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  • File : 1274807665.jpg-(19 KB, 400x320, lost.jpg)
    19 KB Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:14 No.35306829  
    sooo where are the bleach spoilers?

    pd; lost > all
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:17 No.35306916
    ;_; jaaaaaaaaaaack
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:18 No.35306942
    pretentious ending was pretentious
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:19 No.35306978
    best male character of all time of all time!!
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:20 No.35307002
    The hell? Lost ended?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:20 No.35307005
    >of all time of all time!!

    sure is summer in here
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:21 No.35307023
    did he manage to have sex with anyone
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:22 No.35307049
    Lost ending sucked so fucking much, and some shit never got explained
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:23 No.35307079
    best male character of all time of all time!!>>35307005

    i thinks hes using the kanye west quotes
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:23 No.35307086
    The ending basically made it so they wouldn't have to explain anything. Faith, man.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:23 No.35307098
    i see a pedo
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:24 No.35307127
    S E X
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:24 No.35307140
    Lol enjoy your Neon Genesis ending
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:25 No.35307147
    L E T S A L L H A V E L O A D S O F S E X
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:28 No.35307248
    feels bad man no more lost
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:28 No.35307260
    So you disguised a Lost thread by saying Bleach
    Now suddenly it's /a/ related
    Well you managed to fool /a/
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:34 No.35307454

    im a mastermind.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:37 No.35307560
    Too bad noone actually discusses it
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:38 No.35307593
    samefag, fuck off
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:46 No.35307896
    everything was explained.
    you people are just too fucking stupid to follow it
    seriously, there are people still asking what happened to The Dharma Initiative and where the polar bears came from
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:47 No.35307904
    What is this about Lost being similar to NGE? I've heard about it before but doen't understand it
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:47 No.35307915
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:47 No.35307937
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:51 No.35308033
    1. hardcore trolling
    2. everybody dies
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:51 No.35308060
    The main thing non-4chan forums are discussing is the fact that any death could appear the way they did based on the loose reality trying to cover up the truth. Even someone's final moments could just be "the island" filling in details.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:53 No.35308105
    Is that it?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:53 No.35308108
    "filling in details"?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:53 No.35308116
    You have to admit, the show does make more sense that way. Considering a government organization dedicated only to covering up plane crashes and the activities of an island, seems pretty retarded.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:54 No.35308130
    Everyone dies...but not at at once.

    And there's a scene that's very similar to the congratulations thing.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:54 No.35308147
    there was no trolling
    nearly everybody died
    one of the last shots was jack surrounded by everyone who had been on the island with him as they waited for his arrival
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:55 No.35308172
    wtf are you talking about? what gov organization?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:56 No.35308209
    So "Congratulations"?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:56 No.35308222

    "Jack, you may not understand this, but you are already dead."
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:57 No.35308237
    Yeah nigga
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:57 No.35308245
    I'm trying not to spoiler anything.

    (x)Islander one dies slowly over a period of hours, when in reality, they could have already moved on. The island is simply turning their thoughts into a reality to throw everyone off as to what actually happened to them.

    If there was a prison, and prisoners were being released early at an incredible rate, wouldn't the remaining prisoners want in on the secret?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:58 No.35308282
    okay now I'm definitly not going to watch it
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:58 No.35308284
    Low tier taste here
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)13:59 No.35308317
    I Was really concerned the flash sideways stuff would be some kind of happy ending where even if they had died they could come back and continue living in the alternate world created by the bomb.

    Instead we got a kind of cool mix of tragic and happy.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:00 No.35308353
    where the fuck did this theory come from?
    it makes no sense and is not based on anything in the show
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:00 No.35308365
    Also what I should have said is that there is a chance that most of the other people never existed in the first place. Kind of like when you wake up from a dream about school, but nobody else comes back with you.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:01 No.35308372

    What about Christian?
    The smoke monster?
    How did the island work?
    How did the island work encompasses about 100 unanswered questions
    Government agents?
    Eko? (oh wait, no black men in heaven, also dogs)
    Hurley Bird?
    Hurley World?

    Either you're a bad troll or a significantly mentally challenged man.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:03 No.35308450
    the theory is that "the island" is purgatory. Jack and the others are merely paying the debts on their souls and then finally accepting faith so they can move on to heaven. Everything that happens on the island is just a hellish trial
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:05 No.35308513
    yes but did anyone except sawyer and that mexican bitch from the resident evil movie have sex?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:06 No.35308533
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    so the island is just a Silent Hill rip off then?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:06 No.35308543

    How the fuck does the first post have ANYTHING to do with the purgatory theory.

    Also, some people got off the island at the end and went on to live their lives as far as we could tell, so everything on the island probably all happened unless pilots are Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:08 No.35308592
    this is stupid and based on absolutely nothing

    >What about Christian?
    he's fucking dead. on island appearances were MIB. the off island appearance was either his ghost or jack going nuts
    >The smoke monster?
    >How did the island work?
    >How did the island work encompasses about 100 unanswered questions
    so you were expecting an lecture on theoretical fantasy physics for the finale??
    >Government agents?
    was suckered into MIB's plan to kill jacob
    was going to be what locke was but in the end did not feel sorry for his murderous ways and therefore could not be either a candidate or leader of the others
    >Hurley Bird?
    >Hurley World?
    Hurley was destined to be the island protector
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:08 No.35308609

    That theory is wrong. The only thing that was purgatory was the "flash sideways". Everything that happened on the island was real.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:08 No.35308612

    No, not really. Silent hill is a hellish alternate dimension ruled by pure hate. Lost's island is a incredibly mysterious unexplained plot device.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:09 No.35308638
    did these idiots even watch the show
    the alternate timeline was the pseudo-purgatory ("a place you all created to find each other and move on") NOT THE ISLAND
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:09 No.35308665
    They left the mechanics unexplained...but really what would they have said about how the "light" works?

    We got answers about where the smoke came from, why Christian appeared on the island (though maybe the man in black was lying about that)

    MIB/Gov't agents? What are you talking about, those people are surely associated with Widmore or Ben.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:12 No.35308746
    Lost ending = 6 years of smelly red herrings trying to get overpowered by a christian holyholy bullshit ending.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:12 No.35308766
    Okay fags answer me this.

    How the hell did Kate, Sawyer, the pilot, etc. die? I thought they got off the island.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:12 No.35308768
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    Yeah, we all saw or was told what happened, but that doesn't explain jack shit.

    I'm not asking if you saw water start to boil, I'm asking HOW. Lost is, or has very heavy amounts of mystery in it, one of the main things about mystery shows is that shit gets explained. Lost's finale didn't explain shit
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:15 No.35308851
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:17 No.35308895
    everyone dies dipshit
    seriously, every time i have a discussion with a person who dislikes the show or even just the finale, they show themselves to be fucking retarded
    Jack's dad even fucking says it. "SOME DIED BEFORE, SOME DIED MUCH MUCH AFTER YOU."
    I MAD
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:18 No.35308914
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    >My face when he really was expecting a lecture on fantasy theoretical physics for the finale
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:18 No.35308938
    They lived normal lives and eventually died because... well, EVERYBODY DIES.
    As Jack's father told him, there is no "time" in the "flash sideways". That explains why Hurley and Ben were there, and why Kate said "I missed you so much" or some shit when she met Jack after she got her memories back
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:18 No.35308945
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:21 No.35309015
    I can't really tell you, I didn't create the show. I'm just saying that the purgatory theory is the leading belief at the moment amongst LOST forum members and a majority of the internet.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:21 No.35309028
    Am I the only person in the world that liked Jack? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:23 No.35309064
    people are so fucking stupid i swear
    >> Lost Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:24 No.35309080
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:24 No.35309100
    No jack ass, the entire island is purgatory. everyone died in the original plane crash.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:26 No.35309149
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    They said they were going to "explain everything in the final season"

    Jack shit is explained
    I am irritated
    Wizards did it

    Are you really that stupid that you can just sit there and take whatever is jammed down your gullet? Did you even consider for a second that the writers thought "Wow, how the hell are we going to explain all this? I know! How about we just slap on a happy everyone-goes-to-heaven-together ending!" Instead of doing an actual ending that gives some clue as to what the fuck was actually going on for the past 6 year?
    Of course you didn't, because you're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:28 No.35309203
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    Oh, screw you all.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:28 No.35309223
    any pseudo-scientific explanations for how the island works would have been just as useful or relevant to the story as saying it was a magic cave from which all life came from
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:29 No.35309243
    you must be a complete retard or a bad troll to believe that
    >> King of Zeroes !nPNsLG8x86 05/25/10(Tue)14:29 No.35309252
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:30 No.35309268
    there was nothing left unexplained besides the actual mechanics of how the island worked
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:30 No.35309279
    dont worry it's a completely baseless and stupid theory
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:31 No.35309283
    It's a TV show, you want science, take a physics class.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:31 No.35309301
    Well done.

    I am sad, because I thought the ending was simple enough for everyone to get, but it seems like so many people are too stupid to get it.

    Right now, I'm just forcing myself to think that these people are merely trolling, but I can't, or rather, refuse to belief that they are that stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:33 No.35309326
    i hope you are just agreeing with me here
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:33 No.35309327
    The Silent Hill from the movie is a hellish dimension ruled by hate, the one in the games has no concrete explanation. If anything there's just something about the town that manifests things based on the psychological state of it's visitors or causes them to hallucinate (eg. James).

    Basically this purgatory theory just sounds like yet another shitty explanation like Ashes to Ashes had.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:33 No.35309349
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:36 No.35309438
    LOST thread in /a/, I came
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:43 No.35309691
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    I would have much rather preferred some kind of pseudo-science ending as apposed to the "lol God did it" ending, it would at least bring some closure to the people who have been following this show for 6 years. They can all still go to heaven together, but at the very least explain SOME of the mechanics of the island instead of having all this half-shown science and magic crap laying around by the end.

    If that's true then how about the part where they get off the island and then have to go back to the island?
    What was the point of the whole "flash-sideways" thing if the island was actual purgatory?
    What about Sawyer, Kate, Pilot, Jackie Chan, and that other guy who got off?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:43 No.35309707
    better than the /tv/ discussions for sure
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:45 No.35309762
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    So has jumping Jack been shopped into Mario yet?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:46 No.35309806
    It's not a leading theory at all anymore. Creators flat out said it's not purgatory even. You're simply making up support for your obviously wrong argument.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:47 No.35309844
    there was no "God did it" in the finale
    and some of the mechanics of how the island worked was explained

    also, whoever says the island was purgatory is retarded
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:47 No.35309856
    Seriously if you were still expecting answers by season 4 about how the Lost universe works then you are fucking retard.
    It was obvious that the show wasn't taking that route.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:48 No.35309887
    that was fucking old-school-shonen-level awesome
    i was expecting streaming lines behind him and a power yell
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:49 No.35309922
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:54 No.35310095
    I understand what you're trying to say, but I don't see how the explanation of how the island works would have any meaning to the story... What I assumed is that the island is some kind of "entrance to heaven" that has to be protected by someone, and it exists since ancient times. That's enough for me, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:54 No.35310121
    Everybody dies at some point (some after many years)
    and then Eva 26 ending
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:56 No.35310184
    I WTF'ed at that scene
    Flocke comes on him with a knife and he fucking jumps? seriously? FUCKING AWESOME
    I enjoyed the final
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:56 No.35310197
    I guess in /a/ we like the ending better because we are already used to it, with things like Evangelion and Darker than Black.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:57 No.35310224
    I can't wait for the sitcom about Hurley and Ben's lives on the island.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:57 No.35310233
    Three different scenes, connected lazily
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:57 No.35310234
    Yes, WTF endings are so common here they don't even shock anymore.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)14:59 No.35310314
    ...I dont't consider the ending to be WTF-worthy.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:00 No.35310340
    Also, I lol every time I see someone complaining about the lack of answers.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:01 No.35310374
    It's called Hurley and Bird. That's right, Ben's nickname is Bird.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:02 No.35310408
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:02 No.35310432
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    Hugo is so moeee ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:03 No.35310446
    Compared to Darker than Black. Lost is Preschool level.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:06 No.35310544
    Replace "Hell's Gate" with "The Island"
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:07 No.35310594
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    Someone should make a falcon punch video about this or something.
    >> L O S T spoilers Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:14 No.35310819
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    Everything was real. The island had a magic light that needed to be protected or the world gets destroyed by evil. The season 6 flash sideways is the afterlife. The Losties created that plane of existence to remember their lost memories, find each other, let go, and move on. Everything was told to the viewer in the last 10 minutes. Trolls will ignore the explanation and give you troll answers.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:18 No.35310963
    I like to think that the afterlife was some kind of compensation that Jacob/the island gave to them for all the shit they had been through.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:19 No.35310981

    tl; dr: trolling
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:19 No.35311010

    This picture is exactly what went on.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:22 No.35311100
    I know the Alternative-Desmond found out everything and started helping everyone, but then what was the Island-Desmond thinking?
    He kept acting like a retard and saying things about "going back" and "nooo, it didn't work"
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:33 No.35311453
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    What are you talking about? The island and the mysteries surrounding it were the main attraction of the show, not the characters.
    Most episodes consisted of 2/3 island witchery and 1/3 characters.
    You know who /tv/'s favorite character is from LOST? The island.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)15:41 No.35311718
    Bullshit. Atleast HALF the show was largely about the characters background. Flashbacks, flashforwards, flash sideways. The other half was more character interactions and maybe a smoke monster or dharma button.
    >> King of Zeroes !nPNsLG8x86 05/25/10(Tue)15:41 No.35311727
    Dem faces.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:19 No.35313056
    >Most episodes consisted of 2/3 island witchery and 1/3 characters.
    >Episodes are focused on a particular character each time.
    >Half of each episode is flashbacks or flashforwards focusing on that character's life.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:39 No.35313813
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    What about the numbers man, THE NUMBERS.
    Why were they on the hatch/everywhere?
    Why were they so "special" according to Jacob in the ligthouse scene?
    Purgatory? Are you fucking kidding me?
    Kate and Jack? Ugh.
    Why why do explosives not work because of some bullshit rules to a game two bored guys came up with?
    Women giving birth on the island = death (sometimes kinda)?
    Why did Eko have to die? Did saying he would do whatever it takes make him not Jacob material?

    Seriously, I miss Eko. I miss Eko, and his beatstick.

    p.s. counting the days til a decent LOST fanart/oekaki thread
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:40 No.35313847
    anyone here awaiting End of Lost?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:43 No.35313940
    LOST was an anime for normalfags.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:46 No.35314043
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:47 No.35314100

    /tv/ wins this one easily.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:48 No.35314141

    it's all magic.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:50 No.35314192
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:51 No.35314262
    I don't know, Kubo is still on his way and we haven't seen the bleach ending yet.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:52 No.35314308
    >5.99 seasons
    >Hate Jack

    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:55 No.35314416
    Personally, I think it would be terrible if they spent the last 2 hours of the show explaining the technicalities of how the Lost universe works.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:56 No.35314445
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:59 No.35314549
    I didn't really hate Jake, but he always got the short end of the stick no matter what happened.

    He was never even meant to be the one to rule the island.

    I though the numbers were of the last six candidates? Let me check.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:01 No.35314622
    The turning point for me was in the middle of this season, when he became the new real Locke.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:02 No.35314651
    >I though the numbers were of the last six candidates?
    Indeed. Which makes me think that even the numbers were affected by Jacob.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:03 No.35314691
    This has got to be a troll, Jack failed it up the entire last episode.
    He was 'Jacob' for a good two minutes, in which he manages to accidentally the whole island, get stabbed all over, and die. Also, sideways Jack is a dolt. The Kwons woke up and were just like "Oh" and when Jack wakes up, he's like "What is this, what is happening to meee"

    How are you the only one who doesn't get it?
    God I wish Locke had killed you.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:03 No.35314703
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    shit finale was shit

    even worse than season 2 of darker than black
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:04 No.35314734
    >Lost better than anything
    Gaia is waiting, OP!
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:11 No.35314957
    Jacob was stalking the lives of thousands of people in the lighthouse. He chose six candidates that he considered to be "ronery like him" to replace him, each one represented by a number.
    That's the explanation for 4 8 15 16 23 42, and why they were special to Jacob
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:12 No.35315003
    >He was 'Jacob' for a good two minutes, in which he manages to throw Locke off a cliff and kill him, save the world, and have possibly the best heroic sacrifice in the series.

    Also Mario's aerial smash
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:13 No.35315041
    >He chose six candidates that he considered to be "ronery like him"
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:14 No.35315089
    I think he figured that if he shut the light thing down, flocke's powers would be turned off too.
    Cry some moar, Jack hater.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:15 No.35315114
    Yes, I get that they were the last 6 candidates, however that is not the only thing they were. They were engraved on stuff, crazy men repeated them endlessly, all sorts of stuff. Part of things before the list on the ceiling of Jacob's cliff cave could have even been narrowed down (Since some were crossed out due to death, etc)
    It means that either
    1) Jacob magically knew which 6 were the final 6, making all reason for his maintaining his list and marking off names as he went completely null. He then, for some reason proliferated them across time and space.
    or 2) The numbers are a part of something bigger and ended up being the final 6's numbers as another instance of how prolific they are.

    Saying "Oh, that's what they meant" is assuming they aren't part of the bigger picture, and that Jacob already had his list narrowed down eons ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:19 No.35315223
    You know what I never understood?
    The time leaping thing.
    Was that caused by the light cave thing? WHAT IS THE LIGHT CAVE THING ANYWAY?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:20 No.35315247
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    >my face when I saw that ending
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:20 No.35315265
    Kate the tag along had to save him from certain death, your argument that Jack took him down is flawed. Also, saving the island is the least he could do after ruining it. "Desmond is a weapon, right? He'll figure it out." And he probably wouldn't have had to sacrifice himself if he didn't just decide to relaxxx in the onimous pool of electromagnetism/lava, depending.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:21 No.35315273
    When the donkey wheel was dislodged that screwed with the electromagnetic properties of the island which either dislodged the island itself or the survivors in time. When Locke put the wheel back on its axis the skips stopped.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:21 No.35315281
    The ending was fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:23 No.35315375
    >that Jack took him down is flawed
    True, but he also figured out how to make him mortal.
    >Also, saving the island is the least he could do after ruining it
    Ruining the island temporarily was the only way to kill MiB, weren't you paying attention?
    >he didn't just decide to relaxxx in the onimous pool of electromagnetism/lava
    Yessss, it's not like he was bleeding to death due to some kind of stab wound or anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:25 No.35315440
    ...Oh, my bad.
    I completely forgot about that
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:27 No.35315514
    light + water = time travel

    God dammit don't you people ever listen?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:27 No.35315525
    It's the source of the energy in the island, it shares properties with electromagnetism. It's what maintains life on Earth, which is why they can't let the man in black leave the island, as he can't leave as long as the source is there.
    When manipulated by the mechanism activated by the wheel, it screws with time/space badly.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:35 No.35315827
    The most important thing to know is that not even Jacob knew what most of this shit was. He just knew that the light was special.
    Everyone in the show had to figure things out as they come up.

    YOU TOO had to figure this shit out as it came up. Instead of waiting for someone else to tell you the scientific answer, come up with one yourself. Dharma was there to figure shit out, but they died before that happened.
    Jacob got the jist of it, but didn't know all the details.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:35 No.35315830
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    so did I miss a episode or something??
    in ep 16 it ends with Ben talking to "locke", in the latest it begins with that he is stuck under a tree?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:35 No.35315833
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:36 No.35315895
    I think you started watching the second half of the last episode...
    >> Eden of the Johnny !i1UFLRWNXk 05/25/10(Tue)17:40 No.35316096
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    Fucking Lost
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:42 No.35316173
    3) The writers didn't really know what the numbers were supposed to mean and made up the "candidates' numbers" answer to the mystery
    >> Florentino Pérez !!XY+5q0oTuWX 05/25/10(Tue)17:43 No.35316213
         File1274823819.jpg-(148 KB, 960x540, TheHolyTruthAboutLost.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:44 No.35316257
         File1274823887.png-(645 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist (...).png)
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    fucking misspelled torrent?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:44 No.35316259
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:45 No.35316300
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    can anyone give me an proper link instead?
    >> Florentino Pérez !!XY+5q0oTuWX 05/25/10(Tue)17:46 No.35316310
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:47 No.35316356
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:48 No.35316403
    Congratulations, Jack!
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:48 No.35316416
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    oh my...
    >> (。◕‿‿◕。)manko(。◕‿‿◕。) !!XgY7CB9v/UA 05/25/10(Tue)17:50 No.35316476
    Jack was moe, so was Ben. Locke too. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:55 No.35316703
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:55 No.35316706
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    I feel so empty inside now when this have ended after all those years,
    pic related
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:57 No.35316763
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)17:59 No.35316878
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)18:02 No.35316972
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)18:02 No.35316985
    What the fuck was with that pilot guy?
    He somehow survives the sub exploding after getting a metal door to the face, then floats around for what, 2 days?
    Then he's completely fine with flying a plane off the island.
    What a badass.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)18:05 No.35317105
         File1274825123.jpg-(770 KB, 2000x3000, LOST_Y4_074_042.jpg)
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    In case you didn't notice, I'm a pilot.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)18:05 No.35317113
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)18:06 No.35317179
    itt people that liked the Eva ending of lost
    >> (。◕‿‿◕。)manko(。◕‿‿◕。) !!XgY7CB9v/UA 05/25/10(Tue)18:07 No.35317222
    Sure is slowpoke around here. Lapidus was GAR from day 1.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)18:10 No.35317342
    Lost finale was too melodramatic. Answers were sort of provided, but were unsatisfying and underwhelming. Flashsideways were just one big farewell scene with no impact on the story. All in all, pretty big letdown.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)18:10 No.35317348
         File1274825441.jpg-(209 KB, 841x2396, 12746716314901.jpg)
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