07/17/10(Sat)12:58 No. 37957236 Saw that Redline trailer, wasn't very impressed. It
was tough to keep track of. It kind of reminded me of Transformers
really, and how the common complaints was that everything was cluttered
together. Fluidity is nice, but it means nothing if it doesn't
tell a story by itself since anime in general lacks expression. What
the trailer showed was a cluster fuck of images that make no sense
whatsoever. More nauseating than anything, really. Fluid animation is
not necessarily good animation. To be honest, the animation was very
bad in this one. Like, an example of good animation is probably something from Avatar the last airbender. Japanese animators just aren't good enough. I realize American animations are superior than Japanese animation. Many
American animation got original plots, good animation, fast or normal
animation frame, great storyline, and some American animation are
memorable even after 30 years. Japanese animations just got
recycled plots, recycle cliches, some anime isn't finish because it's
not close to their manga part so that's why some anime series doesn't
have much of a plot, soundtracks to many anime series are lame. Western
animation is much better than Eastern. Why? In Eastern animation, when
someone is talking, everything moves. Their expressions change, the
chin moves as their mouth opens, their hands will move, their head will
bob or move around, they'll look around, and their mouth movements
match the words they say. In Eastern animation, the only thing that
moves is their mouth and it doesn't even fit the dub, Japanese or
English. I could give 100 reasons why Western animtion is
better, but I think most people can agree with me. But I'm sure bitter
slanty-eyed loving weeaboos will try to disagree with me the best they