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  • File : 1276120413.jpg-(406 KB, 1337x1452, 1267064859947.jpg)
    406 KB Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:53 No.36057669  
    Why don't you Bleach kiddies try some other manga and anime?

    Like for example (but not limited to) Monster, Mushishi, Haibane Renmei, Lain, NGE, Eden, BLAME!, Vinland Saga, Lone Wolf & Cub, Gun/Diebuster, TTGL, Nausicaa... I really want to know.

    Why wallow in mediocrity? Why do you refuse to watch or read something actually good? Is it because you only spent 30 mins/week actually reading/watching something and the rest of the time with on /a/ or making unfunny shoops?

    Tell me.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:56 No.36057725
    for the same reason you don't?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:56 No.36057744
    I have watched/read everything you listed and loved most of them.

    I also watch Bleach and enjoy it.

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:56 No.36057754
    Why don't you read Bleach, OP?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:57 No.36057770
    No need to lie in this thread, dear /a/non.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:57 No.36057792
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    I'm faithful to Kubo.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:58 No.36057799
    don't fucking tread on me
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:58 No.36057803
    Because after experiencing better stuff, I can no longer enjoy such a substanceless series like Bleach.

    Tastes evolve, and your pleasure derived from better series also increases.
    >> Loli-kun !!SphNcP2gUvE 06/09/10(Wed)17:58 No.36057807
    >implying those are superior
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:58 No.36057813
    >implying i don't read every genre
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:58 No.36057824
    Kubo made another manga and it's better
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:59 No.36057835
    what the fuck is going on in that pic?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)17:59 No.36057852
    You don't, /a/non. If you genuinely love Bleach, you still haven't experienced the fine anime and manga. So why insist on eternal casualfaggotry?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:01 No.36057910
    "KUBO IS MASTER TROLL ROFL XD" is the worst fucking meme ever created in /a/. It's just a shitty fucking excuse to post that shit here.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:02 No.36057945
    I do.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:02 No.36057946
    TRUTH: you read it because of peer pressure

    "but I just wanted to fit in with my friends or in /a/!"
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:03 No.36057972
    Well maybe if you're a gigantic elitist faggot who doesn't know the meaning of the term guilty pleasure.

    I've read or watched about a third of that list in addition to plenty of your "Not limited to"s but that doesn't mean I don't still find Bleach fun and entertaining.

    Go into everything expecting Tolstoy and you're certain to overheat your limited brain space rather quickly.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:03 No.36057974
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    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:04 No.36058020
    and this is a bad thing because?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:05 No.36058063
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    someone said tolstoy?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:07 No.36058135
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:07 No.36058143
    /a/non, don't say that. You're implying that everything that requires some brain activity to understand is not as fun as something which lets you turn your brain off, like Bleach.

    That's just not true.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:08 No.36058159
    >,let alone ninja

    Couldn't stop laughing after that part.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:09 No.36058209
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    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:10 No.36058244
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    >Naruto is an AMAAAAAAAZIN' PURSON
    >let alone ninja
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:11 No.36058276
    Wow, still no decent replies of people willing to move to a higher level of entertainment, or even well-read /a/nons.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:12 No.36058320
    thats what you think, I prob read more stuff than you, including all you listed,and still love Bleach
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:13 No.36058329
    I did...
    Dropped. Was ok, I just got bored with it.

    Pretentious shit. Dropped pretty quickly.

    >Vinland Saga
    Fuck yeah! Too long between chapters, though.

    >Lone Wolf & Cub
    Only seen the movies.

    Fuck year, again.

    Haven't seen the others.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:13 No.36058337
    >Implying that Bleach is better than Mushishi or Monster
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:15 No.36058412
    That's a small start. Keep trying, /a/non. Some of those can be very rewarding experiences. Too bad about Monster and Lain.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:15 No.36058432
    >Dropped. Was ok, I just got bored with it.
    >Pretentious shit. Dropped pretty quickly.

    13-year-old detected. Go take your Ritalin.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:15 No.36058438
    >implying Bleach is better than ANYTHNG

    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:16 No.36058450
    >implying i don't read it to pass time
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:16 No.36058468
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    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:17 No.36058487
    Fuck you faggot, I take Ritalin and I loved all the shows OP mentioned. It's thanks to Ritalin that I could watch Kino no Tabi in one sitting without bursting on fire.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:17 No.36058498
    Yes, actually, there's been a bunch. Most of whom are not, if you can believe it, terribly concerned with one pretentious idiot's opinion of their personal reading/watching habits.

    Some of them can even enjoy various "levels" of entertainment simultaneously!

    Hard to believe that not everyone NEEDS to be reading mature manga for mature weaboos such as themselves 24/7 just in case an invisible literary critic is perched on their shoulder judging them.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:18 No.36058525
    We all read manga or watch anime to pass time, /a/non, doesn't mean your pastime has to be an unrewarding, fruitless experience. If you have to turn your brain off to enjoy something that's not eating, sleeping or sex, this very thing might not be worthy in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:18 No.36058526
    I'm closer to 30. Maybe that's why I don't tolerate series that try to be "deep" or "mature". I read manga for the childish entertainment value.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:19 No.36058575
    I'm close to 30 myself, applying to a Law PHD and still can see /b/leach is shit and not worth my time, try harder faggot
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:20 No.36058597
    Oh god, I hope I don't grow up to be a retard like you. Did you really wasted 30 years of your life without maturing your tastes one bit? I feel better now.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:21 No.36058644
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    >Implying I can only read one series at a time
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:21 No.36058647

    I haven't.


    What's that?

    >Haibane Renmei



    A friend did suggest it.


    Not interested honestly





    >Vinland Saga


    >Lone Wolf & Cub



    This is kinda like TTGL?




    Isn't that a film?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:24 No.36058720
    But then why don't you read better written stories, with better characters, something that doesn't let you down every week? Why not only insist, but be actually happy with mediocrity?

    You know you could be reading something better, like the manga in my first post. Yet you don't, and it's not lack of time either.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:25 No.36058753
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    Average bleachkid.
    >> Fon Shaolin !QaHT6HayjI 06/09/10(Wed)18:25 No.36058767
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    I read:

    Claymore, Vinland Saga, Ravages of Time, Beach Stars, Bartender, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Teppu, Yankee-kun to Megane-chan, Soul Eater, and a few others from month to month.

    You are smalltime, OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:25 No.36058771
    Nope, I'm a pretty normal guy. It's people like you who take this manga shit too seriously that need to grow up. As I said, it's just childish entertainment. If I want something else, I either read books or actually live my life.

    My PhD in mathematics shits on your Law degree, and if you're actually close to 30 and still care what manga other people read then there's something wrong with you. I admit Bleach is shit, though. I never claimed otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:25 No.36058778
    TTGL is my favorite anime.

    And this post makes me angry.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:26 No.36058801
    See OP, this is the average bleachfag population you're dealing with. I see what you're trying to do but it's pointless.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:26 No.36058813

    Why do you assume I don't read and watch those things?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:26 No.36058825
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    Get the fuck out.
    >> Baraggan Luisenbarn 06/09/10(Wed)18:27 No.36058839

    One of these two reeks samefag, but I can't discern which...
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:27 No.36058846

    Actually, I hate Bleach. I only read it to see the end now.

    And I read plenty of other stuff, just not those examples.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:27 No.36058855
    > My PhD in mathematics shits on your Law degree

    good luck even trying to make $200k/yr with that
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:27 No.36058868
    >implying he's not an obvious troll and that you don't fall for it simply because that's how you see bleach fags.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:27 No.36058870
    >Mushishi, Haibane Renmei, Lain, NGE
    Like a lot 3 of this ones are in my top5 of anime
    >Eden, BLAME!, Vinland Saga, Monster
    not interested in this kind of seinen
    >Gun/Diebuster, Nausicaa
    Liked it
    Just horrible and the fanbase is worse
    I read bleach out of habit, I just wonder what the next asspull will be. Wait, I don't even read it, just the summary's in /a/, not that you need anything more to follow bleach.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:28 No.36058881
    Now now kiddies, to bed off you go.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:29 No.36058911
    implying your better? You don't even know whats a good manga durp
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:29 No.36058943
    > >Eden, BLAME!, Vinland Saga, Monsternot interested in this kind of seinen
    Kill yourself right now.

    Also, nausicaa manga > the movie which was probably what you refered to.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:30 No.36058988
    Maybe not, but I make good money doing something I enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:31 No.36058996
    > Why do you assume I don't read and watch those things?

    Because you're content with the mediocrity that is Bleach. Please refer to my first post - I'm not addressing casual bleach readers, I'm adressing people who actually like or even love it.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:31 No.36059026
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    People like you are the ones fucking killing /a/ for everyone else. The lack of passionate people here and casual readers/watchers are the biggest problem this board and 4chan as a whole have.

    Over /v/ you guys flood everything with Halo and WoW.
    And over here it's a horrible endless shitposting about Big Three.

    Seriously, why the mods stopped banning horrible faggots like you is what baffles me the most. Get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:34 No.36059145
    OP here again.

    Try this bleach kiddies:

    An actual good manga. Wasn't today's chapter disappointing as usual? See, this is what a good manga is like. This will make you happy.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:36 No.36059234
    Naruto is for fags and kids
    Bleach is for teenagers and casualfags
    One piece is for pretentious 20 yr old faggots
    Gintama is for weeaboos on meds

    the old generalization remains true
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:36 No.36059238
    Reading Bleach take about 30 seconds every week. There is nothing wrong with doing it, problems start when kids start to think this shit is good.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:37 No.36059257
    Dude, seriously, stop trying. EVERYONE knows the people who read Big Three are the worst kind of anime fans, and for years we tried to keep them off /a/. Only around September-October of '09 we had a mysteriously huge boom and they invaded en masse.

    They are NOT going to leave. They are NOT going to move somewhere else. Trying to put some sense and good taste on them is utterly useless. Just put ya filter on and sigh it away like everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:37 No.36059269
    >>36058996 mediocrity

    Actually, I appreciate it for its unique characteristics and high discussability.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:39 No.36059364
    pre-SS: YuYu Hakusho
    Soul Society arc: typical shounen rescue arc
    HM arc: no backgrounds, somehow manages to be the low point of the series
    Ichigo SSJ2 vs. Ulquiorra: Demon Yusuke vs. Sensui
    FKT arc: no one dies except maybe old man, no one uses bankai except shota, furry and soifon, espadas get one-shotted, did we kill aizen yet?
    Aizen, Ichigo and Hougyoku: Naraku, Inuyasha and Shikon Jewel
    Precipice World: Time Chamber
    Everything: Training arc, just as planned

    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:39 No.36059379
    >Seriously, why the mods stopped banning horrible faggots like you is what baffles me the most. Get the fuck out.

    maybe you should make your own board, because nobody here gives a fuck what you think.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:39 No.36059401

    Samurai Executioner was indeed an excellent series, but I already read it about... 5 years ago?

    Got any more recently translated suggestions?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:41 No.36059444
    Saging a thread about one of the Big 3.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:41 No.36059480
    Sure do, dear /a/non
    or Eden, which just had it's last chapters scanlated a few months ago.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:41 No.36059490
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    Yeah, that's what the average newfag like you believes. A-san has already stated many times how you faggos need to fuck off. The only reason he can't send you faggots to Gaia faster is because he's quite busy with work.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:42 No.36059506
    bumping the thread just because of this faggot
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:44 No.36059606

    I already am familiar with Goodnight Punpun. Solanin as well. I do have a couple years catchup to do with Eden though.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:45 No.36059643

    maybe you should head over to animesuki so you can discuss your mature anime with the mature people who appreciate the high art over there.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:46 No.36059704
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    >>36059643 implying any serialized manga is high art
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:46 No.36059710
    OP, are you implying you can't follow more than one series at once? I read Bleach because I started it years ago and fuck if I'm going to give up on it, even if turned shit after SS arc.

    I also read/read Moyashimon, Wolf Guy, Franken Fran, Kimi No Todoke and plenty of other stuff.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:48 No.36059767
    >implying I implied that
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:49 No.36059816
    Well, then don't mind these shorter, but awesome titles!
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:50 No.36059856
    > implying any serialized manga is high art

    They're not high art, indeed, but certainly have a lot more artistic merit and creativity than Bleach, while still deeply entertaining a critical mind.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:51 No.36059877
    >while still deeply entertaining a critical mind.
    >AM I KAWAII ~uguu
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:52 No.36059931
    Don't greentext just because, /a/non. The time you spent replying that could be used to read a few pages or track a torrent for that show you always wanted to give a try.
    >> Baraggan Luisenbarn 06/09/10(Wed)18:53 No.36059973
    I'm fucking sick of people quoting that mod. He fucking said that Big 3 discussion is fine, it's just that the posters are more likely to be retarded.

    How the fuck hard is this for you people to understand?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:53 No.36060016
    apparently not as hard as for you fags keeping your kuboshit in a single thread
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:54 No.36060027
    >Wow, still no decent replies of people willing to move to a higher level of entertainment, or even well-read /a/nons.

    These threads that pretend that any anime or manga series can actually be deep, engaging forms of entertainment crack me up.

    Looking for a higher level of entertainment? Get your ass of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:54 No.36060028
    ok, I'll bite. Link me to a show that's "deeply entertaining to a critical mind". Make it not an overly long one, and I promise I will read it from start to finish with an open mind. I'm serious about this.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:55 No.36060086
    But I already have, /a/non:

    As I said, more entertaining, better written, better stories, better characterization...
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:57 No.36060145
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:58 No.36060170
    Just recommend me one that's particularly good. From those listed I've read Monster, Lain, Vinland, TTGL, Lone Wolf & Cub and NGE. I know nothing about the others.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)18:59 No.36060218
    If you liked Lone Wolf & Cub, Kubikiri Asa is it's predecessor/sister work. That or Sexy Voice & Robo.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:00 No.36060247
    Oh, and Mushishi for anime.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:00 No.36060260
    I'll check out sexy voice and robo, then.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:00 No.36060266
    >OP's recommended list - Pretentious mindless entertainment with shitty predictable writing.

    >Bleach - Mindless entertainment with shitty predictable writing that constantly takes the piss out of itself.

    Unlike OP I am not an elitist faggot that takes anime and manga to be some amazing and complex art form.

    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:02 No.36060359
    Taking anime and manga casually and insisting on watching and reading bad things are two entirely different things. You think you belong on the former, but in fact you're grouped in the latter.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:04 No.36060417
    But i do read other stuff... kekkaishi, naruto, negima, sankarea, etc, etc
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:05 No.36060457
    OP, I am a diehard Bleachfag.
    On top of this, I have seen/read and hated half the series you just listed and have not and will purposefully not read/watch the other half.

    Since my delicious ignorance and refusal to 'educate myself' mean this much to you I just thought I'd share for shits and giggles.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:06 No.36060501
    Nawww, I can spot a troll. Godbless.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:06 No.36060522
    Now we can be in the second group together!
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:07 No.36060557
    Obviously you can't; I'm dead serious. If it makes you more comfortable to think Anons like me don't exist though, that's cool too.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:09 No.36060623
    because im fairly new to anime and starting out watching shitty anime that i will no longer enjoy after watching better animes which in turn will make those other animes better
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:11 No.36060694
    More fans, more threads. It is inevitable.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:13 No.36060764
    > Obviously you can't; I'm dead serious. If it makes you more comfortable to think Anons like me don't exist though, that's cool too

    So you're honestly claiming that, not only you're a diehard Bleach fan, you also hated half the series on my initial post and will willingfully not watch the other half? If I can't discredit such an inconsiderate post as a troll, this leaves me simply ignorance, and the question "what the hell are you even doing here?".
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:13 No.36060766
    >>36060266 Bleach... constantly takes the piss out of itself.

    This is a major factor in its enjoyability, yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:15 No.36060838
    Bleach is the number one SJ manga taking itself too seriously.

    This entire aizen ordeal is the most contrived thing i've read in recent years.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:16 No.36060888
    I've read and watched almost all those, and still read Bleach. Suck your own dick.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:19 No.36061019
    As I said before, no need to lie in this thread, I'm not judging.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:20 No.36061057
    Ok, I read ~100 pages of sexy voice and robo. Not sure what to say at this point. It's neither particularly bad nor good. Will read the rest tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:23 No.36061153
    What am I doing here? Enjoying myself, unlike you pretentiousfag.

    Bleach is all about being contrived, but they always turn around eventually and point out how retarded it is themselves.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:24 No.36061230
    And then you realize you've spent countless days reading, rereading and discussing about something that by your own words, is retarded. I really don't see the point.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:25 No.36061242

    What's so "contrived" about it? Sure, you can scream retcon until you're blue in the face, but the fact remains that the convenience of the initial plotline had long before been called out by some readers as a future plot hook, and accepted by the majority of the audience only because of genre convention.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:26 No.36061280
    Its good imo, thats why.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:26 No.36061286
    I spend ~5 minutes (give or take) every week reading Bleach. OH NOES I'M WASTING MY LIFE
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:27 No.36061333
    >but the fact remains that the convenience of the initial plotline had long before been called out by some readers as a future plot hook, and accepted by the majority of the audience only because of genre convention.

    As contrived as this sentence. Remember, people don't know which thoughts you are trying to put into words - you have to actually write them first.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:29 No.36061433
    It's not just that, /a/non, you make it sound so casual... It's about the time you spent reading every single chapter, watching episodes, downloading and looking for torrents and related stuff, reading about it and talking on /a/ and elsewhere about it - very time consuming tasks, which could be put to better use, which dare I say - would be more fun for you.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:32 No.36061547
    >Watched Bleach
    >Watched/read most of the op stuff
    >Watched One Piece

    After all that, bleach is meh to me, except of Kenpachi. I still read chapters but ain't passionate about it as I used to be. I'm more One Piece fan as now, and I utterly enjoy it. And I enjoy reading everything else as you stated OP

    In all, you're a fag, OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:33 No.36061568
    I dropped the anime a few years ago, and I don't discuss bleach much, tbh. I also find it ironic that you hate bleach, yet spend your time in bleach threads telling people who like bleach that they're wasting their lives discussing it on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:35 No.36061657

    Oh, you're using the word "contrived" to mean its exact opposite.

    That explains a lot.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:35 No.36061675
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    So you don't fit at all in this thread, huh? See >>36058996

    Life has these things, it can't be helped. Pic horrible yet related.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:35 No.36061682
    OP has spent more time complaining about Bleach today then I've spent thinking about it in the last month.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:36 No.36061704
    To the person who recommended Sexy voice and robo: Does it get better? It's ok so far, but nothing ground breaking.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:36 No.36061719
    I read/watched almost all that you have listed, and I do admit Bleach is shit.

    However long-running manga/anime is more appealing to me than short-running ones, hence why I still read Bleach.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:36 No.36061723
    why hasn't anyone pointed out OP's pic?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:37 No.36061743
    i have watched a couple of the 1 u mentioned..i still watch bleach cuz if mah favorite of the ongoing series so while i wait for the next ep i watch other series...
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:38 No.36061821
    You're all fucking idiots

    He's reverse-trolling.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:40 No.36061904
    Bleach is the worst of the 3. I think most people just read it because it comes out at the same time as One Piece (and Naruto, to a lesser degree), and out of habit. At least, that's why I do.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:40 No.36061908
    I'm not impersonating anyhting or anyone, I can see why people would think I'm trolling, even though I'll personally say I'm not, but reverse-trolling? You don't know what that means, sir.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:40 No.36061927

    It's an OLD joke.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:49 No.36062267

    A troll bashes a series they hate to make its fans angry.

    A reverse-troll bashes a series they like to exploit the contrarian nature of the board to make people like and/or discuss it.

    It can also go the other direction, expressing ludicrously fanatical support for something to get people to hate it.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)19:49 No.36062272
    You're clearly an idiot then. It's pretty obvious you're trolling right now (and albeit being successful at it).
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)20:06 No.36062975
    All anime is shitty to someone.

    That is what it means to be art, different interpretations for different people as we all see the world differently.

    inb4 no one knows what art is

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