>> |
05/20/10(Thu)12:52 No.35077977 File1274374338.png-(87
KB, 480x640, 1790621.png)
 >>35077759 >Should I watch Strike Witches?
If the
character designs appeal to you, sure, give it a try. Bear with the
first two episodes, it gets better once the rest of the cast is
introduced. First eight or so episodes are mostly spent on the setting
and characterization, rest of the show has a little bit of actual plot
to wrap it all up.
The fanservice shots can indeed get a bit
blatant, but if you don't mind (or actually enjoy) it, it's all good.
mostly a character-driven / slice of life type show with some action
thrown in, as has been said above.
I for one just picked it up
because /a/ wouldn't ever stfu about the show. Went in expecting
nothing, ended up liking it a lot. ymmv. |