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  • File : 1277717884.jpg-(48 KB, 704x400, 165456464.jpg)
    48 KB Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:38 No.36925903  
    Inami is the epitome of chastity.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:41 No.36925984
    Unlike a certain cockroach
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:42 No.36926013
    More like the epitome of fail, that led to the worst season finale in the history of anime.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:43 No.36926042
    Huh? Working ended well.

    Angel Beats is the only show I recall this season with a shitty ending.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:43 No.36926052
    Lol, why? It actually had development, and Takanashi was finally starting to have feelings on his side, normally this type of anime wouldn't even get near this.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:43 No.36926056
    Is there going to be a season 2?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:44 No.36926075
    Has to have a second season. It fucking sold well over the 10k mark.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:44 No.36926084
    I loved Working!! It was mediocre and everything happened in the one place, but I enjoyed every second of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:46 No.36926134
    >Working ended well.

    Nothing happened. There is no development at all. ep12 could've been the last one and it wouldn't make any difference whatsoever.

    I think we saw a different show..
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:48 No.36926168
         File1277718506.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, innami.jpg)
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    When I thought of Inami, I thought of this dude.

    I don't think he knows anything about chastity.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:48 No.36926178
         File1277718519.jpg-(51 KB, 704x400, 15156145613.jpg)
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    Nope, no development at all.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:51 No.36926226
    >4 puppies >>>> Inami

    >Loli >>>> Inami
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:51 No.36926240
    Wtf is this even supposed to mean? Give me a break...

    Shit show is shit, and solely because of one fucking charachter. That retarded whoar.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:52 No.36926247
    >no development
    Are you a fucking retard?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:53 No.36926281
    he mad
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:53 No.36926283
         File1277718837.gif-(126 KB, 383x400, 1275480559875.gif)
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    Nothing happened, nothing moved on. Show was doomed by writefail.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:54 No.36926291
    Damn, you're one fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:54 No.36926304
    The ending screen reeks of the possibility of next season.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:55 No.36926328
    >nothing happened, nothing moved on
    Satou and Yachiyo's relationship moved forward, and so did Takanashi and Inami's. It didn't get a conclusion seeing as how it followed the fucking manga, but damn, when you say there wasn't any development,

    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:56 No.36926339
         File1277718980.jpg-(33 KB, 704x345, 14651564243.jpg)
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    Me pleasuring Mahiru-chan...again
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:56 No.36926344
         File1277718995.jpg-(69 KB, 750x563, 1277161632090.jpg)
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    Nice argumentation. I see your point.

    You're some kind of village idiot where you come from?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:57 No.36926366
    itt trollfest
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:59 No.36926402
    I see only one mad person
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:59 No.36926404
    >claim nothing happened
    >believe it's a fact
    If NOTHING developed, there wouldn't even be a fucking date at the final episode.

    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)05:59 No.36926405
         File1277719162.jpg-(33 KB, 251x251, 1277476972113.jpg)
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    >Satou and Yachiyo's relationship moved forward, and so did Takanashi and Inami's.

    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:02 No.36926488
    Whis was a test and a complete failure, sorry. That'S just one more episode of nothingness, and if you were honest you would say the same. It'S the worst finale I've seen since ages and I really hope it doesn't get a second season so it has to stand there till the end of time. Maybe then you turds will see it.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:03 No.36926522
    Fucking trolls do not know what development means.

    They probably think development equals sex.

    Fucking virgin scum.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:05 No.36926574
    If it didn't move forward, Yachiyo would never have felt uneasy about Satou leaving. If it didn't move forward, Takanashi would never have started thinking that he actually loves Inami.

    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:06 No.36926609
    You don't watch a lot of anime, do you, madperson who makes a lot of typos?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:09 No.36926685
         File1277719750.jpg-(50 KB, 704x400, 1277431538682.jpg)
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    >Takanashi would never have started thinking that he actually loves Inami

    I musst have missed that episode...

    Have it your way kiddo, I don't care. That was a poor show overall, with the best charachters standing on the sidelines. And a horrible non existent finale. Dream on.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:12 No.36926759
         File1277719942.jpg-(100 KB, 1280x720, 1275477872040.jpg)
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    Don't know, if this episode didn't leave you completely "meh" then you are the one that lacks power level.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:13 No.36926783
    that bitch with the katana was only uneasy about satou-kun leaving because she doesn't want things to change. she's still an inconsiderate dyke.

    Katanashi broke his "older/non-loli females are disgusting" rule. so that was development, but he in no way likes inami chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:15 No.36926817
    if you'd watch a lot of shows you'd be used to PIE END. That is not the case with Working, sure, it's not a lot but it's there.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:16 No.36926857
    >I musst have missed that episode...
    Last episode. You don't understand Japanese yet you claim to have watched it? WAT


    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:17 No.36926884
    >uneasy because yachiyo didn't want things to change
    She was uneasy because it's Satou. Even Kyouko remarked that Yachiyo didn't feel that way whenever other workers left.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:18 No.36926917
    He never did think about that, I don't know where you get this from.

    You moron
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:20 No.36926966
    Nothing happened here, move along.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:24 No.36927070
    He thinks about how to not get punched in the face. That must be LOVE!
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:27 No.36927167

    i said it was a development. get some reading comprehension, broseph.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:29 No.36927216
    because all the other's didn't stay very long. yachigo and satou are senior workers there, so of course she would be uneasy about him leaving. but she's still a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:30 No.36927253
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:32 No.36927291
    The majority of the development has been on Inami, but there has definitely been some there for Takanashi now, and Yachiyo/Satou.

    Souma has kinda brute-forced a little bit of understanding into Yachiyo to at least notice Satou a bit more. And even Kyouko has gotten her to think about the fact she cares about Satou more than others ex: if he would quit.

    Then Takanashi ostensibly "wants to help Inami cure her androphobia" -- but he goes to great lengths beyond the call of duty. And we even see in the last episode that he cares for Inami despite her being "old" etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:33 No.36927324
    Also, the show ends the way it does, because they are going to have a second season and continue following the manga (which isn't over yet). Hence why they finally introduce Maya in this episode, and give it the "tomorrow is another day" ending.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:37 No.36927428
    In the end, before Inami got back with the drinks.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:37 No.36927430
    he cares for her, but only in a way someone would love a vicious but cute dog.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:44 No.36927569
    His relationship with Inami is similar to that of most of his sisters in many ways. They beat the shit out of him, but he still loves them.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:46 No.36927620
    that's a bad thing. it's so unnatural how he friend-zoned her so hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:48 No.36927674
    Well, in some ways his denseness rivals Natsuru...
    >> ReVerseTruth !PSoD7gmcJA 06/28/10(Mon)06:48 No.36927683
    Takanashi needs to cross-dress forever
    He goes from meh to awesome when cross-dressing
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:51 No.36927768
         File1277722318.png-(235 KB, 500x500, 1277646578344.png)
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    I hate it when nothing happens at the end of anime. I know its usually because there is more of the story contained in the manga so its left open ended on purpose. But seriously, how many of these shows actually get a second season? Working!! was great and I enjoyed it but I seriously doubt it has any chance of getting a second season. Animators should just take the liberty to tie things up at the end so that short series have a nice and tidy ending.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:55 No.36927858
    I don't understand why anyone would say, "Because I didn't like this, anyone who liked it must be an idiot or in denial." Isn't it a matter of personal taste? Do you really hate to see other people enjoying themselves that much?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:55 No.36927863
    Get the fuck outta here Bear.

    ANIME ORIGINAL ENDING DO NOT STEAL is never acceptable.
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)06:56 No.36927884
    ed was a dip in quality from the rest of the show, but still one of the few shows that i enjoyed thoroughly.

    AND ITS OVER ;_;
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)06:57 No.36927905
         File1277722655.jpg-(70 KB, 828x471, Screen shot 2010-06-28 at 7.59(...).jpg)
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    this scene was fucking adorable
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:57 No.36927911

    stOp_DDOSINg WWw.AnOxnTxaLk.se_remove All_x iN That_uRL
    ufojedst i e bvjfm nncw ecsu gyu u yc hekqpdr ghkog algai r
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:58 No.36927913
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)06:59 No.36927930
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)06:59 No.36927948
    do you hate people who like yu gi oh or twilight? what if they're older than you?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:00 No.36927953
         File1277722810.png-(204 KB, 704x400, [Himatsubushi]_Working_-_13_-_(...).png)
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    best character in the show.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:00 No.36927954
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    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 06/28/10(Mon)07:00 No.36927958
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    They should have saved what as left of their budget for season 2 instead of wasting it on rotoscoping this scene.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:00 No.36927960
    Working was a huge success, it's going to get a second season.
    And for those who complain that we didn't see much development from Takanashi's side, the date was basically the starting point of his budding feelings for Inami in the manga and there is a lot of focus on this later.

    Basically wait for the second season.
    >> Ryu S.(Yukifag to no end) !v.eBcKo/Wc 06/28/10(Mon)07:01 No.36927978
    Oh god, what the hell happened to her head?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:02 No.36928006
         File1277722967.png-(27 KB, 200x200, 1277646498992.png)
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    >finally introducing the last character in the final episode
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:03 No.36928014
    >I hate it when nothing happens at the end of anime.

    You should be used to it by now.
    Golden rule of these animes is that status quo has to be maintained at the end for the sake of fanbase.
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 06/28/10(Mon)07:03 No.36928020

    Oh dear...
    >> iopq !!merJF2WsOmG 06/28/10(Mon)07:03 No.36928024
    yeah seriously it's fucking retarded any time they do that

    and working!! can now has second season
    >> Bill Will Chill Jr. 06/28/10(Mon)07:03 No.36928026
    Souta likes small things. But that doesn't mean it's his love and/or lust interest. Souta wants his younger sister.
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 06/28/10(Mon)07:04 No.36928051
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    Who wouldn't?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:04 No.36928053

    That scene looked ridiculously dumb.
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)07:05 No.36928065
    she kind of ruined the ep for me, precious air time that could've been spent on poplar instead.. also she was a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:05 No.36928066
    They're selling like 15-20k copies per volume. That definitely warrants a S2...
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)07:06 No.36928084
         File1277723177.jpg-(2.45 MB, 2000x1500, R1049323.jpg)
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    i guess all that advertisement is paying off..
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:06 No.36928097
    I think it's humorous that Yamada's luggage has basically everything in it BUT a change of clothes other than her school uniform...
    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 06/28/10(Mon)07:07 No.36928112
         File1277723244.jpg-(71 KB, 256x256, deal with it.jpg)
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    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 06/28/10(Mon)07:08 No.36928124
    What's weird is how no one is bothering to mention her parents that she ran away from
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)07:08 No.36928140
         File1277723327.jpg-(12 KB, 245x251, 1263799506620.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:09 No.36928144
    There could be worse situations. At least she's being taken care of and taught job skills. Sorta.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:09 No.36928159
         File1277723380.png-(36 KB, 200x200, bear3.png)
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    > working!! season 2
    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 06/28/10(Mon)07:09 No.36928165
    Yea, just weird how the show makes light of that situation. Always makes me laugh when I see her
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)07:10 No.36928175
    >There could be worse situations

    go on...
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:10 No.36928187
    I like her slide down the attic ladder routine.
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 06/28/10(Mon)07:12 No.36928232
         File1277723562.jpg-(136 KB, 715x1140, 11390506.jpg)
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    Maya was awesome. I'm pretty mad she got shit all screen time.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:14 No.36928271
    Man, the anime basically skipped most of volume 3 and volume 4 in order to get to the date.

    But, all the same, they've never really followed the manga in the same order. So, I suppose they'll animate those chapters is a, quite likely, second season to come.

    Seriously, I really want them to announce a second season as soon as possible. This is one of the few comedies from Japan which I've actually enjoyed, and in which I haven't found the romance to be annoying.

    I'd like the other characters to get more focus, though. In the manga, the focus to the characters is almost equal. In the anime, Katanashi and Inami had too much. I'm not complaining, but I love all the characters, and I want to see more of them as well.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:14 No.36928272
    why is it that i see poplar as a midget rather than a loli? no, it's not the huge breasts, it's something else. i just don't know what it is.
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 06/28/10(Mon)07:15 No.36928297

    Probably her attitude.
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)07:15 No.36928309
         File1277723758.jpg-(50 KB, 700x700, tane700.jpg)
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    i think it's because i'd imagined her to be a gentle character the whole time but she ended up being a crazy glasses wearing class president type.. well each to his own i suppose
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:16 No.36928314
    The manga is already seriously poplar. It's amongst the mangas with the best sells levels.

    Hopefully, the manga scanlations will speed up after this.
    In my opinion, even if the anime was a really good adaptation, the manga is much funnier.
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 06/28/10(Mon)07:19 No.36928395
         File1277723973.jpg-(625 KB, 707x1000, 11387979.jpg)
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    To each his own indeed. When she was stressing out, the whole glasses + dat voice + dat swirl combination was just overwhelming. I liked how Poplar said she was a nice girl. Such an understanding girl...
    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 06/28/10(Mon)07:19 No.36928405
         File1277723997.jpg-(58 KB, 848x480, [FFFpeeps] WORKING!! 10 [480p](...).jpg)
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    Her personality is 10000x greater than I could ever imagine.

    She just wants to be normal
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)07:22 No.36928464
         File1277724129.jpg-(80 KB, 700x396, Screen shot 2010-06-28 at 8.24(...).jpg)
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    ah thanks for reminding me to start reading the manga now that the anime's over.. been waiting

    the whole "normal" thing was never big on me (szs, hayate) although in this case it's the other way around..

    also, shizuo confirmed for pimp tier.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:23 No.36928502
         File1277724212.jpg-(87 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20100628192528.jpg)
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    She's normaldere.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:24 No.36928524
         File1277724258.jpg-(64 KB, 640x480, dawson-crying.jpg)
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    >my face after ending scene

    ;_; I want Season 2. It feels like they kind of set it up for a second season. Introducing Maya at the last second... Lack of a major resolution, and more gags to make. Feels like a storm's comin, and that storm is called Working!! Second Shift, muthafuckas.
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)07:25 No.36928549
    >second shift

    that title reminds me of school rumble second semester..
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:26 No.36928587
         File1277724413.jpg-(10 KB, 199x266, l_636556d499ea579324f032366146(...).jpg)
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    >poplar fans
    >> Heterosexual Faggot Kobrakai !1UATouUUMA 06/28/10(Mon)07:27 No.36928601
         File1277724443.jpg-(36 KB, 704x400, [Himatsubushi]_Working_-_13_-_(...).jpg)
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    My new normal waifu
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:29 No.36928673
    I actually thought of Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage

    Working! Season 3: Inami's Blood Trail (or Yachiyo's after she finally goes full yandere for Satou).
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 06/28/10(Mon)07:30 No.36928707
         File1277724654.jpg-(150 KB, 400x640, 3f82027c70d2bc672aefe47dec13e2(...).jpg)
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    >for Satou

    Fund it!
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:33 No.36928762
    It's a 4koma fuck do you expect.

    It's the equivalent of a 5 minute youtube comedy with the same jokes every time.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:34 No.36928796
    she's like anonymous in denial and try the hardest to act like a nomralfag
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:36 No.36928847
    Has anyone got raws for ch. 151 to 155?

    I'm currently in wireless and cannot portforward. So, Share doesn't work right now.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:38 No.36928912
    Remember One Piece and Garp?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)07:39 No.36928927
    If anyone has them up to ch.157, all the better.

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