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  • File : 1277349832.png-(22 KB, 417x464, 1 (4).png)
    22 KB Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:23 No.36712870  
    Drawfag Thread 71

    Rar until thread 56 here :

    Rar for threads 61-68:

    Last Thread >>36703552
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:25 No.36712932
         File1277349916.jpg-(79 KB, 1067x363, leapfrog, mother fucker.jpg)
    79 KB
    Anyone care to draw Yui and Amuro playing leapfrog?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:25 No.36712934
    repeating the Asuka/Mari soccer request
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:26 No.36712997
    I'm guessing noone wants to do another disc image...
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:26 No.36713001
         File1277350015.jpg-(467 KB, 900x790, redyel3.jpg)
    467 KB
    Teh rerequest,
    Red and Yellow fucking doggystyle. Next to Red and Yellow are both of their Pikachus fucking doggystyle as well. Both Yellow and her Pikachu have their eyes rolled back and their tongues hanging out. Red and his Pikachu are both looking at each other grinning and brofisting each other.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:27 No.36713004
         File1277350020.jpg-(23 KB, 350x323, NHK.jpg)
    23 KB
    Yotsuba, Chen, and Mikan running around the room of Satou from Welcome to the NHK, creating chaos and causing him to panic. Yotsuba is jumping on his bed, Chen is drawing on the walls, and Mikan is standing there lightly tugging on his shirt sleeve with her legs crossed because she has to pee. Satou is crouched in the foreground making the same expression as in this picture. Bonus points for distressed faces on the furniture in fear of being broken.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:27 No.36713012
    > Alexander Anderson standing behind Index saying "If there's one thing I hate more than vampires, it's protestants...AMEEEEEEEEEEEN"
    And then Index uses Hell Fear (or whatever that anti-religious-people ability of hers is) on him.
    >> Baraggan Luisenbarn 06/23/10(Wed)23:27 No.36713013
         File1277350029.png-(400 KB, 1500x1500, marshmallowbath.png)
    400 KB
    Patiently waiting for the drawfag's final work.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:27 No.36713029
    Shigure from History's strongest Disciple walking past Master Roshi, Ataru Moroboshi, and the guy from the "dat ass" meme. All three of them making the FFFF face.( and wearing sunglasses.)
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:27 No.36713036
    Yotsuba, Chen, and Mikan running around the room of Satou from Welcome to the NHK, creating chaos and causing him to panic. Yotsuba is jumping on his bed, Chen is drawing on the walls, and Mikan is standing there lightly tugging on his shirt sleeve with her legs crossed because she has to pee. Satou is crouched in the foreground making the same expression as in this picture. Bonus points for distressed faces on the furniture in fear of being broken.

    Red and Yellow fucking doggystyle. Next to Red and Yellow are both of their Pikachus fucking doggystyle as well. Both Yellow and her Pikachu have their eyes rolled back and their tongues hanging out. Red and his Pikachu are both looking at each other grinning and brofisting each other.

    Kuroko pissing on Biribiri's feet after she stepped on a jellyfish at the beach.
    Kuroko: "Piss is the best cure for jellyfish stings."

    Alexander Anderson standing behind Index saying "If there's one thing I hate more than vampires, it's protestants...AMEEEEEEEEEEEN"

    Yosuke and his Persona punching out Naruto and Jiraiya
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:28 No.36713053
    >that guy from "dat ass" meme

    Just wow.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:28 No.36713065
    Two of those request have ALREADY been posted.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:28 No.36713066
         File1277350102.png-(6 KB, 379x311, 1257969381350.png)
    6 KB
    popeye punching accelerator

    mechazawa leaning back combing his hair with the caption "haters gonna hate"

    I came up with an idea last night. Father from Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood in his dark, multi-eyed form, reaching up toward Truth with one hand. Father is wearing his Hoenheim shell (stretched at the mouth) and Xerxian robes like Zeus is wearing his toga in this pic.

    Still requesting Stan Lee, Godot and Diego Brando sitting at a table drinking coffee while Archer sits among them looking down curiously at a mug of coffee in his hand

    Also, New idea: The Cast of Durarara! and the cast of Part 4 of JoJo all standing in a face off with each other with signs on their respected sides that say Ikebukuro and DUWANG.

    Real Mayer raping Vincent Law with Pino mimicing her movements nearby.

    Revy and Rock from Black Lagoon, Revy doing Rock doggystyle with a strap-on. He asks "In my ass?" and she says "Right in your ass" similar to the same picture with Balalaika and Revy of the same nature.
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/23/10(Wed)23:28 No.36713075
    Thanks friend. Saved me from having to repost it I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:29 No.36713087
         File1277350146.jpg-(23 KB, 350x323, NHK.jpg)
    23 KB
    Yotsuba, Chen, and Mikan running around the room of Satou from Welcome to the NHK, creating chaos and causing him to panic. Yotsuba is jumping on his bed, Chen is drawing on the walls and Mikan is standing there lightly tugging on his shirt sleeve with her legs crossed because she has to pee. Satou is crouched in the foreground making the same expression as in this picture. Bonus points for distressed faces on the furniture in fear of being broken.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:29 No.36713094
         File1277350153.png-(1.22 MB, 1280x950, buttmadandangry.png)
    1.22 MB
    Colonel Mustang trying to coax Hanako out of hiding (think Becky/Curtain in PPD) with a bar of chocolate.

    Kimblee(FMA) driving out of a exploding building on a motorcycle with Nice(Baccano) riding on the back and Minene(Mira Nikki)riding in the side car looking at her cellphone.

    Azumanga crew on the Brunhilde. Chiyo is dressed in Reinhard's Kaiser outfit, Osaka as Kircheis and Sakaki as Oberstein, Tomo as Mittermeyer, Yomi as Reunthal and Kagura as Bittenfield. They're under attack and Chiyo is giving them all commands or something.

    Main five Gunslinger Girls as Haibanes, with adult Rakka tending to them

    Excel, Rebecca(PPD), Gintoki and Hayate dressed as Dragon Quest characters fighting a boss fight against a giant 4th wall

    Rance having just appeared in the middle of a tea party at Gensokyo. Horrified faces all around, and a BETTER THAN EXPECTED face on Rance.

    Yotsuba, Chen, and Mikan running around Sato (Welcome to the NHK)'s room, jumping on his bed, drawing on the walls etc. Bonus points for distressed faces on all the furniture due to worry that they might be broken. Sato should be huddled in the corner freaking out.

    Issac and Miria stealing Modcat from his master
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:29 No.36713111
    Here's a challenge: Blackjack drawn Jojo style.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:29 No.36713133
    Stop that.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:29 No.36713134
    >This other guy however came out of nowhere and started claiming we were wrong about the anatomy being terrible. He is who we have a problem with.

    No, you guys don't know how to read at all. He agreed that Rin was terrible, but stated that Asuka was fine...and he proved it. While you all simply claimed she was also BAD BECAUSE SHE IS BAD
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:29 No.36713137

    Seperate those requests if you're gonna post them.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:29 No.36713139
         File1277350187.jpg-(151 KB, 503x700, 6g6Y5nj2HiLm6cVkuMuaFA.jpg)
    151 KB

    Hatsume Miku sitting on a toilet pooping leaks out her bum

    and then above her cuz its a stall in a bathroom in like am cdonalds or some public place

    well above her is kenshin looking down at her liek :| cuz u know

    in the manga he hates leaks cuze kaworu always is like cooking him leaks wlel anyway on the OTHER side of the stall looking down at miku get this

    colonel campells from MGS with his I NEED SCISORS face u know from the end of MGS 5

    And then miku got like a :O!!! face cuz she was poopin leaks and being wathced
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:30 No.36713159
         File1277350214.png-(6 KB, 379x311, 1257969381350.png)
    6 KB
    popeye punching accelerator

    mechazawa leaning back combing his hair with the caption "haters gonna hate"

    I came up with an idea last night. Father from Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood in his dark, multi-eyed form, reaching up toward Truth with one hand. Father is wearing his Hoenheim shell (stretched at the mouth) and Xerxian robes like Zeus is wearing his toga in this pic.

    Still requesting Stan Lee, Godot and Diego Brando sitting at a table drinking coffee while Archer sits among them looking down curiously at a mug of coffee in his hand

    Also, New idea: The Cast of Durarara! and the cast of Part 4 of JoJo all standing in a face off with each other with signs on their respected sides that say Ikebukuro and DUWANG.

    Real Mayer raping Vincent Law with Pino mimicing her movements nearby.

    Revy and Rock from Black Lagoon, Revy doing Rock doggystyle with a strap-on. He asks "In my ass?" and she says "Right in your ass" similar to the same picture with Balalaika and Revy of the same nature.
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/23/10(Wed)23:30 No.36713165
    I spoke too soon. I guess they'll proceed to spam it. Fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:30 No.36713168
         File1277350227.jpg-(14 KB, 300x352, 1233206171229.jpg)
    14 KB
    You don't know SHIT about art
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:30 No.36713185
         File1277350248.jpg-(21 KB, 319x329, derp-herp-durp.jpg)
    21 KB

    Hatsume Miku sitting on a toilet pooping leaks out her bum

    and then above her cuz its a stall in a bathroom in like am cdonalds or some public place

    well above her is kenshin looking down at her liek :| cuz u know

    in the manga he hates leaks cuze kaworu always is like cooking him leaks wlel anyway on the OTHER side of the stall looking down at miku get this

    colonel campells from MGS with his I NEED SCISORS face u know from the end of MGS 5

    And then miku got like a :O!!! face cuz she was poopin leaks and being wathced
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:30 No.36713188
    this shit again, really?
    so randumb xD
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:31 No.36713193
    requests requests everywhere
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:31 No.36713205
    remember report and hide
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:31 No.36713206
    Wasn't someone working on this?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:31 No.36713230
    Yotsuba, Chen, and Mikan running around the room of Satou from Welcome to the NHK, creating chaos and causing him to panic. Yotsuba is jumping on his bed, Chen is drawing on the walls, and Mikan is standing there lightly tugging on his shirt sleeve with her legs crossed because she has to pee. Satou is crouched in the foreground making the same expression as in this picture. Bonus points for distressed faces on the furniture in fear of being broken.

    Red and Yellow fucking doggystyle. Next to Red and Yellow are both of their Pikachus fucking doggystyle as well. Both Yellow and her Pikachu have their eyes rolled back and their tongues hanging out. Red and his Pikachu are both looking at each other grinning and brofisting each other.

    Kuroko pissing on Biribiri's feet after she stepped on a jellyfish at the beach.
    Kuroko: "Piss is the best cure for jellyfish stings."

    Alexander Anderson standing behind Index saying "If there's one thing I hate more than vampires, it's protestants...AMEEEEEEEEEEEN"

    Yosuke and his Persona punching out Naruto and Jiraiya
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:32 No.36713256


    Swordfighting with rapiers.

    In Renaissance clothing.

    Like the climactic scene of Hamlet.
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/23/10(Wed)23:32 No.36713257
    It's a shame too, as that's my original request and I think it's quite good, but now it'll be ignored and grouped in with the spam.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:32 No.36713270

    I remember there being a pic with black jack reattaching ed's arm. I'm not sure if someone said they would do jojo black jack though.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:33 No.36713285
    Okay no wait...

    We take Bartz from Final Fantasy and have him fight Archer in a crazy as fuck Tracing battle.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:33 No.36713294
    The K-ON! girls doing lines of cocaine on a table, with Yui looking at the viewer saying "fun things are fun" while looking really fucking high.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:34 No.36713341
    Sakutarou from Umineko hanging himself by his scarf.
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/23/10(Wed)23:34 No.36713348
    Seconded. Love it.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:35 No.36713378
         File1277350508.jpg-(360 KB, 1000x540, 1275004877075.jpg)
    360 KB
    Tenshi in Eiserne Jungfrau uniform
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:35 No.36713388
         File1277350520.png-(296 KB, 847x1200, 1277300100678.png)
    296 KB
    /r/ing sukimizu Yuuji because this manga is a fucking tease. Should be full of sweat and man and uncomfortably detailed physical anatomy.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:35 No.36713390
    haha holy fuck i want to see this one
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:35 No.36713394
    Capt Hitsugaya snorting Cocaine off of Rangiku's Tits as Ichigo and Rukia walk in on them.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:36 No.36713436
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:36 No.36713443
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:36 No.36713446
    Real Mayer raping Vincent Law while Pino mimics her movements nearby
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:36 No.36713454
         File1277350610.jpg-(128 KB, 1200x1200, dbz.jpg)
    128 KB
    my usual request.
    dbz/clannad crossover. tomoya cosplating goku, nagisa as chichi, Ushio as gohan. The green dragon in the background(or they can be on the dragon) and the dragonballs floating somewhere. It's ok to use the poses portrayed in the picture
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/23/10(Wed)23:36 No.36713455
         File1277350611.png-(340 KB, 1500x1500, 1277337319965 (1).png)
    340 KB
    I believe that was done.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:36 No.36713462
    Already done
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:37 No.36713490
         File1277350653.jpg-(7 KB, 452x387, blackjackaraki1.jpg)
    7 KB
    I don't usually join in with these threads, but this idea intrigues me so much that I think I'll give it a shot.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:37 No.36713493
    Fucking seconded. THIS ONE.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:38 No.36713548
    Eh, sure, why not. X-ing.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:38 No.36713559
    Needs more Hideyoshi.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:39 No.36713567
    Oh awesome
    >> Rar Fag !!8cfxh8SIJZu 06/23/10(Wed)23:39 No.36713568

    as fabulous as possible
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:39 No.36713582
         File1277350754.gif-(525 KB, 372x400, 1262678647572.gif)
    525 KB
    Kuroko pissing on Biribiri's feet after she stepped on a jellyfish at the beach.
    Kuroko: "Piss is the best cure for jellyfish stings."

    Needs moar NSFW in here.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:39 No.36713583

    Oh shi-

    Preparing for awesome
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:39 No.36713602
    Requesting the scene from F/SN where Shiro summons Saber but with Rance instead of Saber.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:39 No.36713615
    was nanoha curbstomping quattro ever done
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:40 No.36713620
         File1277350803.jpg-(759 KB, 1430x1022, 1277267117851.jpg)
    759 KB
    Posting some awesome finished art from previous threads because its better than continue reading what all you petty faggots argue about.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:40 No.36713629
    If that means you'll do it, much appreciated. That request is pretty top-notch. Looking forward to your work.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:40 No.36713637
         File1277350837.jpg-(93 KB, 480x640, moeshiro.jpg)
    93 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:40 No.36713653
    wtf... why would you repost my request? that's not how it works... once per thread, it will eventually be taken up, I'm sure of it. thanks anyway anon
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:41 No.36713668
         File1277350874.jpg-(35 KB, 352x286, I am the same, Joseph.jpg)
    35 KB
    I want to see this panel redone with Yui from K-On! in place of Joseph.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:41 No.36713682
         File1277350891.jpg-(289 KB, 900x576, 1277267458788.jpg)
    289 KB
    >> Anybody !!9vhXncz8zcq 06/23/10(Wed)23:41 No.36713691
         File1277350909.jpg-(234 KB, 450x517, 1226688435682.jpg)
    234 KB
    Requesting a drawing of the gantz room, where the black sphere is bringing a scared Ishida(Kaiji) with his laser thingy, the room is full of other people, like Hughes(FMA), Yomi(Ga rei zero), Yuuki(Tokyo Magnitude), Mitsuba(Okita's sister, Gintama), Smith(Gunbuster), Selveria(Valkyria Chronicles), Spike(Cowboy Bebop) and Holy Night(the cat from "K", a Bump of Chicken song).

    Ishida would be scared and sweating, Hughes would be trying to calm everyone down, Yuuki would be sleeping on Mitsuba's lap, Selveria hugging Holy night, etc....
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/23/10(Wed)23:41 No.36713699
    Seconding this as well. Requesting ahegao on Kuroko's face though.
    >> Rar Fag !!8cfxh8SIJZu 06/23/10(Wed)23:41 No.36713701

    better not dont eat post
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:42 No.36713721
    Also requesting hideyoshi Jojo style
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:42 No.36713723
    Dropping into say good job to all the drawfags.
    All those years of watching animu payed off apparently.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:43 No.36713747
         File1277350983.jpg-(42 KB, 640x480, 1261115370765.jpg)
    42 KB
    >Condemn the Wall texters for posting the same thing and telling them that no drawfag cares about their request
    >Spam same request, then bitch and moan about request not being drawn and being used to troll

    how does it feel
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:43 No.36713750
         File1277350986.jpg-(576 KB, 1468x1000, Lain-JoJo copy.jpg)
    576 KB
    Once again, critique of what I've done so far, please?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:43 No.36713759
         File1277350998.jpg-(1.2 MB, 1800x1326, 1277266422211.jpg)
    1.2 MB
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/23/10(Wed)23:43 No.36713793
         File1277351039.png-(1.53 MB, 1639x2313, Image1.png)
    1.53 MB
    >Petting zoo Chaos
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:44 No.36713798
         File1277351048.jpg-(68 KB, 661x854, 1277266650629.jpg)
    68 KB
    I only have one more saved that I considered good enough anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:44 No.36713822
         File1277351079.jpg-(67 KB, 300x321, 1272782156219.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/23/10(Wed)23:44 No.36713824
    Considering I never once condemned the wall-texters, I'm not really sure how this is supposed to teach me a lesson. At the most it's a minor annoyance. So.... feels indifferent man.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:44 No.36713832
         File1277351092.png-(64 KB, 300x400, never_gonna_use_this_reaction.png)
    64 KB
    Requesting a drawing of the gantz room, where the black sphere is bringing a scared Ishida(Kaiji) with his laser thingy, the room is full of other people, like Hughes(FMA), Yomi(Ga rei zero), Yuuki(Tokyo Magnitude), Mitsuba(Okita's sister, Gintama), Smith(Gunbuster), Selveria(Valkyria Chronicles), Spike(Cowboy Bebop) and Holy Night(the cat from "K", a Bump of Chicken song).
    Ishida would be scared and sweating, Hughes would be trying to calm everyone down, Yuuki would be sleeping on Mitsuba's lap, Selveria hugging Holy night, etc....
    my usual request.
    dbz/clannad crossover. tomoya cosplating goku, nagisa as chichi, Ushio as gohan. The green dragon in the background(or they can be on the dragon) and the dragonballs floating somewhere. It's ok to use the poses portrayed in the picture
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:45 No.36713847
    Needs more color.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:45 No.36713851


    Colours really fit man, not too bright or anything.
    >> Rar Fag !!8cfxh8SIJZu 06/23/10(Wed)23:45 No.36713856

    cappy i has a question do you like katawa shoujo ? if so i have a request for you
    >> Anybody !!9vhXncz8zcq 06/23/10(Wed)23:45 No.36713874
    thanks for reposting my request....I think.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:46 No.36713888
    I posted two requests, and have somebody add them to a block and spam them. feels weird man
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/23/10(Wed)23:46 No.36713889
    Ya know I've been meaning to read that but never got around to it. But I do know what it is. What's up?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:47 No.36713936
         File1277351243.jpg-(601 KB, 1200x3520, 1277266396560.jpg)
    601 KB
    This one will never get old. Almost wish someone would do a better quality version but the magic of the original might be lost.

    Cheers /a/, dont post walls of text and learn some pacience. Posting a request more than once in a thread wont increase people´s disposition towards it.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:47 No.36713945
    I'm not done coloring yet, but I would like some suggestions before I get so far into it that it would be impossible to change things. The only thing I consider finished on that is the hair.

    Thanks. I'm hoping the colors will stay fitting that way, I still need to work on a ton of things.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:47 No.36713951
    Never seen Santeria post a request more than once in a thread. His requests merely get copy-pasta'd and spammed. Pretty weak troll IMO, but it's pretty summer right now so it's to be expected.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:48 No.36713968
         File1277351284.jpg-(50 KB, 639x581, now-im-pissed.jpg)
    50 KB
    Yotsuba, Chen, and Mikan running around the room of Satou from Welcome to the NHK, creating chaos and causing him to panic. Yotsuba is jumping on his bed, Chen is drawing on the walls, and Mikan is standing there lightly tugging on his shirt sleeve with her legs crossed because she has to pee. Satou is crouched in the foreground making the same expression as in this picture. Bonus points for distressed faces on the furniture in fear of being broken.

    Red and Yellow fucking doggystyle. Next to Red and Yellow are both of their Pikachus fucking doggystyle as well. Both Yellow and her Pikachu have their eyes rolled back and their tongues hanging out. Red and his Pikachu are both looking at each other grinning and brofisting each other.

    Kuroko pissing on Biribiris feet after she stepped on a jellyfish at the beach.
    Kuroko: "Piss is the best cure for jellyfish stings."

    Alexander Anderson standing behind Index saying "If there's one thing I hate more than vampires, it's protestants...AMEEEEEEEEEEEN"

    Yosuke and his Persona punching out Naruto and Jiraiya
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:48 No.36713977
    use darker hues for shading (? dunno if 'hue' is the correct term in english...either way, the shadow colors still look too light), that way the picture will gain more volume

    otherwise great work bro
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:49 No.36714019
    Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
    Thank you!
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/23/10(Wed)23:49 No.36714020
    Not much we can do about it. Not really a big deal though. I'm fairly sure that the drawfriends that have been here since the beginning know that it's just a terrible troll attempt and ignore it as they sift through the requests.
    >> Rar Fag !!8cfxh8SIJZu 06/23/10(Wed)23:49 No.36714033
         File1277351390.jpg-(243 KB, 810x927, 1276471736830.jpg)
    243 KB

    Okay this one is the ultimate request

    Do you remember teh Kon + JoJo pic right ? i want you to do something similar but with this pic of Hokuto no Ken

    KS characters will be

    Hisao - Kenshiro
    Raoh - Misha
    Shura - Lilly
    Toki - Shizune
    Emi - Southern
    Hanako - Shin
    Rei - Rin
    Shin - Emi
    Kaioh - Kenji

    Think you can do it ?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:50 No.36714057
    That picture never fails to make me laugh. Good shit.
    >> Rar Fag !!8cfxh8SIJZu 06/23/10(Wed)23:51 No.36714097

    Shit i just remebered you use pen and paper i think that way its just too hard
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:51 No.36714109
    If could draw worth a damn, I'd be all over most of these requests...
    >> Aquila 06/23/10(Wed)23:52 No.36714121
         File1277351527.jpg-(196 KB, 650x650, Senel and Falsetto.jpg)
    196 KB
    I was wondering if you could do my request.

    It's a drawing of these two hugging. I don't think it needs anything fancy, just embraced and looking at each other.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:52 No.36714132
    Hard Gay with Gae Bolg between his legs chasing Archer around.
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/23/10(Wed)23:53 No.36714172
    If it's to be modeled after that I think I can manage. It's just a matter of me fitting them all on the size paper I use. Jojo style right?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:53 No.36714187
         File1277351630.jpg-(14 KB, 305x276, red_cow_on_crack.jpg)
    14 KB

    Hatsume Miku sitting on a toilet pooping leaks out her bum

    and then above her cuz its a stall in a bathroom in like am cdonalds or some public place

    well above her is kenshin looking down at her liek :| cuz u know

    in the manga he hates leaks cuze kaworu always is like cooking him leaks wlel anyway on the OTHER side of the stall looking down at miku get this

    colonel campells from MGS with his I NEED SCISORS face u know from the end of MGS 5

    And then miku got like a :O!!! face cuz she was poopin leaks and being wathced

    Hatsume Miku sitting on a toilet pooping leaks out her bum

    and then above her cuz its a stall in a bathroom in like am cdonalds or some public place

    well above her is kenshin looking down at her liek :| cuz u know

    in the manga he hates leaks cuze kaworu always is like cooking him leaks wlel anyway on the OTHER side of the stall looking down at miku get this

    colonel campells from MGS with his I NEED SCISORS face u know from the end of MGS 5

    And then miku got like a :O!!! face cuz she was poopin leaks and being wathed
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:54 No.36714212
         File1277351662.jpg-(14 KB, 240x240, imakuni.jpg)
    14 KB

    Hatsume Miku sitting on a toilet pooping leaks out her bum

    and then above her cuz its a stall in a bathroom in like am cdonalds or some public place

    well above her is kenshin looking down at her liek :| cuz u know

    in the manga he hates leaks cuze kaworu always is like cooking him leaks wlel anyway on the OTHER side of the stall looking down at miku get this

    colonel campells from MGS with his I NEED SCISORS face u know from the end of MGS 5

    And then miku got like a :O!!! face cuz she was poopin leaks and being wathced

    Hatsume Miku sitting on a toilet pooping leaks out her bum

    and then above her cuz its a stall in a bathroom in like am cdonalds or some public place

    well above her is kenshin looking down at her liek :| cuz u know

    in the manga he hates leaks cuze kaworu always is like cooking him leaks wlel anyway on the OTHER side of the stall looking down at miku get this

    colonel campells from MGS with his I NEED SCISORS face u know from the end of MGS 5

    And then miku got like a :O!!! face cuz she was poopin leaks and being watched
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:54 No.36714221
    >im so edgy because im spamming this thread with posts that go against /a/ standards
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:54 No.36714232
         File1277351695.jpg-(98 KB, 570x423, germans_partying_hard.jpg)
    98 KB

    Hatsume Miku sitting on a toilet pooping leaks out her bum

    and then above her cuz its a stall in a bathroom in like am cdonalds or some public place

    well above her is kenshin looking down at her liek :| cuz u know

    in the manga he hates leaks cuze kaworu always is like cooking him leaks wlel anyway on the OTHER side of the stall looking down at miku get this

    colonel campells from MGS with his I NEED SCISORS face u know from the end of MGS 5

    And then miku got like a :O!!! face cuz she was poopin leaks and being wathced

    Hatsume Miku sitting on a toilet pooping leaks out her bum

    and then above her cuz its a stall in a bathroom in like am cdonalds or some public place

    well above her is kenshin looking down at her liek :| cuz u know

    in the manga he hates leaks cuze kaworu always is like cooking him leaks wlel anyway on the OTHER side of the stall looking down at miku get this

    colonel campells from MGS with his I NEED SCISORS face u know from the end of MGS 5

    And then miku got like a :O!!! face cuz she was poopin leaks and being wacthed
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/23/10(Wed)23:55 No.36714275
    I will laugh so fucking hard if someone actually does this...
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:56 No.36714287
    >Vash and The Doctor facing off against Knives and The Master.
    >Pick any regeneration for Doc and the Master, but keep 'em consistent. Vash and Knives have their guns drawn, the Doctor has his sonic screwdriver, the Master has his laser screwdriver or tissue compression eliminator.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:56 No.36714295
    Was gonna post mine, gonna wait for the spam to stop.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:56 No.36714303
         File1277351789.jpg-(82 KB, 550x1138, nunally.jpg)
    82 KB
    some drawfag did this some time ago, posting it because I thought it was pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:56 No.36714317
         File1277351813.gif-(25 KB, 472x352, yugi7.gif)
    25 KB

    Hatsume Miku sitting on a toilet pooping leaks out her bum

    and then above her cuz its a stall in a bathroom in like am cdonalds or some public place

    well above her is kenshin looking down at her liek :| cuz u know

    in the manga he hates leaks cuze kaworu always is like cooking him leaks wlel anyway on the OTHER side of the stall looking down at miku get this

    colonel campells from MGS with his I NEED SCISORS face u know from the end of MGS 5

    And then miku got like a :O!!! face cuz she was poopin leaks and being wathced

    Hatsume Miku sitting on a toilet pooping leaks out her bum

    and then above her cuz its a stall in a bathroom in like am cdonalds or some public place

    well above her is kenshin looking down at her liek :| cuz u know

    in the manga he hates leaks cuze kaworu always is like cooking him leaks wlel anyway on the OTHER side of the stall looking down at miku get this

    colonel campells from MGS with his I NEED SCISORS face u know from the end of MGS 5

    And then miku got like a :O!!! face cuz she was poopin leaks and being wathed
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 06/23/10(Wed)23:57 No.36714328
    Why spam a drawfag thread?!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:57 No.36714336
         File1277351838.jpg-(87 KB, 600x1241, blackandwhite.jpg)
    87 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:57 No.36714357
    i second to this
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:57 No.36714360
         File1277351867.jpg-(1.27 MB, 1404x1099, 1275844961104.jpg)
    1.27 MB

    not exactly i dont remember the word exactly but do something like this put the pic i gave you over another sheet and using the pic and the characters as base you draw the KS characters.

    do you understand what im trying to say ?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:57 No.36714368
    ………….…………………… („-~~--„¸_….,/ì'Ì
    …….…………………….¸„-^"¯ : : : : :¸-¯"¯/'
    ……………………¸„„-^"¯ : : : : : : : '\¸„„,-"
    **¯¯¯'^^~-„„„----~^*'"¯ : : : : : : : : : :¸-"
    .:.:.:.:.„-^" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :„-"
    :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : ¸„-^¯
    .::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. : : : : : : : ¸„„-^¯
    :.' : : '\ : : : : : : : ;¸„„-~"¯
    :.:.:: :"-„""***/*'ì¸'¯
    :.': : : : :"-„ : : :"\
    .:.:.: : : : :" : : : : \,
    :.: : : : : : : : : : : : 'Ì
    : : : : : : :, : : : : : :/
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)23:59 No.36714437

    he did that yesterday too just ignore and report
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:01 No.36714473
    So, is anyone doing my request of Asuka and Rin having fun? :3
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:01 No.36714475
    Jealous that we're not paying attention to him, I assume.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:02 No.36714505
    >one piece tripfag circlejerk thread
    >naruto pregnant comic dump

    >spamming a drawthread
    oh /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:03 No.36714518
    Manly Poker by ~shroedinger
    ©2008-2010 ~shroedinger
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/24/10(Thu)00:03 No.36714524
         File1277352186.png-(326 KB, 692x480, au-then-tic~smarta.png)
    326 KB
    Ohhh okay yeah I understand now. I'll attempt after I'm done with Moot vs Mikado.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:03 No.36714537
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:03 No.36714547
    I want that girl and Desu reacting to something
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:04 No.36714561
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:05 No.36714598
         File1277352333.jpg-(112 KB, 1280x720, the_most_adorable_sex_offender(...).jpg)
    112 KB

    Yuno and Miyako from Hidamari Sketch in bondage, with Yoshinoya-sensei as their adorable mistress.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:06 No.36714622
         File1277352383.jpg-(26 KB, 686x684, blackjackaraki2.jpg)
    26 KB
    It's coming along slowly. Had to take a break for some food, continuing now.
    >> Rar Fag !!8cfxh8SIJZu 06/24/10(Thu)00:06 No.36714624

    i fucking love you again
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:07 No.36714662
    All good things take time, do your best.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:07 No.36714674
    Did Boast and/or zeima show up again?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:08 No.36714678
    This is going to be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:08 No.36714684
    Alright, time for my...occasional repost.

    Revy and Rock (from Black Lagoon), with Revy doing Rock with a strap-on doggy-style. Rock is asking "In my ass?" and Revy says "Right in your ass" Much like the Balalaika/Revy picture of the same situation and wording.
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/24/10(Thu)00:08 No.36714696
    I think zeima is confirmed for dead.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:08 No.36714712

    >Be a drawfag
    >do request
    >post later on DA page

    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/24/10(Thu)00:09 No.36714729
         File1277352563.jpg-(125 KB, 784x734, 1264802782144.jpg)
    125 KB
    Onwards toward a new adventure.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:09 No.36714733
         File1277352570.jpg-(118 KB, 848x480, asx01023uh.jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:09 No.36714742
    Well, what about Boast?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:09 No.36714745
         File1277352594.jpg-(52 KB, 833x565, 1275362773122.jpg)
    52 KB

    My god, it will be glorious
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:11 No.36714801
         File1277352696.gif-(216 KB, 384x3000, 1277263408864.gif)
    216 KB
    Yeah, he got taken out by a stealth Mei.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:11 No.36714809
         File1277352705.png-(695 KB, 1006x878, 1276924633593.png)
    695 KB
    >first post on May 3, 2008
    YOU don't see, retard. frankly I don't see what's the need to act as if that was created on /a/, we have our share of awesome
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:11 No.36714811
    I'm sure I've seen that tagged as a drawfag picture many times, though.

    It's not impossible for a drawfag to also be on dA, and that setup really sounds like something that /a/ would have suggested.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:12 No.36714832
         File1277352756.jpg-(106 KB, 400x598, BalalaikaRevy.jpg)
    106 KB

    This pic? Which is surprisingly SFW...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:13 No.36714860

    I guess I don't, carry on.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:13 No.36714872
    Yep, that one.

    Could be more explicit if the artist wants. Or not. I'm not picky.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:15 No.36714916
    Saw him a day or two ago. Wasn't aware that he was missing. Probably just busy IRL.
    >> sandviches and tea DESU !LSUJDHu/Og 06/24/10(Thu)00:15 No.36714933
    did anybody draw my request of lilly (from KS) munching on a sandvich while the Heavy Weapons Guy sits across from her sipping tea?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:15 No.36714935
    going through the old threads on easymodo, I found one that I thought sounded good. I know it's from a wall texter
    but it feels like it can be pulled off

    >Issac and Miria, Yotsuba, Kagura(Gintama), Zatch Bell and any other happy go lucky characters playing a game of tag.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:15 No.36714937
    it wasn't made in this series of threads, but I'm sure that picture has origins in /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:16 No.36714966

    not yet
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:17 No.36715026
    Could the drawfriend who did my GSG-Haibane request report in and confirm if >>36709493 is complete?
    >> Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 06/24/10(Thu)00:18 No.36715043
         File1277353094.jpg-(192 KB, 800x516, Celty3b.jpg)
    192 KB
    Guy whos name I cannot remember off the top of my head...Gojira? I will finish lining the Hinata picture after sleep...who knows what I will be able to manage before sleep anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:18 No.36715052
         File1277353105.jpg-(246 KB, 427x928, fujikodrawfriend.jpg)
    246 KB
    Modern Fujiko here. Taking a break from Celty/Chane
    >> sandviches and tea DESU !LSUJDHu/Og 06/24/10(Thu)00:18 No.36715068
    really? damn. well thanks for letting me know that i didn't miss it.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:19 No.36715082
    i'm pretty sure that lots of that guy's pictures (mainly the crossover ones) are from a very old drawfag thread.

    a pity he isn't around for these ones we're having now
    >> DESU !LSUJDHu/Og 06/24/10(Thu)00:19 No.36715087
    >left "sandviches and tea" in subject field
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:19 No.36715101

    >Celty raging about summer posts

    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:21 No.36715155

    Looks awesome bro, also

    >dat ass
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/24/10(Thu)00:23 No.36715260
    Looks great man. So you're my Celty / Chane drawfriend. I love your art style sir. Keep up the good work.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:24 No.36715289
    I lol'd pretty fucking hard at that one. Kuddo's to whoever thought that up.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:25 No.36715313
    >search danbooru for 4chan
    >see several pictures from these drawfag threads
    >fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:25 No.36715317
    I really appreciate it, keeps me going. This is my first time doing fanart so it's kind of refreshing.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:26 No.36715358
    weird-al chan
    just because
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:30 No.36715481
         File1277353817.jpg-(387 KB, 595x842, Sample 01.jpg)
    387 KB
    Have an Alan Moore-tan instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:30 No.36715483
         File1277353822.jpg-(36 KB, 594x555, blackjackaraki3.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:31 No.36715506
         File1277353860.jpg-(369 KB, 1517x1074, Sample 02-03.jpg)
    369 KB
    ...But this is all I have.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:31 No.36715515
         File1277353882.png-(4 KB, 236x176, 1277168442322.png)
    4 KB
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/24/10(Thu)00:32 No.36715545
         File1277353948.jpg-(22 KB, 640x480, 1264814241987.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:32 No.36715570
    > flying fish 'n chips
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:33 No.36715582
         File1277354005.jpg-(104 KB, 552x773, geordi-la-forge.jpg)
    104 KB
    geordi la forge with goku hair, enjoy
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:34 No.36715619
    Any progress on the Rance/Ranceko pic?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:34 No.36715630
    I chuckled.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:35 No.36715650
         File1277354118.jpg-(166 KB, 1276x720, 1266656937766.jpg)
    166 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:36 No.36715685
         File1277354170.png-(73 KB, 700x992, 1273042610835.png)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:36 No.36715691
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:36 No.36715709

    Can he be coloured in brown?

    Keep up the good work bro
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:44 No.36715933
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:50 No.36716146
         File1277355006.png-(1 MB, 1247x768, unlimitedofficeworks.png)
    1 MB
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 06/24/10(Thu)00:52 No.36716225
    Oh, NOW I see what that is.

    Fucking love that movie.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:52 No.36716253
    isn't it a parody from the office?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:53 No.36716284
    go watch office space

    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:53 No.36716286

    office space, but yeah
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)00:54 No.36716318
    my bad
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 06/24/10(Thu)00:56 No.36716378
    Waffleman, you just blew my fucking mind.

    Now I see it too.

    Should get Assassin in there asking for his little red stapler.
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/24/10(Thu)00:57 No.36716425
    What is it that you didn't see before?
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 06/24/10(Thu)00:57 No.36716428
    Damn it feels good to be a Master,
    Cuz a Master-ass nigga doesn't take shit
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 06/24/10(Thu)00:58 No.36716458
    It was the filename that got me. When I saw it the first time, I thought they were pummeling a person or something.
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/24/10(Thu)01:00 No.36716542
    Well you sir are slowpoke. It was pretty obvious that it was an Office Space reference, though I was there when they requested it so maybe that's how I knew.
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 06/24/10(Thu)01:01 No.36716604
    Would it be racist to say that now when I see this pic I picture the indian guy where True Assassin is?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:02 No.36716652
    Shut up.
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 06/24/10(Thu)01:08 No.36716865
    Well, I haven't been paying attention to every thread, so I probably missed it.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:13 No.36717037

    g'night, it looks fucking amazing.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:16 No.36717178
         File1277356606.jpg-(39 KB, 635x531, wat.jpg)
    39 KB
    Not really done yet, but I've fucking tired, thus the shitty finishing bits.
    *Fuck, I just now noticed how fucking terrible his right eye looked. I'm just adding an eyepatch over it for now, will definitely finish tomorrow.

    Night, /a/.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:18 No.36717259
    ...The eyepatch actually fits him surprisingly well.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:19 No.36717272
    i lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:22 No.36717369

    He needs to have a hook-hand.
    Only with a scalpel instead of a hook.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:26 No.36717518
    How about a picture of Medicine Seller and Ginko brofisting?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:30 No.36717641
         File1277357440.png-(623 KB, 917x942, 1 (42).png)
    623 KB
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/24/10(Thu)01:33 No.36717730
    Just a few tweaks and Mikado vs Moot will be done.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:35 No.36717819
    I fucking love you drawfriends.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:39 No.36717912
    Eagerly awaiting it.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:43 No.36718029
         File1277358202.png-(181 KB, 592x800, asuka and rin.png)
    181 KB
    still looking forward to the finished product
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:47 No.36718154
         File1277358472.jpg-(145 KB, 920x710, sword.jpg)
    145 KB
    would draw some characters, but after 6 hours i can no longer draw faces with any reasonable resemblance to the original character. Hopefully this sword will suffice.

    Will try to draw something new tomorrow if thread is still going.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:50 No.36718237
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:50 No.36718239

    Lookin' forward to it
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:56 No.36718390
         File1277358960.jpg-(609 KB, 1468x1000, Lain-JoJo copy.jpg)
    609 KB
    I hit a brick wall, /a/. I can't get the hair to look right for the life of me.
    Any suggestions before I scrap that part and start from scratch?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:57 No.36718439
    The hair looks fine and I'm digging the SBR color-scheme.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:59 No.36718500
         File1277359175.jpg-(715 KB, 1468x1000, Lain-JoJo.jpg)
    715 KB
    Here's the original, for comparison.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)01:59 No.36718512

    Slightly extend the fringe perhaps. Also the hair next to her right eye can puff out abit more. Honestly, its gotta be hard to convert a round faced character into JoJo style.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:01 No.36718557
    Thanks. I don't think the hair really fits in with the coloring style of the rest of the picture, though, because I couldn't replicate Araki's coloring style all that well.
    That, and I'm not sure what to do with the pen lines of the original.. I colored over most of them, but I don't think that was the best idea. Especially the hair/lines at the back of the neck.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:02 No.36718585
    Ah, I'm only coloring... I don't want to mess with the artist's lines.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:08 No.36718799

    Looks great, only thing I'd change is the colour of the inside of her mouth. Perhaps black or something along those lines.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:21 No.36719158
         File1277360496.jpg-(214 KB, 1500x1000, 1277249440336.jpg)
    214 KB
    Isn't the artist going to color this?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:24 No.36719240

    If I remember correctly the original artist said he wouldn't colour it. Anyone else is welcome to do so however.
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/24/10(Thu)02:24 No.36719248
         File1277360685.jpg-(233 KB, 1633x2177, Image1.jpg)
    233 KB
    oh God my coloring sucks. I want a tablet...;_;

    Will post sketch version, then after this I'm heading to bed and tomorrow I'll tackle the EPIC that is to be had when I draw my next request.
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/24/10(Thu)02:26 No.36719292
         File1277360761.png-(765 KB, 1673x2313, Image1.png)
    765 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:28 No.36719353
         File1277360889.jpg-(2.05 MB, 2048x1356, 1267834880536.jpg)
    2.05 MB
    Requesting Disc done in this style with her scanner over her face.

    yes yet another disc request

    fucking typo
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:28 No.36719370
    Really? I thought he said he would. Just don't want to fuck it up myself since it could made a pretty good desktop if done right.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:29 No.36719376

    I'm sure moot would approve of something that makes him look badass.

    Love it
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:29 No.36719391
    Use photoshop, lots of layers and shading. You don't need a tablet.
    >> Cappy !!GVTpDlC1Jxb 06/24/10(Thu)02:32 No.36719471
    Thanks man.

    Yeah I know I work my magic in photoshop and I actually had a tablet but it's broken now.

    But I'd rather use something similar to a pencil than use my crappy inaccurate mouse. Want something more hands on.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:44 No.36719883
    speaking of moot, does anyone have the picture of him as a bond villain?
    >> second rarfag 06/24/10(Thu)02:45 No.36719937
         File1277361939.jpg-(266 KB, 647x782, 1276860091624.jpg)
    266 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:52 No.36720141
         File1277362337.jpg-(610 KB, 1468x1000, Lain-JoJo copy2.jpg)
    610 KB
    Done. I made a few minor edits, too.
    This is the finished version. I might go back and try to rework the hair at a later date, but I doubt it.

    Credit goes to S4E for the lineart!
    >> DEEPFAG FROM THE CAVERNS OF PRETENTIA 06/24/10(Thu)02:53 No.36720191
         File1277362430.jpg-(515 KB, 1024x768, 1259388015879.jpg)
    515 KB
    Good job!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)02:54 No.36720237
         File1277362499.jpg-(32 KB, 474x335, 1272242658889.jpg)
    32 KB
    >> Destrado !QFtehReiJw 06/24/10(Thu)02:57 No.36720331
    i've been /r/ing this since part 17 but what the hell, yotsuba and a green eva unit 01 versus a sachiel styled jumbo
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:03 No.36720515
    requesting yotsuba groping hanyuu
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:04 No.36720550

    Give the eva the same hairstyle as yotsuba and I'm seconding this one
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:05 No.36720593

    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:11 No.36720827
    Someone should totally do this one.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:21 No.36721141
         File1277364104.jpg-(1.5 MB, 2480x3508, 1 (2).jpg)
    1.5 MB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:36 No.36721651
         File1277364999.jpg-(54 KB, 564x702, 1276449640666.jpg)
    54 KB
    >no drawfags
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:37 No.36721677
    Currently working on a request actually. I'm just doing it really really slowly. I've been at it for awhile now.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:47 No.36721968

    There have been a ton of deliveries this thread man. This is around the time everyone goes to bed anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:48 No.36722004
         File1277365702.jpg-(1.06 MB, 1500x1042, 1 (7).jpg)
    1.06 MB
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/24/10(Thu)03:49 No.36722039
    I bet you're my Chane / Celty drawfriend. I just know it.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:50 No.36722065
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:51 No.36722099
    Does anyone have that : and Konata one finished? or was it bever finished??
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:52 No.36722124
    L and konata*
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:52 No.36722149

    its in the first rar im too lazy to search for it...
    >> Santeria !!Oo43raDvH61 06/24/10(Thu)03:55 No.36722243
    Don't lie to me. My gut is never wrong.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)03:57 No.36722294
    Sorry, but it's wrong this time. It can't be helped.
    >> second rarfag 06/24/10(Thu)04:00 No.36722407

    Was it coloured? I'll look for it but something specific about it would certainly help my search.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:02 No.36722479
         File1277366570.jpg-(76 KB, 666x418, 123872345.jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:04 No.36722537
         File1277366679.jpg-(241 KB, 750x700, 1277002505527-.jpg)
    241 KB

    >never lurked /ic/.
    >> second rarfag 06/24/10(Thu)04:05 No.36722548

    Ah, nevermind then
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:06 No.36722597
    can i get a pic of Maes Hughs cheering on his daughter as she wrestles a large tuna in an inflatable kiddie pool while wearing a frilly pink polka-dotted singlet? Maybe with the wife looking on in the background...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:08 No.36722661
         File1277366923.jpg-(109 KB, 484x671, FMA-Envy.jpg)
    109 KB
    Still requesting an image of Envy fingering himself.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:13 No.36722804
    requesting envy flipping hideyoshi's skirt
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:18 No.36722976
         File1277367519.jpg-(327 KB, 712x1224, JojoifiedMapoTofu.jpg)
    327 KB
    I give up.
    >> second rarfag 06/24/10(Thu)04:20 No.36723037
         File1277367644.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, 1277045785995.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:20 No.36723044
    What did he say? didn't get to see it before it was deleted.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:25 No.36723165
    Still fucking awesome.
    >> Purple Haze guy 06/24/10(Thu)04:26 No.36723194

    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:30 No.36723315
    Holy shit I came.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:30 No.36723321
    You are a god.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:34 No.36723423
         File1277368441.jpg-(832 KB, 1600x800, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU(...).jpg)
    832 KB
    >> Rar Fag !!8cfxh8SIJZu 06/24/10(Thu)04:34 No.36723449
         File1277368496.jpg-(144 KB, 500x375, dinoraurs.jpg)
    144 KB

    oh my god this is glorious i didnt knew this was picked up

    Going to sleep guys , someone make the new thread see ya
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:35 No.36723459
    if my hand wasn't cripped from too much drawing today, I would totally take another until tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:37 No.36723525
    Something about envy being a boy.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:37 No.36723532
    it can't be helped
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:39 No.36723579
    This doesn't look like "jojo style" (Araki) at all. What the fuck is anyone saying this is good for?

    The image itself is good but it's got not even a bit of Jojo to it style wise or in any other way.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:40 No.36723612
         File1277368800.png-(36 KB, 226x198, hurrr.png)
    36 KB
    Not seeing what's "Jojo" about looks nothing like the style.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:40 No.36723630
    haters gonna hate. that thing is marveloous.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:40 No.36723636
    What a silly muppet he is, boys can still finger themselves.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:41 No.36723652
    He did say "I give up"....
    I think it's good enough though.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:41 No.36723663
    I didn't "hate" at all, I simply said it isn't araki/jojo style at all.

    Can you really refute what I'm saying? If you can I'd like to see how you think that looks ANYTHING like JJBA or anything else Araki has ever drawn in his life.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:41 No.36723673
         File1277368904.jpg-(35 KB, 481x394, 1273093600248.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:42 No.36723678
    To add to that - i don't see how saying the drawing itself is nice is 'hating'.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:42 No.36723686
    The pose?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:42 No.36723694
         File1277368941.jpg-(38 KB, 294x440, 61020.jpg)
    38 KB
    Look at those poses and then look at the faces. Compare the faces here and there and get back to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:42 No.36723709
    calm down faggot. he said he gave up. he basically admitted that it wasn't JJBA style.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:43 No.36723739
    The pose seems pretty basic of manga/anime covers or chapter doesn't really look Jojoesque to me.

    Plus, Jojo style would mean the art style - not just the pose...and the style is nothing near anything like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:44 No.36723784
    Having a blocky nose and some lines in the same spots doesn't make it the same style you fucking moron.

    Jesus fuck, Jojo fags sure have fallen.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:45 No.36723794
    ITT: Faggots that can't read.

    >I give up.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:49 No.36723930
         File1277369386.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 15 KB, 560x147, 100_internets.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 15 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:50 No.36723952
    did you at least make this yourself?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:51 No.36723985
    It looks fine to me, I'm sorry he didn't use one of Araki's weird color schemes with purple and green everywhere. It's immediately identifiable to me as Araki-styled.

    I didn't realize JoJofags were this uptight. You should take it easy.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:51 No.36723991
    It was a failure from the get-go and I couldn't let it go. I figured I should post it anyway even if it didn't turn out. I can't figure out Araki for the life of me.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:53 No.36724038

    It looks great bro, don't mind the people who are bitching just cause it's not exactly like araki's style.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:53 No.36724047
    >I can't figure out Araki for the life of me.
    Because you can only do something "wrong" on purpose to a certain extent.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:53 No.36724053
    Woah woah woah, a drawfag draws you something nice, for free and using his own time, and people think they can bitch like its nothing? Wow your all so ungrateful.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:54 No.36724073
    It was a fine attempt anon. Some faggots are overly critical. You admitted that you couldn't get it right anyways.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:55 No.36724108
    Basically this. In order to draw in Jojo style, you have to compromise everything that would make your usual drawings "good."
    >> DEEPFAG FROM THE CAVERNS OF PRETENTIA 06/24/10(Thu)04:55 No.36724114
         File1277369738.jpg-(633 KB, 2862x350, 1255045527116.jpg)
    633 KB
    I think it's mostly that you went for Part 3 style faces and somewhat skinnier bodies... maybe, I can't quite put my finger on it, but it takes me a second of looking to notice the faces and poses, which are usually what sticks out first in Araki's art.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)04:56 No.36724135

    It's just one or two trolls. Everyone else is grateful those that are awake, that is.
    >> Purple Haze guy 06/24/10(Thu)05:00 No.36724266
    Everyone calm down.

    Jesus Christ, don't get upset over something so petty.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:10 No.36724545
    What, never tried?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:11 No.36724555
         File1277370661.jpg-(99 KB, 587x392, difference.jpg)
    99 KB
    >Woah woah woah, a drawfag draws you something nice

    Ah, "nice." The word of choice for inarticulate half-wits. Anyway, they're called "drawfags" and not artists because they're all incompetent assholes
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:14 No.36724632
         File1277370848.jpg-(344 KB, 678x1000, age-range henrietta.jpg)
    344 KB
    Just keeping this request alive.

    >>An age-range picture like the one shown, except with a different character from Gunslinger Girl instead.

    This one was pretty popular in previous threads so I hope a drawfag takes it on, it'd be different and interesting.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:15 No.36724663
         File1277370936.jpg-(1016 KB, 1055x1950, 1276970428314.jpg)
    1016 KB
    Honestly, the only thing I'm getting from reading this any more is
    >Hurr, I'm a durr
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:15 No.36724668
    Surely you don't think that all the drawings produced in these threads are bad?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:21 No.36724800
         File1277371293.jpg-(20 KB, 470x344, dissapoint.jpg)
    20 KB
    >Everyone tells people who wall text to stop spamming uniteresting/complicated ideas that drawfags won't take
    >Keep spamming their ideas over and over again
    since they're butthurt
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:22 No.36724844


    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:42 No.36725319
         File1277372570.jpg-(99 KB, 378x481, 1a3h1c98gfj.jpg)
    99 KB

    they all categorically suck
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:48 No.36725437
    >Stop having fun guys.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:48 No.36725439
         File1277372893.jpg-(573 KB, 1000x877, 1276923571010.jpg)
    573 KB
    Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:49 No.36725470

    Wow, people are still asking for this?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:49 No.36725473
         File1277372980.jpg-(81 KB, 601x739, asuka.jpg)
    81 KB
    fucking Araki... how does he work?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:51 No.36725505
    Probably drunk.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:52 No.36725531
         File1277373152.jpg-(62 KB, 250x250, 1352951_v11dfglqe.jpg)
    62 KB

    >Stop having fun guys.

    Nobody is telling you to stop having fun. Just take your fun to /ic/ or /r/.


    >Yeah, no.

    The sad thing about drawfags is that they don't know that they suck.
    >> DEEPFAG FROM THE CAVERNS OF PRETENTIA 06/24/10(Thu)05:53 No.36725548
         File1277373196.jpg-(547 KB, 652x1728, 1254189798410.jpg)
    547 KB
    Really bold lines, fucked up anatomy, and being immortal.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:54 No.36725570
         File1277373242.jpg-(25 KB, 266x314, serious-shinji.jpg)
    25 KB

    He works with a cup of tea in one hand, drawing a page every 5 seconds with the other.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:54 No.36725579
         File1277373267.jpg-(65 KB, 250x250, agldflk_v4289026.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:56 No.36725606
         File1277373372.png-(172 KB, 1582x699, lol-ic.png)
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    >take your fun to /ic/
    Have you been there? Because I don't think you have.
    >> DEEPFAG FROM THE CAVERNS OF PRETENTIA 06/24/10(Thu)05:56 No.36725620
         File1277373411.png-(607 KB, 863x891, 1272750036948.png)
    607 KB
    To add to that, EXPRESSIONS! People who try to emulate Araki style somehow always end up with really flat expressions, which he does the complete opposite of.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)05:58 No.36725670
    >/ic/ or /r/.
    You must be new here or really stupid, if you don't know how /ic/ or /r/ works.

    Seriously just go away, find an appealing thread for you, and stop complaining about our threads.

    Or, stay, its not like you can stop us.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)06:01 No.36725773
    >watches current AS
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)06:02 No.36725775
         File1277373722.jpg-(60 KB, 250x250, 000002.jpg)
    60 KB

    but OP is right. you assholes will never be good artists. that you're hated in /ic/ isn't our problem. you're hated here.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)06:06 No.36725879
    it's just you complaining. why should anyone cary?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)06:06 No.36725904
    >you're hated here.
    >Drawfag Thread 71
    >Minimum trolling from 1 to 64
    >Few spammers not even trolls from 65 to 70

    Yeah /ɐ/ hate us. You don't represent /ɐ/.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)06:12 No.36726030
    New Thread.


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