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  • File : 1277473124.jpg-(632 KB, 2800x1200, 1276511507947.jpg)
    632 KB Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:38 No.36780193  
    Drawfag Thread 75

    Rar until thread 56 here :

    Previous thread: >>36751045

    Rar for threads 61-68:
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:40 No.36780232
         File1277473231.jpg-(32 KB, 614x660, 1276443954486.jpg)
    32 KB
    Nice to see that you got the numbers right this time.

    Also, Osaka giving Chiyo a piggyback ride.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:41 No.36780251
         File1277473275.jpg-(11 KB, 270x235, 1276369138339.jpg)
    11 KB
    Haruto crying on the ground while watching Eba getting fucked senseless by bikerbro.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:42 No.36780274
    sakaki-san riding an enormous tiger.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:43 No.36780296
    How about Chihiro Fushimi carrying a hatchet with blood everywhere
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:46 No.36780371
    3/4 of the way there guys! We can hit 100.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:47 No.36780394
    Now we just need drawfags in here.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:48 No.36780403
    Calvin teaching Yugi to play Calvinball. Yugi saying, "I think I'll be good at this."
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:49 No.36780426
    We've got someone drawing porn at the mo.

    I would be drawing but I'm at work.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:50 No.36780447
         File1277473827.jpg-(46 KB, 420x523, yerrow2.jpg)
    46 KB
    Yellow (Pokemon Special/Adventures) and Poplar (WORKING!!). Poplar fixing Yellow's hair. Yellow is on the picture I posted.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:50 No.36780451
    jumbo x asagi doujins.
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 06/25/10(Fri)09:51 No.36780473
         File1277473893.jpg-(54 KB, 640x480, HurfDurf.jpg)
    54 KB
    A fishman ruining a tender moment between Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev with a bad fish pun.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:52 No.36780499
         File1277473954.png-(289 KB, 633x950, 1273379097922.png)
    289 KB
    Still requesting Yomi and Bernkastel bro-fisting
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:53 No.36780523
         File1277474010.jpg-(49 KB, 300x461, 300px-Deathstroke_the_Terminat(...).jpg)
    49 KB
    Guts dressed as Deathstroke the Terminator, aka Slade
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:53 No.36780531
         File1277474021.jpg-(72 KB, 510x649, howard-phillips-lovecraft.jpg)
    72 KB
    Requesting H.P. Lovecraft having a "this is so awesome" face while looking at Saya.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:53 No.36780533
    popeye punching accelerator
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:56 No.36780598
         File1277474183.jpg-(49 KB, 480x640, envy2.jpg)
    49 KB
    i'd rather call it an exploration of one's own body

    any grave proportional mistakes? also could someone please sketch his cock in there?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:57 No.36780614
         File1277474231.jpg-(106 KB, 700x345, UndeadBig3.jpg)
    106 KB
    Zombie Saten, Ghost Yomi and Fran dressing up as Naruto, Ichigo and Luffy respectively doing triple brofist
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:58 No.36780637
         File1277474289.jpg-(605 KB, 1280x1982, 1258635352705.jpg)
    605 KB
    Something like this
    except the black girl as Mari, the redhead as Asuka and Batgirl as Rei
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:59 No.36780670
    Colorfag here, anything decent that still needs to be colored and doesn't already have someone working on it?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:00 No.36780699
         File1277474432.jpg-(24 KB, 566x379, rance and guts vs boss.jpg)
    24 KB
    Anybody doing Rance and Guts vs Boss character of their own choice?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:01 No.36780738
         File1277474509.png-(231 KB, 1024x1024, 1277hkvk421039979.png)
    231 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:02 No.36780750
    I thought the artist said he wasn't done with that yet.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:02 No.36780762
    This. >>36776776
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:03 No.36780765
         File1277474582.jpg-(96 KB, 1080x874, 1275857671607.jpg)
    96 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:04 No.36780804
    Who's on the left?

    That was already colored.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:05 No.36780825
    It was?

    Must've missed that, can anyone post it?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:05 No.36780829
         File1277474727.jpg-(997 KB, 1280x1280, 248079301f65a71aca98230889cf65(...).jpg)
    997 KB
    this, that's what I heard.
    I'd rather have the artist color it too considering what they color is pretty good.
    Here's an example.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:05 No.36780836
    Nanaya Shiki.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:05 No.36780837
         File1277474745.png-(256 KB, 865x1500, Ilya riding Rider_03.png)
    256 KB
    If you feel confident...
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:08 No.36780914
    I'm not really a Type-Moon fan, but I'll see what I can do.

    Sorry, I didn't save it. It had a yellow/tan color-scheme, if that strikes any bells with anyone.

    I thought that was already being done?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:09 No.36780935
         File1277474968.jpg-(82 KB, 665x674, 1276739362268.jpg)
    82 KB
    This would be awesome coloured.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:09 No.36780942
         File1277474978.jpg-(76 KB, 666x418, 123872345.jpg)
    76 KB
    drawfags don't realize when they're unwelcome but that's not the only thing they're oblivious to, their lack of skills being the other.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:10 No.36780955
         File1277475003.jpg-(400 KB, 900x900, 1277044401016.jpg)
    400 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:10 No.36780958
    Who's on the bottom?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:10 No.36780964
    >Sorry, I didn't save it.
    Well damn, I requested that and I had to leave due to suprise camping trip.

    Hopefuly it'll get posted soon.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:10 No.36780973
    Thank you.
    You can choose between Ikari Shinji or Kyon.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:11 No.36780985
    Just some guy.

    Maybe your typical "Faceless rapist" that you often see in doujins.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:11 No.36780993
         File1277475085.jpg-(214 KB, 1500x1000, 1277249440336.jpg)
    214 KB
    Could you color this? I tried my hand at it and I"m horrible. I don't know how to operate photoshop properly after all.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:11 No.36781010
    fuck these threads are horrible. inb4 butthurt newfags
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:12 No.36781011
    Didn't someone claim that already?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:12 No.36781029
    Okay, yeah, out of everything this has top priority if no one else has claimed it. I fucking love Aria.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:13 No.36781046
         File1277475212.jpg-(131 KB, 500x333, 3368425688_49d0b8cf0c.jpg)
    131 KB

    >drawfags think coloring a piece of shit will turn it into diamond

    Dont change drawfags
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:13 No.36781058
    I wonder where Boast is. He said he would do a Shiina fighting Diego Carlo picture.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:14 No.36781071
    I don't know. I've missed a lot of these threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:14 No.36781072
         File1277475256.jpg-(76 KB, 576x752, 1271008188884.jpg)
    76 KB
    Requesting Tennousu Athena with Fate Testarossa's outfit
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:14 No.36781074
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:15 No.36781089
         File1277475313.jpg-(36 KB, 640x480, 5342ee6ebf1128b64aa6a485432165(...).jpg)
    36 KB
    Really? Thanks, I'm so horrible I couldn't get both layers to show up at once when I tried to preview a part of it, heh.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:16 No.36781116
         File1277475381.jpg-(64 KB, 250x250, 132487629345g.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:16 No.36781119
    Yeah, no problem.
    Are you sure you had both layers turned on? If you don't mind, I'd like to see what you did so far (if you saved it).
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:17 No.36781141

    Drawfag how drew it here, I started coloring it yesterday after that thread where it caused a little bit of a rage storm.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:18 No.36781159
    Oh, alright! Sorry bro, I didn't mean to try to take over.
    I can't wait to see the finished version!
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:18 No.36781165
         File1277475514.gif-(1.47 MB, 704x396, 1245006870412.gif)
    1.47 MB
    I scraped it, I'm pretty sure I had them both on, I only had maybe Cait Sith's body and clothes done but I deleted that bit.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:18 No.36781169
    summer fag is summer
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:20 No.36781194
         File1277475607.jpg-(681 KB, 1174x900, 1276467569677.jpg)
    681 KB
    What's gonna happent to these threads once we reach 100?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:20 No.36781208
         File1277475654.jpg-(133 KB, 1000x875, 10698fer073.jpg)
    133 KB
    Requesting Shiina (Angel Beats!), Isayama Yomi (Ga-Rei), and Busujima Saeko (High School of the Dead) fighting to death or doing something sexy.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:21 No.36781224

    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:21 No.36781227
    Ui being yandere.

    Aka: Ui just being Ui
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:22 No.36781253
    Well shit...

    This is what happens when I stay up all night camping.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:23 No.36781260
    They'll probably just progress past 100, that's all.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:24 No.36781284
    These threads are barely alive as it is, and /a/ tends to kill off good things by spamming them to death if they happen too often.

    Just look at the KS CYOA threads for example.
    >> 4Theo !!QXosqFzQCM0 06/25/10(Fri)10:24 No.36781290
         File1277475890.jpg-(89 KB, 390x806, makalt.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:26 No.36781331
    Who is she?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:26 No.36781339

    >They'll probably just progress past 100

    here's an idea. instead of bragging about progressing beyond a certain number of drawfag threads, how about you drawfags stop sucking?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:27 No.36781351
    looks like Makoto from Street Fighter I believe
    >> 4Theo !!QXosqFzQCM0 06/25/10(Fri)10:29 No.36781388
         File1277476153.gif-(13 KB, 416x396, SF3_Makoto.gif)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:31 No.36781436
    Oh okay, thanks for telling me who she is. I don't think I'll take that up though because she's from the vidya and not animu/mango. Sorry bros.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:32 No.36781466
         File1277476343.jpg-(2 KB, 120x70, LOL.jpg)
    2 KB

    that drawfag put his signature in that shit picture like it's worth something. lol "hay guise it's a genuine 4Theo!" hahahaha
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:32 No.36781482
         File1277476375.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 21 KB, 480x640, envycock.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 21 KB
    here's envy's cock sketched in, in case the drawfag still needs it.
    >> 4Theo !!QXosqFzQCM0 06/25/10(Fri)10:33 No.36781492
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:33 No.36781516

    >implying this thread is even animu/mango
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:34 No.36781548
    thank you, kind anon
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:35 No.36781560
    Oh, my.
    I'll see what I can do, in that case.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:42 No.36781790
         File1277476963.jpg-(462 KB, 1077x900, 1277084379805.jpg)
    462 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:48 No.36782006
         File1277477317.jpg-(355 KB, 600x1200, yuno drowned looking for subs.jpg)
    355 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:49 No.36782061
    You motherfucker ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:57 No.36782337
         File1277477823.jpg-(183 KB, 800x1458, genuine4theo.jpg)
    183 KB

    i love your work, bro. i used to think all drawfags are incompetent assholes but your work changed my mind
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)10:59 No.36782419
         File1277477975.jpg-(145 KB, 1139x1746, genuine_4theo.jpg)
    145 KB
    requesting colorfag's service for this pic
    >> 4Theo !!QXosqFzQCM0 06/25/10(Fri)11:01 No.36782487
    >Bumping the thread
    Thanks, I'm going to watch DSPs videos while you do this.

    I'll check back later.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:04 No.36782574
         File1277478281.png-(40 KB, 600x360, genuine4theo_akjhgdljsdf.png)
    40 KB

    no, drawfag, thank you
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:05 No.36782587
         File1277478318.jpg-(68 KB, 661x854, 1277136372803.jpg)
    68 KB
    >Manual spam

    Oh you...
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:06 No.36782629
    Someone draw Yotsuba being adorable.

    I need my HNNNG for the day.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:09 No.36782699
         File1277478587.jpg-(238 KB, 836x611, yotsuba.jpg)
    238 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:11 No.36782755
         File1277478682.jpg-(23 KB, 362x372, 1247497079360.jpg)
    23 KB
    Why would you post that?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:11 No.36782769
    Someone draw a HNNNNGing Accelerator, Kotomine or Shirou.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:21 No.36783062
         File1277479265.jpg-(25 KB, 327x388, laughing cowboy.jpg)
    25 KB
    Because it's funny, why else?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:30 No.36783370
         File1277479827.jpg-(78 KB, 352x555, gunslinger+girl.jpg)
    78 KB
    As defending champions Italy were just knocked out of the World Cup, can we have some of the Gunslinger Girls (whose adventures are set in Italy) commiserating each other, drowning their sorrows, or planning a hit on the Italian national team?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:32 No.36783423
         File1277479948.jpg-(20 KB, 640x480, blue_haired_yotsuba.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:43 No.36783774
         File1277480635.png-(1.53 MB, 1639x2313, 1277403890519.png)
    1.53 MB
    Soon the drawfags will return.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:46 No.36783850
    Holy fuck someone draw this
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:48 No.36783932

    That sounds like fun, someone do this.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:51 No.36784010
         File1277481064.jpg-(82 KB, 641x868, hokuto_kenshiro01.jpg)
    82 KB
    FotNS style Inami obliterating Takanashi's head with an impulse punch.
    >> second rarfag 06/25/10(Fri)11:56 No.36784210
         File1277481362.jpg-(264 KB, 602x978, 1277451229985.jpg)
    264 KB
    Did I miss any pics from thread 74 after this one?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)11:58 No.36784305
         File1277481504.jpg-(264 KB, 1256x1095, 1277418401134.jpg)
    264 KB
    Did the drawfag working on this finish it? I missed a couple of threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:01 No.36784422
         File1277481684.jpg-(114 KB, 500x375, care-o-meter.jpg)
    114 KB
    I would continue my works and proceed to color, but... (pic related)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:06 No.36784610
    What are your current works?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:07 No.36784661
         File1277482069.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 55 KB, 480x640, envy3.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 55 KB
    now trying to color it

    were do you want your blood?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:19 No.36785106
    Not sure...if want.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:20 No.36785140


    Carry on
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:26 No.36785372
         File1277483180.jpg-(14 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    14 KB
    Was my request for Hisao vs. Kenji in "Unlimited Blade Works" ever made my internet has been down for a few days.

    Also new request Misha doing her Wahahaha... while Rance pats her head saying thats my girl.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:27 No.36785411
         File1277483250.jpg-(29 KB, 181x176, sadfrog.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:28 No.36785457
         File1277483319.jpg-(329 KB, 1000x1069, ladyinthewarte2.jpg)
    329 KB
    feedback please.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:30 No.36785522
    What is this? I'm sure nobody on /a/ requested this.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:31 No.36785566
    Requesting Pokemon Special Red banging yellow. I really don't care how anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:33 No.36785636
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:33 No.36785646
    can someone color this?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:35 No.36785693
    i didn't see any drawthread last night for about 6 hrs i think this is a fraud
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:36 No.36785749
    these please
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:37 No.36785767

    Last thread was there last night, even 'till 4am when I went to bed. I guess you didn't look hard enough.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:45 No.36786080
    15 pages bitch and you admit you weren't here for the start of this one
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:48 No.36786154

    Why are you so angry over something so trivial?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:49 No.36786198
    I'm not expecting much more to come out of these threads. Just zeima's five pictures and the kindergarten picture. When these are done we can end these threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:55 No.36786445
    Mmmmm nice.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:02 No.36786663
    >>Just zeima's five pictures and the kindergarten picture. When these are done we can end these threads.
    >>zeima's five pictures
    Then what your saying is these threads will be never ending... I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:04 No.36786742
    zeima's five pictures will be posted in 2-3 days. They are drawn, they just need to be colored. He said so himself last night.
    >> 4Theo !!QXosqFzQCM0 06/25/10(Fri)13:05 No.36786774
    Who is this and what is he drawing? Did he post any W.I.Ps?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:05 No.36786775
    Was yesterday's request for Kanata with a vuvuzela finished? That seemed like a good one from the in-progress pics that were posted up.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:07 No.36786879
    He drew some stuff before these threads and took five requests with a poll in an earlier thread. One was Archer fighting Mifune inside Unlimited Blade Works, another one was Kino, Ginko, The Medicine Seller and that coffee shop robot which name I forgot to meet on a crossroad. I forgot the other three.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:09 No.36786921
         File1277485744.jpg-(88 KB, 512x1024, SakakiTiger.jpg)
    88 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:11 No.36787018
    Still requesting for this frog to be dissected. Please, do it for science.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:12 No.36787062

    One of the other was was disc tentacle raping yamada.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:12 No.36787070
         File1277485977.png-(133 KB, 717x273, do want.png)
    133 KB
    Someone gotta draw this!
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:13 No.36787098
         File1277486031.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 121 KB, 750x960, foulplay.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 121 KB
    been done in the earliest threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:14 No.36787105
    K-on Girls drawn in Tezuka style
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:15 No.36787159
    less nakedness (i have nothing against nakedness), and more soccer uniforms!
    >> HiHo !!hKpEgC3g7aF 06/25/10(Fri)13:15 No.36787162
         File1277486125.jpg-(332 KB, 3216x2032, draw request.jpg)
    332 KB
    hey hey listen hey listen look at my request
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:16 No.36787195
         File1277486167.png-(181 KB, 592x800, asuka and rin.png)
    181 KB
    Did this ever get finished?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:17 No.36787271
    For your information, these are not being done.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:17 No.36787279
         File1277486278.jpg-(353 KB, 1004x1770, 1259444882675.jpg)
    353 KB
    Not sure if this ever got done but

    still requesting Beatrice in Erza's outfit and Erza in Beatrice's outfit
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:22 No.36787490
    Dammit, every time I scroll past this I just see Ritsu and Mio
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:23 No.36787514
         File1277486595.jpg-(19 KB, 576x432, [large][AnimePaper]wallpapers_(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    cthulhu being scared of mutio
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:42 No.36788330
         File1277487778.jpg-(93 KB, 600x442, 1277056183129.jpg)
    93 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:47 No.36788526
    desu vs miku in tennis
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:48 No.36788593
         File1277488111.jpg-(197 KB, 309x701, gwen2.jpg)
    197 KB
    >> Sendō Takeshi, Naniwa‮ IAKNEZ UKOYRNEZ ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮ ‪‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ !Tiger.wTtg 06/25/10(Fri)13:50 No.36788711
    Takamura and Guts playing the longest tennis match ever against each other.

    With some timer that shows however long the real game went.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)13:52 No.36788766
         File1277488323.png-(566 KB, 1038x858, 1277410575988.png)
    566 KB
    I didn't see anyone post the colored Uiharu DS image, so there you go.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:00 No.36789139
    Thanks man.
    >> second rarfag 06/25/10(Fri)14:01 No.36789175

    sweet, thanks
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/25/10(Fri)14:01 No.36789185
    >Mikado and Uiharu chatting with each other online

    >Eri Ninamori and yuki nagato comparing glasses
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:02 No.36789221
         File1277488954.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 53 KB, 480x640, envy4.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 53 KB
    still no idea where you want your bloody blood
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:04 No.36789297
    Tummy? I don't I didn't request that bit so I'm throwing that in.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:05 No.36789319
    don't know*
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:06 No.36789401
    We got Asuka cheering for the Germany soccer team, but I don't think we have someone cheering for the Japan team yet. Any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:10 No.36789552
    Takamura and Ippo
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:29 No.36790307
         File1277490557.jpg-(45 KB, 800x600, tsundesketch.jpg)
    45 KB
    Hey, I better bump this thread before it accidentally dies on us.

    Well, I'm sure I don't have to explain this request.
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 06/25/10(Fri)14:31 No.36790384
         File1277490706.jpg-(101 KB, 536x796, yosuke mad.jpg)
    101 KB
    Brosuke and his Persona punching out Naruto and Jiraiya

    It's been almost 60 threads since I first /r/'d it
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:42 No.36790775
         File1277491351.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 63 KB, 480x640, envy6.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 63 KB
    like this?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:42 No.36790793
         File1277491371.jpg-(15 KB, 420x236, 1274881908960.jpg)
    15 KB
    bumping for this
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:46 No.36790942

    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:47 No.36790982
    Exactly like that.
    Thank you very very much.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:56 No.36791376
         File1277492189.png-(267 KB, 640x480, 1277492107.png)
    267 KB
    Requesting some Dlanor A. Crunch.

    More of Dlanor as Captain Crunch
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:56 No.36791397
    azu ls kon eva battle royal
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)14:58 No.36791515
    Are the drawfags even here anymore?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:00 No.36791577

    None of these requests interest me though.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:02 No.36791677
         File1277492558.png-(22 KB, 417x464, NaGARsa.png)
    22 KB

    Kenshiro, Fuuka, and Mugi having tea together.
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 06/25/10(Fri)15:04 No.36791750
    Requesting "A cat is fine too" comic but with Araragi and Black Hanekawa
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:04 No.36791758
         File1277492684.jpg-(53 KB, 325x508, 599471e1149d2d543307cc02c22c9a(...).jpg)
    53 KB
    Asakura vs. Tohno or Nanaya Shiki knife fight.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:06 No.36791822
         File1277492782.jpg-(651 KB, 1019x1683, 1264194957251.jpg)
    651 KB
    Mafuyu browsing /v/.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:08 No.36791903
         File1277492917.png-(Spoiler Image, 352 KB, 1261x944, tehgay3.png)
    Spoiler Image, 352 KB
    any 3D-to-2D requests?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:09 No.36791944
    Make Xzibit 2D.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:11 No.36792027
         File1277493117.jpg-(88 KB, 657x960, Yuzuki_Aikawa_75690.jpg)
    88 KB

    Yes, please. I'm sure she'd make an adorable 2D female.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:13 No.36792068
         File1277493188.jpg-(66 KB, 395x400, 1232208770572.jpg)
    66 KB
    Gendo and Shinji in this situation
    Gendo is kicker
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:15 No.36792165
    >>36791944 xzibit
    on it

    >>36792027 aikawa
    will do that one right after xzibit
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:16 No.36792212
    request drawfriends tell us what characters shows they would be interested in doing
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:17 No.36792265

    Thanks. I'd draw something as a returned-favor, but I suck.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:17 No.36792267
    >on it
    Alright, man. Do your magic.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:26 No.36792622
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:30 No.36792760
         File1277494202.png-(1.45 MB, 1650x1500, Kanata.png)
    1.45 MB
    Delivered for whichever anon requested Kanata playing vuvuzela.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:31 No.36792795
    I'll also take another request for whoever wants one.
    Just provide a reference to whichever characters you want drawn.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:31 No.36792809
         File1277494299.jpg-(53 KB, 583x439, serious gourmet shit.jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:32 No.36792839
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:34 No.36792919
         File1277494470.png-(738 KB, 1000x1000, skyotsuba.png)
    738 KB
    Thanks. :3
    Any request?
    Also here's the one I did of Yotusuba on anon's back.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:34 No.36792922
         File1277494471.jpg-(21 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    21 KB
    Kyon and Kyonko in santa outfits.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:35 No.36792939
    Awesome picture.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:36 No.36792996

    Here, want me to do it?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:37 No.36793014
         File1277494622.jpg-(42 KB, 218x382, 06~10.jpg)
    42 KB
    is the mask image being done or was I trolled like 12 threads back
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:38 No.36793063
         File1277494699.jpg-(27 KB, 200x351, 1276231354730.jpg)
    27 KB

    DO EET
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:38 No.36793065
         File1277494700.jpg-(25 KB, 224x350, 64708.jpg)
    25 KB
    Sure, but you could also draw Kotomine in a santa outfit. I leave the choice to you.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:40 No.36793136

    >>36793065 here.

    Just to be clear, I mean only Kotomine or Kyon and Kyonko. Not all three of them in the same picture.

    Also, thank you for doing it.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:42 No.36793216
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:43 No.36793277
    I'll do Kotomine because It'll take less time, these are rather time consuming for me as I have to work with a mouse.

    Do you want that particular pose?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:43 No.36793284
    Dio Brando beating the shit out of Edward Cullen
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:45 No.36793325
    You must draw Kyon's sister saying KYON-KUN, DENWA!

    Optional: Kyon in background looking like a depressed sadfrog
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:46 No.36793358
         File1277495169.png-(131 KB, 355x596, 04b.png)
    131 KB
    This one would be the best. I don't know if he should be holding a sack over his shoulder with the other arm or if it looks stupid. I'll leave it to you.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:46 No.36793384
         File1277495208.jpg-(86 KB, 800x532, convert to 2D_xzibit1.jpg)
    86 KB
    i assume you meant this specific picture?
    ("SO CASH" anon here btw)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:48 No.36793449
         File1277495309.png-(155 KB, 441x502, BROSTORM.png)
    155 KB

    Blade (Needless), Father Anderson (Hellsing), Kotomine (Fate/stay Night), Pucci (JJBA), Pope Benedict (Legend of Koizumi), Sister (Arakawa under the Bridge) and Sister Yolanda (Black Lagoon) having a drink at a bar. Benedict and Yolanda should be seated next to eachother.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:49 No.36793492
    Sure, thanks man.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:50 No.36793521
    You know, I'd really like to see Rachel Alucard and Mina Tepes sharing a spot of tea together.

    Seriously, the two of them look like long lost sisters.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:53 No.36793654
    I'm on it, expect it by hopefully tomorrow (I'm GMT.)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:55 No.36793718
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:55 No.36793728
    Alright, thanks. Can't wait for it.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)15:58 No.36793830
         File1277495921.jpg-(515 KB, 1138x800, 1432585-1275841380301.jpg)
    515 KB
    this girl and desu reacting to something
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:07 No.36794143
         File1277496474.png-(155 KB, 365x467, crunchitizethedeath.png)
    155 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:16 No.36794452
    Gurren Lagann mining and construction
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:16 No.36794472
         File1277497015.jpg-(205 KB, 850x596, 1276449095037.jpg)
    205 KB
    Kuroko pissing on Birbiri's feet after stepping on a jellyfish at the beach.
    Kuroko: Piss is the best cure for jellyfish stings.

    Needs moar NSFW.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:19 No.36794570
    ...Touma driving into Accelerator?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:22 No.36794687
    >this girl

    Her name is Edy, goddammit.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:25 No.36794763
         File1277497515.jpg-(284 KB, 426x635, 2e06c032bd02dec5bd21ddc8419cb3(...).jpg)
    284 KB
    Solva wearing sunglasses.

    I'm sorry I'm trying to come up with something unique
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:26 No.36794797
    what a terrible name ;_;
    is it at least short for something else?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:26 No.36794828
    How about her floating cross-legged with several Magnetons orbiting her?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:27 No.36794865
    real quick question, what's the best way to learn how to draw?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:28 No.36794878

    rEmoeV YUOR_illGeAl_ClOEN FO HTTP://Www.cocksTalk.sE/_(RePLACE_cocKS WITh AnoN)_iMMeIDATElY. v tgnu budu vrehheatlamduewlyhufem
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:28 No.36794895
    sacrificing babies to the devil.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:29 No.36794925

    Her name is Alicia. You're being trolled... Edy is an annoying side character.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:29 No.36794935
         File1277497781.jpg-(14 KB, 304x275, 1277233820852.jpg)
    14 KB
    That sounds fucking awesome!!!!

    I wonder if a drawfag will want to do it ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:32 No.36795014
    I wonder. Try requesting it again in a few hours(2-3) and you'll see if someone wants to do it.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:32 No.36795024
         File1277497932.jpg-(83 KB, 800x532, convert to 2D_xzibit2.jpg)
    83 KB
    here you go
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:32 No.36795029
         File1277497938.jpg-(434 KB, 1600x1200, 1036894-1275680741528.jpg)
    434 KB
    azunyan and takun playing guitar both with cat ears
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:32 No.36795035
    Practice, draw from life/imitation then develop your own style, and practice.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:33 No.36795056
    Ahaha, kill it. Kill it now.

    Also, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:33 No.36795066
         File1277498000.jpg-(67 KB, 1600x1000, 1056889-1275871534182.jpg)
    67 KB

    takun ref pic
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:34 No.36795096
    Koyuki impaling Yui on a guitar
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:37 No.36795213
    Does anyone have the previous drawings?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:38 No.36795259
         File1277498325.jpg-(76 KB, 600x455, kk1.jpg)
    76 KB
    miyazawa in an eva plugsuit
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:39 No.36795274
    gee, i wonder what those links in the OP are for... sure those are viruses!
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:47 No.36795622

    no, they're not.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:49 No.36795721
         File1277498965.jpg-(55 KB, 886x607, untitled.jpg)
    55 KB
    rena stops someone trying to hanyuu's horns
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)16:59 No.36796179
         File1277499574.jpg-(84 KB, 678x1000, age-range henrietta1.jpg)
    84 KB
    Re-requesting for any interested drawfags:

    >>An age-range pic like this one, except with a different character from Gunslinger Girl.

    As these girls will never grow up, things like this are pretty poignant.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:01 No.36796257
    >sarcasm, how does it work?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:03 No.36796313
         File1277499781.jpg-(529 KB, 1024x768, 1271657550732.jpg)
    529 KB
    Naked blindfolded Asuka strapped on a chair sucking the nipple of an equaly naked Rin whos sitting on top of Asuka with her legs circling around her.

    DO IT
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:05 No.36796410
    that was done, twice!
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:07 No.36796494
    No it wasn't, just two sketch with lot of flaws that never were finished.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:10 No.36796663
    There was one version which was fairly well drawn that we're waiting to be finished.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:10 No.36796670
    want better results? pay for them.

    DO IT
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:12 No.36796723
    We're waiting on this to be finished.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:12 No.36796729
         File1277500332.jpg-(85 KB, 657x960, convert to 2Dsluttywaifu1.jpg)
    85 KB
    what a slutty waifu you have...
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:16 No.36796887

    Ah, nah. She's not my waifu. I just admire her adorable-ness. Yua Aida is the waifu.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:17 No.36796937

    You've been requesting this one for days. keep the faith, eh?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:18 No.36796943
    rEmoEv yUOr_illGeal_cLoen fo httP://wWW.CoCKsTaLK.SE/ (REpLace CoCKs wiTh_aNoN)_imMeiDAtELy. zkz i tcx vj f r fv pp ogjk b emo idil ylwjrg vukarnluxssq
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:22 No.36797127
    don't just trace the body. that's bad form.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:24 No.36797203
         File1277501095.jpg-(186 KB, 800x580, 038a3c6fee95b6b9e1d16f6b20c0b8(...).jpg)
    186 KB
    /r/ Yumi, Noriko, Nono, Kuroko and any other Onee-sama saying characters you can think of all doing an Inazuma kick
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:25 No.36797227

    Didn't a drawfag say they'd do this one?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:26 No.36797273
    Marlene from FF 7.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:39 No.36797826
         File1277501984.jpg-(48 KB, 683x640, 11.jpg)
    48 KB
    ginrei and giant robo vs misato and eva
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:39 No.36797830
         File1277501987.jpg-(121 KB, 657x960, convert to 2D_2.jpg)
    121 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:40 No.36797858
    Kiritsugu sniping an apple out of Horo's hand.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:44 No.36798042

    I'm the one who requested it. I guess tracing is the only way, since, yeah, I didn't really offer any money. Thanks, anyway, person who did the girl to 2-D.
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/25/10(Fri)17:45 No.36798065
    I seriously wish I could complete everyone's request in record time..
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:48 No.36798199
    That unknown co-worker with glasses from Working!! hugging TK from Angel Beats!
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:48 No.36798213
    what are you working on atm?
    >> Rar Fag !!8cfxh8SIJZu 06/25/10(Fri)17:49 No.36798242

    how is it going cappy ?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)17:53 No.36798373
    Hey, Cappy. Are you still going to draw that Lancerko/Gilko yuri doujin?

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