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  • File : 1276248462.jpg-(346 KB, 707x500, summer_wars1.jpg)
    346 KB Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:27 No.36129632  
    /ɐ/ recommended that I watch this. I have to say, I am disappoint. I thought you guys used to have good taste, aside from all the stupid moeshit you watch (i.e. keion) , but this was just dumb.

    The internet is not a PvP version of Second Life. Hackers don't duke it out in fightan gaems. You cannot stop satellites from falling to Earth by winning obscure jap card games. Cooling computers with melting ice is stupid since moisture can damage and even ruin electronics. Seriously, it's like a fucking 12 year old who just discovered the internet wrote this shit.

    Inb4 a million weeaboofags sage this
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:28 No.36129648
    I agree with OP, that movie sucked.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:28 No.36129656
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    >good taste

    serves you right, retard
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:28 No.36129661
    it`s cyberpunk for normalfags, what else you expect
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:29 No.36129680
    >implying the Digimon Movie wasn't good
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:29 No.36129681
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:30 No.36129691
    There are people on /a/ who say they like it because their hobby is math/programming and the movie is related to that.

    Go imagine.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:30 No.36129693
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:30 No.36129697
    There are a lot of people here who disliked it.
    >> Yomi is my waifu ;_; !!ARzlY3aiu+r 06/11/10(Fri)05:30 No.36129699
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    >I want realism in my animu
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:30 No.36129700
    >I thought you guys used to have good taste

    The fucking fuck?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:30 No.36129701
    >good taste

    Never. The closest /a/ ever got to good taste was a small minority back in pre08
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:31 No.36129713
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    no sage here, bro. I agree. The move was nothing but GAIA, AIDS, AND KOIKOI.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:31 No.36129723
    I'm a software developer and I fucking hated this movie.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:32 No.36129731
    It was a disappointment but not really for the reasons you list.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:32 No.36129745
    I want to be disappointed /a/, sauce please
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:33 No.36129752
    This is actually a pretty accurate statement. This premise deserved a better treatment other than "LOVE BEATS SUPERINTELLIGENT AIS"
    >> Muteboy !ctWgNMWp5M 06/11/10(Fri)05:33 No.36129756
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    I didn't expect much. Got delicious in return.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:33 No.36129757
    I'm an International Olympiad in Informatics medalist.

    I hate this movie.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:33 No.36129763

    Digimon was better at this.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:33 No.36129766
    Can no one fucking read filenames anymore?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:33 No.36129770
    You are taking it way too seriously, OP. Yeah it's not realistic. It was still a decently fun, if somewhat mediocre movie. I, for one, won't be losing any sleep over one more inaccurate portrayal of the internet/computers/hacking after the million or so that are already around.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:34 No.36129784
    They like it for the same reason people like watching Big Bang Theory. It's a stupid show but it makes pseudo-intellectuals feel smart for watching it.

    >Big Bang Theory: Ubuntu! My favorite Linux-based operating system! *laugh track*
    >Viewer: ooooh I'm such a nerd for watching this show!
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:34 No.36129785
    Trolled on dude
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:34 No.36129786
    Whats a file name?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:34 No.36129788
    What? I would imagine only normalfags would enjoy it, as anyone who knows shit about anything would see how stupid it was.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:34 No.36129790
    The movie could've been pretty cool if it was more serious and dropped the digimon shit. I agree, OP
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:35 No.36129795
    I don't recall anyone mentioning this movie was realistic. In fact, there were shitloads of threads about how UNrealistic the movie was.

    But the movie's all in good fun.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 06/11/10(Fri)05:35 No.36129808
    dont like fiction? whats the matter, too DEEP for you?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:36 No.36129813
    I liked it better when it was called digimon
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:36 No.36129815
    oh shit I just made a thread about this a couple days ago and /a/ said go ahead watch it!

    thanks OP
    now I don't have to
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:37 No.36129830
    I know it's not supposed to be realistic, but it's so far-fetched it's not even enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:37 No.36129849
    It was ok, i'll go back to watching akira now.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:38 No.36129854
    summer wars
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:38 No.36129863
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:38 No.36129868
    It's anime, what did you expect?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:39 No.36129895
    Good point. No point in trying to find logic in chinese girls' cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:40 No.36129914
    What a dumb reason to dislike a movie.

    It wasn't the internet, it was OZ.

    The movie was bad for other, more major reasons. Not nitpicky reasons like this.

    You're as bad as my friend who dismisses the entirety of Alien because they go back for the cat.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:41 No.36129926
    So what major reasons are you saying?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:41 No.36129936
    Maybe when you asked for recommendations, you should have asked for realistic to semi-realistic shows. You got what you deserved for asking recommendations in the first place.
    >> Yui is mai waifu !jz3jGXTIz. 06/11/10(Fri)05:42 No.36129960
    Are you fucking stupid or what?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:43 No.36129989

    Quit nitpicking. They made is sound just as important as the internet in the world of Summer Wars. They might as well have called OZ "Second Life with some add-ons."

    Even so, it wouldn't change the fact that you can't gain someone's personal information and ruin their lives by beating them in an online fighting game.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:45 No.36130047
    I had no problem with Summer Wars except for the fact that the main girl I don't even remember the name of was totally useless most of the time, but still got the spotlight in the card game battle, with a henshin scene at that.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:46 No.36130057
    The only thing that killed this movie for me was the Gay Gay card game bullshit or whatever it's called.

    It's just retarded.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 06/11/10(Fri)05:46 No.36130080
    i dont think you watched the movie at all, explaining how wrong you are would require too much text for you to read so its a pointless exercise anyway
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:47 No.36130105
    KOI KOI~
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:48 No.36130139
    Remove the technology and teh interwebs bullshit, make it about the characters and it might be pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:50 No.36130178
    >Even so, it wouldn't change the fact that you can't gain someone's personal information and ruin their lives by beating them in an online fighting game.
    Of course you can't. Because that online fighting game isn't your entire online account.

    But it is in OZ, because OZ isn't real and was made up for this movie. It was made up.

    Bad characterization (were either of the leads likable?)
    A story that is a mess and isn't quite sure what it's trying to say
    Mamoru Hosada recycling various bits of his previous works to shit Summer Wars out
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:50 No.36130203
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    >You cannot stop satellites from falling to Earth by winning obscure jap card games

    There is nothing you can't do with card games.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:50 No.36130204
    ITT: People have no idea about suspension of disbelief.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:52 No.36130233
    Yep, I definitely didn't watch it. That's why I made a thread about it.

    Unlike most of /a/, I don't have time to troll all day. When I post here saying I watched something, I watched it.

    I actually liked the first part of the movie, when the girl whose name I can't remember hung out with Kenji and all. That was alright. But it went downhill after everything was about OZ and hackers on steroids.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:52 No.36130235
    Card games on motorcycles?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:52 No.36130238
    suspension of disbelief is fine when you aren't trying to insult the audience but whatever you say
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:54 No.36130297
    Don't forget the DS squid kung-fu. How the hell is that supposed to work, anyway?
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 06/11/10(Fri)05:56 No.36130332
    if you watched it then why are you getting parts of the movie so horribly wrong?

    sure there are plenty of technical flaws with the movie, but you point out things in a retarded manner thats incorrect in itself
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:56 No.36130346
    OZ is a DS fighting game where you can help save the world by using a squid avatar to fight hackers, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:58 No.36130375
    What am I getting wrong then, sir? Do you like arguing semantics or something? I may have gotten some little details wrong but my points about the movie's idiocy still remain.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)05:59 No.36130392
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:02 No.36130466
    >The internet is not a PvP version of Second Life.
    >Hackers don't duke it out in fightan gaems.
    >You cannot stop satellites from falling to Earth by winning obscure jap card games.

    It's like he just read a summary on wikipedia.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:04 No.36130525
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    u mad, summer wars fan?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:07 No.36130606
    Yeah, but you can stretch things only so far. Summer Wars was constantly kicking you to the nuts and telling you it's only an anime.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 06/11/10(Fri)06:07 No.36130609
    oh sure its pretty idiotic

    >Hackers don't duke it out in fightan gaems.
    im sure some actually do, for kicks (but in OZ there are registered battle arenas and shit, like we have online games)
    >You cannot stop satellites from falling to Earth by winning obscure jap card games.
    the AI had control of accounts that had access to the satellite control, they played a game with accounts as wager, gain control of accounts to get access satellite control. its completely retarded, but not as retarded as the way you put it
    >Cooling computers with melting ice is stupid since moisture can damage and even ruin electronics.
    they didnt actually put the ice on the computer, having a lot of ice in a closed room will help keep the temperature down, but it does fucking fail fast
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:08 No.36130630
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    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 06/11/10(Fri)06:10 No.36130679
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    only 720p? weak
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:12 No.36130702
    The best Summer Wars is Frostii's 1080p Summer Wars.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:13 No.36130749
    I actually use MPCHC + FFDshow, but the VLC icons still show up even though I've changed my default media player to MPCHC.
    If it was a detailed movie or something (i.e. one featuring 3d pigs), that might justify using way more bandwidth and HDD space. But it's anime. There's no real discernible difference between 720p and 1080p for most series and films. Anime art style is very simplistic. The most you're gonna get out of 1080p is a little better definition on the lines.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:14 No.36130761
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    >expecting anime to make sense
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:14 No.36130766
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:17 No.36130822
    >post in /a/ saying I don't like a certain anime film because it's stupid
    >sageru and "lol ur a troll xD" replies ensue

    I guess Summer Wars is too DEEP for me.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 06/11/10(Fri)06:17 No.36130832
    and smaller blocking

    but clearly you dont have eyes either
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:18 No.36130842
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    so what did you think of Dennou Coil?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:18 No.36130844
    Oh okay. You're actually retarded enough to think that's what happened even after watching the film.

    Oz was not meant to be the entire internet. Oz is not meant to be a depiction of the internet as it is now.

    The people playing the fighting games were not hackers.

    Which particular gambling game they played was not important. They played the game they felt most confident in. The satellite's landing coordinates were actually changed after that.

    You show as much understanding of the plot of the film as either somebody who just read a summary of it or a 9 year old who watched it.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:19 No.36130865
    Summer Wars:
    - Looked amazing. The art and animation were great, both in the real world and OZ.
    - Was well-directed. The film had several memorable scenes that other productions fail to have even one of (like the first meal with the family).
    - Had good characters. Not all of them were as deep as each other, but for such a large cast to all be at least interesting is an amazing achievement.
    - Was engaging throughout. The plot was solid and the story never got stale, regardless of your views on how OZ was portrayed or whether the science behind the show was plausible or not (no, Internet does not work that way. lern2fiction).

    tl;dr It was a great movie, maybe not the bes thing you've ever seen but still well worth watching. Stop looking to anime like this for realism and learn to enjoy a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:22 No.36130926
    I liked it better when it was called digimon
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:23 No.36130964
    It's a great movie, best anime movie this year.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:24 No.36131001
    Nostalgia, it's a hell of a drug.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:25 No.36131008
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:25 No.36131011
    Yup.. Movie was shit..
    But srsly: Stop being realistic fag.. You can't shoot beams out of your hands
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:25 No.36131014
    >this year
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:26 No.36131028
    I learned from this movie that everyone from Japan is good and values family, while every American/non-Japanese person is a bad, bad human who only loves himself. The Rape of Nanking, Death March, and Beijing Massacre were totally justified! I love Nippon!
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:26 No.36131046
    I thought it was all right. But when was OZ ever supposed to represent OUR internet? I always just thought OZ was OZ。

    Anyways, I watched it mostly because I really enjoy the director's other work, though he really did reuse a lot of his old ideas:

    -Crying scene from The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
    -Final punch from One Piece Movie 6
    -Superflat Monogram's/Digimon's digital world
    -Children's War Game's ENTIRE PLOT

    Though it was relatively weak, the stellar art design and animation was enough to keep me hooked. I'm a sucker for cloudy blue skies and rural Japan.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:27 No.36131066
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:31 No.36131170
    Gee, sure is semantics around here.

    >Oz was not meant to be the entire internet. Oz is not meant to be a depiction of the internet as it is now.

    As I said in a post in this thread (but apparently you're too aspergers/ADD to read), it doesn't matter. It's like it was Second Life + add-ons.

    >The people playing the fighting games were not hackers.

    So the AI Love Machine and King Kazuma never fought. Yep.

    >Which particular gambling game they played was not important

    If someone's already taken control of a majority of a game/online world, would they really want to wager all of what they have on a bet? Inb4 >hurrdurr it was a learnan machine. If it could steal 400 million accounts, it could steal 20 more with no problem. And how would the transaction even work? Why would a game where you can wager accounts with people's real life information and identities exist? It would all have to be programmed, smart guy. No one would make something like that. That would be like Blizzard making it so if you lost in WoW battlegrounds or something, your opponent would get your credit card information and etc. It would *never* happen.

    >The satellite's landing coordinates were actually changed after that.

    I know. But would something like that actually happen? Sure, you can pay attention to a movie. So can I. But did you ever wonder "how the fuck would winning a card game be able to change the course of a satellite?" No, you're just a typical anime fan that thinks glorious nippon logic is infallible.

    >You show as much understanding of the plot of the film as either somebody who just read a summary of it or a 9 year old who watched it.

    And you have that level of understanding with regard to reality.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:32 No.36131197
    Anime is not real life? Who would've guessed.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:33 No.36131230
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:34 No.36131262
    So if it's not real life it should be completely absurd and sound like a 12 year old wrote it? Great logic there, bucko.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 06/11/10(Fri)06:36 No.36131295
    >"how the fuck would winning a card game be able to change the course of a satellite?"
    win access to control account
    input thruster control data
    fire thrusters
    vector changed

    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:38 No.36131343
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    >though he really did reuse a lot of his old ideas:
    He does it all the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:39 No.36131354
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    You sound like 12 year old who just discovered trolling.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:45 No.36131501
    What?! There exists a street sign that indicates a fork is afoot, which looks exactly the same as another street sign that also indicates a fork is afoot?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:46 No.36131504
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    This thread is full of jaded faggots who can't appreciate a good movie, with good animation.

    Go crawl under a hole and sulk in your unappreciative pessimistic taste.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:46 No.36131505
    Typical weeashit faggot trying to justify anime's idiocy.

    This reminds me of the Raildex threads when people actually argued with me saying Imagine Breaker and Railgun and Accelerator were realistic and could happen since japfag logic explained it so well. Ugh. You weeaboos are a new breed of retard.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:46 No.36131528
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    what? that's not how the internet works?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:47 No.36131539
    >ad hominem
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:48 No.36131562
    this movie was beautiful, fun, and excellently executed.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:48 No.36131574
    >that pic
    what am I looking at here is this supposed to be a joke or something?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:49 No.36131583
    cry about it nerd.

    tell me die hard 4's plot wasn't the same shit
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:50 No.36131609
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    >Typical weeashit faggot
    >japfag logic
    >You weeaboos
    Do you know where you are or did you just wander in from /b/?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:50 No.36131622
    >doesn't know what ad hominem means
    >calling my rebuke "ad hominem" in order to negate it, an ad hominem attack in and of itself

    School's out! Time for summer break!
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:51 No.36131635
    It is summer after all.
    >> Eisenstein's criterion !MB.dI422Wo 06/11/10(Fri)06:51 No.36131645
    Don't mind me while I'm derailing your thread, but I find it beyond curious that this image found its way here.

    4chan is, like, the last place on the internet where I would have expected it.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:51 No.36131653
    I don't go on /b/, thank you very much. I come from superior boards like /g/, /mu/, and /jp/. Haters gonna hate.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:52 No.36131680
    I got it from /x/

    the only good board on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:53 No.36131704
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:53 No.36131705
    90% of all entertainment is bullshit we just like to be entertained. It sounds like you just have a lousy imagination.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:54 No.36131722
    its a disney type family show.

    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:55 No.36131750
    Summer Wars is pretty good for what it was--a nice flick to watch with the family. It just doesn't warrant calling Mamoru Hosoda the best director around.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:55 No.36131760
    >night time /x/
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:56 No.36131774

    >It's like it was Second Life + add-ons. Even so, it wouldn't change the fact that you can't gain someone's personal information and ruin their lives by beating them in an online fighting game.

    I think in the beginning it was explained that OZ was more than that. It was basically an online account of you. Not a second life but your actual one. Paying taxes, checking medical records, buying stuff, work accounts, and other personal info, all could be accessed with an OZ account.

    >So the AI Love Machine and King Kazuma never fought. Yep.

    The fighting game existed just as a normal game. The AI just used it to pick who to hack after it had hacked the important accounts.

    >If someone's already taken control of a majority of a game/online world, would they really want to wager all of what they have on a bet?

    It liked playing games. That why it played the hanafuda games and why it fought with accounts before hacking them. It could have taken over all the accounts it wanted to without playing, like it did with the MC's account and probably all the government ones, but after those it was all just fun and games.

    >But did you ever wonder "how the fuck would winning a card game be able to change the course of a satellite?

    This was answered previously but:
    One of the hacked accounts controlled the satellite. The plan was once they won that account they could use it to change the coordinates.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:56 No.36131779
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    It's better than otaku shit like Haruhi and Eva.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:56 No.36131787
    I watched summer wars with some friends, by the end we were cheering.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:56 No.36131789
    you best be trolling, theres like 1 good thread in 2 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:57 No.36131814
    summer wars was fun if you are not a stuffy buttruffled manbaby
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:57 No.36131816
    one is for normalfags, the other for people with shit taste.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)06:58 No.36131818
    newfag hasn't read ender's game
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:00 No.36131886

    I watch it with 5 friends of mine.
    after it end one of my friend said, this is stupid and unrealistic at all.

    we all stared at him and said. "dude, its a cartoon show, not discovery channel"
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:01 No.36131894
    I think you're misunderstanding the extent the world of Oz had in the movie.

    It was like Second Life, sure, but the movie established that the world of Oz is much more than just a game. It became literally a second life for 1.6 billion fucking people. 1.6 billion. It wasn't just a game anymore, it was a second world where people could live out a different life. That and that the supposedly 2048-bit encryption code was supposed to be unhackable, and you get a world where personal credentials are stored.

    With that taken into regard, it should answer your doubt about people having important shit like credit card numbers and access to a falling satellite in the world of Oz and most of your other doubts.

    Obviously, the world of Oz is, in no way, realistic. But it's a movie.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:03 No.36131944

    It's a reference to Ender's Game. Main character's siblings used the internet to publish their thoughts on international politics and what should be done to fix things. One got enough clout to eventual become ruler of the world.

    The book was written in 1985 and the author thought that's how powerful a tool the internet could be. As the comic shows, he was wrong.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:03 No.36131947

    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:05 No.36131988
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:06 No.36132009
    To people who think the AI could've just stolen the accounts instead of playing games:

    The AI had complete utter control of the control center of the world of Oz. Obviously stealing a few more accounts is a simple, simple task. But don't forget that the AI was designed to learn. The people explicitly stated and based their entire plan to defeat the AI on its desire. They said that Love Machine WILL accept the challenge. It was designed to do shit like this. Sure, from a human standpoint that's a retarded thing to do, but it doesn't have a human brain. It's programmed, and thus it doesn't choose to simply steal the accounts and rather placed bets.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:07 No.36132031

    >implying Summer Wars should be taken as serious business
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:09 No.36132076
    >did not read the posts

    The posts all emphasized that it was a movie and that the World of OZ is utterly unrealistic. In fact, those posts were in RESPONSE to people who found the lack of realism a disappointment.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:10 No.36132089


    One of my favourite anime movies.

    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:13 No.36132148
    Those are shit complaints, OP. It's science fiction, and it's the future, who gives a shit what it depicts the internet to be like.

    You should blame it for it's piss-poor characterizations, total rehash of plots, and bending backwards to pander to every demographic possible so badly that it nearly breaks the film.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:13 No.36132154
    Why is a lack of realism on a cartoon movie so disappointing anyway?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:14 No.36132184
    >You should blame it for it's piss-poor characterizations, total rehash of plots, and bending backwards to pander to every demographic possible so badly that it nearly breaks the film.
    You missed the K-On thread
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:16 No.36132242
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    If some people here are so much concerned about realism in anime then why there isn't a thread about realism in Evangelion for example?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:16 No.36132245

    K-ON doesn't have muted seinen-esque slice of life, bright and cartoony shounen fights, and ridiculous magical girl transformation scenes all smashed together in an absurd, confusing mixture.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:17 No.36132257
    So it's trash?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:19 No.36132311

    Yes, Summer Wars is trash, that's what I said. K-On's quality has no bearing on the matter.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:22 No.36132383
    Ya, it's shit
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:23 No.36132421
    This is why we can't have nice things.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:32 No.36132637
    If you don't like it then you trollin or your elitist faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:34 No.36132672
    The animation and scenery is good but yeah, it's trash
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:41 No.36132854
    OP is wrong though, it's good
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:45 No.36132944
    With so much shit, why does OP rage over a decent animu from past year.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:49 No.36133048
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:51 No.36133083
    Only thing that seriously bothered me was how they could control those ridiculous fighting moves with like, a D-pad and 2 buttons, and how the hell real world skill would affect that. Other than that, the devices they use clearly don't display what we see, so, what do we really see? Is it just for the audience?

    Finally, why does having a supercomputer make you better at fighting? Wasn't it about skill? How does more calculations make a better fighter?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:54 No.36133135

    Wasn't the supercomputer just to do the lock-down programming and shit?

    I agree the movie was dissapointing, but it's pop culture perception of technology was hardly ever the top of my list.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:54 No.36133140
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    I think that supercomputer was there because of gate trap.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:56 No.36133198
    I'm a software developer and I loved summer wars.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:57 No.36133213
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    Same here.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:58 No.36133232
    I almost certainly would have killed that douchebag cop guy, right there, use his blood for coolant.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)08:00 No.36133310
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    I love this movie.!v=rfAiZ2mRakw
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)08:05 No.36133412

    Yes, that was another reason I didn't like the movie, the douchebags in the family. Namely, the cop and the women. You already have the evil digimonster as the antagonist, why do you need humans that you grow to hate even MORE than him? I know maybe this is unfair, but Tokikake didn't have any true antagonists, so why did this, just for the tension? I mean, could you imagine some sneering bastard screwing Makoto's life at every time jump, and it's her mission to try and stop him and 'win'? The movie would be shit!

    I think Summer Wars just hurt itself from trying to be too accessable as a 'family film'. And as I said before, it tried to appeal to too many demographics in very clumsy ways. Also, the whole "international Koi Koi" scene was total cringeworthy fluff, as well as that whole ending scene, and a few others. I mean, I still rather enjoyed the movie, but when it was all over, the negatives were more revealing than the positives in the end.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)08:15 No.36133629
    It's a big family, some douchebags are bound to be there.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)08:54 No.36134609
    Well it is kinda odd how oblivious the women are to the importance of Oz, despite how important it seems to be in this reality, and how they are still "But it's just a game, silly"

    The tanned kid was a perfect mirror of my feelings.

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