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    File : 1280297306.jpg-(58 KB, 500x500, 1277138758472.jpg)
    58 KB Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:08 No.38513811  
    >mfw first time fapping to 2D
    I feel so gross, but so good.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:09 No.38513857
    You were covered in blood?
    I think you were doing it wrong
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:10 No.38513882
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:11 No.38513916
    >first time fapping to 2D

    What are you, twelve years old?!
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:11 No.38513918
    Boy I haven't masturbated in a year. I wonder what that would feel like
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:12 No.38513934
    what semen isn't red?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:12 No.38513963
    I cant remember the last time I fapped to 3DPD.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:13 No.38513971
    It's like I'm 10 years old and just discovered the wonders of the internet again!
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:13 No.38514004
    This is proof that that >my face faggots are all underage.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:14 No.38514040
         File1280297681.jpg-(37 KB, 362x426, 12358877956458.jpg)
    37 KB
    >fapping to 2D
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:15 No.38514066
    ok since this thread is shit lets talk about when you first got discovered as a 2d masturb-

    you know what? Fuck that. This ain't no fucking anime.

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