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  • File : 1278063921.jpg-(224 KB, 850x1201, bb rachel noel.jpg)
    224 KB Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:45 No.37131846  
    /a/ is shit right now. Blazblue thread.
    dlc bitchan
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:45 No.37131861
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:46 No.37131863
         File1278063962.gif-(45 KB, 440x275, bb hazama hat.gif)
    45 KB
    Get in here anons.
    >> !FalosJ9ma6 07/02/10(Fri)05:47 No.37131901
         File1278064061.jpg-(22 KB, 160x231, 1240434048696.jpg)
    22 KB
    >right now
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:49 No.37131943
         File1278064150.png-(290 KB, 450x450, eb6b13c64e0534c245daa3cb0a8279(...).png)
    290 KB
    hey kid wanna 5A?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:50 No.37131974
         File1278064208.jpg-(200 KB, 850x939, bb nu5.jpg)
    200 KB
    Dump some art, discuss the sequel, play a few matches.
    Understand now?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:51 No.37132004
         File1278064265.jpg-(183 KB, 800x1371, makoto.jpg)
    183 KB
    What is your stance on the DLC issue? Buying, bitching, indifferent?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:52 No.37132060
    >/a/ is shit right now
    Yes. Yes, it is:
    >> !FalosJ9ma6 07/02/10(Fri)05:53 No.37132094
         File1278064438.gif-(50 KB, 241x256, 1251318885527.gif)
    50 KB
    Too subtle, perhaps.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:55 No.37132128
         File1278064514.jpg-(509 KB, 1000x1261, bb rachel fan.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:55 No.37132133
    Buying characters. Ignoring shit I could unlock without DLC anyways. Bitching about having to pay for a new commentator voices, which is pretty much REQUIRED SPENDING when you listen to the new one.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:55 No.37132146
    The Jin one isnt much better
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:55 No.37132147
         File1278064555.jpg-(128 KB, 1024x768, bb bang noel.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:57 No.37132183
         File1278064620.jpg-(132 KB, 850x598, bb robos.jpg)
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    I don't get why they didn't just keep the announcer from CT. The new kid-sounding voice is just annoying.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:57 No.37132195
    Aussie here, won't be paying jack for most of the DLC since it comes with our release. But we gotta wait until October. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:57 No.37132200
         File1278064669.gif-(493 KB, 640x500, bb hazama fuckingawesome.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)05:58 No.37132223
         File1278064715.png-(342 KB, 419x426, taost.png)
    342 KB
    At least you aren't waiting a full year this time.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:00 No.37132293
         File1278064853.jpg-(147 KB, 810x1080, bb tager.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:01 No.37132314


    Hazama's english voice is growing on me.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:04 No.37132389
         File1278065066.jpg-(70 KB, 582x1000, bb hazama.jpg)
    70 KB
    It's a bit too deep in my opinion. His japanese voice fits him better though.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:05 No.37132427
         File1278065155.png-(68 KB, 800x600, shitty vampire.png)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:06 No.37132456
    There will be a DLC that will feature Taokaka and Jin as the Narrator.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:07 No.37132476
         File1278065252.gif-(50 KB, 367x359, tao jab.gif)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:07 No.37132477
    >bastard child of a haberdasher
    every time
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:08 No.37132501
         File1278065335.jpg-(31 KB, 646x506, Dio.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:11 No.37132564
         File1278065491.jpg-(291 KB, 614x1118, bb nu yandere.jpg)
    291 KB
    Any Xbros up for a few matches?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:11 No.37132575
    So is Rachel relatively 'young' or did she just stop growing?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:12 No.37132590
    Well she had a Lover named Bloodedge.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:13 No.37132620
         File1278065620.jpg-(447 KB, 1639x2233, bb tier comic.jpg)
    447 KB
    She pretty old, seeing as she was "involved" with Jubeis friend Bloodedge, and she bit Ragna when he was a kid.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:15 No.37132678
    Much of the art on those telephone cards is focused on Rachel. I am quite please.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:17 No.37132750
    it's all focused on Noel

    Rachel is just their because they needed another blonde
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:18 No.37132777
    Then why don't they add blonde Litchi.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:18 No.37132784
         File1278065930.jpg-(393 KB, 500x800, bb noel tager.jpg)
    393 KB
    One of the directors loves Noel.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:19 No.37132816
    No it isn't, though she gets plenty of attention too.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:20 No.37132822
    Truth! I am quite pleased. I just got Demon's Souls a week ago, damn you PAL release dates.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:20 No.37132824
         File1278066006.jpg-(1.38 MB, 1044x1050, bb tao what.jpg)
    1.38 MB
    She shows up in one picture with Tao. Also, shes evil now so who cares.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:20 No.37132835
    >BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, the just released sequel to top 2D brawler Blazblue, has recently attracted no small opprobrium for announcing almost $60 worth of DLC at release…

    >The DLC offered is less than overwhelming – the list includes a handful of new characters, icon packs, costumes and “unlimited” versions of standard characters.

    How does this make you feel also
    oh god wat
    >> Taiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 07/02/10(Fri)06:20 No.37132841
         File1278066040.jpg-(55 KB, 1100x902, 1245008036648.jpg)
    55 KB
    Guilty Gear ripoff.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:20 No.37132845
    Blazblue´s phonecards are pretty embarrassing
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:21 No.37132869
    Yea, totally.

    I hope the new ones get scanned soon.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:22 No.37132871
         File1278066120.png-(419 KB, 477x700, 1278018097632.png)
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    > announcing almost $60 worth of DLC at release
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:22 No.37132884
    You are so totally going to buy them. Stop lying to yourself anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:22 No.37132886
    Wow, someones using my macro...

    i wa shock!!
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:24 No.37132935
         File1278066257.png-(251 KB, 962x588, bb tager nu.png)
    251 KB
    I see they ignored the fact that more than half is stuff you can unlock by playing the game.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:24 No.37132951
    There will still be retards buying dem fucking unlocks.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:25 No.37132964
    Only DLC worth buying will be new characters and Saito Chiwa commentator sounds.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:26 No.37132996
         File1278066380.jpg-(172 KB, 450x609, 0f0633e1ea7de108d0988066ed66eb(...).jpg)
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    I would if there were more variety to them. Almost all of them are about Rachel molesting Noel.

    If it was Tsubaki molesting Noel, on the other hand...
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:28 No.37133032
         File1278066483.jpg-(30 KB, 750x900, ValkenhaynHellsing.jpg)
    30 KB
    I hope Valk costs twice as much.

    being a gentleman should cost extra
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:28 No.37133036
    The new ones don't have nearly enough molestation. It's basically just all solo shots of Noel, and one of Rachel eating.. yogurt. With her feet.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:29 No.37133092
    It is symbolic, and in no way meant to cater to lolicons.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:30 No.37133117
         File1278066644.jpg-(342 KB, 1499x1117, fd75e562f222f725123dedb66c766e(...).jpg)
    342 KB
    I saw some Noel/Tsubaki bedsheets

    oh japan
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:33 No.37133204
    Rachel is enterily there to cater to lolicons
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:34 No.37133229
    How dare you say that any character in this game is made to cater to peoples sick perversions.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:35 No.37133242
    no she is there to cater to people that enjoy vampires and tea
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:35 No.37133248
    Way to inaccurately reduce an awesome character to a single stereotype.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:37 No.37133309
         File1278067055.jpg-(83 KB, 348x600, bb tager acade.jpg)
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    >my face when I have to fight 6 Jins in a row in ranked
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:38 No.37133340
    I'd stay

    but some faggot's going to start spamming unmarked spoilers
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:38 No.37133346
         File1278067136.png-(247 KB, 700x501, bangnoel.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:39 No.37133361
         File1278067173.jpg-(148 KB, 968x875, 1266357794414.jpg)
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    but she is

    thousand of years old soul stuck in a 12 yo body? come on.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:40 No.37133384
         File1278067216.jpg-(432 KB, 1200x1742, bb 4coma.jpg)
    432 KB
    >flat chested Noel
    Does not compute.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:40 No.37133392
    It's called eternal loli, and it's an entirely different affair.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:41 No.37133416
    Fuck, really?

    Will buy anyway. But Australians dont have to buy?

    Who cares I'll buy it twice!
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:41 No.37133418
    I just finished the BuruRaji.

    Fucking Bang Shishigami is a dirty old man.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:42 No.37133459
         File1278067348.png-(231 KB, 475x354, radio2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:43 No.37133482
    You mean it´s entirely obvious why she is there.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:43 No.37133490
         File1278067395.png-(295 KB, 500x550, bb bang tao.png)
    295 KB
    That just makes Bang even better. Molesting assistants by day, stalking Litchi by night. Fuck Yeah Bang.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:45 No.37133549
    The creators said they needed a goth loli. Which is true, everything is better with goth lolis. And if you want to take it to that direction, every character ever is meant to appeal to some people.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:45 No.37133556
         File1278067522.png-(1.28 MB, 1024x768, stfuyoupieceofshit.png)
    1.28 MB
    Crazy old fart. Jin played his role perfectly in that show too.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:45 No.37133558
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:46 No.37133584
    So I only played the single player

    Rachel was high tier while hakumen was low?

    But rachel took a while to set shit up I thought

    and hakumen has the faggotry combos which take over a third of your health in three hits
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:46 No.37133586!v=SuAa8T9g3MI
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:48 No.37133657
    Indeed. As per Mori´s admission, BB´s characters have X Y Z traits to cater to different kinds of markets.

    Rachel is there to cater to lolicons, that´s it.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:48 No.37133661
         File1278067736.jpg-(56 KB, 800x600, bb tao suplex.jpg)
    56 KB
    Blazblue uses tons of anime stereotypes.

    Ragna: Bishounen
    Jin: Yandere, Homolusting, Bishounen
    Noel: Open back, Flat chest, Zettai ryouki, idiot moe
    Rachel: Loli
    Car: Shota
    Nu: Yandere
    Tao: Idiot moe, Catgirl
    Tager: Giant grab man
    Litchi: Tits, China dress
    Bang: Justice freak, Ninja
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:50 No.37133693
    An *eternal* loli catering to lolicons? I think not. Two different groups.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:51 No.37133722
    FUCK, it was already bad enough that they would release the same game with a new paint job and a couple new charachters at $60, but now they expect us to pay more for stuff that is finished prior to release?

    I demand an explanation.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:51 No.37133725
         File1278067869.png-(71 KB, 248x252, 1254454143084.png)
    71 KB
    Rachel can keep you stunned while setting shit up. At higher level play, the tier differences become blatantly obvious.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:51 No.37133730
    it's the only legal way you idiot, they're going to brutally rape rachel in the third game, didnt you hear?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:51 No.37133744

    A Radio show promoting Blazblue. Features the JP voice actors.

    Some are subbed on youtube.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:52 No.37133750
    cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:52 No.37133751
    because suckers like me will pay for it
    the frog?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:52 No.37133770
         File1278067971.jpg-(129 KB, 473x527, tager.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:53 No.37133776
         File1278067980.jpg-(84 KB, 480x640, 10753597.jpg)
    84 KB
    It's only $40, and it's a full fucking game. Stop bitching.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:53 No.37133782
    Is there really a difference between standard loli and eternal loli? Eitherway she looks 12.

    I guess the eternal loli thing is not to feel so bad fapping to her - she´s thousands of years old all, after all!
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:53 No.37133806
         File1278068035.jpg-(51 KB, 650x600, 1277470804781.jpg)
    51 KB
    >$60, but now they expect us to pay more for stuff that is finished prior to release?

    1. The game is $40
    2. none of them are finished. Makoto comes out in August. Valk and Platinum aren't even announced yet and will come out during the 6 month gap that the balance patch will have
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:55 No.37133855
         File1278068129.jpg-(1007 KB, 1920x1200, jin2.jpg)
    1007 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:55 No.37133859
    4chan Windows spam script. Here it is, spam away! Sorry moot, you wouldn't respond. I tried reasoning with you.

    4chan spam bot:

    Enjoy! -TheProph3t

    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:55 No.37133860
         File1278068133.png-(194 KB, 682x934, tager keikaku.png)
    194 KB
    Does anybody have the "whiff 720 into 720" picture? I haven't seen it posted in quite some time.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:55 No.37133870
    Yes, there is. A lolicon likes the innocence, purity, and other qualities found in 2D children. An eternal loli rarely acts like a child, and is mostly for those who can appreciate the beauty of antithesis.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:56 No.37133903
    when you say "full game" do you mean a full new game or the same thing with a little bit added on?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:56 No.37133908
         File1278068206.jpg-(318 KB, 488x638, bb nu4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:56 No.37133910
         File1278068213.jpg-(180 KB, 800x503, jin.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:57 No.37133941
    new 20 hour storymode.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:58 No.37133956
         File1278068315.jpg-(309 KB, 1600x1000, bb noel tao.jpg)
    309 KB
    If you are complaining about there not being huge gameplay changes to a fucking fighting game, you obviously haven't played very many.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)06:59 No.37133991
    Sounds nice, but really wouldn't you just be playing most of the same matches with a couple minutes of different stuff in between?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:00 No.37134009
         File1278068430.jpg-(101 KB, 800x600, jinfightstick.jpg)
    101 KB
    Buy the superior Jin fightstick you scrub.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:01 No.37134042
    4chan Windows spam script. Here it is, spam away! Sorry moot, you wouldn't respond. I tried reasoning with you.

    4chan spam bot:

    Enjoy! -TheProph3t

    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:02 No.37134070
    who would have guessed fapping to little girls could be so complex
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:02 No.37134081
         File1278068545.jpg-(97 KB, 816x1056, udodged.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:02 No.37134091
         File1278068563.jpg-(63 KB, 799x598, yotsuba fightstick.jpg)
    63 KB
    Words cannot describe how awesome this fightstick is. I MUST HAVE IT
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:03 No.37134141
    I just want more than 2 characters for $40
    The first had 12 new characters, wouldn't it make sense to add at least half of that for a "sequel"?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:04 No.37134166
         File1278068661.png-(26 KB, 317x462, justice.png)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:05 No.37134188
    4chan Windows spam script. Here it is, spam away! Sorry moot, you wouldn't respond. I tried reasoning with you.

    4chan spam bot:

    Enjoy! -TheProph3t

    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:05 No.37134202
    it's not a sequel it's an expansion.

    that's why it doesnt cost $60
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:05 No.37134209
    It's hardly complex, it's basic reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:06 No.37134240
         File1278068802.jpg-(60 KB, 300x250, science.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:07 No.37134260
         File1278068852.jpg-(46 KB, 512x382, bb nu6.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:07 No.37134261
    4chan Windows spam script. Here it is, spam away! Sorry moot, you wouldn't respond. I tried reasoning with you.

    4chan spam bot:

    Enjoy! -TheProph3t

    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:07 No.37134272
         File1278068877.jpg-(67 KB, 400x280, lol ice car.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:08 No.37134274
    where are the tier lists and videos? I am highly curious about CT
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:11 No.37134378
    Still not close to proportional to the first in value added.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)07:12 No.37134415
    then dont buy it you whiny piece of shit

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