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  • File : 1282131617.jpg-(116 KB, 1280x720, K-ON!! S2 - 20.mkv_snapshot_22.02_[2010.(...).jpg)
    116 KB Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:40 No.39329719  
    10/10 KyoAni.


    This is what K-ON should of been. The animation was even better in some scenes than usual. 2 new insert songs. The concert felt like a real concert. The teary eyed part wasn't forced and I even felt genuinely sad. There were some funny jokes here and there. How will they top this? This isn't the last episode or something, is it?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:41 No.39329729
    6 more weeks.
    6 more tear filled graduation episodes.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:41 No.39329743
    My body. Is not ready.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:43 No.39329757
    they look like 5 bags of sand
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:43 No.39329766
    It always amazes me just how damn well KyoAni does lighting in their artwork. However, I hate watching shows where the writing can't keep up with the artwork/animation.

    That said, the writing for K-on can go suck a big hairy cock. Seriously, how do the writers live with themselves?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:44 No.39329772
    10 bags of sand
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:44 No.39329773
         File1282131852.jpg-(126 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] K-On!! - 20 (TBS 1(...).jpg)
    126 KB
    What the hell, I actually wet my eyes watching this scene...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:46 No.39329806
    it was ok
    but i won't watch this whole 20-ep. long crap just for this one episode
    I hope KyoAni will learn something about plot making after K-ON for their future shows
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:47 No.39329813
         File1282132020.jpg-(833 KB, 1000x1500, i_4442.jpg)
    833 KB
    i dont think my body is ready for this show to end
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:47 No.39329821
    You should watch it. You will get emotionally attached to them.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:47 No.39329825

    Me too man. Damn I feel so stupid. Only time I got a bit foggy was when watching Honey and clover and even then I was prone to crying easily due to unrelated reasons irl.

    I say this with confidence - KyoAni are the masters of atmosphere. I almost felt like crying tears. But they weren't sadness. It felt like a great thing coming to an end suddenly.

    I used to bash K-ON, especially during 1st season.
    But I think if all of K-ON was as good as the last couple of episodes of S2 it wouldn't of garnered its infamous reputation for being shit.

    Haters gonna hate etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:48 No.39329837
    Sounds like you expect it to be something it has never even tried to be.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:48 No.39329840
    >watch this episode
    >"let's do our best! this will be the best live ever! we'll eat cake after!"
    >concert happens
    >this scene
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:48 No.39329842
         File1282132125.png-(10 KB, 599x521, 1278288128796.png)
    10 KB
    >My face when episode 26, ED plays
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:49 No.39329846
    yeah playing guitar with 5 cm fingers must be painful
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:49 No.39329850
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:49 No.39329856
         File1282132178.png-(513 KB, 845x810, 1281802445638.png)
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    Has it been subbed yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:50 No.39329859

    Why WOULD K-ON have a plot? seriously bro

    It doesn't need one. It's based off of a god damn 4 koma, you're lucky if you get a 2 parter episode. Like we just did.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:50 No.39329863
    I suppose it felt natural but it didn't even bring me close to tears, only anime capable of that is Clannad After Story.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:50 No.39329866
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:51 No.39329872
         File1282132264.png-(152 KB, 374x353, ;_; (2).png)
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    >mfw episode 26.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:51 No.39329875
         File1282132270.jpg-(3 KB, 126x119, sadfrog.jpg)
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    ITT: You realize there will never be a season3.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:51 No.39329882

    kk subs not coalguys it's ok for a watch there's nothing wrong with it.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 08/18/10(Wed)07:51 No.39329885



    K-ON is a sitcom/slice of life. For the most part it isn't meant to have plot progression. It does sometimes, but only every so often. This is how it's supposed to work in this genre. The entire point of this genre is that the situation stays, for the most part, the same. That is what a sitcom is.

    Why can people not realise this?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:52 No.39329904
         File1282132374.jpg-(46 KB, 640x480, tiffa.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:52 No.39329906
         File1282132379.jpg-(82 KB, 1280x720, [kk]_K-On!!_-_20_[17E405F6].mk(...).jpg)
    82 KB
    The truth is out, Ritsu has been cheating on Mio all this time.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:53 No.39329912
    MY BODY WAS NOT READY. I sure sweated a lot under my eyes after this, just sweat mind you.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:53 No.39329916

    Sup faggot? Nice going not being biased and all.

    K-ON has good, even GREAT animation. This is NOT opinion. it is a god damn FACT according to all standards of evaluating animation.

    The artwork is expressive. The characters move very fluidly. Especially during concert scenes.

    You should of seen the 2 or 3 scenes this episode where they used some CG. It was GLORIOUS. (and it was the good kind of CG, meaning it blends in and doesn't look like some cheap Gonzo work)
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:53 No.39329917
         File1282132410.jpg-(131 KB, 468x379, KyoAni.jpg)
    131 KB
    >how do the writers live with themselves?
    >meanwhile, at KyoAni
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)07:53 No.39329923
    >New K-ON thread about EP 20.
    >Same stuff is posted
    I can't go through this once more.

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:53 No.39329924
    I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:54 No.39329938
    Keion isnt supposed to be all out action or plot heavy.
    It is a 4koma sitcom/coming of age show that underage kids like you would not understand. Go back to your big3 shit or hotd. Although I can't say keion is very funny but you can take it easy seeing cute girls doing silly things.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:54 No.39329941
         File1282132498.gif-(1.72 MB, 200x151, videogame.gif)
    1.72 MB
    i really dont want to think about that
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:55 No.39329942
    well said
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:55 No.39329956
    those feet look ugly
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:56 No.39329965
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:56 No.39329976
    where can download?!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:57 No.39329986
    gg has it
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:58 No.39329988
    You are a fucking idiot. Try reading the thread before posting.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)07:58 No.39329992
         File1282132692.jpg-(50 KB, 377x247, 234512434662.jpg)
    50 KB
    >mfw ep 26 ends
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:00 No.39330012
    Tatsuya Ishihara, the director of Kanon, Clannad, Air and Haruhi storyboarded this episode.

    The last episode will be the tear-filled episode if KyoAni let this guy direct it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:01 No.39330025
    is the gg subs any good
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:02 No.39330037
    The distance shots were pretty derp though. Like the shot from the crowd to the stage.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:02 No.39330044
         File1282132949.jpg-(65 KB, 765x240, AZUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWW.jpg)
    65 KB
    >mfw ep 26 ends

    this pic would be so god damn appropriate
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:03 No.39330053

    What kind of idiot would download GG subs for this?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:03 No.39330057
    It's [gg]. Trolling included.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:03 No.39330061
         File1282133016.jpg-(94 KB, 1440x810, 1282063740951.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:03 No.39330064
    Well, CoalGuys is too busy having a life...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:03 No.39330065

    Uh, [kk] is fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:04 No.39330070
    cuz he's a faggot
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:04 No.39330073
    >implying coalfags is any better and frostii is worth the 2 week wait
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:05 No.39330085

    Yeah...But the closeups were fine and thats what matters really.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:05 No.39330089
         File1282133120.jpg-(226 KB, 1920x1080, azusasmile.jpg)
    226 KB
    I never thought K-ON!! would ever make me cry. But the lyrics to U&I were just beautiful and then when they started tearing up I just couldn't help myself. It was After Story 18 all over again.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:06 No.39330107
    So this ep is a sad episode, no airhead comedy?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:07 No.39330114
    Last time it wasn't, they translated something about carrying the guitar to "sounding retarded"
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:07 No.39330116
    Why are people tearing up to this corny crap? I don't get it, I just don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:07 No.39330122
    Unless you also love it, yo will not get it, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:08 No.39330127
    Watch the show since S1.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:08 No.39330129
         File1282133318.jpg-(331 KB, 1166x717, 1282064665387.jpg)
    331 KB
    Hello Mr. and Mrs. Hirasawa.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:10 No.39330146
    First season was good.
    Second season not so much.
    Too much Yui, she should stop singing anything at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:10 No.39330147
    >>never had friends
    >>can't relate to it

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:10 No.39330149
         File1282133448.jpg-(167 KB, 800x875, theend.jpg)
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    They will live on in our hearts forever ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:11 No.39330155
    So they DO exist.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:11 No.39330169
    This is a Kira Kira reference by the way. Not the first one.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:11 No.39330170
    OK, it's just fucking annoying when everybody says that they cried when watching that episode. Im asking why. Because you saw 5 crying girls? And you say it's manly tears? For fucks sake, it's not last episode so pull yourselves together >_<
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:12 No.39330181
         File1282133532.jpg-(176 KB, 500x667, 2_20100818201139.jpg)
    176 KB
    I want this T-shirt
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:12 No.39330186
    This episode was about 5 minutes long with 20 minutes of stalling. It felt slow and unsatisfying. Agreed, the animations were better in previous episodes, but nowhere near the content older episodes contain. Here's hoping for a little more fill before the last episode.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:13 No.39330193
    You can easily print it yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:14 No.39330232

    So much retard in 1 post...

    First of all, no one said manly tears. They were bitch tears I admit. And I just felt kind of sad, because I had a LOT of empathy for the girls. It was like we were just experiencing sorrow with them.

    Second, it's not the 5 crying girls. KyoAni did this with a lot of KEY piece of shit works and it didn't make me feel shit. Just showing a character cry doesn't equal drama you fucking key retards.

    and lastly,

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:15 No.39330235
         File1282133724.jpg-(95 KB, 498x653, Capture.jpg)
    95 KB
    No, it was clearly a Slam Dunk reference.

    Tt was no reference to anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:15 No.39330240

    Best EP EVER!!!!!

    Since there was tear bomb that was added and we all know KyoAni is a master at depicting emotions...

    What can I say.. I didn't expect this from my K-ON!!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:15 No.39330243

    They have a song called "Kira kira days", heh
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:16 No.39330248
    Thread needs some BGM.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:16 No.39330249
    The shirts in the original manga had more detail to them.

    They actually looked like ones I'd want to own.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:16 No.39330258
    The Live House episode was also full of references.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:16 No.39330260
    Only people who never had close friends or had any partings in life couldn't relate to this episode.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:17 No.39330268

    So what you're saying is...

    Ui had to tell her parents that Yui is her sister? Oh yeah, and YUI is the retarded sister.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:17 No.39330273
         File1282133846.jpg-(57 KB, 894x505, 57654765.jpg)
    57 KB
    I cried like a bitch. My body just wasn't ready.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:17 No.39330275

    Someone sure as hell hated there past.

    Were you perhaps overly bullied in your highschool days?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:17 No.39330276
    >was about 5 minutes long with 20 minutes of stalling

    K-on in a nutshell
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:17 No.39330278
    So you delete your failed doubleß derail and start making fake posts with retarded emoticons.

    Sure is desperate in here.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:18 No.39330284
    Yeah that's what I was wondering. Everybody's saying it's the parents, but then Ui would have no need to tell them that Yui is her sister.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:19 No.39330302
    I'm so tempted to not wait for trollguys and watch this but I feel like gg would be terrible.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:19 No.39330311
         File1282133972.jpg-(130 KB, 1280x720, 1277276569507.jpg)
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    >episode 20
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:19 No.39330313
         File1282133988.jpg-(4 KB, 126x126, 1267263129889.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:19 No.39330315
    what? really? fuck I dont want to watch K-on....
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:19 No.39330319

    Pretty fucking related
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:20 No.39330323

    They're terrifine...

    Not Terribad.. So I'll DL Coalguys' once it comes out even though I watched gg's already.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:20 No.39330325
    You never see the parents, they probably don't remember what their own kids look like.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:21 No.39330340
    KEY's works were good though.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:21 No.39330353
    No, mr. Freud
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:22 No.39330354
    CLANNAD is good now?
    Get lost.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:22 No.39330359
    They show up in the manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:23 No.39330376
    lol opinions, let's talk down on other popular shows to defend my popular show derp
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:23 No.39330379
    Maybe the OVA will be some giant concert in the future...
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)08:24 No.39330388
    She doesn't really say "It's my sister".
    The translation is "It's onee-chan!".

    TL: Onee-chan means sis.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:24 No.39330390
    Just one OVA, not two?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:24 No.39330392
    or like that one doujin
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:24 No.39330397

    Clannad was OK...

    But don't cross the border by saying After Story isn't good...

    Do that and I'll take you for a steaming pile of crap.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:24 No.39330405
         File1282134284.jpg-(72 KB, 800x600, イベント_e061.jpg)
    72 KB

    This scene? I duuno.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:24 No.39330407
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:25 No.39330413
    I just don't cry just because other people doing so. And as I said before - thats not last episode with saying goodbye etc.. For me it looks like you guys would cry even if it was not 20 but 10th episode just to be cool and post on /a/ "hey guyz i cried ;_;"
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:25 No.39330416
    No no
    The one where they're passed out and he gropes blondie.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:25 No.39330418

    refer to this>>39330388
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:25 No.39330419
    I got teary eyed when Ritsu held it back as hard as she could.
    She's so amazing.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:25 No.39330428

    I hope he doesn't think that. Watch episode 18 of Clannad (first season I have other issues with after story)


    I don't know if I'm the only one but...Even though I felt my eyes were getting a tad foggy, I wasn't genuinely sad. It was sort of like tears of joy, with a touch of sorrow. But I think it was pulled off very good in any case.

    I knew it for a long time now, but S2 of K-ON fucking confirmed for being way better than S1 in almost any god damn way possible.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:25 No.39330430
    After Story was, in fact, a steaming pile of crap.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:26 No.39330439
    theres a scene, where they're all sleep except MC I think its in the sick girl's route.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:27 No.39330455
    Yup. He gropes her and she just lets it happen, then he notices she's awake and runs off.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)08:27 No.39330458
         File1282134436.png-(1.32 MB, 1987x720, Budoukan.png)
    1.32 MB
    Add Azunyan and Voila, we have the ending!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:27 No.39330466
    Did Tatsuya Isihara storyboard or direct the episode?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:27 No.39330473

    The word your looking for is Bittersweet... This EP was a total example of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:28 No.39330479
    While we're on subject anyone have a good download for curtain calls, I was planning on buying it originally but yeah money is tight right now...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:28 No.39330489
         File1282134533.jpg-(101 KB, 800x600, イベント_c100.jpg)
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    Oh yeah, that scene. I remember now.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:29 No.39330496

    People's reaction to "After Story" is a GREAT filter for knowing someones true taste.

    Sure, I gave it 8/10 after first time watching it. Had MANY flaws that rendered it much worse than it could of been. But after watching a few scenes again, discussing it, and thinking about it - After Story is 7/10, TOPS.

    If you want to hear my conclusions feel free to make another thread, lets not shit up this one.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:29 No.39330511
         File1282134594.jpg-(76 KB, 620x350, 1275258151316.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:30 No.39330519
    ATTENTION : NEWFAG CLANNADFAGS, clannad is "mainstream" like anything else in "mainstream anime" /a/ hates because we're a bunch of homosexual hipsters its just how it is.

    Now stop getting trolled,please.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:30 No.39330523

    No.. But who knows if they asked advice from him.

    He's in fact an Adviser in this project and the first season.

    He just did ep 17 so it's unlikely he handled this ep completely.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:30 No.39330526

    YES thank you. Thats exactly it.

    Extremely related:
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)08:30 No.39330527
         File1282134651.png-(984 KB, 2125x720, Cake And Stuff.png)
    984 KB
    Tatsuya Ishihara, the director of Kanon, Clannad, Air and Haruhi storyboarded this episode.
    The last episode will be the tear-filled episode if KyoAni let this guy direct it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:31 No.39330529
    Afterstory is the best of it's genre, if you don't like that kind of drama romance then good for you, there's a reason why it's so immensely popular, both the VN and the anime.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:32 No.39330552
    Anyone who didn't cry is fag whose never experienced good times with good friends coming to an end. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:33 No.39330567

    Oh God!!! sauce?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:34 No.39330585
    God damn it coalgays sub this shit already.

    You all make it sound so good...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:34 No.39330588
    Too bad this thread was already shit since OP said "10/10"
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:34 No.39330593

    Dude. DUDE

    Honey and Clover SHITS all over Clannad.

    Only reason Clannad lets itself get all over the top and melodramatic is because they were planning from the start to use a good ol' deus ex machina. Yeah, because thats what you call a good story.

    The Greeks have known it for hundreds of years. Why don't anime fans?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:34 No.39330594
    >watch this ep
    >cry like a bitch
    >come on this thread
    >see screen caps
    >cry like a bitch again
    Alpha as fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:35 No.39330604
    ITT: Faggots crying to dragon ball mk2 in clannaids.

    Sure is shit taste around. I will agree with you guys if clannad ended on the 18th episode but the 6later eps retconned whatever shit that they have built up.
    Enjoy your fail ending keyfags.
    Planetarian is superior.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)08:35 No.39330610
         File1282134949.png-(1.01 MB, 1791x720, Moar Cake And Stuff.png)
    1.01 MB
    Sauce on what?
    The image?
    It's one of my patchwork.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:35 No.39330614
    >honey and clover

    Fuck you. Stop reminding me of things I need to watch.

    Marathoning anime takes time!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:36 No.39330626

    Sorry I didn't cry.. I don't tear up but I felt so much empathy towards the characters.

    I felt sad at that part.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:38 No.39330657

    Complete ignorance my friend is not always a blessing..

    I'm sorry but you just missed the whole theme revolving around Clannad.

    Now go ahead and rage reply to me cause I'll just take you as the troll you are and ignore you once again.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:38 No.39330658
    Watched a minute ago and fuck... I just couldn't hold my sweat in anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:39 No.39330663
    Terrible chroma upsampling you got in these.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:39 No.39330677

    Not that... About Tatsuya Ishihara storyboarding this ep.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:39 No.39330679
    I wonder if Yamada may step in as the ED on episode 25. She boarded 12 and 13 last season, so at least we'll probably probably have another Yamada/Ishihara boarded ending arc.

    And we'll be getting a new song(s) at ep 23, calling it now.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:40 No.39330693
    man i just cried my eyes out, my best friends and i just graduated and went through something like this. it was like painfully sad deja vu
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:40 No.39330694

    Thats fine. You passed the test - Your heart is made of stone if you didn't feel any sympathy towards the characters at that scene.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:41 No.39330708
    For a second I thought you were suggesting a potential Working!! and K-on!! crossover would happen and I got all excited.

    Now I'm just sad.

    (You both have two exclamation points! Why won't my wishes come true?)
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:41 No.39330710
    >Dude. DUDE

    Just get out.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:41 No.39330718
    I'd be surprised if they don't let the top people handle the graduation episode.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)08:42 No.39330729
         File1282135324.png-(2.98 MB, 1280x2593, Giitah.png)
    2.98 MB
    Oh I dunno, got it form some anon in a previous thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:43 No.39330752
         File1282135409.gif-(6 KB, 381x178, holy fuck you had better be sh(...).gif)
    6 KB
    >People crying over K-ON
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:43 No.39330753

    lol'd a bit

    I feel a new meme being born...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:44 No.39330767
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:44 No.39330773
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:44 No.39330774
    it looks like them, and i want to believe its them, but ui turned around to them at one point and said "thats my oneechan, you know!" (its hardish to convey it, but it was in the informative/bragging way). why would she say that to her parents, of course that's her sister, if it was them, they would know that.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:44 No.39330778
         File1282135496.jpg-(115 KB, 1280x720, shot0005.jpg)
    115 KB

    You know the ending credit sequence is there for more than pretty pictures and music, right?

    Second line.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:45 No.39330779

    Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. But the scene at the end was really BAWWW material.

    Who the hell thought a show like K-ON could make you sad. Really.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:45 No.39330783
         File1282135517.jpg-(23 KB, 486x273, whattheshitkeanu.jpg)
    23 KB

    You got me worked up for nothing. So my hunch that Ishihara just advised this ep still stands.

    Anyway small details.. Still an awesome job and KyoAni did brandish one of their strongest points, depicting emotions.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:45 No.39330793
    One great episode does not a season make.
    This is what entire freggin season should have been like.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)08:46 No.39330807
    See >>39330774
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:47 No.39330816
    i totally agree with ya man.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:48 No.39330834

    Oh sure make you sense...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:49 No.39330846
    I was looking again at some scenes and HOLY SHIT

    They really turned the animation dial up to 11. Look at the "U&I" sequence, for example.

    I'd love to see how the K-ON movie will look like...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:49 No.39330856
    wait what
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:49 No.39330857
    K-ON!! isn't a drama show you fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:50 No.39330865
    >Second line.
    >Implying one liners are not allowed here.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:50 No.39330868
    There's a K-On! movie announced?
    Fuck I hope it won't be like the Haruhi movie where after ages of waiting the only thing available was a crappy camrip.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:50 No.39330872

    >implying majority of /a/ reads moon...
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)08:50 No.39330873
    Sorry, meant this: >>39330388
    The translator was a bit careless.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:51 No.39330878
         File1282135865.jpg-(101 KB, 637x1066, 23453263732.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:51 No.39330882
    No, he was implying you should have a look at the second line on the attached picture.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:51 No.39330884
         File1282135894.jpg-(101 KB, 1280x720, [kk]_K-On!!_-_20_[17E405F6].mk(...).jpg)
    101 KB
    Agreed. I won't be ready for the end my friend.

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:52 No.39330893

    If he meant what I meant, its that this episode really had the music thing going on strong.

    Also everything just seemed to flow really smooth. Episode didn't drag on, imo.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:52 No.39330902
         File1282135955.jpg-(656 KB, 2547x2148, 637835785879874769.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:52 No.39330909

    The more I compare S1 and S2...

    The more I realize that the clubroom is more vibrant in this season.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:53 No.39330911
    i know it can be a term of general endearment too (i've only been speaking japanese for 5 years and translating shit), but it was ui talking about yui, and they are sisters, so the sister route made more sense.
    that being said, the writing for k-on can be lacking and it really fucking looks like the parents.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)08:53 No.39330918
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:53 No.39330922
         File1282136013.jpg-(55 KB, 504x766, why do that.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:53 No.39330927
    It was a good episode I didn't cry but I did feel some sympathy for the characters, to be honest I rarely cry when watching anime last time and only time was clannad AS.

    I just left sixth form as well and didn't cry then, I've got a good group of friends but none of us cried and I suppose the reason for that is I know it won't be the last time I see them. If it was 10 years ago with out sites like facebook it might be a different story.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)08:54 No.39330933
    I'd like to believe that that was their parents.
    Feels better that way.

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:54 No.39330936
    Considering you could also translate it to just "It's Yui!", there's still a possibility it is them.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:54 No.39330937

    Still not as good as naruto 167 bro
    >> sage !qh10Dg2Jkk 08/18/10(Wed)08:55 No.39330951

    One of the best but subtle scenes in this episode..

    Felt sad whenever I see this.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:55 No.39330955
         File1282136147.jpg-(8 KB, 184x174, sadfrog.jpg)
    8 KB

    You made the feelings return you big dummy... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:55 No.39330956
    saved for ep.26
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:56 No.39330969

    >He likes naruto or thinks pretending to like it is funny
    >Must be a faggot
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:57 No.39330976
    god damn it jaka hurry up
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:58 No.39331002
         File1282136307.jpg-(104 KB, 1280x720, K-ON!! S2 - 20.mkv_snapshot_07(...).jpg)
    104 KB
    One, two, three, four, FOODIVE!

    TAKE IT /a/!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:58 No.39331004
    If this is episode 20...
    Then episode 26 is going to be the saddest ending to a anime ever...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:59 No.39331020
    I didn't like this song at firs twith BBBBRRRRRRRRRNNNNN syn in my face, but i can imagine it's a real fun song, especially at a concert. You can really join in
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)08:59 No.39331029
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:00 No.39331042

    Song was pointless but damn that was enjoyable.

    Kinda like OP2...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:00 No.39331047
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:01 No.39331052
    for those who wonder about this

    writer: jukki hanada
    storyboard: tatsuya ishihara
    episode director: mitsuyoshi yoneda
    animation supervisor: miku kadowaki
    musical instrument supervisor: hiroyuki takahashi

    I thought the crying was a bit overdone. If next episode really is about Yui researching different hairstyles it will likely beat this one in greatness!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:01 No.39331061
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:02 No.39331064
         File1282136527.jpg-(17 KB, 184x261, 242314234.jpg)
    17 KB
    Anyone kind enough to translate the runes?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:03 No.39331081
    to you guys waiting for trollguys

    > Status Updates

    >Published by CoalGuys on August 17, 2010

    >Apparently I was supposed to leave on 16th (hoping to get a seat on standby), but then I waited at the airport for 2 days. Jesus fucking christ. I gave up waiting and got a new ticket which is supposed to leave tomorrow (19th). That leaves today free and obviously I’m not going to spend my “LAST” day in Hong Kong subbing K-ON!!. I’ll probably be hanging out with a few bros and doing this at night (HK Time). Sorry once again.

    >While most fansubbers are free during the Summer and busy during the school year, the opposite happens to me. I guess that just shows how fucking smart I am.


    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:03 No.39331093

    ichi ni san shi go-han
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:03 No.39331096
    there can be only one response:

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:05 No.39331114

    Wow, thats really cool.

    Japanese Otaku sure are faithful to their anime
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)09:05 No.39331121
    1,2,3,4 「ごはん!!」
    The translation of rice is similar to the number 5.
    So, the translation done in the SUB you're watching is a bit faulty.
    In this case, itr's "gohan"
    Ichi, ni, san, shi, go(-han)
    1      2  3      4     5/Rice
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:05 No.39331128

    [kk] are fine really
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:06 No.39331135

    make the school fair live a success!!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:06 No.39331136
    I sweated like a bitch
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:06 No.39331144

    I didint think that this would sound good.
    It did.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:06 No.39331147

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:07 No.39331154
         File1282136824.jpg-(228 KB, 729x554, yotsubadontcry.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:07 No.39331173

    They should of gone with "frice", lol

    (I didn't expect it to be an accurate translation with the "foodive", but it was clearly obvious that it was a case where you just can't translate it literally)
    Maybe coalguys will think of something catchy, knowing them/him.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:08 No.39331186
    Name of ichi ni san shi song?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:09 No.39331195

    Like the flam jam in OP2?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:10 No.39331219
         File1282137050.jpg-(13 KB, 221x198, chiyo thumb up.jpg)
    13 KB

    Also, I can't believe a fucking gay boyband beat both Utauyo and No, Thank You! on the oricon chart. What the fuck, Japan?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:11 No.39331223
    >watch ep 20 and cry like a bitch
    >look through >>39330902
    >cry like a bitch again
    goddammit /ɐ/
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)09:11 No.39331224
    Yeah, but I'd like a more accurate transdlation.
    Seeing that I know a bit jap, it makes me frustraded when they translate the japanese jokes completely wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:11 No.39331225

    Gohan wa Okazu
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:12 No.39331232
    Lol nice!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:12 No.39331238

    Meh. Not sure if you're serious or not, but you know what a flam jam is right?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:12 No.39331243
    I was about to close the episode 4 times because that speech on the stage was SO FUCKING ANNOYING I just wanted them to shut up and play already. God damn, it's not even the last episode. I can already see the K-On threads after the run of the show entitled "glorious series of the past" and people will, in their delusion, seriously believe it was some legendary Kyoani masterrace series deserving it's praise.

    Also, whoever wants to actually wear one of those T-shirts should consider killing himself.

    inb4; lolumad, yes I am you fucking cuntbags
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:14 No.39331263
    What the hell the more I listen to their songs the more it becomes ear candy
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:14 No.39331271

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:15 No.39331274
    fucking great episode.

    K-On is my life.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:15 No.39331285
    But... I understand you, it's just that this is impossible to translate perfectly. I think its obvious from seeing it that basically the word for "five" was changed so it sounded like it was related to food. But it just isn't easy to think of something that's both catchy and a good translation of the joke.

    We don't get many "Ghostories", if you know what I mean
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:15 No.39331289

    Listen to them all. Listen to the remixes (jakka jakka jan jan). One of us. One of us.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:16 No.39331303

    Yeah. It's ALWAYS like that.

    Go Go Maniac very related ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:18 No.39331333
         File1282137503.jpg-(59 KB, 1280x720, K-ON!! S2 - 20.mkv_snapshot_15(...).jpg)
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    Wow, the little sequence at 15:14 is like movie quality good.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)09:19 No.39331359
    >jakka jakka jan ja
    Fuck I loved EP "Drummer"
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:19 No.39331360
    Holy damn man.
    Why did I used to flame this show? I hated it, but I decided to marathon it, and holy damn.

    Im gonna buy Gohan wa Okazu album.
    Catchy song.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:19 No.39331361

    Almost every song in K-ON! is like that... But U&I is an exception for now..

    Had it looped all day.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:20 No.39331364
         File1282137602.jpg-(60 KB, 1280x720, K-ON!! S2 - 20.mkv_snapshot_15(...).jpg)
    60 KB
    What's Azusa doin' there?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:20 No.39331381
         File1282137654.jpg-(243 KB, 719x1024, 2128c769c7d0c2097a79de1936317d(...).jpg)
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    Naaananananana naaananananana
    Uno, Dos, Tres, Quatro, Shiiinku
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:23 No.39331428
    Perhaps....a terrorist attack at school, 2 or 3 girls from the club dies, last scene will be a memorial with the last remaining ones showing up years later, flashbacks to their beautiful youth with all their funny moments, one last picture with everyone when they were teens, incoming flash...ED transition with more flashbacks and sad music. The End.

    Would be pretty fucking epic, and knowing kyoani you can bet your ass they could make this happen if they fucking want to do so.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:23 No.39331440
         File1282137838.gif-(2.45 MB, 400x225, jyakan.gif)
    2.45 MB
    Did someone say Jakkan Jan Ja?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:24 No.39331453
    It's understandable that it'd be rated higher than Utauyo, but not mah No, Thank You! D:
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:24 No.39331458

    Thats episode 25.

    In episode 26 son-Yui gathers the dragon balls and wishes everything back.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:25 No.39331471
    Episode 26.
    They finally finished highschool, they are all at home thinking about their futures... their college.... their friends.




    Even bigger concert, older ages


    Yui as a old lady thinking about the past.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:26 No.39331491

    Utauyo + NTY garnered like a bit over 50,000 sells

    That boyband one got over 100,000 ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:27 No.39331506
    I totally approve of that!
    Would make for an awesome ending worth a 10/10 instead of the current level at 6-7.
    The ones dying has to include Yui though.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:27 No.39331507

    And then we get K-ON GT.

    but it isn't canon!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:29 No.39331547

    If you're talking about 1st day sales yea...

    In 1 week both managed to break 80k easily.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:32 No.39331575
         File1282138347.png-(168 KB, 350x621, 1278504670755.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:32 No.39331581

    > writer: jukki hanada

    It was Katsuhiko Muramoto, see >>39330778

    > 脚本 村元克彦
    Screenplay: Katsuhiko Muramoto
    > 絵コンテ 石原立也
    Storyboard: Tatsuya Ishihara
    > 演出 米田光良
    Episode Director: Mitsuyoshi Yoneda
    > 作画監督 門脇未来
    Animation Director: Miku Kadowaki
    > 楽器作監 高橋博行
    Musical Instrument Supervisor: Hiroyuki Takahashi

    Sakuga Wiki agrees.

    > けいおん!!
    > 脚本
    > 4 8 11 16 20
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:33 No.39331589
    I was glade to see them pointing out the fact this series is almost over. Once this is done maybe Kyoani will animate something with actual plot next time, yeah?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:33 No.39331595

    If only the icons won't block the wallpaper.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:34 No.39331606

    > Sakuga Wiki

    Anime wiki, even. My dumb.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:34 No.39331616

    does not compute...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:35 No.39331624
         File1282138507.jpg-(39 KB, 500x500, Ritsu is displeased.jpg)
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    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)09:35 No.39331643
    .. yeah right.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:36 No.39331650

    In /ɐ/: Fun things are not allowed.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:36 No.39331664
    the last time kyoani did something with plot was like what? 3 years ago?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:37 No.39331670
         File1282138620.jpg-(462 KB, 817x1200, K-ON!_v03_ch15_p08.jpg)
    462 KB
    awesome filler was tearjerking ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:37 No.39331688
    See? Those shirts are cooler.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:38 No.39331705
    >k-on music

    this doesn't get nearly enough love
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:38 No.39331708
         File1282138707.jpg-(44 KB, 382x348, are-you-mad-at-me-for-some-rai(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:38 No.39331709
    You can already hear Son-Yui teaching her child.
    Ich, Ni, San, Shi, Gohan
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:39 No.39331726

    KyoAni really really made that feel realistic in the anime adaptation.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:40 No.39331746
    >The concert felt like a real concert.
    >I even felt genuinely sad.
    >There were funny jokes here and there.

    Jesus fucking christ OP...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:40 No.39331756

    Oh my god, did her hair just turn yellow?!

    She must be...THE SUPER KEKIAN
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:41 No.39331761

    I'm more interested in the background pic of the vid.

    Would make a good wallpaper...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:41 No.39331768

    The redesign was a good decision.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:41 No.39331769
    kyoani's having hella good times ever since they got rid of all the projects that had plots. what made you think they're gonna start having plot agian now?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:42 No.39331787
    I'm gonna go with too much details included for them to actually draw in the anime. Remember, everyone's wearing them.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:42 No.39331790

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:42 No.39331801
         File1282138973.jpg-(94 KB, 841x720, uhu riko.jpg)
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    >he didn't watch K-ON!! 20
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:43 No.39331813
    True End:

    They all get offers for Uni and whatever and decide to go, right before they do, Mugi says they can't do this, and should be a band properly, fuck further education (not in those words) - Yui agrees instantly, Ritsu, and then Mio after some resistance.
    They want Azusa to join them, but she needs to finish, and is torn, after much talking to Ui and Jun, decides to stay, help a new set of students start a K-On club of their own.

    Flash Forward:

    Azusa is teaching them how to be a band, they are a mismatched group that didn't initally get along, she is trying to be stricter (like she tried to be originally), but also shows a caring side where she shows them to have fun as well, and bond like their predecessors.
    HTT are playing in medium-sized venues, Mio has just written 'Don't say Lazy' with Mugi, along with 'Cagayake! Girls' - Azusa then joins them once she is done (and so they go from the 4 to 5 person versions).
    And so it is complete, they go on to great success with Listen; No, Thank You; etc...
    The final shot would be the curtain rising in front of the five of them, very excited, at what is deeply implied to be the budokan, then it cuts to the air above Ritsu's head, and you see her sticks and hear '1, 2, 3, 4'.

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:45 No.39331846
    >"curtains rising"

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:45 No.39331853

    The JAKA JAKA JAN! at 00:24 is really good, lol
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:45 No.39331854
         File1282139129.jpg-(477 KB, 817x1200, K-ON!_v03_ch15_p09.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:46 No.39331868
    So these [kk] subs are legit?
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)09:46 No.39331875
         File1282139186.png-(942 KB, 1280x720, Ritsu and Mio 567u6.png)
    942 KB
    This, I fear.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)09:47 No.39331905
    >Anime had more tears
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:47 No.39331907
    So is this series almost over yet?

    Be nice if /a/ could move on to something else that isn't a crap tier series.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:48 No.39331929

    >Azusa is no longer a part of HTT
    >i am totally okay with this

    captcha: cluctfut sutra

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:49 No.39331941

    This scene is < than it's anime adaptation.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:49 No.39331951
         File1282139395.jpg-(1.74 MB, 1920x1810, 1274416705262.jpg)
    1.74 MB
    ending is going to be a time skip showing them after college.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:50 No.39331970
    >should of been

    That's not of you spell "have".
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:51 No.39331979

    Yeah they are decent. Nothing that stuck out.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)09:51 No.39331989
    Holy dicksneeze, I've been looking for this pic for a VERY long time.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:52 No.39331996
         File1282139535.jpg-(52 KB, 898x348, crying.jpg)
    52 KB
    >but the subber guy is in vacation at hong kong and his plane got delayed
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:52 No.39332004


    Thats not how you spell "how", faggot
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:54 No.39332053
    Oh god I want to put my penis into older Yui so bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:56 No.39332083
         File1282139763.jpg-(53 KB, 922x940, 1269373294505.jpg)
    53 KB
    Don't worry, you'll find something new to hate on soon enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:56 No.39332095
    So the closing scene will show that Yui will be the new Old Lady Next Door?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:56 No.39332103
         File1282139812.jpg-(39 KB, 439x437, Mischeivous Yui.jpg)
    39 KB

    Bring it on, teenyweeny
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:57 No.39332114

    So true...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)09:57 No.39332115
    That's what he hopes, not what will actually happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:01 No.39332203

    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:04 No.39332283
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    older non retard yui is hot.
    >> I watched it out of curiosity Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:05 No.39332314
    I don't watch K-On, I watched maybe 2 episodes of S1 and dropped it because I am not into slice of life much and it is kind of boring to me.

    But this episode. This motherfucking episode.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:05 No.39332318
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:07 No.39332360

    Once you watch a K-ON episode that gets to you....The consequences will never be the same.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:08 No.39332385

    Stop that.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:09 No.39332401
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:09 No.39332409
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    then suddenly the drummer decides to leave.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:10 No.39332423
    I'm still at episode 12 or something of K-On S2, but I can't imagine this series becoming anything close to bawww.

    It's because I don't give a shit about the characters, they're just there to squeeze jokes in every fucking conversation all the time.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:10 No.39332424

    Abs of STEEL
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:11 No.39332437
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    >he doesn't even have a chance of expecting episode 20 to get too him
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:11 No.39332447
    You have any idea how hard it is to animate that kind of detail? Even something like a pattern on a shirt is insanely difficult to animate
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:15 No.39332500

    Ugh...Were you replying to wrong person or something brah?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:17 No.39332543

    Holy Crap.. Mio training for the army or something?

    She's not even cringing for doing that in 2 mins straight.
    >> !!!(つ゚Д゚)つ !RetARDsySs 08/18/10(Wed)10:20 No.39332592
    Someone need to make a flash out of this one.
    Like, twice the speed and some speed metal or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:22 No.39332627

    Hey Mio, whats your diet/routine etc.?

    Thanks Romio you're a real inspiration.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:24 No.39332661
    COAL GUYS IS OUT!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)10:25 No.39332704
         File1282141548.jpg-(49 KB, 500x477, riko facepalm.jpg)
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    >he didn't just watch it with [kk]

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