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  • File : 1275614339.png-(2.64 MB, 1280x720, Weapon.png)
    2.64 MB Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:18 No.35759605  
    I shall have your soul
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:19 No.35759627
    then soul was soul
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:20 No.35759650
    Go away or you will be Courage Punch'ed
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:20 No.35759652
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:20 No.35759667
         File1275614440.jpg-(19 KB, 225x350, Sakyo 2.jpg)
    19 KB
    I gambled my soul away and won 300 million dollars.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:21 No.35759686
    I shall have your ass first.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:21 No.35759689
    good shit
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:21 No.35759698
         File1275614491.jpg-(27 KB, 608x341, excalibur2.jpg)
    27 KB

    Who said my soul was available for you to take?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:22 No.35759731
         File1275614555.jpg-(731 KB, 2299x720, not that excalibur motherfucke(...).jpg)
    731 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:23 No.35759757
         File1275614596.png-(924 KB, 900x532, Soul_Eater_Evans_by_oh_mi_gawd.png)
    924 KB

    courage punch barely tickles me
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:24 No.35759793
         File1275614670.jpg-(42 KB, 500x374, getdicksandsuck.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Shiki !r8EMWvOzjo 06/03/10(Thu)21:26 No.35759866
    バ カめ!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:26 No.35759868
         File1275614789.jpg-(92 KB, 1280x720, Asuraface.jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:26 No.35759869
    crazy maka is the most moe character of that show
    I just felt like letting everyone know that
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:27 No.35759920
         File1275614867.jpg-(27 KB, 350x382, hellsing.jpg)
    27 KB
    No, I'll have your soul.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:29 No.35759968
         File1275614945.gif-(956 KB, 320x180, makagif.gif)
    956 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:29 No.35760005
         File1275614990.png-(23 KB, 180x101, 180px-AndersonRegen51697.png)
    23 KB

    not so fast here
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:30 No.35760037
    should have finished off with insane maka instead of courage panch
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:33 No.35760139
         File1275615199.jpg-(92 KB, 1280x720, Cronaandraggy.jpg)
    now you scared chrona

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