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  • File : 1275714619.jpg-(5 KB, 200x141, 1274668351140.jpg)
    5 KB Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:10 No.35819651  
    /a/, what's your take on /sp/? Should there even be a sports board on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:11 No.35819685
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:11 No.35819686
    I like it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:11 No.35819709
    It's a very good board with a funny and active community.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:17 No.35819966
    fuck no, 4chan should be strictly anime and Japanese related subjects.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:18 No.35819997
         File1275715120.jpg-(232 KB, 533x800, 0d529c991dff26e0915719a812b2e8(...).jpg)
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    /sp/ > /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:18 No.35820002
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    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:19 No.35820036
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:20 No.35820055
    Sup OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:20 No.35820066
    OH! DANG!
    *clap cla-clap cla-clap*
    >> Canadia !!XqbTTqPfxEl 06/05/10(Sat)01:20 No.35820092
    I like it, and use it. Trip related
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:22 No.35820177
    i like /sp/, but is full of retards!

    "lol power rankings" "americans vs euros" "Football vs Football (or Handeeg vs Divegrass)" "mfw" etc etc etc...

    it has some good moments, but is the most retarded board of 4chan, FFS is even worse than /b/ and /b2/ sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:26 No.35820334
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:27 No.35820427
    /sp/ will be the busiest board in the near future.
    We got the World Cup coming up.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:28 No.35820457
    I like it. Great trolling when no game and great live gamethreads when there are games.

    Of course there should be a sports board on 4chan.

    silly moot
    >> !!walw6pK4Alo 06/05/10(Sat)01:29 No.35820484
    I like how motor sport can be both on /sp/ and /o/.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:29 No.35820494
    Wow, it's like /sp/ really pulled a shadow clone jutsu in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:30 No.35820515
    /sp/ is no longer in the archive
    whats up with that?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:32 No.35820592
    WAT IS B2?????//
    >> U MADdie? !vFzc.BJlmU 06/05/10(Sat)01:35 No.35820738
         File1275716102.jpg-(151 KB, 633x1024, 4523693615_870e3311e5_o.jpg)
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    /sp/ > [a/
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:35 No.35820741
    /v/, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:35 No.35820759
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:38 No.35820872
    /sports/ is the board that all other boards shit on.

    It's like the Keanu of 4chan
    >> Mr. Меtaрhor ♥ Jasmine !!oh7qpK3qt59 06/05/10(Sat)01:38 No.35820893
    Why is this on a board for Burmese cartoons?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:39 No.35820912
    It sucks; full of sissies and mongoloids.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:39 No.35820917
    Owner of the archive got asspained after the whole board invasion thing.

    I'm pretty sure it was all set up by /b/ anyway, but whatever
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:39 No.35820923
    They throw cool parties
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:44 No.35821196
    Just wait till US beats england in less than 10 days.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:46 No.35821295
    >/a/, what's your take on /sp/? Should there even be a sports board on 4chan?

    Yes, with every sport, not just Handball, Baseball and Niggerball.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:47 No.35821326
    Why is /sp/ so gay?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:47 No.35821341
         File1275716857.jpg-(22 KB, 384x688, Sip.jpg)
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    I love hockey, so yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:47 No.35821349
    >implying there wasn't a hockey sticky on there for the past two days that is still there.
    >implying the place won't be filled with povertyball in less than a week
    >> Piscinex !7qAamOjwSA 06/05/10(Sat)01:48 No.35821397
    So thats what 1080i HD Blu-Ray looks like.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:49 No.35821436
    try talking to /sp/ about boat rowing or something like that

    bricks shat
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:50 No.35821463
    oarrow is not a sport
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:50 No.35821481
    I'll start visiting it once the world cup starts.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:51 No.35821524
         File1275717082.jpg-(210 KB, 533x800, 95581b80e231f8dacf647887fee91e(...).jpg)
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    /sp/ > /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:51 No.35821551
         File1275717114.jpg-(162 KB, 650x679, 1247251905226.jpg)
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    I'll leave once that shit starts.

    NHL playoffs are the only thing worth watching. Soccer is way too boring.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:52 No.35821573
    Suit yourself.

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