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  • File : 1274805823.jpg-(272 KB, 1024x768, elfenlied1.jpg)
    272 KB Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:43 No.35305825  
    Sup /a/, first time poster here,
    I really want to watch Elfen Lied, should I watch the dubbed version or the subbed version?
    >> Naoto Shirogane !AWEsomEEEE!!LE0I7H84CVC 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.35305851
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.35305855
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.35305861
    Neither, there's far better shit to watch.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.35305862
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.35305875
    General rule: Watch subs.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:45 No.35305887
    4/10, not bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:45 No.35305912
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:46 No.35305944
    Read it?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:47 No.35305956
    general rule: /a/ doesn't speak about elfen lied, being it shit or not
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:48 No.35305999
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:48 No.35306026
    The show is pretty shitty compared to the manga in my opinion.
    /a/ rule: Always go with subs.
    4chan rule: Never admit to being a newfag.
    >> OP 05/25/10(Tue)12:48 No.35306031
    what? Just tell me weather it's good not. please.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:49 No.35306059
    Okay, I'm going to end every Elfen Lied thread ever.
    First, its pronounced Elfen Leed, as in rhymes with "Reed".

    Secondly, it has essentially no comprehensible storyline, ancient horned savants whose horns look like cat ears are awakened by a mad scientist, and intend to destroy the world.
    Except the protagonist doesn't even try to stop them. So they basically do.

    Before that, though, it tons of unnecesary gore, and poorly delivered fanservice. In fact, the fanservice is basically the only reason to read the manga. Don't ever, ever, ever watch the anime, as they took out or changed all the best fanservice scenes, and as I previously stated, this is the only reason to read the mango.
    There is indeed a scene in which one of the love interests is on the protagonist's lap "Because it's cold and rainy outside," and whilst the protagonist settles into position, the girl slides down his leg and is stimulated. After this, she for some reason NEEDS to take off her wet panties just then, so she bids the protagonist to turn around, who of course turns back around only to see the girl fallen over accidentally, spread open. At that same moment, the other members of the harem arrive, wonders ensue, etc etc.

    Rinse and repeat this harem fanservice cycle about 400 times with a shitty contrived 2-D storyline and needless gore. If this sounds awesome, then read the mango. If this sounds like a terrible waste of time, then skip on by.

    Tl;dr - If you like fanservice, then only read the mango.
    (If you don't mind the atrocious piece-of-shit art)
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:49 No.35306077
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    Wrong, EL is 10/10
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:50 No.35306093
    Actually I watched it in one day, but only in my typical hope there must come something that makes it special.

    I'm so dissapointed!!! FUCK ELFEN LIED!

    Ah, now I feel better, so let's talk about it in a serious kind of way.

    An anime that ranks in the top 10 should be special, change my look on life, truly shock me, bring me to know what I mean. That's what I awaited from Elfen Lied because there are really only good reviews on it around the net. I feel like it was so damn predictable from the first to the last episode and artificial constructed. It's hard to put it into (English) words. I had that feeling all the time it was cooked after a certain recipe:

    Let's take a lot of breasts, pants, breasts and even more breasts and mix it up with an even bigger amount of blood and violence.

    So it doesn't seem too obvious we only want to sell breasts and blood give the characters some really bad lifes with everything that certainly shocks: Loss of parents, child abuse, killed animals.

    The most important ingridient (besides breasts and blood): The fact that society produces psychos!

    Tadaa, there you go with Elfen Lied.

    Because that facts are so obvious and I'm a girl that does not respond on breasts and blood it did not shock me (and I'm easily scared...the know). Like I said - predictable.
    And unrealistic. Sorry if I spoiler too much, but someone who just found out the nice girl he lived with (he touched her breasts by the way) is the murderer of his family would not hug or even kiss her!!! Hello??? That's beyond can't have such a good heart...perhaps when you are Jesus or the pope, but in any other cases...
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:50 No.35306117
    I do think it's not that great of an anime most people claim it is. As far as I have seen up to the 13 or so episodes, it's just one big *Fan-Service*. Gallons of blood, discriminated gore and gratituous nudity. All these comprises almost half of the series.
    Second, the plot is not solid. It is forced up for some events to happen (all the nudity scenes included) and features many already used clichés, as well as religious themes suited for 6-years old and smoked reasoning out of majors from Philosophy 101. The plot is also WAY too, too predictable. All those scenes that seem guided to create a tense feeling lose their impact because the situation already gives what's going to happen next. Yet, you could say that's not the case because the way the character "develops" permits some uncertainity. Which leads me to the next point.
    Third, the character development sucks. Most of the characters follow stereotypes established since aeons ago. Nyu, for me, is a fraud. Her action pattern is not ambiguousIt doesn't end to convince me her mentality of discriminate killing. That's the only reason why some scenes are not predictable but because you really don't know how she will react in the forced way she was "developed". If she's supposed to hate all humanity that doesn't seem the case in the first episodes. Other characters also don't act as how they're supposed to or given a reason on why.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:51 No.35306123
    sigh your doomed /a/ hates that show, I liked but man are you fucked
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:51 No.35306135
    righto, while i commit a crime just by posting in a thread like this, I'll tell you my story.

    I watched naruto and chobits. Then I watched Elfen lied. I thought it was really good and even had it as favorite. Then I watched Ghost in the shell, and other genuinly good anime such as mushishi, mononoke, baccano, etc. a whole list. and everytime i watched something new, elfen lied went down a rank in my list. every fucking time.

    so now elfen lied is at the bottom. because it's shit. and some people just cant see that. So, about the exact opposite of the thing you said op. the more anime you watch, the more good stuff you watch, the faster you realize elfen lied isnt anything special. it's like people who cling to naruto because it was their first long series - elfen lied is your first series with murder. it leaves an impression. Which is wrong, because later you realize its just a VERY FUCKING stereotypical story with fetishes such as peeing, helplessness, lolis, blood. Add some ZOMG VIOLENCE, some TOTALLY one sided and RETARDED characters, and a fucking trainwreck of a story. Voila.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:51 No.35306154

    The worst part of Elfen Lied. The characters are garbage. They are so cliche and so overboard, they almost insult the intelligence of the viewer, as if we couldn't tell that Bando was short tempered and callous without either threatening the life or punching the faces of every single person he comes in contact with. All the characters are extremely unrealistic and act in ways no real person in today's society would ever act. Like a four year old girl who talks like a James Bond villain? Or elementary school boys who bully their classmates by smashing their puppies faces in with bottles? Teenagers who find naked women lying on beaches and takes them home to live with them without exchanging hardly any words? Besides all that, there weren't many cliches that weren't used in the daily dialogue from the characters. It was actually pretty painful.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.35306170
    To be frank this series was a massive disappointment on every level. I heard great things about from many people and anime sites. Basically this show is a glorified harem horror train wreck with fancy music.

    To start none of the character reactions seem natural. Everything seems awkward and stupid. The characters themselves are all either insane or incredibly stupid (some are both). It's hard to get into depth without ruining anything so I will make an example. Imagine if the characters in Excel Saga's actions were all taken in a serious light. That is how stupid these characters are. Then there is this convoluted storyline that goes in so many different directions that it makes no sense. Then there is the stupid romance element of the thing. It's as if they try to make the most illogical couple possible. Overall this show seems like it was created by a person with no actual goal in sight. He just throws out boobs and blood and expects it to be good. Which it most definitely isn't. If all you want in your anime is blood and boobs this is the anime for you...just whatever you do don;t listen to a word these people have to say.

    Basically this is a piece of garbage covered in blood. But hey at least the music is good. I gotta admit that much.
    >> OP 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.35306180
    Fuck, let's just make this suggestions. What are good animes to start with.
    The one's I've already seen are FMA, Spiral and Death Note. What do you guy's suggest?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.35306194
    Story: What good can be said of Elfen Lied's story? It's a story. That's it. It's overtly complicated, totally unbelievable, and tries way too hard. Two people find a girl with horns and take her in. She can only say her name and gets naked too often. Then she goes nuts and kills people. All because it's her nature. And it's full of plot holes that once you realize, you can't forget. I'd point them out, but they could be spoilers.

    Art: The art is just mediocre moe. Everyone has the same face unless they're an adult apparently. The animation is also pretty bad and that's not a good combination. The "vectors" are the dumbest looking power I've ever seen in an anime. I laughed every time I saw them used. Maybe it's just the way they were drawn.

    Character: By far the largest offense of Elfen Lied is character development. It's either not there or it's much too forced. And what bothered me most is just the overall mood of the characters. To put it simply, if you are a bit character, YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON. NO EXCEPTIONS. One example is a group of elementary school kids beating the ever-loving hell out of a dog with no remorse whatsoever. I went to elementary school and I don't remember that many serial killers in training. They acted like supervillians. Am I just supposed to believe these kids are all just pure evil at that early an age?

    Overall: 1
    The worst and most overrated anime I have ever seen. I don't understand how anyone could enjoy this piece of crap show. I apologize if I'm offending anyone, but you'd have to be a complete moron to actually like this anime.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.35306198
    wahey! Another /a/ newfag
    check youtube to see if there is a video which compares excerpts from the dub and the sub
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.35306199
    hooray, copypasta
    >> Decay !DesuBkBqTk 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.35306220
    /a/ realizes why no one new ever comes here.
    /a/ then doesnt care.

    watch it subbed, op.
    then after that, watch something a little more substantial. but EL is definitely a good place to start.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.35306222
    this series was pretty fucking bad.

    the gore was there just there for gore's sake, and the fan service was a bit over the top.

    overall, this was pretty insulting to my intelligence.

    i've been reading various postings from all over the web (imdb, anime forums), and i can't believe i'm seeing all kind of praise for this anime.

    the plot is cliche and pretty idiotic. so basically all the characters have been so fucked up earlier in life that it's made somewhat believable that the characters, even in anime fantasy land, would act this way? you can only decapitate and split so many people in two before it gets old. the theme of alienation and rejection has been done to death, except this series uses it to justify the aforementioned actions.

    and that Nyuu character is put in there to be somewhat cute and just please 13 year old boys; it felt totally out of place and ridiculous. in fact, i couldn't help but keep thinking to myself that this is what an anime series would be like if it was written by 13 year olds who want to see blood and pussy (in exclusive contexts, i'd hope). that demographic is the only group i could possibly see to consider this series "deep, or if you were a grownup without analytic or critical thinking abilities, you'd come to that same conclusion.

    i don't have any issue with violence or nudity (especially animated), and last i checked i was a pretty intelligent fellow, but i can not see how this is supposed to be some exemplary work.

    i've been out of the anime loop for a LONG time, and it looks like i picked the wrong series to get me back into it.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:54 No.35306240
    Elfen Lied is shit in a way carefully manufactured to sell to dribbling morons incapable of distinguishing cliche from archetype. I read the first volume and it was pathetically bad, but people who genuinely ought to know better have sworn up and down that the anime was actually genuinely good, so I made the mistake of giving it a shot.

    The author has clearly never met a shit fantasy comedy cliche he didn't love, and the anime carefully crammed every single one of them into the episode and a half I managed to survive. Fuck dumb protagonist? Check. Obnoxious airhead materialistic girl? Check. Exposition awkwardly passed off as conversation, half-assed world building, fuck awful comedy jokes, grating presentation...

    There was literally not a single solitary second of this I did not absolutely hate. I dare anyone to survive past the first few episodes, and if you actually fucking like it you need to do some serious soul searching and discover what makes you such a failure as a human being.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:54 No.35306244
    where Can i stream English dubbed elfen lied?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:54 No.35306253
    Even if it is shit, it's possible to enjoy it.
    Just watch it, OP. Probably with subs.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:54 No.35306254
    It's a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad show, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive gore, violence, nudity, fetishist appeal, moe and overbearing, unbelievable backstories and absurd situations.

    The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the show itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad, and the manga isn't any better.

    However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for angsty, sceney teenage faggots who're trying to be cool and 'edgy'. The excessive gore and violence assauts their sensibilities and reinforces their angst while satisfying baser teenage drives, while the pity-party backround and characters drive home this whole 'humanity is evil, the world sucks, sad shit happends everything is twisted' message that little kiddies eat right the fuck up.

    EL is basically THE anime to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to /a/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this show and evryone who likes it, and ensure that no EL threads ever encourage the newfags to show their faces here.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:55 No.35306270
    Elfen Lied was good when I first saw it, because I was extremely new to anime and it felt like it had a lot of stuff going for it. Now that I am familiar with anime, I can't really re-watch it at all. It's just shit. The story and characters completely suck. Other anime have better violence/gore, drama, and moe fanservice. Not only is the main breadth of the show retarded, but all secondary reasons for watching it are trumped by at least 50% of available anime.

    Elfen Lied is not deserving of praise in any way.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:55 No.35306298
    Not trolling:

    Elfen Lied is entry level loldeep garbage for fat fujoshi. It doesn't have any real meaning or provoke actual thought, unlike some other series, and is made entirely out of fanservice, fightan, and BS garbage that doesn't mean anything, but makes stupid people think it does. As such, pretentious 15-year-old girls watch the series and really think that they are "experiencing the ART that is anime," along with a vague sense of pride in their feminist vaginas. It's disgusting, really.

    And, no, this has nothing to do with the fanbase. It's not the girls that are the problem. ELFEN LIED ITSELF tries to make you think that it's deep. If we lived in a just world, the creators would be lined up and shot.
    >> Instigator !!5khn8EBFTEL 05/25/10(Tue)12:55 No.35306303
    You watch Elfen Lied for gore, tits and pissing fetish, not deep story or complex characters. The people who wrote all these copypastas completely missed the point of the anime.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:56 No.35306323
    Do I need to go into detail about how weak, clichéd plot devices like memory loss were used to turn a young adult into a constantly naked, monosyllabic idiot-baby, or to render Kohta oblivious to his cousin Yuka's totally weird and unnecessary unrequited girl-boner (while she helps him run his harem of homeless underaged girls (just because this show needed MORE fanservice))? I'd say these things speak for themselves, but apparently some people think this shit is genius. Oookay.

    This is one of the worst things anime has ever produced. It is the epitome of pandering garbage sold to the utterly tasteless (which is most of anime fandom, these days (yeah, go ahead and check that "not helpful," I know you've been itching to (if you didn't right after seeing my score))).
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:56 No.35306335
    hey what happened to the spam?
    keep going faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:57 No.35306342
    Story: While the opening of the series is certainly something to catch the viewers attention, showing the heroine escaping the facility of her imprisonment and painting the walls with everyone that looks at her funny, it quickly goes downhill when Lucy is shot in the head. At this point, she loses her memory and awakens as otaku wet dream fodder, complete with a cutesy phrase that's enough to drive one to murder when heard repeatedly. She is then found by Kouta, the horribly generic male protagonist and falls in love with his extremely bland, cardboard box personality. From there on, it's a roller coaster ride of cliches and melodrama, in that order. As you can tell, the story of this series is possibly the most painful aspect of it. Like many popular series it likes to think of itself as something profound (and indeed, many who watched the series fell for this). The problem with the plot is that has absolutely nothing to say. There is no message in the series, which leads me to believe "deep" must be the new meaning for shallow for many. It's just violence, fanservice, and cheap melodrama that is to be expected of soap operas (which is an insult to soap operas, to be honest). There is nothing wrong with a series that only seeks to entertain through random violence and fanservice, but when these kind of series grow pretentious and people actually buy into it, there is a problem. The plot is so over the top that it's hard to watch with a straight face, especially any scenes involving children. Apparently, all children are horribly cruel and with kill a puppy for laughs (which is apparently why Lucy is such a wanker. SO TRAGIC). Things like this make one wonder if the creators know the definition of subtlety.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:57 No.35306344

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