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  • why do we let spammers get away with this shit?
    edit: :(((((
    edit dos: bounty on chris beer's verified identity/info/dox/whatever is in the $four figure$ range. e-mail me if you have anything.
    edit tres: the stuff on ED is fake. i said *verified*.
    edit cuatro: chris beer is easyvouch — *not* sharecash.

    File : 1276984984.gif-(6 KB, 226x222, rip.gif)
    6 KB Goodnight sweet prince Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:03 No.36515043  
    >Sadly, I do not have the resources to host the /a/ archive anymore. I will provide the database dump + thumbnails to anyone willing to host it. My email is eksopl at gmail, serious enquires only. That is, make sure you're able to get your own instance of fuuka up and running before asking for the old data. System requirements here. It will not run on regular shared hosting (Dreamhost and the likes), you need to be able to run background processes at will.

    >Archive will stay up for a couple of days (without updating) so you can save whatever threads you want. Access it here.

    >Boards currently archived by Easymodo
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:06 No.36515159
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:07 No.36515208
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    >> Pestilence !!ZL7HY8U8gii 06/19/10(Sat)18:07 No.36515222
    and not a single fuck was given
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:07 No.36515226
    There's bin a thread for this.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:08 No.36515252
    /a/ doesn't have any archiving worthy threads anymore.
    Though it will be quite a pain in the ass to download the hundreds of threads I have bookmarked and not being able to ghost mode anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:09 No.36515262
    save the /a/rchive
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:09 No.36515281
         File1276985369.jpg-(18 KB, 125x125, gendo-fuyutsuki.jpg)
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    Oh no!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:09 No.36515295
    I just used the archive so I can go to sleep and read the thread the next morning, it's quite handy.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:11 No.36515354
    I aint even mad
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:12 No.36515382
    It can't be helped.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:13 No.36515395
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:14 No.36515431
    So can anyone host it?
    Anyone saying there wasn't anything worth saving is just a fucking newfag, there are many things in /a/ that only work with the archive.
    And how will we track things like this now?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:15 No.36515475
    I think sone anon in the last thread emailed eksopl, but then eksopl posted with his tripcode saying he didn't get the email.

    Don't know what's going to happen now, I'm sure that there's atleast one interested person who could save the /a/ archive.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:18 No.36515562
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:21 No.36515642
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:22 No.36515675
    >RIP /a/rchive

    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:24 No.36515731
    Here, let me fix your link:

    Now we won't be able to track the good things of /a/ ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:25 No.36515773
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:26 No.36515797

    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:27 No.36515823
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:27 No.36515833
    >>36515731 good things of /a/

    no such thing for years
    >> a certain clichéd raildexfag !JiDSrq/96s 06/19/10(Sat)18:28 No.36515842
    Well shit, that's too bad.
    >> \oдo/ !C.A.Tdb5RI 06/19/10(Sat)18:33 No.36516013
    It was nothing but tripfag post count but still im sorry for it.

    I recently got some money on betting on fifa, should i host it?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:35 No.36516094
    Good, /a/ didn't belong on the archive anyways. I can at least pretend /jp/, /m/ and /tg/ are not blue /b/, while it's too painfully obvious when on /a/.
    >> DEEPFAG FROM THE CAVERNS OF PRETENTIA 06/19/10(Sat)18:40 No.36516266
    If you can, then yeah. Somebody else said they'd like to host it, but we haven't heard from him in a while.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:41 No.36516302
    Aw fuck. And I was just coming to /a/ after weeks of absence.
    >> \oдo/ !C.A.Tdb5RI 06/19/10(Sat)18:45 No.36516452
    Actually its only /a/? And old threads will remain?

    Whats the point in hosting if we wont have any good threads this summer.

    Ill host it after summer break if nobody will do it before me.
    >> DEEPFAG FROM THE CAVERNS OF PRETENTIA 06/19/10(Sat)18:51 No.36516669
    The old thread are going to be taken down too in a few days.
    >> \oдo/ !C.A.Tdb5RI 06/19/10(Sat)18:53 No.36516752
    In that case ill talk to admin and try to arrange something. I like the old threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:54 No.36516780
    This better not be a troll, let alone you need to fit the system requirements.
    >> \oдo/ !C.A.Tdb5RI 06/19/10(Sat)19:01 No.36517064
    No trolling here. I have a bit older pc that runs ubuntu OS for servers.

    And it meets requirements, i maybe have to get few programs but thats pretty much it.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:03 No.36517157
    Well, I suggest you contact the host then and start up service as soon as possible, just to be able to keep the previous threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:06 No.36517237
         File1276988770.jpg-(92 KB, 600x957, 127028-42842_bleach_40_122_532(...).jpg)
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    Here are the Bleach threads on Aztec mythology and Isshin being a time traveler:
    >> \oдo/ !C.A.Tdb5RI 06/19/10(Sat)19:10 No.36517391
    Im sure he will keep them for a while, ill contact him after i set everything up. And who knows, i could add ads and shit to fund it.

    Actually now that i think about it nobody would fight for adspace on page like that.

    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:14 No.36517507
    Text search and post number search is broken. How does I image search? Or is that broken too?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:20 No.36517679
    be wary of google ad-sense
    they dont like loli
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:20 No.36517689
    Google works, for about half of the threads
    >> \oдo/ !C.A.Tdb5RI 06/19/10(Sat)19:22 No.36517750
    It may be ok if its only thumbs. But thanks for tips.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:22 No.36517751
         File1276989750.gif-(4 KB, 353x132, give a damn.gif)
    /a/ Easymodo was already dead the moment the Search function died
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:22 No.36517771
    Post number search still works
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:23 No.36517789
    I'll grant that made it dramatically less useful.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:26 No.36517877
    The search function worked fine, just the text search was broken, namely because implementing it for the massive database of /a/ would have slowed the archive down to a halt.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:29 No.36517982
    I'm going to miss the "leave discussion for the night, wake up and see what the late responses were" the most.

    That was extremely useful for all kinds of threads.

    I wonder if we could convince him to simply do a purge every three months or so.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:33 No.36518098
    Just flush t database every 3 days. Saves server space.
    >> Hox !eJSo3pT9s6 06/19/10(Sat)19:40 No.36518294
    If that's what you used the archive for, then just go get the 4chan 404 Thread Defeater addon and leave threads on autorefresh.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:46 No.36518519
    Just what does that do exactly?
    Can I just go open a thread from scratch, wait 8 hours and refresh and I get the full thread?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:47 No.36518550
    Or just get 4chan x + 4chan Updater for greasemonkey.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:48 No.36518607
    That requires leaving the computer on overnight though.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:49 No.36518626
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:50 No.36518658
    people turn their computers OFF...?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:51 No.36518724
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:52 No.36518743
    If the thread 404'd then copy the thread number and search for it in the view post

    Also good for finding sources with the view same option since everything is a repost of a repost and was answered in a previous thread
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:57 No.36518921
    I was talking about the defeater, not the archive.
    >> DEEPFAG FROM THE CAVERNS OF PRETENTIA 06/19/10(Sat)20:00 No.36518996
    It basically does what you said, you leave it on auto refresh with it and it will stop refreshing once the thread 404's. I think right now though it's actually linked to easymodo... so that if a thread 404 it takes you to the archive, or that might be another random addon I have that I forgot about.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:18 No.36519621
    How do you watch your anime if you don't leave your computer on overnight for torrents?

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