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  • File : 1274375788.jpg-(258 KB, 1476x857, ohj.jpg)
    258 KB Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:16 No.35078757
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:17 No.35078782
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    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:17 No.35078789
    fan subs are illigal?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:18 No.35078815
    >implying that english voice actors are worthy of support
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:18 No.35078822
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    What about all those series that will never get licensed ?
    What if the English Voice Acting sucks dicks?
    What if I buy the DVD's and use English Subtitles with Moon Voices?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:19 No.35078846
    I don't want to support English voice actors though.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:19 No.35078864

    Fan subs are perfectly legal to be shown outside Japan if the series in question has not been licensed.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:20 No.35078877
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    Of course they are illegal, it's pirating. They release the DVDs with subs and a dub included almost always. But you guys are too stupid/poor to buy an anime every now and again. It's you guys' fault that no anime ever airs here anymore. Jerks.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:20 No.35078889
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    I'm not going to support people who ruin things that I like.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:20 No.35078907
    I would punch anyone I saw with that
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:20 No.35078910
    >support english voice actors
    Yeah, no. They're shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:20 No.35078919
    No, pretty sure it's still illegal.
    >> lol no Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:21 No.35078924
    >It's you guys' fault that no anime ever airs here anymore.
    Rather this then having to listen to shitty english dubs.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:21 No.35078925
    enjoy no sales
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:21 No.35078949
    Say no to ugly yellow subs.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:22 No.35078964
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    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:22 No.35078965
    if it's illegal, it wouldn't be so hard to get a hold of, we have TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE to help with all that.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:22 No.35078986
    I might buy that mousepad for irony.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:23 No.35079011
    Not buying DVDs doesn't just mean dubs will disappear, but subs as well!

    Even if you can just get fansubs if the industry collapses, pirating is actually the problem that the Japanese industry faces.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:23 No.35079015

    No, it's not. Their licensing does not cover overseas.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:24 No.35079021
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    How to sell me DVDs:

    Don't even bother with English voice actors. Just sell me some subbed anime.
    Learn to sub. People who do this shit for free are doing it much better.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:24 No.35079035
    Its really not. If no one has the right to sell it, you arent hurting the company, so it cant be illegal. Many series never come to america, so how could they sue someone from stealing from them a product that they never sold?

    You need a license.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:25 No.35079071
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    seriously. i have to make do with animax dubs - we don't get FUNI or what not.

    i'm learning japanese and moving to japan if they make fansubs illegal.

    but i heard they have a special hate fr indians over at japan :/
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:25 No.35079074
    The subs themselves are not illegal.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:25 No.35079083
    I like how the "FAN SUBS" is *in front of* the symbol.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:25 No.35079097
    I'd buy it to troll you all, except it would still make me a powerlevelfag.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:25 No.35079103
    Sure, I'd prefer to listen to some random untalented girl's voice instead of Ueda Kana's kansai accent.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:27 No.35079144
    >how could they sue someone from stealing from them a product that they never sold?
    Because copyright says they can. Not that they will. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:27 No.35079151
    pirating has been an issue for about 10,000 years, people have learned to deal with it.

    And japan as a retarded sales model where they sell THREE episodes per DVD, for $20+.

    Only retarded japs buy that shit, they should be thanking us for dropping a bomb on them so big it made them dumb enough to pay that much.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:27 No.35079160
    >Its really not
    Yes it is. Maybe not in any country outside of Japan (even though international law still applies), but considering where the source of all fansubs and raws are from, it doesn't make it any less illegal.
    People on the other side of the world have never been jailed for it, so it kind of balances out.
    Of course, once it happens, you guys are fucked.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:27 No.35079161

    k. ni. , 'g. 'j, _ s_a, ,eA v,e_r'y imp_o r t an,t. m,e_s,sage, 't,o_ Chris.t.oph er. Poo,le_ (A'K_A, _mo.o't,, ,A_K'A .t h_e admi,n of 4_ch,a'n): 'rem ov_e. t_h_e_ i'lleg'al c'lone of, A,nonT_alk _f_rom you_r. se r.ver_s o r y'o'u_ w.i l_l .sho.rt.l'y_ ,be s_ho.t_ ,ne_ar_ ,y.o_ur' home by .a _per.s,o n you h ave 'nev_e_r m,et .(n_ei' ha v,e_ .I)_. Yo_u _hav e be,e.n'd m,a_n.y t im_es' bu t .c,h os,e_n to 'co_n,ti.n.u_e 'h,o s_t,ing t'he _il lega,l c'lo'n_e_ 'of.'p's, wor'k'. Y_o.u ,a_r e a_ slea.z y, 'dirt,y', l, t h.ief, scum.b ag_; a, _u,s.ele ss. h_u,m an, b,ei,n_g w_h_o 'lack s, 'a s_o,ul'. ,4'c,h a n h,a's_ r'uin_ed. ,t.he, 'Int,er net .on so 'm,any' ls ,an_d, n ee.d_s 't'o b_e. .r,em'o,ve_d ,c.omp l , bu't t_hat, ,is. 'another, m.a_t.ter e ntir'e'ly. .F or .no.w,, r'e move_ t.he. c'lon.e a,n.d p'ay S y.so_p, $650,,00.0 U,S,D' to' .c,ov er at' _l.ea'st so.m'e o_f hi s ma_ny e_x_p ens_e's, _caused b_y. .yo ur a.rm_y, o,f .trol'l,s .ov.e.r, 't_he y_e_ars, _which' yo u .have, a,ll owe'd t,o'niz,e, i.l'l,e'ga_l, att.ac_ks .o'n, _th,i_s v'er_y boa'r,d_.' S'i nce, ,you hav.e' ,s t o,l'en 'o,ur, or ig in.a_l. 'domai_n,, s e'e:. htt'p://88 ..80.._2'1..,12'/' or' _htt p:/ /'w,ww..a n.on.t'a l'k'.s'e/' or, 'h.t,t_p_:'//at.k'i,m_m.oa. se/.s ' y j'v'evm ,l b,f a . _n, g_obi x ,j.ymq' ' 'h' nkr
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:28 No.35079203
    I feel like this is the poor state of the dubfags I fight on Blazblue haha.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:29 No.35079220
    You dont understand how copyrights work do you?

    You have to buy an country/international copyright, and you have to constantly renew it. Then can cost tens of thousands of dollars every year for an international one.

    Companies do not get copyrights for countries they do not plan to sell in.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:29 No.35079245
    ITT: people who dont know anything about laws.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:30 No.35079257
    Nice troll attempt OP. 1/10
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:31 No.35079283
    >say no to fan subs
    yeah I'm in general pretty anti-pira...
    >support English voice actors
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:31 No.35079295
    You're right about that. I really don't know shit about laws.
    Bluffing usually always works.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:32 No.35079333
    If Japan starts putting complete series on BR/DVD's instead of 2 episodes per release then I shall gladly import, but until then; fuck right off.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:33 No.35079340
    >And japan as a retarded sales model where they sell TWO episodes per DVD, for $60+.

    Fixed that for you.

    And to add into the conversation, what they were referring to is the fact that people are downloading the fansubs of series already released in North America, not series not yet released in America. The best way the anime industry can counter piracy is to offer the same shows in Japan in roughly the same timeframe in English in downloadable format. Even allow the user to use their own subtitles.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:34 No.35079363

    Was just about to say this. The copyright the animation companies applied for ONLY exists within Japan. It can be shown overseas if it is for non commercial reasons.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:34 No.35079365
    Companies make more money from licensing merchandise than the actual product... probably.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:35 No.35079407
    Why must I suppose Wendee Lee and Johnny Yong Basch? I bet they have enough money as is.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:40 No.35079525
    >Plan to support Seto no Hanayome by purchasing the english DVDs
    >Funimation has changed the name to "My Bride is a Mermaid"
    That's ok I guess
    >Funimation has changed every instance of the word "chivalry" to "thievery"
    >Chivalry and Thievery have nothing whatsoever to do with one another
    Funimation can go fuck themselves
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:41 No.35079570
    I heard about that. Something like "Honour among thieves"
    Shit, that's stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:44 No.35079643
    I don't support the American anime industry. Quite the opposite, in fact. The fonts, translations and overall quality of merchandise on our side is pure shit (see >>35079525), and there will always be a strong anime industry overseas, anyway. Not to mention, less anime brought over here means less faggots fucking up the medium for the rest of us.

    tl;dr Fansubs are superior.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:45 No.35079684
    I can't tell if people are trolling or are really ignorant of international copyright
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:46 No.35079695
    this is why anime fails in america, we dont want they fucking Americanization.

    I remember watching the eva dvds and had cometary about how the VC were so proud of how they americanized the translation.

    fucking retards.

    I mean we dont even have good VCs in america, look at movies...all the VC in animated ones are just normal movie actors. Robin williams, jerry seinfeld, morgan freedman ect
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:46 No.35079713
    That alone keeps me from buying the DVDs.
    That, and the l33t speak.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:47 No.35079734
    to be fair, "chivalry" doesn't convey the yakuza connotations of "ninkyou" for shit
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:47 No.35079752

    Elaborate please.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:49 No.35079811
    "Chivalry" is still better than "HONOR AMONG THIEVES IS HONOR UNDER THE SEAS".
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:51 No.35079870
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:52 No.35079887

    Violent tween detected.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:54 No.35079936
    I like dubs over subs because I don't have to pause it every 5 seconds for a translators note: uguu means kawaii
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:57 No.35080003
    I thought this might be some look at how fansubbing affects the industry in Japan, then

    > Support English Voice Actors

    >> Mango-chan !coal2/WwwI 05/20/10(Thu)13:57 No.35080015
    holy shit i'm so buying this
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:58 No.35080036
    It's alright, they hate everyone who's not Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)13:58 No.35080052
    ha ha ha i needed that i really did, i do buy anime dvd's but only to watch the subs, I hardly ever watch the dubs due to fact they are an inferior product.

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