860
    >Thing is that I can remember /a/ talking about OP every week and /a/ not talking about the big 3 at all.

    >Also we always had Naruto threads and I can say that when the Naruto fans were left alone they did fine.

    >/a/ never talked about the big 3
    >/a/ always talked about 2 of the big 3

    You do realize your post contradicts itself, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:43 No.39605981
    One Piece fans don't count themselves as "big 3" and don't acknowledge this grouping. News at 11.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:44 No.39606013
    Actually, it doesn't. He means that in the past, there was none of this 'HURR BIG THREE' bullshit. One Piece was just One Piece, Bleach was just Bleach, and Naruto could go fuck itself. It's not until recently that the three have been getting lumped into the same boat for the sake of instilling conflict, as if there's some kind of massive battle royale over which show is better. Protip: One Piece fans couldn't give a shit less about Naruto. They would, however, enjoy it if Narutards stopped trolling the shit out of them just to make up for the fact that nobody likes them. They think Bleach has gone downhill lately, but still consider most Bleachfags to be bro's on account of the fact that the two fanbases are at least capable of being civil towards one another. Out of the so-called 'Big 3', the only fanbase that's ever been a problem is the shrieking Narutard fanbase, who lash out at both One Piece and Bleach, just so they can say "OUR SERIES IS BETTER THAN THEIRS".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:46 No.39606049
    I think he meant /a/ never grouped those three series together for shitstorm purposes.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:46 No.39606050
    I liked Naruto at first then I stopped watching for a few years. I then came to /a/ about 3 years ago and started up a Naruto thread to see how the shows been and because I hadn't seen a thread of it, it was saged bombed and op was made a mockery of. I was happy though, I figured there some really bad ass stuff that's came out I didn't know about. I stuck around and all people kept talking about was moe, like it was actually good.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:49 No.39606131
    Narutard Justice !AFJehtc8/I does exactly this, as he's been doing posting anonymously throughout this entire thread, as our most "prominent" OPhater.

    Hopefully this time it will result in an ISP ban, since mods can clearly see his faggotry with a quick look at the IPs of this thread - most troll posts are from a single IP.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:49 No.39606140
    You can say whatever you want, the fact is /a/ convince me to read one piece 4 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:49 No.39606158

    The Big 3 thing is kind of old. If we are talking about popularity, some times, other series are more popular than Bleach. Naruto is a little bit more constant, but Bleach has been losing ranks. In terms of sales, I think something similar happens, not to mention that it changes outside Japan. We do we keep calling it the Big 3 if only 2 or 1 of the series is there.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:51 No.39606216
    Childhood drama should be updated.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:51 No.39606217
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:51 No.39606228
    >The Big 3 thing is kind of old.

    It's not that old, really. 3 years or so, from when the Narutards mass-migrated here. In fact, to this day "Big 3" is still a 4chan-only term.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:54 No.39606288

    Yes, that's not the word, sorry. Change it for outdated or obsolete.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:54 No.39606308
    >avoid spoilers all week
    >finally read the latest chapter
    >get on /a/ and open up a One Piece sticky
    >the majority of the "discussion" is either half-assed trolling or fanboys bitching about whose fandom is worst

    /a/, I am disappoint.

    I'm also disappointed that the 3D2Y = "3 days/2 years" predictions turned out to be correct. I don't mind that we're getting a time skip, but I thought that Oda was going to pull off a cleverer hidden message. For once, almost all of the theorists were right on the money.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:54 No.39606314
    ># A fan name for the three most popular shōnen manga, One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach

    Not really, no.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:55 No.39606325
    You don't know what /a/ of old means since you've been to 4chan since last summer.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:55 No.39606331
    Bullshit. The term big three is used on a number of other sites. It may very well have originated on /a/, but I was using it long before I began lurking here.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)00:55 No.39606334
    Motherfucking Timeskip!!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:01 No.39606500
    Anyone who thinks Nami or Nico Robin will have bigger breasts after the timeskip is retarded.
    If Oda gives them bigger breasts after the timeskip (for any reason other than plastic surgery) than he is even more retarded.

    Considering the ages of the characters there really shouldn't be much change in physical appearance to them within the next two years. Now Nami could somehow become depressed and fat within two years but I don't think Oda would have the balls.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:03 No.39606576
    The reason behind the training makes sense for OP as opposed to how it is with most shonen: whereas it's usually about "I must get stronger to defeat such and such an opponent", in this case it's simple: as tough as the Grand Line has been, the New World is even worse for someone who has just blipped onto the map a couple months ago.

    Hell, even Roger himself had a lifetime of experience before finally deciding to take his journey to the very end of the line. This was needed, it came about organically. And I can't wait to see how things will have changed two years from now.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:03 No.39606590
    Moot likes one piece, dealwithit.jpg
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:04 No.39606613
    >>'Anyone who thinks Nami or Nico Robin will have bigger breasts after the timeskip is retarded.
    If Oda gives them bigger breasts after the timeskip (for any reason other than plastic surgery) than he is even more retarded.

    Considering the ages of the characters there really shouldn't be much change in physical appearance to them within the next two years. Now Nami could somehow become depressed and fat within two years but I don't think Oda would have the balls.'

    Nobody is fooled by your poorly disguised fetish pushing.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:04 No.39606619
    I remember when I first saw a One Piece thread.
    This was 4 years ago, give or take.
    It was a snapshot of Luffy attacking and below the subtitles said something like ''Take this, earlobe guy!''
    Then the OP goes on to tell how manly that fight was, people saying the fight against Crocodile was better and all around a good discussion. There were no wan piss or ''that's why /a/ will never like OPfags''. Just a simple discussion. The thread got like 50 or so replies.
    I asked if it would be worth to watch it, everyone said yes.
    When I came back, it was around Thriller Bark. It was also pretty sociable. Again, no shitposting.

    In conclusion, this arc set up a good amount of fame for being so important to the story and had no filler adventure stuff.
    With all the new fans it garnered, I wonder if One Piece will lose them as instantly when it goes back to simple adventuring.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:08 No.39606731

    /a/ of old should always relate to pre split. As that is the only thing I can really think of as being a board changing event. The only real thing other than that is imageboards and 4chan in general growing in popularity and user base as it has, but that effects all boards (as we have seen).
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:09 No.39606745
    I remember when there was an Eyeshield 21 sticky, and all the faggots on /a/ complained.

    This is a horrible, horrible board.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:15 No.39606897

    that was awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:17 No.39606942
    Most people here think stickies are the work of the devil and forget they're just made most of the times for good fun.
    If /a/ had no stickies once in a while this place would boring.
    But alas, NOFUN
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:18 No.39606969
    I'm just going to bury myself on snow for a month until the ninten-.. OP comes back.

    I mean ok one month break every 10 years seems fair to me for Oda.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:19 No.39606997
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:19 No.39607005
    Great way to end the old age and bring in the new. The scions of the old generation fostering the promising players of the new, and the master swordsman takes an apprentice.

    I'm gonna feel like I've aged when this month is over, but there's plenty of manga and anime to be read and watched. We wait patiently.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:22 No.39607076
    >With all the new fans it garnered, I wonder if One Piece will lose them as instantly when it goes back to simple adventuring.

    And nothing of value will be lost.

    Still, I suspect Luffy & co. will never revert entirely back to "simple adventuring". I'm sure the series will continue to have plenty of lighthearted arcs as well, but given that the New World's crews seem so heavily politicized, and that Luffy is on the Government's radar like never before, I think it's likely that the Strawhats will always be involved in or concerned with world events to some degree from now on.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:22 No.39607088














    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:25 No.39607148

    The fuck are you talking about all politics and shit? It's a manga, if Oda decides to make another retarded arc like sky island but with marshmallows and balloons he'll just do it and it will take a fucking 5 months to end.
    >> 108s9001 !yVLcr8kRh6 08/26/10(Thu)01:27 No.39607196
    i feel nothing.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:28 No.39607217
    Oda really is a damn good story teller. He had Haki clearly formulated all the way from the Skypeia Saga (not to mention the foreshadowing from chapter 1). This is at least 7-8 years ago that it was suggested into the story. Some mangaka need to take note from this guy.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:29 No.39607266
    >the New World's crews seem so heavily politicized

    Interesting of you to note that. I guess it's true, since it's the influence zone of th remaining three Emperors and of course, base of the revolutionaries. The NW as a whole seems to be a rather uncivilized place.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:30 No.39607273
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:30 No.39607289

    Or you know, they could just not meander around with the story for 8 years.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:32 No.39607366
    This. While Oda may be a good story teller, he has a problem with dragging things on for WAY too long.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:33 No.39607380
    Onepiece was AWESOME this week.
    I think it's my new favorite.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:33 No.39607390

    Foreshadowing, do you mean when Shanks used haki on the sea king?

    Oda's had this manga figured out from the beginning, I wonder how awesome the end is going to be.
    >> Wapol is God Tier 08/26/10(Thu)01:37 No.39607482
    oh hai Lerp
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:38 No.39607537
    would have been a nice touch that the straw hat he had given hancock
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:39 No.39607561
    Oda nailed the whole 3D2Y thing, which almost no one predicted correctly since the tatto was kinda hard to see.

    Besides from what we've seen this chapter, I want to see what Robin will do, being with Dragon and all. Hopefully she'll have the chance to find a few more Poneglyphs and tell Dragon some of the world's true, ost history and the meaning of the ancient weapons and Raftel. After all, she's the only Strawhat who's actually going to the New World right now.

    Well, we'll see in 1 month. Oda always raises a lot of questions and brings lots of new information everychapter, but eventually answers everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:42 No.39607643
    Sage for sticky because I feel like it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:43 No.39607682
    I was a bit surprised that Zoro sought help from the man he wants to eventually surpass. My feelings apparently are the same as Mihawk's, he too thought it was pathetic due to the type of man Zoro happens to be.

    At the same time the way the scene was presented was masterfully done. Just like in the Thriller Bark arc's end, Zoro once again put his friends before himself. Mihawk understood this and respected it, much like Kuma did back then when Zoro offered his life in place of Luffy's.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:44 No.39607698
    Fuck yes. /a/ free of one of the big three for 4 weeks? I like dis. Wan Piss timeskip aka im too lazy to start a new manga so ill just milk this one a bit more.

    Set sail for fail.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:45 No.39607721
    >The fuck are you talking about all politics and shit?

    If you'd been reading the most recent saga (Sabaody Archipelago through Marineford), you would have noticed that it featured a lot of political themes: the Heavenly Dragons are introduced as a corrupt ruling class, oppression of and discrimination against fishmen/lower-class citizens is touched on, manipulation of public opinion is practiced by the government, we're informed of pirate crews offering vigilante protection of countries/islands outside of government authority, etc. The CP9 arc also featured some of the same elements.

    I'm not saying it's DEEP AND SRS BSNS compared to real world politics, but it's certainly there and you don't exactly have to look hard to find it.

    >if Oda decides to make another retarded arc like sky island but with marshmallows and balloons he'll just do it and it will take a fucking 5 months to end.

    I'd buy that, but it'd probably turn out the marshmallows were a secret power-up designed for the WG by Vegapunk. And Kaidou would trying to bootleg them for nefarious purposes.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:47 No.39607769
    It would be awesome if Garp gets aged down to around 20 and joins The Strawhats.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:47 No.39607782
    Keep on trolling
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:48 No.39607800
    Naruto > One Piece
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:50 No.39607853

    Hah, that's a creative way to enslave a pirate with powers such as Bonney's. Although, her powers might be only temporary - there must be some limitation involved, as is the case with most DFs.

    Whitebeard + Bonney + Ivankov = roid rage prime Whitebeard. Should've happened during the war, if just for show.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:54 No.39607948
    >implying skypia was anything but top tier.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:56 No.39607982
    >I guess it's true, since it's the influence zone of th remaining three Emperors and of course, base of the revolutionaries. The NW as a whole seems to be a rather uncivilized place.

    Yeah, I agree that the New World seems to be mostly lawless.

    Since the World Government apparently doesn't have much influence there, I expect that whatever order is imposed on the area will come directly from the outlaws in society. Since Luffy would probably be more able to interact with non-Marine authorities (i.e. he's not going to be thrown in jail the second he makes contact), I think that might make for some interesting situations when and if he has to move through Emperor or Revolutionary territories.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)01:58 No.39608055
    Great humor and adventure with a strong finale. Also, that was when Oda's art first started to really, really show its quality.

    It might be slow-paced at a first read, because of the earlier battles might drag a bit until Enel shows up , but when he does, shit gets real, fast. And the whole story with the Norlands is better than some entire series I've read.

    I remember thinking in the middle of the Skypeia arc, "This is pointless, how is this getting them closer to Raftel?" But then when the payoff came, it proved the entire arc worth it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:01 No.39608124
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:02 No.39608136
    Anyone else love Zoro's new look. Someone update the art progression pic.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:03 No.39608170
    Well, Smoker will be well-established there at G5 when these 2 years pass, but he's nowhere as intimidating as an Admiral. Luffy vs. Smoker has been a long-awaited confrontation.

    It does seems indeed that the Marines will take a step back in this second half of One Piece, but they'll be back for the "final war to consume the whole world", I'm fine with that.

    Also, everyone needs a beard, no exceptions.
    >> Oda and Inoue bros Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:03 No.39608171
    Posting Inoue & Oda interview in sticky:

    Inoue: This is our first time meeting, isn't it?

    Oda: Well, actually a long time ago I got an autograph from you.

    Inoue: Really!? When?

    Oda: It was at the Shueisha Tezuka/Akazuka awards party. I had just debuted then and I was extremely nervous. You also drew me a regent-style illustration of Hanamichi Sakuragi. I've still got it.

    Inoue: Is that right? I'm sorry, I don't remember that. (laughs)

    Oda: No problem. That party was like a huge autograph session for all the major creators. (laughs)

    Inoue: I was in Los Angeles around the time One Piece started and I was having Shonen Jump sent out to me.
    When I read One Piece chapter one, I remember thinking, "Wow, this is the start of a really good comic." I thought it was a can't miss piece of work. I hadn't felt that way about a comic in a while so I made sure to follow it.

    Oda: Around the time One Piece had just begun serialization, I saw a survey in a magazine asking famous people what comics interested them.
    In that survey, you had chosen One Piece and commented, "The creator really believes in his work". I almost literally jumped for joy, I was so happy. I had a copy of that page pinned up at my work place for the longest time.

    Inoue: I'm happy you were so happy! (laughs)

    Oda: Can I talk to you about something that's kind of related to destiny?

    Inoue: What is it? You're making me nervous.

    Oda: Well, I was born in Kumamoto, and there used to be a shop called the Antique House, right?

    Inoue: Yeah, the used clothing shop, right? That brings back memories.
    >> Oda and Inoue bros Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:04 No.39608191
    Oda: I used to go there every so often with friends to buy clothes. Around the time I won Jump's Best New Artist award and had just gotten an editor, I was talking to one of the shop keepers and mentioned that I wanted to be a comic creator. He replied, "If you make it big, you'll be the second one born here." "Who's the first?" I asked. "Takehiko Nariai" ('Takehiko Inoue' is a pen name). He used to work here."
    I couldn't believe it!

    Inoue: Ha ha ha! I wonder who it was you talked to?"

    Oda: He bragged that one of the Slam Dunk players was modeled after him (laughs). He also said that when the shop wasn't busy, you would be behind the cash register drawing pictures.

    Inoue: Yeah, and not doing my job at all.

    Oda: I was really surprised. I was like, Wow! Inoue sensei was here! It was just a shop I went to and I had never really thought much about it before. I felt that it must be destiny so I asked my editor to please let me be an assistant at your studio. He just casually told me "There aren't any openings." That really bummed me out.

    Inoue: Really? Boy did we mess up. We should have brought you in as an assistant. (laughs)

    Oda: If I had been accepted at your studio, it likely would have completely changed my destiny. In a lot of ways, that was probably a turning point for me. I'd always thought I'd like to talk to you about this personally.

    Inoue: Thank you. I'll remember this.
    >> Oda and Inoue bros Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:05 No.39608216
    ****** Mr. Oda, When did you start reading Vagabond?

    Oda: I read them all at once when the tankobon come out. Of course, I've got every volume. Ever since the serial started, it's been the rage amongst us young creators. It's so engaging, has deep themes... More than anything, I can't get enough of Inoue sensei's art. It's like, just how far can this guy take his artistry? I've been pursuing that ever since Purple Kaede.*

    Inoue: Well, I'm sure I've improved since way back then. However, it's weird, because when I was doing "Purple Kaede" I thought, "Hey, I'm a pretty good artist!" (laughs). Now, though, it's not something I would want to show people.

    Oda: I saw your Last Manga Exhibition work and, well... I don't even understand it's meaning - if it's good or what it is, because it's just way over my head. How can art like this even be done? Like the huge mural of Musashi, it's so big but yet the proportions aren't off even a little.

    Inoue: Actually, if you really look at it you'll see that the proportions are skewed. There are still pieces (in the exhibit) that I'm concerned about.
    >> Nijuusan !GLaSSes22E 08/26/10(Thu)02:06 No.39608223
    postin a post image limit post in a one piece thread
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:06 No.39608235
    >One Piece Sticky

    Well,you've finally done it /a/

    You've finally made me ashamed to be browsing this fucking board. I hope you're proud of yourself.
    >> Oda and Inoue bros Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:07 No.39608251
    Oda: I don't think so at all! Every piece is fantastic and on a level that's beyond my comprehension.
    Lately I've been really into Edo period Japanese art. People in Edo times didn't have the internet, comic stores, and I don't think they had as many forms of entertainment to occupy their time as we have now. On the flip side of that, I think they were able to dedicate more time and focus to their given craft than people nowadays are capable of. Because of that, they accomplished things on a level that average ability can't match. When I look at Edo period ink paintings, they are amazingly good. In just a casual painting, they can create unified lines that are full of life. Even art that's been drawn with extremely finely-honed skill, and with (outside) information shut off, probably can't reproduce that.
    I think that your art has attained that kind of Edo period level. I wonder how a modern person could possibly draw like this. It boggles my mind.

    Inoue: I'm humbled! (laughs)

    Oda: And at the Last Manga Exhibition, there are 150 of those drawings, right? I can't even imagine it.

    Inoue: If you're put under pressure from people, you can get a surprising amount of things done.

    Oda: I've been under the gun with deadlines, and I've managed to survive a number of times but... I couldn't go this far.

    Inoue: If it's your own art, you could do it.

    Oda: No, no, I can't! I end up looking to attain a certain goal with each page.

    Inoue: Ah, I see.

    Oda: I'm not really finished, but I get to a certain point and I'm like "okay, I'm done!" I can't seem to get to a place where I really believe in my white space.

    Inoue: For me, that white-space can be very important. It's difficult, isn't it?

    Oda: I think that's artistic sense.
    >> Oda and Inoue bros Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:08 No.39608264
    Inoue: It might be more my personality. Even with a goal in mind, getting to a certain place as planned doesn't interest me. While I'm drawing, if I start to think it's working out, I can just shut it down right there and finish. It's an irresponsible type of personality.

    Oda: Do you have a complete mental image of what you want before you begin? There are some amazing people who I hear have it down to the last line and they just follow that image.

    Inoue: I'm not sure. I guess I do have an image in my head, but it isn't absolutely clear.

    Oda: For me it's so fuzzy you'd wonder if it's a complete image at all. But as I'm drawing I get a clearer fuzzy map-like image and I just try to follow it with my pen.

    Inoue: I think that might be close to how it is for me too.

    Oda: I haven't been able to get to the level of artists who can draw decisive lines right off the bat. I have an artist friend with a photographic memory, who never forgets a drawing after only seeing it once.
    So, once he's drawn a certain character, he can draw that same character again with no visual reference at all. That's an amazing ability. I forget characters I did a while very quickly. If I want to bring them back, I have to dig up my old work and look at it again.

    Inoue: I'm the same way. I look up my old characters all the time. I sometimes forget to draw things like inadvertent beards and other details.

    Oda: Really? That's a relief. I feel like I can carry on (laughs).

    Oda: From where do you get your ambition and inquisitiveness for your art?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:08 No.39608275
    I've calmed down a little about Mihawk training Zoro.

    Still think other options would have been better, but I'm seeing now that both Mihawk and Zoro hated the idea as much I did. Zoro recognizes that it has to be done (despite his pride), and Mihawk respects this decision once he realizes that it's not one Zoro comes to lightly or without good reason.

    I'm ok with that.
    >> Oda and Inoue bros Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:08 No.39608279
    Inoue: Well, it's simple. When you look at your previous art, it's embarrassing, right?

    Oda: yeah, a little.

    Inoue: I think it comes from the feeling that you can do better.

    Oda: I always thought I was one of the more ambitious artists, but after seeing the Last Manga Exhibition, it made me feel woefully inadequate in that department.

    Inoue: No, that's not the case at all. How many years has it been since One Piece started?

    Oda: 12 years.

    Inoue: That's amazing. Doing a serialization for that long in itself makes me feel the same way.

    Oda: No way! I think that Slam Dunk is the optimum length for a long-form comic series. Initially, I had a 5 year plan for One Piece... It's taking me more than double that.

    Inoue: Reading up to the latest volume 52, it doesn't seem like it's coming to an end anytime soon.

    Oda: Yes... Thanks to (it's success)、my whole life's plan is in disarray (laughs).

    Note: * Purple Kaede is the name of Inoue's debut comic in Weekly Shonen Jump back in 1988.
    >> Oda and Inoue bros Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:09 No.39608291
    •••• From the Kojiro arch, Vagabond's art changed from pen to brush work. Mr. Oda, what do you think about that change?

    Oda: It's really cool. Even with a career like Inoue-sensei's, he's still evolving. That kind of strength of conviction is awesome. Going to brush work is amazing.

    Inoue: Actually, it's not something that should be done, is it? In a long, on-going work it hurts consistency.

    Oda: You used brush work before that, though, right?

    Inoue: I did in certain parts for effect. But the decision to start doing the whole thing that way was really just a feeling. When I began the Kojiro arch, I thought that to achieve the art I wanted I had to use a brush, not a pen. It would change the feel of my art but I wasn't particularly hung up on consistency throughout the work. I kind of had faith in my gut feeling at the time.

    Oda: The title logo also changed.

    Inoue: It was a time when I was asking myself what Vagabond really is. I needed some changes in order to continue doing it. The logo was one of those things that changed. The brush calligraphy of the logo up to then, however, was fantastic.

    Oda: When a creator decides, "Time to change things up!", people are very receptive, aren't they?
    For me, with One Piece vol.50, I'd decided it was the end of that part and I changed the way I put in the title logo. However, the reaction was surprisingly light (laughs). Readers - and I mean this in a good way - don't seem to very concerned about change. I think that's why creators can probably feel free to do things more the way that they want to.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:09 No.39608293

    Agreed. I've never understood where all the hate for Skypiea comes from. It has some of the best character interactions among the crew we'd seen to date, and it felt like a proper adventure complete with exploring lost civilizations and whatnot.

    Wiper and the Shandians didn't thrill me, but that's not enough reason to disregard everything else good about it.

    I wonder if the ones who dislike Skypeia so much are anime-only fans: admittedly, Toei really fucked up the pacing for that arc. Mid-to-post Skypeia is the point after which the anime becomes nigh unwatchable.
    >> Oda and Inoue bros Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:09 No.39608306
    •••• Mr. Inoue, how do you see Mr. Oda's art?

    Inoue: It's full of an appeal that is the complete opposite of my work. It's full of life, and has the power to draw readers to specific points. Comparatively, I’m an artist that likes "subtraction". I try to fill things in as little as possible and leave something to the negative space. There is a lot of that in The Last Manga Exhibition. But, I really admire the way Mr. Oda fills his work in. I don't feel any sense that corners are being cut at all. It must be extremely difficult to shrink your work down to tankobon size, right?

    Oda: Yes, it is (laughs). I don't know, but I just can't help but draw a lot. The weekly format is set at 19 pages, but from the creator perspective I want to move the story along faster. I end up jamming as much as I can in there. There is also wanting to finish faster so I can relax.

    Inoue: Wanting to relax is something I can relate to.

    Oda: I'm probably living in haste. My panels get smaller and smaller, and I don't draw unnecessary panels. My scenes are all jam packed. First of all, there are too many characters (laughs). The story is mainly about only 5 characters, but there are so many things I want to do that it ended up being the way it is now.

    Inoue: Had you thought about the overall concept from the beginning?

    Oda: Yes. The story's end hasn't changed once since the beginning. The problem is that I haven't been able to really digest all the things that are happening along the way toward the end.
    How do you go about your storytelling?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:10 No.39608317
    Dialogues between Mihawk and Zoro are always elegant and superb.
    >> Oda and Inoue bros Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:11 No.39608341
    noue: Hmmm. When I begin I don't think about the overall concept or the ending at all. It's really impressive how you can think about it and stay engaged from the beginning.

    Oda: Really, it's only the goal that I've made a decision on.

    Inoue: For me, I've only recently begun to see how Vagabond will turn out.

    Oda: Is the Vagabond story following historical fact?

    Inoue: Apparently, the facts about the duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojiro on Ganryu island are really sketchy. However, the recorded history is all in Musashi's favor. All that is mentioned about Kojiro is that he was a master swordsman who fought Musashi. That's why I think there's a zero point something possibility that Kojiro actually could have been deaf.

    Oda: Hmmm. Has the story moved away from the original ("Musashi" novel by Eiji Yoshikawa) and become something different?

    Inoue: Not completely, but the original parts are taking over. I haven't decided on most of the overall story, so I only move on to the next part of the stroy when I've finish the one I'm doing. I think I just pretty much repeat that little process. The next thing I know I've gone of an a tangent, and sometimes I put myself in tough spots.

    Oda: But going off on side roads like that can be surprisingly fun, can't it?

    Inoue: Yes, for sure.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:11 No.39608350
    >The story is mainly about only 5 characters
    The original five (Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Nami)?
    >> Oda and Inoue bros Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:12 No.39608355
    •••• What character(s) from Vagabond do you like?

    Oda: I like all the old man characters in general. They're really endearing.

    Inoue: Hahahaha!

    Oda: Yagyu Sekishusai is especially good. Especially endearing is the scene where he says out of nowhere, "Can I brag about my grandson?" What's really appealing about Inoue-sensei's work is that even when characters are developing through hardships, the endearing qualities always remain. The small text dialogue just casually snuck in makes me laugh. The scene where Musashi says "Nyanko-sensei" (Kitten-sensei) really made me laugh (laughs).
    That kind of portrayal is done in a really natural way, and makes the readers really accept the characters. Even when taking on difficult themes, I think that the skill with which Inoue-sensei makes his characters has the power to draw in a wide audience.

    Inoue: I really like drawing the old man characters. Left unchecked, all the characters would be elderly men. (laughs)

    Oda: It's fun to draw the wrinkles in the face, isn't it?

    Inoue: Once I start drawing them, I draw them incessantly. I think we both like drawing very human characters, don't we?

    Oda: I agree.

    Inoue: I think with the elderly, the more wrinkles you draw the more human they become. The more you add, the more you add to their lifespan - that's the face of the elderly, isn't it? It makes it really worthwhile to draw.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:12 No.39608366
    The big 3 are the 3 most popular manga series on /a/

    if you're offended by this sticky then you're in the wrong board.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:15 No.39608421
    >The big 3 are the 3 most popular manga series on /a/

    You're so wrong on this it's hard to believe you're an OPreader, and not just trolling.

    The "big 3", as narutards and trolls like to call it, are the 3 highest selling weekly manga. Out of the 3, One Piece is popular on /a/, Bleach has a cult following and Naruto is hated.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:15 No.39608437
    yah not quite

    people seem to like bleach but everyone hates naruto

    I've yet to see a naruto thread progress very fall without being spammed

    also much of /a/ has a pretty varied taste so there are quite a few more popular mangas I think
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:16 No.39608460
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:19 No.39608530
    Hah, we have a lot to think about for the month, lots of interesting things waiting to happen.

    Funny how the strawhats, for such a young crew, is already surrounded with powerful connections.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:20 No.39608564
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:21 No.39608588
    >go on 4chan
    >see One Piece sticky
    >life is good
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:22 No.39608609
    Bump... oh wait
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:23 No.39608625
    >come here to find a OP thread
    >there's sticky

    well fuck yeah. I'm assuming/hoping that next months chapter will just start at Sabaody with everyone meeting up. Good god I do not want to actually see any of this training. Just show me the aftermath when Zoro busts out some new crazy sword technique on some poor New World bastard.

    Here's hoping that everyone getting a powerup means that we will get to see more Chopper, Robin and Brook in combat. It seems like everyone else has gotten a cool fight but them
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:24 No.39608644
    Man...this thread is still up.

    why hasn't this shit 404'd yet
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:25 No.39608660
    Its gonna be up for 4 weeks.
    Deal with it
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:26 No.39608675
    Because it's a sticky newfag.
    >> cheeks !oNeyefdWhY 08/26/10(Thu)02:26 No.39608684
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:27 No.39608693
    You must be new here - welcome.

    the big 3 are the only mangas on /a/ that have at least 2 threads a week that reach bump limit.

    your moe shit get max 120 replies and die.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:27 No.39608697
    >I've calmed down a little about Mihawk training Zoro.
    >Still think other options would have been better, but I'm seeing now that both Mihawk and Zoro hated the idea as much I did. Zoro recognizes that it has to be done (despite his pride), and Mihawk respects this decision once he realizes that it's not one Zoro comes to lightly or without good reason.

    I was put off too at first, but I find I'm kind of pleased now.

    All this time, we've just been expecting Zoro and Mihawk to never meet again until the day the have their duel. As there was so much hype about the next time they'd come face to face, when it turn out that Zoro had ended up in Mihawk's territory, I thought it would be kind of strange for them to meet and then just casually part ways again. That wouldn't have felt right either.

    By having Zoro train under Mihawk, Oda's accomplished two things:

    1. He's averted our expectations entirely.
    Mihawk's gone from a mythical untouchable rival to a teacher and something of an ally. Looking back on how he showed us that Shanks and Mihawk were friends and how restrained Mihawk was when dealing with Luffy (both times), it seems to me that he's an honourable and all-around good guy. I think he deserves to be more that just a named antagonist who must be killed in order for Zoro to reach his goal.

    2. He's shown that Zoro has undergone true character development.
    It's a continuation of what we saw in Thriller Bark: he's gone from a potential loose cannon whose goals were mostly selfish to a wholehearted member of the crew who considers the others' goals of equal importance to his own. He's matured from the arrogant, ignorant guy we met at the start of the series.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:27 No.39608707
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:30 No.39608754
    Hah, very well said, /a/non. It's not about Zoro discarding his pride, it's the reason, and who he does it for. Agreed on the meaning of this encounter as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:30 No.39608761
    haha imagine the amount of threads after the month long break
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:31 No.39608784
    see >>39608693

    Even Naruto has threads that reach bump limit EVERY week, making it the 3rd most popular on /a/
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:35 No.39608899
    Too bad about the month break, but I'm sure we all can handle.

    I was surprised at some of the speculations that were confirmed this chapter. I didn't expect the tattoo, but mantra and Sentoumaru's techniques being forms of Haki were fun to see explained. Those theories made quite a lot of sense, and it was nice to see them tied together. Hopefully this'll keep people from calling every shadow under every rock being caused by Haki.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:38 No.39608979
    Sorry bros, but Naruto has a 4chan banner with Rock Lee on it. It also got /a/ to be changed to S/a/suke and N/a/ruto. This is weak in comparison. Also Bleach only got that guy who stole ideas and put it in his comic.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:41 No.39609050
    I seriously wanted to see what happened to Sunny. Shakky can't possibly defend against Kuma if he was an enemy, and Kuma wouldn't be there if he wasn't an ally, having retained at least part of his original memory.

    To top it off, Duval couldn't possibly watch over the Sunny and keep it in secrecy for two entire years.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:44 No.39609149
    I don't remember, but did they finish coating it? They could always move it to Fishman Island to hide it and then take the Strawhats there in a different boat to pick it up once they meet
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:46 No.39609194

    Rayleigh probably finished his shipcoating job, given the time passed since Sabaody.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:49 No.39609256
    >Naruto has a 4chan banner

    This made me laugh, I don't know why.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:50 No.39609302
    >I seriously wanted to see what happened to Sunny.

    Same here. I wish he'd wrapped that situation up as well, but he obviously wanted to leave us hanging. I guess we should be grateful that he at least explained in advance what was going to be happening to each of the living crewmembers during the timeskip.

    >Shakky can't possibly defend against Kuma if he was an enemy...

    Do we know that for sure? She might be secret powerhouse à la Nami. After Kureha, i'm not making any assumption on what potentially badass old ladies might be capable of in One Piece. The fact that Shakky hangs out with Rayleigh and talks about Roger with some familiarity only reinforces that.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:51 No.39609335
    So, seriously, how do you guys feel about the timeskip?

    I just hope Oda knows what he is doing.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:52 No.39609360
    Mihawk willing to take on Zoro as a student tells us a lot about Mihawk. He knows he's the man, and that no one can take him. It takes a supreme confidence in one's ability to personally train a guy who's stated goal is to beat you. At the moment, I can't think of any manga where the best fighter of a certain style trains someone trying to cut off his head, being acutely aware of it. It's pretty fascinating.

    Plus, I suppose Mihawk realizes that if you aren't getting better, you're getting worse. Who better than Zoro as a sparring partner. Perhaps Zoro knew all of this when he started begging. I'm really excited at how strong Zoro will be after 2 years.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:55 No.39609431
    oh god Robin is going to be 30

    I'm all for mature women, but my love is only drifting even further away from me!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)02:59 No.39609531

    I'm excited for just about everything that will be coming after the two year time skip, though Zoro's development is pretty high up on the list.

    For one thing I really want to see what will become of Franky after learning about Vegapunk and how the straw-hats will stack up against the new world (as well as the supernovas) but in the end what I want to see the most is the scene where they all run into each other after two years at the thousand sunny.

    That being said, I hope that the designs for the supernovas don't change too much over the two years, they were introduced (relatively) recently and I don't want to see anything too different since I enjoy them all a lot.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:03 No.39609631
    I just hope Oda keeps things consistent as he always has, especially the feel of the characters.

    Oh God, please, I hope everything will still be as awesome as before.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:04 No.39609638
    Anyone else extremely excited to see what happens with Usopp? I can't even imagine how this guy will survive in the new world.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:06 No.39609686

    I'm sure he'll have something badass cooked up. Kabuto is loaded with dials and apparently those seeds or whatever that Heracles was showing him have some special properties. Maybe he's going to grow them and use them as ammo along with the effects of the dials
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:06 No.39609694
    Not sure if it's been pointed out yet, but I'm pretty sure Luffy already used the 'Color of Observation'.

    Mihawk was going to cut off his limb before he Haki'd that shit, and made it change course.
    >> Krusk !!yxFuYIx1lkc 08/26/10(Thu)03:12 No.39609798
    Relatively speaking, about as strong as he was in East Blue: A terrifying tank from hell that mows down everything in his path. Except in the big time, not "The Weakest Sea".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:13 No.39609812
    He also needs to learn that Haki trick like the amazons do with the arrows.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:15 No.39609840
    >So, seriously, how do you guys feel about the timeskip?

    Ambivalent but cautiously optimistic.

    When the spoilers for 594 appeared and the speculation about the tattoo first started, I was against the idea. It seemed to me that now would be the worst possible moment in the story for a multi-year timeskip: the Pirate Age has been renewed, the New World is in chaos, the World Government is restructuring, the other Supernovas and Blackbeard are racing ahead, and Luffy just suffered a major emotional upheaval. After getting all that information about world events during Marineford, I really wanted to see the story progress immediately so we could see what's going to happen for ourselves.

    Now that it's officially confirmed to be a two year skip, however, I'm feeling a bit more optimistic. Thing have worked out well so far: Ace's death didn't ruin Luffy, the crew's determination to reunite is stronger than ever, and they all have a clear, understandable way to become better fighters over the interim.

    It seems that the NW is proving to too dangerous for the Supernova crews as they are now, so without a training period the Strawhats would have had to cool their heels in the first half of the Grand Line for some time. That would have utterly killed the story's momentum (and Oda would have looked like he was trying to drag the series out unnecessarily), so a timeskip seems to be a more sensible solution.

    That being said, I do trust Oda not to ruin anyone's character designs or drastically change any personalities for the worse. I think it's fair to assume that he's been planning this development for a long time, so I don't see any reason to fear that what he'll write post-timeskip will have that a different aesthetic to it or be of lower quality.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:16 No.39609866
    Gotta think for a bit, if Luffy is going to find which haki style he can use best which one will he end up with? While I can see him using basic Armor to hit logias, him hitting sentoumaru's level doesn't seem fitting for his current fighting style

    Observation haki is interesting but his current style is a lot of instinct based dodging, and I have a hard time seeing Luffy simply getting better at being evasive

    What if he takes his Conqueror haki to another level? Releasing controlled or focused bursts to mess with an enemy's perception of what he is doing or to make their mind hazy, making his attacks harder to dodge or putting people in a daze?

    These are just basic principles though, I'm sure there are ways to combine a type of haki with his rubber abilities but I just can't think of many right now, anyone got some creative applications of haki for Luffy to use? I'm sure Oda is going to give Luffy something unique, who knows what it will be
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:17 No.39609876
    >So, seriously, how do you guys feel about the timeskip?

    Well, with how Oda has carried the story for so long, I don't think we have much reason to worry.
    But nonetheless, I have a small little nagging feeling of worry in the back of my head, overall though: I am optimistic.

    So in the past couple of chapters
    >a prefiguring towards a training arc
    >a two year timeskip

    I wonder if Oda is making new designs for the characters?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:20 No.39609939
    >Not sure if it's been pointed out yet, but I'm pretty sure Luffy already used the 'Color of Observation'. Mihawk was going to cut off his limb before he Haki'd that shit, and made it change course.

    Ah, yes, back then there were quite a few people that made this observation, and traced the parallel back to mantra. Oda even made sure he put a panel with Luffy's "foresighting" of Mihawk's attack. Nice to know for sure what it actually was.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:20 No.39609953
    After the hiatus, when they meet up will we get a chapter named the 5th and 6th since chopper and robin will officially join the crew.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:21 No.39609956
    >What if he takes his Conqueror haki to another level?
    Remember, Rayleigh said that doesn't happen. It's the only one you can't focus or reel in, only try to ensure it doesn't knock everything the fuck out. It's also the only type of Haki you can't 'level up', as it depends solely on personal growth, just like Devil Fruits don't 'level up', but are reliant on the user's creativity.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:21 No.39609962
    >Gotta think for a bit, if Luffy is going to find which haki style he can use best which one will he end up with?

    >So, seriously, how do you guys feel about the timeskip?

    the only thing I fear for is that Haki being presented in a powerlevel fashion.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:21 No.39609963
    >I wonder if Oda is making new designs for the characters?

    I bet he's just putting the finishing touches on them now.

    I hope he goes home to his family. He says he doesn't spend a lot of time with them as it is. Poor kids. And Nami Wife
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:21 No.39609975
    One Piece is shit.
    Use these 4 weeks to discover something better.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:23 No.39610002
    >Not sure if it's been pointed out yet, but I'm pretty sure Luffy already used the 'Color of Observation'.
    >Mihawk was going to cut off his limb before he Haki'd that shit, and made it change course.

    Yes, it was suggested that was Haki when that chapter first came out.

    He also might have used it even earlier: post-CP9 when he smacked down Coby so effortlessly.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:23 No.39610021
    >the only thing I fear for is that Haki being presented in a powerlevel fashion

    Worry not, bro, see >>39601614

    Quite a few OPfans on /a/ are mangafags. If you were one as well, you'd know this.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:25 No.39610056
    blah you're right, totally overlooked that, maybe Luffy could pull a Whitebeard with some armor haki, but instead of imbuing a pole arm with haki he pumps his fist full of it, making a much stronger impact or something, explosion fists or whatever

    Could be cool
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:28 No.39610102
    >*That Haki may be presented in a powerlevel fashion

    Mistake fix'd.

    But, strangely, I'm not getting much of a vibe in that direction.

    >I bet he's just putting the finishing touches on them now.

    Well, whatever they may be, I just hope the overall material still retains the heart of the characters. I also hope it will be the same manga that I have loved for years, albeit with the tweaks here and there that don't detract, but rather are familiar at the core yet distinct.

    Yes, I am worrying a bit here. ;_;, but that doesn't mean I am not without optimism.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:29 No.39610123
    Personally, I hope Luffy gets beard stubble, like in the Romance Dawn stuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:31 No.39610176
    It's weird how people act like if you read something in JUMP it's all you read.
    Guess what? I like all your favorite manga too.

    posting in a sticky etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:33 No.39610205

    I don't actually fancy the idea of stubble much on Luffy at all. I know a lot of people have been hankering for Luffy to get facial hair, but I just think its superfluous.

    While facial hair is manly and all that crap, its not something someone NEEDS to be manly, and it wouldn't sit well with Luffy's overall youthful and "unexpected danger" image.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:36 No.39610276
    I just think it suits him, really. It doesn't need to be a full-on beard or anything, but nobody said you can't be youthful with a bit of stubble going on for you. I mean, Sanji has beard stubble, after all.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:36 No.39610289
    I'm fine with Luffy getting facial hair.

    Long as it doesn't come out as some shitstache you'd see on a 15 year old boy.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:38 No.39610340
    What would happen if two people used the 'power of observation' haki. They could both judge each others moves equally, and it would just be a stalemate right?

    Although this may be more /lit/ related I was reading a book a while ago and certain people possessed the power to see 2/3 seconds into the future, and when two people who had this power fought it would just cancel each other out.

    Just wondering what you thought about how two 'observation' haki users would fight
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:40 No.39610378
    2 years later...
    >Luffy married with hancock
    >perorona got pregnant by zorro
    >usop die of heart attack
    >franky create time machine to go back in past
    >sanji become real shemale
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:42 No.39610421
    It would end up being who has more skill in something else. imo.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:44 No.39610450

    Sanji and Luffy aren't exactly the same character types though...

    If Oda DOES decide to put some stubble on Luffy chances are I'll like it, since he's never failed me in the character design department yet, but I'm not keen on the prospect at all since I'm in the opposite spectrum as you in thinking that its a complete mismatch.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:44 No.39610464
    I think you are somewhat right with Sanji, he is going to slowly fall to the darkside. But the second he sees a real women (which you have to remember, will be two entire fucking years) it will be like a swift kick to the head and he will be back to his old self.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:46 No.39610505

    Agreed. I cannot picture 19-year-old Luffy with facial hair. It worked in Romance Dawn because he looked like he was in his late twenties there, but I think he'll still be too youthful post-timeskip to pull it off gracefully. The most I can see happening in that department is slightly longer sideburns. Actually, I expect he might look a little more like Ace overall, since they seem to resemble each other despite not being related.

    On a similar note, how would you guys feel about Luffy coming back with an eyepatch?

    I think it could work, and I'd say older Luffy qualifies as a "very special character".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:46 No.39610517
    >>perorona got pregnant by zorro

    Please do it Oda.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:47 No.39610531
    >perorona being remotely fuckable
    Hahaha, nope
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:47 No.39610532
    especially if the first two women he sees are Nami and Robin
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:48 No.39610568

    Depending on how its pulled off it might make an interesting parallel with Shanks.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:51 No.39610634
    >*That Haki may be presented in a powerlevel fashion

    >But, strangely, I'm not getting much of a vibe in that direction.

    This, actually. I'm not really getting that feeling from Haki for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:55 No.39610727
    I agree. Haki comes off as more of 'another tool' than 'THE ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE' to me. With Haki and the Rokushiki techniques, non-fruit users can potentially kick just as much ass as fruit-users. Like how Garp is probably just a really badass normal dude.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:58 No.39610781
    I remember something from Soul Eater.
    A mind reader or future reader was going to fight Killik.
    The mind reader/future predicter told him that even though he could read his abilities/see the future he couldn't stop him.
    So it will probably come down to who's the better fighter or who's color of observation haki is stronger.

    I predict an EPIC sniper battle between Usopp and that guy from the Blackbeard's group.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:58 No.39610791
    >Just wondering what you thought about how two 'observation' haki users would fight

    I think you're right. Generally, when both people posses the same special technique, it's no longer an advantage to either of them.

    The only exception to that seems to be that each type of Haki can be trained to different levels in each person. So, if you had two fighters who were both trained in the use of Observation, but one had a greater aptitude with it (e.g. he could predict 5 seconds into the future where his opponent could only see 2 seconds), that fighter would still possess something of an advantage.

    However, that advantage in turn could be negated if the other fighter was more skilled in a different type of Haki use. With that in mind, it does seem like there's still no clear cut way to decide who would have the advantage in a fight between two skilled Haki users.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)03:59 No.39610800

    You realize the Dark King said no bitches allowed, right?

    We gots training to do, hoe!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:00 No.39610822



    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:00 No.39610829
    Well of course not. We've known about Haki for some time and had a reasonably clear picture of what it was capable of. It's always seemed that Haki was more a useful skill than the determining factor in a fight.

    Being able to negate a Logia's immaterial form does not mean you've won, just that you can finally inflict damage on them.

    If you're Haoshoku Haki actually knocks your opponent out, they never stood a chance against you even without it.

    Being able to read your opponents moves does not necessarily mean being able to counter them accordingly.

    tl;dr Haki is a helpful (and necessary against certain opponents) skill to have. That is all. This chapter confirmed it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:01 No.39610851

    Good point. Actually, that's also a good argument for facial hair as well. Hm.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:03 No.39610895

    Sanji's hair will finally reveal his hidden eye, which will now be gone due to some okama training....

    and sanji has the patch, the eye we'll never get to see D:
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:08 No.39610989
    Am I the only one who wants Sanji to sport a glorious beard like motherfucking Zeff?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:08 No.39610990
    Marine Captain Cody sailing the seas and beating the shit out of evil pirates!
    It's going to be shown in one of the opening pages. I know it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:09 No.39611020

    There's no way Coby'll catch up to, let alone surpass, Luffy now that he's going to do nothing but train under Rayleigh for two whole years.

    I agree that Coby will become a total badass eventually though. He'll probably keep his awkward mannerisms and dorky personality, but I've been expecting him to grow up to be a kickass top-tier fighter ever since he was re-introduced.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:09 No.39611022
    Perhaps the Big Three should just get their own board like Pokemon and everyone will be much happier.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:11 No.39611067
    Seems pretty clear to me that Coby and Luffy will share the same relationship as Garp and Roger: Pirate King and Marine Hero who chases after him.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:12 No.39611080

    If we're even getting ONE of these two traits in Luffy's 19 year old design, it'll be just that. One.

    If both are used, it'll completely screw up Luffy's design, what I want from Luffy's new design is "two years older, two years stronger" but still undeniably silly and simple (emphasis on SIMPLE) Luffy.

    What I DON'T want is time skip Luffy being all of a sudden "omgsomanry" redesign with Luffy suddenly having a preference for huge-ass coats, facial hair, different body structure, and more scars and injuries than you can wag a finger at.

    The above is obviously an exaggeration but you get the picture, Luffy has distinct parallels with Shanks and Roger, but he is NOT going to eventually evolve into a future clone of them so using both in his new design is beyond pushing it. Luffy isn't the normal pirate archetype folks.

    So tl;dr; its one or none, but with any luck none.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:12 No.39611086

    He only knows "Soru", and even then, he's an amateur at using the technique.

    and his capacity for haki has just emerged.

    Overall, fucking awesome chapter. Good to see that it basically confirmed that haki isn't powerlevel shit, not to sound presumptuous or anything. I was quite particularly interested in how Rayleigh explained the "color of the conqueror".

    Anyways, I'm not worried at all. I just have this gut-bursting feeling that everything is going to be glorious after the timeskip.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:18 No.39611199
    >Anyways, I'm not worried at all. I just have this gut-bursting feeling that everything is going to be glorious after the timeskip.


    I just don't know how I'm supposed to endure those 4 weeks without OP.
    And frankly, I'm somewhat confused that Oda started the skipn at chap 597. Will he use chap 598 and 599 to show off how strong the crew has gotten and reunite them at 600 with Luffy? Or will they reuinite earlier and embark on their adventure to the new world at 600?

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:18 No.39611208
    >Finally decide to come on /a/
    >Haven't been on in two weeks
    >See One Piece sticky on the front page

    Just simply glorious.
    Posting in said sticky. I love you /a/, love this chapter, love One Piece, hopes as high as hell, in Oda I trust.

    Fuck Yeah.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:20 No.39611245

    Who knows, all that I DO know is that Luffy will be the last straw-hat shown after the time skip.

    ......Which means of course there's a good chance that he'll be the first to pop up with MY track record in OP predictions these days, sheesh.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:21 No.39611256

    Yeah, I doubt we'll get either, and I agree that Luffy shouldn't (and won't) be made into a ultra manly bodybuilder-lumberjack-pirate sort. Still, I have faith that Oda could make a small 'stache or a patch look good without ruining Luffy's design.

    On the other hand, I really want to see him in a big flashy coat some day, since Oda's been drawing him with one in some cover pages and colourspreads since the start.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:21 No.39611261
    You do realize that Garp trained Cody and that Garp knows Haki. You think he isn't going to train Cody to help take down or look after his idiot Grandson in his place?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:27 No.39611354
    Cody sucks
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:29 No.39611421
    How would a coat work with Luffy's power set?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:31 No.39611450
    He'd just drape it over his shoulders, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:33 No.39611503
    Luffy should accidentally drop his hat in water or something during the time skip, I would lol
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:39 No.39611603

    If it came down to it, a bit of stubble on his chin would be preferable to a stache, staches rarely look good on youthful characters, much less Luffy.

    That being said, he wore a coat in Strong World (which I believe is considered completely canon) but we unless Oda changed his mind (he said a few years back I think, that Luffy doesn't wear coats since it isn't his style) we're not likely going to get one as a major part of his costume in the series proper.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:40 No.39611615

    I'm gonna agree with >>39611450. Most of the top-tier fighters in Odaland wear their coats as capes anyway. That way, he can stand around looking cool when he wants and just shrug it off when he going to fight or goof around.
    >> OVER 9000 part1 Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:40 No.39611626
    "power levels" tangent.
    we can all agree that the power levels hate started with dbz. (don't read as dbz was the first to use power levels)

    but i submit to you, YOU ALL LOVE power levels. power levels are used as mere measuring devices and thas fine because it's the easiest way to show that a character (usually an enemy) is strong without giving a proper back story and history to *every* face that pops up in a story. the rankings are used just to pump you up and get you exciting for the ensuing clash. don't lie to yourself and say there was never a time where you were thinking to yourself, "oh shit! gonkuchigosukenuyasha is about to fight this dude, but they say he's such and such rank/level/etc."
    when the levels are used in this way, i think they could be easily forgiven as devices used for tracking the growth of the characters we are following as readers.

    also, when has a power level ever actually been the deciding factor in a serious character clash? it happens all the time in side character fights, but thas only to solidify the targets rank amirite? in which case, it's not really telling you something you didn't know already.
    >> OVER 9000 part2 Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:43 No.39611668

    unfortunately the term is thrown around most within a story once the characters' growth has been taken too far and exaggerated too much. this is when a story (fighting mango serve as the best example) has replaced what made its readers like it in its early chapters/episodes with bare impersonal attack spamming and rehashed fights. we all hate that. and as a result the term "power levels" has become the label of these degraded story conditions and seething hate erupts whenever they are mentioned or hinted at.
    myt point is that when we sign on to read a fighting mango, we can't expect to get by without any type of ranking system. power levels are not at all the problem.

    and one piece has already used "power levels" a few times. i don't need to explain douriki and although a lot folks refuse to agree, bounties and military rank are power levels. each system has a certain amount of power that is expected to come along with it, and the only exceptions are for comedy.
    >> OVER 9000 part3 Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:43 No.39611681
    a good example people always bring up to break my argument is Robin. Robin's not the strongest fighter but has a huge bounty.
    i say so?
    just because the story explains that a bounty measures the threat a character presents doesn't mean it's not still a rule of thumb for battle ability outside of this special circumstance, and Robin is special.
    also, remember when she first made her appearance? this lady who's "not that good in a fight" was breaking fools right and left wasn't she? even if she's not a fighter, she was winning her fair share of fights with no problem.

    if after this time skip, haki turns out to be another ranking system (which i think it will, it's showing the symptoms...different areas to master, different levels of master, etc) i don't think THAT will be a problem. what may very well be the problem is that fighting might become haki based from now on and the Oda will have forgotten what we liked/tolerated about one piece up to this point.

    tldr; you love power levels
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:43 No.39611687
    Awesome chapter, solid haki explanation, keeping it consistent with the series' internal logic, prelude of good things to come.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:44 No.39611692
    About Miss Goldenweek and her COLOR traps?

    Taking Rayleigh's approach, that's Haki.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:44 No.39611696
    the only reason "power levels" are introduced in a manga is to have the hero and his friend break the rules. No exceptions. So people who get buthurts whenever someone don't follow the powerlevel chart is a moron. That's the only reason there's a chart to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:44 No.39611697
    One piece shippuuden
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:47 No.39611753
    >One Piece sticky
    >From complaining and troll shit-fest to civilized discussion

    Never change, /a/.
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 08/26/10(Thu)04:47 No.39611762
    I think I'm going to try to read all of One Piece before the 4 weeks are up. I dropped it at volume 11. I think... so it shouldn't be too hard.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:47 No.39611776
    A sticky of One Piece?

    Fuck yeah!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:50 No.39611833
    tl;dr, since you simpy disregarded everything we've actually seen in the series regarding the use of haki. For actual informative posts, see:
    >It isn't for the simple fact that it can't be measured or charged up. Sure you measure someone's potential for a certain type of proficiency with a certain type of Haki, but as Rayleigh puts it, everyone in the world has the ability to use Haki, if given enough training. It’s concept is primarily tied to the inner will and ambition of the user, not a hidden energy/aura that you tap into.

    Only trolls still say otherwise at this point, especially after this chapter's explanation on the subjecty.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:54 No.39611905
    He will learn MUSICAL HAKI.
    You read it here first.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:55 No.39611920
    It's too bad, then, that inner will/ambition CAN be measured, compared and contrasted and ultimately used as a surrogate powerlevel for haki fighters.

    Enjoy your One Piece Z.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:57 No.39611943
    Sanji confirmed for ''pink leg'' Sanji

    Luffy confirmed for growing facial hair like in Romance Dawn

    Brooke confirmed for growing facial hair
    oh wait! as a skeleton he has no more hair to grow facial hair with! YOHOHOHOHO
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:57 No.39611954
    Perform for them. Learn new, powerful bardsong effects. Two whole years to experiment with the tribe as his unwitting guinea pigs.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:58 No.39611964

    He's going to learn ANTI-HAKI MUSIC.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)04:59 No.39611974

    I just assumed that he'd remain in captivity practicing his songs until they're powerful enough to influence his captors into setting him free.

    I was wondering if he also might do some fencing, but it might be more practical for him to focus on his music since he's obviously a better musician than he is a swordsman.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:00 No.39611997
    This thread is nearing 1000 posts.
    I think that is neato.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:02 No.39612030

    >since he's obviously a better musician than he is a swordsman.

    Despite not being canon, the last movie has shown where Brook is more useful than Zoro: If you have to disable a very large amount of annoying cannon fodder, Brook is your man to do the service in the most elegant fashion possible, from music to honest-to-god quickjabs.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:03 No.39612034

    Why don't you try writing your own posts instead of copying someone else's comments?

    You might even find you have something worth saying.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:04 No.39612046
    Holly cow.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:07 No.39612109
    Fucking brilliant. As much as I'm dismayed by the break, this chapter was a perfect "closure" to the first half of One Piece. Zoro's panel-time being set aside for this chapter made it really special; him putting his pride beneath Luffy's ambition really shows his growth as a character since we first met him (though seeing Mihawk laugh like that was out of the left field).
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:08 No.39612121

    Yeah, Brook definitely has a lot of potential. If possible I'd like to see him come out of the timeskip with a more unified fighting style: ideally, he'd be incorporating music directly into his fencing attacks rather than using one or the other separately.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:08 No.39612122
    More like One Piece Z, youngfag
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:10 No.39612159
    I thought Movie 10 actually WAS canon.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:10 No.39612164
    This chapter is exactly why I love One Piece. Oda cares about his own series, and answers a bunch of build up questions while raising new ones. The ending really rounds off the first half of One Piece in an appropriate manner. This time skip devoted just to training is exactly what the series needed - no training arc, no boring time wasted, but growth nonetheless. They've all gotten much stronger over the course of the series, but the New World is on a whole other level, from what we've seen.

    As for the Zoro situation, I think it works out great and really fits what his character has developed into during the first half of the Grand Line. It was unexpected, but works out right.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:11 No.39612181
    meh i will judge it when it comes out who knows it could be epic. im looking forward change............(good change anyways.....chances are im 99% right its going to be shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:13 No.39612219
    It's canon now that we know where it fits in the timeline - between TB and SA.

    Besides, not only Shiki is referenced in the manga itself, but Oda made Strong World a mark for Luffy's last adventure as a 18yr old. It's canon alright.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:13 No.39612220
    this is post # 1000
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:14 No.39612233
    Trolling, clear as day.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:14 No.39612234

    It sure is.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:15 No.39612269
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:17 No.39612308
    >Zoro's panel-time being set aside for this chapter made it really special; him putting his pride beneath Luffy's ambition really shows his growth as a character since we first met him

    Goddamn this.

    Every holy fuck moment he has done so far (Usopp leaving, thriller bark kuma incident, this) is shaping him up to be the first mate of the motherfucking century.

    Him and Rayleigh are some badass human motherfuckers
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:21 No.39612373
    God I can't imagine how awesome Zoro's training will be.

    >Zoro: Alright, let's start training
    >Mihawk: Breaks all of Zoros swords
    >Zoro: What the fuck man
    >Mihawk: The sword is a swordmans pride and life. If you can't wield a sword properly, you don't deserve it, let alone 3.
    >Zoro: Bu-
    >Mihawk: Silence. A man who knows not how to use the sword in his heart deserves no swords.
    You will have to earn them one by one. You will get your first sword if you manage to touch my coat
    >Shit going down like the motherfucking fist of north star.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:22 No.39612388
    >bounties and military rank are power levels

    Bounties are basically a threat level, reflective of the deeds done. While great strength is a fair expectation from a really high bounty or rank, it is really not the entire case.

    Take the two commodores we have seen so far in the story.

    Remember Commodore PurinPurin and his crew during the Arlong Park arc? Not exactly the Smoker type, was he? Not all high-ranking Marine commanders are berserker warrior material.

    Also, Vice Admiral Mononmga has rape-tier strength, enough to slay a Sea King. But Vice Admiral Tsuru, while formidable enough to hold her own against pirates, probably wouldnt be what you would consider to batshit powerful along the same lines as the former.

    And look at Luffy and Capone "Gang" Bege. Luffy is a hardcore brawler with some crazy techniques that hold insane power. Bege relies on his soliders-military power-, and his bizarre "fortress DF" power (which is completely awesome), but he isn't a brawler. If you have seen these two in action, you would instantly know what I am saying.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:23 No.39612404
    >Mihawk training Zoro
    That's like Ash would ask Gary to teach him how to beat him
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:24 No.39612422
    >I didn't read the latest chapter where zoro asks mihawk to train him
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:28 No.39612487
    Mihawk and Zoro confirmed for future brawl partners. Look how much that fabulous motherfucker admires Zoro's loyalty to his crew.

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:29 No.39612500

    Dammit.. I'm still listening to this. This is a BOSS opening (even more so, considering it's some JPOP Boy Band. Jezus).

    I think I like it better than the later two. That look Hancock gave Luffy by the end? Oh yeah, she wants that dick.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:33 No.39612547
    As if he's gonna break all of Zoro's swords. Maybe take them. He still has his white sword that he got from the start, that one probably isn't going to break anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:34 No.39612565
    I'm hoping Brook brings the devil thing into his new skill set. But with a funny Brook twist.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:36 No.39612582
    Oh yes, and for clarification: Smoker is now the same rank as PurinPurin was. and was introduced as a Captain not too long before PurinPurin was introduced.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:36 No.39612588
    This thread makes me so ashamed of reading One Piece. The readerbase is full of unreasonable and intolerant bigots pushing their opinions on others and refusing to notice opposing views. And quality-wise, almost all One Piece-related posts here are something I'd expect to see on Gaia, what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:39 No.39612628
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:40 No.39612656
    >This thread makes me so ashamed of reading One Piece. The readerbase is full of unreasonable and intolerant bigots pushing their opinions on others and refusing to notice opposing views. And quality-wise, almost all One Piece-related posts here are something I'd expect to see on Gaia, what the fuck

    Your post is a bit late.

    The thread went from shit/baww fest to civilised discussion from some time ago. I dont see much of what could be considered trolling for a good stretch, excluding your post of course.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:42 No.39612690
    >trying hard, failing hard.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:42 No.39612692
    Oda making mihawk destroy kuinas sword would be the most stupid thing to do, ever.

    And I don't think a swordsman as higly regarded as Mihawk would disrespect and intentionally destroy someones swords for just that silly reason.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:44 No.39612730
    >And I don't think a swordsman as higly regarded as Mihawk would disrespect and intentionally destroy someones swords for just that silly reason

    While I understand what you are saying here, I think what we were shown during the Baratie arc would probably disgaree with you.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:47 No.39612763
    Those were lowtier swords and Zoro was coming at him with the intention of killing him. I see nothing wrong with him destorying them at that moment.

    Destorying swords as hightier as kuinas sword in a training, when he just can take the swords, is something I just can't see him doing.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:51 No.39612840
    Post time skip character designs:

    Luffy - Same as ever because rubber doesn't change shape
    Nami - Noticebly bigger tits possibly either shorter/longer hair
    Zoro - Mihawk moustache
    Usopp - Fat turned to muscle
    Chopper - Same as ever
    Robin - Possibly shorter/longer hair
    Franky - Same as ever
    Brook - Same as ever

    Or you know they just all look the same
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:51 No.39612844
    I posted in this epic thread
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:52 No.39612852

    We need some epic background music to go with this sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:53 No.39612880
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:57 No.39612934
    >Post time skip character designs:
    >Luffy - Same as ever because rubber doesn't change shape

    If that were true, Luffy would still have the body of an seven-year-old.

    However his Fruit affects his constitution, it's clear that it doesn't interfere with the natural aging process.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:58 No.39612960
    The way haki works reminds me more of HxH nen and early JJBA ripple more than ki and reiatsu sort of powerelevel babble. I am pleasantly surprised.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:58 No.39612976
    >Luffy - Same as ever because rubber doesn't change shape
    Nami - Noticebly bigger tits possibly either shorter/longer hair
    Zoro - Mihawk moustache
    Usopp - Fat turned to muscle
    Chopper - Same as ever
    Robin - Possibly shorter/longer hair
    Franky - Same as ever
    Brook - Same as ever

    >Or you know they just all look the same

    I am very okay with either option. Though, I hope the character we have known as Usopp will, at the core, still be familiar to us.

    >bigger tits
    varying degrees of want. Could even rage at the outcome.

    captcha: I'm rubber

    the captcha knows.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)05:59 No.39612982
    wow, that's the third sticky i hide since the new mod is here...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:01 No.39613028

    Whoops, yeah not thinking straight there. Oh well at most he'll be a few inches taller.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:04 No.39613073

    i know they're long. but read my posts again and think them through.
    you're doing the whole "but this guys isn't like what you said arguement."

    aslo >>39611696
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:05 No.39613091
    >I'm rubber
    >the captcha knows

    I wonder how Buggy would react to this particular combo of words?

    >The way haki works reminds me more of HxH nen and early JJBA ripple more than ki and reiatsu sort of powerelevel babble.

    >I am pleasantly surprised

    Indeed. To me, something just seems so distinct about haki. Anything related to "powelevels" never crossed my mind even when it was explained, not even for a second.

    inb4 lolfanboy or some other kind of asspained faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:11 No.39613184

    It's a bit of a tangent, but I was actually also thinking that perhaps Luffy wouldn't age like a normal person in some respects.

    He's still growing at this point, but past the age of 25 or so, I wonder if he'd age externally. After all, one of the most noticeable signs of aging is developing wrinkles, and I suppose having infinitely stretchy rubber skin would preclude that.

    I guess he'd still get grey hair eventually, but it's an interesting thought.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:12 No.39613207
    never thought it was distinct as said before nen, but theyre just asspained about one piece
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:20 No.39613331
    Dear attentionwhore mod,

    stop stickying shit that doesn't need to be stickied
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:21 No.39613345
    Dear attentionwhore mod

    Please stop stickying shit that doesn't need to be stickied
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:21 No.39613351
    well enjoy your 5+ OP threads on the frontpage
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:35 No.39613554
    Oda just became my favourite mangaka.
    Yes, fuck training arcs, you should just rest and do a timeskip.
    Much fucking better.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:35 No.39613568
    >shit that doesn't need to be stickied
    So you prefer OP fans spamming their threads about the exact same thing in the front page?

    Do you remember when a certain old man character in One Piece named Whitebeard died and there are like 10 threads in page 0 and 1?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:37 No.39613582
    >30 years old Robin

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:37 No.39613583
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:38 No.39613609
    This thread shows how night in /a/ is the only good /a/.
    Now is when the kids start again, so be prepare.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:41 No.39613636
    As long as Robin gets classes I'm fucking ok with anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:44 No.39613671
    For people worrying about haki being haxshit, I seem to remember Luffy Gear 2nd'ing the Snake Bitches into submission...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:45 No.39613683
    Satoshi Kon will still be dead four weeks from now.

    One Piece will still suck four weeks from now.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:45 No.39613691

    My thoughts exactly.

    Oh well. I enjoyed the brief 'tard-free window of time while it lasted.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:48 No.39613728
    This is getting replies faster than the Kon sticky isn't it?

    Holy shit
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:48 No.39613731

    fucking this.

    oh well, time to go do something else, see ya bros later tonight
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:49 No.39613750

    Except your idea of bounties = powerlevel is entirely offset by almost everything we've seen in the series. Namely Robin, Chopper, Buggy (inevitably so due to his link to Roger being revealed), Sanji, and pretty much all of the Shichibukai, considering that they had their bounties frozen after joining the Government, and having refined and nurtured their talents past that point several times over.

    tl;dr You're looking for powerlevels just for the sake of trollan, and doing a shitty job of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:50 No.39613782
    I'm pretty sure Mod hates One Piece and wants to point out that it's gone for 4 weeks now. Guess it didn't work out that well.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:53 No.39613832
    I think your brain is somewhat broken...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)06:55 No.39613862
    Postan in a One piece sticky

    Epic for the win.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:00 No.39613932
    Even though this thread seems to be degenerating back into a trollfest, I hope this will still be stickied for a while longer. As in, for the next four weeks.

    When this one gets excessively long, Mod can just remake the thread. Real discussion will move to the new thread naturally, the trolls will get sick of posting, and there will be fewer summerfriend threads asking where their One Piece releases have gone.

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:04 No.39613988
    one piece is for 10 year old faggots
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:04 No.39613989
    Can we get this wan piss trash outta here? Thought we were free of this kiddyshit for 4 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:05 No.39614007
    shitting in a shiticky
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:07 No.39614060
    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:08 No.39614067
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:11 No.39614111
    oh, a OP sticky is the least thing I expected, seeing how divided opinions it has around here.

    I'm ok with this, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:16 No.39614192
    >Satoshi Kon got a sticky because he died

    >One Piece gets a sticky because of a four week break
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:17 No.39614197
    4 week break....2 YEAR TRAINING ARC FUU
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:18 No.39614218
    I'm extremely curious about the post time skip situation.

    Not just designs but how the world has changed in general. I can see chaotic conditions on Whitebeards former territory and increased slavery and piracy.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:18 No.39614226
    Satoshi Kon sticky got ruined because of underage faggots who said shit like "Nothing of value was lost" or "Not a single fuck was given" simply because they never watched his movie.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:20 No.39614242
    >Soulja Boy gets a sticky because he made a song with anime references

    Captcha: unobjectionable ponys
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:23 No.39614285
    So much mad ITT, it brings me joy.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:27 No.39614339

    When people target him they seem to avoid breaking it, probably because of the whole 'it's a rare special sword' thing going on.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:27 No.39614350
    So much joy ITT, it makes me mad.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:28 No.39614361
    One Piece is a odd manga for me..
    I usually despise long-running series, but this one, despite being only half-way through gives off a sense of progress every arc. Yes, even Skypiea.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:33 No.39614449
    >Oda runs out of ideas for his shitty kids lolpirates manga
    >Discovers a manga called Dragon Ball
    >Copies it

    Sure is originality in here.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:34 No.39614471
    So I'm guessing 598 and 599 will be recaps, where are they now, ect. I'm betting on Oda to keep the Strawhats hidden until the final big reveal in 600. Probably two back to back two page spreads, the first showing off the new designs and the last being something awesome like a giant reunion group hug.

    Following that, hopefully some new asshole rookies showing up at Sabaody will provide a glimpse of how strong the characters have gotten.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:34 No.39614475
    Absolutely new news: Dragonball invented timeskips.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:43 No.39614615
    Worst sticky ever?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:44 No.39614627
    Best sticky ever!
    >> Q_ !!7VSkjuYKmO2 08/26/10(Thu)07:46 No.39614665
    ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:47 No.39614674
    Definitely a decent sticky!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:49 No.39614711
    This newfangled /b/tard mod sure likes to show off his power even though all he that he does only makes things shittier
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)07:53 No.39614777
    for teh lulz
    >> Stuart D !!ttFD9KkwCoh 08/26/10(Thu)08:03 No.39614912
    cool sticky guys, but check out my doubles.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:03 No.39614915
    poastan in timeskip thread
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:08 No.39614986
    amazing threaaaaaad
    >> sage sage 08/26/10(Thu)08:09 No.39615008
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:13 No.39615088
    sage on a sticky
    >> sage 08/26/10(Thu)08:14 No.39615091
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:14 No.39615103
    Back on topic guys...
    I can't wait to see the anime opening song for when the timeskip happens.
    Luffy will be matured, new enemies, nakama all looking different!
    But just like the rest of /a/, I wish a nigger would sing the opening song after the timeskip.
    Something like....hmm let me make something quick
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:15 No.39615112
    >~~~~Niggas we be back~~~~

    dun duh duh duh duh da da~~
    dun duh duh duh duh da da~~
    dun duh duh duh duh da da~~
    dun duh duh duh duh da da~~

    Fuckin bitches knows how to touch me
    Fuckin bitches knows how to touch me
    In the Lillllyyy, of Calm Belt
    In the Lillllyyy, of good ol' Boa
    In the Lillllyyy, island of ladies
    Keep'on fuckin, Keep'on fuckin

    Now let me welcome everybody to the calm, calm pen
    An island that's untouchable from the niggas back then
    My student trained his balls off just to be the best
    Fucked hancock. had a baby in the country of sex
    He's gonna cruise back down on a kick ass slemp seat
    the place where you never find a slave house empty
    His friends be on a mission to get back together
    lean mean fuckin-badass-machines altogether
    I been on the land for 2 years, teaching haki
    ever since I swam through that blue sea
    Now it's '24 he'll surpass me and leave me
    Ambition shinin lookin like he'll conquer the sea
    It's all good, did my fun back in the day
    You're lookin prettty good, I'm not sayin that I'm gay
    Sell up a mermaid when we get back that way
    Ray puttin it down for

    Am-a-zon Li-lay

    Fuckin bitches knows how to touch me
    Fuckin bitches knows how to touch me
    In the Lillllyyy, of Calm Belt
    In the Lillllyyy, of good ol' Boa
    In the Lillllyyy, island of ladies
    Keep'on fuckin, Keep'on fuckin

    ---yeah my nigga shake come on---

    Shake it shake it Boa
    Shake it shake that baby
    Shake it shake I'm not the father
    Shake it Lily
    Shake it shake it Sonia
    Shake it shake it shake it
    Shake it shake it shake it
    shake it One Piece

    Time is 2:22 mins perfect for a One Piece opening
    sing along
    >> sage sage 08/26/10(Thu)08:16 No.39615124
    What the fuck is this?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:17 No.39615145
    I'm sorry, but go fuck yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:18 No.39615158
    A one piece sticky
    And I'll be bumping it
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:21 No.39615196
    on the plus side, the anime can catch up now.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:22 No.39615209
    No it can't.
    The first part ended, not the whole series. Pacing of the second part will he horrendous when they catch up now.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:36 No.39615445
    /b/? on my One Piece?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:41 No.39615540
    >Leave thread 4 hours ago when discussion was turning civilised
    >Come back

    And they said Night /a/ didn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:47 No.39615621

    I know, right? See ya in nightime, it seems.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:48 No.39615632

    Nah just wait 30 minutes and all the Americunt kids will go to school and that should be just enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:50 No.39615671
    I feel the same. Feels sad bro.

    Ok this is how I see some changes:

    Luffy will get a goatee.

    Ussop will get dreads.

    Brook will train under whoever bought him .

    Chopper will get so much medicine and poisons in his possession.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:57 No.39615763
    >>1094 posts and 151 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    In a One Piece thread
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)08:58 No.39615790

    In a One Piece sticky.

    Only maybe 100 of those posts are serious discussion.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:01 No.39615827
    damn the image limit
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:01 No.39615838
    Franky and Chopper will be the bests. Because they will leard everthing that they need ALONE.
    >> Scatterbrain 08/26/10(Thu)09:02 No.39615849
    A break of what?

    This mangaka can draw that stff with his ass really.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:03 No.39615855
    Fuck yea One Piece sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:03 No.39615862

    Oda's wife demands vacation
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:05 No.39615886
    A One Piece sticky huh? Didn't see that one coming.

    So One Piece's "1st part" is officially over..

    I must say that was a nice ride. My thoughts on the sagas:

    East Blue: Alright. Best parts Arlong and Lougetown.
    Baroqque Works: Great. Best parts Drum and Alabasta. 8/10.
    Skypiea: Good. Best parts Jaya and Norland flashback. 7/10.
    CP9: Amazing. Best parts Water 7 and Post Enies Lobby. 9/10.
    Thriller Bark: Great. Best parts beginning till Moria, Zoro's and Ussop's fights and from Oz vs. Strawhats to the end. 8/10.
    Whitebeard War: Mindblowing. Best parts Sabaondy, Marineford and Post-Marineford. 10/10.

    Overall: 8/10. Great series with some flaws.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:05 No.39615902
    I could NEVER see Chopper using a poison in battle. Not after Dr.Hiluluk. It's just waaaaay too out of character.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:07 No.39615925
    I'd have to agree. Personally I just love the thought that's put into writing this. To the point you really can't overlook anything that's happened.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:08 No.39615933
    Well if it didn't flush out the beginning then it wouldn't be as good later on.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:09 No.39615947
    Good. less trees are going to be chop down because of this piece of shit
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:09 No.39615953
    Night here is just better on any board. Helps that school is back in too. With that, I sleep.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:11 No.39615970
    I hope there is the two year timeskip in the next chapter.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:18 No.39616073
    >One piece sticky
    Hell yeah, motherfucker.
    But I wonder how Oda will handle it, will we just get a "2 years later" thing in a month, or will he follow up a few chapters to set things up before hand?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:19 No.39616074
    OP is Oda's first manga, naturally it's gonna be sloppy because he has no experience. Now it's been 13 years and it shows. Everything has improved - art, story, characters..
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:23 No.39616145
    Let's hope he doesn't go the route of other mangaka and start heading in the wrong direction, I hate to see series divert from where they were heading and go somewhere horrible.

    Oda being who he is, I'm sure he won't ruin it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:26 No.39616184
    4 weeks from now, more trees are going to be chopped down.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:27 No.39616204
    You think One Piece art isn't the best out of the Big 3?

    Then you don't know SHIT about manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:29 No.39616235
    >You think One Piece art isn't the best out of the Big 3?
    >Then you don't know SHIT about manga.

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:29 No.39616242
    Hurry up and go to school, troll-kun. Nobody really cares about the artwork. One Piece fans enjoy the artstyle of the series, others might not. At the very best, everybody gets a good, silly laugh over the whole 'lolbackgrounds' thing in Bleach, but that's about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:31 No.39616268
    How can people even argue that One Piece's art isn't by far the best out of the big 3? Seriously
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:32 No.39616290
    Agreed. Oda's art is stylish. His ideas for character design is creative and the island looks imaginative. Oda's art is brilliantly unique. Nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:32 No.39616294
    read some of the later stuff.
    I bet most people read the first 10 chapters and condemn the whole series shit. The artwork gets a drastic improvement starting with Skypiea.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:32 No.39616295
    >implying Kuina's sword is ever gonna break

    lol no
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:35 No.39616344
    I wish all the backgrounds in the manga would be rendered Strong World quality. That movie might have had a meh middle part in terms of story, but it looked fucking amazing all the way through.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:41 No.39616470
    During his training with Mihawk, Zoro is going to lose his right eye and start wielding an additional 3 swords.
    Or lose his right arm as well and get it replaced with a mechanical arm-cannon.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:49 No.39616660
    Or.... get married
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:53 No.39616751
    This sticky is shit! WATCH ME SAGE!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:55 No.39616780
    im not sure what to think about this whole " Mihawk training Zorry" thing

    and it's good to see that Oda finally drops that " characters grows stronger as fight goes along or gets stronger after the fight" bullshit

    and it's good to see that Oda finally drops that " characters grows stronger as fight goes along or gets stronger after the fight"

    and something about Haki bothered my this chap

    but im not sure what
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:56 No.39616787
    That's awesome Chen! Do it again!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:56 No.39616792
    I wonder if Zoro will be able to use Haki after his training, he always shown much better intimidation skills then Luffy, his Asura looks like some kind of haki-based ability, and though it can't really be called canon in the SA arc in anime there was a scene when he intimidated a group of bounty hunters with what looked like a burst of haki.
    Any character has potential to loose an eye since Oda stated in one of SBS that he wants to make a one-eyed character, and there was a lot of theories that it will be one of current characters after some events.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)09:59 No.39616850
    That would certainly be an interesting to see, though not likely to happen since the closest Oda got to the matter to this point is Hancock's girly crush on Luffy.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:04 No.39616933
    And then he'll seek revenge on the person responsible for killing Kuina.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:05 No.39616952
    I wonder..has anyone ever come to the idea that Kuina fell down the stairs with the sword going right through her skull?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:07 No.39616991
    I think Sanji and Zorro can already use Color of Armaments as in Asura and the fire leg thing. And it anyone looses an eye it should be Usopp.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:08 No.39616998
    >During his training with Mihawk, Zoro is going to lose his right eye and start wielding an additional 3 swords
    So he'll basically become Date Masamune? Good thing they have the same voice actor.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:09 No.39617023
    Thank you, sir, that was the joke.
    Also, Guts
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:10 No.39617055

    also sticky for 4 weeks.

    There should be a Naruto/One Piece/Bleach forum, It would be constant fighting and bickering.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:11 No.39617077

    get out.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:12 No.39617091
    Well I think Usopp or Luffy would be most fitting to loosing an eye, though Usopp is closer since he is in a pretty rough place to train and currently fat, Luffy is also in a dangerous island, but I doubt him for this role since he already got a scar under his left eye, that would be just too much of facial features.
    >> Somewut !RJdrchMBpw 08/26/10(Thu)10:13 No.39617121
    Except it wouldn't, because most shonen fans enjoy all three of them. The only bullshit would be from pathetic, ronery losers aching for their 10 year old moe waifu.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:14 No.39617151
    Not for Naruto, it's can't be enjoyed by someone who ever read any actual good shonen.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:16 No.39617175
    Fuck yes, finally a good sticky with relevant content!
    >> one piece is better than k-on! one piece is better than k-on! 08/26/10(Thu)10:16 No.39617190
    one piece is better than k-on!

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:17 No.39617204
    Thanks for proving his point jackass
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:18 No.39617210
    derp derp derp

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:18 No.39617218
    So we got a captain obvious in the mod team, that's pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:18 No.39617224
    Look it's a pathetic, ronery loser
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:20 No.39617251
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:20 No.39617257
    I hate Bleach and Naruto.
    call me a OPtard all you want, but those 2 have spiraled into total shit.

    I hate the slow pace of Bleach and the out of nowhere twists, like the 0th espada.
    I hate Sasuke and the bullshit anti-climaxes like Naruto hyperventilating.
    I can't stand those nor can I understand how anyone could read the series after such bullshitting with the readers. Each to their own I guess. This is just how I feel.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:21 No.39617275
    Oh look, some idiot was using Unicode.

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:22 No.39617279
    Maybe One Piece's art isn't the best out of the big three, but seriously One Piece has the best composition overall among them.
    Why else would so many people buy it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:22 No.39617280

    go ahead and give the posts another read through. it's coo, not everyone gets it on their first or second try... apparently
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:23 No.39617300
    It's been a common term that Japan has shit taste
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:24 No.39617304
    sales =/= art quality
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:24 No.39617321
    So by your logic Twilight is good because people buy it
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:26 No.39617353

    >My face when Usopp loses an eye during the timeskip, thus losing his sniping skills, and becomes a super strong melee fighter

    I wouldn't like that. Not one bit.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:27 No.39617381
    I hate One Piece
    call me a narutard all you want, but those it has spiraled into total shit.

    I hate the ugly art and how all the characters are over exaggerations, the jokes are annoying and teh story is going nowhere

    I can't stand those nor can I understand how anyone could read the series after such bullshitting with the readers. Each to their own I guess. This is just how I feel.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:30 No.39617438
    Well your logic would come naturally to anyone who haven't shot out of any weapon in his entire life, you use only one eye to aim, second eye will only change perspective and make it much harder to shoot.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:30 No.39617446
    Sure, I'm okay with that. Though you just copied my post and place One Piece with Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:32 No.39617499
    I assume that's the point, your post basically said "no offence, but those series you like? fucking shit, and you are for reading them"
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:33 No.39617511
    >One Piece
    >ugly art

    You don't know SHIT about manga, son. The art is even better than Berserk.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:33 No.39617523

    Well, it was just a wild mass guessing without any real value. After all, new sniping attacks for Usopp have been foreshadowed (the Pop Greens and all that), so it's not like Usopp will just become a punchy-punchy warrior. He will just be awesome in all fields.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:34 No.39617536
    Not really. I said I couldn't understand how somebody could like them. I never said "you are shit for reading them".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:34 No.39617537
    >second eye will only change perspective and make it much harder to shoot.
    >What is depth-perception?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:37 No.39617591
    One Piece art has unique style.

    I don't get why people are claiming the art style as ugly. It's basically the same as American animation. And last time I checked, people never complain about American cartoon's art.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:40 No.39617667
    Me either. If Usopp has his eyes messed up, then who is going to fight Van Auger in the final boss battle?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:41 No.39617677
    Oh, I just realized I made a typo in that. I meant
    I can't stand those series nor can I understand how anyone could read the series after such bullshitting with the readers.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:41 No.39617689
    One Piece is to /a/ what Scott Pilgrim is to /co/.

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:43 No.39617725
    lmao, I'd bother arguing with you but you're just too hilariously stupid I'd end up laughing myself to death.

    >>I don't want that now, do I?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:43 No.39617734
    Which still works perfectly fine for one-eyed people.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:44 No.39617737
    Who's Scott Pilgrim?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:44 No.39617742
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:44 No.39617764
    An I can't understand how anyone can still continue reading One Piece when it's riffled with bullshit.

    We can go either way with this but in the end it all comes down to lol opinions
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:45 No.39617767
    Interestingly I remember read in an interview(with Oda and Toriyama, I think). That the style was supposed to be different from the "big-eyed" style that was used a lot back then to make it more unique
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:47 No.39617814
    But Scott Pilgrim is actually shit for more reasons other than art
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:48 No.39617837
    of course.
    I guess I worded my comment a little badly...oh well.
    Apologies I'm not a native English speaker.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:48 No.39617839
    I'd say you are the one who continue to argue.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:49 No.39617861
    My main complaint with OP is that there is so much for me to get into, that I need to take a serious chunk of time to sit down and catch up, and that the fanbase makes it tough for me to want to, because it seems to consist entirely of trolls
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:49 No.39617869
    Argue what? So apparently stating an opinion is arguing now?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:50 No.39617884
    Fuck yeah!

    I wonder what's waiting for us at the New World!!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:50 No.39617893
    How many people who dislike Wan Piss who've posted in this thread have read past the first 5 chapters?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:51 No.39617911
    Why'd you even bother responding to him idiot
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:51 No.39617916
    >Which still works perfectly fine for one-eyed people.
    Do you have one eye? If not close one eye and press a button on the keyboard top-down. You'll notice that your aim is slightly off in one direction. You can get used to it over time, but it's still a slight impairment. It also reduces your field of vision so you have to tilt your head more when looking around, which is uncomfortable.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:52 No.39617934
    >> TRIPCODES EVERYWHERE !uj/koSf.Zc 08/26/10(Thu)10:53 No.39617963
    Postan in a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:53 No.39617966

    Also, these swords are of higher quality (one of the 50 wazamono-something, meaning it is among the hundred best blades in the entire fucking world), so unless you are trying to stab Shuu, it is pretty sure you can't CUT KATANAH? with a single blow, even if you are facing Kokuto Yoru against Sandai Kitetsu.

    Structural damage is another business, though (zoro managed to almost break Wado Ichimonji by pounding it nonstop against fodder and stuff so he had blacksmiths checking its temper very often)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:53 No.39617970

    Do you know how big of a faggot you sound?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:54 No.39617987
    No, he stated his opinion, you started to argue with him by trying to mock his post, and even after he clarified his position by removing direct offense to people with other opinions you still continued to argue, if you have an opinion you don't need to prove it to others and especially not in such a silly form as you started.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:54 No.39617988
    he never said that.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:54 No.39618009

    When did I say anything like that?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:54 No.39618016
    >How many people who dislike Wan Piss have read past the first 5 chapters?
    oh boy, 1/10 for effort of typing text
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:55 No.39618022
    It was still a stupid question regardless, why does anyone need a reason to not liking it?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:55 No.39618032
    I figured I'd throw in my 2 cents on the whole "Big 3" thing.

    I love the one piece anime, I was up to about episode 300 when my friend suggested I should read manga (I never had, he just read naruto btw) I ended up buying 26 volumes in a 6 week period, I'd have more but my supplier is out of stock untill next month.

    The same friend got me to watch naruto, I watched every naruto/shippudden in 3 months and now read the manga and I sit there refreshing the page on crunchyroll everyweek waiting for the anime.

    I just got the first volume of bleach today, don't know much about it, I'm looking forward to reading it right now.

    Overall I much prefer One Piece and it has overtaken DBZ as my favorite anime.

    Everyone has their own taste, stop bitching.

    There all good in their own way.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:55 No.39618034
    You're an idiot if you don't bother to learn about something before forming a final opinion. Congratulations, you know it exists. If you never learn more than that and some second hand knowledge, you know nothing about how good the series is.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:55 No.39618037
    So, I think we are passing through an important point: will Franky have a new face? Or will he just recover his facial features without further changes?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:56 No.39618041
    >>HATE IT

    Nigga, shit. One thing is not liking a series and another is hating it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:57 No.39618075
    Posting in an epic sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:57 No.39618083
    >Robin will be 30

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:58 No.39618099
    You realize you just gave an opinion right?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:58 No.39618108

    >why does anyone need a reason to not liking it?

    Are you thick? Disregarding your terrible attempt at English it's idiotic to hate something without a reason
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:58 No.39618113
    I don't care about his face, i don't want his hair to change.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:59 No.39618126
    Is your body ready for a Sanji capable of hitting women?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)10:59 No.39618132
    Everyone who refers to either one of the mangas as "the big 3" are truly and utterly braindamaged.

    Try having a decent discussion about expectations to the time skip, instead of bitching and whining about fucking this and fucking that?

    As for the trolls, if no one responds, they'll eventually tire and go back to posting scoped knives on /k/.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:00 No.39618162
    You don't need a reason to not like something jackass, One Piece isn't perfect and not everyone can see it as it is, but then again we aren't blind fanboys like you are
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:00 No.39618169

    Or simply will become strong enough so he can take a 4-ton-bat to the face and suffer real damage - because he is now a man to take it - instead of holding on Pell Immunity/Plot Armor/Comic Relief/Focus Sash until Chopper comes...

    ... and pop some caps at the attacker while he's under the recoil inertia, shooting faster than his brain can send/receive "SHIT THAT HURT" signals.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:00 No.39618181

    >for Sanju, Sanji's okama form

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:01 No.39618192
    OK, here's the list of the powers I think they will get.

    Luffy: Conquerors' Haki. All fights are now a staring competition.
    Zoro: 1 sword style improved. Also, changes katana for a different sword.
    Sanji: Okama Kempo + Some kind of cooking attacks.
    Nami: Climate change is now real. Gore was right. Also, tits will grow.
    Usopp: Better hand-to-hand combat. Maybe some bullshit powerup like Gia Sekando, or Ashura.
    Chopper: Monster Monster mode. He becomes an Evangelion and invokes the Third Impact.
    Robin: Becomes proficient with a weapon. Also, tits will grow.
    Franky: All kinds of awesome inventions. New face.
    Brook: Learns a new song. Swod and dagger fighting style.

    Your ideas?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:01 No.39618207
    Well this post is written using this method of yours with one eye, let's see how it works.

    Pretty good to me, so either I have godly eyes, or you don't know shit about how eyes work, also that's made with just recently trying it, but even you say it's possible to get used to it, so there's nothing that stops Usopp from loosing an eye and still being best sniper in the world, and especially in One piece world where everything can be achieved with your sheer willpower.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:01 No.39618216
    but it's pretty damn stupid to hate something for no reason. Of course OP isn't perfect, but does that mean hating it for no reason is any less stupid?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:01 No.39618233
    loop this one for background
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:01 No.39618240
    >scoped knives
    >Vegapunk's lab
    >Usopp redesign
    >or Zoro redesign?
    >she wants to fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:04 No.39618325
    That reminds me of that episode of Recess when T.J. wanted to know why a kid didn't like him and throughout the episode he goes out of his way to do everything nice for the kid and by the end he still doesn't like him. In short some people don't actually have or need a reason to like or dislike something, it's all a matter of taste, people who go about trying to prove how flawless and great something is are the true idiots
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:06 No.39618389
    The conqueror's haki does only shit to fodder. Taking out fodder quickly is nice and cool, but that's it and there are no other effects given to it either.
    I actually think Luffy is gonna learn armor haki more since it enables him to attack stronger and attack logia. Not so much obsevation, he isn't that kind of character.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:06 No.39618391

    Well, let's try it.

    Luffy: three forms of Haki, but only the basics.
    Zoro: 1 sword style improved. Maybe intimidation haki?
    Sanji: Okama Kempo + Some kind of cooking attacks.
    Nami: Climate change is now real. Gore was right. Also, tits will grow.
    Usopp: superhuman strength, opposed to comic relief strength. Pop Greens. Self confidence. Something about becoming Sogeking, generally speaking.
    Chopper: New forms? At the very least, he will grasp the Monster Point.
    Robin: I don't have a single clue. Also, tits will grow.
    Franky: All kinds of awesome inventions.
    Brook: Learns a new song. Sword and dagger fighting style.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:07 No.39618416

    But we are in no way trying to prove that it's flawless, we're just saying that lots of you are hating on the series for no reason and giving it a lot more grief than it deserves,it's not like the guy in the Recess episode went around spewing shit like "Set sail for fail", he kept quiet about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:08 No.39618449
    >So by your logic Twilight is good because people buy it
    Twilight is not an equivalent in popularity to One Piece, not even a little bit.

    The 57th volume of One Piece has become the best selling book in Japan's history.

    The only records One Piece is breaking anymore are the records already established BY One Piece. There's no English equivalent of that. We don't have a phenomenon like that here. Harry Potter, Twilight, everything sensational you remember from being a kid like Pokemon or Power Rangers or beanie babies or boy bands, NONE OF THAT compares to how much Japan fucking loves One Piece.

    Just saying, man.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:10 No.39618484
    Protip: /a/ doesn't hate One Piece, it hates it's fans or any fanbase that seem to show a huge amount of praise for it's respective series. Maybe they're users who just don't like the series for valid reasons but for the most part it's mostly trolling
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:10 No.39618486
    that song makes me smile every time.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:10 No.39618502
    I will never consider Franky as a good character until he has a goddamn drill.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:11 No.39618517

    >Zoro: 1 sword style improved. Also, changes katana for a different sword.

    Someone who got One Piece totally wrong.

    See, there's these high-quality blades (saijo-wazamono-something). Most of them are Katanas or katana-like, e.g. Mihawk's Kokutu Yoru is a hybrid of Katana, Cross and Grossen Meissner.

    But as far as we saw (unfortunately it isn't much), if you stumble upon these extra-strong, extra-hard, rare and powerful blades, fuck your tastes, get it and master it. Zoro has only second-to-third grade swords, if he finds one of the Saijo-Wazamono blades - the rank Kokuto Yoru and Shodai Kitetsu are - and it happens to be a Chakram, expect him manning a Chakram at any cost.

    If he gets a [insert bigass "better" sword that is designed to crush katanas] but isn't one of these top-tier blades, expect ANYONE crushing thorugh them.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:11 No.39618526
    Key word there buddy, only Japan while Twilight has been breaking records worldwide to which One Piece hasn't, you can't compare them
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:13 No.39618568
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:13 No.39618572
    >> FinalMasterM !aDUgdVpoUk 08/26/10(Thu)11:13 No.39618590
    ITT: Haters still hating

    One Piece - Eiichiro Oda - 14,721,241

    Total sells from 2009, that's more than twice 2nd place, being Naruto. Just backing up what you said. Nothing in the US compares to it. Yes, it's huge, there are the good and bad types of fans, but over all, One Piece is still the best selling manga in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:13 No.39618591
    >One Piece
    >More popular than Harry Potter

    HAHAHAHAHA. Maybe in Japan alone, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:14 No.39618601
    The Bible has sold more than all of your pagan shit.

    Suck it, atheist fags!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:15 No.39618627
    >Key word there buddy, only Japan while Twilight has been breaking records worldwide to which One Piece hasn't, you can't compare them
    That's some ignorance you have there. It's like you don't think One Piece is popular worldwide because it isn't too popular in the states or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:15 No.39618631
    >in Japan
    You guys keep missing the point
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:16 No.39618650
    I hate it when people bring up the popularity. I don't give a shit if it's popular or not as long as it's GOOD.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:16 No.39618655
    How is that ignorance, infact you're being ignorant by insinuating that One Piece is more popular than Harry Potter and Twilight
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:17 No.39618693
    Hmm arguing that a book sells better to it's intended audience then a manga to it's intended audience. Doesn't really sound like a comparison seeing as the simple fact that One Piece isn't actively being globally released in multiple languages, while Twilight is.

    tl;dr Twilight is released on a global scale to sell globally, One Piece is released on a national scale with some to little export to fans out side.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:18 No.39618697
    It's a known fact that One Piece isn't very popular in other regions, it has a better following in Europe but even Naruto beats it there
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:18 No.39618702
    Reposting this, to keep the sticky OP related.

    OK, here's the list of the powers I think they will get.

    Luffy: Conquerors' Haki. All fights are now a staring competition.
    Zoro: 1 sword style improved. Also, changes katana for a different sword.
    Sanji: Okama Kempo + Some kind of cooking attacks.
    Nami: Climate change is now real. Gore was right. Also, tits will grow.
    Usopp: Better hand-to-hand combat. Maybe some bullshit powerup like Gia Sekando, or Ashura.
    Chopper: Monster Monster mode. He becomes an Evangelion and invokes the Third Impact.
    Robin: Becomes proficient with a weapon. Also, tits will grow.
    Franky: All kinds of awesome inventions. New face.
    Brook: Learns a new song. Swod and dagger fighting style.

    Your ideas?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:19 No.39618728
    >How is that ignorance, infact you're being ignorant by insinuating that One Piece is more popular than Harry Potter and Twilight
    It's called relativism. One Piece in Japan is more popular than Harry Potter or Twilight in the states or European countries.

    If you cannot grasp this concept, I don't know what to tell you. I can offer my condolences though.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:19 No.39618732
    One Piece has been released in all parts of Asia, Europe, and South America

    Twilight sells more copies national wide than One Piece
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:20 No.39618753
    >One Piece in Japan is more popular than Harry Potter or Twilight in the states or European countries.
    You're just not getting it aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:20 No.39618755
    >there's nothing that stops Usopp from loosing an eye and still being best sniper in the world
    It's a manga, so anything can happen. I was just arguing against the guy who said that having one eye somehow makes you aim better. ( >>39617438 ) It does not make you better in any way, infact it makes you worse.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:21 No.39618762
    Eurofag here.
    I know that it does really well in Germany and that it's 3rd behind Naruto and Fairy Tail in France. It's 1st in Sweden and does pretty good in Finland, but not sure about the rest.
    >> FinalMasterM !aDUgdVpoUk 08/26/10(Thu)11:22 No.39618776
    >Breaking Records
    >World Wide

    I'm sorry, you misspelled Avatar.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:22 No.39618792
    No it's not what you're saying is illogical, One Piece is popular in Japan, so what? Japan isn't the entire world nor does a make a significant portion of it
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:22 No.39618800

    Britfag here and I couldn't tell you the exact sales but if I had to guess it's

    1) Naruto
    2) One Piece
    3) Not Bleach for sure
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:22 No.39618803
    Then let me take it further

    Twilight and Harry Potter are superior to One Piece world wide.

    By an immense margin.

    From books to side material to movie adaptations.

    World Bussiness Phenomenom > Shitty island phenomenom
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:23 No.39618814
    We're talking about the book retard
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:24 No.39618837
    Who gives a shit about sales?
    If you like a series you like a series.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:24 No.39618838
    I don't think Bleach is that popular in the UK
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:25 No.39618847
    Harry Potter is vastly more famous but Twilight? Come on... both One Piece and Harry Potter have their own them parks you know...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:25 No.39618860
    The way they are released is different, you can't compare them. Books are released as completed volumes in their original language then within 1-6 months translated and sold in other places in the world, while manga is released by chapters, then compiled volumes, then depending if a company picks it up in the region in the world it is translated and sold. Quality of book translation is better then the quality of manga translations if you compare them. Book publishers actually proofread shit.

    Anywho, back on topic, I had said before that Sanji is going to end up having an alter ego that will roll okama-kempo and let him hit females.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:27 No.39618909

    Hence "Not Bleach for sure" the main reason will be that it's never had an animu over here, unlike the other two
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:28 No.39618928
    My ideas...

    MONKEY D. LUFFY - Is actually able to use Haki consciously instead of by accident.
    RORONOA ZORO - Knowing Zoro, he'll also learn Haki, but he'll also be able to imbue it into his swords.
    NAMI - She'll have extensive knowledge of the different types of weather that exist in the New World, plus she'll have other weather devices besides the Perfect Climatact.
    USOPP - He'll not only have his dials, but he'll also have plenty of materials from that giant plant he's been living on. Also, he'll be a more proficient sniper and have better instincts.
    SANJI - He'll be a stronger fighter, of course, he'll also be able to power people up with special recipes. Plus his women issues might be solved...or at least muted.
    TONYTONY CHOPPER - He'll learn different medicines. He might also be able to do something to warp his body further.
    NICO ROBIN - Her part will be purely informational. She'll have knowledge on the world's dark history and meeting with Dragon may also have some effect.
    FRANKY - Great technological advancements will be made. He'll have several devices at hand, as well as modifications to himself and later the Thousand Sunny.
    BROOK - He'll make new songs, new ways to entertain people...but also songs that can have an effect on people, like the Fight Song he made to make those cultists fight.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:28 No.39618940
    Another shitty sticky from the mods. Nice hiring job there, moot!
    >> FinalMasterM !aDUgdVpoUk 08/26/10(Thu)11:29 No.39618962
    Goosebumps has sold more books by 3x then Twilight

    Keeping it book related for you then.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:34 No.39619065
    >No it's not what you're saying is illogical, One Piece is popular in Japan, so what? Japan isn't the entire world nor does a make a significant portion of it
    This is easy.

    In Japan, One Piece is popular.

    In say, the United States, Twilight/Harry Potter (you pick, doesn't matter) is popular.

    The popularity of One Piece in Japan is phenomenally higher than the popularity of Harry Potter/Twilight in the United States.

    Neither of us are wrong, but for some reason you've taken out of context what I have stated repeatedly in this thread. What I've said isn't wrong. Yes, worldwide Twilight has been more successful. However, if you take any of the individual countries in which Twilight is popular, and compare that popularity to the popularity of One Piece in Japan, you will find that One Piece is the more popular of the two.
    >> FinalMasterM !aDUgdVpoUk 08/26/10(Thu)11:34 No.39619068
    Twilight has sold around 100m copies as of 2009 worldwild, as where One Piece has sold 140m copies in Japan, alone.

    Like I said, haters gonna hate. Keep trolling with your thoughts that Twilight is more popular.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:35 No.39619080
    fucking cunts discussing twilight in my op sticky

    posting in an op sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:38 No.39619141
    luffy after timeskip:

    All the same shit but
    one with pirates
    one with ninjas
    and one with samurai
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:38 No.39619159
    Satoshi Kon sticky was to respect and appreciate a talented director who just passed away.
    This sticky is to prevent One Piece fans to make hundreds of threads about the exact same thing in the front page.

    Both stickies are necessary. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:39 No.39619176
    Awesome, it's still up. Will this sticky go the distance? Time will tell.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:39 No.39619177
    loop for background
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:40 No.39619192
    HP is same shit with wizards
    Twilight is the same shit with vamps
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:42 No.39619227
    One Piece Shippuuden
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:45 No.39619267
    why is a timeskip suddenly synonymous with Naruto?
    There have been far more better timeskips and if the recent arcs have proven Oda isn't all that bad of a writer.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:46 No.39619305
    We will know if Oda is a good writer on timeskips in a month.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:48 No.39619346
    It just occured to me that the month probably isn't much of a vacation, rather than redesigning the characters and planning the further story. Though he deserves the break after 13 years.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:48 No.39619358
    Though Zoro is my favorite character, most of my interest for this timeskip goes to chopper, my main idea is that he'll upgrade rumble ball and will be able to conquer released form, since beasts of impel down had their conscious fully functioning and stayed in this form constantly without nearly destroying their bodies, so I would very much like to see scene where he faces some strong enemy where he just release his DF and rape the living shit out of his foe.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:49 No.39619379
    WTF the OP fans are happy about this sticky and the OP haters are mad? Does no one understand that this sticky is just here to broadcast the fact that there will be no OP for a month?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:50 No.39619385
    its 190 million, for onepiece.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:50 No.39619389
    For those discussing Twilight and One Piece popularity

    Twilight's only been popular for 5 years and only among teenage girls and sexually frustrated 40 year old house wifes.

    One Piece has been popular for 13 years and even though it's targeted audience is teenage boys, it is now loved by a very broad range of people from the 10-20 year olds all the way to the 40+ year olds ( could someone post that pic with the ranking of mangas by demographic because I don't have it.)

    Twilight is a fad only loved by a small demographic. One Piece is far from that with fans in a broad range of demographics.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:50 No.39619393
    Why is it that some people can't stand that One Piece is so popular?
    Is it so hard to accept that something can be ridiculously popular BECAUSE is is ridiculously good.?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:51 No.39619410

    I love this poster.
    >> FinalMasterM !aDUgdVpoUk 08/26/10(Thu)11:51 No.39619416
    One Piece fans are well aware of the 4-week break, we knew before the sticky.

    Haters are hating because their series doesn't have a sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:53 No.39619462

    You know that


    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:54 No.39619481
    yes OPfans know that this sticky is just to stop newfags from making the same thread 20 times and to some extent let OPhaters enjoy their one month of no OP, but why should we let that stop us form enjoying our sticky thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:54 No.39619493
    You are probably one of the worst tripfags on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:56 No.39619517
    childhood trauma should be Sabo "dying".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:56 No.39619532
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:58 No.39619563
    I find it incredibly funny how anyone can easily see it's only one dedicated troll reverse-trolling this thread in the last 6 hours, after hours of civilized discussion in nightime /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:59 No.39619585

    Or Shanks losing his arm
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)11:59 No.39619586
    Well that was revealed very recently, his primary trauma is Shanks loosing his arm to save him, the story with Sabo just kinda moved him and Ace up a notch toward the idea of freedom, so he still loses this point to Bleach
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:02 No.39619670

    stop crying, I never said I hate One Piece, but I know the mods on /a/...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:02 No.39619678
    Okay, let's settle the answer once and for all.

    Do you think time skip is a good thing? Why?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:03 No.39619708

    Haha, oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:04 No.39619727
    No training arc.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:05 No.39619753
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:05 No.39619773
    Dragnball had timeskips and One Piece is its spiritual successor, so...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:06 No.39619785
    i didn't read this thread, someone summarize it for me
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:06 No.39619795
    people are talking about how the Strawhats will change. Well , how about the rest of the one piece world? Characters of old age won't have changed much but all the rest I think are fare game to speculation
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:08 No.39619822
    The 2 year time skip during which the crew won't see each other is kind of sad if you consider that barely a year passed since Luffy started his journey.

    Hell, Brook was with the crew for maybe two weeks max.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:08 No.39619842
    no boring training arc, legitimate timeframe to get stronger in. They obviously don't get stronger enough in a week or even a month.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:09 No.39619854
    That's why he used quotation marks, for christ's sake.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:12 No.39619950
    Whoops sorry. My bad. Didn't see it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:13 No.39619965
    Awaiting eagerly for an arc with the Revolutionaries after the timeskip.

    Last we saw Dragon, he was calling for a meeting of all the Revolutionary Army commanders, to discuss what to do after Whitebeard's death.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:14 No.39619985
    isn't 48 weeks a whole year?
    So the island's weather loops for one year.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:16 No.39620018
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:16 No.39620029
    lol you onepiece people crack me up
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:17 No.39620035
    And we still have to see how will Dragon's infamy, as the World's Most Wanted Criminal, affect Luffy ultimately.

    Sure it was all candies and lollipops up until now, but from now on, Luffy is also a high-profile criminal - he'll have a hard time with bounty-hunters. Speaking of which, the New World must be filled with those.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:19 No.39620075
    what annoyed me is that most of the bounty hunters they have fought have been fodder.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:20 No.39620109
    Johnny and Yosaku should turn up in the New World. That would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:20 No.39620111
    The consequences of Whitebeard's death to Fishman Island, his former territory, should be disastrous by now, with all the rampaging pirates,

    Jimbei declared that WB protected the place with his name and it is been prosperous since then. Certainly it must be why he hurries back home this chapter after being somewhat healed from his injuries. WB's death means a lot, and amazes me how Oda is planning the history - everything intersects.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:22 No.39620164
    By definition, Dragon is a criminal for going against the laws set by the World Government. Albeit a set of unjust laws, anyone who goes against what the World Government dictates is a criminal. In that sense, Dragon being the type of criminal he is actually puts him in a favourable position; he defies the unjust laws an is thus a hero.

    What Luffy does shouldn't really affect Dragon's reputation, since Luffy is seen as the lesser of two evils for those who follow the World Government's ideals. Although Dragon's reputation does ultimately cause Luffy to be targeted, the opposite wouldn't be true. A son can grow up to be like his father, but a father can't turn into his son. Sure, if people are fans of Luffy, they might be inclined to like Dragon, but then again, Dragon's father is Garp the Hero, who is a marine and follower of the rules set by the World Government. In that retrospect, if people are smart enough to put 2 and 2 together and realize that Dragon is Garps son through their relationship to Luffy (Father and Grandfather respectively), then it would actually do more for Dragon. Being Garp's son means a lot, and would attract people, and perhaps make them sympathetic to Dragon's cause; Garp did what he did to "make the world a better place," perhaps they will see Dragon as doing the same.

    At the end of the day, Dragon's agenda doesn't really focus on trust but rather freedom. It's not about whether people trust Dragon, but rather if they want freedom from the tyranny of the World Government. If they do, they will seek Dragon, not because of trust, since they wouldn't know Dragon that well initially, but rather the cause. Trust is nice and all, but at this point in time, it's more of one of the many means to an end - the end being freedom.
    >> warder !!M00OUM6STZz 08/26/10(Thu)12:25 No.39620230
    shit just got real
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:31 No.39620368
    Dividing a year by 48 would make it one week and 14 hours (there are 52 weeks in a year) but I guess you can round it off to one week.

    So that would make the island's climate loop for one year, that's right (that means 16 different kinds of weather for each season, Luffy is going to have fun during those two years)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:34 No.39620432
    I'm actually really interested in the island's history.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:34 No.39620455
    holy shit this timeskip does open up that possibility as well as the possibility of Gin reappearing.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:36 No.39620499

    Oh god yes, Gin was the most badass punk in the whole manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:36 No.39620501
    Take this kiddyshit back to gaia, no one cares if shitty one piece is getting a dragon ball style timeskip. I'm sure the 'child at heart' wan piss lovers will make enough posts about SSJ Luffy when he emerges after his training.

    Oda got bored, looked at his handbook for making a generic shounen and saw do a timeskip. So he's doing one. Deal.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:36 No.39620506
    time skip or prolonged training arc = staying true to his style or trolling like Kubo
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:37 No.39620532
    the One piece world could just have a 48 week year.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:41 No.39620621
    anybody else notice luffy's tattoo vanished? was it written in marker? got it lasered off already? or did oda just forget?

    also postin' in a OP sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:42 No.39620655
    But Gin is one of the supernova. You know, the captain of the Heart Pirates who helped Luffy ran away from the war and treated his wounds?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:43 No.39620673

    What, you expected him to carry a tattoo that says 3D2Y for the rest of his life?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:44 No.39620701
    that's law.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:44 No.39620712
    honestly, if it was just luffy, that wouldn't surprise me too much...i'd bbet that it was rayleigh's idea to not have it be a real tattoo
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:44 No.39620715
    >what annoyed me is that most of the bounty hunters they have fought have been fodder

    The only bounty hunters that have actually appeared in the series that classify as canon are Johnny, Yosaku, Zoro (who has long given it up) and apparently Abasalom.

    The non-canon bounty hunters are Daddy Masterson (thought he was pretty awesome, he holds ties to Yasopp for one thing, and Oda wanted to include him into the manga), Scorpion in that Arabasta filler, Shuraiyia Bascud in movie 5 (he was fucking awesome and you all know it.) and the Don Achino family. All non-canon.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:46 No.39620764
    Fishman Island will be a lawless mess when the strawhats get to it. With Pirates and slave chasers everywhere persecuting the poor fishmen and women, who are supposed to be 10 times as strong as normal humans, and who should hence be able to put up more than a fight but that's another story.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:47 No.39620780
    >The popularity of One Piece in Japan is phenomenally higher than the popularity of Harry Potter/Twilight in the United States.
    No it's not, hell One Piece isn't even culturally significant to the likes of Doraemon or Saze-san
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:47 No.39620812
    i want to see if this break will effect JUMP's sales.
    i doubt it will, but i'm curious to see how crazy japanese people really are for one piece
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:48 No.39620839
    Wait wait wait. Look at Gin's fighting style. Now replace his baton-like weapons with blades. Look at Killer's fighting style.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:50 No.39620893
    Cool lie bro
    >The four Twilight books have consecutively set records as the biggest selling novels of 2008 on the USA Today Best-Selling Books list[7] and have spent over 235 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list for Children's Series Books.[8]
    Despite being on for 5 year it's sold more than One Piece
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:51 No.39620898
    CONFIRMED: Law and Killer are Gin's twin brothers.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:51 No.39620910
    Anyways, I get the feeling Fishman Island is something Oda's had in his head since the beginning - or at least as far back as the Arlong Arc (although I could be wrong, you never know). There've been mentions of it from that far back anyway.

    I think the war and aftermath have been already in preparation for the second half of the story. Everything starts over, more or less, right from the crew reuiniting(symbolically "getting together") all the way through to the end. A rebirth of sorts.

    Who cares, what matters is that it's popular because it's good.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:51 No.39620922
    Killer is Kid's first mate, and they are surely not from East blue, but that is a pretty interesting theory you got there.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:52 No.39620931
    It won't, all that'll change is that Naruto is gonna be top in the popularity polls for the month, I can gurantee that it's return will have color pages and be on the cover
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:54 No.39620986
    Yep just like Twilight, so what's your point?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:55 No.39621017

    Wasn't Mr. 1 technically a bounty-hunter?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:56 No.39621037
    >Take this kiddyshit back to gaia

    Actually, One Piece is relatively despised on Gaia from what I hear.
    Continue to nourish me with delicious tears.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:57 No.39621053
    this whole thread is an attestment to the absolute faggotry that /a/ has matured into. It's honorable intentions to enormous faggotry where tens of thousands of idiot gaijin otaku just jerk off and wait the their next "superior" chapter of wan piss.

    God this series is terrible, you wan piss fags are terrible, and this manga is the exact same formula as a million others, with a little more retarded superpowers that people love because they're "unique".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:57 No.39621061
    So that chart, how does it work? where do people vote on the manga in it?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:57 No.39621073
    As Ussop says in the New World the crew will have to become independent from Luffy as a fighting force.

    Both Zoro and Sanji will be expected to take on top tier opponents so they need Haki as a given. And they are in a good position to learn it too, if inadvertedly.

    My personal feeling is that Zoro will be taught to imbue Busoushoku Haki in his sword attacks as well as develop Kenbunshoku Haki because Mihawk has shown the ability to use both VERY effectively. His 'Hawkeyes' schitck and the way he dodges and deflects is a clear sign of that, while the power of his ranged attacks and ability to battle DF users means "armour haki" is a given too. Time will tell if he actually teaches Zoro haki explicitly or simply incorporates it in wider training (I lean towards a Rayleigh like full on explantion...although being Zoro it might be simpler to not bother...)

    Sanji is a bit more straightforward, his kicking techniques definitely need a Busoushoku boost both to attack and defend. However, whether he will explicitly learn about Haki in Kamabakka is very doubtful. But Sanji might simply pick it up unknowingly, his...manliness will come forth.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:57 No.39621078
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:58 No.39621096
    I think if Gin is in disguise, then Killer is most likely him due to that reason, but that's still very unlikely. Kid isn't from East Blue and even if he did recruit Gin in the Grand Line, I doubt he would make a first mate out of someone that wasn't part of his pre Grand Line crew.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:00 No.39621137
    Yeah. This.

    Gaia kids don't like One Piece because the art style looks cartoony and western/doesn't look like Japanese manga enough for underage hardcore weeaboos such as themselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:02 No.39621202


    And yeah, Gaia hates One Piece. Fail more failtard.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:02 No.39621216
    On regards to Gin, I don't think it's really Killer. His meeting with Sanji at the Auction House certainly didn't point towards that direction either - Gin would at least... I don't know, acknowledge, say hello to Sanji, fight him or something. Anything.

    And as for the Haki debate, It's good that the King's Disposition isn't something that can be trained like that and strengthens depending on overall improvement. Even though I figured all aspects of Ambition would have ended up going that route in regards to improvement so in spite of being mistaken on that it's good to know that the aforementioned at least goes by that.

    If anything it can be used to gauge how much progress Luffy has made at different times in the New World depending on the kind of characters who succumb to his Ambition and end up fainting.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:05 No.39621269
    What are you talking about? You can still see it in page 8, when Jinbei says Luffy goodbye.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:05 No.39621281
    I suddenly want to see Magellan checking fools. His rage must be off the charts right about now, presuming he's conscious.

    Sunny, Impel Down, Marineford, there's lots of places with interesting things going on.
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)13:05 No.39621282
    this thread needs to stay stickied for 4 months, ignoring all the people with horrible taste in manga, I see some decent convo's coming.

    BTW, can anyone post the Luffy, I have arrived picture of Ussopp?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:07 No.39621322
    >horibble taste in manga
    >One Piece sticky
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)13:07 No.39621335
    Page 8 was a flashback, so that was probably right after he broke into marineford.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:08 No.39621344
    Image limit has been long reached, dude. Easy to forget, but yeah.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:10 No.39621395
    Yeah, Gin being Killer is unlikely, but I am bored so I made this.
    It's all Don Krieg's plan. Gin had to become the first mate and then seize control to add another ship/crew to Krieg's flotilla. Because he needs more people to guard Raftel, where he lives now being the pirate king
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:11 No.39621416
    >uses "umad"

    /v/ has a flood? Go back to it fag, we are talking about OP here.
    >> 4watch: report spam and trolls easily Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:11 No.39621421
    The trolling after the initial stage of this thread is being done by mostly a single OPhater, as I'm sure you know it's the case with most One Piece threads.

    Use this, a Greasemonkey script for automatic spam blocking and report queuer for 4chan. Reports spam automatically to both 4chan and to the 4watch database, and hides posts and threads others have reported.

    Use it to hide spam/trolls. Click "spam" on each post to report the crap, click “hide” on the upper right to hide it. It's really easy.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:11 No.39621426
    Gyro is a low tier troll tripfag, you should ignore him.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:13 No.39621453
    Strong guys like Crocodile or Moria not having Haki is not a deal-breaker when it comes to overall strength. I don't remember Ace exhibiting Haki either, and no one is doubting his strength. It's all about the potency of your abilities/skills/DF powers and how they are used. Blackbeard isn't necessarily a Haki expert either. He's betting on supreme DF abilities. I do think all the strong foes have some Haki-inspired abilities, but it's not going to be "Everyone has Haki" pervasive.

    Crocodile is extremely hard to hit. It took Luffy covering his fists in blood to hit him. Moria's ability is in sheer numbers, as he has a veritable army at his disposal. Plus, he probably has Oars. Jr. as his next mega-zombie. Both are obviously not at the top of the Shichibukai totem pole, but neither is Hancock,and she's a Haki expert. Crocodile and Moria are worthy.

    Haki is just another (big) tool in the arsenal. It's not like DB where all of a sudden everyone's going SSJ. Oda has planned this superbly. Haki has been in OP from the relative beginning. We just didn't fully understand it until recently.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:13 No.39621454

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:14 No.39621485
    >The trolling after the initial stage of this thread is being done by mostly a single OPhater, as I'm sure you know it's the case with most One Piece threads.

    I wonder how long Justice has been at it?

    and there is probably two or three others.
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)13:15 No.39621491
    Are you mad because a good manga actually got a sticky?

    Sorry to tell you but your shit like Bleach or Naruto wont get a sticky.

    Hey look at that a one piece banner on my 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:16 No.39621533
    Stop giving troll fodder, retard. Congratulations, this one post of yours will derail the discussion going on here by feeding the trolls.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:17 No.39621550
    >Both are obviously not at the top of the Shichibukai totem pole

    From what I have seen of the Shichibukai, I have to say, I think Kuma and Mihawk are at the top of the ladder in terms of destructive power. I have a feeling about Doflamingo as well.

    I agree with the rest of your post by the way.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:20 No.39621604
    >I have no clue why this sticky was made
    >I actually believe it was stickied because OP is good
    >I sucks Odas cock every week
    >It tastes like strawberry
    >No really, I'm not shitting you guys, it really tastes like strawberry

    Stop samefagin, tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:20 No.39621608

    I wonder why people still keep aplying "sticky because it's good/because it's One Piece".

    Okay, i am an OPfag, but come on.

    Oda is already famous for his Mrs.Oda-Demands-Sex-Hiatus outside of the sacred goldenweeks/everybodygohomeweeks.

    But now the usual hiatus comes quad. This is enterprise-level trolling that should be not ignored. Okay, Berserkfags have to wait this time or more to get their fix, but they are USED to it.

    Imagine if someday Miura decided that he will take a yearly break. It will be the same thing: Sticky "lol bigass break" (which doubles as a spam countermeasure) and Berserkfags claiming "it got a sticky because it's good".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:20 No.39621618
    Oda doesnt seem to do training arcs, opting instead for fights that demonstrate their growtho - for there to be training for about a year of the intended time skip then they regroup to show their growth for some reason or something like it. The best of it will be the badass reintroductions we'll get when the time comes. But lets take one thing at a time, shall we.

    Anyways, I really like how Oda has led up to the subject of the timeskip since then. The way the intervening chapters have prepared us for the time skip was very well done as far as I am concerned. Not only do we know what each Strawhat will spend their time doing, but also the activities of the other major players. Can only see this hiatus strengthening the series.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:20 No.39621625
    >idiot gaijin otaku

    I was following your post until I saw this.
    Keep on trolling.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:21 No.39621634
    >Haki has been in OP from the relative beginning.
    From the VERY beginning you mean. In the first chapter, Shanks saves Luffy by scaring off the Lord of the Coast with what's obviously Haoushoku Haki.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:23 No.39621674
    Are Zoro's flying attacks a manifestation of Busoushoku imbued to his sword? He's been mastering that since Skypeia.

    What about Rokushiki? To me they're just martial arts that manipulate the users' body to a degree, not Haki - but there's an exception: Lucci's final attack, Rokougan.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:24 No.39621716
    Kudos to Oda for pulling this feat off with such aplomb. A much deserved month off for the series, though it's going to be hard not knowing the fate of the Thousand Sunny.

    Still, there's plenty other manga to read, eh? Most OPfans here are mangafags anyways, Hox included.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:25 No.39621736
    >Are you mad because a good manga actually got a sticky?

    Come now bro.

    While One Piece is actually a favorite series on /a/, don't try to deny it and believe it or not, it is quite unlikely that it would get a sticky for any reason outside the prevention of the possibility of mass OP-related thread influx.

    But hey, let's enjoy our sticky thread.
    and ignore trolls, for you lot that are hard of hearing.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:26 No.39621749
    I'm sorry but i can only conclude that some posters here are just moe blob loving faggots that cant see a good anime or manga even if it was right in front of them

    One Piece, Naruto and Bleach are good mangas, and trolls like to troll, so fuck you guys, i'm sick of this.

    no use trying to make me respond, i aint gonna
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:27 No.39621774

    The old mantra:

    "I rather prefer an asspull than a training arc".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:28 No.39621816
    Most OPfans don't like Naruto at all, and a good part has long-veered into seinen territory. Bleach has its moments now and then, but most just read it for the trolling', like everyone on /a/. One Piece is legitimately good.

    I'm not saying anything new, this is common knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:29 No.39621838

    I know those kind.

    They will not waste a chance of watching Crayon Shin-Chan, yet they will be praising the quality animation of Naruto/Haruhi/K-ON!!.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:29 No.39621840
    >He uses the word "aplomb"
    Holy crap.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:30 No.39621856
    It's really just a Narutard trolling this thread, Justice, trying to transform this into an "epic troll thread xD". See >>39597892

    Anyways excited about the post timeskip scene, really hoping we get to see some sort of meeting with the revolutionaries. I am guessing that we will not see the explanation for Kuma until Iva meets up with Dragon again, and I doubt that will happen until after the time skip. Right about now though I am more than ready to see some adventuring from our crew, it has been too long.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:30 No.39621870
    >One Piece, Naruto and Bleach are good mangas

    Won't comment on Bleach.
    and I say this as someone who still reads all three, with not much of clue why I still do. Love OP though.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:32 No.39621920
    Ok here's a list of my expectations for the timeskip:

    1) Marines and new admiral, will it be Aokiji as proposed by Sengoku or maybe Gorosei will decide on someone other like Akainu so that marines could be their fighting power without morals of it's own.

    2) Buggy, and what the letter from world goverment was about, by strongest bet is that he got invitation into Shichibukai, but anyway it's pretty interesting.

    3) Other supernovas, they entered New world and some were having troubles, also while we're on the matter, what is the deal with bonney, for what reason goverment wanted her so badly they negotiated with Blackbeard, here my presumption is that she is from the tenryubito, but as Sabo she decided to go to sea.

    4) Blackbeard's ambitions and whether he's heading for Raftel.

    5) Chopper using his godzilla form on a regular basis with some sort of new knowledge.

    6) Perona and her relations with Zoro, looks like she's pretty friendly with him, so I wonder what can be of it.

    That's pretty much it, of course I have the expectations on the crew's new powers, but it was already said in this thread several times, and it's pretty much foreshadowed by Oda.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:32 No.39621925
    but there obviously is a training arc right now, it's just skipped, as everything was explained what the crewmembers will learn/train. You cannot call anything an asspull what they learn during the 2 years.
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)13:32 No.39621937
    Bleach is a shit manga, and Naruto is a shit manga.
    Right now Bleach is at the OK manga level, while Naruto is at the OK level as well( only when Naruto is absent)
    But Berserk is a good manga. While I still need to catchup, I loved the show, and I loved the manga so far(I'm up to Volume 6)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:33 No.39621949
    >They will not waste a chance of watching Crayon Shin-Chan

    I like Shin-chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:36 No.39622030
    >Right now Bleach is at the OK manga level

    Are you serious bro?

    and anyways, as of the immediate moment, I hope Luffy would the only one in the crew displaying haki-related feats.

    However, I have utmost confidence that whatever Oda will introduce, he will make it work.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:38 No.39622073
    kinda stupid to sage in a thread that is going to be on the front page till they decide to unpin it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:38 No.39622077
    After 1365 replies, a retard finally tried to sage a sticky ! Gj nigga
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)13:38 No.39622078
    Yes, I would like More info on Bege on Bonney.

    I would also like to see the anime do what they did for the for last arc. Show what each crew member is up to for these two years. If they take their time on doing this , this can actually give the manga some time to get ahead of the anime.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:38 No.39622087
    >but there obviously is a training arc right now

    As nitpicky as this sounds, it's training for some members such as Luffy and Sanji, preparation for others such as Nami and Robin. All for being in the most desirable condition right off the bat for the new world.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:39 No.39622102
    Oh did I offended your tripfag pride? Excuse me, here have a "I don't give a fuck".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:40 No.39622126
    >I would also like to see the anime do what they did for the for last arc. Show what each crew member is up to for these two years. If they take their time on doing this , this can actually give the manga some time to get ahead of the anime.

    Damn right, well said. Although knowing Toei... I mean, Oda writes them canon filler to animate, and they prefer dragging out the anime with random Buggy filler.

    The One Piece manga is far superior to the anime... even though I got into it through the anime firdt.
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)13:40 No.39622149
    It's ok, compared to the rest of the arc. I wouldn't recommend it to someone looking for new manga though.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:41 No.39622172
    The first few arcs can pretty much only be fully appreciated by someone who is already caught up with the series. Oda loves him some Chekhov's gun, so the second time through you're actually aware of just how much is getting hinted in these earliest arcs. Buggy's flashback suddenly becomes a lot more interesting knowing this is Roger's ship, Kuro's arc is a little more interesting when you realize to this day only a handful of people in the world know what happened there, Krieg's plight is hilarious when he's talking about not even lasting a day in the Grand Line because he interrupted Mihawk's nap, oh hey Gin said he's going to meet them out in the Grand Line someday, and what happens whenever someone says they're going to do something in this series? You know who this Garp is training Coby and Helmeppo, you know Zoro's sensei is part of the revolution, you know Crocus was Roger's doctor, etc, etc, etc.

    It's just one of those series that's a lot better the second time around.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:41 No.39622180
    Not who you were conversing with, but:
    >Oh did I offended your tripfag pride? Excuse me, here have a "I don't give a fuck".

    >did I offended

    Engrish? and someone is getting mad, and it shows.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:42 No.39622200

    any manga is superior to its anime counterpart, except for few exceptions, or those that already started as animes
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:44 No.39622241
    I Wouldn't Mind a 2-3 week training arc in the anime, since they would give about half an episode to everyone on their training. Of course with Luffy being the last one to be show his training.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:44 No.39622257
    Wow, haki is actually really different from all the shounen powers. It's not countable, it has types and all the types have different usages.
    King haki doesn't seem so useful actually. It only affects fodder and that isn't that useful
    Armor haki seems actually a lot more useful. It helps to hit logia and can be imbued into weapons.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:45 No.39622295
    >any manga is superior to its anime counterpart, except for few exceptions, or those that already started as animes

    I think there is more than just "a few exceptions". and

    Just "anime". No plural.
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)13:48 No.39622388
    Well it is 2 years worth of training, you have to show people like Sanji and Zoro get their ass handed to them a few times before they start kicking it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:48 No.39622415
    I just realised, now that we're having a 2 year skip it gives a chance for all the villains to catch up too.

    Including Arlong at Merman island
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:49 No.39622417
    >Wow, haki is actually really different from all the shounen powers. It's not countable, it has types and all the types have different usages.
    King haki doesn't seem so useful actually. It only affects fodder and that isn't that useful
    Armor haki seems actually a lot more useful. It helps to hit logia and can be imbued into weapons

    It's somewhat reminiscient of Nen, but quite distinct nonetheless. Glad to see though, as the chapter explained and expressed seemingly by every poster on the subject, that it isn't powerlevel shit.
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)13:49 No.39622453
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)13:51 No.39622485
    nen came after haki.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:51 No.39622488
    I haven't read HxH, but I'm curious about nen, in how it can be compared to haki.
    Does it have types as well?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:51 No.39622499
    Hachi said they're in jail
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:51 No.39622501
    Jesus how could you read this crap ? It's about pirates who don't rape or plunder and some idiot yahoo wearing straw hat. If you want to see real life pirates check out somalian guys, hate to break it to you but they don't fight evil and search for hidden treasures, sorry, it's just the way it is...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:54 No.39622570

    That is a standard counterargument when everyone comes "LOL ASSPULL".

    But you know that Oda, as far as we saw, made everything round as long as you are patient enough to wait for (the weirdly sounding) explanations.

    This will not deter some people, though, that even being invetered OPtards, their last words on their deathbed will be "300 POUND CANNON WAS AN ASSPULL".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:54 No.39622574
    With pirates rampaging they could escape, actually.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:55 No.39622601
    You read manga for the realism?

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:56 No.39622627
    Yeah, see >>39601614 and >>39601948 for an explanation on each, and the difference between Haki and Nen. HxH is a top tier shounen as well, actually worth reading.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:57 No.39622659
    Yes, Ashura and Diamble Jambe were asspulls.
    But you have no excuse to say any haki techniques Luffy could use after the timeskip are asspulls because it was said in this very chapter that Rayleigh will train him. Do you really want to see every single boring detail of that? How pretentious are you?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:59 No.39622699
    Easy, it's not the same crap that you fags like over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)13:59 No.39622720
    They still hunt for treasure. And they fight marines and the government.

    Besides, the ninjas in Naruto don't move in the darkness and kill their enemies in stealth while wearing a full black outfit. It's just a manga, stop looking for realism.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:00 No.39622744

    that argument can be said about anything from manga, anime, novels, books, movies that have fantasy or some other bullshit thats not similar to real life, you fail as a troll
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:03 No.39622805
    Well, to defend Naruto(which I really don't care for) AND One Piece, they're supposed to be different universes and not mimicking the real world.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:03 No.39622809
    If there were anyone to assume responsible for this thread, it would definitely be Narutards. Actually just one guy, but still. They are the only ones with a good reason to bash One Piece, since their favorite series is comparable to it, and OP is considered the best one of the 3. Seinenfags usually enter the thread after the "trolls trollling trolls while samefagging" phase and say itsallthesameshit, they don't start shit and they don't have a reason to do so anyway. Same goes for moefags as well. These threads get made semi-regularly, and it's always a bunch of shounenfags trying to pretend they're better than another bunch of shounenfags. If they're stupid enough to try that, they're probably stupid enough to keep reading Naruto.

    Either that or it's some bored son of a bitch looking for guaranteed replies.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:04 No.39622825
    yes because ninjas that can destroy huge patches of land with some make believe super power, or death gods, and other crap is much more realistic for you right?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:04 No.39622831
    Just felt lke posting in my favourite manga's sticky.

    I am really looking forward to be mindblown 4 weeks ago. The wait might be hard, but I'm sure Oda won't leave us down.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:08 No.39622912
    Of course its not about real pirates you dumb fuck.

    We're on an anime board, you think half the shit we read isn't fictional?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:11 No.39622989

    >These threads get made semi-regularly
    >Sticky for "excuse me my wife dragged me to Brazil because of sex or something like that" hiatus

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:12 No.39623032
    he got six replies so he kinda is a good troll
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:15 No.39623100

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:16 No.39623109
    A typical Narutard's train of thought: "he got lots of replies xD graet troll!"

    Go back to /b/ until you learn what trolling actually means.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:18 No.39623174
    >Hell, even Eyeshield 21 got a sticky when..WE WOOOOON!

    I would have loved to see that.

    Meh, I don't really care for the sticky, but I must admit that even a non OP reader as myself is curious of what's going to happen after 2 year timeskip.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:21 No.39623255
    I remember summer 2007.

    Wikispam. Wikispam everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:26 No.39623429
    people fell for his post thinking he is serious.
    troll successful.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:26 No.39623440
    Summer 2007 was the summer of the mass-narutard invasion. Explains a lot, really. The average, normal reaction of an /a/non who doesn't like/know One Piece on /a/ is: don't care; only narutards produce this immense butthurt about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:30 No.39623559

    I'm sure I remember Wikispam being later than that, unless it continued on until Winter 2007 and the days of Taiga and Jack
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:31 No.39623581
    Aren't we glad that wikispammer has gone for good? Naruto and Bleach threads were never spammed and he would always wikispam the fuck out of One Piece threads. Really glad that those days are over.

    I wonder how would he feels if he see One Piece got a sticky now?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:31 No.39623594
    I'm pretty sure wikispam was made on late 2008, new much?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:32 No.39623611
    The tension between Naruto fans and One Piece fans is really, really tiring. Well it's been going on since the late 90s and the earliest days internet scanlations, so I suppose it's not going to end anytime soon.

    Is it just the Western fans that are this stupid, or do 2ch threads look like this too?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:32 No.39623618
    >Seinenfags usually enter the thread after the "trolls trollling trolls while samefagging" phase and say itsallthesameshit, they don't start shit and they don't have a reason to do so anyway. Same goes for moefags as well

    Hey, you do know that this series is a favorite or even THE favorite amongst quite many seinenfags, including myself.

    and I also say this as someone who appreciates his moe as well. But yeah, a good lot of fellow moefags bash on the series a bit. in fact, I consider myself a part many groups or respective molds.

    I don't mean to be standoffish or anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:36 No.39623736
    I was a newfag at that time. I guess I don't remember it that well, I came with the TTGL craze. I keep mixing the earlier years up.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:38 No.39623792
    Oh that's perfectly understandable.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:40 No.39623853
    Fuck off and TTGL was great.
    Isn't 3 years of experience enough for you?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:43 No.39623945
    zoro begging for teachings


    WTF ODA?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:44 No.39623978
    putting away his pride for others, aka somewhat character development.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:47 No.39624053
    We already discussed this whole Mihawk thing:


    It's an interesting thing, shows Zoro's character growth and Mihawk's personality. And leave ends open for Shiryuu as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:47 No.39624055
    it's called character development. When Zoro first joined, he would not do such a thing at all, but now he's put his pride aside so he can help Luffy and the crew. It's a continuation of the character development that happened at thriller bark
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:51 No.39624166
    I love how Zoro has grown. In the beginning he said he would kill Luffy when he gets in the way of his dream and considering that what happened Thriller Bark and what choice Zoro made this chapter it amazing how much he has grown. No character development my ass.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:52 No.39624183
    Blackbeard will get a Sword-Sword(or some anti-sword logia) DF for Shiryuu,DFed Shiryuu kills Mihawk, Zoro rages. Screepcap this post and see you in 7 years from 2010.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:55 No.39624234
    Trolls really make the stupidest predictions.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:57 No.39624288
    >3D2Y theory is stupid!
    >Mihawk training Zoro? lol fucking trolls
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)14:57 No.39624293
    I'm sad Sanji and Chopper have been ignored on that front. They're the characters that have gotten the least attention, imo. Also, where can Robin's and Franky's characters go? After CP9 saga I don't see how they can still be developed as characters.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:01 No.39624390

    >Blackbeard will get a Sword-Sword(or some anti-sword logia) DF for Shiryuu

    Shuu already ate that...

    Oh, i forgot.

    Blackbeard has fruit-snatching technology.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:01 No.39624396

    I'm curious about that, and I would like to see some development in that direction. Not everyone must have a conflict with Luffy like Usopp did in order to grow, but I don't know, something.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:05 No.39624493
    Chopper and Robin haven't had the number chapters yet, I think(the 5th and the 6th), which could indicate something as, Ussop got his when he rejoined the crew and Franky joined as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:05 No.39624503
    Wait, what did he eat? Wiki says nothing and I don't remember him being anything more than a good swordsman.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:08 No.39624599
    Well, at least Luffy's strain on his own health brought upon by the repeated use of Gears 2 and 3 will be dimished. His haki training should prove as a counterbalance to make his fighting style more efficient and less abrasive, after all.
    >> Parsecifal 08/26/10(Thu)15:09 No.39624615
    In a month Oda will redefine the meaning of "epicness"
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:11 No.39624663

    I wonder where you read that, because i wrote nothing like that.

    The previous anon WMG'd about Shiryu getting a sword-busting DF, then i told already has that.

    Then we remember that Blackbeard can snatch DFs (the fruits that would serve are Kidd and Shuu's)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:15 No.39624757
    That's the question, I see no info that
    >then i told already has that.
    It was never mentioned that he had it, wasn't it?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:17 No.39624803
    Glad to see our standards for mods went down the shitter.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:20 No.39624877

    Also: Wat.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:20 No.39624885
    So mad
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:22 No.39624923
    Enough time for Dragon to summon all of his commanders or something. Hopefully Aokiji as some badass Fleet Admiral, Coby as a higher rank and haki control as well, and Smoker as some badass New World feared marine.

    The worldbuiling in One Piece really is top notch.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:24 No.39624976
    Wasn't Roger supposed to be special for hearing the sound of things, but according to this explanation anyone can use haki. Inconsistencies - the manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:25 No.39624989
    Somehow I see Gourosei rejecting Aokiji and choosing Akainu as the Fleet Admiral for his badassery at war. Everyone knows that Aokiji is lazy.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:25 No.39624993
    Although much of the earlier arcs are somewhat slow and hard to get into, and One Piece is often too zany to be taken seriously, there is a lot of strong points: strong characterization, unique quirks and settings, layers upon layers of emotions and motivations that are subtle and not "in your face". In short, there is nothing pretentious that tries to take on too much than it can chew and thus the plot does not appear contradictory or overtly contrived. One Piece is good because it's fun. Good, silly fun.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:25 No.39625005
    >Wasn't Roger supposed to be special for hearing the sound of things

    King's Haki. Derp.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:26 No.39625028
    I would rather wait one month for a 2 year skip in the story than read/watch 2 years of random short stories that would probably be pretty bland. I'm just ready for the crew to get back together as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:27 No.39625045
    One Piece isn't known for inconsistency and plot holes.

    Roger's hearing of the Voice of All Things is simply an advanced use of Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Drive). Perfectly explained, rather.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:27 No.39625051
    The colors of Haki evolve, maybe his "color of observation" was just on another level compared to anyone else, really
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:30 No.39625107
    Timeskips are my fetish, I love every single one I saw. I like the feeling when all the characters grow up so much.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:31 No.39625138
    but "the sound of hearing things" is more like mantrahaki, not king haki or armor haki.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:33 No.39625194
    Man i am the only one who hopes Luffy would specialize in the color of observation? He could just speedhax everything with the combination of spring-power his fruit gives and knowing how the enemy will move for the next 30 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:33 No.39625200
    sorry *the ability to hear voices of things"
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:35 No.39625247
    >specialize in Observation
    >kick ass
    >meet Logia (Smoker)
    >can't do anything
    >he wants to fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:35 No.39625257
    his character isn't like that, he has 0 patience and rushes into things. I'd say he'll go for king haki and armor haki if anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:35 No.39625258
    news about the timeskip
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:37 No.39625326

    I know the 'doping' was said to have a negative effect on his health lifespan, but that was when he was doing it back to back, just to keep up with Lucci. Some posters are saying it's using up to half his life.

    Maybe I'm forgetting something, but where, exactly, was it stated to be that damaging to him? That seems a bit much.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:37 No.39625335
    I can't wait for the Fishman Island doublespread
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:52 No.39625753
    I really like the idea of the the timeskip and this was a great way to basically end the first part of One Piece. I agree with everyone that when One Piece returns it will be a whole new game in terms of what to expect, and that the characters will all be changed to a certain degree.

    - Oda has to age them of course with the youngest showing the most obvious development.

    -The rest of the One Piece world will also have ungerdone change, and just how different it is is something I am looking forward to seeing. It is a new age after all and it will be in full swing in two years time. We'll see how many Supernovas are still in it and how far, the ones that are still going, have gotten in the new World.

    - Looking forward to seeing who replaces Sengoku and how, if at all, the World Government as changed its role in pursuing pirates. (Do they move more towards the Akainu type absolute justice, or is it more of the same?)

    - Blackbeard is of course going to be very important in the second half so just seeing what he has done in the New World in the past 2 years will be interesting.

    All and all, I am just excited to finally see the crew back together again. It will be a long one month, but I am sure Oda will not disappoint when One Piece returns.
    >> Anonymous of San Diego 08/26/10(Thu)15:55 No.39625849
    You act like 4 weeks won't blaze by like it always has. Best 5 years of my life
    Failsaging an unneeded sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:56 No.39625871
    I'm curious what happened to Duval and Shakky and the ship. There was a kumabot there charging his laser.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:58 No.39625909

    That was the real Kuma. He had the Bible and everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:01 No.39625991
    Sure is stealing ideas from Naruto in here.
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)16:01 No.39626001
    Probably going to kumaslap the ship to somewhere safe
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:02 No.39626018
    But he's basically a mindless robot anyway, considering the strength Shakky and Duval might be screwed. Along with the ship.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:02 No.39626032
    Wasn't Kuma a complete Pacifista by the time he shows up at the Sunny?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:02 No.39626033
    whats the name of the music bit that plays in episode 228 when luffy fights Aokiji! one on one?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:03 No.39626044
    Contrary to what narutards believe, Naruto didn't invent timeskips, only made them shitty - which isn't the case here.
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)16:05 No.39626118
    Sunny wont get destroyed. It's made of a strongest wood, and also the same type of wood as Rogers
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:06 No.39626159
    Are you ready to see Buggy as one of teh four emperors of new world?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:07 No.39626166
    The Sunny took quite a fall in Strong World, when they break out Shiki's headquarters. It remained intact even from such a height.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:07 No.39626174
    Unless my mind has completely failed me, we will get a new chapter on the 16th of semptember, and not one week after that ?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:08 No.39626207
    of course it won't. I'm curious how Shakky and Duval will get out of that mess. Damn 4 week break.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:08 No.39626220
    Duval accidentally presses a red button - Sunny turns into a giant mecha and spanks Pacifista.
    Oda always wanted to make a mecha manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:08 No.39626224
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:11 No.39626317
    So, long story short, it's Ki, except you could easily kick ass without it, low-level mastery/potential still grants the basic benefits, and it doesn't really make you more powerful, it just makes all fights much more fair for both sides.

    I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:12 No.39626338
    Fucking FUND IT. Leave it to Franky to make OP more awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:12 No.39626357
    not everything. Devil fruits at least not. mantra is observation haki, that's it. King haki was introduced in the 1st chapter(or at least when Shanks visited Whitebeard) and armor haki was what Sentoumaru used.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:12 No.39626361
    I feel for you guys.

    I only watched the anime and decided to read the manga a month ago.

    I'm at 85 right now, but for everyone who's at the current chapter, a month is a long time to wait.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:13 No.39626378
    It's not because its not an energy. It's not even a powerlevel-shounen device. Just good old badassery in concentrated form.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:14 No.39626413

    Except it isn't, that's just the fanbase being retarded like it always is.

    Mantra is Haki. Punching fuckers who have Devil Fruit powers without getting hurt is Haki. Making weak-fucks shit their pants is Haki. That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:14 No.39626438
    Here again.

    I want to keep One Piece in good memory, also as some kind of finish. I wouldn't want to read the next chapter or two and have to abandon it.

    This like a fitting finishing cut for me, just as i wanted.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:14 No.39626444
    fuck yes. This should happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:15 No.39626459

    Color of Armaments and Color of Observation have been used by many people in the series, including Zoro and Nami, oddly enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:16 No.39626504

    Don't kill yourself, faggit.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:17 No.39626551
    Nami's are comedy moments though, I wouldn't read too deep into that. Though apparently Garp's fist of love is the color of armor then?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:18 No.39626579
    Nami? When?
    Can't think of anything but "Oh guys a storm is coming"
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:19 No.39626593
    Nami? That's just her amazing navigation and wheater prediction skills. As far as I know, Zoro only used the Color of Observation against Mr 1., and in Skypeia
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:19 No.39626608
    Remember when the only way to TOUCH a logia was trough it's elemental weakness? When logias were pretty much invicible?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:21 No.39626674
    One hit still doesn't defeat them, especially when they're experienced and the elemental weakness might still be pretty damn useful.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:23 No.39626731
    Myeah, but what's the elemental weakness of f.ex Kizaru's pika pika no mi? And there's several other Logia's which weakness I can't figure out...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:24 No.39626770

    Except Oda specifically said it was because of how much she cared in an SBS. Then Garp comes in with a Fist of Love soon after.
    >> Mellow 08/26/10(Thu)16:25 No.39626786
    Or seastone
    Seastone was introduced at the exact same time of the first logia
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:25 No.39626797
    So, can Luffy finally beat Buggy? With Observation he will be able to see where Buggy's parts will fly. Haki+Buggy for the final unbeatable boss
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:26 No.39626818
    Kizaru's weakness could be mirrors (reflecting his light away) or black clothing (absorbing it completely)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:27 No.39626841

    I'd exchange organs to see a competent Buggy. I doubt he'll ever do it, or train his devil fruit powers. He seems content to take the easy path for things.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:27 No.39626843
    The thin line between Oda being serious and joking as usual can only be comprehended when you contrast it against the internal logic of the series. Nami isn't a fighter and hasn't had any training, period.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:31 No.39626939
    The light he used is shown piercing through flesh, stone and on top of that it has explosive powers. I doubt a mirror nor dark clothing would stand a chance against it. The only weakness i can think of is seastone, haki and blackbeard's darkness-ability.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:31 No.39626964
    DARKNESS Sasuke-kyun~
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:34 No.39627032

    She does, however, have an incredible knack of understanding the imperceptible. Also, you don't have to be a physical powerhouse to find your colors. Ray said it himself: everyone has it, but few ever find, and its highly based on personal growth.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:35 No.39627072
    Don't get me wrong pal. I'm not looking for realism in manga. Characters from Bleach or FMA (Don't like Naruto either) are completely made up too but they were created with a good idea, sorry but for me the idea of "pirates" as a roaming crew of do-gooder clichés roaming the high seas whilst performing every power up short of a Super Saiyan is ludcirous. Moreover the way they are drawn - with flashy outfits, fancy googles and t-shirts, sometimes even worse make my desire to read the series gone in just one minute. And - that probably is the way a mangaka draws a character, but fuck that i don't like it - those scary ready-to-pop-out-at-any-moment eyes, riddiculous, too widely open mouths and monstrously big teeth make the series look like art of crack addicted schisophrenic sitting all day is his feces and masturbating to "Guns and Ammo" latest issue. This series is crap, it can not possibly even rival such projects as FMA, Evangelion or Death Note.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:37 No.39627136
    Every logia NEEDS a weakness, other than seastone, haki or other ultimate logia: Enel' df was nullified by rubber, Crocodile's by water and body fluids, winds blowed Smoker's smoke away.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:37 No.39627138
    Wow. It's so amusing reading the replies from the uneducated swine who have decided to hate one piece.

    One Piece is among the most intelligent works of fiction I've ever had the pleasure of reading. The world is complex, the characters have depth on several different levels and the plot is quite no different.

    I've come to the realization that enjoying and understanding OP requires an intelligent, open mind. It's no surprise that the high school drop-outs of /a/ can't enjoy it. Arts majors might appreciate OP for the art, but only those with science degrees can truly understand the series.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:38 No.39627159
    Timeskip means Enel will be back. The moon wasn't entertaining enough for him.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:39 No.39627189
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:40 No.39627216
    >with flashy outfits
    >ready-to-pop-out-at-any-moment eyes, riddiculous, too widely open mouths and monstrously big teeth
    replace eyes with muscles and mouths with fabulous poses. Now, you would not like JoJo's Bizzare Adventures just because of hilarious art?
    >> Mellow 08/26/10(Thu)16:40 No.39627220
    Explained in the oneshot, but I lost the picture in a reformat
    There's 2 different kind of pirates, morganeers and something else. One of them is a real pirate and steals shit, the other is an adventurer that feeds of the real pirates that steal shit
    The editors probably wanted him to rename everything to pirates to make it easier to understand for children
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:40 No.39627237

    Speaking of Enel: A ways back Oda had an SBS where someone asked if Enel was a pirate on the Grand Line what his bounty would be. Oda said something like 7 million berries, but also said that there were plenty of pirates on the sea stronger than him, and could easily defeat him. Think Oda had Haki planned that far back?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:42 No.39627277
    Rayleigh saying he was going to pound the basics of all 3 haki's into Luffy was good to hear. Knowing he won't master it in 2 years just know the basics, so we will see Luffy and possibly other SH's develop their haki and new moves with the Haki they lean closer too.

    Like some of you mentioned it's obvious King's Haki is what Luffy will lean more towards to, but I see him using the others as well not as great though. I could see Zoro and Sanji pulling the other haki's better then Luffy. To me Zoro showed signs of both color of observation and color of armor back fighting Mr.1 in Alabasta.

    Still surprises how far Oda planned this out, Haki explanation was awesome, can't wait for the New World.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:42 No.39627285

    Oda said it would be around 500 million Berry.

    And "a number of Blue Sea natives could beat him".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:42 No.39627288
    >going full retard

    Go read that SBS again, brah.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:42 No.39627294

    Shanks uses Haki in the first chapter. Pretty sure it was planned.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:42 No.39627295
    Your reverse-trolling is weak, you need a 2 years training arc.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:42 No.39627301
    I don't know if reverse troll....
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:42 No.39627316
    This thread is delicious.
    All this rage because sagefags can't sagebomb it. Can't have enough of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:43 No.39627317
    >Oda said something like 7 million berries

    No, dude, 500 million. He also has an afro under the bandana.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:43 No.39627318

    Actually, no, Oda made up a ton of bullshit in Romance Dawn V.2 (the pilot) to keep the shit from V.1 and V.3 (Chapter 1) a surprise.
    >> Mellow 08/26/10(Thu)16:43 No.39627325
    It was used by Shanks in chapter 1
    >> Mellow 08/26/10(Thu)16:46 No.39627433
    It's pretty clear the same principle holds though. You have real pirates like the blackbeard pirates, Don krieg, etc and you have pirates that are more adventurers like the strawhats and the weird funky music pirate crew brook was in

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:49 No.39627505

    >this is what the deluded OPfag thinks

    You. Can't. Be. Serious.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:50 No.39627551
    looks like you need to train your reverse troll detecting skills
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:51 No.39627575

    I think you just go reverse-reverse trolled brah
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:52 No.39627593
    Well, try reading books, believe me there are others than the ones you used to colour. Srsly you call me uneducated and yet in the very same post you state that comic book is one of the greatest works of fiction ? Poor child, I pity your indolence. Also the series target are, as it is with all manga series, children in school age (10-16) so cut your petty bullshit about degrees, becouse you are just making fool of yourself. And I'll repeat myself - read a books every once in a while, maybe then you will notice the error of your thinking.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:53 No.39627610
    You seem reverse-reverse-reverse trolled...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:54 No.39627655
    ITT: Justice and his gay henchmen
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:55 No.39627676
    most books are written by queers for lonely old women
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:55 No.39627693
    so theres gonna be a two year timeskip?

    Any idea on whats gonna happen? Is everyone gonna come back with a pirate crew of there own, complete with everyone's own jolly roger, and Luffy will end up leading some big Armada through the New World?

    or are they just gonna have some minor/moderate changes to them and continue on the Thousand sunny as normal?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:56 No.39627706

    I feel trolled...fuck this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:56 No.39627717
    where can you find scans from more then a month ago. the last chapter i read was 580. I cant seem to find anything between 580-594.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:57 No.39627727
    That doesn't mean they are awesome.
    (Russian Lit. is my favorite)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:57 No.39627752
    It's so true.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:58 No.39627764
    Lolno, think Shanks' crew when Shanks lost his arm way, everyone is 20-30 years old and awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:58 No.39627778
    everyone grows a ponytail, except luffy and robin
    luffy will have a beard, robin will have short hair that doesn't pass her ears
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:58 No.39627782
    Dostoevskifag/OPfan here. Master-racing feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:00 No.39627844
    Are you kidding

    do you know the meaning of seinen, or for that matter the kinds of manga that exist in japan and their target demographics that none of us ever ear about

    and lets talk one piece, yeah its targeted to kids, but you do know that the demographics that read OP are in the 14-40 years of age
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:01 No.39627861
    calling it that Usopp is gonna come back Buff as fuck for almost no reason, other than he over did it working off his current flab
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:01 No.39627867
    one piece being argued so much is a testament of its greatness
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:05 No.39627975
    I've saged this thread so many times now. Why is it still on the front page? What the fuck is wrong with you retards, stop bumping this garbage!
    >> PKMN Trainer Yellow !Hu3GmsFeDQ 08/26/10(Thu)17:06 No.39628008
    I wonder if Bon Clay will return?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:06 No.39628019
    Any idea of how many "one piece years" passed since the beginning?

    I mean, I think they will spend more time training than they have ever been together, no?
    Not complaining, just pointing that out.
    Also, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji are a lot stronger than in the beginning, now, with 2 years of training... I wonder how Oda will handle that...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:07 No.39628026
    are you an idiot? or a first day newfag?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:07 No.39628028
    Apparently this thread is immune to it, which is great, so fuck you

    or maybe you dont know how to sage
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:07 No.39628036
    I wished... but this time I really do believe he's dead.

    Bon-chan was a bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:08 No.39628062
    Tolstoy/Gorkifag here.
    That is awesome.
    I love Russian literature because of the realism and the ideological themes, plus the russian culture is so interesting.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:08 No.39628079

    Until we've seen his cold, dead body, I think it's sensible to assume that Bon Kurei will always reappear.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:09 No.39628090

    WELL EXCUSE ME, but I don't approve of threads discussing shit like WAN PISS. I'm going to sage you to hell. STOP BUMPING!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:09 No.39628097
    Unfortunately(in this case), unlike Dragon Ball, Bleach and Naruto, once you are dead, you are dead.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:11 No.39628132

    There's such a thing as trolling too far, bro
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:11 No.39628134

    I see what you are doing there.
    That's good, make it believable.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:13 No.39628198
    Indeed. Despite being a Dostoevski reader I enjoy all the classics as well, and what got me into it was Dead Souls actually.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:13 No.39628204

    Brook says hello, but yes he is a one-off
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:15 No.39628273
    Bon Clay's ''death'' was off screen.
    He is NOT dead.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:16 No.39628278

    I know this is a troll but just for the record. Oda makes it PRETTY damn clear that pirates in the OP universe are not kind, adventure-loving people, and that the strawhats are a huge anomaly in the one piece world.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:17 No.39628308
    Alright, I have some questions for my fellow OPbros.

    What are your top five favorite manga series? and top five anime series?

    My own favorites are as follows in the manga category, in no respective order:
    .)One Piece.
    .)Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
    .)Battle Angel Alita.
    .)20th Century Boys.

    .)Samurai Champloo
    .)One Piece
    .)Cowboy Bebop.

    Remember, everyone has their own tastes.

    and also as a side-question, for you Jojobros out there, who are your favorite characters? (as slimmed down as possible).
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:17 No.39628311
    He's dead, Jim. Even his sacrifice and final speech felt different from the ones before, a different tone. Bon-chan is sadly not coming back, but he'll always be remembered.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:19 No.39628356
    In a few months, I'll be calling you out to rub in your face how he is not dead.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:20 No.39628399
    manga... One Piece obviously, Vinland Saga, Me and the Ddevil Blues, Monster and Eden. Anime, TTGL, Mononoke, Black Lagoon, Millennium Actress and FLCL.

    I really like me some Jojo, but I've only read parts 1-3 and SBR so far. Joseph was the man.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:20 No.39628405
    can somebody please post the chart that shows namis and robins breast developement over the time? i am mainly interested in nami's because i remember how ridicoulous that was
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:22 No.39628446
    So One Piece's gonna finish never + 4 weeks?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:22 No.39628451

    This, and he made it clear in such a harrowing way, too. Literally, as soon as Whitebeard was declared dead, pirates set sail all over and started terrorizing and pillaging and destroying the shit out of villages previously protected by his name.

    Also, am I the only one who doesn't want to see Usopp become too tanked up? It was his weakness and ingenuiety that I really loved about watching his fights. He has to be one of the most intelligent Straw Hats, without a doubt, and I don't want to see that stuff replaced with fisticuffs.

    That said, having him wield a hammer that really is like 100 tons would be hilarious. Seeing the bluff come true.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:22 No.39628465
    You should make a 3x3 mosaic. No, really.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:24 No.39628499
    He'll always be the weakest strawhat. But hey, his dream is to become a brave man of the sea, and that he'll be.

    Worthy of the best-developed SH, as a character.
    >> Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 08/26/10(Thu)17:24 No.39628514
    One Piece
    20th century
    dragon ball
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:24 No.39628525
    I started reading a few years ago, dropped it around the 4th arc because of the shitty translations.
    My favourite Jojo is Joseph Joestar.
    My favourite side characters are Polnareff, Speedwagon and that nazi Guile guy.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:25 No.39628541

    Nah, I don't think we will be seeing the "Brave Warrior of the Sea" Usopp developed yet. He will be stronger and not so much of a scared kitten, but he will continue to be the Usopp we know and love.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:26 No.39628546
    I only think that Bon Clay is dead because Magellan was too FUCKING PISSED with all that shit happening.
    I mean, I doubt he would let Bon Clay go with just a "well, hmm, lets see, ok, you there, throw him back into a cell, it is all right, not like because of this a shitton of people escaped, tee hee", hell, he was even trying to commit suicide.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:26 No.39628563
    >Poor child, I pity your indolence.
    >I pity your indolence.
    >your indolence

    >> Shanoa !253cJiZgdg 08/26/10(Thu)17:26 No.39628567
    One Piece
    Slam Dunk (;_; forever)
    20th/21st Century Boys
    Hajime no Ippo

    Looking forward to see Robin after the timespan. Seriously, that woman is my rolemodel. I one day wish to be as class ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:27 No.39628582
    Manga - Berserk, Vinland Saga, Vagabond, JJBA, One Piece
    Joseph and Jotaro are awesome but I still like Joseph better.
    Anime - Monster, LoGH, Cowboy Bebop, HxH York Shin, Dennou Coil.
    Man I loved Dennou Coil. If only more series like this were released every year...
    Another series worth mentioning - Baccano!, Slam Dunk, Nodame Cantabile, GTO, Azumanga Daioh, School Rumble, Kaiji, Akagi
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:27 No.39628584
    Vinland Saga
    One Piece(of course)
    Karakuri Circus

    Anime(I'll count some movies):
    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
    Cowboy Bebop
    One Piece(I hate how they animated many of the arcs, but movie 6 and 10 force me to put the anime on this list)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:27 No.39628587
    One Piece
    Dorohedoro (we have a glorious Dorohedoro thread going on now, go there)
    Oyasumi Punpun
    Tekkon Kinkreet

    Dennou Coil
    Nodame Cantabile (I'm kind of a musician)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:27 No.39628593
    please do not start using this
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:28 No.39628617
    manga well....i have to admit, i'm a seinenfag.
    i only read 5 ongoing shounen, there is something in OP that attracts me (idem with Toriko and HXH)
    But my favorite top 5 manga are:
    The Journey to the End of the world.
    Nijigahara holograph
    A Distant Neighborhood

    Extra: MW
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:29 No.39628641
    Or he could, you know, actually manage to kick some ass.
    World Government fellows reported that Magellan was too beat up.
    He escaped, someone saved him, etc.
    But he didn't die.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:30 No.39628663

    can somebody please post the chart that shows namis and robins breast developement over the time? i am mainly interested in nami's because i remember how ridicoulous that was

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:30 No.39628668
    It could go either way and I don't mind because Bon is one awesome character.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:31 No.39628690

    One Piece
    20th Century Boys
    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

    Cowboy Bebop
    One Outs
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:31 No.39628709
    No order really.
    One Piece
    Nana to Kaoru
    Angel Heart

    Cowboy Bebop
    Darker than Black
    Boogie Pop Phantom
    eden of the east
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:32 No.39628724
    One Piece
    Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
    Samurai Executioner, the best samurai mango there is, and probably the most intelligent manga I've read, too. Great social commentary.
    REAL, best character development ever and Inoue's masterpiece in my opinion

    Ghost in the Shell, movies and series)
    Crest/Banner of the Stars, I'm a huge BoTSfag
    Cowboy Bebop
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:32 No.39628745
    Shit, I forgot Mushishi. We'll just have to make an extra spot.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:34 No.39628804
    My top 5:
    One Piece
    lone wolf and cub

    Not really into anime, so no top 5 for it
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:35 No.39628823

    Remember when people were making the same sort of statements about Moria's off-screen death?

    Besides, we didn't even get a verbal confirmation when Bon "died": the situation looked ominous and the characters (and readers) assumed the worst, but we really don't know what happened after the radio cut out.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:35 No.39628838
    Mango: One Piece, Nausicaa, Akira, Cromartie, Ippo.
    Animu: Mind Game, Baccano!, Haibane Renmei, Paranoia Agent, Texhnolyze
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:36 No.39628854
    There is NO WAY you WAN PISS faggots watch that many seinen.
    Am I going to have to go back to moe now?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:37 No.39628892
    Should watched the weather report had no idea there was a shitstorm coming
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:39 No.39628930
    Naruto is for fags, shippers and kids
    Bleach is for teenagers, casualfags and shallow idiots
    One piece is for pretentious 20+ yr old fags
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:39 No.39628934

    You know, people aren't restricted to just watching one genre or demographic. Crazy concept, I know.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:39 No.39628941
    I read Asimov when you were a twinkle in your fathers nutbladder, and I still enjoy One Piece.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:40 No.39628974

    You actually made me lol. No offense or anything similar.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:43 No.39629042

    You aware that the thread hit image limit a long time ago?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:45 No.39629120
    My top 5 mangos are:

    One Piece (Opfag of course)
    FullMetal Alchemist
    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
    and Freesia (my extra one)

    My top 5 animus are:
    Paranoia Agent
    Dennou Coil
    Black Lagoon
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:45 No.39629132
    I cant wait for night to come again.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:47 No.39629198
    Is the manga that got me into Josei. Brofist.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:50 No.39629266
    >and Freesia (my extra one)

    Hah, that's pretty cool. I dropped it at chapter 15 but would like to give it another chance someday, since I enjoy some of Matsumoto's shorter works.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:52 No.39629340
    Alright, since everyone seems to be doing it:

    everything Lupin
    Kara no Kyoukai

    Black Jack
    One Piece
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:55 No.39629428
    y'all white trash posting in a stickied troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)17:57 No.39629469
    Okama Kenpo and Colour of Armor make for one awesome cook.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:01 No.39629564
    How about no?

    Leave haki somewhat unique, I sincerely hope Oda doesn't pull a kubobankai on us.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:02 No.39629600
    Just linking to my previous post for the sake of continuation.

    as I should have expected, I am delighted at the selection of titles I have seen, you all are awesome, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Though, in regards to my anime list-I suppose I would have to break my own rules and slap TTGL on there as well. As much as 60-70% of it was filled with homages, there was just a certain fiery power and charm about it that, to me, marked it distinctly to which I could not deny. inb4 fanboy.

    and also, I have some other questions. One involves Berserk. I have always wanted to take the plunge into Berserk, but found myself unable to finally do it. What should I expect?

    and I can tell from what I have seen of Miura's works that Guts is one hell of a badass motherfucker all on his own.

    and the other is about Gin Tama. at times I hear it is the funniest thing in the world, other times I hear that it is the opposite-unfunny tripe (Though a good lot of these posters that stated like so sent off my trolling detector) and there seems to be a mutual opinion that it is a damn good series. What should I expect from this series as well?

    I apologise if it seems like I am asking too much, as in the manner of spoonfeeding. I really just want to see your thoughts.

    I also want to start viewing Aria, Bartender and Spice and Wolf.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:03 No.39629626
    It is a rather unique concept. Brawl and Devil Fruits will always be the norm in One Piece, Haki doesn't do much, really.

    And Sanji is fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:05 No.39629695
    Doesn't mean everybody should have fucking haki.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:06 No.39629720
    >and also, I have some other questions. One involves Berserk. I have always wanted to take the plunge into Berserk, but found myself unable to finally do it. What should I expect?

    You already know, bro. Good story, a great villain and a great protagonist, godly art, RAPERAPERAPE. You'll be hooked before you know it, I just reread the whole series last month myself.

    > and the other is about Gin Tama. at times I hear it is the funniest thing in the world, other times I hear that it is the opposite-unfunny tripe
    Like One Piece, the start is a bit slow. I prefer to start with the manga, until the characters grow into their personalities and the running jokes get established. Read the first 5 volumes or so of the manga, then switch to the anime - it is vastly improved on the original content. As for the humor... well, it's a personal thing. But like One Piece, Gintama is manly, humorous and lighthearted - no wonder they have so many fans in common here on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:09 No.39629805
    Berserk is damn good, but if you get emotionally invested in characters it will tear out your heart and stomp on it. Guts may wind up winning in the end, but that's only after tragedy after tragedy to get there. For the majority of the manga Guts does not care about anybody but himself, so expect to see tons of horrific collateral damage. Not to mention the extreme gore and hyper violence, as well as monster rape and a woman who gets off on burning people alive.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:10 No.39629841
    Which is why only the Monster Trio has already awakened their potential. As we've seen in this chapter and the last one, it takes years of hard training to awaken it, let alone control Haki. The remaining crew members simply don't have the strength for it. Simple, huh!

    Oda has been getting more and more creative with his fights, I don't see things changing or this tendency being discontinued
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:10 No.39629852
    >i only read 5 ongoing shounen, there is something in OP that attracts me (idem with Toriko and HXH)
    >OP, Toriko, HxH

    You know, sadly, it strikes me that these are really the only adventure shonen series that are still running.

    Damn it all, we need more adventure.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:11 No.39629902
    Negima perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:11 No.39629910
    This. Moar adventure.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:12 No.39629924
    pointless sticky
    pointless sage

    whoever stickied this is such a fag and must be raped by ten thousand niggers while eating KFC
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:14 No.39629977

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:14 No.39629995
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:14 No.39630011
    There's always older manga. The OPbros with great taste above already gave some recommendations.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:16 No.39630061
    but I have read a lot of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:16 No.39630076
    >Doesn't mean everybody should have fucking haki.

    Reread the chapter. Everyone DOES already have haki: it's just that the average person has little or no awareness or control of it.

    I think people who are expecting "haki users" in future arcs to be as blatantly highlighted as the warriors from Amazon Lily are in for a surprise. I suspect that, although it will be mentioned once in a while, haki will be quietly incorporated into many characters' abilities with no extra fanfare. After all, it won't be something special and rare in the New World.

    Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if what we just learned is all the info about haki we're going to get from Oda for a long time. I'm okay with that, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:17 No.39630090
    Exactly! That is why i like them, i don't give a damn about the fights, i what it attracts me is the weirdiness of the characters, the new places, etc...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:17 No.39630115
    reverse butthurt?
    you lost meh
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:18 No.39630133
    >Which is why only the Monster Trio has already awakened their potential. As we've seen in this chapter and the last one, it takes years of hard training to awaken it, let alone control Haki. The remaining crew members simply don't have the strength for it. Simple, huh!

    Luffy is only going to get the founding basics from Rayleigh in the two year time span, yes? I guess the Haoshoku makes things easier. I hope he would be really in the crew the only one that can channel it in some form.

    Damn, I'm still re-reading that part of the chapter to lock all of the present Haki-related knowledge into my head. It is not convulted, but there seems to be quite a lot of layers to it.

    Still though, in Oda I trust. with the slight nervous feeling I have in the back of my head, I am also expecting an explosion of pure glorious.

    Fuck Yeah One Piece.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:21 No.39630243
    One Piece
    Detective Conan
    Dragon Quest: Dai's Big Adventure

    Kaleido Star
    King of Bandits Jing in 7th Heaven
    Irresponsible Captain Tylor
    Ef: a tale of memories and melodies
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:22 No.39630281
    I do love me some One Piece
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:22 No.39630295
    So what's everyone thoughts on One Piece so far?
    I really don't follow it, but this sticky made me interested.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:24 No.39630356
    >implying that is "moe" anime all over


    I appreciate my moe series as well as loving One Piece, of course, the above statement is a common association with "moe" series.

    and besides, as much as OP is a favorite series of /a/ (yes, believe it or not, and denial won't help), this stickie is basically OP thread control.

    with that said, I wonder if this mod is into OP?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:25 No.39630367
    1613 posts staying on topic, in my /a/?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:25 No.39630373

    I agree with you, but I think that haki won't be such a common thing in the new world. I can't see franky or chopper using it, for example.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:26 No.39630417
    >with that said, I wonder if this mod is into OP?

    Possibly, yes. The thread was stickied from the original post, meaning that there's a high chance the mod himself created it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:28 No.39630468
    One Piece is the classic example of "Don't judge the book by it's cover". A great shounen, more focused on adventure and worldbuilding. Have a look through the thread, there's some informative walls of text beneath all the trolling.

    Above all, it's fun.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:28 No.39630469
    I said it when it happened and this chapter just makes me feel it even more strongly:

    Luffy should NEVER have been able to beat Enel that early in the story.

    A fucking lightning Logia user with Haki? Even if Enel's lightning couldn't directly affect Luffy, he still had a million other ways to beat him. It was bullshit then, and it's even bigger bullshit now.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:28 No.39630483
    >Which is why only the Monster Trio has already awakened their potential...The remaining crew members simply don't have the strength for it.

    See, I agree with this concept to a certain extent, but something about it is bothering me: in this chapter, Rayleigh states that haki/ambition/confidence is nothing more than a tangible manifestation of a person's inner strength.

    Now, I agree that not all of the Strawhats are capable of becoming physical powerhouses, but I think they all have a great deal of resolve and willpower when they get fired up. They way we've seen some of them develop and grow as people (Nami, for example) makes me think that all of them have the potential to utilise at least some haki since the potential for it is based on strength of character rather than brute power.

    Whether that comes to pass or not, though, is something else entirely.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:29 No.39630496
    >So what's everyone thoughts on One Piece so far?

    I'll just say it is my all-time favorite series.
    and I would give you some advice as to how start this series on the best foot possible, but I know a couple of anons out there have the everhelpful "comprehensive copypasta" that will explain everything you need to know.

    but in a way, I feel that the anime does some things better (I have enjoyed all of the filler), while the manga does other things better. So I just simply do both.

    also, consequentially, the Strawhats are part of my favorite anime/manga protagonists. Love them all to death. I do not mean to gush.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:29 No.39630498
    I think most of OPfans were tired of shitty-coolwannabe-cliched-fiction with "badass" shallow and unimaginative characters, series all centered on vampires/zombies/psychics/mechas/ninjas/werewolfs/spirits/demons/shinigami, that kind of thing just bores me more and more now, guess I'm not the only one.

    Ultimately, One Piece is doing well because it fills a gap that most mangaka are too retarded to notice. It's manly, it's awesome and it has adventure. It has a light hearted ambience, but with no lack of drama either. No homolust, no moeshit no otaku pandering - just an awesome adventure story. Most japanese people are annoyed by otaku anime too and one piece is the antithesis to that stuff and reminds them about the good old manga with manly heroes, manly tears and adventure
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:29 No.39630510
    Enel lost because his lighting attacks couldn't affect Luffy and he was an airhead megalomaniac.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:31 No.39630559
    What I like the most about One Piece is how diverse the cast is. Like OP said, cyborgs, zombies, clowns and of course, pirates - all in one manga. There are basically no limits for how weird the series can get. It's like "why not?" instead of "why?" Another awesome thing is how it manages to be serious and fun at the same time.

    One Piece isn't like Naruto or Bleach, and that is because One Piece is a story about adventure. There have been so many fantastic places, significant characters, and unforgettable stories. One Piece has developed an incredibly detailed universe that never seems to stop expanding, where every answer leads to ten more questions, but every answer eventually does come.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:31 No.39630560
    Luffy won, but it was never implied that he was the stronger of the two. Enel outclassed him in every possible way. He lost because he underestimated his opponent.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:32 No.39630569
    I consider One Piece one of the few awesome 90's anime still left. It has changed, but it has never lost the feel of it.
    There are darker arcs and there are lighter arcs, but it never loses it's feel. Look at this latest chapter.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:34 No.39630639
    >Damn it all, we need more adventure.

    Too fucking right. that said, just starting Toriko. It's strange and bizarre , but I'm liking what I am seeing thus far, just like One Piece.

    and the main is ripped as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:34 No.39630647

    >No homolust

    Hell, even in Kamabaka Kingdom, which has everything to be an island that reeks of assrape and wanton gaysex (a woman landed? No problem, make it a man then to the pain)...

    ... and all they want is to hold hands, exchange recipes and see if you can blink hard enough to shatter boulders.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:36 No.39630677
    This is why I love One Piece. It hits you on an emotional level and appeals to what we all deep inside care about: friendship and adventure. This series is only going up from here and I don’t give a fuck if it takes 8-10 more years to finish it. Take all the time you need to do it right Oda.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:36 No.39630701
    I love how it's basically impossible to troll OP fans. We're all so comfortable in our knowledge that OP is unquestionably awesome that any attempts to troll it just seem laughable. No one ever really gets on the defensive when someone disses OP; they just dismiss the troll as stupid and say "your loss."

    If anything, it's the OPhaters who are being trolled by the fans. We're always talking about it and they just get more and more butthurt. I love it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:36 No.39630708
    One of the countless things I just can't help but be tickled by and lobe, for the shits and giggles in One Piece is it's seemingly inherent fetish for gigantism.

    Just seems so out of place, but it feels so right whenever it is used. But this is me.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:37 No.39630741
    Did we ever know how Enel achieved his Mantra/Haki powers?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:38 No.39630756
    QFT. This sticky was an attempt at trolling OPfans by gloating about the hiatus.

    Look how it turned out.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:38 No.39630758
    1,600+ posts and still on topic, AND having the sticky means there aren't any other OP threads around.

    I don't read One Piece, but I have to admire the fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:38 No.39630761
    and continuing my post, a real shocker is the consistency of the material, while new things just seem to be everywhere over the horizon.

    One Piece is fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:39 No.39630796

    fix'd the mistake.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:40 No.39630834
    sage for shit
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:41 No.39630863

    Hah, well said.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:41 No.39630867
    > Did we ever know how Enel achieved his Mantra/Haki powers?

    A lot of Sky residents developed mantra. I assume it can be linked back to their practices, maybe meditation is one of their habits or something - much like the amazons are familiar with Haki.

    However, it is stated that Enel's mantra is god tier because his electricity amplifies it. He states this himself, being able to cover the whole Skypeia with it.

    Much like Rayleigh - being able to cover the entire island they're at, precisely down to how many animals are there and how strong they are.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:42 No.39630874
    I wonder how many people tried saging this thread without even knowing what it does?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:43 No.39630896
    You baka gaijins! Kisama tachi wa wakarimasen the kakkoi of One Piece! Kaeru to your Naruto you baka bakas!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:43 No.39630903
    >1,600+ posts and still on topic, AND having the sticky means there aren't any other OP threads around.

    As soon as the sticky involving the especially long hiatus was posted, it seemed to broadcast a message that this would basically be the OP base of operations for a while in /a/.

    Which I am very okay with, many possibilities here.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:45 No.39630982
    I'm ok with that. I don't have to scout for occasional troll-free threads. Though I don't see it staying here for all 4 weeks. If it does, well, that's nice.
    >> Lelouch !!/lh8xsmpzAk 08/26/10(Thu)18:45 No.39630992
    >saging a sticky
    Good luck with that sir.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:46 No.39631007
    This thread really makes me think it would be worthwhile to have a board devoted to these series.

    Maybe not a board for just the Big 3, but definitely for Jump series as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:46 No.39631023
    I don't really think we should worry about haki, first of all as railegh stated most people don't use all the colors, they just stick to whatever one they feel like, and I see haki more as derivative of their character, they are all strong willed, and for anyone with strong will there is strong haki, finally as it was always shown in OP any given power is only as good as the user, you have to use your brain to gain some really good abilities, Kaku had a Giraffe fruit which sounds like a joke, but he was able to come up with incredibly powerful attacks, and Blackbeard who has arguably the strongest fruit of all already got his ass kicked by Luffy, Magellan and Sengoku, since he just use the primary abilities of his DF.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:48 No.39631072

    a statement that had struck me particularly:
    >I consider One Piece one of the few awesome 90's anime still left. It has changed, but it has never lost the feel of it.

    My God, I have clones.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:50 No.39631151
    >Jump series as a whole

    If Pokemon has it's own board, this should be a given.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:53 No.39631256
    >A lot of Sky residents developed mantra. I assume it can be linked back to their practices, maybe meditation is one of their habits or something - much like the amazons are familiar with Haki.

    I hadn't thought of it that way, but I really like that idea. Wunderkinds like Aisa or idiot savants aside, I wouldn't be surprised if Bilka in particular was the Amazon Lily of the White White Sea. Which makes Enel all the more impressive for wiping it out, I suppose.


    Most of the sageing is being done either for humourous or ironic effect, or as a token form of protest. It's not all that unusual to sage stickies.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:54 No.39631266
    It would be slow as fuck, we don't need more than 2 threads at max. Just look at how slow the One Piece board at plus4chan is.

    It would be arguable if we had an /a/nime and a /ma/nga board, but even then, moot already had his say on the matter.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:55 No.39631304
    naruto is the fucking godliest manga ever. you one piece faggots just dont want to realize what you already know, clinging to Oda's retarded shit.

    One Piece has literally nothing on Naruto. Naruto has great characters and a story with actual meaning, themes. And yet you fags think Op superior? hahahaha.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:55 No.39631331
    and these:>>39630677

    Seriously, I fucking love you guys. Keep being awesome.

    >Hell, even in Kamabaka Kingdom, which has everything to be an island that reeks of assrape and wanton gaysex (a woman landed? No problem, make it a man then to the pain) and all they want is to hold hands, exchange recipes and see if you can blink hard enough to shatter boulders

    I laughed like an idiot, with a tear rolling down my cheek. So true.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:56 No.39631341

    Something tells me that's not a good idea. Just look how /vp/ turned out. I'm not a regular /v/irgin but, before /vp/, the threads they made looked OK.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:56 No.39631346
    stickies like this are garbage and proof that mods are faggots. In fact, the only thing mods should do is delete CP.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:58 No.39631415
    You know what I am SUUUUUUPER excited to see what comes in 4 weeks. Like a lot. I may go into a medically induced coma so that when I wake up I'll have more OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)18:59 No.39631455
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:00 No.39631466
    There better be a sticky when it starts up again.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:01 No.39631500
    >posts like this one is garbage and proof of faggotry and asspain. In fact, the only thing mods should do is delete posts like mine.

    Fix'd for you.
    I know it is a troll obviously, but I just wanted to do it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:01 No.39631501
    I feel like OP has some flaws, too, though.
    I love the series, don't get me wrong, but some thing really rub me the wrong way. Skypiea for one is fucking slow. I'm rereading the series and at the trials right now, the opponents aren't that interesting either. East Blue annoyed me. It had some really great moments and then it had absolute mediocrity.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:03 No.39631583

    I love it when I see One Piece thread where people are mostly playing nice and getting along, but I'd be sorry to see it and other Jump series banished from /a/. I actually like reading most of the things /a/ talks about, from moeshit to seinen and even waifu threads (sometimes). Shonen is just one aspect of my interests, and I see no need for it to be ghettoized just because a few bad apples can't be civil or reasonably tolerant.

    I really wish the mods would ante up and just start handing out bans for excessively disruptive trolling in ANY kind of thread. This isn't /b/, after all, and it would seem sensible to weed out the really malicious and persistent idiots.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:04 No.39631600
    why the fuck would i troll about something that should be obvious to anyone ? stickying a thread of anime xy is pure cancer and shouldn't be present on /a/, no matter what your deluded OPfag mentality tells you.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:04 No.39631604
    Nothing is perfect.

    I for one have always hated the Usopp/Luffy fight in Water 7. I feel it was a stupid thing for Usopp to mutiny over. His motivation for it made sense, but his actions were too extreme to be believable imo. Seemed forced and out of character.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:04 No.39631610
    >I feel like OP has some flaws, too, though.

    Oh yeah, absolutely. I love it to death, it's my favorite mango, but yeah, it's flawed as shit. Mid-skypeia, early-TB, DBF, lots of the East Blue and early Arabasta sagas... We just don't talk about it much on /a/ due to all the trolling and hostile atmosphere, narutards, etc.

    Doesn't make us love it any less.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:05 No.39631635
    So after reading this thread does /a/ like one piece or not??
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:06 No.39631649
    I believe that all of the SH crew will gain some understanding of Haki but I broke it down into what I think they will each excel in.

    Luffy - "Color of The Conquerer, Armaments, and Observation"

    Zoro - "Color of Armaments and The Conquerer"

    Sanji - "Color of Armaments and Observation"

    Nami - None

    Usopp - "Color of Observation, and Armaments"

    Robin - None

    Chopper - "Color of Observation"

    Franky - None

    Brooke - "Color of Observation"
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:06 No.39631665
    I found the entirety of Alabasta and Baroque Works great, but I agree with the rest. Motherfucking kung fu dugongs should turn up for the finale.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:07 No.39631674
    /a/ likes 2 things. Moe and Shonen. It's safe to say /a/ loves retarded battle shit like One Piece.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:07 No.39631677
    I actually like the East Blue arc, except for Kuro.
    The first time I got interested in One Piece was when I bought a WSJ and read the Loguetown mini arc. I loved the characters even if I didn't know them. Fucking Smoker, man.

    I'll have to agree with Skypiea being slow, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:07 No.39631682
    Hardly, only Luffy, Zoro and Sanji.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:08 No.39631702
    Honestly, It's a mixed bag.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:08 No.39631703
    Funny you should say that. Scroll up. Most OPfans are DEEP/seinenfags.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:09 No.39631735
    Wow, you actually think stickies are cancer?
    How long have you been here?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:10 No.39631761
    should i read one piece?

    I dont like shonen.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:10 No.39631783
    >I really wish the mods would ante up and just start handing out bans for excessively disruptive trolling in ANY kind of thread. This isn't /b/, after all, and it would seem sensible to weed out the really malicious and persistent idiots.

    Indeed, that is the case. Especially for One Piece, which as we know for a long time, is trolled mostly by a single person, the narutard ex-tripfag known as Justice - at least half the trolling in this thread.

    But alas, /a/ has no active moderation.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:10 No.39631785
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:11 No.39631817


    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:13 No.39631876
    You'll only know until you do. See this post on how/where to download and read: >>39601120

    The start is slow and barely above average, but it honestly gets better and better with time, and the last 100 chapters were the best content OP has ever delivered. It's a good time to catch up with the series.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:14 No.39631927
    >The start is slow and barely above average

    I hate when people say this. I was in love with it by the end of chapter 1. I knew I was reading it to the end.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:15 No.39631937
    Sure, give it a try. No strings attached. Make sure you read it until chapter 90 before making a final decision - it's the first really memorable moment in the series (and even then it got much better afterwards).
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:16 No.39631980
    damn right it is. It's been 2 days and I already am terribly impatient. Fucking 4 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:16 No.39631988
    Honestly I thought the start is pretty decent for jump.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:16 No.39631999

    It's not that the beginning is bad, it's just that One Piece is a snowball of quality. Everything, no exceptions, improves with time.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:17 No.39632023
    >So after reading this thread does /a/ like one piece or not??

    Believe it or not, it's a favorite series on /a/. It's just extremely easy to troll, amongst other things.

    captcha: an forsooth
    'Sup Franky?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:19 No.39632092
    Another OPfag here.

    I love the team battles in OP. They were introduced with Thriller Bark, best one so far Sabaondy kumabot vs. Strawhats.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:19 No.39632095

    I'm obviously biased since I'm hanging out in a One Piece sticky, but I think everyone should at least give it a try. Oda does use plenty of time-honoured shonen tropes and clichés, but he also mixes thing up and plays with the readers' expectations often enough to give it a fresher feel than many long-running shonen series.

    Posts >>39612164, >>39630559 and >>39630498 describe its virtues well enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:20 No.39632134
    >it's a favorite series on /a/
    Yes, just like Naruto and Bleach.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:21 No.39632154
    Reading I wouldn't be getting OP for a month was harder than hearing my girlfriend of 4 years tell me she didn't love me anymore and had cheated on me and was breaking up with me
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:22 No.39632213
    Chill broski. We have a lot of good manga and anime to read, it will be a breeze.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:23 No.39632238
    Honestly we need some rest from all the shit getting real.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:24 No.39632280
    >Everything, no exceptions, improves with time.
    >no exceptions

    Er. How about Sanji's personality? Also, the excessive Nami fanservice? (Admittedly, one's mileage may vary on that.)

    >reCaptcha: yearning afeard
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:25 No.39632296
    this. Goddamn a lot of shit went down.
    A month to digest the whole series is nice.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:25 No.39632318
    Four Weeks ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:27 No.39632349
    >this is what OPfans actually belive.

    Blessed are the poor in spirit...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:27 No.39632367

    What about Sanji's personality?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:29 No.39632418
    >Er. How about Sanji's personality?
    You mean, from ero-cook afraid to leave the Baratie to badass spy/battle tactician/little girl?

    >Also, the excessive Nami fanservice?
    You HAVE to be a girl. There was ONE fanservicey scene in the entire manga, the bath scene with Absalom at Thriller Bark, and even then Oda played it mostly tastefully. One Piece is notably absent of fanservice, Oda always has in mind his series reaches a broad demographic. It has less fanservice than even Bleach, let alone Fairy Tail, Kenichi, Negima, Nana to Banana, etc.

    And damn, Nami is glorious. No, seriously, you're a girl, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:30 No.39632457
    >Nami- no haki

    I don't know, even if it is mostly for comedic relief, she can bring pain toward luffy. Something she couldn't do until after the events of arlong park.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:31 No.39632491
    >Honestly we need some rest from all the shit getting real.

    Agreed. The last arc was intense to the point where discussion about it was sometimes distracting me from reading my other regular manga, which is no mean feat.

    At this point, I think a small hiatus is something of a blessing.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:31 No.39632496
    the deal with Sanji is that he was actually able to attract girls in the beginning, but it was changed that because he would be a little too perfect otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:31 No.39632505
    >One Piece is notably absent of fanservice

    Pretty much every single girl in the series is in a bikini, or skimpy clothing of some kind.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:33 No.39632561
    Nami's such a fucking bitch.
    Luffy solves her huge problem, saves her from someone who abused her for years.
    Next arc she's already dishing out punches to him.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:33 No.39632569
    >Pretty much every single girl in the series is in a bikini, or skimpy clothing of some kind.
    Wrong. Nami used a bikini top in Little Garden (a short arc) and Skypeia, Robin had a big cleavage at Enies Lobby. And of course, a few colorspreads, but those a special exception.

    But complaining about fanservice? Really? You're a girl alright.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:34 No.39632575
    There is quite a bit of fanservice. It's understandable. This is a fucking shounen series. Amazon Lily anyone?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:34 No.39632590
    >I hate when people say this. I was in love with it by the end of chapter 1. I knew I was reading it to the end.

    >Honestly I thought the start was decent for Jump

    These. I fell in love with the series and Luffy from the start. Something just seemed different, I suppose, about him. To me, anyways.

    and as someone who owns the entire collection of the East Blue volumes ( and the two big editions of volumes 7-9, 10-13 respectively), I found Oda's art to be indeed wacky/wonky/out-of-the-ballpark in many aspects, but nonetheless, quite detailed in a lot of panels.

    Loved the series all the way. and find that the segments that some refer to as a "slow" were the parts that had adventure as the main focus for the majority or all of it's duration, like Skypeia.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:34 No.39632607
    Nami and Luffy are bros. Someone obviously didn't read the latest chapters with her.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:38 No.39632694
    One piece is an unredeemable piece of garbage that has a few highlights that are far too scarce. The entire beginning of the series is the weakest among all big 3 series, and it never really gets any better. The only highlights are the zoro moments, which, unfortunately, are rare as hell.

    Luffy as a character is one who never seems to grow beyond the whole protecting his nakama- garbage that somehow appeals to the adhd masses for some unfathomable reason.

    Zoro is, honestly, the only reason to watch One Piece.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:38 No.39632708
    I liked the art from the beginning but I think that Oda improved so much it's not even funny.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:40 No.39632772
    Still trying, Narutoboy? You've posted this same comment dozens of times already.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:40 No.39632784

    One Piece art looked like he'd traced AKira Toriyama's works in the beginning. You can't deny this.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:40 No.39632800
    Luffy and Zoro get haki, no one else. There's a reason why the last chapter was devoted to Luffy and Zoro.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:41 No.39632807
    And? At least it's not HotD TITTY NEO fucking everywhere.

    Plus that usually depends on the arc or in the color spread/chapter page.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:42 No.39632850

    Not sure what you're talking about, OPfag, nor does your ridiculous statement hinder the truth. Zoro is the only good thing in OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:43 No.39632894


    It will be OK for Sanji if she gets hurt when he detects/bounces back her usual beatings?

    Because, you know, he hasn't sent them to a mandatory two-years training to come back with this bitching.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:46 No.39632993
    >You mean, from ero-cook afraid to leave the Baratie to badass spy/battle tactician/little girl?

    I see it more as: from ero-cook devoted to his father figure to badass spy/battle tactician to gag character whose heroic aspects are becoming eclipsed by his sole comedic trait. I'm not saying he's terrible or even bad, but I've liked him less and less since the CP9 saga.

    >There was ONE fanservicey scene in the entire manga, the bath scene with Absalom at Thriller Bark.

    I was thinking of Nami vs. Califa as well, actually. I don't actually mind a little fan service (Happiness Punch was hilarious and absolutely in character), but it starts to bother me a bit when it's intruding in on otherwise badass moments. In fact, as much as I enjoyed the Miss Doublefinger battle in Alabasta, I feel Nami's female on female battles are a bit lacking gravitas and intensity (by One Piece standards, of course) in general.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:46 No.39632996

    It's easy to tell when Justice shows up in this thread, huh?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:46 No.39633006

    The crew sans Nami and Zoro when they got the news:



    Huh... i think he meant something, not sure, but... (As long as it isn't applied to walking, Zoro's Guess-o-meter is top notch)



    Like, her karma has hit rock bottom. She burnt all that was stored since Arlong Park.

    Sure, she's running up to it in the last chapter, but... well, let's just wait and see.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:48 No.39633058
    I wonder what will be the first scene we will see next chapter. I hope we get a colorspread as well, but that's just wishful thinking...

    A golden ending to the first half of an awesome series.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:48 No.39633080
    >The entire beginning of the series is the weakest among all big 3 series,

    Yep, it is.

    >and it never really gets any better.

    Nope, it does.

    >The only highlights are the zoro moments, which, unfortunately, are rare as hell.

    Once every minor arc, at least three to four times per saga, on average once every volume or two.

    >Zoro is, honestly, the only reason to watch One Piece.
    >I don't find Usopp, Sanji, or Franky to be awesome.

    >> IDEA Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:50 No.39633128
    Suicide bro here.

    I have an TREMENDOUS IDEA!

    I will write a note that says following:

    "I left in One Piece."

    Any other better ideas are welcomed!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:50 No.39633144
    If trolls ate more fruits, they'd be less fat and miserable. Then perhaps they could enjoy One Piece with the rest of us, and enjoy anything really, regardless of how silly, as long as its well-written.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:51 No.39633159

    >Implying your girlfriend/best-friend-who-is-a-girl wouldn't be pissed at you if you said "We've known each other for six months, but lets stay apart for two years."
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:51 No.39633187
    I feel you may not be reading the same manga as the rest of us.

    "You're still fake crying" anyone? Just because she's the one keeping the crew functional half the time they're sailing doesn't make her a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:52 No.39633217
    That's an great idea considering maybe One Piece would be banned in some parts of the world. Australia and such.
    Hilarity would ensue.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:53 No.39633261

    Nami is Bitch, fucking slut was all big talking about how important she was for the crew and that Luffy was an idiot that could not reach his dream on his own, yeah, SHE'S DAMN RIGHT, but the same logic can be applied to any other SH, i fucking hate her now
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:54 No.39633263
    To my fellow OPbros out that have read Beelzebub and Soul Eater?
    I love me some Beelzebub.

    and also, favorite strawhats? I love them all really, I honestly can't slim it down to a few favorites, much less one. They make up part of my favorite anime/manga protags, I'll say that much.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:54 No.39633264
    Why not use the entire 4kids qoute.

    >My fortune is yours for the taking... but you'll have to find it first! I left everything I own in One Piece! "
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:55 No.39633305

    Hey, >>39632280 here. I guess should point out that >>39632505 was a different /a/non. >>39632993 was me, though.

    As for the ladies wearing bikinis and such, I don't mind that at all. After all, look at how Zoro is usually drawn training or fighting without a shirt and how often we see Luffy or Usopp's sixpack of abs. Oda's actually pretty fair when it come to objectifying his characters. It's equal opportunity fanservice.

    In Nami's case, like I said, I only object when I feel like its intruding on something important, like a fight between a kickass super-spy and one of my favourite Strawhats.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:55 No.39633322
    I really don't see why people dislike Nami at this point. She hasn't been cruel since Alabasta.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:55 No.39633324
    Oda frequently makes real-life pirate references, and several characters are named after real, famous pirates.

    The legend of the One Piece might be a variation on a detail of this man's story - a treasure with a message. Oda does his research.

    of course, the narutard back to trolling this thread will read this as "omg oda is copying xDDDD unoringal crap lol narutu is much bettar
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:56 No.39633355
    Never read Beelzebub.

    Love Soul Eater though.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:58 No.39633413
    Nami is a slut. Every OP woman is a slut. Robin has a retarded nose.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)19:59 No.39633428

    I've felt that most of Nami's fights were bullshit for a LOOOONG time.

    I'm still a little mad that she didn't keep the gauntlet from Skypiea, it was a great callback to her original (not so great/kind of shitty) design.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:00 No.39633478

    How a nose can be retarded?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:01 No.39633489
    One of the best gets in a while.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:01 No.39633502
    She never was cruel at all, there's a lot of people who dont get his character.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:02 No.39633516
    Nami is a bro, all the way.

    I actually understand her and her reactions, attitudes etc etc towards the various members of the crew.

    She may rage at them a good couple of times, but, in my eyes, the fact that they are all thick as thieves is undeniable. Like a family.

    It feels warm when I see them bond, antics are never lacking, which is probably one of the reasons why I enjoyed every single filler of the anime.

    and secondly, I feel that some of the fillers actually play on fleshing out the characters such as that one episode filler after Arabasta that centered around Chopper and Robin, had a slice-of-life feeling, you know?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:02 No.39633529
    >Nami is a slut.
    >Every OP woman is a slut.
    >Robin has a retarded nose.
    FUCK YOU!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:03 No.39633557
    >To my fellow OPbros out that have read Beelzebub and Soul Eater?thoughts?I love me some Beelzebub.

    I like them both, probably Soul Eater a bit more. Two solid shounen titles.

    Particularly like the characterization in Soul Eater - all the characters feel unique, they were developed correctly and you can see how the main cast has grown - on this aspect, it's like Naruto but done right. I found the plot surprisingly creative fo a fighting shounen, even if it's mostly character-driven. And I really like the art as of late. Early SE had some pretty average art, but Ohkubo has come a long way since then, making great use of brushes, paneling, camera control, good use of black&white contrast, etc.

    Beelzebub is okay, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:04 No.39633566
    alright so i kind of tried getting into onepiece, but i couldn't really because the alrlong arc was somewhat putting me off

    the battle with alrong felt so anticlimatic and shit
    they are fighting, then he suddenly "gets mad" and they're just continuing fighting, then luffy suddenly "gets mad" and he immidietly kicks his ass
    i mean couldn't he do that before

    i've followed the war though, considering getting back into it
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:04 No.39633580

    I'd say Soul Eater has a good share of flaws, especially in its insecurity of how it wants to portray Maka. It's like it can't decide if it wants her to be one of the best and most competent, the weak girl of the shonen in the protagonist role to shake things up, or just a regularly competent member of the cast as the protagonist.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:05 No.39633612
    Or the brook one, that was amazing
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:05 No.39633622

    >your girlfriend/best-friend-who-is-a-girl

    Uh... no?

    Also, i think it's a bargain: Two years of isolation to prevent being curbstomped and raped by New World's version of Johnny and Yosaku.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:07 No.39633681

    Charging someone who trusts you with their life 30% interest, flashing people who consider you their big/little sister and then demanding money for it, and treating people like dirt to vent stress is not cool, and can be classified as pretty cruel.

    She cut all that shit out by Jaya, though, so it's fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:08 No.39633703
    >I've felt that most of Nami's fights were bullshit for a LOOOONG time.

    One thing that might help is that she is a bit on the dainty lady side, and consequentially she isn't a monster like some other crewmembers. She does what she needs to do in order to get shit done, and I respect her for it.

    She can handle herself against fodder to a fair extent, best if she has backup in near proximity though.

    and I do remember her laying on a fuckawesome thunder lance on Kalifa and a Pacifista respectively, amongst a few other moments.

    She is, overall, a solid character.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:08 No.39633733
    Oh, I'm not saying SE isn't flawed, no no. On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd give it a 7. And that's saying I really, really like it.

    I see where you're coming from, on regards to Maka - Ohkubo often makes her oscillate between badass protagonist and weak girl, but this is okay in SE's case mainly because of 2 important things:

    1. The execution of this is done well, you can see her character grow and not repeat the same mistakes again. She feels like an insecure girl who mans up when the time is right. Everything is always about the execution, isn't it?

    2. Her theme IS courage.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:09 No.39633738
    If you didnt like arlong arc you shouldn't read anymore, thats what is one piece. You can maybe try to go until arabasta but i doubt you are gonna change your mind.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:10 No.39633776

    It was her very first reaction. Most of the other crew members had a first reaction along the lines of "What the fuck are you doing, Luffy?" before realizing the message, so I'd say it speaks a good bit about her intellect that she caught it right off.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:10 No.39633782
    Is it really that much of a news? I remember watching it first time and I noticed that nearly every pirate brought by Oda since I think Arabasta arc had part of his name or full name as a reference to real life pirates from all over the world, and I was kinda shocked to see questions in SBS like does he comes up with names or uses some that existed before. And I'm not the enthusiast who likes to read a lot about pirates, i just already know all those names.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:11 No.39633815
    I hated the arlong arc and only started to really like One Piece when it got to Enies Lobby.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:11 No.39633817
    All those moments are comedic relief.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:12 No.39633851
    >She is, overall, a solid character.
    I like how you didn't include the fact that Kailfka was weak as fuck and she barely did anything significant to the Pacifsta
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:13 No.39633879
    That's because you wanted DBZ figths, but that isn't what one piece is about.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:13 No.39633886

    Oda confirmed that Usopp is, was, and always will be the weakest Strawhat.

    She doesn't get to get her ass kicked and win from a few quick hits at the end and some luck while Usopp spends the match trying to figure out how to win, swinging the tide of battle back and forth through trickery.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:14 No.39633909

    >If you didnt like arlong arc you shouldn't read anymore, thats what is one piece.
    Hardly. We all know it gets much better even after Arlong. If that /a/non keeps reading it, he'll see that "serious Luffy" already outclassed Arlong and everyone in East Blue by the time the series started - all he needed was a reason to get serious against Arlong, and once he did, Arlong went down in two blows. Mind you, he didn't know shit about the story of the island or Nami's until that point.

    >You can maybe try to go until arabasta but i doubt you are gonna change your mind.
    Even if Arlong arc is a dividing point for the series, there are PLENTY of peopel who only got into it by Arabasta, and even by Water 7. By all means give it another chance, if you like. It only goes uphill. And hey, try the anime this time - the shit tier translations surely hindered your experience by making the dialogue shallow and undetailed.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:16 No.39633966
    >time skip + training arc

    oh god wut
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:18 No.39634034
    It's only a training arc when, you know, you see the characters training. Which isn't the case here, One Piece will never have training arcs.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:18 No.39634040
    If it was a training arc, there wouldn't be a time skip now would it?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:18 No.39634047

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:20 No.39634111
    You do realize it will turn /a/ into trollfest for those four weeks, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:21 No.39634136
    >How a nose can be retarded?

    Clearly it's retarded because it's not a kawaii~uguu little pointed squiggle like most other female's noses in anime. Drawing a nose with a well-defined bridge on a woman makes Oda a terrible artist. Derp.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:22 No.39634148
    i read it from the beginning to the alrong arc and then i stopped, so i know the backstory and all

    but seriously entrapping her and stealing the shit she stole and all that should've been enough to "make him serious"
    it just felt like an excuse to draw out the fight longer

    and i also hated how don krieg was called lame and he doesn't have "true strength" because weapons and tactic are apperently not good, but then every ussop or nami fight ever and they don't have a problem with it

    it's just "lol ur a bad guy ur methods are wrong"
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:24 No.39634199
    >My face when the next chapter comes out and Luffy is practically the same
    >My face when /a/ flips out and chaos ensues
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:26 No.39634257
    >but seriously entrapping her and stealing the shit she stole and all that should've been enough to "make him serious"

    This is exactly what I was talking about, bro. Luffy had no idea about that. And none of the SHs knew either. Only Sanji and Usopp heard her sister tell Nami's story, and even then, from years ago. Luffy is not one to judge anyone on their character or past - he was busy taking a walk through town when shit was going down, and his initial decision to confront Arlong was purely based on the fact that he mader her cry. Not a very good reason to get seriosus, even for Luffy, which explains his playfulness through most of the fight.

    When Luffy finally learned how Arlong actually treated herm, that's when he flipped his shit and ended the fight.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:27 No.39634296
    goddamit i was about to start a thread using that picture.

    oh well... I'm ambivilant on one piece but can somebody post some more manga pages along these lines? BAWW NOBODY UNDERSTANDS ME BAWW
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:28 No.39634305
    I am not going to try to get you into one piece, but both Nami and Usopp fight are about the same thing as don Krieg fight, whether you have shitload of weapon and tactics, the one whose will to victory is stronger will win.

    It may not sound realistic, but as Cricket would say it's one hell of a romance. And that's pretty much why we love One piece, it's all about adventure and sea romance.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:29 No.39634334
    About Krieg: the early villains in One Piece, from the East Blue saga, are Oda's depiction on pirates who failed as true pirates, be it on the East Blue or the Grand Line. Each one of them lacks a peculiar characteristic needed for a true pirate - that's why they were small shit.

    A man like Krieg, terrified of the Grand Line, with no spirit of adventure, that commands his own men through fear and trickery, wouldn't have made very far.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:31 No.39634388
    I know the anime sucks shit, but we can all agree the soundtrack is awesome.

    This is my favourite song. What's yours /a/? Try not to pick Overtaken, I know everyone likes that one.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:34 No.39634449
    >We all know it gets much better even after Arlong. If that /a/non keeps reading it, he'll see that "serious Luffy" already outclassed Arlong and everyone in East Blue by the time the series started - all he needed was a reason to get serious against Arlong, and once he did, Arlong went down in two blows.

    Agreed, so very much. I was just re-reading the Arlong arc, and it seemed to me that for parts of the fight Luffy was either just deliberately trying to humiliate Arlong and beat down his ego, or fighting because he couldn't see a better way to resolve the situation.

    It's not until he gets to the map room that he realizes that both destroying the relics of Arlong's exploitation and defeating him quickly and painfully are how he can best help Nami heal and move on (see the "I know how I can help her now" line).
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:35 No.39634482
    I love hearing Zoro's theme when shit gets serious.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:37 No.39634527
    Those Impel down panels... I reread that arc about five times and every single time that moment with two towers gives me goosebumps.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:37 No.39634532
    One Piece
    Fullmetal Alchemist

    The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi
    Gurren Lagann
    Cowboy Bebop
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:37 No.39634552

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:41 No.39634645

    He used poison.

    From honor fighters to practical combatants, pretty much everyone will agree that poison is a no-no, dorky easymodo (Magellan is another matter, as his mindset is to use potent poison only on criminals and jerked beef with garlic and onion)

    I actually started giving more props to the former foes (Arlong, Kuro, Krieg) because they were able to put a fight with a guy that with roughly no improvements aside from two "you gonna die if you overuse" techniques managed to beat a smug sand(wo)man, the thunder god, the leader of CP9, a gigantic zombie and Moria.

    Krieg in particular is no ordinary person to be able to get a beating from Luffy to the point it crushes his WOOTZ STEEL ARMOR (This is the alloy used in damascus weaponry, famous for resisting/cutting through pretty much anything) and still be whole in one piece - Unlike Arlong and his overpowered fishman body and cartilaginous bones managed to get a broken rib.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:42 No.39634673
    I'm happy for OP fans, now they will have some time to get out of the basement.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:44 No.39634731
    >a smug sand(wo)man

    Lost my shit right there.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:45 No.39634742
    Us OPFans don't really mind you trolls, we just wish you'd get some original material.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:45 No.39634755
    I like this one, all the party moments after battles are my favorite parts of any arc.
    Fucking A man.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:45 No.39634763
    >impliying i dont haver others things to do in my basement
    Who is gonna take care of my waifu if i leave?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:45 No.39634766
    >a smug sand(wo) man
    What's a sandwo? Some sort of sandwich?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:46 No.39634793
    >man like Krieg, terrified of the Grand Line, with no spirit of adventure, that commands his own men through fear and trickery, wouldn't have made very far

    His commanding skills were top-tier, I felt he would have made it actually, but elements of circumstance amongst other things can play a part. Also, it was ungodly bad luck to meet Motherfucking Mihawk right off the bat and piss him off.

    I mean, look at Zeff, he sailed around the Grand line for a bit and came back. He stole and pillaged, (of course, save for his approach on food) and knew how to instill fear in his crew if need be.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:47 No.39634819
    no way bro
    i still got a quite a bit of vns and eroges to go through
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:48 No.39634832
    no the "true strength" diss wasn't against his tactics and armor and weaponry, it was against his mindset that largest army = strongest army, which isn't true at all
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:51 No.39634906


    He was ultra lucky, he was using Navy vessels, remember? And then his FIRST ACTION IN THE GRAND LINE WAS TO PISS OFF A WARLORD.

    He wouldn't have made it two days.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:51 No.39634909
    This song. This fucking song.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:52 No.39634927
    Anyone else think we're going to get a couple more chapters to explain thing before the actual skip? I think it's more likely to happen at chapter 600, kinda like how Oda wanted to start the actual adventure on the grandline at chapter 100.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:53 No.39634966
    Obviously 2 chapters showing what the various crewmembers do for training, then blammo.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:53 No.39634980
    Oh come on, that's not fucking fare, this song makes any OPfan cry.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:55 No.39635027
    I also want to know what happened to the legendary pirate, Buggy the clown!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:55 No.39635029
    I see your ending and I raise another one.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:56 No.39635062
    >know the anime sucks shit, but we can all agree the soundtrack is awesome.

    I love the anime, actually. and a number of people on here do too. But yeah, one thing I despised was the majority of the animation used for the Impel Down arc rendition. Liked all of the filler.

    >This is my favourite song. What's yours /a/? Try not to pick Overtaken, I know everyone likes that one.

    We Are!, Opening 5, Opening 10-11 and Franky's theme: (Christ, I'd always get so fired up when hearing this, still do).

    There is one theme involving Zoro kickassery that I have heard here or there, and the scene with " Three Thousand realms" against Mihawk is what I remember it for most, along with flaming oni giri against Mr.5.

    The question is, does anyone have any sort of source for it? I searched youtube (hurr) for it as well as the wiki for reference's sake, but couldn't find it anywhere at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:57 No.39635076
    He'll be shichibukai(the only reason i see for world goverment to send him that letter with the situation they were in)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:57 No.39635091
    >I know the anime sucks shit, but we can all agree the soundtrack is awesome.
    >This is my favourite song. What's yours /a/?

    I really love "To the Grand Line" ( I know it's a bit cliche or unoriginal or whatever (my music-major brother scoffed at me for listening to it recreationally), but I love the grandness of it, and even after all this time hearing it always gets my emotions going.

    I'm also very fond of "One Hour Evacuation" ( I love the feel to it (especially the first half, before it goes Final Fantasy battle-theme on us), and I think it's just plain fun to listen to.


    I like the composition of that track, but I despise the icky, overly-blatant synths and distortion. In my opinion, heavy use of synths or other modern instruments in general doesn't jive well with One Piece's steampunk-historical flavour.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:57 No.39635093
    Hell yeah Franky. Best theme imo.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:59 No.39635134

    This one? Sounds like tournament arc music, but it's so fucking awesome. DOSE TRUMPETS
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)20:59 No.39635135
    Robin will be 30 years old and probably pregnant with some revolutionary's child, no more fapping to her.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:00 No.39635175
    Speaking of music please someone tell me which song is this.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:05 No.39635324
    Well I started with anime, I even liked the fillers(on comparison to others in big3), but I thought it went downhill after Enies lobby, they stopped using endings and started to switch to some incredibly retarded artstyle where Nami had 10cm waist and f-cups, and with thriller bark they prolonged as hard as they could so at some point every episode had it's first 10 minutes to be the last 10 minutes of the previous episode, I could skip every second episode and still watch all of the events, so I changed to manga, but up to Enies lobby anime was awesome at least for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:06 No.39635367
    I like how people who hate one piece are posting way more than actual one piece guys could just ignore it. But nooooooooo
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:07 No.39635370
    >overly-blatant synths and distortion
    You're right, but I still like it, probably because the first time they played it (during the battle with Oars) fits so well. I like how the harpsichord is present.
    Though I always prefered the more synthy songs in the soundtrack.
    This one being an example
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:07 No.39635390

    Man, I'd love to see an updated version of this.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:07 No.39635395
    i dislike one piece, and usually i laugh at cripples when the opportunity presents itself. but for some reason that picture made me sad
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:08 No.39635406
    It's probably this one you mean
    I couldn't find it at first either, because the name doesn't seem to fit
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:09 No.39635424
    >This one? Sounds like tournament arc music, but it's so fucking awesome. DOSE TRUMPETS

    Fucking awesome it is, but not what I am searching for.

    Here is the fight between Zoro and Mihawk:

    skip to 2:30 on the video, and that is when the theme starts. I just love it for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:10 No.39635470
    best songs:
    previous episode recap music they used like half the time during skypiea and arabasta

    good luck imagining what music i'm talking about, because i sure can't find the links to them
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:11 No.39635491
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:11 No.39635494


    It will be cool, but that will make a 4 week hiatus five.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:12 No.39635508
    The guy is just having whatever little fun he can.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:13 No.39635545
    >It's probably this one you mean

    I fucking love you. I have been searching for this for a long time, but obviously, not hard enough.

    >She is, overall, a solid character

    Fuck you. Nami is a good character, and is glorious. Admittedly, she took some getting used to at the very get-go, but now, she has truly grown on me. Oda has fleshed her out quite well as the series has progressed, and has made herself consistently useful both in and out of the field of conflict.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:13 No.39635554

    Was I the only one who really liked opening 4? It really seemed to have the whole 'spirit of adventure' thing down.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:14 No.39635555
    >Robin will be 30 years old and probably pregnant with some revolutionary's child...

    All joking aside, I was thinking that this is pretty much Robin's only opportunity to have a child within the foreseeable future. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being in Luffy's crew right up until she hits menopause and probably beyond, and a pirate ship (even one like the Strawhats') is no place to raise kids.

    Two years is enough time to grab a sperm donor, give birth, and find a safe place to stash her child away.

    That would be a shitty thing to do though, and it would make her as bad a mother as Olivia. Do not want. Also, she has more important things to do, like gather intel. and fight alongside the revolutionaries. She's there to get stronger, and she won't have time for anything else.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:15 No.39635599
    Ahh. Four weeks is a long wait, but I'll manage.

    That said, have you guys Shared the Urouge today?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:16 No.39635622
    I could never find those. It sounded like jungle music or something right?
    Have the recap song for Enies Lobby though.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:16 No.39635627

    "Luffy, you have a nephew".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:17 No.39635681

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:19 No.39635725
    >That said, have you guys Shared the Urouge today?


    >Never seen this before

    >enter link

    >See Opening 11 with Urouge's grinning bastard face plastered everywhere

    I laughed so fucking hard. Urouge is a boss.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:19 No.39635742
    That scene is one of the best scenes in the whole anime, fantastic setting (destroyed ship on the ocean), amazing voice acting, music, dialogues and of course the action and suspense.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:21 No.39635808

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:21 No.39635831
    >I could never find those

    They realese every song from the anime in the OSTs right? Or no?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:23 No.39635874

    Thanks for making me horny faggot, I will now go to gelbooru, open 20 random Robin pics and fap.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:23 No.39635898
    >You're right, but I still like it, probably because the first time they played it (during the battle with Oars) fits so well.

    Ah. See, that's probably why I can't appreciate it the way you do. I haven't been watching the anime since just after Enies Lobby, so I'm missing the emotional tie you're benefiting from.


    Oops, I forgot about Nami's theme entirely. Synths be damned, I actually like it a lot too. I think it's perfect for the feel of Nami's character.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:24 No.39635934
    >Sees a sticky for the worst manga of all time (literally) taking a 4 week break
    >People are still following this piece of crap after 597 chapters and still want moar

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:25 No.39635936
    Well this seemed appropriate so i went to put on "You're the best around"...think i'll leave it on for about 4 weeks
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:25 No.39635947
    going through megavideo to find these asshole tracks that i can never find
    recap one i mean: at 2:55

    episode numbers when big fucking storms happen is harder to remember though
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:25 No.39635963
    >Speaking of music please someone tell me which song is this.


    The music in there was nice, but holy shit, Sanji gave Kuroobi one hell of a beatdown. I think the anime actually did this scene better.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:26 No.39635991

    Closest I could find is this:
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:27 No.39636021
    Hancock will marry with Luffy. Mark my words.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:28 No.39636056
    >That said, have you guys Shared the Urouge today?

    Urouge confirmed for master troll.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:28 No.39636069
    Go back to mangahelpers or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:29 No.39636098
    Yes! That's it, thanks a lot!
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:30 No.39636125
    Commence the 2 year training montage! Screw the hyperbolic time chamber, that shit is for fags and pussies, we're doing this thing in real time!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:30 No.39636136

    What a tweest. Except it would be a half-brother, not a nephew. Unless you're talking about Sabo. Delicious cripple sex?


    Good point. I think that would fit very well for Robin, especially since Oda's all about your family being the ones you love rather than being restricted by blood alone.


    Well, whatever turns your crank, bro. Cheers.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:31 No.39636181
    sage for wan piss of shit
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:31 No.39636196

    Find OP related music that can top this. I challenge you.
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:32 No.39636197
    Just like Zettai Karen Children
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:34 No.39636268

    You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:36 No.39636316
    >Zettai Karen Children

    I do not know if that is the correct spelling for that series, but can anyone who has read the series tell me a little about it, what to expect etc?

    Also, Onani Master Kurosawa, have not read it. But want to. Good manga overall, or no?
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:36 No.39636323
    Ok clearly no one is gonna adress this issue so i might as well be the one to do it. Do you think Sanji will be turned into a tranny in the 2 intervening years?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:36 No.39636333
    Dude, chill out, you posted it 3 times already, yes we know that this theme is awesome, but once was enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:37 No.39636348
    >They release every song from the anime in the OSTs right? Or no?

    I think they do. I'd guess that the difficulty is in the sheer quantity of music they've released: downloading the dozen (?) or so albums and listening through each individual track to find one thirty-second section is a daunting task.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:37 No.39636363
    >but can anyone who has read the series tell me a little about it, what to expect etc?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:37 No.39636365
    He will learn how to kick women.
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:37 No.39636370
    It's basically the first shonen where the protagonists are girls and doesn't suck.
    Although be prepared to draw some serious parallels with X-men
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:38 No.39636391
    >Dude, chill out, you posted it 3 times already, yes we know that this theme is awesome, but once was enough

    Now hold on a second, I did not know that this theme was already posted. I guess I just missed it. I apologise.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:39 No.39636414
    Why exactly so much speculations on Sabo still being alive? I know we only saw his hat, but do you really need to see a dead body to at least consider the idea of character dying?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:39 No.39636424
    Realistically yes.
    But since this is a manga he'll love women even more for not seeing one in 2 years.
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:40 No.39636440
    considering what he has to work with for 2 years, i'm not surprised
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:41 No.39636496
    hehe realistically in One piece, i suppose you'd be correct...but i still gamble on him meeting them in a dress, or with some mascara on
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:43 No.39636537
    So...Did people in /a/ react like this when Naruto had a timeskip?
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:44 No.39636571
    actually i'm not sure /a/ existed when that happened
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:44 No.39636579
    Kon dying is as much of an impact to the industry and our hearts as 4 week hiatus and 2 year time skip

    true story
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:45 No.39636598
    /a/ hates naruto, etc
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:45 No.39636609
    and the other track i meant was first part of
    which for some reason is absent on youtube
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:45 No.39636618
    You don't remember? It was something like this actually, people were bitching because Kishi did the same thing (1 month brake) and it was basically a timeskip for training reasons just like in OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:46 No.39636636
    Actually, I had seen all his movies and Paranoia Agent way before getting into One Piece. Love Millennium Actress and Tokyo Godfathers, and PA eps 3 and 8 are true works of art.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:47 No.39636686
    Fuck off newfag, /a/ hates anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:49 No.39636737
    It did and it was basically nothing special, the Naruto fans were crying all over the place because it was 1 month (lawl Oda did the same as Kishimoto) without their fix.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:49 No.39636741
    love this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:49 No.39636748
    You kidding me? /a/ goes BALLISTIC over One Piece. They'd suck Oda's dick if he could actually draw worth a damn.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:49 No.39636750
    Don't get all annally sore just because your nurutu got called out.

    /a/ does hate Naruto, save for a couple shitposters like you, stop trying to cover up the facts.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:50 No.39636770
    >Dude, chill out, you posted it 3 times already, yes we know that this theme is awesome, but once was enough.

    Why do you assume it's someone samefagging? Sogeking was very popular when he was first introduced, and I wouldn't be surprised to see several people posting the theme.

    >Do you think Sanji will be turned into a tranny in the 2 intervening years?

    His conversation with Ivankov in chapter 595 made it clear that he doesn't have the maiden's heart of an okama. It'll never happen, no matter how long he stays there.

    Mind you, I wouldn't be surprised to see him reappear with some of the external trapping of a Newkama, since I imagine it's hard to find clothing on their island that isn't either effeminate or kinky looking (and no way will one suit last him two years), but I doubt he'll become a bona fide crossdresser.

    Still, I'd like to see his time there alter Sanji's interactions with women and gender perceptions a bit. I know Oda loves his chivalry and has said as much in an SBS though, so that's unlikely to happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:51 No.39636785
    >Actually, I had seen all his movies and Paranoia Agent way before getting into One Piece.

    Same thing here, years before, actually. Watched Perfect Blue around 2001, loved it since.
    >> Crabster !!v8XvMyjXilq 08/26/10(Thu)21:51 No.39636789
    Goddamnit I'm late to the party.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:51 No.39636810
    Nah, I read OP too, but as you can see people ITT hate OP too, /a/ is not a single person but thousands of users, we have civil OP threads with mid trolling and civil Naruto threads with mid trolling, however people like you think that it's "cool" to hate on other manga and that's bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:52 No.39636843

    There was absolutely no reason for Oda to include the page of Dragon and his men at Zoro's island if not to place focus on the point that there was someone dangerously hurt just hours before.

    Oh. And a Zoro and Kuina cameo.
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:54 No.39636880
    ok well i'm betting Usopp gets super Buff
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:54 No.39636901

    yes we know, only retards rage at the sight of a thread they don't like, don't like it? hide/ignore the thread now please don't start another discussion about this we are talking about one piece
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:55 No.39636935

    Did ever in the history of ever a weekly manga got a 4-week hiatus based on the grounds that the mangaka decided so? (That is, no terminal cancer, no car crash, no swine flu, fucking nothing)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:56 No.39636965
    >Dragon in Zoro's island
    >Zoro and Kuina cameo

    Did I miss something on the Sabo flashback story? Please enlight me.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:57 No.39636999
    >ctrl f
    >one post
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:58 No.39637021
    Yes, of course this has happened before. Just not to a series as enormous and profitable as One Piece.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)21:59 No.39637085
    Pretty strange, now that you mentioned her: There must be a reason why Oda put her with Zoro and Mihawk maybe she will help with Zoro's training or something?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:00 No.39637113


    Nobody (in-story and fan-wise) will forgive Sanji if he comes out of the island without Okama Kenpo.


    (Luffy starts crying; That will be a nice drawback for the overpower hax he will grind himself into)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:00 No.39637121
    Rest in peace WanPiss
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:01 No.39637123
    >however people like you think that it's "cool" to hate on other manga and that's bad.

    While that may hold true for some, a huge lot of anons have quite a few justifiable reasons to hate Naruto.

    I have plenty, but rather not elaborate as to ruin the currently decent progres on the thread. and I say this as someone who read the series up to the Pain mass revival.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:01 No.39637124
    MihawkXZoroXPerona threesome doujin

    I pray.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:01 No.39637144
    he just wants doujin artists to make more perona smut
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:01 No.39637148

    Easily overlooked but is plenty of ammo for the Sabo being alive side.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:03 No.39637188
    >Sogeking was very popular when he was first introduced

    He is still popular as hell, pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:03 No.39637202
    So you say that if a person hates a manga because it left him bitter he should go on threads where people are having peaceful discussions and sage/troll/flame it? Back in the day I picked up TTGL, saw 4 episodes and puked but whenever I saw a thread I just let it be.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:04 No.39637216

    >There must be a reason why Kuma put her with Zoro and Mihawk maybe she will help with Zoro's training or something?

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:04 No.39637241
    >There must be a reason why Oda put her with Zoro and Mihawk maybe she will help with Zoro's training or something?
    He did it to avoid making a cover arc for her just to show us where she ended up and to give zoro someone to interact with before Mihawk showed up
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:05 No.39637256
    >Luffy starts crying; That will be a nice drawback for the overpower hax he will grind himself into

    Lets' not start predicting such things. I have a strong feeling that Oda will balance it out.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:05 No.39637263
    The 4th episode was made to be shit, you should repick the series.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:06 No.39637287
    Anyone on remember SogeSundays or Mionday for that matter?

    Good times
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:06 No.39637288
    >Why exactly so much speculations on Sabo still being alive? I know we only saw his hat, but do you really need to see a dead body to at least consider the idea of character dying?

    It's mostly because of a somewhat ambiguous scene in chapter 589. In it we see that Dragon's ship has rescued someone with "horrible" injuries who needs urgent medical treatment. However, since the dialogue in Japanese doesn't specify whether it was one person or many, some people think they were talking about the refugees from Grey Terminal while others think it might have been one individual (which would point to Sabo). The idea is that Dragon & co. encountered Sabo floating in the sea as they left and fished him out of the water.

    A lot of Sabo fans think that his ideas made him a perfect candidate for the Revolutionaries, so it would make sense he'd stay with them once he was healed.

    Also, if Sabo is alive and working with Dragon but still badly crippled from that incident, it's pretty much the only believable explanation for why he wouldn't have been able contact Ace or Luffy (or showed up at Marineford) yet.

    Personally, I'm undecided, but I think I'd prefer if he stayed dead; I feel that Sabo being alive would detract somewhat from Luffy's realization that his crew is his family now.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:06 No.39637297
    Oh and Perona (who is a pretty popular character) will just sit there for 2 years?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:07 No.39637352
    Ace was pretty popular too and look what happened to him
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:08 No.39637383
    Fellow OPbros, I have to ask-
    What do you all think of the Strawhats as characters? (your favorite/s, reasons etc etc).
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:10 No.39637440
    I was about to say that the person was Kuina who lost her memories and then became a marine but that doesn't link up.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:11 No.39637466
    >he just wants doujin artists to make more perona smut

    Oda does love his smut, doesn't he?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:11 No.39637475
    >He is still popular as hell, pretty much.

    Yeah, I know. I just mean that Sogeking in general was a huge craze here on /a/ and in anime forums. Overall, he basically became one of the biggest One Piece memes that I can recall.

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:11 No.39637476
    My guess is that through her hollows Zoro will be able to train his haki, since he's first mate of pirate king, he got to be as strong as Raylegh.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:11 No.39637483
    Brook is a total unneccessarry character.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:12 No.39637517

    Yeah, also the cover of 596 shows him grown up which raises some eyebrowns.

    But I agree, Sabo should stay dead.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:13 No.39637546

    Who else will make a song about the Straw Hats dominating the Grand Line?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:14 No.39637561
    In b4 Oda dies and we never get to see what the One Piece is.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:14 No.39637563

    Who said he's dead in the first place?

    That niggas at Raftel.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:15 No.39637613

    Then we'll have someone else to finish the series, the guy who does Fairy Tail maybe?
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:15 No.39637614
    Naturally i can see where this is going to lead.
    The question of sense is thusly "Will Perona join the Straw hate Crew in 2 years? If not, then who?"
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:16 No.39637623

    5 editors know the end to One Piece, for insurance purposes.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:18 No.39637676
    We must travel to Japan kindap one of them and make him talk.
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:18 No.39637678
    the editors are the root of all evil in any comic book
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:20 No.39637721
    Noone, not Perona, not Hancock, not Jimbei, we have enough crewmates already.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:21 No.39637757
    We have to kidnap all 5 so that we could know for sure if some of them decide to lie to us.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:29 No.39637972

    Luffy wanted 10
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:30 No.39637977
    You're a smart one, I got ropes and knives, we need someone who can speak Moonspeak though.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:30 No.39637988
    >There must be a reason why Oda put her with Zoro and Mihawk maybe she will help with Zoro's training or something?

    I don't know. I more or less thought the same thing as >>39637241 initially, and that it was good luck for Zoro that Perona was there and nothing more.

    I'd assumed that she landed there simply because of how she described her perfect holiday locale to Kuma (and maybe because he has a perverse sense of humour), rather than because she would play a special role for Zoro. After all, at that point, Kuma had no idea that the events at Sabaody Archipelago were about to occur, and I'm not sure he would have Paw'd the Strawhats at all unless doing so was absolutely necessary to save their lives.

    Plus, I always figured that Perona would rush off the find Moria and her crew once Zoro could take care of himself, since she seems genuinely devoted to her captain despite her cowardice.

    On the other hand, this:
    >My guess is that through her hollows Zoro will be able to train his haki
    is a pretty cool idea, and it makes me think I should reconsider, especially since Perona will have no idea that the reports of Moria's death have been greatly exaggerated.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:31 No.39638023
    >Then we'll have someone else to finish the series, the guy who does Fairy Tail maybe?
    >Hiro Mashima

    oh fuck no. Just no.

    I do enjoy FT, despite how predictable it is, but Mashima hasn't written an arc that could even be possibly considered halfway decent since the Phantom Lord arc.

    and I only read it for Gazille, Happy, Makarov, Elfman (though, when the "emotional" scenes between him and Mira jane started to get raped, I raged like a madman) and the decent fanservice.

    and I guess, I do kind of like Natsu, as I am a sucker for fire abilities, and like the DragonSlayer concept. but now, even that feels tacked on.

    With that said, how is Rave Master? I remember watching it on toonami a couple of years back, and kind of liked it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:33 No.39638061
    The Fairy Tail manga is good? I watched some of the anime and it sucks hard.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:33 No.39638069
    >Brook is a total unneccessarry character

    Fuck you. Brook is glorious.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:34 No.39638103
    Brook is totaly comedic effect, nothing more nothing less.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:34 No.39638119
    Will 4chan ever die?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:35 No.39638127
    The Strawhats need another women. Maybe Cammy?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:35 No.39638157
    >Yeah, also the cover of 596 shows him grown up which raises some eyebrows.

    Well, it seemed clear to me that that cover was a "What If...?"-type situation (like the some of the other recent covers), as it also showed Ace, but I guess I can see how people might have interpreted it otherwise.
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:36 No.39638195
    My vote goes to margaret, she's the most badass of the women met recently, plus she's already good frineds with Luffy
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:37 No.39638202
    >The Fairy Tail manga is good? I watched some of the anime and it sucks hard.

    The anime does suck hard. But the OST is just fucking love. a certain friend of mine hates the series with a passion but has the entire soundtrack downloaded.

    Meh, I really wouldn't recommend to be truthful (I just read to kill time and enjoy it in that eclipsed time), but I do remember I found it to be a bit fun on more than one occasion.

    my advice: just jump into it, and see how it takes you.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:39 No.39638264
    >Brook is totaly comedic effect, nothing more nothing less

    I utterly disagree.
    But let's not get into another debate, let's enjoy ourselves.

    If only we didn't hit the image limit. Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:42 No.39638327
    You have been bested
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:43 No.39638360
    If you've posted a pic ITT you can delete it so you can post a new one.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:43 No.39638363
    I guess you laugh with bink no sake then
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:43 No.39638370
    >the editors are the root of all evil in any comic book

    When I found out that Oda's editor was basically the French-Japanese Jesus, I couldn't stop laughing.

    It was just totally out of the norm to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:43 No.39638387
    Pffff, I got a better one.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:44 No.39638410

    Perona is unique but once Moria shows up again she will probably bolt to him useless she becomes extremely attached to Zoro
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:45 No.39638421
    >You have been bested
    >4kids opening

    You son of a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:46 No.39638447
    >Oda's editor was basically the French-Japanese Jesus

    Who what where?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:51 No.39638595

    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:53 No.39638624
    >Who what where?

    His full name, I think, is Jean Phillipe Baptiste Akira.

    and in the picture I saw of him, he looked like the spitting image of Jesus. the picture had to do with models of editors featured in the story of Bakuman (mind you, haven't read the series).

    and this is relatively common knowledge amongst the OP fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:54 No.39638663

    YES! This HAS to mean that Sabo made it! Just barely, obviously, and probably lost his memory, but he's alive.

    Bon Clay. Why else would he be such an instant bro with Luffy? And the ability to change his appearance at will? His silly okama form is also a guise, because he doesn't remember what he used to look like, and/or his face was screwed up in the explosion. But his near-death experience in prison will knock back his memory and he will reappear in the New World looking for Luffy! You know it to be true.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:54 No.39638664
    >Naruto german opening
    >sudden desires to gouge out eyes and rip off ears
    >find myself laughing like a bitch

    So confused ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:56 No.39638722
    It's interesting to wonder if this thread will actually go all the way.

    That would be incredible.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)22:57 No.39638744
    >The Strawhats need another women.

    Agreed. It feels like the crew's becoming a sausage-fest even if you're counting in Vivi.

    Personally, I think a new character would be preferable, rather than shoehorning Perona, Bonney, Hancock, or Marguerite into the Strawhats when they all seem to have their own loyalties already.

    I would really like to see a badass fishwoman join. I realize Oda probably wouldn't go in for a female brawler, but I think one would round out the crew nicely and simultaneously bring to the table some extra talents that the Strawhats don't. (e.g.: a potent fighter in water, better underwater exploration capabilities than the submarine alone provides, another in with fishmen and merpeople in general, etc.)

    Tom, Jimbei, and some of Arlong's crew were cool looking rather than outright hideous, so I think it could work.


    Seriously though, an older female, perhaps one from Fisher Tiger's crew, could be very interesting and unique as a character.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:00 No.39638802
    >With that said, how is Rave Master? I remember watching it on toonami a couple of years back, and kind of liked it

    I thought of Rave Master as a solid shonen. Try it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:01 No.39638817
    I remember somebody saying that the Mermaid Princess might join the crew.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:02 No.39638844
    Nah, they got 6 dicks and 6 holes, they're ok, Brook doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:04 No.39638901
    >OP sticky
    >1933 posts and 151 image replies omitted

    Fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:04 No.39638918
    New strawhat will be a loli.
    That was the deal. I'd make Oda famous and successful and he turns all shounenfags into pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:04 No.39638935
    >Fisher Tiger

    Man, I want a spin off movie about this guy and how he climbed the red line and freed all the slaves singlehandedly. What a badass.

    In case you forgot:

    >Thirteen years ago, before the current storyline, he climbed up the cliffs of the Red Line with his bare hands to Mariejois. He attacked the holy land to free the Fishmen slaves there from the Tenryūbito. While he hated humans, Tiger did not discriminate when it came to slaves. He freed slaves of all races there. Among these other slaves were Boa Hancock and her two sisters.

    >With the Fishmen slaves he freed, Tiger changed the shameful hoof mark branded on them (it signified slavery) into a symbol of sun. He also took them in. With them, he created the Sunny Pirates.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:05 No.39638942
    This song is going to play during the Sabo flashbacks a lot. How does that make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:06 No.39638984
    >That was the deal. I'd make Oda famous and successful

    The motherfucker is probably brimming with cash. All the more to buy more acid.

    >New Straw hat will be a loli
    >shounenfags turned into pedophiles

    Varying degrees of want.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:06 No.39638985
    that track does nothing for me
    i always thought it was a complete waste and non-impact when used outside the movie
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:09 No.39639053
    >This song is going to play during the Sabo flashbacks a lot. How does that make you feel?

    Not going to cry, but I would probably cry my eyes out.

    Fuck, that song just gets me for some strange reason ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:09 No.39639062
    I doubt it. Oda's already introduced us to Catarina Devon. Now that we've witnessed the apex of moe, how can we possibly go back to anything less?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:09 No.39639082
    >Open video
    >See highest rated comment:
    "The Sakura tree...the most visual epic moment in One Piece. Oda was a genius for coming up with that one."

    I have no words.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:10 No.39639089

    >not going to cry

    Jesus fuck. I'm out of it tonight.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:11 No.39639133

    Catarina Devon is Luffy's mother

    You heard it here first
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:13 No.39639216
    >>Hey!! I'm Luffy!! I'm not angry about you spitting on me anymore!!
    >>Let's be friends!! Where are you going?

    >>Hey, Ace!! You're going somewhere again?!
    >>Take me with you! Come on, let's be friends!

    >>A pirate ship?! You guys want to be pirates?! Me too!

    >>How come you didn't spill the beans?! Those guys have no qualms about killing women and children!!
    >>If I told, you wouldn't be my friend..!!

    ;__; F..Fuck..
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:14 No.39639221
    >Catarina Devon as Luffy's mother

    Dragon must have had a rough night.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:14 No.39639247
    Nah, it's Shakky
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:16 No.39639303
    It's because he'll never become the pirate king.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:17 No.39639326

    Props to Dragon, smooth motherfucker.

    Which reminds me, that female comrade of Dragon's in the Sabo flashback was never revealed. Of course, it could always be Ivankov.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:22 No.39639459

    It WAS Ivankov

    >Japanese speech pattern
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:22 No.39639488
    >Fisher Tiger

    >Man, I want a spin off movie about this guy and how he climbed the red line and freed all the slaves singlehandedly. What a badass

    This man knows. It must be funded.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:23 No.39639498
    This thread is nearing 2000 posts.
    I think that is neato.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:23 No.39639507
    Imagine this playing when Bon Clay is carrying luffy through level 5.
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:23 No.39639509
    well i persist in thinking that Marguerite will be the next addition to the crew, for the simple reason that Luffy promised he would introduce her to his nakama, i mean that's a rather big hint to take if you know what i mean.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:24 No.39639520

    It'll be too much like Moses.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:26 No.39639591
    >Imagine this playing when Bon Clay is carrying luffy through level 5.

    I think my penis just twitched.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:28 No.39639652
    >It'll be too much like Moses.

    I fail to see much of a problem sir.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:28 No.39639655
    The power level system for One Piece is called "Douriki."
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:28 No.39639665
    She would make a horrible crew member theres nothing interesting about her. Just like Vivi.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:31 No.39639730
    Neither is Boa and everyone wants her there.
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:31 No.39639737
    well in my opinion, it wouldn't hurt to have a crew member whose past wasn't a hilariously tragic sob story. Geez it's like a prequisite to being a strawhat or something, the fact that Marguerite seems normal is what i like
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:31 No.39639743
    >She would make a horrible crew member theres nothing interesting about her. Just like Vivi.

    Vivi had her moments, like when she had shown no hesitation to try and lop off Crocodile's head (even though it was in vain). I gave her props for that. and I'm delighted each time we get another glimpse of her.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:32 No.39639776
    No one else is joining, period. Now with the timeskip that is even clearer.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:32 No.39639781
    the way it was measured and explained just made it seem like the one piece term for newtons/joules though
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:34 No.39639829
    SInce someone mentioned Sanji becoming a tranny, i may aswell throw my theory about another one of them. I propose that in 2 years, Franky becomes a cybernetic super scientist who will wear swirly goggles and defeat the marines with the power of SCIENCE!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:35 No.39639859

    Yeah I'm sure Franky will come up with some crazy shit over the timeskip, that's probably what I'm most excited for.
    >> anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:36 No.39639889
    perhaps, but she was really weak compared to the others, hell even Usopp could beat her
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:36 No.39639902
    >whose past wasn't a hilariously tragic sob story

    Usopp's really wasn't tragic, neither was Zoro's (inb4 lolstairs).

    Sanji's was entirely a tale of survival, but it was not the stuff of tragedy.

    Eh, but yeah, I do get the gist of what you are saying. Though I loved every Strawhat's backstory, even Zoro's.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:38 No.39639956
    and oh, the Luffy backstory involving Shanks wasn't a bawwfest either, hardly so.

    Still, it had some impact.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:41 No.39640017
    Bonney has the highest chance of becoming a Strawhat. Does she even have any recognizable crew members?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:41 No.39640030
    Awesome OP sticky is awesome.

    Posting, and very late, I know.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:43 No.39640063
    Margaret already has the "family jewels" schtick going on, which could work well with the crew. Also, Brooke will be delighted that she [spoilers]doesn't wear panties[/spoilers].
    She can also teach the rest of the crew some haki if they didn't learn it during the timeskip, especially if Zoro and Sanji don't.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:43 No.39640078
    Hope he will get a drill. He's no anime/manga robot without one.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:47 No.39640195
    Smoker and his posse are joining the Strawhats.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:48 No.39640236
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:50 No.39640292
    >Hope he will get a drill. He's no anime/manga robot without one

    He is a cyborg. Believe it or not, there is a difference.

    But, the mere premise of Franky having a drill would be a godly.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:51 No.39640330
    He already tried the GATTAI thing and we all know how well that went, so I doubt the drill part, only if for some comedic relief.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:53 No.39640406
    Eh, I found these to be superior in my eyes:

    But that is just me.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:57 No.39640501
    That's obviously not just you, it's the most overplayed tracks in OP ost threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)23:59 No.39640573
    >New strawhat will be a loli...he turns all shounenfags into pedophiles.

    Miss Goldenweek for nakama. Derp.

    Actually, I'd probably love a younger Strawhat if Oda plays his cards right. I'm just worried that any normal human younger than Chopper is now wouldn't be able to keep up with the rest of the crew. To measure up, she'd almost certainly need either a logia or some other broken DF.

    >Fisher Tiger
    >Man, I want a spin off movie about this guy...

    FUND IT. Seriously, I realize it wouldn't appeal to mainstream theatre-going audiences in Japan since the Strawhats wouldn't be in it, but if Oda wrote a spin-off oneshot or miniseries, they could do TV special or a direct-to-video movie/OVA. I would watch the fuck out of that.

    Actually, screw the movie: I just want a manga spin-off. Think Chapter 0, but with maybe ten chapters instead.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:01 No.39640619
    Listening to the One Piece OST made me realize how the music has a Disney feel to it.

    More anime OST should sound more like SoRaNoWoTo and One Piece. Especially SoRaNoWoTo.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:03 No.39640688
    Staging in a sicky.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:03 No.39640698
    >I'm just worried that any normal human younger than Chopper is now wouldn't be able to keep up with the rest of the crew.
    what was coby's current age?
    i can imagine that type of loli on the ship without too much problem and not needing a hugely broken power
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:04 No.39640720
    I'm gonna reread & rewatch the entire series during Oda's break....fuck yeah, I cannot wait!!!

    In Oda we trust
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:06 No.39640786
    A logia kid, great idea.
    The crew is oddly missing a logia, another girl and a younger member.
    Kid logia wouldn't be the average monstrously strong logia or just a weak kid. Just normally strong.
    I think it could work well.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:08 No.39640891
    >logia loli
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:09 No.39640932
    I'd drop One Piece if it added a loli
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:13 No.39641052
    After 600 chapters?
    No I don't think so.

    You'd keep reading it and you'd like it and you would learn to appreciate loli like a normal person.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:14 No.39641091
    I'd drop it if they added another useless female (and because its Oda and that means any female) to the crew
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:17 No.39641201
    Such uninformed trolling.

    Nami and Robin are incredibly useful to the crew. Oda values his female characters. Even side-characters, like Hancock, Perona, Vivi, Shakky or Margaret.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:20 No.39641287
    am i the only one who was pissed that bonney got arrested
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:20 No.39641303
    Enel should come back during the time skip

    Hey, I can dream
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:21 No.39641318
    Being physically weaker or lacking in skills compared to the main hero and the guys doesn’t mean a character will necessarily be “weak.” Nami and Robin are both excellent examples of characters who carry their own weight. And even before Nami gets the Clima-Tact and starts participating in battles, her skills are shown to be indispensable to the team.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:22 No.39641344
    >what was coby's current age?

    Coby seems like he's at least fifteen to me, but I can't find any proof of what age he actually is.

    Was his age ever stated in any of the databooks? I can't believe it's never been asked of Oda.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:22 No.39641347
    Zoro is easily the mostly useless. The rest of the crew actually have unique functions. Nami is especially important as a navigator. Zoro is just the "fighter", which is a redundant role, because the rest of the crew are fighters too.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:24 No.39641422
    zoro is like the fucking bard of the party (lol brook)
    he's the one that makes everyone keep their shit together, and is always a huge morale boost to the weaker ones when he appears
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:25 No.39641476
    #1000 here, #2000 GET
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:26 No.39641482

    >implying the strawhats wouldn't be dead already without Zoro.

    You're seriously undermining his contributions to the crew.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:27 No.39641558
    inb4 2000 post
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:28 No.39641593
    Actually, to make a case for Nami, when she first appears, Nami seems like any one of a number of greedy, sneaky archetypes for women in media, and in fact I considered her to be a drag on the story until the Arlong Park storyline. Her not-so-subtle intimations about her reasons for hating pirates and the implicit knowledge that she would eventually be won over by Luffy and the others and join up with them despite her convictions doesn’t make for a compelling read. Even her "shocking" (or not so shocking if you watched the anime's OP) betrayal during the Baratie storyline doesn’t make her seem any more interesting - it is only when she returns home that her story becomes interesting.

    All of a sudden, Nami is given a new dimension, even though we know the major plot points that the story arc will cover: someone important to her was killed by pirates and she has an enormous debt to pay off. It is not the plot elements in themselves that are interesting, it is how they are handled, and Oda does a masterful job on this story arc. Suddenly Nami is tough, unrelenting, self-sacrificing, capable, smart, proactive, strong, compassionate, and proud and we understand the lengths she will go through to protect the people she loves without asking a single thing in return, even their gratitude. No self-pity (in fact, I love this about One Piece), no melancholy moping, nor tragic Shakespearian soliloquies about her sorry lot in life, there is only determination and drive, despite every setback thrown at her. She stops being the enigmatic object of other characters’ attention and she is finally given a voice in the story.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:29 No.39641606
    2000 post get
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:30 No.39641648

    the anime filler almost always had a loli.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:30 No.39641658
    >am i the only one who was pissed that bonney got arrested

    Well, I was pissed that the only female Supernova (and a fairly likable one, at that) got her shit kicked in as soon as she reached the New World. Does that count?

    Actually, if you're a Bonney fan, you should have been rejoicing over that scene. That a good amount of screen-time was devoted to it (especially at such a time when Oda needed every bit of panel he had), when combined with the fact that Akainu's actions and cryptic comments have yet to be explained to us readers, pretty much guarantees she'll be a significant player in a future plot of some kind. Hell she might even be the focus of a long story arc à la Vivi, although I hope it won't be the same sort of damsel in distress situation.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:31 No.39641688
    >"Bon-nii!! Arigatooo.....!!"
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:32 No.39641706

    Wtf am I reading, Zoro has saved the whole crew more than once and is almost as strong as Luffy if not equal with him. I'd say Zoro is one of the more valuable crew members.

    Seriously though, without Zoro the strawhats would be well and truly fucked. Zoro and Luffy are the only people who really stand much of a chance against a lot of the stronger enemies in a direct fight. Sanji is strong but he's just a cut below I think.
    >> Haki Talk Part 1 Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:36 No.39641827
    The following are my patented personal haki terms. I will use these when every I speak about haki because they sound too fucking cool to not use.

    Detect Drive: Color of Observation
    Armor Drive: Color of Armor
    Tyrant Drive: Color of the Conqueror King

    Thoughts on Detect Drive

    It's good to finally hear it confirmed that Mantra is a full on form of Drive. It has been speculated on the forums for a while now and now we have it on paper. I believe that Zoro has demonstrated mild use of this ability in his fight against Daz Bones (when he dodged the rocks), against T-Bone (when he dodged his entire Large Bone Bird and against Kaku (When he cut a dodging Kaku with Hyo Kin Dama). Also, "the breath of all things" sounds awfully similar to the "voice of all things," but is used in an entirely different manner. More in the vein of Armor Drive's ability at cutting the uncuttable. It's strange to see that Ener's entire group had this ability but didn't have the other.

    It seems to be the "weakest" of the 3 because of it's limited usefulness in combat. I know that predicting you opponent's moves is a very good skill to have but it's not anything we haven't seen any good fighter use. Also, knowing that an attack is coming doesn't guarantee that you can dodge or stop it. We all saw this with Ener.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:37 No.39641872

    Zoro is more than that, he's the Quartermaster. He makes sure people are pulling their weight, keeps an eye out for his captain and maintains discipline. Like when Ussop left the crew in Water 7.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:39 No.39641920

    That's true, Zoro doesn't fuck around
    >> Haki Talk Part 2 Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:39 No.39641926
    Thoughts on Armor Drive

    When Akainu was struck by Drive users during the war, I was a little perturbed. "How can he be unharmed if they are Drive users? Can one person negate another's Drive with their own?" is what I used to ask myself on sleepless nights. But now that we have received this wonderful explanation from Rayleigh I can can finally sleep tight. It's now obvious to me now that Akainu used his own Armor Drive to block their attacks. It makes sense if you think about two metals striking each other; a sword will do minor damage if the opponent's armor is made out of a stronger material. I see the same force at work here. Akainu's armor is stronger than theirs so they get deflected and he comes out unscathed.

    Armor Drive seems to be the more widely practiced of all the Drives because of it's great versatility. It allows for a great defense that transfers into an excellent offense. It is now speculated that Sanji's can withstand the heat of Diamble Jambe because of this Drive which, if true, adds to it's flexibility. To me Iron Mass (Tekkai) is a more specialized form of this Drive and it might be employed in the execution of Finger Gun (Shigan) and of course Six King Gun (Rokuougan). Zoro also seems to use this ability during the technique, Lion's Song. There is no way that isn't Armor Drive now that we have an explanation.

    Also, I don't care what you say: Nami has Armor Drive.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:39 No.39641962
    Sanji woke up one day, being poked by an older man.

    "Huh?" Sanji mumbled. "Who are you?"

    "He's drunk all right," the man said to...the pretty young brunette behind him!

    Sanji sprung up and extended a handshake towards the girl,but the man proceeded to hit his hand with a nightstick.

    "My hand!" Sanji whined. "What would I do without my hands?"

    "Pervert," the man said. "See, Bella? Drunk and a pervert. See, this is why I warn you about those boys."

    "I'm a cook!" Sanji snapped. "I can't have my hands damaged."

    "Oh ho. A cook, Bella! You two have something in common."
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:40 No.39641972
    >2005 posts and 151 image replies omitted.
    >114 replies hidden

    Well damn. That's actually a lot better than I thought we'd be doing at this point.


    Very well-written. That described my own feelings about Nami and her development in the Arlong Park arc a lot better than I could myself.
    >> Haki Talk Part 3 Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:40 No.39641992
    Thoughts on Tyrant Drive

    Tyrant Drive. The rarest of the 3 types. So far we haven't really seen how this ability actually helps in combat (Unless my theory below is correct). Being able to knock out bitches is cool and all but it isn't anything SUPER USEFUL. It just seems to be a way for Oda to put Luffy's ambition into scale for the reader and show us that he has what it a takes to be with the big dogs. I am under the impression that Asura is a form of Tyrant Drive because in the Databooks Oda explains it as the manifestation of Zoro's anger and demonic spirit. Zoro has been shown intimidating the shit out of everybody he meets and causing them to question if he really isn't the captain. I would really love for this to be true just so that Tyrant Drive can be shown to have the flexibility that the other two have and isn't JUST for knocking out weaklings.

    As a whole I love the explanation of Drive and hope to see a couple of Drive variations in the future. Not too many though since Devil's Fruits are still the primary power system in One Piece and I would not like to see that change.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:43 No.39642076
    Bella just stared blankly at nothing.

    "How old are you, son?" the man asked Sanji. "Can't be older than my little girl."

    Sanji smiled and said, "Sure, why not?"

    "Do you go to school, son?"


    "What are you, a delinquent?"


    "Nah, you're too nicely dressed to be a street kid. You have a home?"

    "Yes, the Thousand Sunny. It's a ship."

    "Hmm? So I guess you're home-schooled then."


    "So where are your parents?"

    "Dead, sir."

    "Oh, my. Lucky you have your dad, huh, Bells?"

    Bella just stared blankly.

    "Who do you live with?"

    "My friends," Sanji told him. "They're like family to me, though."

    "Hmmph, are they as well-dressed as you?"
    "No. And they're not as sophisticated as me, either. Except Nami and Robin."

    "A-ha! Poor kid, you've fallen in with a gang."


    "But don't worry, I'll take you in for the time being."

    The man then whispered to Sanji, "But if you touch my daughter, I will not hesitate to use police brutality."

    He held out his gun and Sanji gulped.

    Somehow, without any proper documentation or wait, Sanji was enrolled at Forks High School that very morning. I mean, it took half an hour and no questions were asked.

    Bella and Sanji were walking to their first period class.

    "So, you like Forks?" Sanji asked her.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:44 No.39642097
    >Implying that Nami isn't the quartermaster

    Quartermasters do all you say AND they handle the money. Nami does all of the above.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:46 No.39642152
    I have to agree, Zoro is incredibly important, but inside the ship, he does fuck all - his role is nothing like a quartermeister's.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:46 No.39642177
    you just reminded me of another reason I love One Piece. NO FUCKING SPEECHES. Especially during death scenes. Oda gets his point across in 5 sentences or less.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:47 No.39642210
    "Ew, no!" Bella snorted. "I, like, have to live here!"

    "You poor, beautiful thing. May I ask why?"

    "Because I chose to...No...Shut up!"

    It was a rainy day, not that Sanji noticed - he was too transfixed with the maiden who sat next to him in Biolo...chemis...trology, or something.

    "What is this class?" Sanji asked Bella as they sat down.

    Bella stopped picking her nose and muttered, ", like, uh...Bio...chemist...trology."

    "Oh, never heard of that."

    "It's a very advanced class."

    "Oh, I see. And you look like a very smart girl, Bella."

    "Don't compliment me!" she hissed. "I don't like compliments."

    A boy with dazzling hair walked in to the room. His movements were so fluid it was as if he was doing ballet as he walked towards them and sat next to Bella.

    Sanji and the boy were staring at each other, each on one side of Bella.

    "Who is this, Bella?" the boy said curtly.

    Bella stopped drooling and said, "Oh, dear Edward! How my heart a-flutters for you!"

    Sanji's heart started to break.

    Bella went on, "This is Sanji. Charlie's taking him in for a bit."

    "He's not...your new boyfriend, is he? Because I'll kill him if he is!"

    Hmph! Sanji thought, Prissy Boy here thinks he can kick my ass?

    "Of course no!" Bella wailed. Everyone in class looked at her. "You're my one and only!"

    "Good," Edward said. He put his arm around her and went on, "Now let's share our lip gloss!"

    Maybe they're not dating, Sanji reasoned. She may love him, but she'll need a shoulder to cry on once she realizes he'll only be her gay best friend.

    Bella and Edward started to make out on the desk. Sanji felt like gagging.

    "Wait," Edward said as he got off of Bella. "We can't do this until we're married."

    Sanji was now in the middle.

    "Aww," Bella whined.

    "Plus, we need to apply out lip gloss, sweetie!"


    The two clapped and blew kisses at each other
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:48 No.39642224

    Yeah that's true on the ship all they show him doing is training and sleeping.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:48 No.39642236

    Ugh. I wish people would stop using the "Drive this, Drive that" nonsense when talking about hakibition types. I realize wee probably need a better word than "haki" or "Ambition", but "Drive" also sounds utterly asinine when used for technique names.

    Also, the guy who coined those names is a bit of an ass.

    I hope all the posts using it here are just copypasta.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:48 No.39642253
    Zoro is the vice captain duh
    >> 4watch Greasemonkey script Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:49 No.39642264
    Use this to report the fanfic spam:

    A Greasemonkey script for automatic spam blocking and report queuer for 4chan. Reports spam automatically to both 4chan and to the 4watch database, and hides posts and threads others have reported.

    Click "spam" on each post to report the crap, click “hide” on the upper right to hide it. It's really easy.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:49 No.39642265

    No I'd seriously drop it. I hate lolis. I dropped Fairy Tail when Wendy showed up. Lolis are the worst characters in any series they are in.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:49 No.39642270
    I think Douriki was just Oda's way of trolling us, introducing a power-level system using actual numbers similar to DBZ, then disregarding it completely and have them get their shit stomped
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:50 No.39642323
    Zoros the DPS
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:51 No.39642325

    This seems likely.

    Also I thought Doriki only measured rokushiki proficiency. But it's never really explained.

    Anyway it doesn't matter because it hasn't even been brought up again after Enies lobby.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:52 No.39642376
    Indeed, douriki is completely irrelevant. Like an /a/non said earlier, it's more like newtons/joules.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:53 No.39642415
    Seriously, One piece isn't the kind of series that would play on typical character stereotypes, Oda has too much originality for that.
    But Mashima just needs to start drawing an ecchi series, he's always pulling typical characters like that. (Although I still love Wendy and lolis in general)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:54 No.39642453

    Pretty much this.

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:55 No.39642479
    I think it's a pretty simple way of letting us know how powerful the opponents are without wasting chapters on them doing evil acts or fight to see how powerful they are. This also gives a sense of scale and suspense, letting us know how strong they are when matched up to the straw hats and how a weak one might beat a stronger one. This system is implemented with the bounty where we know how notorious the enemy pirate is and we can imagine how strong they are without actually watching them show their strength beforehand.

    With Enel, you can see that he uses his power all the time and Oda built him up as a powerful opponent that noone can match by matching him with everyone. This gives the person reading a better sense of excitement.

    It's a handy tool in Shounen manga and Oda uses it sparingly.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:57 No.39642538

    I love the bounty thing. It's perfect. It actually makes sense and it foreshadows how powerful people are without being arbitrary and dumb.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)00:58 No.39642562
    I actually think that it sounds kind of cool especially since drive is synonimous with ambition.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:00 No.39642642

    Lolis are annoying as fuck and only used a fap material for pedophiles. They aren't cute and never do anything cute. They are mostly useless. A loli would also fuck the manga up by giving us a little kid pirate. Luffy and Ace had to wait to become pirates even though Luffy had a Devil Fruit. A kid doing everything they have done at a younger age would basically be shitting on them.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:01 No.39642673
    Blow it out your ass
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:02 No.39642690

    Also, using the word "Drive" makes haki feel too much like a special technique which, going by Rayliegh's dialogue, I suspect is exactly what Oda was hoping to avoid in the first place.

    "Ambition" sounds awkward, but at least it seem less like a special attack name. "Drive" reminds me too much of Gears, actually.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:03 No.39642727
    Well that is the naval definition of first mate or vice-captain if you prefer that term. It's just that he fully started to take this job since W7 arc where he got everyone straight on the Usopp matter, and also it's not such a noticeable role unless anyone fully announce that.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:04 No.39642755
    Shanks made it pretty clear that children don't belong on pirate ships.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:06 No.39642824
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:06 No.39642837
    Yeah, Zoro is starting to look like Rayleigh in that Buggy flashback.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:08 No.39642900
    I can't wait to see how manly and badass Zoro will be after 2 years of training

    Inb4 Kenshiro-esque physique and facial hair
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:11 No.39642996

    Oh shi-

    I hadn't thought about Kingdom Hearts but that is a really appalling parallel. Now I'm really opposed to it.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:16 No.39643176
    Zoro's the only crew member that i see getting a beard. Not a normal beard either, something crazy.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:25 No.39643430
    if he did, it'll probably have the 3 theme to it. 3 stripes down the chin?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:32 No.39643601
    >Inb4 Kenshiro-esque physique and facial hair

    Zoro's already got Kenshiro-esque sideburns. I'm not sure I'd want to see any more facial hair on him than that.

    inb4 Zoro comes back sporting a magnificent set of muttonchops.

    >Zoro's the only crew member that i see getting a beard.

    Why not Sanji? He already has a soul patch.

    I can easily imagine him getting some kind of sleek, smarmy-looking goatee meant to compliment his "ladykiller" image (and get a new bounty picture made too, of course). Maybe something similar to Mihawk's look but less villainous-looking?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:34 No.39643630
    Like this?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:38 No.39643753
    Dragon had a duel with Zoro's master and was wounded, the first aid was for him.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:38 No.39643770

    I have to admit that would be pretty hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:41 No.39643847
    tremendous planning or mere coincidence
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:45 No.39643943
    Dammit Oda, how the hell was i supposed to remember that?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:48 No.39644021

    Best song on the OP OST.
    The scene where this is playing while they walk to Arlong Park is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:49 No.39644056
    Oh Oda you awesome son of a bitch you.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:50 No.39644062

    This has been brought up before. It's just a coincidence.

    If I recall correctly, the actual word used for "paradise" in the Japanese dialogue isn't the same on both pages. I believe one was "rakuen" and the other was written in English. Can anyone confirm that?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)01:55 No.39644148
    Re-read the early chapters a while ago and noticed it too, Oda is one fucking good writer, as it was stated by Chekhov "if there's riffle on the wall, at some point it has to shoot"
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:07 No.39644430

    It's like I really fell back in time to the start of the month:

    >I think you guys are taking that too literally. I don't think there's a connection.

    >The first scene is just Luffy pointing out (via Zeff) that maybe for the casual pirate and guy like Yosaku the Grand Line is a horror, to a truly brave adventurer it's paradise.

    >Whereas a reverse point is being made by that old ladyman thing, saying that The New World is so bad that people call the first part paradise, in comparison.

    >Chapter 69 uses the Japanese term for paradise (rakuen) while chapter 595 uses the English approximation (paradaisu), so I don't think they're connected.

    Guys, if Oda had intended to make some sort of reference (and it wouldn't make much sense or have a lot of significance if it were), he would have had enough sense to use the same term for the sake of his readers.

    I know it's Oda's style to do things like that often, but you're trying to hard to make it work in this case.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:12 No.39644552
    Honestly I think it's referring to that page in the early chapters but either way it doesn't really matter.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:14 No.39644631
    The fact that you guys read so carefully and with such detail impresses...
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:19 No.39644762
    >Chapter 69 uses the Japanese term for paradise (rakuen) while chapter 595 uses the English approximation (paradaisu), so I don't think they're connected.
    >but you're trying to hard to make it work in this case.
    Thats not exactly common knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:20 No.39644785
    >Lolis are annoying as fuck and only used a fap material for pedophiles. They aren't cute and never do anything cute. They are mostly useless.

    Berserk would like a word with you.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:30 No.39645006
    when will we get to see nami, robin, and boa's delicious tits?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:34 No.39645127
    Most of the crew has already gotten to see Nami's. And Luffy has seen Boa's.

    How does that make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:35 No.39645166
    You'll get to see them when you begin your research on the 34th rule of the internet. You know the one...
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:39 No.39645232
    >You'll get to see them when you begin your research on the 34th rule of the internet
    >You know the one
    Yeah, because you just told us.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:42 No.39645303

    Yeah, I know. I thought about after I hit the submit button and felt kind of stupid for phrasing it like that.

    Still, the connection between the two sets of dialogue is kind of tenuous, so I think it's fair to say people are reaching on this one.

    It seems like people have gotten so used to Oda's Chekhov's Gun moments and small nods and references that they're looking for them constantly now.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:48 No.39645487
    I am happy Strong World Blu Ray comes out today, so I will have my One Piece fix with it:3
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:51 No.39645570
    Is Yibis doing that one?

    I guess I should re-watch it once it comes out, since I've just seen the sample version.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:51 No.39645575
    Yeah, that one. You know...
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)02:56 No.39645708
    So... what are you guys gonna do on the day when OP part 2 is coming up?

    Go hit spoiler threads or wait for actual chapter?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:03 No.39645850
    I want to say I'll wait for the chapter, but I know I'm going to camp out on AP until those spoilers are out.

    And then I'll be talking about it with everyone else who chose to read the spoilers on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:03 No.39645863
    >New strawhat will be a loli.
    >That was the deal. I'd make Oda famous and successful and he turns all shounenfags into pedophiles.
    >Lolis are annoying as fuck and only used a fap material for pedophiles.

    >every underage female character in fiction is worthless except as a means attract and gratify pedophiles

    Every time I start to think /a/ is actually a reasonably likeable place, I come across posts like these and remember why I usually hate you guys.

    >Is Yibis doing that one?

    It seems they're refusing to commit either way. I wish they would just admit they're not going to do it so that another decent subber will feel like they can take on the project without stepping on Yibis' collective toes.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:08 No.39645967
    Actually, I checked after asking. (Should've checked first, but whatever),531.0.html
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:13 No.39646081

    That's a tough call. Spoiler discussions are sometimes more interesting and insightful than the actual chapter discussions, but reading spoilers usually lessens the impact of the story's twists and turns. For example, I still regret reading the spoilers for the chapter Ace died in.

    I guess I'm enough of a retarded fanboy to want to read the first post-skip as is, without any preconceptions about what it's going to be like. I'll probably read whatever spoiler discussions I come across after that, however.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:16 No.39646146

    Hey, that's new from the last time I checked. Nice.

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:19 No.39646230
    >4 week break

    I smell a 40-60 page chapter coming up.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:21 No.39646261
    Yeah, leave the One Piece stick up longer than the Satoshi Kon sticky.

    You mods fucking disgust me. And I'm a fan of One Piece.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:24 No.39646323
    Don't blame the mods. Blame all of the underaged faggots all over /a/ these days who feel the constant need to shit all over everything and troll. This thread is going rather decently, perhaps on account of the fact that most OPfags are showing a decent amount of tenacity and ignoring the trolls (the rest is just trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls, etc) and having a decent conversation about where things are headed, and where things have been. It sucks that the Kon thread had to go down, but then blame how the daytime userbase of /a/ is comprised of shitty teenagers who can't appreciate anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:25 No.39646340
    If you really were (and not a poorly-disguised troll crying for the sticky to get brought down), you'd actually talk about the series ITT, not whine.

    This sticky is here for practical reasons, to stop multiple threads. Period.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:26 No.39646371
    Alternatively, if this thread is going to stay up for a good while longer, if my fellow OPfags are down with the idea, we could take the time to honor Kon's memory a little longer seeing as I'm not sure we can continuously discuss One Piece non-stop.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:27 No.39646378
    Probably won't happen.
    Yeah I learned my lesson early on in the way when I got spoiled on squado stabbing WB.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:27 No.39646388

    Oda might be willing to draw it, but Jump's editors would never publish it. Not in their weekly magazine.

    Besides, the guy's got a wife and child now. He has better and more rewarding ways to spend his vacation time than locking himself away in his studio for the duration of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:34 No.39646536
    When the convo dies down in the sticky the mods will take down the sticky.
    The reason this is up longer is because more people on /a/ seem to want to talk about OP more than Satoshi. Given the fact that there is more to discuss about a manga going into a time skip then his death it should be surprising.

    inb4: trolls try and make my post out to be "wan piss>satoshi" because that isn't what it's about.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:34 No.39646555
    actually i think a 40 page chapter might come
    it didn't happen with naruto, but this is oda we are talking about
    and i think shonen jump would be more than happy if he could a 40/60 page opening to part2
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:38 No.39646643

    Wut? When?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:38 No.39646645

    Why can't we have multiple stickies, anyway? I'm sure I've seen other boards with more than one thread stickied at a time.

    This one was necessary, but I still feel bad for Kon's devotees, especially since I enjoyed a lot of his stuff as well.

    inb4 "/a/ isn't ANN, faggot" or something similar
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:41 No.39646713

    Reread Alabasta and Amazon Lily. Try actually paying attention this time.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:43 No.39646760
    this foo so mad
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:45 No.39646797

    Well excuuuuuuse me for not remembering every single scene from a manga I've been reading since 1997.

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:52 No.39646932
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:53 No.39646943
    Hey hey hey, what the hell guys, we were having so much good conversations for several hours and then it's all the shit about sticky again, can we please just use this thread to continue our discussions without trolls and haters?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)03:56 No.39646996

    I'm surprised that someone who's apparently interested in that sort of fanservice didn't recall either incident. They were memorable in that they were probably the most risque scenes Oda's ever done.

    >Well excuuuuuuse me for not remembering every single scene from a manga I've been reading since 1997.
    >a manga I've been reading since 1997

    Since 1997, you say? You must be a sugoi nihongo otoku.

    As an aside, I read your post in cartoon Links voice.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:01 No.39647077
    Request for drawfags to draw Strawhats 2 years older.

    mite b. cool
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:01 No.39647078
    Is it possible that Luffy used Color of Observation in his fight against Mr. 3 when he picked the real one out of all the fakes? When Mr. 3 asked him how he knew which one was him, Luffy said it was instinct, I think that might be it.

    And remember Chopper at Enies Lobby, commenting again on how "Luffy always knows who to fight" and attributing it to his instinct? Well, Rayleigh estimated the strength of all those 500 animals by using his mantra. My guess is that Luffy inadvertedly and subconsciously used to do the same until this point in time.

    Fuck, Haki does explain so many open ends. That's how you write continuity.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:03 No.39647122
    Well, the Nami's boobs were actually three times:
    1 - When Bon-chan used his DF power to turn into Nami he showed that his body also changes - witnessed by Luffy, Usopp and chopper
    2 - At the end of Arabasta arc in royal bath where all of the male strawhats plus Nefertari Cobra and igaram decided to peek into women's part, Nami took her towel off and named that attack "Shiawase punch" after which she charged all guys some fee (don't remember how much, something like 50000 beli)
    3 - bath scene on thriller bark, witnessed by Usopp and Chopper
    For Hancock it was the moment after Luffy's fight with gorgon sisters, when she invite him to see her tenryubito mark, she's been sitting naked.
    >> The Doctor Marmalade of Zur-En-Arrh 08/27/10(Fri)04:04 No.39647135
    You know, western comics come out once ever 4 weeks per title
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:04 No.39647140

    I think it's inevitable that a stickied thread will be sidetracked by tangents now and again. It can't be helped. It hasn't gotten out of hand yet, so I don't mind it.

    Also, like it or not, discussion about whether this sticky should exist or not is technically on-topic, even if there's not much left to say on the subject.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:06 No.39647190
    Well, that is a valid argument... I can see where they'd want to use the stickies to inform people about what's going on. But still, stickies don't take up that much room, yeah? They could have two.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:06 No.39647193
    nice catch on the second point, I never thought about that.

    theres already one fanart image. I'd post it but image limit. So instead, here's a link to said image
    but honestly, the only design I like from this pic is Ussops. Luffy's is ok but could be better.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:10 No.39647262
    Hm, I mostly like it, but Nami looks like shit, and Zoro's hair remind me of Mugen from Samurai champloo, but that might be intended since the same voice actor.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:11 No.39647287
    He also did it during his fight with Mihawk.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:11 No.39647290
    >Sanji as Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island games
    Oh wow
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:19 No.39647420

    I hadn't even thought of the Mr. 3 fight, but that does make a lot of sense.

    On the other hand, I'll be disappointing if it turns out Luffy's intuitive ability to find his true opponents in general is a haki-driven instinct rather than a part of his character. I think it would be a major detraction from his role in the series.

    I'd prefer to go on believing that Luffy, despite being simpleminded, is the sort of person who can easily assess situations and do what needs to be done. I'd rather he still have some innate talents that make him worthwhile as a person, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:22 No.39647475
    Ah, yes, indeed. He is the type of guy that due to his simple-mindedness, is able to see what should be done and, well, do it. These examples are confined to little details restricted to battles, anyways.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:23 No.39647499
    >haki-driven instinct

    You realize that's sort of a redundancy, right? That's like saying it's an "instinct-driven instinct." Haki is exactly that. Instinct and willpower. It's exactly why it isn't a disruption to why Luffy's so intuitive. If anything, it's better to say that Luffy is so immensely intuitive, that he unconsciously utilizes haki.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:24 No.39647512
    Im not sure but i think Rayleigh said something about your character affecting your haki and not the other way around.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:27 No.39647550
    Well I'd say tou don't fully grasp the idea of Haki, it is a physical representation of one's will, to put it simple, he has haki because of his instincts and strong will, not the other way around. though to take it deeper it's kinda recursive thing, he got haki because of his personality and he has this personality because he is born with Haoshoku haki, and will of D, but all that shit is yet to be explained, for now all we can say for sure is that it's his own merit that he has haki, not becuse he learned it.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:33 No.39647639
    OPFAGS i need help
    Some time ago I decided to dive into one piece. Like I always do, I first watch all episodes then continue with the chapters.
    I'm currently at episode 73, vivi arc and etc, and I'm disapointed.
    -Fuck, I know no one ever said devil's fruit is rare, but since they arrived Longuetown and met Balrok Works, they add 451232 fruitted butts per episode. I'm not OK with this, for me it's nothing but a ridiculous powerlevel that makes you a Xman by eating a berry. Suddenyndlnylny, the next 15 mister and misses villains have the fucking fruit, and I doubt I'll enjoy this arc. Will it continue the same after Alabasta?
    -About the straw hat crew. The current formation (luffy, zoro, nami, usopp, sanji - some motherfucker already told me about robin joining very soon). I just can't stand the unusefulness of nami and usopp right now (in battle). Everytime there's a fight, both OR jokestruggle or stay away. Will these two get any strong? Just yes or no please, and in a scale of 0 to 10 (I don't feel like beeing spoiled on how exactly they change, but feel free to troll me with this). It's boring having only the other 3 fighting every arc.
    -Will GrandLine get any fearsome? For fuck sake, first time I've heard the badboy pirates talking about this sea I pissed my panties. Them when they finally get there, wow, its fucking nothing. Jurassic Park with a bad forecast, they seem on a cruise. Will Grandline get any better or its this pussylevel until the end?

    Yeah yeah, I've heard about the one piece amazeness being like a snow ball, but I've quite waited long for the results. Hoping for positive awnsers from you, that are going to have a big hole on the decision if I continue watching it or no (I don't feel like it in the current arc).

    TL:DR, one piece is TL and you did read
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:34 No.39647651
    This is the halfway mark? So does that mean that 200-400 chapters from now Luffy will as strong as Whitebeard?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:35 No.39647665

    Keep going. You're about to strike gold
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:35 No.39647675
    posting in a sticky: fuck capchya, at least kimmel added some colour to 4chan
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:37 No.39647714
    >theres already one fanart image

    That's ancient, though: I can't find the artist right now, but I know it's been posted on DA for years.

    If you want something specific to the two-year skip, I'm sure there will be fresh art up on pixiv by this time tomorrow. I see the flood of MihawkxZoro porn has already begun.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:38 No.39647734
    Read the manga first. Eventually there will be fights where the whole crew participates. You wont be disappointed with Ussop and Namis usefulness.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:40 No.39647764
    1) Grand Line is dangerous - people without DF or exceptional fighting abilities (i.e. Zoro) should not go there. It's not that DFs are not rare, it's that all the DF users are concentrated in Grand Line. (remember East Blue villains? Almost no DF except Buggy)
    2) Yes, just you wait.
    3) Yes it will, it will get difficult to the extreme. (That's the reason for this timeskip actually)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:40 No.39647767
    >TL:DR, one piece is TL and you did read

    btw is there any manga series currently bigger than OP?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:42 No.39647801
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:43 No.39647818
    Well all of them will evolve, though since it matters to you if everybody has to be battle oriented I doubt you can fully enjoy OP since you seem to miss the point of Arlong arc, but as I remember I was kinda the same at the time so I say keep watching, Arabasta is a very good arc and both nami and Usopp will battle. About fruits it will only get worse, so you either ignore the fact of how every enemie have it or drop the series(this one doesn't look very smart to me), after this one you'll get a little bit boring arc(hated it on my first watch, but after of couple re-reads started to like it very much) and after which you will hit the solid gold monolith as Enies lobby arc, from that point you will either love series and stick to it to the end or won't care much and probably drop it(haven't yet seen anyone who made the second path), so on your place I would dig in to see if I like it, but the choice is yours.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:44 No.39647837
    Enjoy your glorious Drum Island arc. And yeah, Usopp and Nami will both fight until the end of the Arabasta arc.

    As for the Grand Line, there's a catch at Little Garden (the giants' island) - if you anchor there, you're stuck for a year until the log pose changes. And as for Whiskey Peak, a goddamn bounty hunters' den.

    But yeah, the Grand Line will get much more dangerous than this, the further you go.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:45 No.39647852
    The boxing one is like 900 chapters.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:46 No.39647883
    >1) Grand Line is dangerous - people without DF or exceptional fighting abilities (i.e. Zoro) should not go there. It's not that DFs are not rare, it's that all the DF users are concentrated in Grand Line. (remember East Blue villains? Almost no DF except Buggy)

    Hmm, never though this way, good one, good one.

    >2) Yes, just you wait.

    I know its slavery to ask you to read all that wordwall, but still can you give me like a scale on how much they get better? Something as "as useful as X" or "2 times better"... I just can't imagine them as AWWWWWRIGHT battle machines.

    3) Yes it will, it will get difficult to the extreme. (That's the reason for this timeskip actually)

    woooo ooo o ooo

    Well, I'm just finishing my matters on this thread and restarting the marathon. Nuff asked, going to discover the rest by myself. Thank you
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:46 No.39647886
    One Piece isn't even in the top 25 for longest series:
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:50 No.39647950
    > -Fuck, I know no one ever said devil's fruit is rare, but since they arrived Longuetown and met Balrok Works, they add 451232 fruitted butts per episode. Will it continue the same after Alabasta?

    yes, it's the grand line, people are going to be strong

    > -I just can't stand the unusefulness of nami and usopp right now (in battle). Everytime there's a fight, both OR jokestruggle or stay away. Will these two get any strong?

    Usopp has some of the best fights in the series; Usopp vs Perona in Thriller Bark is arguably one of the best.

    -Will GrandLine get any fearsome? Will Grandline get any better or its this pussylevel until the end?

    No one is taking the Straw Hats seriously at the point you are at. They start atracting attention to themselves after Alabasta.

    > Yeah yeah, I've heard about the one piece amazeness being like a snow ball, but I've quite waited long for the results.

    Where you are at, it is mostly about the characters. If you don't like Nami and Chopper's backstory then this may not be the series for you. The really significant plot revelations have only started happening in the past arc or two (and are currently being revealed). But such things are not why one would read One Piece in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:53 No.39647988
    >You realize that's sort of a redundancy, right? That's like saying it's an "instinct-driven instinct."
    >'s kinda recursive thing, he got haki because of his personality and he has this personality because he is born with Haoshoku haki...

    Ah, I guess I should explain what I meant by "intuition" there.

    I was just thinking in terms of the theory that a person's intuition is a product of his subconscious being highly perceptive rather than an inexplicable base instinct. So, in that light, intuition != instinct.

    When applied to Luffy, that would mean that deep down, he's actually smart in his own way. Really, really deep down.

    Still, you both make good points.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)04:54 No.39648012
    2) Usopp will be godly, both as a battlemachine and character. Nami is, well, the damsel in distress of the series, but she will get some fights. However, she is still for being in trouble, navigating, and making right decisions when Luffy is being a silly sausage.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:03 No.39648159
    What do you guys think about this? Kings haki?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:06 No.39648215
    no luffy is just fucking lucky. unless luck is haki
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:06 No.39648223
    Most probably, that's a first mate for pirate king it would be strange for him not having one.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:06 No.39648224
    >-Fuck, I know no one ever said devil's fruit is rare, but since they arrived Longuetown and met Balrok Works, they add 451232 fruitted butts per episode.
    > Balrok Works

    Am I the only person who read that as "Balrog Works"?

    I hate myself.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:07 No.39648232
    Naaah, Coby was always a wuss
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:08 No.39648243
    Im talking about Zoro's "intimidating aura".
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:20 No.39648377
    >What do you guys think about this? Kings haki?
    >Im talking about Zoro's "intimidating aura".

    This seems like a good opportunity to post some pasta about sakki vs. haki:

    >OP is a eastern comic , it going to use concepts from there own culture . The problem is we don't have that . When a Japanese person see the word haki they know the meaning and the concept behind .

    >In anime and manga we see sakki being used alot when we see a translation we use two words so none of the meaning is lost . When you just use ambition some of the meaning of haki is lost.

    >We see zoro used sakki in the manga .It's the same for Haki we now see Oda uses the eastern concept of Haki . Haki to make people weapons stronger, to make people feint etc etc . I say we use two words so none of the meaning it lost . Willpower, ambition aura, Ambition spirit etc etc it does not have to be only one word. People translate sakki as many things but most of the time none of the meaning is lost.

    >sakki is killing intent, another form of presence you see being felt from characters in anime and manga


    There was a better, more coherent post describing the concept of sakki in general and and how it applies to Zoro in particular, but I can't find it right now.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:39 No.39648697
    Please keep this sticky for the whole 4 week hiatus.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:39 No.39648698
    Im rereading the manga and its starting to become clear that appetite = powerlevel. Coby's strength was foreshadowed here.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:43 No.39648767
    If you are right then Usopp will be the most overpowered character in the story.
    >> Akihiko !!jNheTjJnJBt 08/27/10(Fri)05:43 No.39648781
    I hate every single one of you. One Piece sucks, etc
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)05:47 No.39648843
    Thank you for using a tripcode.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:03 No.39649094
    Anyone wanna link me to all the times that tits were seen in the manga?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:04 No.39649101
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:09 No.39649202
    /r/ a rar of chapter 588, I'm putting a compilation together and have everything but that one.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:09 No.39649204
    > saging a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:09 No.39649209
    damnm, he saged guys, now we are one step closer to 404 plus our thread isn't going to jump to first page
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:16 No.39649300

    Well, actual breasts were obviously not shown, this being a Jump series and all, but here you go:


    Happiness Punch:

    Thriller Bark shower scene:

    Bathtime (with Hancock):
    and again:

    That's all I can think of right now.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:25 No.39649424
    I fukken LOVE this sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:30 No.39649529
    Something occured to me:
    Couldn't the color of armor be something similar to an AT field? The defense at least.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:31 No.39649551
    Oh shit son
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:34 No.39649577

    A zip is fine too?

    That's a temporary link, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:36 No.39649617
    oh shit.

    I'm okay with that.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:47 No.39649778
    I don't really remember Eve using AT-field imbued around it's fist or dagger to pierce angels, but then again I haven't watched eve for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:49 No.39649811
    Sorry, mistyped Eva.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:53 No.39649870

    Oh God no!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:54 No.39649878
    Not how it's used. Naturally that's gonna be different. The general idea. I haven't watched NGE for a long time either, but from what I remember it's a shield that works on the user's awareness and determination, the whole mental state. and when it was broken the person was mindfucked, killed, turned into tang..

    That might just be me, though and I haven't seen the series for a while.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:54 No.39649886
    >I don't really remember Eva using AT-field imbued around it's fist or dagger to pierce angels...

    True, although I assume that's why >>39649529 specifically said "The defense at least", however.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)06:55 No.39649897

    I'm surprised that One Piece has more chapters than Captain Tsubasa yet less tankoubans and it can't be chapter length because they're both published in Shonen Jump
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:01 No.39650010
    I'm suprised people still read One Piece, obviously it's just a cash cow now, the whole timeskip thing reeks of desperation and unoriginality.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:02 No.39650029
    have you even read the past 100 chapters?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:04 No.39650046
    Does Eva 00 somehow piercing angel's AT field with a common N2 bomb count?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:07 No.39650099

    Have I even read a chapter?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:07 No.39650104

    One Piece has fewer tankobons than Tsubasa because Captain Tsubasa only averaged about three or four chapters per tank during its pre-2001 run.

    Tsubasa's chapters were indeed longer; you have to remember that Jump had different standards during the eighties/early nineties than it does today.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:09 No.39650135
    Yeah, Jump had actually pretty different standards back then, considering Hakuto no Ken ran there.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:13 No.39650202
    Here, have a Haki-infused bomb piercing through Haki-infused defence
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:15 No.39650233
    Why does this kiddyshit have a sticky? Don't they have threads on Gaia for this kind of powerlevel discussion?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:16 No.39650255

    Oh did you just wake up? Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:17 No.39650279
    I'm okay with this.

    Armor Haki could be something completely different and function differently, but I wouldn't mind if it had a similar idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:27 No.39650433

    What's so bad about Hokuto no Ken? I've never read the manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:28 No.39650454
    It's pretty damn gory. Exploding heads, limbs etc.. more like a seinen.
    >> Shanoa !253cJiZgdg 08/27/10(Fri)07:32 No.39650507
    This is how I consider you all:

    Also, there's no way in hell Sabo's returning. Oda using his adult form as part of a cover is essentially 'welp, you're not gonna see how he would've looked any other way'. I don't think it's even up for debate. Oda would not show a character that would be so highly anticipated in a piece of filler art.

    inb4 Pandaman, boss of Raftel
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:39 No.39650626
    Hello gentlemen, I am Sentomaru 01 and this is how I use my Haki to ASHIGARA DOKKOI
    Pacifistas are not robots, they are just nets to control clones of Vegapunk. Vegapunk's discovery caused an explosion and the Void Century and now the Gourosei are trying to use Pacifistas to trigger the second impact to end the age of pirates
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:40 No.39650660
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:41 No.39650666

    Oh, alright then. I thought that maybe I'd missed out on something as an anime-only viewer.



    I also happen to agree with your assessment of that cover image. Very astute.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:42 No.39650677

    Vegapunk is actually a genius because he has been alive for thousands of years and thus has accumulated a gigantic mass of knowledge thanks to the power of the Aku Aku no Mi, the original Devil Fruit. Calling it.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)07:42 No.39650678

    Damn you, incredibly catchy song!

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