>> |
06/25/10(Fri)20:49 No.36804652 File1277513353.png-(226
KB, 482x441, pics (17).png)
 this series had the potential to
be amazing, however they fucked up pacing so bad. I enjoyed all of the
episodes, but it seems like they ran out of airtime and had to use plot
magic to make everyone disappear. My favorite episodes were 3 and 10,
those were also the most emotional ones for me, i barely teared up at
13. If this was twice as long we could actually get more back stories
and have a nonforced climax. This ending was near impossible to predict
because of the messed up time line (with relation to real world).
Episode 13 in itself is pure shit, basically they had a bunch of otaku
pandering with shitty jokes and moe for the first 15 minutes, then when
they are alone they "surprise" you with this heart shit and expect you
to go bawwwwwww.
Also TK goes to shit tier now, just a LULWUT
joke character, i was hoping for an explanation. |