Well /a/.. Do you?
No ;_;
Life was good
Insert song about Sunshine, buttercups and rainbows here.
Yes. It was a lot more...moral. I would just live my life, eat at restaurants, go to school and sleep. Now, I get to talk about mai fave animays and kawaii uguu~ and occasionally fap to img dumps but mostly alone.
I wasn't a criminal yet.
I lost my gf to this websiteFeels good man
Didn't have as much anime in it. I like it much better now.
Yeah...hmm, it was pretty fucking gay.
Yeah, I was smart.
>>35306329You mean back when I had a soul? Nah, not really.
several serious forums full of faggotry.
BAWWWW 4CHAN RUINED MY LIFE BUBUBUB ;_____;sage for faggotry
Life was mundane, awkward and alienating until I found 4chan. I found interests and entertainment through this site.
Do you remember life before endless summer?
My life sucked, now I actually make fun out of the fact that it sucks. Feels good, man.
I was a straight male attracted to 3d girls of my age and older. ;_;
Yes, I was a WoWfag. I think I'm doing much better now.
I spent less time surfing and played more MMOs.
vaguely, I was successful in life and had friendsNow i'm just a fat neckbeard with only ton-chan as my friend
Yeah, it had significantly less rage.That again, it also had significantly less Sundome and Change 123.
My life used to have no direction but now I'm in jail
IRC on the Rizon server...talking about anime all day long.
Before 4chan I didn't have a folder full of funny pictures. Feels good to have one now.
You mean back when I had no family and a home?, I do. But I wish I didn't.
Life before was okayI had to look for new anime the hard way and seen series I regret. Images were a little hard to come by, I used animepaper and iiChan before 4chan. They both started to suck so I moved on.
>>35306458Same here, sold my acc for 400 euros, feels good man.
its the same shit as always
Yeah, it was boring.
I do, it was so awesome to be a loli.
I used to be a streamfag. Now I download avi and use VLC
Barely.I'm being completely serious here, it's hard to remember what my internet habits were like.
>>35306547>Not streamingI think your life has only gotten worse, man.
>>35306458I'm both right now. >>35306525400 Euros!!!! When? If that was the case my account wold probably sell for 2,000.
>>35306547Holy fuck, you've improved in advanced faggotry.
I was pathetic, but nicer as well.Equal parts good and bad on many fronts.
I was pretty weaboo, and I mean like omg kawaii desu ne kyaa weaboo
I was a lot less angry, I'll tell you that.
it was exactly same
>>35306547>avi>VLCKill yourself
yes.it was much much better. and given the chance, i'd ditch 4chan for it.. if it ever came back to me..
off topic
what life?
do you remember love?
I liked anime.
>>35306547Lifelong downloader, it is becoming the opposite for me.Especially with the trend in Japan to censor the television versions of anime shows and then release an uncensored version shortly afterwards.
>>35306586I had a full T6 warlock on a certain EU realm right before the WotLK came out. Damn that German who bought it was so fucking stupid. I am free thanks to him, though but then I took my acc back through customer services and never played again
Of course.It was much worse (though 4chan itself has nothing to do with that).
i cared about what others thought about me. and how i was seen through the eyes of others. then i met 4chan. now I ALL LIKE I DONT GIVE A FUCK.
It was still pretty shit, though I'm glad I could finally leave chucklefuck game forums like gamefaqs and have somewhere like 4chan to post.
I remember being a normalfag with a bunch of friends in high school.;_;
I used to be in bed before 11pm. Now I sleep around 4am
I do.It was worse.
I remember my life before I had internet. I was taking strolls outside, liked to watch nature... I was so relaxed.Now I'm always in front of the computer all day everyday, checking new stuff coming out all the time; fapping furiously and I barely go out anymore.
I used to think CP was wrong.
I didn't have a tripcode. Then I had SEVERAL tripcodes. I'm sticking with this one for a while, though.
>>35306649You...While I would never take it back, I have full tier 10 and the option of getting heroic tier 10.5 gear at any time.I wonder how much an account would sell for if a death knight has Shadowmourne?
>>35306640yep. it was great.
Yes, it was fucking horrible. 4chan has DRASTICALLY changed my outlook on life, and believe it or not, it was for the better.
Before 4chan, I thought YTMND was hilarious.
Yes. I was happy.
>>35306765Nobody would pay a dime for that shit now since getting latest items is as easy as going to 5-mans every day. Fucking retarded game, I'm so glad I've left it before it turned out even worse than BC.
Yeah i do, i used to play videogames and watch anime a lot more. Now i can just fullfill the emptiness in my life with this site. Nothing's changed. I just traded one from of entertainment to other.
>>35306774>Yes, it was fucking horrible. 4chan has DRASTICALLY changed my outlook on life, and believe it or not, it was for the better.How drastically? Explain further.
4chan turns lives around? WAT?!!
Yeah, 4chan helped me overcome my arrogance, learn to be more accepting and tolerant of other people. I love you guys.Thank you for everything you've given me 4chan, I won't forget.
I used to frequent various video game forums, and I was going through a real weeaboo phase when I found 4chan. I quickly moved on from that though.