>> |
!mbjwN8Mg4c 05/21/10(Fri)09:57 No.35118445 File1274450269.jpg-(33
KB, 577x389, 4442c405208e7fd3a4330d61b6ae2f(...).jpg)
 >>35118222 >Implying a handful of new charas who are all
gathering dust save ibuki and juri, game engine changes that actually
made the game worse and more scrub friendly, and a continuation of a
story that hasn't made any sense since it's fucking creation is worth
40$ as well
I like how SF4 players always find BB threads
and spew their shit.
Also, >10 new
charas that make multiplayer more fun?
Son, where the
fuck fuck are you playing? It ain't nothin but KEN, RYU, AKUMA, SAGAT,
RUFUS up in this bitch. |