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  • File : 1274404875.jpg-(420 KB, 1333x2000, 1268131443187.jpg)
    420 KB Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:21 No.35095491  
    Walk in. See this. What do?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:21 No.35095505
    depraved monster girl sex.
    or death.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:21 No.35095513
    turn 360 degrees and walk away
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:22 No.35095524
    Grab my 12 gauge, take the shot, kill the beast, fuck the corpse
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:22 No.35095550
    why the fuck would I be at a school
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:23 No.35095562
    She eat men and rape women. Actually she rape men too if they are hot enough.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:23 No.35095570
         File1274405013.gif-(407 KB, 250x250, 1273794512234.gif)
    407 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:24 No.35095610
    look, is this thread again
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:24 No.35095616
    how she rape the willing?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:27 No.35095734

    You were browsing /a/ when suddenly you heard a strange sound behind you. You tried to turn around but world turned black in an instant. When you woke up you saw this in front of you.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:28 No.35095784

    They are not so willing to get eaten after getting raped.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:29 No.35095838
         File1274405389.jpg-(302 KB, 1000x769, 1273708968189.jpg)
    302 KB
    Cleanse it in the fires of destruction along with the earth
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:30 No.35095864
    What is she supposed to be?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:30 No.35095887

    Thank you /a/non. As for my answer I still have not one
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:31 No.35095909
    Call /b/. Ask for help.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:31 No.35095915
         File1274405497.png-(245 KB, 640x640, ha_base10.png)
    245 KB
    A japanese demon that is a spider who seduces men
    sex's them, then eats them
    you purge material
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:33 No.35096016
    Is she going to turn into a spider completely, or is this as "spiderish" as she usually gets?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:34 No.35096040
         File1274405646.png-(52 KB, 192x192, HeresyStamp.png)
    52 KB

    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:34 No.35096058
         File1274405668.png-(632 KB, 1121x1600, jingai_04.png)
    632 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:35 No.35096081
         File1274405700.png-(126 KB, 300x300, CB011_Hakumen-1.png)
    126 KB
    about 60 - 80 % spider
    still purge material
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:35 No.35096107
         File1274405725.jpg-(665 KB, 1280x800, 1253337559083.jpg)
    665 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:35 No.35096111

    Probley full spider after the sexings.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:35 No.35096117
    >about 60 - 80 % spider
    Do not want!
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:36 No.35096139
         File1274405796.jpg-(135 KB, 509x600, Hakumen.jpg)
    135 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:37 No.35096168
         File1274405841.jpg-(334 KB, 1137x1024, 1266240177473.jpg)
    334 KB
    Death to the heretics.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:38 No.35096213
    [X] Genuflect
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:38 No.35096222
         File1274405917.jpg-(4 KB, 150x113, 147947-thumbnail.jpg)
    4 KB
    Repent thy sins!
    followers of false prophets!
    You have been lead astray!
    You no longer understand what heresy truly is!
    For this it self shall is heresy!
    Watch thy self for thee ban!
    For all ye who break rule of 4chan shall see thy gods of thee ban hammer!!

    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:39 No.35096261
         File1274405970.png-(22 KB, 160x160, 4_12.png)
    22 KB
    rule 10
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:39 No.35096278
         File1274405988.jpg-(114 KB, 500x667, OH GOD WHAT.jpg)
    114 KB
    It sure does look like a Hakumen thread!
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:41 No.35096356
    "Look, how about that, I bring you food and you leave me alive?

    By the way, nice legs"
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:41 No.35096376
         File1274406103.png-(179 KB, 425x1318, 4koma_hakumen_ch4.png)
    179 KB
    as much as I like another Hakubro
    I don't like seeing him with King Varrien of the alliance
    and the picture it self is bad
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:43 No.35096442
         File1274406195.png-(87 KB, 318x470, Grimalkin1.png)
    87 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:44 No.35096504
         File1274406289.jpg-(43 KB, 434x639, 35a1uzd.jpg)
    43 KB
    alright that's better then the last one
    were cool Hakubro
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:45 No.35096532

    Moka san...
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:46 No.35096584
         File1274406399.png-(573 KB, 600x338, Hakumen Ragna Ink.png)
    573 KB
    Hey, I liked the Haku and Bang in skirts one!
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:46 No.35096592

    you have my attention
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:47 No.35096643
         File1274406467.jpg-(264 KB, 600x800, 1273799159980.jpg)
    264 KB
    your making this seem gay and I am not enjoying this
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:49 No.35096721
         File1274406594.jpg-(199 KB, 600x467, hakumen1.jpg)
    199 KB
    Why? I like Bang, he's a walking reference to super robots and Kamen Rider. It's not like I want them to fuck or anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:54 No.35096885
         File1274406854.jpg-(34 KB, 576x360, [large][AnimePaper]wallpapers_(...).jpg)
    34 KB
    1: It's slightly gross
    2: Bang looks like King Varrien Wirn or what ever from the alliance in WoW
    3: Hakumen is only justice bro's with Bang
    let's keep to this ok?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:56 No.35096948
         File1274406961.jpg-(55 KB, 640x439, 1269209597262.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:58 No.35097023
         File1274407096.jpg-(541 KB, 1007x755, FUCK YEAH HAKUMEN ARAKUNE.jpg)
    541 KB
    ok ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:58 No.35097047
    Arakune with a ice cream...?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)21:59 No.35097063
         File1274407155.jpg-(129 KB, 800x1007, HAKU_MEN_by_Kanta_Kun.jpg)
    129 KB
    this is now heading in a positive direction
    this pleases me
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:00 No.35097122
         File1274407247.jpg-(103 KB, 400x470, d56caa0798474de0ac05239398dacf(...).jpg)
    103 KB
    Arakune is my everything.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:00 No.35097128
    Mahou Shoujo Transformation.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:01 No.35097156
         File1274407297.jpg-(99 KB, 750x600, Hakumen perv.jpg)
    99 KB
    I'm so hyped for Continuum Shift. I'm kinda sad for Rachel tho', I didn't play her in CT, but the nerfbat really hit her bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:02 No.35097186
    More Arakune, bros.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:03 No.35097224
         File1274407398.jpg-(44 KB, 500x568, Hakumen,.jpg)
    44 KB
    well there is supposed to be a patch for the consoles so they might not get nerfed to hard when it comes to America

    I'm not 100% sure though
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:04 No.35097260
         File1274407456.png-(1.64 MB, 1440x2040, Page7.png)
    1.64 MB
    Just felt the urge to post this, not Hakumen related tho'.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:04 No.35097269
         File1274407465.jpg-(263 KB, 550x660, 40016b67651b17edec802d5b65e7fe(...).jpg)
    263 KB
    Yes suh.
    Arakune is the best character ever.
    Dat relationship with Litchi is the most baww tier thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:05 No.35097293
         File1274407501.png-(1.59 MB, 1412x2012, Page8.png)
    1.59 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:06 No.35097371
         File1274407598.jpg-(15 KB, 500x281, BB_Hakumen_Astral_03.jpg)
    15 KB
    To bad Hazama fucked him side ways in the boundry
    Arakune was a failed experiment for a black beast
    So, Arakune is literally a failure
    Just so you know
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:06 No.35097374
         File1274407606.png-(1.65 MB, 1440x2024, Page9.png)
    1.65 MB
    I heard the same thing, but I don't know if they are going as rebalancing after so many location tests. Well, SNKP did it for KOF XI at least...
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:07 No.35097392
    Hakumen is a true man, Litchi tits are awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:08 No.35097421
         File1274407686.png-(1.45 MB, 1440x2020, Page10.png)
    1.45 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:08 No.35097422
         File1274407687.png-(13 KB, 400x400, 09-bb-11.png)
    13 KB
    who knows, we can only wait and see
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:08 No.35097434
         File1274407704.jpg-(316 KB, 750x748, 153e160c5d54bee2394a3305d43adf(...).jpg)
    316 KB
    I'm aware. That just makes him more baww tier.
    I feel so bad for him.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:10 No.35097498
         File1274407801.png-(12 KB, 300x300, 1273861887587.png)
    12 KB
    Arakune is a interesting character
    but I just don't feel much for him at all
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:10 No.35097501
         File1274407804.gif-(714 KB, 160x90, Hakumen Astral Finish fuckyear.gif)
    714 KB
    Also, here, upgraded courtesy or Arakune.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:10 No.35097511
         File1274407815.png-(1.51 MB, 1424x2028, Page11.png)
    1.51 MB
    Well, nonetheless, CS is way more balanced that CT, so even if they don't buff Rachel, it's still an improvement.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:12 No.35097574
         File1274407925.jpg-(50 KB, 720x480, donotwant2.jpg)
    50 KB
    >even if they don't buff Rachel, it's still an improvement
    It's a conspiracy to weed out pedos like me out of their game's fanbase
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:12 No.35097589
    i play rachel every now and then...her astral finish is just plain hax

    and shes too strong
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:12 No.35097600
         File1274407961.png-(1.55 MB, 1416x2016, Page12.png)
    1.55 MB
    You know, I liked more the CT version of Hakumen's Astral, it's basically the same thing, but starts slowly and then the slashes start to speed up.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:15 No.35097695
         File1274408136.png-(1.89 MB, 1500x2024, Page13.png)
    1.89 MB
    She was too strong, yet manageable, now she feels as if she were on a wheelchair.
    She is still usable, but a lot weaker than before. Her pumpkin is shit right now tho', almost no block stun.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:16 No.35097716
         File1274408178.jpg-(241 KB, 1280x905, 1255499303958.jpg)
    241 KB
    Same here
    when I saw they sped it up
    I was unusually outraged

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:16 No.35097728
         File1274408202.png-(1.73 MB, 1432x2016, Page14.png)
    1.73 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:20 No.35097871
         File1274408446.jpg-(95 KB, 899x1134, Mu DATASS.jpg)
    95 KB
    The reason I'm getting Continuum Shift.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:22 No.35097921
         File1274408525.png-(21 KB, 95x95, Haku_Men_Avatar_by_Hallius.png)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:25 No.35098087
         File1274408745.gif-(107 KB, 400x372, kaka dance4.gif)
    107 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:26 No.35098117
         File1274408791.jpg-(152 KB, 850x1003, xxxx.jpg)
    152 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:30 No.35098274
         File1274409026.jpg-(168 KB, 700x394, contest04.jpg)
    168 KB
    I noticed that I don't have that many Hakumen pics.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:30 No.35098278
    I love this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:31 No.35098304
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:31 No.35098306
         File1274409078.jpg-(94 KB, 418x455, 00000000000000hakukrape.jpg)
    94 KB
    I made a Hakumen folder just for this reason
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:31 No.35098327
    This is possibly one of the best thread jackings ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:32 No.35098369
         File1274409173.jpg-(92 KB, 880x660, 1266874587306.jpg)
    92 KB
    You should have seen when the anti spiral hijacked a monster hunter thread
    I was in the MH talk, then I joined the anti spiral take over
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:35 No.35098478
         File1274409356.png-(276 KB, 600x498, 1274205636776.png)
    276 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:37 No.35098531
         File1274409429.jpg-(255 KB, 500x640, 54852_2244314_122_412lo.jpg)
    255 KB
    and me, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:37 No.35098545
         File1274409450.jpg-(288 KB, 800x600, 1269755037705.jpg)
    288 KB
    I've got a lot of Hakumen pictures from this thread, I am quite happy
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:38 No.35098592
         File1274409516.jpg-(1.65 MB, 1200x1639, 9586317.jpg)
    1.65 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:39 No.35098637
         File1274409591.jpg-(136 KB, 755x757, 1274205108349.jpg)
    136 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:40 No.35098672
         File1274409640.jpg-(202 KB, 530x800, 1270452720155.jpg)
    202 KB
    the thread is slowing down
    here have some Hakumen tits
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:42 No.35098724
         File1274409723.png-(2.39 MB, 1224x1632, 1274205450122.png)
    2.39 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:43 No.35098784
    yes Mu-12

    she becomes a villain after CT...well like what happened to Dizzy and how this is made by the same company as Guilty Gear....she will have a good end
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:43 No.35098785
         File1274409799.jpg-(266 KB, 600x800, 1274202005855.jpg)
    266 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:43 No.35098809
    Hakumen v Hakumen game, /a/.

    Who's up for it?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:43 No.35098811
         File1274409839.jpg-(101 KB, 400x705, Bang.jpg)
    101 KB
    I like you, because you are /m/an.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:44 No.35098833
    "Today was supposed to be just another Tuesday..."
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:44 No.35098849
         File1274409889.jpg-(137 KB, 600x400, 2948727.jpg)
    137 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:44 No.35098858
         File1274409895.jpg-(2 KB, 88x88, 1.jpg)
    2 KB
    > /m/an
    no, just no
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:45 No.35098897
         File1274409949.jpg-(261 KB, 1280x853, HAKUMEN___Blazblue_by_Bloo_ey.jpg)
    261 KB
    PSN or 360?
    I'm up for some
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:46 No.35098917
         File1274409977.jpg-(147 KB, 1024x576, Bang Kaka clan.jpg)
    147 KB
    Yes, yes he is. Like it or not.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:46 No.35098931
         File1274410001.jpg-(1.35 MB, 1100x1600, Against_the_World_05.jpg)
    1.35 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:47 No.35098954
         File1274410031.jpg-(32 KB, 347x127, bb_face_hakumen.jpg)
    32 KB
    the /m/ part ruins it
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:47 No.35098978
    Turning 360 means you go in a circle. So you'd end up facing her again....?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:47 No.35098979

    360, but be warned, I haven't played in ages and I was never good with Hakumen in the first place.

    GT is Takorax, I'll be on in a few minutes.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:48 No.35099019
         File1274410131.jpg-(125 KB, 500x375, 3888349382_829aee317f.jpg)
    125 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:49 No.35099045
         File1274410159.jpg-(223 KB, 630x850, 1269633244682.jpg)
    223 KB
    Alright, mine is Holy Fang
    fitting for Hakumen no?
    I actually dislike the name now lol
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:49 No.35099053
         File1274410164.jpg-(476 KB, 500x640, 54982_2185246_122_570lo.jpg)
    476 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:49 No.35099076
    I play Carl, but is it okay if I join?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:51 No.35099130

    Sure, it's only lighthearted games anyway. I'll make a room, it won't be that good because I'm Australian though.

    Setting it up now, I'll call it /a/.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:51 No.35099132
         File1274410283.jpg-(118 KB, 500x566, Bang & Jin.jpg)
    118 KB
    We are browsing /a/ right now, we aren't better. Just get over it and post some awesome images.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:51 No.35099164
    Life sucks man, I'll get my ps3 back just in July.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:52 No.35099191
         File1274410358.jpg-(201 KB, 600x600, anything_for_a_fan_by_LynxKano.jpg)
    201 KB
    Shit, I just looked at the time, it's getting late
    I need to go school tomorrow
    add me anyways, I wouldn't mind playing tomorrow
    GT still Holy Fang
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:52 No.35099204
    This turned me on
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:55 No.35099323
         File1274410531.jpg-(1.38 MB, 1200x1569, 9948128.jpg)
    1.38 MB
    not sure
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:56 No.35099363
    Stupid sexy Hazama.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:56 No.35099366
         File1274410580.jpg-(324 KB, 960x830, 10292276.jpg)
    324 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:57 No.35099405
         File1274410638.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 195 KB, 850x850, 396998 - Blazblue Crossover Gu(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 195 KB
    Robo-Ky > Hazama
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:57 No.35099413
         File1274410647.png-(497 KB, 549x718, 10344147.png)
    497 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:57 No.35099435
    I HATE YOU ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:58 No.35099465
         File1274410724.png-(58 KB, 592x691, Robo Jin.png)
    58 KB
    Well, to be fair, Robo-ky is pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)22:58 No.35099473
         File1274410739.jpg-(631 KB, 900x1200, 10265526.jpg)
    631 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:00 No.35099525
         File1274410819.png-(290 KB, 450x450, Bang Yaranaika.png)
    290 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:01 No.35099566
         File1274410889.png-(535 KB, 500x811, 1274201054153.png)
    535 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:02 No.35099587
    uho! ii otoko...
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:02 No.35099608
         File1274410954.gif-(Spoiler Image, 134 KB, 700x360, robo_ragna_by_MisfortuneSword.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 134 KB
    problem sir
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:03 No.35099629
         File1274410980.jpg-(122 KB, 1023x614, contest02 big.jpg)
    122 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:03 No.35099635
         File1274410986.jpg-(1.14 MB, 1256x964, 1274271470080.jpg)
    1.14 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:03 No.35099659
         File1274411029.gif-(Spoiler Image, 13 KB, 467x326, RoboJinShotByVahnFannel-1.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 13 KB
    Not really
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:03 No.35099664
    I'm ok with this pic now
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:04 No.35099678
         File1274411052.jpg-(22 KB, 276x400, 65489321003179800.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:05 No.35099719
         File1274411123.jpg-(274 KB, 629x600, 1274198370369.jpg)
    274 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:06 No.35099740
         File1274411163.jpg-(358 KB, 700x989, 8393387.jpg)
    358 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:07 No.35099779
    "And now for the final blow!.....I...CANNOT DO IT!"
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:07 No.35099789
         File1274411235.jpg-(244 KB, 996x1142, 10594246.jpg)
    244 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:08 No.35099841
         File1274411309.jpg-(401 KB, 600x750, Tsubaki Yayoi.jpg)
    401 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:09 No.35099881
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:10 No.35099921
         File1274411433.png-(207 KB, 480x640, Nu smile.png)
    207 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:11 No.35099958
         File1274411494.gif-(119 KB, 240x280, roboky.gif)
    119 KB
    don't fight it
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:12 No.35099981
         File1274411531.png-(550 KB, 800x600, 10599844.png)
    550 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:13 No.35100036
         File1274411608.jpg-(492 KB, 827x1150, 3578067.jpg)
    492 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:13 No.35100046
    Anyone have this image in a larger size?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:14 No.35100072
         File1274411659.jpg-(228 KB, 643x691, 3116431.jpg)
    228 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:15 No.35100123
         File1274411719.jpg-(414 KB, 1300x1000, 10452632.jpg)
    414 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:16 No.35100166
         File1274411780.jpg-(349 KB, 1130x1150, 1274223939295.jpg)
    349 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:17 No.35100213
    I found it in Arc System Works site, it was from a contest and that was the highest resolution there. BUT, I also found this >>35099629 image which is a higher res version of the 2nd place of that contest, so if you are lucky, you may find it.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:17 No.35100220
         File1274411852.jpg-(580 KB, 981x1216, 9900188.jpg)
    580 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:18 No.35100263
         File1274411918.jpg-(90 KB, 800x611, Jin_by_m_lin.jpg)
    90 KB
    You know realize that the majority of the pics are Hakumen or Jin related.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:18 No.35100273
         File1274411935.jpg-(435 KB, 1280x1024, wall_p_sd_1280.jpg)
    435 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:20 No.35100336
         File1274412010.jpg-(349 KB, 700x492, 8727874.jpg)
    349 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:20 No.35100346
    Now realize? Bro, I know sexy when I see it. This isn't some revelation.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:20 No.35100351
         File1274412030.jpg-(104 KB, 600x717, BlazBlueeee.jpg)
    104 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:21 No.35100380
         File1274412060.jpg-(238 KB, 800x573, 2vkn4aa.jpg)
    238 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:22 No.35100451
         File1274412169.jpg-(108 KB, 800x593, Depressed_Ragna.jpg)
    108 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:22 No.35100453
    Give her a bottle of hair gel
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:23 No.35100467
         File1274412192.jpg-(78 KB, 600x800, Three Stooges.jpg)
    78 KB
    I love how Jin is pretty much the same thing as Noel.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:25 No.35100533
    I just noticed they are reading a book about Hakumen's story.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:25 No.35100552
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:26 No.35100605
         File1274412405.jpg-(171 KB, 700x394, contest01.jpg)
    171 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:27 No.35100642
         File1274412443.png-(24 KB, 100x100, EX_Hakumen_Avatar_by_Hallius.png)
    24 KB
    shit your right
    that diamond face
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:27 No.35100671
         File1274412475.jpg-(610 KB, 1181x1748, 10392628.jpg)
    610 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:33 No.35100905
         File1274412785.jpg-(110 KB, 360x480, 3715190.jpg)
    110 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:33 No.35100931
         File1274412820.jpg-(734 KB, 2463x3500, copy of moe-65425-blazblue.jpg)
    734 KB
    Not only that, the hair is there, and the sword too.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:34 No.35100965
         File1274412857.jpg-(921 KB, 1200x830, 1274276921194.jpg)
    921 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:34 No.35100984
         File1274412895.jpg-(76 KB, 255x255, glory to the hive queen.jpg)
    76 KB
    Glory to the Hive Queen.

    Glory to the Hive Queen.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:35 No.35101005
         File1274412926.jpg-(203 KB, 666x950, [ASDL.jpg)
    203 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:35 No.35101024
         File1274412959.jpg-(90 KB, 800x600, 13 12 11.jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:36 No.35101034
         File1274412975.jpg-(300 KB, 650x931, 10069676.jpg)
    300 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:36 No.35101066
         File1274413013.jpg-(61 KB, 600x975, hakumen_by_japamatic.jpg)
    61 KB
    crazy shit man
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:36 No.35101072
         File1274413018.jpg-(567 KB, 1000x1291, mu-12b.jpg)
    567 KB
    I'm such a lovely spammer.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:38 No.35101127
         File1274413099.jpg-(175 KB, 1417x1063, Hakumen 3.jpg)
    175 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:40 No.35101198
         File1274413202.jpg-(227 KB, 524x600, 1255540674668.jpg)
    227 KB
    Is Kokonoe playable yet?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:40 No.35101221
         File1274413235.png-(905 KB, 688x1052, 1274223832187.png)
    905 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:40 No.35101236
         File1274413250.png-(484 KB, 643x428, CrimsonHakumenThingy.png)
    484 KB
    >> TypeLunatic !mbjwN8Mg4c 05/20/10(Thu)23:40 No.35101240
    only indirectly via Lambda
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:42 No.35101300
         File1274413351.jpg-(379 KB, 712x805, 1255533872236.jpg)
    379 KB
    Eh? What do you mean?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:42 No.35101302
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:42 No.35101309
         File1274413356.jpg-(114 KB, 622x852, Mu 12 nostc.jpg)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:43 No.35101370
    She somewhat built Lambda doing some kind of patchwork with Nu's soul and a Saya clone.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:45 No.35101430
         File1274413510.png-(389 KB, 362x1035, bluman8.png)
    389 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:45 No.35101443
         File1274413540.jpg-(114 KB, 500x500, Hakumen_red_by_Hellspites.jpg)
    114 KB
    Do I look mad!
    Cause I'm gonna kill you when the game comes to US, then fap over your delicious body
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:46 No.35101462
    newfag detected
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:46 No.35101487
         File1274413603.jpg-(54 KB, 480x600, Noel & Mu.jpg)
    54 KB
    I know you will.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:48 No.35101547
         File1274413701.png-(76 KB, 1232x862, 1265079451034.png)
    76 KB
    PSN bros, WHERE YOU AT?

    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:49 No.35101578
         File1274413742.jpg-(69 KB, 400x150, I_has_a_pokeman_by_kuroikabuto.jpg)
    69 KB
    I'll enjoy every bit of it as well
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:49 No.35101580
    Sorry, 360fag. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:49 No.35101598
         File1274413786.jpg-(34 KB, 851x475, ragna.jpg)
    34 KB
    lol Gonzo.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:50 No.35101611
    Is the OP actually from something?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:51 No.35101637

    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:52 No.35101681
         File1274413937.jpg-(379 KB, 600x825, 1255532840652.jpg)
    379 KB
    The one time I didn't bring my BlazBlue with me.Meh, I'd just ricecar anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:52 No.35101703
    CS will have animated parts?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:54 No.35101744
         File1274414040.jpg-(91 KB, 600x625, 1255524718680.jpg)
    91 KB
    BlazBlue portable on PSPGo here
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:56 No.35101822
         File1274414163.png-(383 KB, 662x494, 1274327921068.png)
    383 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:57 No.35101872
    CT had a couple too, apparently CS has a bunch more. I wish they would just do some OVAs or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:59 No.35101937
         File1274414342.jpg-(85 KB, 513x383, 1274328888509.jpg)
    85 KB
    Sorry guys
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)23:59 No.35101974
         File1274414385.jpg-(27 KB, 310x438, 1274404529665.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)00:01 No.35102039
         File1274414505.jpg-(484 KB, 1310x1438, 1274339448412.jpg)
    484 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)00:04 No.35102148
         File1274414698.jpg-(234 KB, 790x552, 1274329503775.jpg)
    234 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)00:06 No.35102186
         File1274414768.jpg-(89 KB, 600x370, 1274328228200.jpg)
    89 KB

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