Why don't you sing a song instead
One of the few shows that made me laugh really hard.
>>39177076I actually marathoned the series some time ago. It's really amazing that despite all the threats him and his crew has faced, he managed to face them head on with his sheer luck.Stay classy Taylor
>>39177222Luck? Or unshakable BRILLIANCE!?The sort of show that you need to watch twice. Once with Tylor as a happy-go-lucky idiot, and again with him constantly going JUST AS PLANNED.
>>39177076dieing was the most fun thing ive done all day
Tylor is the best captain ever.
The fuck is this?
I loved those little suits the marine dudes wore. Mainly because it had their hands on the little joysticks right in front of their faces, which made them look like big adorable mad-max babies.
>>39177391Irresponsible Captain TylorAnd it's fucking awesome
Can't find anything on TT, anyone know of anywhere to torrent this?
>>39177597Kazaa was where I got it, if I recall correctly. HA!HA!But seriously, bakabt. Enjoy maintaining your ratio.