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  • File : 1282133774.png-(103 KB, 1968x2668, haruhiism.png)
    103 KB Haruhi Knows... in HD and Awesome! Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:16 No.39330251  
    Moshimoshi! I already started this thread yesterday night, but I need the help of you european /a/nons, who were asleep at 2am.

    I made a video of our goddess and queen Haruhi featuring Ayas God Knows... in full length and 720p Quality.

    I already have english, german, french an japanese subtitles, but we need more. Spanish for example... or Italian or... everything else.

    Here you can download the correct english txt for translation. But do no alter anything but the text:

    Message me on my youtube account if you made something.

    Everyone else: FUCKING ENJOY <3
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:17 No.39330281
         File1282133872.jpg-(89 KB, 640x512, 1281061971442.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:18 No.39330290
         File1282133904.jpg-(41 KB, 620x376, 14j0z1z.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:26 No.39330441
         File1282134385.gif-(481 KB, 141x141, iu67uzrs.gif)
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    I guess someone just won the entire internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:27 No.39330467
    Get out.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:29 No.39330502
         File1282134568.png-(13 KB, 180x180, 1281334040001.png)
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    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)08:37 No.39330640
    I forgot to mention: If someone wants to post it on some of the other god knows Videos please do not copy the URL it won't work if one does copypasta. Don't ask me why. Let the people search for "HD Video/Audio - God Knows..." or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:49 No.39330850
    I can't even speak my own language. But if I could I'd totally translate something.

    But damn nice vid OP
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:55 No.39330946
         File1282136106.jpg-(75 KB, 523x442, 1248792275450.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:57 No.39330984
         File1282136244.png-(88 KB, 1315x1995, KyonIsm.png)
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    Working on the italian one, give an hour.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:57 No.39330989
    I say it without a fragment of regret. F*ck Haruhi man...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:58 No.39330992
         File1282136284.jpg-(14 KB, 300x300, 187487-happy_megaman_large.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:58 No.39330999
         File1282136302.jpg-(42 KB, 300x221, coolface.jpg)
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    My face when I notice Kadokawa of your obvious copyright infrigement and they slap your shit
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:59 No.39331016

    God doesn't care about your pathetic existence.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:59 No.39331030
    There is no Haruhi-man, she is a woman.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:00 No.39331046
         File1282136452.jpg-(137 KB, 463x462, giantreggieface.jpg)
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    Geez, I wonder in which god you are believing in <.<
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:01 No.39331051
         File1282136462.jpg-(89 KB, 200x267, 1204051543168.jpg)
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    My face when the video was already blocked but then got permisson under the terms of fair use.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:01 No.39331062
    I remember yesterdays thread

    Seriously this is the best video on youtube

    I didn't even know you can have multiple subtitle tracks what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:02 No.39331076
         File1282136570.jpg-(46 KB, 630x353, sc.jpg)
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    sauce on this, op? looks like the girl from love exposure.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:02 No.39331078

    This isn't trolling it's just cancerous.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:02 No.39331079
    Superior version:
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:04 No.39331102

    It's from this awesome anime called Tsukihime
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:04 No.39331104
         File1282136664.png-(73 KB, 518x615, arceus.png)
    73 KB
    That's right. I don't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:05 No.39331119
    Wow, anime looks shit in HD. I'll stick to movies.
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)09:08 No.39331188

    It's a screenshot of one of the best Japanese Doramas ever. It's called "Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge" (ヤマトナデシコ七変化) which is the live-action adaption of the manga. There is also a anime of this.

    Here you can watch it:
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:09 No.39331203
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:10 No.39331209
    >you will never have a cooler username than hanslol
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:12 No.39331242

    Mostly fandubs
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:13 No.39331257
    Hey OP

    Things you should tag your vid with:

    HD, High Definition, good quality, Yuutsu, Yuuutsu
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)09:14 No.39331264

    Yes, I hate myself for that. I created this account years ago to watch flagged content. Words can't express the manly tears I shed because of this shit.
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)09:15 No.39331297

    thanks and done!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:20 No.39331372
    Things like these remind me why I love this franchise
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:24 No.39331446
    Ok, I don't know shit about japanese, so I'll use your english translation and make that into spanish. Would that be ok with you?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:24 No.39331447

    so true
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:25 No.39331475

    That would be totally awesome. Use the mediafire file I posted in the original post.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:27 No.39331500
    What the fuck is there to be impressed about this video? Someone tell me any redeeming features I'm supposed to be looking for, besides HD and subtitles. Sure, this shit might be cool since it's a Youtube video, but I don't watch anime on Youtube.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:28 No.39331514
         File1282138104.png-(34 KB, 716x693, 125319457521.png)
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    Good job on that AMV man.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:28 No.39331519
    I'd love to contribute my effort for our only God Haruhi, but I can only do German sub and it's already there.
    Anyway great video!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:28 No.39331523
    Ok, working on it right now.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:29 No.39331542
    >hey guys I'm edgefag
    >And I'm here to show you how edgy I am
    >look at my edgy opinions and edgy speech
    >I'm so edgy
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:30 No.39331556

    If you have a youtube account, send me a message there. Thanks alot bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:30 No.39331559
    Thanks for clarifying for me what I'm supposed to watch this video for. I'll proceed to not watch it again in an attempt to find what's worth watching for.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:31 No.39331567
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:34 No.39331618
    He made the God Knows performance longer by fiddling with the footage, which is difficult because you need to synch everything well to pull it off. Not to mention it's high quality and even has multilingual captions.

    Of course if you decided to read the info instead of being a douche you wouldn't need to ask and I wouldn't have to explain to your stupid ass.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:36 No.39331659
    Oh my god that is hilarious
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:37 No.39331671
         File1282138624.png-(264 KB, 606x603, vlcsnap-140265.png)
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    >french subtitles
    Good job.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:42 No.39331802
    Italian translation:

    Autor: Anonymous
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:47 No.39331894

    Good Job. Already implemented!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:47 No.39331911
    Now I can be even prouder to be French.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:48 No.39331923
    Done, sent you the link on youtube
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:51 No.39331975
         File1282139465.png-(102 KB, 1345x1858, ImoutoIsm.png)
    102 KB
    An... imouto delivers!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:51 No.39331986
         File1282139498.jpg-(28 KB, 250x250, chi2.jpg)
    28 KB

    Implemented. You are all some awesome bros.

    Let me give you this: <3
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:53 No.39332014
    I love you <3
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:56 No.39332092
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:56 No.39332106
    I've never seen SO MANY subtitles in one video. Just awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:58 No.39332144
    Why should I give a shit about some overfiltered upscale on youtube?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:01 No.39332206
    See >>39331542 and >>39331567
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:02 No.39332236
    See >>39331618
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:03 No.39332279
         File1282140232.jpg-(42 KB, 500x500, myface5.jpg)
    42 KB
    God the samefagging is terrible in this thread. Not to mention OP posting this shit everywhere.
    >Moshimoshi meine Lieblingsotakus!
    >easy as Dell
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)10:05 No.39332305
    I have to do some work. If someone has another sub, message me on youtube. Thanks alot again.
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)10:07 No.39332356

    For translation purposes and people who are actually enjoying this video. And if everywhere is just a german board then: >>39331542
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:10 No.39332419
    >he visits krautchan

    Oh god, kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:12 No.39332460
    >I made a video of our goddess and queen Haruhi
    >Used DivX 6.8.5 Pro Encoding

    Fucking cancer.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:13 No.39332467
    Which episode is this from?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:14 No.39332483
    14 on trasmission order
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:14 No.39332492
    Yeah, that is good advice for OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:16 No.39332514
    >Butthurt because he isn't getting any attention

    Maybe you should get a trip if it means so much to you
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:18 No.39332550
    Having fun white knighting kawaii kawaii ^_^ AMV retards?

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:19 No.39332574
    >only getting more butthurt
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:20 No.39332591

    Translated it into Finnish.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:24 No.39332667

    Have fun failing at trolling?

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:25 No.39332692
         File1282141530.jpg-(68 KB, 624x557, 1280042586170.jpg)
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    >Kun juaksen ohi niin sydämmeni vaan sinnulle kilpaa lyä

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:33 No.39332829
    I think the OP's gone, so I'll send it to him on youtube. Thanks mate.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:34 No.39332852
    Yeah, I figured and already messaged him.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:36 No.39332877
         File1282142172.png-(3 KB, 642x60, derp.png)
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:49 No.39333093
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:52 No.39333155
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    What, too literal for you?
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)10:54 No.39333172
         File1282143252.gif-(513 KB, 276x208, 1272397949880.gif)
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    80% of the finnish translation is gibberish, right? Added it though.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:57 No.39333218
    Not exactly gibberish, but not really what you are probably looking for either
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:57 No.39333219
    OK I've just found out that is an episode I never saw because I only watched the second version with the extra episodes. Are there any other episodes they did not transmit the second time around?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:58 No.39333241
         File1282143524.jpg-(379 KB, 700x524, 6hmjjl.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:06 No.39333386
    Here is a Swedish translation of the first few lines, Ill do the rest later!

    Alla pratar om kärlek, mys och gos och tjaffs.

    Men allt jag tänker på är hårdporr, och massa elakt taffs.

    Ta tjejerna på brösten och höja rösten.

    Jag vill knulla dom som ler jag vill höra dom skrika mer och mer

    Livet är en våldtäkt det är inte skönt om hon inte är spräckt.

    Jag vill knulla dom som ler jag vill höra dom skrika mer och mer

    Livet är en våldtäkt det är inte skönt om hon inte är spräckt.

    Jag går på fester, fester för dom små.

    Om jag har jävligt tur så får jag med mig två.

    Fyller flickorna med sprit och utför sen min onda rit.

    Livet är en våldtäkt det är inte skönt om hon inte är spräckt.

    Efter helgen är jag jävligt nöjd.

    Men det blir fest igen och då blir det fröjd.

    Ser flickans nakna kropp blir spetsad av min grova snopp.

    Livet är en våldtäkt det är inte skönt om hon inte är spräckt.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:09 No.39333423
    Swedish translation
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:11 No.39333469


    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:11 No.39333479
    En väldigt bokstavlig översättning, ser jag.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:13 No.39333504
    Bra jobbat, herrn, jag skrattade så att jag ramlade av stolen.

    Good job on the video OP, it's very well made.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:19 No.39333616
         File1282144771.png-(54 KB, 294x294, 1282072815494.png)
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    Want Polish one?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:21 No.39333668

    Yes kurwa
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:22 No.39333679
    Im on it kurwa
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)11:24 No.39333738

    If it's not trolling like THEM WIKINGS, sure. I have a polish friend who is to lazy to translate it, but he can review it.

    Well, this thread keeps me from working. I'll watch by ever now and then.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:26 No.39333784



    ...wasn't trolling.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:27 No.39333799
    One question.
    What do with those english phrases in text. I mean those that weren't japanese in beginning.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:30 No.39333894
    its harder than I thought...
    I can't make first line sound naturally in polish...

    "As I run by, my heart is racing, beating for you"
    Polfags... report in.
    It's too hard for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:30 No.39333897
    I'm norweigian (but I know swedish pretty well) and I can second this,
    Isn't trolling

    Is though, that's a song by swedish artist Carola Häggström.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:32 No.39333937
    Stopped reading there
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:35 No.39334039
    Never mind.
    I got over this. It will be ready in about 30 mins.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:53 No.39334526

    what the hell? this was great!

    Why doesn't /a/ talk about this?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:55 No.39334594
    Ready, sending to you.
    It needs to be review by your polish friend.
    I marked comments with //
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:57 No.39334626
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)11:57 No.39334638
    It's neither shit not animu.
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)11:59 No.39334692

    Ok sorry if this is right, I just "checked" with google translation. And it seemed pretty odd.

    Notice to myself:
    >never check with google again, because of the reasons
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:01 No.39334732
    Sent away!
    Check you inboxu
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)12:01 No.39334740

    Do want any credit in the description?
    >> Empireo !!+x5pyKGtRoo 08/18/10(Wed)12:02 No.39334765

    I was about to, but I guess you beat me to it. Glad to see another italian speaking anon on /a/!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:02 No.39334773
         File1282147359.png-(290 KB, 580x650, 1274904642374.png)
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    >Carola Häggström.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:04 No.39334801
    Yeah, just write "Thåström" or something.

    Copypaste if you can't write ö
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:06 No.39334849
    Troll-O-Meter is off the charts in this ITT
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:09 No.39334907
         File1282147765.jpg-(29 KB, 396x400, butthatswrong.jpg)
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    >in this ITT
    >in this in this topic
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:12 No.39334978
    ITT means in this thread, idiot.
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)12:12 No.39334987

    OK, done. But I can write ö but no å.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:14 No.39335030
    You couldnt be stupider
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:15 No.39335055
    Yeah I couldn't but you could and you are.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:17 No.39335117
    Hahaha oh wow

    Oh god, it's even in the youtube video
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:17 No.39335129
    You still put "in this" twice.

    I didnt read that the guy said In this topic, my bad
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:17 No.39335130
    Check newest message.
    I'll reviewed the polish tranlation. It should be ok now.
    >> Boss Jesus 08/18/10(Wed)12:24 No.39335295
    >implying that Aya Hirano isn't giving up voice acting to be a singer while pissing off tons of otaku in the process and dooming herself to nasaly failure
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:25 No.39335333
    Sorry dude but I didn't get any sense from this
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)12:31 No.39335483

    Yeah troll detector.. blah.
    >> Boss Jesus 08/18/10(Wed)12:31 No.39335497

    read this and related articles
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:33 No.39335530
    Oh, you found out. Sorry 'bout that, I just couldn't resist.
    The video is fucking awesome though, good job!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:34 No.39335563
    >Speculation that Aya Hirano may be set to give up being a seiyuu in favour of becoming a TV “talent” is raging,
    Yeah, fuck that.
    >> Boss Jesus 08/18/10(Wed)12:37 No.39335641
    there's a newer article that confirms it.

    I'm still looking for it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:38 No.39335673
    It's just Artefact trying to stir up shit as usual. She said on her blog that she was just taking a break from voice work.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:39 No.39335678

    If you'd lurk for 5 minutes, you'd know that /a/ and every intelligent person ever hates Shitkaku

    Fuck off and take your shit site with you


    Fuck off
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:39 No.39335687
    >retards believing sankakucomplex

    Oh boy here we go again

    How often do we have to tell you pieces of shit that sankakucomplex is cancer? how often?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:40 No.39335689
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:41 No.39335705
         File1282149668.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 38 KB, 261x300, 8634685.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 38 KB
    >> Boss Jesus 08/18/10(Wed)12:42 No.39335743

    Seriously, chill the fuck out. If YOU'D lurk for five minutes on /a/, you'd realize that everyobdy on /a/ seems to hate everything ever. Prove me wrong.
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)12:46 No.39335844
    I corrected the German lyrics for all you gerfags.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:46 No.39335861

    1080p or GTFO
    >> Fnahla, yo !EciCZf682U 08/18/10(Wed)12:48 No.39335923
    I'm translating to danish right now.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:49 No.39335932
         File1282150149.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 57 KB, 500x387, 1262829294530.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 57 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)12:57 No.39336137
         File1282150637.jpg-(6 KB, 203x302, 1266294468844.jpg)
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    >read german subtitles
    >my face

    Man, some of those lines...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)13:08 No.39336390
    Where the fuck is my hq movie?!
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)13:08 No.39336420


    Should be better now.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)13:09 No.39336425
    New York City, October 8-10
    Edinburgh, October 15-17
    Hawaii TBA
    >> Fnahla, yo !EciCZf682U 08/18/10(Wed)13:15 No.39336566
    So.. where should I send my danish lyrics to?
    Is the user "hanslol"?
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)13:17 No.39336612

    Yepp that's right!
    >> Fnahla, yo !EciCZf682U 08/18/10(Wed)13:19 No.39336643
    You should have them now, yes?
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)13:27 No.39336821

    It's working just fine.
    >> Fnahla, yo !EciCZf682U 08/18/10(Wed)13:28 No.39336843
         File1282152509.jpg-(40 KB, 490x396, approve.jpg)
    40 KB
    Nice video by the way.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)13:33 No.39336965
    I can't believe someone blew the Gyllene Tider thing...
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)13:36 No.39337043

    Is this some common swedish trolling?
    >> Fnahla, yo !EciCZf682U 08/18/10(Wed)13:36 No.39337044
    And just write to me if u need me to translate moar.
    Since I'm mostly doing nothing all the time.
    >> Miria !uTc/OMMMKw 08/18/10(Wed)13:40 No.39337127
    I can.. translate to Portuguese, if you want.

    >captcha: eastior Translation?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)13:41 No.39337147
    Yeah, it was probably
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)13:41 No.39337156
         File1282153300.png-(21 KB, 100x100, 776598.png)
    21 KB

    If you are fluent in some other languages, why not?
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)13:43 No.39337191

    Same as above. Portuguese is one of the most wanted missing ones I guess.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)13:43 No.39337195
    Man, I remember the first time I watched that episode I had the same face Kyon is doing.
    >> Miria !uTc/OMMMKw 08/18/10(Wed)13:44 No.39337226
    I'll be done in a sec, then.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)13:50 No.39337355
    >Bleach, thread

    >Haruhi thread

    it surely /ɐ/ in here...really
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)13:53 No.39337425
    I am in no position to judge Bleach, as I've never seen it, but I personally enjoyed Haruhi. And I am very impressed by the syncing done in the video.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)13:53 No.39337429
    I can translate it to Lazytownish-I mean, Icelandic.
    >*Sound of nobody caring*
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)13:54 No.39337458
    >Bawww why can't my favourite anime have decent threads
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)14:03 No.39337635

    Dude, I FUCKING LOVE ICELAND. Most beautiful language of the world! Do it!
    >> Miria !uTc/OMMMKw 08/18/10(Wed)14:12 No.39337880
         File1282155124.jpg-(49 KB, 512x512, 1209335095453.jpg)
    49 KB
    Okay, I think it's done:

    Enjoy. or not-
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)14:17 No.39338044

    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)14:21 No.39338168

    Got it. Nice Job. So... this is a thanks to Miria, right? (for the description)
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)14:22 No.39338217
    Very common, we do this thing all the time.
    Jag Vill Känna Din Kropp Emot Min is like Rick Roll in Sweden.
    We also invented the Caramelldansen.
    >> Miria !uTc/OMMMKw 08/18/10(Wed)14:28 No.39338401
    Oh, you need those things?

    Sure, 'Miria' would be fine. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)14:31 No.39338485
    I guess this is what moot in his TED speech meant. The internet is just awesome sometimes. I mean... look at the ammount of different subs. Daaamn!
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)14:46 No.39339018

    Are you doing it?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)14:48 No.39339050
    Just so you know, the single of God Knows is 4:39, not 5:30.
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)14:49 No.39339106

    Ah oh, thanks. Just a typo, should have been 4:30.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)15:27 No.39340168
    I just wondered why the viewcount is that low.

    Should update in a few hours.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)15:30 No.39340243

    More like a few weeks...
    >> OP 08/18/10(Wed)15:58 No.39340946
    I'm going to bed now, have to get up early tomorow. Message me (hanslol) on youtube if you've got another translation or question.

    Thanks everyone!

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