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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next week
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    File : 1279381439.jpg-(285 KB, 800x450, 1277938194039.jpg)
    285 KB Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)11:43 No.37954688  
    It doesn't matter what you think of Redline, that movie is going to have the best end-credits song ever.

    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)11:45 No.37954720
    I heard the movie itself sucks ass though, is it?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)11:45 No.37954741

    What the fuck? Every single review of the movie so far is glowing with positivity!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)11:46 No.37954763
    What if I find the song to be awful?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)11:46 No.37954775

    Then you're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)11:48 No.37954839
    Review as in reviews from ANN or MAL etc?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)11:48 No.37954857
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:22 No.37956005
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:24 No.37956060
    Right before the sunrise
    One thing is in my mind
    Need to take the stress
    and throw it all away
    Feelings to discover
    Knowing undercover
    What it is you really mean to me
    You are the flower, I'm the rain
    Without you life is not the same
    I'm everything you'll ever need
    Rarely spoken, we still proceed
    I can see the sunrise looking into your eyes
    You end up right next to me
    And we both become one
    Heading towards the sun
    Following the line
    Following the redline to the sun
    You are the air that I breathe
    Without you I can't live for me
    You are the only one for me
    Rarely spoken, I know you
    I love you
    I love you
    I love you
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:25 No.37956093
    Wait is it out?

    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:25 No.37956120
    October 19th? I think is when it comes out.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:26 No.37956152
    fuckawesome music and fuckawesome animation, even if the story is shit this thing will be amazing.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:26 No.37956167
    Sadly it isn't...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:27 No.37956176
    Nice Travis Touchdown clone there

    Forgot the shades though.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:27 No.37956182
    I thought he was combin with a knife lol.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:28 No.37956230
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    What's going on here?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:28 No.37956245
    Can't wait for the BD.
    This is something I refuse to ruin with a Camrip.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:28 No.37956256
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    >Saying JP is a copy of Touchdown
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:30 No.37956302
    I'd rather force myself to listen to ALI PROJECT than this pop/dance Lady Gaga bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:31 No.37956338
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:33 No.37956412
    It looks like it. That said, I think the faces are just goddamn weird in Redline.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:35 No.37956486
    I can grudgingly see why you might think that but no.

    Koike has always had an eye for mechanical detail and you can see it from teh animatrix segment he directed as well as trava fist planet.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:38 No.37956578
    The weirdness is what makes them good. I really like the character design. It's like something out of Trigun, Guilty Gear, or No More Heroes.

    Check out the official site, it's updated with the characters and their rides:

    And the story summary and the voice cast too, if someone bothers to translate it.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:40 No.37956660
    Don't watch this for the story or plot.
    Watch it for animation, stylistic art, and amazing racing action scenes.

    This is an animation for the sake of animation.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:42 No.37956725
    I've seen it. It's a fantastic film. The only people I can see not liking it are pretentious people who feel that every film needs to deliver a thought-provoking tour de force on the human condition or something similar, and also some people who can't handle the pace and get motion sickness.

    If you like awesome things like Dead Leaves, Gurren Lagann, ninja scroll or trava fist planet then you should really like Redline. If you don't then you're in quite an unfortunate position to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:43 No.37956759
    I don't know about you guys, but the main character really gives me a Spike Spiegel vibe.

    Yeah, there's a Travis Touchdown vibe in him, but it's more to Spike.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:44 No.37956772
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:44 No.37956795
    Tell me about the movie's length.

    Sometimes it matters to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:45 No.37956818
    "animation for the sake of animation" has the danger of making people think of niche, artsy stuff like Genius Party or something.

    Redline isn't like that. If it were a live action movie it would be a an science-fiction, action blockbuster.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:46 No.37956835
    It's 100 minutes long.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:46 No.37956848
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    I'm going to watch this and enjoy it, and there's nothing you can do about it.

    I fucking loved Dead Leaves. I love these over the top animu that don't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:48 No.37956901
    Whoa, for a high-budget 2D animation movie like this, that's pretty long.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:48 No.37956918
    You will never follow the redline to the sun.

    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:50 No.37956989
    yeah. recently it seems as though animate movie length has gotten a bit longer from the 90-minute maximum in the past (excluding tv series compilation movies of course).
    Summer wars was also a hundred minutes, and I remember reading that Welcome to the Space show, another movie that has come out recently was 100 minutes as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:54 No.37957118
    Not to mention Toy Story 3 as well. Not anime but worth mentioning since it's a kids animated movie but has a 100 minutes length.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:55 No.37957152
    Actually I couldn't care less about animation, CG etc.
    What was that 3Dmovie last summer or so about the blue alien again? OMG watch it because it's in 3D!!! I didn't a flying fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:55 No.37957171
    Yeah, me too. Sometimes mindless entertainment is a really good thing for having fun.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:57 No.37957231
    Don't give me spoilers but..........good end or bad end?

    Or you can just ignore this question if you want to. I won't force you.
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)12:58 No.37957236
    Saw that Redline trailer, wasn't very impressed.

    It was tough to keep track of. It kind of reminded me of Transformers really, and how the common complaints was that everything was cluttered together.

    Fluidity is nice, but it means nothing if it doesn't tell a story by itself since anime in general lacks expression. What the trailer showed was a cluster fuck of images that make no sense whatsoever. More nauseating than anything, really. Fluid animation is not necessarily good animation. To be honest, the animation was very bad in this one.

    Like, an example of good animation is probably something from Avatar the last airbender.

    Japanese animators just aren't good enough.

    I realize American animations are superior than Japanese animation.

    Many American animation got original plots, good animation, fast or normal animation frame, great storyline, and some American animation are memorable even after 30 years.

    Japanese animations just got recycled plots, recycle cliches, some anime isn't finish because it's not close to their manga part so that's why some anime series doesn't have much of a plot, soundtracks to many anime series are lame.

    Western animation is much better than Eastern. Why? In Eastern animation, when someone is talking, everything moves. Their expressions change, the chin moves as their mouth opens, their hands will move, their head will bob or move around, they'll look around, and their mouth movements match the words they say. In Eastern animation, the only thing that moves is their mouth and it doesn't even fit the dub, Japanese or English.

    I could give 100 reasons why Western animtion is better, but I think most people can agree with me. But I'm sure bitter slanty-eyed loving weeaboos will try to disagree with me the best they can.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:58 No.37957239
    Redline isn't in 3D. Do you really not care whether a show looks good or not? Would you have liked your favourite anime just as much as if it had Gundoh musashi level QUALITY animation?
    >> ronery /ɐ/non !!AxXnzOQlUE+ 07/17/10(Sat)12:58 No.37957261
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:59 No.37957279
    I thought you got a trip?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:00 No.37957297
    I read
    >Fluidity is nice, but it means nothing if it doesn't tell a story by itself since anime in general lacks expression. What the trailer showed was a cluster fuck of images that make no sense whatsoever. More nauseating than anything, really. Fluid animation is not necessarily good animation. To be honest, the animation was very bad in this one.
    and this post came to mind >>37956725 because it fit the description perfectly.

    Then I read
    >Japanese animators just aren't good enough.
    >I realize American animations are superior than Japanese animation.
    and realised you were trolling.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:00 No.37957307
    spoilers for people who don't want to know whether redline has a good end or bad end:

    Good end. extra words to make spoiler box longer
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:00 No.37957314
    I will get one if weeaboo impostors are trying to imitate my irrefutable logic by posting under my name.

    Bumping the fuck out of weeaboos like my honorable ancestors bumped the fuck out of Japs with atom bombs back in the glorious days.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:00 No.37957322
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:00 No.37957323

    Oh look, mister butthurt again.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:02 No.37957358
    It's not Toy Story 3D, it's just Toy Story 3 and it's about endings and letting go. People didn't watch Avatar because it was in 3d, people watched it because it was James Cameron. Studio execs didn't understand that so now we have a fad going on.

    Saying you don't care about animated movies in a thread about an animated movie on a board about Japanese animation is a bit of an oxymoron.

    Either way I can't wait to see Redline.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:02 No.37957372
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    Saw your post before, wasn't very impressed
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:02 No.37957373
    Wait so you're a redneck? Oh no wonder.
    >> Blueshirt !HERON503h6 07/17/10(Sat)13:03 No.37957383
    Neat song.
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:03 No.37957395
    Better than being a slanty-eye loving weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:03 No.37957399
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    >Say western animation is better
    >Didn't provide any video link or anything
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:04 No.37957414
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    >Visitor from /co/
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:06 No.37957471
    Well you don't provide a video at all. Looks like we won this round.

    Come back later, fag.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:06 No.37957488
    lol so you are a redneck?
    >Ma, the chickens ha' gotten loose again!
    >Not now, boy! Yo brotha and I are gettin' busy!
    >Get're done!
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:06 No.37957490
    I don't have to, look around the net and you'll see plenty of good Western animation. It should be general knowledge that Western animation is the best, but you weeaboos refuse to accept the fact right?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:07 No.37957515

    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:07 No.37957521
    It's like I'm back in 90's when animation was class itself.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:07 No.37957535
    > come back
    he's probably banned from /co/ for being such an ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:07 No.37957536
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    >Visitor from /co/
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:09 No.37957591
    Yes but does it have the STREET FIGHTER?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:09 No.37957611
    You can also find a lot of anime scenes in the internet. And many of them are proof that it's better than western animation.
    But well, you'll stay ignorant and think that you're always right while anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Just like a kid.

    Since you just replied with no video whatsoever that means we won this round again.
    Anime: 2
    Cartoons: 0

    Gimme your next shot.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:10 No.37957640

    Not taking sides here but that was really lame.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:10 No.37957645
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    There are plenty of us here that visit /co/ regularly. Stop feeding the troll.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:10 No.37957659
    Maybe in the 90s and previous years, but anime surpassed it. Name 1 cartoon in the 00s that was actually good, and not outsourced to Korea. Besides, things like Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, and other classic cartoons were animated in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:11 No.37957669
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:11 No.37957692
    I've seen many and they have not impressed me in the way that Western animation does.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:11 No.37957693
    is that from a show or just some art looks cool.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:11 No.37957705
    I see this one never got posted in /a/:

    Yeah, cam rip I know but it's still looks good.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:13 No.37957746
    Then post a video to prove us that west's animation > Jap's animation. Wait, you can't.

    Anime: 3
    Cartoons: 0
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:15 No.37957814

    In 1988.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:16 No.37957826
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    Symbiotic Titan, Genndy Tartakovsky's next project (possibly after the Samurai Jack movie).
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:16 No.37957831
    Well okay then, let's play your game you slanty-eyed nip loving weeaboo. I shall post superior western animation:
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:18 No.37957872
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:18 No.37957897
    Not impressed even for one bit. Art style being too simplistic and bland as hell.
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:19 No.37957926
    Nice, the weeaboo decided to post some video with stupid nip music, jerky animation, still frames and nauseous colors overall.
    >> ronery /ɐ/non !!AxXnzOQlUE+ 07/17/10(Sat)13:20 No.37957946
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    >dat fluid animation
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:22 No.37957989

    This was pretty good though half of it was done in CG.

    Look at >>37957814
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:22 No.37957998
    That vid shows tits! He doen't know what those are, you're gonna put him in a state of shock.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:22 No.37958001
    I bet you didn't watch the whole video. And I thought we're talking about ANIMATION here, and not other aspects. Nice move, bro.

    Anime: 4
    Cartoons: 0

    Unless you can provide me a video with a better animation then this argument is set.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:22 No.37958005
    lol someone post the Simpsons budget vs background orgasm budget
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:23 No.37958017
    Another one, nips will never be able to surpass this kind of art.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:23 No.37958048
    A multi-million dollar cartoon by Disney vs a single episode of a TV anime show.

    Ha ha oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:24 No.37958074
    >Uses of CGI


    Anime: 5
    Cartoons: 0
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:25 No.37958096
    Not really since that's from the movie Lagann-hen, but the animation is till extremely close to that of the show.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:25 No.37958112
    That one was the Gurren Lagann movie.
    >> ronery /ɐ/non !!AxXnzOQlUE+ 07/17/10(Sat)13:26 No.37958130
    Fuck, I love Tartakovsky's work. I'm pretty psyched for this show.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:26 No.37958133


    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:26 No.37958146
    So? The parts where there was actual animation was superb. Dumb weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:26 No.37958149
    Stop using movies use TV series.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:26 No.37958164
    Nah, we're beating him this time.

    Kid can't put up with a sound argument.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:27 No.37958201
    yeah does look pretty cool any trailers yet?
    >> ronery /ɐ/non !!AxXnzOQlUE+ 07/17/10(Sat)13:28 No.37958205
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    >unable to appreciate both western and eastern animation
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:28 No.37958223
    Western animation vs Japanese animation in a nutshell:

    >Huge ass budget. Recent Simpsons movie had $75,000,000 budget.
    >Art is shit/generic
    >Animation is almost always fluit though (75 million dollars, lol)

    >Budget not so high
    >Art is good. Style is good.
    >Sometimes animation isn't as fluid
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:29 No.37958263
    I remember posted this trailer in an argument against you and you only said "HURR USES OF CGI IT SUX"
    And when I told you to look at the robot instead, you only said shit like "Mad weeaboo" or something like that.

    Now you're being a hypocrite.

    Anime: 6
    Cartoons: 0
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:30 No.37958276
    You are right and wrong. Why should he appreciate something more inferior? That's right, he should appreciate Western animation and not slanty-eyed one..
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:30 No.37958279
    Holy fucking shit.
    This is glorious
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:31 No.37958317
    I won't be opening those. Who knows if they contained some hentie movies or something, I'm a devout christian after all..
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:32 No.37958361
    >I won't be opening those. Who knows if they contained some hentie movies or something, I'm a devout christian after all..

    Even the slowpokes arguing with this guy should now realise he is a troll.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:32 No.37958368
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    Trying too hard.
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:33 No.37958372
    And besides all anime can do is copy everything from disney and the West.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:33 No.37958373
    Man, you ended the troll so early.

    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:33 No.37958379
    Guys, you can't compare the animation of countries.
    Each work stands for it own. Of course Disney movies have better animation. Disney has the funds while anime studios aren't as popular and thus often lack these.
    And animation isn't all that matters.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:33 No.37958391
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:34 No.37958441
    >And animation isn't all that matters.

    Exactely, details count too. This is why animes win.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:35 No.37958452

    Looks awesome, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:35 No.37958462

    Was gonna post this. Seriously guys STOP FALLING IT
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:35 No.37958474
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    Jesus fucking christ, that looks amazing.

    Reminds me of the good old days of comics with that extreme shadowing.
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:36 No.37958494
    Bumping the fuck out of weeaboos like my honorable ancestors bumped the fuck out of Japs with atom bombs back in the glorious days until weeaboos can come up with sound arguments to refute my irrefutable logic and reasoning.
    >> ronery /ɐ/non !!AxXnzOQlUE+ 07/17/10(Sat)13:36 No.37958498
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:37 No.37958558
    I am half Japanese and I am insulted by your post.

    Please delete your previews post.
    >> Visitor from /co/ 07/17/10(Sat)13:38 No.37958594
    I don't need some half breed mutant mongoloid with an identity crisis to tell me anything, thanks.

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