>> |
05/20/10(Thu)13:27 No.35079161>>35078756
ni. , 'g. 'j, _ s_a, ,eA v,e_r'y imp_o r t an,t. m,e_s,sage, 't,o_
Chris.t.oph er. Poo,le_ (A'K_A, _mo.o't,, ,A_K'A .t h_e admi,n of
4_ch,a'n): 'rem ov_e. t_h_e_ i'lleg'al c'lone of, A,nonT_alk _f_rom
you_r. se r.ver_s o r y'o'u_ w.i l_l .sho.rt.l'y_ ,be s_ho.t_ ,ne_ar_
,y.o_ur' home by .a _per.s,o n you h ave 'nev_e_r m,et .(n_ei t.h.er' ha
v,e_ .I)_. Yo_u _hav e be,e.n _wa_r.ne'd m,a_n.y t im_es' bu t .c,h
os,e_n to 'co_n,ti.n.u_e 'h,o s_t,ing t'he _il lega,l c'lo'n_e_ 'of.
Sy.so'p's, wor'k'. Y_o.u ,a_r e a_ slea.z y, 'dirt,y', l,y.ing t h.ief,
scum.b ag_; a, _u,s.ele ss. h_u,m an, b,ei,n_g w_h_o 'lack s, 'a
s_o,ul'. ,4'c,h a n h,a's_ r'uin_ed. ,t.he, 'Int,er net .on so 'm,any'
l_e.ve ls ,an_d, n ee.d_s 't'o b_e. .r,em'o,ve_d ,c.omp l ete.ly , bu't
t_hat, ,is. 'another, m.a_t.ter e ntir'e'ly. .F or .no.w,, r'e move_
t.he. c'lon.e a,n.d p'ay S y.so_p, $650,,00.0 U,S,D' to' .c,ov er at'
_l.ea'st so.m'e o_f hi s ma_ny e_x_p ens_e's, _caused b_y. .yo ur
a.rm_y, o,f .trol'l,s .ov.e.r, 't_he y_e_ars, _which' yo u .have, a,ll
owe'd t,o or.ga'niz,e, i.l'l,e'ga_l, att.ac_ks .o'n, _th,i_s v'er_y
boa'r,d_.' S'i nce, ,you hav.e' ,s t o,l'en 'o,ur, or ig in.a_l.
'domai_n,, s e'e:. htt'p://88 ..80.._2'1..,12'/' or' _htt p:/ /'w,ww..a
n.on.t'a l'k'.s'e/' or, 'h.t,t_p_:'//at.k'i,m_m.oa. se/.s ' y j'v'evm ,l
b,f a . _n, g_obi x ,j.ymq' ' 'h' nkr |