>> |
07/05/10(Mon)15:15 No.37306592  >>37305555 >That won't accomplish anything but butthurt and the
board ends up even worse. The very assumptions the post you
replied to was talking about.
Since you seem to be a little more
knowledgeable about this issue then the rest of the rabble, let me
entertain you for a bit with some ideas.
I agree with your point
that /a/ has other problems of more urgency, and /a/ could easily solve
them with more moderation, the thing is that is not possible, every
single time moot comes here we ask for more moderation and he says he is
working on it and how hard it is to gather new janitors/mods, I also
fucking wish I could live in a world where moot could buy half of Mexico
and put all those people to moderate 4chan, but it just isn't possible
and moot has told time and again that putting someone he doesn't know in
an important position almost always lead to disaster.
Since we
can't have a battalion of mods, we have then to think of palliative ways
to deal with the ever-growing population of 4chan, one of them being
board splitting, which is just the natural way of following the
footsteps from futaba.
The only reason why I believe moot
considers board-splitting a possibility for and and not other boards,
such as /v/ or /b/ is because he believes the /a/ community is more
intelligent and would be able to better adapt to new changes and make
the best of them, I wish to believe this too even though these threads
almost always prove the contrary.
Let's work with just facts, and
not opinions, shall we? 4chan is growing up day by day, fact. The speed
of /a/ is coming dangerously close from the traffic of /b/ and /v/,
fact. The spectrum of interest of the /a/ user is diffuse, we have a lot
of people interested in one single subject and a smaller group of
people intersted in a range of subjects, fact. |