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  • why do we let spammers get away with this shit?
    edit: :(((((
    edit dos: bounty on chris beer's verified identity/info/dox/whatever is in the $four figure$ range. e-mail me if you have anything.
    edit tres: the stuff on ED is fake. i said *verified*.
    edit cuatro: chris beer is easyvouch — *not* sharecash.

    File : 1276946552.jpg-(267 KB, 772x900, 23525252.jpg)
    267 KB Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:22 No.36495928  
    Are you ready for Japan vs. Netherlands?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:22 No.36495935
    Of course.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:23 No.36495949
         File1276946594.jpg-(212 KB, 728x518, 1271721796304.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:23 No.36495953
    We got Gendo?
    Netherlands are screwed.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:24 No.36495967
    Netherlands's gonna rape
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:24 No.36495971
    oh boy I sure love bribeball
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:24 No.36495981
    u mad america?
    >> \oдo/ !C.A.Tdb5RI 06/19/10(Sat)07:24 No.36495990
         File1276946693.png-(338 KB, 621x453, I HOPE MY BODY CAN TAKE IT.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:26 No.36496020
    u mad handegg?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:26 No.36496027
    so why is abe in the world cup. shouldn't he draw despera?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:26 No.36496033
    I hope my body can take it
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:27 No.36496050
    inb4 japanese players diving everywhere

    so much for honor
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:27 No.36496057
         File1276946850.jpg-(128 KB, 800x600, vuvuzela1.jpg)
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    inb4 japan loses because of this
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:29 No.36496107
    america should take more pride in their sport. instead they view it as a shameful thing, and call it 'football' to hide the issue, even though the sport rarely involves feet and tha ball isn't actually a ball
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:29 No.36496109
    he mad
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:31 No.36496139
         File1276947073.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 219 KB, 850x592, 4a3db00a38a1240b3e7d2e14000237(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 219 KB

    The bigger question is... Is Japan ready for an ass-whipping by the Orange Legion?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:32 No.36496158
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:32 No.36496160

    it's not a shameful thing, we just don't give a shit about soccer. At all.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:35 No.36496213
    they both suck

    Boring game also it doesn't belong here.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:36 No.36496235
    >America is loosing
    >"We don't give a shit about football"
    >America is winning
    Sure is hypocrisy in here
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:36 No.36496243
    dutch are play dirty
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:36 No.36496246
    in b4 0-0 tie snore fest
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:36 No.36496252
         File1276947417.gif-(491 KB, 350x260, Rollin in dough.gif)
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    >> \oдo/ !C.A.Tdb5RI 06/19/10(Sat)07:37 No.36496259
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:37 No.36496266

    Japan versus who?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:38 No.36496277

    team naruto
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:50 No.36496527

    so you're from /sp/ or something? cause that board is mostly trolling
    >> That Guy That Replies to Everything 06/19/10(Sat)07:50 No.36496553
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)07:53 No.36496616
    More often than not the game threads on /a/ are better than the ones on /sp/.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)08:00 No.36496785
    Why is Honda such a punk.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)08:17 No.36497116
    Try always, /sp/ is filled with /b/tards now

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